dont-blame-chae · 6 months
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missus-meticulous · 7 months
Sometimes I wonder if it's "too much" to advertise my sexuality and to keep advertising. If it is "too much" to loudly proclaim that I am bisexual, that I am bisexual and that this is okay and that I am okay and that I would laugh just as loudly if you did or didn't know I'm bisexual.
Coming from a Catholic household, coming from a Catholic border town where Latina women aren't supposed to show just how much they hunger, how much they yearn and yearn and yearn and that that yearning can be for someone with a penis or someone else entirely. Coming from a place where I shamed myself for having a girlfriend and for wanting her, for wanting her so deliciously that all I wanted at the tumultuous age of 16 was to explore her mind and her body as the poets had taught me.
And that when I came out officially at the age of 24, the questions that came with that outing, the voyeuristic curiosity that came with it, the "how" and "why" and "are you sure" and the boundary I learned to make between my sexuality and everyone else. Everyone that sought to judge, be it straight, gay, and in-between.
The stereotypes that come with being bisexual and that come with advertising my sexuality. And I ask if it's "too much"-
Until, a friend, a family member, or even an acquaintance politely, quietly asks me, "When did you know?", "How did you know?", "Can you realize it later in life?", and "Is it...is it a bad thing?"
And I am the guardian I never had, the confidante I never had, the support system I never had, and the friend I never had. Patiently answering every question, patiently describing every crush I've ever had, between men, women, and in-between. The difference between queer and bisexual and pansexual and gay and anything you want to be, that queer isn't a bad thing, that bisexuality isn't a bad thing. Being the person that gets to hug the budding bisexual who may become homosexual, pansexual, or something else entirely! The person that showers this boo-boo Queer person with all the respect and affection I never had and that is when I answer my own question. Is it too much? Am I being too much? No, no I am just enough. <3
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klausie · 4 months
the band was called queen because everyone in the band is a queeeerrrrr
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raquellesilveira · 3 years
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Dizem que existe uma linha muito tênue entre continuar dando o máximo para um “relacionamento a dois” e um “relacionamento a um”. Não mesmo, queridos... Não tem nada de linha tênue, a linha está no vermelho e nós muitas vezes é que não queremos enxergar ou não conseguimos enxergar. Por óbvio, dar seu 100% para um relacionamento dar certo, não é nada fácil. É um processo demorado, lento, muitas vezes sem resultado, mas a espera vale a pena porque ambos QUEREM. Porém, por outro lado... CRIATURAAAA... Tá na cara que a outra pessoa NÃO QUEEEERRRRR continuar tentando. Hellooouuuuuu... Você dá um duro danado para tentar: 💁🏻‍♀️entra em cursos para se entender e por tabela entender o outro; 💁🏻‍♀️faz desafio de relacionamento; 💁🏻‍♀️conversa com Deus e o papa; 💁🏻‍♀️chega a pensar “o que tem de errado comigo?”... O que tem de errado é que existem pessoas que não estão querendo alguém para se relacionar e sim para receber. Daí não existe dar certo, a proporção será você entregando seu “100” e a pessoa doando um “ZERO” bem grande. Pense no que você merece e a partir daí veja se vale a pena continuar ou não! “Raquelle, és a favor do divórcio?” Sou a favor de você ser feliz. Sou a favor que você tem o direito de escolher ser saudável indiferente da escolha. Sou a favor de uma vida leve. Quer continuar tentando? PALMAS! Quer enxergar que merece mais? PALMAS! Só tenha clareza da sua decisão. (em Palmas Tocantins) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI0bLTjrBL3/?igshid=me1baj2i7fx8
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luffy-styss · 5 years
seeeei q tu me queeeerrrrr
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myislandofmisfitoys · 7 years
This 20 question tag thing
was tagged by the happy @another-darkknight heres the thingie! 
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better
There are only 20 though
Name: Megan
Nicknames: Megs, Meg, Trouble, Sunshine
Zodiac sign: PIsces
Height: 4′10
Ethnicity: White
Orientation: Queeeerrrrr
Favorite fruits: apples, oranges, grapes, watermelon, pears, strawberries, Kiwi, mango, dragon fruit, most fruits y’all
Favorite season: Summer
Favorite books: Girl w’ the Dragon Tattoo books and harry potter
Favorite flowers: I don’t know that I have a favorite
Favorite animal Sharks and Octopi
Favorite Beverage: Be more specific, Water, rum, kiwi strawberry drinks 
Average hours of sleep: 5-6 (accurate)
Favorite fictional characters:  Are you messing with me?! fav fictional character!? Hades ( thats all I can come up with right now)
Number of blankets you sleep with: 3
Dream trip: Whole world with friends
Blog created: 2015: (pretty sure)
Numbers of followers: 449
I tag: @shwayzebaby, @finedisaster @glitter-ahnd-be-gay, @ali-ababwaaaa, @rresetrrewind
Some of y’all I don’t talk to so feel free to take it or leave it :D 
I can’t think of who else so go for it 
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