#queer althu
interstellarsystem · 27 days
Nonhumanity Induced Gender Euphoria
Having nonhuman features as a trans person can be so gender affirming, even if complicated in my case. I might be in an AFAB human body, but I'm clearly a male cardinal because my feathers are bright red in headspace. This might not apply to all trans nonhumans of course, but I'm talking about personal experience here.
See, I'm a multifictive of two characters. One is an (arguably non)human-esque guy (Hunter), another is a little red cardinal (Flapjack). I'm in a way, a fusion of both, while having memories of being both separately as well. Not canon to my source, but we became one in our memories.
From my memories of me being Hunter, I was transmasc. I wasn't born as a guy, so I did my best to transition. Complications of circumstances aside, I presented as masculine and overall it was okay. Dysphoria was a bitch but I was managing as best I could with all the other stressors going on in my life.
As Flapjack, I was male and cis. While I was just a bird, I was a magic bird, and one with a different level of thinking and capabilities. I didn't question my gender at all, I was comfortable. I don't think I paid much mind to Hunter's either, if I even knew back then that he/I was not cis.
After we became one person in source... Well, I kept my humanoid form but grew red feathers all over my body, as well as claws, a tail and wings too. My humanoid gender features that I had already didn't change, but I gained the distinctive red feathers of a male cardinal. While that might have made my biological gender more complex, it made me as a whole feel euphoria anyway.
I still feel it here too. Even if I have the same body in headspace and even if my physical body is AFAB again, I still have my red feathers inside. I don't identify wholly as a man and am more xenogender than anything, but I enjoy feeling more masculine and being able to present that way.
I'm not the only one who feels gender euphoria from their kintypes/other nonhuman identities though. It's not the most common thing within our system but it's something we experience enough that it does impact us and how we feel.
A lot of people who have antlers feel validated in their masculine identity, for one big example. Obviously antlers meaning a thing is male depends on the species but for the purpose of feeling euphoria, it doesn't matter too much if you're not sure if you even fit any earthen species.
Some of us feel more validated by being spikier or fluffier or having certain colours or patterns. Things that aren't really applicable to human concepts of gender. Being nonhuman for some people means that they have many more ways to express their gender, and I think that's wonderful.
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writers-get-biters · 10 months
pinned post <33
[pt: pinned post <33]
hiii i&m wv ::] my& pronouns r hy/they/it/xo && more!!
we r plural && all v v queer <333 !!!!
we r alterhuman/alterbeing && kin in many ways!!!!
this blog is mostly run by our collective conscious, but sometimes certain headmates r more in control. we r usually not gonna tag 4 em but u(&) might be able 2 tell by our diff typing/writing styles lololol
our tagging system:
[pt: our tagging system:]
ref. = stuff we wanna come back to && cant fit in other CATeGORiEs
rec = recommendations!!!!! pieces of media we wanna come back to
althu moment = alterhuman stuff; we j transfured evfurything over fur-om our "kin moment" tag to this 1 bc kin n othfur althumanity stuff used 2 be togethfur!!
angel moment = this is 4 things relating 2 angels && other stuff w a similar vibe 4 us. we have this beclaws one of our most common fronters && pawssibly the body? is an angel/fallen angel kin soo this is fur stuff about thatt
writer moment = resources abt writing! nuff said ::33
art moment = art + resources abt art stuff!! mostly? visual art but not exclawsively ::33
queer moment = queer stuff!!!! we dont usually tag liom coining stuff unless we wanna come back 2 it laterr. well probs tag the coining stuff we make <3
reality moment = i guessss this is a bit of a misnomer but not REALly hehe. this is more abt like reality fucking, stuff abt subjective reality things, alternate Timelines/uni-verses/&c. might edit this desc laterrr beclaws idrk how 2 describe it ri now 3::
plural moment = kinda self-explanetory but yeahh. like w queer coining stuff, we dont tag all coining stuff
disability moment = stuff abt disability!!1!!1!!1!!! used 2 be "nd moment" but we transfurred evfurything ovfur
objectum moment = objectum stuff ::)))
daydream moment = stuff abt daydreaming / fodder fur our daydreams
[pt: sideblogs:]
@intrinsicparable = our homestuck blog!!!! we post a lil homestuck stuff here but most of it goes there
@fitchsparadox = thats our blog 4 some of our other fandoms & also magick/pop culture paganism stuff & misc stuff one of our headmates likes
@allthesmallweirdloves = thats our artsy blog!!!!! were gonna post some art stuff but its mostly rbs of art or things we find meaningful/artistic in some way
[pt: other!!!]
we dont have a dni rlly, but well block u if u make us uncomfy!!
idrk what else 2 say XD
we'll update if we think of anything <333
update: added our dni below. can't add a image description rn but will try to add one later!!
Tumblr media
9 notes · View notes
In a world of magical empires and the anarchists that would tear them down, two mages, Althus and Vade, are each assigned to spy on the other by opposing sides. But when they both catch feelings, what happens when they’re commanded to kill their target? They must each decide if they'll follow orders or find a way to make their romance thrive beyond the lies.
"Grief never performed a single resurrection."
Brent Lambert's A Necessary Chaos is a sci-fi novella with magical aspects, a thrilling enemies-to-lovers romance between two men tasked to spy on each other. The dual POV allows to delve into the psyche, the past, and the motives of the main characters; we begin in medias res, with the deception of their love affair having gone on for years, and follow the inevitable shattering of the illusion when both characters are tasked to get rid of each other.
On the background is the larger conflict between an Empire that meddles with demons and human experiments, and the rebels who try to stop the carnage. When the truth is finally revealed, we race towards a high-stakes ending where characters need to learn to trust each other in order to avoid untold horrors. The novella was perfectly contained, giving tantalizing glimpses of a larger worldbuilding while managing to stick the landing. The main characters are skilled operatives, competent fighters with secrets, and the explosive finale is well-earned.
Unfortunately, there were a lot of typos.
A Necessary Chaos is a solid novella debut.
✨ 4 stars
* This is How You Lose the Time War, by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
for: espionage, enemies to lovers
[You can find more of my reviews about queer speculative fiction on my blog MISTY WORLD]
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