#rain map
geezerwench · 1 year
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We have a radar map that looks like a dragon. Hoping to get some rain out of this.
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stormystarlight · 5 months
my part for @pansear-doodles' kiss me (kill me) map!
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snailfen · 8 months
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i finally finished these!! i felt bad that hunter and monk didnt have their own titlescreen art, so i started on making my own for them a few months ago. nailing the official rendering made this harder than i thought haha
also, when i originally made these, i had the idea of making this into a sort of challenge for other people to make their own title art for these two. im still standing with that! if you want to take a shot at making your own version of titlescreen art for these two, go ahead! hell, tag me if you want.
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azrielfiend · 6 months
hey everyone, heres what ive been working on. enjoy
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localceilingdevil · 6 months
oh shit i forgot to post this
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say hi to arti!
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toxictoxicities · 5 months
Laydown MAP Part 3
I can't wait for you all to see this all together~
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astral-realities · 2 months
HS, do you have a favorite region?
HS: Ah - I don't know which part of the world you are most familiar with. Just in case, I'd like to show you this map of my local group...
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HS: As you can see, we are all relatively close to each other.
HS: Not dangerously so, mind you - the journey to BROS and back still took my citizens a fair while.
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HS: I keep a couple of overseers in each region, though there are more in the ones closest to me. They are the easiest to maintain.
HS: Each of these places has something noteworthy about it...
HS: So I hope it won't come off as self-centered if I say my personal favorite are the Starlit Peaks.
HS: What can I say? The sights and the viewing conditions are simply unmatched. The rest of the world so far down below, one could even forget it exists.
HS: These mountains are... my home.
Just the map images:
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Pictured in order: Misty Meadows (MM03), Winding Forest (WF01), Swampland (SW02), Abandoned Orchard (AO05), Crystal Lake (CL02), Industrial Plains (IP06), The Quarry (QU09), Starlit Peaks (SP11), Crystal Lake Depths (CL_Depths)
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snivyartjpeg · 9 months
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aww little guy! ... wait he's a bit fucked up actually-
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0hmanit · 4 months
One of my favorite types of Rain World rooms are rooms that supposedly have additional cameras/room connections, but they don't.
What do I mean by this? here is an example:
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LF_J01 is one of the rooms that bugged me the most, especially when when I notice it during my countless rain deer rides. It's eye catching and makes you wonder if you can bring a grappling worm all the way from the Underhang just to test your dumb theory, only to realize it's not true and be so disappointed.
Fun fact, Rain World Drought is perfectly using this room's potential: by using it as a connection between your starting region and Farm Arrays.
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The tutorial room also gets it's own secret, where eventually you find out about it at the start of the Spearmaster campaign. Downpour in fact have a lot of these, and it's one of my favorite additions in this DLC.
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Not a secret, just a whole huge region connected through this singular room connection.
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Unfortunately SI_C09 didn't receive any additional room connections from the DLC. I remember the first and only time this room tricked me like the fool that I am, into thinking there is a continuation, and got me to jump cluelessly to the left and fall to my death. I guess it's had to do with how open seems this part of Sky Islands look. Gameplay wise I can understand why it stops there, from that point you guided to go up into the heart of the region. And expanding the room from that point, kind of adds too much to the region and makes it more chaotic and confusing to navigate than it needs to be.
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Last but not least, this room always seemed odd to me.
Considering that you climb up towers many times in Rain World, it's not very visually appealing when you can't climb up to a place that looks like it has an upper part.
But in all of the presented rooms, you can quite understand why continuing on the region from there would be weird. You have to create a weird fork in the map that distract the player from actually progressing through the game's entire map. And often it makes them get lost and frustrated. this is one of the common causes that makes new players lose their interest in Rain World.
Although you could also go against that point by claiming that Rain World's core gameplay is exploring and getting lost in the world, or at least is what makes the game so appealing. And expanding the region would help increase that feeling of being lost in a complex simulated ecosystem.
I can still understand that for vanilla Rain World, this game is not for everyone. but I mean if you chose to play Downpour as your first experience, that is kind of your problem. Because the whole point of the DLC is to expand significantly the map of the known world.
uh, um. I think got a little bit carried away, lol. This post is still about silly rooms, but I feel like I can't really talk about cool rooms and regions without talking about their important role in the core gameplay.
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mionzoka · 3 months
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My parts for Åmara map
Highly recommend to watch it!
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pessimysticrw · 14 days
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Hello everyone! This is my first MAP that I've ever hosted, and it has been a joy developing everything for it! I am happy to be the host for this MAP, and have @snickerdoodlesart as the Co-Host for it as well. This MAP is a love letter to both Rain World and my favorite band King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard! Consider checking it out and signing up if you are interested!
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stormystarlight · 24 days
my part for the hayloft ii artificer map :]
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failed-inspection · 1 month
HII HELLO! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER JOINED A MAP AND FINISHED MY PART WHICH IS SOMETHING I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO, I'M SO EXCITED! admittedly this was a major learning curve so I am a bit nervous about uploading, especially since there might be some mistakes, but I did my best to experiment, I don't often use frame by frame so I'm a bit rusty with it, but I think I did good here! I think capcut unfortunately butchered the quality in some aspects, but other than that I am so proud of the results!
here's the MAP, there's still a lot of parts open so I highly recommend checking it out! https://youtu.be/HfocK4P9cn0
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saelrum · 3 months
Please enjoy our hard work!
I'll leave my part under the cut not to spoil anyone)
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toxictoxicities · 3 months
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Decided to share these, here are some concept sketches I did for some parts in my maproject! I'm really excited for how this is going to come out
speaking of we still have 4 parts available
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thenyandrawsnstuff · 7 months
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Anthro Artihunter art I made for a map call
thought I might as well post it here-
um uh anthro designs by @pansear-doodles
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