izpira-se-zlato · 1 year
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Käärijä | Raahe, 28.06.2023
source: x
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damiannasworld · 1 year
Kölifest, Raahe 28.06.23
🎥 jennaakaroliinaa
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terrorland · 10 months
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This scary looking thing is the Raahe diving suit.
Also called the old gentlman! Not much is known about it except that it appears to come from Finland and was made in the 1700s but the coolest thing about it? They made a reproduction out of it. Same material ( cow skin!) and everything. And it freaking worked!
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ihmekukkavesi · 10 months
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Raahe, Finland
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miselblog · 2 years
Rare Beauty of Raahe
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Do you ever long for a place of tranquility and beauty that you would very much want to escape to when everything gets too overwhelming around you? Or do you have a place of your dream where you can be alone with your thoughts? 
There were so many tourist destinations nowadays that you can see in blog posts. There are those elegant restaurants and high buildings with the busy streets and people. There are also places where we go to for their natural beauty like these pristine white beaches or clear waterfalls. 
Of course, we cannot rule out the places who are rich in culture and history which you cannot wait to discover and experience yourself. However, don't you ever want to go to a place that will not only give you a beauty but also a story? 
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If you do, it seems like I have the best place for you. It is a rare place of beauty and peace that is just right for tired souls who want to recuperate and take a break from the chaos of this world. 
This place is especially perfect for lovers of the history as it will transport you back to the 19th history with its old houses and museums. The place is not also rich with the story of the past but also with all the stories of people living in it. 
Are you curious where can you find it? Then, let us now explore the rare beauty of Raahe.
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Raahe is a quaint and warm seaside town in Finland with its old, wooden, and historical attractions. You heard it right. It is a coastal community situated in the Gulf of Bothnia and is even known as the "Town of Sea Winds". A lovely and peaceful town with sea air and a rich history.
It seems the perfect gateway for our longing souls. But wait, it gets more exciting than that. To give you a brief background, the town was founded by Count Per Brahe the Younger, the Swedish statesman and Governor General of Finland, in 1649. 
The plan for the said town was patterned after the ideals of the grid plan of the Renaissance. In fact, the oldest remaining picture of the Old Raahe dates from 1569 which shows the town being surrounded by customs fence with about two customs gates. 
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In 1810 however, the lovely town encountered a huge fire where most of its houses and records were destroyed. From this, a new town plan was drafted for rebuilding the town which consists most of what Raahe is now. Despite this unfortunate events however, the town school and church were saved from the fire. 
Now that you know its history, let us get more familiar with the small wooden town Raahe is known for its wooden town center and historical museums. It also has its own small-town events like the Raahe Music Week, the Brahe Classica, Pekka’s Day, and the Jazz on the Beach Festival. 
Now, let us get to the most famous spot in Raahe, the Old town of Raahe which serves as one of the oldest towns in Finland. There, you can find the Pekkatori Square where the neo-classicist houses of Fontell, Montin, Frieman, Hedmansson and Kivi-Sovio, and Lang are situated. 
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Beyond this, the Old town also has the oldest dwelling in Raahe namely the Sovelius House which was built in 1780. Can you think of anything more interesting and delightful than what this town has to offer?
Whether you want sea air, history, festivities, or just a beautiful and peaceful scenery, Raahe can give it all to you. If the abovementioned sites and features of the town still not convinced you. Then maybe this most essential feature of the will. 
Raahe is known for its welcoming and cozy people coupled with its calming environment. This is the very place for you to just be yourself and shed all those pretenses and pressures from the outside world. 
Here, you can create your own pace and time as you slowly immerse yourself in the rich history and beauty of the town. Indeed, Raahe is rare in its wonder and beauty. The perfect combination of its coast, old wooden houses, museums, and festivities will make you want to get back to it as soon as possible.
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rosegoldnovember · 5 months
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ave661 · 5 months
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biker!Ghost 2 1 , 2 , 3 , 3.5
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penzila · 1 year
Raahe - Harvinaisen Kaunis Kaupunki
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Kaipaatko koskaan paikkaa, joka on rauhallinen ja kaunis ja minne voit paeta kun ympärilläsi kaikki käy liian ahdistavaksi? Tai onko sinulla unelmien paikka, jossa voit olla yksin ajatustesi kanssa?
Nykyään on niin monia hienoja turistikohteita. On elegantteja ravintoloita ja erilaisia suosittuja nähtävyyksiä ympäri maailmaa. On myös paikkoja, joihin matkustamme niiden luonnollisen kauneuden takia, kuten koskemattomat valkoiset rannat tai kirkkaat vesiputoukset.
Emme tietenkään voi sulkea pois paikkoja, joissa on rikas kulttuuri ja historia ja jotka haluat ehdottomasti löytää ja kokea itse. Mutta etkö joskus haluaisi mennä paikkaan, joka ei tarjoa vain kauneutta vaan myös tarinan?
Jos haluat, näyttää siltä, että minulla on sinulle sopiva paikka. Se on harvinainen kauneuden ja rauhan keidas, joka sopii täydellisesti väsyneille sieluille, jotka haluavat toipua ja pitää taukoa tämän maailman kaaoksesta.
Tämä paikka on erityisen täydellinen historiasta kiinnostuneille, sillä se vie sinut takaisin 1800-luvulle vanhojen talojen ja museoiden kautta. Paikka ei ole rikas pelkästään menneisyyden tarinoista, vaan myös kaikista niistä tarinoista, joita siellä asuvilla ihmisillä on.
Oletko utelias, mistä sen voi löytää? Tule sitten tutkimaan Raahen harvinaista kauneutta.
Raahe on viehättävä ja lämminhenkinen merenrantakaupunki, joka hurmaa vanhoilla, puurakenteisilla ja historiallisilla nähtävyyksillään. Kuulit oikein, kyseessä on rannikkoyhteisö, joka sijaitsee Pohjanlahdella ja tunnetaan jopa "merituulien kaupunkina". Ihana ja rauhallinen kaupunki, jonka ilmassa on merituoksua ja jolla on rikas historia.
Se näyttää täydelliseltä kohteelta ikävöiville sieluillemme. Mutta odota, se muuttuu vielä jännittävämmäksi. Antaaksemme sinulle lyhyen taustan, kaupunki perustettiin kreivi Per Brahen nuoremman, Ruotsin valtiomiehen ja Suomen kenraalikuvernöörin toimesta vuonna 1649.
Kyseisen kaupungin suunnitelmaa mallinnettiin renessanssin ruudukko-ideologian ihanteiden mukaisesti. Itse asiassa vanhin säilynyt kuva Vanhasta Raahessa on peräisin vuodelta 1569.
Vuonna 1810 kaunis kaupunki kohtasi kuitenkin valtavan tulipalon, jossa suurin osa sen taloista ja asiakirjoista tuhoutui. Tämän seurauksena kaupungin uudelleenrakentamista varten laadittiin uusi kaavio, joka muodostaa suurimman osan siitä mitä Raahe on nyt. Huolimatta näistä epäonnisista tapahtumista, kaupungin koulu ja kirkko pelastuivat tulipalolta.
Nyt kun tunnet sen historian, tutustutaan paremmin pieneen puukaupunkiin, josta Raahe on tunnettu. Se on tunnettu puukaupungin keskustastaan ja historiallisista museoistaan.
Nyt siirrytään Raaheen kuuluisimmalle paikalle, Raaheen vanhaan kaupunkiin, joka toimii yhtenä Suomen vanhimmista kaupungeista. Siellä voit löytää Pekkatorin aukion, jossa sijaitsevat Fontellin, Montinin, Friemanin, Hedmanssonin ja Kivi-Sovion sekä Langin uusklassiset talot.
Tämän lisäksi Vanhassakaupungissa on myös Raahen vanhin asuinrakennus, nimittäin Soveliuksen talo, joka rakennettiin vuonna 1780. Voitko kuvitella mitään mielenkiintoisempaa ja viehättävämpää kuin mitä tämä kaupunki tarjoaa?
Raahe järjestää myös omia pikkukaupunkitapahtumiaan, kuten Pekan päivät, Pooki Flakkaa ja Jazz on the Beach -festivaalin.
Olipa mielessäsi sitten meri-ilma, historia, juhlat tai kauniit ja rauhalliset maisemat, Raahe tarjoaa kaiken tämän sinulle. Jos yllä mainitut kaupungin nähtävyydet ja ominaisuudet eivät vakuuta sinua, ehkä tämä kaikkein tärkein ominaisuus vakuuttaa.
Raahe tunnetaan vieraanvaraisista ja kodikkaista ihmisistään yhdistettynä rauhoittavaan ympäristöönsä. Tämä on juuri se paikka, jossa voit olla oma itsesi ja päästää irti kaikista ulkomaailman teeskentelyistä ja paineista.
Raahessa voit luoda oman rytmin ja ajan, kun hitaasti uppoudut kaupungin rikkaaseen historiaan ja kauneuteen. Raahe on todella idyllinen pikku kaupunki. Rannikon, vanhojen puutalojen, museoiden ja juhlien täydellinen yhdistelmä saa sinut haluamaan palata sinne mahdollisimman pian.
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xitsensunmoon · 8 months
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Secret Skeleton for @sanchensky
I was trying to go for the classic cozy autumn vibe for this one<3
Wonderful designs and au belong to @pure-plum (@weal-and-woe)
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st4rrth0ughts · 5 months
There's not enough sub!Sampo out there thank you for writing it <3 I just want to put him in a mating press and breed him. Maybe be his sugar daddy and make him wear slutty outfits. He's a whore (affectionatly)
a/n :aghsshsk anon you read my mind holy shit (+ tw, sampo being a little shit) [edit, sorry for the long ass wait, anon, i lost motivation T-T
Sampo being fucked silly by sugar daddy reader. 💎💚
Its a match made in heaven, whether the unspoken feelings between you two went unsaid or not. You wanted company, and had too much money for yourself to spend alone. Sampo was more than willing to be the one for you to dote on. Its pretty nice, coffee dates, spoling your purple haired sweetheart, you could say that the cunning man knew the effect he had on you. But sometimes, he steps out of line, flirting with other people, even he needs some punishment.
You knew Sampo was probably doing this just to get on your nerves. Its no secret that he's always turned on by you manhandling him in the bedroom like he was a toy. Perhaps the last straw for you was when he sent you photos while you were at work, with your pretty sugar baby in a outfit that made your cock bulge embarrassingly large in your pants. He was making a lewd face at the camera, a vibrator shoved into his pussy with the caption, wish it was you inside me, sweetheart <33. When you get home, he's protesting as you drag and lock him in the bedroom, but the glint in his eyes tell you that he knew damn well this would happen.
Fuck him in that outfit he was wearing earlier, tears pricking his eyes as you stuff the vibrator into his cunt, turning it at max speed while he whimpers and begs you to have mercy on him, saying he'll be your good boy. Well, too late for that, you think as he throws his head back, squirting hard around the toy, as you gently coo and let it continue to overstimulate him, fingers finding their way to trace over his nub, making him arch against the bed like a cat in heat. His eyes are wide open as he throws his head back, his arms restrained by the handcuffs bounding him to the bed post.
Reaching down and burying your face into his cunt, your tongue plunging into his cushy walls, making him squeal and pull agaisnt his restraints so hard its bruising his wrists. Despite all that, he's still being a good boy and keeping his legs open for you to ravish him, and your all too happy to oblige. Stuffing another finger into his pussy as you find spots so deep in him the thief is seeing stars as he bucks his hips into the air. He lets out a pretty wail when you shove your length into him at one go, his stomach bulging from the sheer size of you, which is something he'll never get used to.
Fondle his tits as your cock pounds into him from behind as he arches his back harshly, he’ll claw at the sheets, your back, your arms, but it’s futile as your hands maintain their grip on his waist, your mouth and soft lips roaming over his neck. His cunt is dripping while his head lolls back, dazed eyes looking back at you. lifting him up from the bed as your hands hold him, his legs dangling over the ground limply as your cock hits all the right spots deep in him, his cum leaking around you and forming a small pool on the carpet, his hands trying to claw at your arms as he whines out for you to stop, only to cry softly when you actually do show signs of slowing down, stuffing two fingers down his throat to muffle him as he’s left midair being fucked silly by you.
Getting him into a mating press while he panics slightly at how deep you push into him, your cock fits so much nicer like this, and he shrieks when you start to fuck his cervix. His hands held above him in a firm grasp as he tries to struggle away from you, begging for a break as your length splits him open again, loud wails and sobs filling the room as his knees are folded to his chest, aeons, he can feel you fucking his cervix so harshly that the bed is creaking from your movements. he comes undone with a sharp moan, his body laying limp against the pillow, but oh dear, your not done with him. Your sure he can handle just a few more rounds for his daddy, cant he?
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goldetrash · 7 months
"I'm not going anywhere my little wicked candle."
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Geno belongs to @loverofpiggies Reaper belongs to @renrink
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kandidandi · 7 months
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art dump muhahaha
gitm by @venomous-qwille
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flickerrtag · 3 months
Cooking with Company 📺📻✨
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Yall this one took WAY TOO LONG💀
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katagawajr · 5 months
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-> Toshiro & Erina + parallels
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heavenlyclownage · 7 months
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The Spairy GOD[MAMA].,,.
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rosegoldnovember · 5 months
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