#raumschiff enterprise
dduane · 16 days
Dear Diane,
if you appreciate cheering-up today, I have another story to offer. Or rather, something I've been meaning to say for some time.
When I got into the Star Trek fandom, your books were to me what fanfic is to new fans today.
At the time, which was in the mid nineties, I was a young German university student with hardly any internet access. (Well, it was possible to log in at the institute to read your email, which was an exciting new way to communicate, but that was it.) But there was a library in town, which held an entire shelf of ST books! Yours were among them - the German translations, of course, which was all we had at the time - but they were so good that I remembered your name.
Today, when getting into new media, the first thing I do is to check out tumblr and AO3. Back then, I didn't even know such a thing as fandom existed. But I had the books! They went beyond the shows and told new stories; they explored the characters in new ways. They showed me that the Star Trek universe was so much larger than I had imagined, and encouraged me to want more of it. I wrote my first little piece of fanfic then, without knowing what fanfic actually was.
Thank you so much for that. It is an honour to be here on tumblr with you.
You're so welcome! And I'm pleased to be here with you too.
I have to say that one of the reasons (among various others) that I'm so fond of the German side of Trek fandom is because that's where I first saw my name on a book on a spinning rack in another language. Naturally it's very nice to be sent authors' copies from Heyne (or whoever) at your home address. But it's something else entirely to see a book with your name on it in a bookstore, or a railway station newsstand, in a different country. And a Star Trek novel at that! You can't beat it. :)
Additionally, our meet-ups with German Trek fans (at FedCons, for example) have always been fantastic. @petermorwood and I both look forward to getting over that way again as soon as we can.
Anyway, thanks for letting me know! :)
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Oh, glorious (fruity) german dub of star trek
Another example from the Episode "Who Mourns the Adonais" (Season 2, Ep. 4)
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Once again, the german dub just has more subtext!
Original version
(Scene where Kirk and the Crew first meet the Apollo-Guy in person)
Apollo to Kirk: I said you will worship me!
Kirk to Apollo: And you´ve got a lot to learn!
German version (translated back into english by me):
Apollo to Kirk: I said you will worship me!
Kirk to Apollo: You are not quite my type ...
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acatwithstockings · 1 year
One of my favorite things to do is to talk to fellow Trekkies on the english side of the internet and just sprinkle in some agressive german pronouciation of names .
It's not that i like the german pronouciation quite far from it, i just find it hilarious.
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beyondspock · 2 years
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dreamicus · 1 year
the old german dub of star trek has a lot of slight changes to the script that make it all the more hysterical, but one of my favorites was in By Any Other Name, where Scott digs out the "It's green" liquor and instead of saying he found it on Ganymede, he says he found it in Sickbay, implying not only that he stole that bottle and that sickbay has an alcohol supply, but also that Bones either bought unlabeled, unidentifiable schnaps, mixed it up himself presumably out of medical supplies, or Scotty was drinking disinfectant
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fundgruber · 20 days
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"Im Starfleet Museum in dem eine beeindruckende Sammlung von Star Trek-Raumschiffen beherbergt ist, findet sich noch die alte USS Enterprise – ein im Grunde genommen vorsintflutlicher, autonomer Weltraumdampfer, aber fast vollständig restauriert und einsatzfähig. Das Raumschiff, das technologisch noch aus einer Zeit stammt, bevor alles kompatibel miteinander vernetzt wurde, verspricht die letzte Hoffnung auf eine Zukunft aus der Geschichte." Nora Sternfeld
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lara-transilvania · 7 months
Germans are just as bad as Romanians at translating movie titles cause tf u mean Star Trek is called Raumschiff Enterprise???
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martinjost · 10 months
Horror vorherrschend
„Hegemony“. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2x10. USA: Paramount+, 10. August 2023. https://amzn.to/3QC5QbZ.
Die ENTERPRISE trifft erneut auf die Gorn. Mit einem Angriff auf einen Planeten außerhalb des Föderationsraumes töten die echsenartigen Außerirdischen zahllose Kolonist*innen und zerstören die U.S.S. AYUGA – das Raumschiff unter dem Kommando von Pikes Lebensgefährtin Captain Marie Batel (Melanie Scrofano). Entgegen den Befehlen der auf Appeasement bedachten Sternenflotte landen Captain Pike (Anson Mount) und ein kleines Team auf dem von den Gorn kontrollierten Planeten, um Überlebende zu befreien.
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Mit dem Gorn-Konflikt hat sich «Strange New Worlds» seinen eigenen langfristigen Handlungsbogen erarbeitet. Die echsenhaften Außerirdischen, mit denen keine Kommunikation möglich zu sein scheint und die andere Lebewesen bloß als Nahrung oder Brutstätte für ihre Gelege ansehen, sind zwar schon seit der Original-Star-Trek-Serie eingeführt, aber bisher kaum weiter erzählt worden.
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In «Strange New Worlds» sind sie für den Gruselfaktor und eine existenzielle Bedrohung zuständig.
★★★☆☆ Die Episode ist eine düstere Actionfolge mit Horrorelementen und gleichzeitig eine Hommage an «Alien» (USA 1979). Der Spannungsaufbau ist konventionell, aber lebt von den gut entwickelten Figuren und ihren Beziehungen. Die Folge endet mit einem typischen Staffel-Cliffhanger.
Wie der Cliffhanger in der dritten Staffel aufgelöst werden wird, ist einerseits spannend, aber dann auch wieder nicht: Eine Handvoll Hauptfiguren sind in Lebensgefahr und müssen auf die eine oder andere Weise befreit werden. Wie genau, das sehen wir ja dann.
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unsertraumschiff · 10 months
can you please explain German star trek and spuck PLEASE. what is going on. you sound like you're having so much fun with it!! I would love to feel a fraction of that enjoyment! Also I do not know anything about non-german star trek so please keep that in mind. Thank you <3
Okay so basically unser traumschiff/traumschiff surprise are a German parody of Star Trek: The Original Series (raumschiff enterprise in German), aka the Star Trek series from the 60s that includes Kirk and Spock. The parody originates from a 1997-2002 sketch comedy show called bullyparade which was super popular in Germany, so originally it was just a bunch of short sketches. However, bullyparade fans got to vote a few times in the 2000s for sketches to be turned into full films, so that’s how traumschiff surprise was created. Now for an explanation of the parody itself: the premise is basically “what if Kirk (captain), Spock (Vulcan first officer), and Scotty (head engineer) were super flamboyantly gay. Wouldn’t it be funny” and then it plays off of it by putting them into silly situations and seeing how they react. So in this parody the main characters we have are Captain Kork, Mr. Spuck, and Mr. Schrotty. Spuck is the most flamboyant of the three and has actually been memed outside of his original context before (Spock on his puter) and he plays a really important role in the movie which is why he’s kind of like the golden boy of the parody because how could you not love him. I’m not actually sure what else to explain about it but basically it’s very silly and very gay and very fun ❤️
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i was today years old when i found out that the german title of star trek tos is fucking. raumschiff enterprise
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emathion · 2 months
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Mit 90 Jahren ist William Shatner in die unendlichen Weiten des Alls gereist, jetzt kann dem ehemaligen Raumschiff Enterprise-Captain James T. Kirk zum 93. Geburtstag gratuliert werden.
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watching star trek tos in german is the funniest shit, because they really just rewrote the whole dialogue in some parts... and the german version has a whole different meaning.
Like, you watch the original and the german version back to back and compare and sometimes there is not even a faint similarity in the topic they are talking about
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khulkulkhan · 2 months
Favourite SciFi series
Meine Lieblingsserien aus dem Science Fiction Bereich:
Zurück in die Vergangenheit - Quantum Leap (1990er Jahre)
Star Trek - Raumschiff Enterprise (The Original)
Babylon 5
Star Trek - The next Generation (Das nächste Jahrhundert)
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Time Trax
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beyondspock · 2 years
Star-Trek-Momente: Gerlinde vom Standby-Team erinnert sich an eine Paramount-Tour mit James Doohan
Did you know they had a “Klingon” bike on the set of ST IV? It was painted green and had Klingon lettering on the frame.
To their dismay they weren’t able to see the movie being filmed, because Leonard Nimoy had finished it 8 days ahead of schedule.
They were lucky to meet Leonard Nimoy at his office, though,  where a make-up artist put eyebrows on him. Only this time it was human eyebrows, because he had an interview scheduled for that day.
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trekzonenetwork · 4 months
Rezension: "Star Trek - Zeit des Wandels 3: Aussaat"
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Rezension: "Star Trek - Zeit des Wandels 3: Aussaat" Der dritte Band der Vorgeschichte zu Nemesis. Ob die Reihe einen Knick aufwärts macht, klären wir im Review. Inhalt (Klappentext) Kurz nach der epischen Schlacht des Raumschiffs Enterprise gegen Shinzon nahmen viele langjährige Besatzungs... ... weiterlesen
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world-of-news · 4 months
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