#raph is the super socially awkward and shy one
Donnie is more outgoing than we give him credit.
I'm so soft for any and all shy, socially awkward Donatello headcanons.
But to me, Bayverse Donnie doesn't seem like the type to be shy? Awkward, yes, but he's like, second to Mikey when being outgoing.
Like how he talked when he hacked April's computer. Or when both Mikey and Donnie were excited to talk about the Lair while April was blindfolded.
Donnie is the one who has April's phone # and is the one she goes to if she needs stuff.
Donnie annoys Raph for fun, leads chants, throws baseballs around, does whatever the fuck that head whip was when Mikey introduced him, lmfao.
And he's just as athletic! He plays sports, and he kicks ass all the time in the movies. But he's definitely written as a complete dork about it, lol
Idk like a lot of stuff.
He's definitely awkward, but he's so fucking sweet and expressive and April and Donnie definitely had crime buddy energy going on in the second movie.
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writinandcrying · 1 year
Can I get a matchup for one of the rottmnt turtles, please? I’m 5’5, long dirty blonde hair with a buzz cut, and glasses. I’m very anxious, and tend to feel like I’m always doing something wrong, so I apologize quite a bit..even if I didn’t do anything. I’m very shy, sensitive, and quiet around strangers. I’m a straight A student, but I kind of tend to base my self worth on my grades. I never feel like I’m good enough. I try to be nice to everyone I meet, but I can definitely be socially awkward. My pronouns are she/they. Main interests are science, mainly biology and astronomy, animals, literature, games, and music.
Of course! You didn’t specify which version, and my mind has been consumed with rottmnt lately, so I hope you don’t mind getting a rottmnt match up :)
I match you with…
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I love this gif so much nfnfjdkdososos
Do you know the meme “my partner SAID they wanted PICKLES ON THEIR SANDWICH” as someone standing up for their loved one? Basically that’s mikey towards you, there’s even a scene from rottmnt he says “if someone hurts something he loves he will hurt back” (or smth like that, I actually love that scene cuz it truly shows off his chaotic side bdbfjdksks dr. Delicate touch scenes also have my heart)
Basically, no one hurts his boo, he will “correct” you when you over apologize as well, he knows it’s a trauma response so he will be incredibly thought and sweet about it: “it’s alright! don’t worry about it!” Or “why are you apologizing? *peck* I’m doing this because I like you :)” all those statements are usually followed by affectionate gestures, hugs, caressing your hands, cuddles, pecks, kisses; he’s very affectionate and isn’t afraid to show it, being with actions or words
He will think you are a bit uptight regarding grades at first glance, but mikey will understand how important that is with you if you ever break down in front of him bc of it, the youngest turtle will remind your worth goes way beyond your grades, you are so special and deserves to see the light you shine through (which he will remind you and try to show it to you often through his art work) during study sections, he will help you with anything you want, preparing study snacks, steering up a makeshift comfy and quiet place (besides the lab) just for you, and will actually study with you, surprisingly- he has vast knowledge in History, Geography, English and obviously arts, and if he doesn’t understands something more specific on the scientific/mathematics field, he will pester Donnie (use his youngest sibiling supper power) to persuade him into helping you with any subject you are struggling with it
Him and Leo loves astrology (way too much, specially zoadiac stuff) so they might ask you a lot about it, you will def lose Leo interest when you explain astrology and astronomy are two different things lol, but mikey still finds it fascinating! Will often ask about new NASA reports, and matches your energy if you get super excited about a new discovery that has been released by space institutes
Loves to play games with you, create new playlists based on you, your relationship, the mood for each date, he likes it doing it with you, so you both can set up mood playlists? He just loves doing it and doing specific artwork for each one of them, oh! And he loves that you are into animals, usually him and Raph stop to pet any kitten on the street, Raph doesn’t want to stay as much as he wants tho, his brothers have to drag him out of sight of street animals so he can focus on the mission, so you being into animals makes him extremely happy! He can take his sweet sweet time to pet any baby he sees on the street (and eventually adopt all of them, that’s his mater plan)
Lastly, I usually don’t comment much on someone’s appearance, I just ask for it so I can visualize the ship / matchup happening, but in this case: he absolutely LOVES your hair, he wants to do every single hairstyle, braiding technique he has ever seen online and he always manage to make your hair look amazing, he also loves the texture of your buzz cut? Sometimes he just hugs you from behind and nuzzles ur buzzed side with his cheek, he cannot deal with how soft it is and he gets really calm doing that (I know it’s canon that Donnie has autism but if Mikey isn’t neurodivergent then idk I’m a mermaid)
This one was fun to do! Hope you liked it! Match ups are closed for now
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
TMNT 2012 Characters Having The Madrigal’s Gifts
Why? Because I’m really in love with Disney’s Encanto right now and I wanna combined it with something else I really love.
Raphael - Pepa (Weather Manipulation aka Emotions Control the Weather)
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Everyone says Raph would have Luisa’s super strength, but that is way too easy and obvious of a gift to give Raph despite how much Surface Pressure fits his character, but has anyone consider Raph having Pepa’s weather powers??
Pepa’s gift involves controlling the weather based on her emotions, and if you know 2012 Raph that boy has major emotional problems mainly with his temper, so him having that gift and forcing himself to have a positive attitude to control his gift all for the sake of keeping his family safe and happy would be interesting to see. 2012 Raph’s is a very emotional person, he’s had a lot of feelings that he struggles to express, now add a gift where his emotions are tied to the weather and now he really can’t express how he feels in fear of hurting others.
Bonus! Mona Lisa is Raphael’s Felix. Just like Felix to Pepa, Mona Lisa is loving and supportive towards Raph throughout the series, especially with his emotions, and never shames him for being soft or angry or vulnerable. She wants him to embrace all his emotions, good and bad, and never picks on, gets upset, or scared when he is angry. She helps him get through it just like Felix with Pepa.
Michelangelo - Julieta (Cooking Healing)
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I was originally going to go with Mikey having Antonio’s gift of talking to animals, but I feel Julieta’s gift fits Mikey’s character and personality much more. It’s very well known in the 2012 universe and Mikey loves to cook, whether if the food is good or bad he’s always coming up with crazy new recipes and meals that many characters enjoy (or dislike). It was even confirmed in season 2 that he’s the one who always makes breakfast for his family, so wouldn’t it be cute if Mikey’s gift was him being able to heal people with his food? 
It would be even more funny if Mikey cooks the most disgusting food ever and his brothers are injured and they’re like “I don’t wanna eat that!” and he’s just like “Well do you want to be healed or not?!”
Bonus! Renet would be Mikey’s Agustin cause Renet is well known in the series to be very clumsy like Agustin so Mikey always heals her with his cooking every time she gets hurt.
Donatello - Bruno (Future Seeing)
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I’m mostly picking this gift for Donnie because I’ve seen some fanart already of Donnie dresses as Bruno, but honestly it does actually fit! Both characters have talents/gifts that are actually very impressive when you look at it but no one around them or even their families acknowledges or appreciates it.
Donnie always made incredible inventions from scrap and junk but he was never really acknowledged or appreciated for it, let alone given a “Thank you”, while Bruno had the ability to see into the future that many people in town, including his own family, saw as a curse. 
Both also come off as socially awkward and rather shy, but loving and cares about their families, plus they both got that awkward scrawny little brother vibe, so I can imagine Donnie having Bruno’s gift of seeing into the future.
Leonardo - Isabela (Phytokinesis aka Controlling Plants)
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There is without a doubt that Leo was the “golden child” of his family in the 2012 series, just like Isabela. Throughout the series you see Leo desperately trying to be the perfect leader, he can’t make any mistakes and he wants to make his family proud. He doesn’t do it for himself he does it for the family just like Isabela. 
So Leo having the ability to control plants and flowers fits perfectly with his character of into trying to constantly be the perfect image and representation for his family and clan. 
Splinter - Alma (The Head of the House and The Candle Protector)
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Both lost their homes and were forced to leave due to tragic circumstances, their spouses where murdered when their babies were still young, and were left to raise many children on their own, along with suffering from many years of trauma and unknowingly placing it on their own families in fear of losing the only thing they have left that gives them purpose in life.
I rest my case.
April - Dolores (Super Hearing)
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Super hearing gives me a similar vibe to April’s canon powers in the 2012 series of being a psychic. So April having a gift where she is able to hear everything reminds me of how she’s able to sense everything and read peoples minds. 
Casey - Camilo (Shapeshifting)
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Camilo and Casey just give me a similar vibe of both their characters and personalities. There’s really not that much to say, it’s obvious why I picked shapeshifting to be Casey’s gift. These two are just basically the same character and I love it!!
That’s just my personal opinion, feel free to share your thoughts and ideas!
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swanpyart · 4 years
Headcanons For My Human AU
In this AU, Draxum is a human who is married to Lou Jitsu, who never turns into a rat, and the turtles are human boys that Draxum created with alchemy. I elaborated more on this in a previous post. I also made artwork of them!
* He’s a retired action star. Basically, he took the prophecy about the Shredder a LOT more seriously than in canon, so he quit acting and created the turtles with Draxum.
* “Splinter Hamato” is his new identity, and he kinda went into hiding to avoid any extra attention on his husband and kids. The boys have no clue where their dad gets his disposable income.
* He’s horrible at naming. He wanted to name the boys the color names that he gives them in canon (Orange, Blue, etc.) cus he thought they’d be unique, but Draxum vetoed him down lol. He still calls them by their colors as nicknames.
* He’s still kind of a bum? Like, he knows he should help the boys become ninjas...buuut he also procrastinates and forgets to teach them stuff. He’s also conflicted between teaching them to fight or to let them be normal kids.
* Still a bit obsessed with his past. He gave up acting not because he wanted to, but cus he needed to, so he’s still sad about it.
* Draxum is a human in this AU. He’s a scientist who snuck into the hidden city and learned magic and alchemy. The boys all have their mystic weapons that he wanted them to have (except Donnie, but for a different reason.)
* He’s a LOT nicer than he is in canon. He’s not a villain here, but he still has his antisocial tendencies. They don’t stem from outright hatred, he’s just an awkward, shy (and pretty proud) man who just can’t function in public
* His relationship with the boys is quite different; he loves them and has raised them with Lou, but he tends to be a little...cold towards them. Not neglectful, but since he created them with a mixture of his and Lou’s DNA, (and infused them with some mystic energy, unbeknownst to Lou) he has high expectations for them and gets disappointed when they’re not met. It’s something that he’s slowly growing out of as the boys get older.
*Huginn and Muninn are still around him, mostly because of the spectacle of “strange human mastermind who knows magic”, and since he offers them free food and a place to sleep. These two are basically the family pets/babysitters (god help them)
The Turtles/Boys:
In this AU, the boys are humans with mystical powers created by Draxum and Lou. The four of them go to April’s school. Most of the stuff with their personalities are the same. This is a list of personal quirks and such for each:
* He’s 15 in this AU, and in the 9th grade
* Has two port-wine birthmarks over his eyes. He’s really proud of them and never wants to cover them up.
*Since he’s able to go to school, he plays competitive basketball, but pretty much all of his teammates hate him since he hogs the ball (he’s been kicked off the team several times before). He also does track.
* I definetely Headcanons him as gay. Splinter and Draxum know and are fine with it, but he probably came out in the weirdest way possible
* He’s definitely the one who gets on Lou and Draxum’s nerves the most. With Lou, it’s because he’s just generally dismissive during ninja training, and with Draxum because he doesn’t care too much about how magic works compared to the results.
* Leo and Donnie are fraternal twins in this Au; twins that don’t look alike. Donnie is older by like 15 minutes. He’s in Raph’s class cus he skipped a grade
* He’s still a super genius here, and still has his rivalry with the purple dragons and such. Pretty much every club he joins he kinda screws over by accident (think “Donnie vs. W.I.T.C.H. Town,” where he’s trying way too hard to prove himself, except in a school with a bunch of mathletes and nerds, and you get the picture).
* He has heterochromia (his eyes are too different colors). He also needs to wear contacts and, if he loses them, has these really thick rimmed glasses (that Leo makes fun of, cus they make his eyes look really big and shiny).
* I Headcanon him as bisexual, and pretty much all of his family knows tbh
* The relationship between him and Draxum is the most complicated; they love each other, but Draxum puts a lot of emphasis on mystic stuff because it was such a turning point in his career, whereas Donnie rejects it because he can’t figure out exactly how it works. Donnie refused the mystic weapon Draxum wants to give him because he wants to prove that his tech bo is good enough.
* He’s 16 years old and in 10th grade
* Still a soft boi, but he’s part of the wrestling club. He loves roughhousing and fighting, but still tries to only do it when he thinks it’s necessary (which to him might be a lot).
* I headcanon him as having some type of dissociative disorder; he panics when he’s alone and afraid and/or left alone with his thoughts, and tends to just... detach. Of course, his bros and dads are there to help him out.
* Has a stuffed animal collection, of course. They’re his comfort items for when he’s particularly overwhelmed.
* Honestly, he comes across as someone who’d be bi, but leans more towards girls. He’s very nontoxic about his interests (he likes “feminine” things like stuffed animals, fashion, etc.) and is just comfortable with his masculinity in that sense
* He’s covered in scrapes and bandages cause he’s a rowdy boi. He also has braces and crooked teeth. Some of his teeth are aligned in a way that makes them look like fangs.
* Raph steps in when his dads aren’t around to try and act like a third parent (which, as usual, tends to go sideways cus his bros don’t listen).
* He’s 14 years old and in the 8th grade. He thinks high school’s gonna be just like Highschool Musical and will be supremely disappointed upon hearing the truth
* He’s part of his school’s cooking and art clubs, and is really good at it
* I don’t necessarily align him with a certain sexuality, but I like other people’s headcanons that he’s pansexual, so I’ll make him that here.
* I could see him as pretty gender nonconformist, as well, so I can imagine he’s comfortable wearing feminine-coded things
* he’s definitely the brother with the most friends, tbh.
* Claims to be Draxum’s favorite son (he’s not). He’s definitely the one who encourages Draxum to socialize the most after Lou.
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