philoursmars · 10 months
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Bon, avec "un peu" de retard, le feu d'artifice de Sanary-sur-Mer, vu de la Route des Crêtes, avec de superbes reflets sur la Méditerranée...
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information-2-0 · 7 months
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boschintegral-photo · 11 months
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lisamarie-vee · 10 months
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inneroptics · 1 year
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Keith P. Phillips - Pyrotechny, 1945
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dame-de-pique · 1 year
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Keith P. Phillips - Pyrotechny, 1945
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genshinlearnfrench · 11 months
Spécialités culinaires - Inazuma
Continuing series of French vocabulary based on all Inazuman specialty dishes lore description in French!
« Neige sur la fournaise »
Snow on the Hearth
Spécialité culinaire de Kamisato Ayaka. On dirait une véritable petite œuvre d'art exquise et charmante, enveloppée dans un mince manteau rouge pâle, qui recouvre l'amour secret de la jeune fille à ce moment. Si vous aviez l'honneur de savourer un tel plat en sirotant le thé avec une princesse aussi élégante et gracieuse qu'un héron blanc comme compagnie, vous aspireriez sûrement à ce que ce moment dure pour l'éternité.
exquis - excellent
mince - thin
le manteau - overcoat
recouvrir -to cover
avoir l’honneur - to have the honour
siroter - to sip
un héron - egret
comme compagnie - for company
aspirer à - aspire to
durer pour l’étérnité - to last forever
Beauté de tout temps
All-Weather Beauty
Spécialité culinaire de Kaedehara Kazuha. Fabriquée à partir de poisson séché pendant la nuit sur le navire. Kazuha prétend que ce sont des poissons ordinaires. Mais cette saveur... C'est sûrement ça le sens de la nature omniprésente, non ?
poisson séché - dried fish
Poissons du festival d'été
Summer Festival Fish
Spécialité culinaire de Yoimiya. Vous admirez les feux d'artifice, les mains pleines de sucreries que Yoimiya vous a données, son rire insouciant et enfantin résonnant à vos oreilles tandis que la pyrotechnie éclate dans le ciel au-dessus de vous... Au milieu de cette symphonie unique de sons, on dirait que le poisson rouge dans vos mains peut se mettre à nager à tout moment...
la sucrerie - confectionery
insouciant - carefree
la pyrotechnie - pyrotechnics
se mettre à faire qch - to get down to doing something
Remède contre le tournis 2.0
Dizziness-Be-Gone no Jutsu Version 2.0
Spécialité culinaire de Sayu. Sayu a pétri les onigiris pour leur donner une forme amusante. Mais rappelez-vous, c'est un mujina, pas un Tanuki, compris ? D'ailleurs, c'est peut-être la raison pour laquelle elle dort toute une journée après en avoir mangé.
pétrir - to knead
Étonnant stratagème
A Stunning Stratagem
Spécialité culinaire de Sangonomiya Kokomi. L'œuf est emballé comme une bourse, puis la queue de poisson à l'extrémité est petite et mignonne. Vous ne pouvez pas vous empêcher de vous demander ce qu'il se trouve à l'intérieur, mais vous n'arrivez pas à vous résoudre à manger un plat aussi joli... En regardant le petit sourire sur le visage de Kokomi, vous vous rendez compte que vous êtes tombé/tombée dans son piège.
emballer - to pack
à l'extrémité - at the end
se résoudre à - to bring yourself to smth
tombé dans son piège - fell into his trap
Foi en l'éternité
Faith Eternal
Spécialité culinaire de Kujou Sara. Il s'agit plus d'un encas que d'un plat. Sa saveur sucrée est sa texture moelleuse ne semblent pas être au goût de Sara. Attendez, ce symbole... Est-ce que ce ne serait pas plutôt pour cette fameuse personne...
la foi - faith
un encas - snack
moelleux - fluffy, mellow
être au gout de qn - be to someones liking
« Chaleur »
Spécialité culinaire de Thomas. L'apparence sophistiquée de ce plat dissimule la simplicité de ses ingrédients. Prenez-en une gorgée, et le sourire chaleureux de Thomas vous viendra à l'esprit. Son talent est peut-être de donner du baume au cœur grâce à des aliments simples ?
sophistiqué - fancy, sophisticated
dissimuler - to conceal
prendre une gorgée - to take a sip
donner du baume au cœur - to warm the heart
Voie du puissant
Way of the Strong
Spécialité culinaire d'Arataki Itto. Il insiste sur le fait qu'il s'agisse d'un plat inégalé lorsqu'il est préparé par « Arataki Itto, le plus fin des gourmets » en personne. Que vous soyez debout, assis ou couché, votre ventre se remplira d'un coup et vous aurez l'impression d'être en voie de devenir le deuxième être le plus puissant au monde... Quel gars génial.
la voie - way, path
inégalé - unparalleled
le plus fin - the finest
en personne - in person, face-to-face
debout - upright
d'un coup - in one go; suddenly
en voie de - in the process of; on the way to
Légende victorieuse
Victorious Legend
Spécialité culinaire de Gorou. Les accompagnements sont empilés de telle manière qu'ils offrent un spectacle aussi impressionnant que la motivation de Gorou. Après avoir fini de manger les nouilles et la soupe d'une traite, vous vous tapotez le ventre d'un air satisfait et levez les yeux pour regarder Gorou... qui affiche un grand sourire tout en remuant la queue (sans s'en rendre compte)...
un accompagnement - assistance
empiler - to pile up, to layer
d'une traite - in one go
se tapoter le ventre - to pat your stomach
remuer la queue - to wag tail
Udon porte-bonheur
Fukuuchi Udon
Spécialité culinaire de Yae Miko. Le tofu frit a été spécialement préparé par la solennelle dame Kitsune. Il paraît que si vous mangez tout d'une traite de bon cœur, vous aurez la protection de la grande Kitsune. Le malheur s'enfuira et la fortune vous sourira !
solennel - solemn, formal
de bon cœur - heartily, willingly, wholeheartedly
s'enfuir - to flee, to escape
Élégance tranquille
Quiet Elegance
La spécialité culinaire de Kamisato Ayato. L'arrangement est exquis et élégant, tout comme la manière dont Ayato gère toutes ses affaires. Plus, et cela aurait été excessif. Moins, et cela aurait été un spectacle gâché. En dégustant le plat, vous constatez que sa saveur est identique à celle de la Pagode Uyou — incroyable. Mais alors que vous atteignez vos baguettes pour ce camélia cristallin, Ayato vous arrête... "C'est quelque chose que j'ai fait pendant l'entraînement au sabre. C'est juste une décoration."
gérer - to manage, to handle
gâché - ruined, wasted
cristallin - crystalline, crystal-clear
l'entraînement au sabre - sword training
Waltz d'omurice
Omurice Waltz
Spécialité culinaire de Kuki Shinobu. Une omelette tendre qui semble danser allègrement sur un plateau composé de sauces. Elle enveloppe un riz moelleux parfumé sous sa robe virevoltante. Seule Shinobu, avec sa certification de cuisinière, pouvait préparer un plat qui n'a rien à envier à ceux du chef de la Pagode Uyou !
allègrement - blithely, cheerfully
virevoltant - twirling
avoir rien à envier - to have nothing to envy
Vérité unique
The Only Truth
Spécialité culinaire de Shikanoin Heizou. Sur les œufs brouillés tendres et moelleux se trouve un katsu juteux frit à la perfection dorée, son arôme des plus séduisants en effet... Après avoir été tenté d'avaler le plat, vous êtes en quelque sorte saisi par l'envie de laisser sortir tout ce qui est caché dans votre cœur — ce n'est pas une sorte d'arme secrète de Heizou... n'est-ce pas ?
tenter - to attempt
avaler - to swallow
saisi par - seized by
une arme secrète - secret weapon
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Check out these posts about Mondstadt | Liyue specialty dishes
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olplus · 2 months
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L'OL favorable à la pyrotechnie encadrée O&L
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rye-in-a-coat · 2 months
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At around 3 in the morning I started to hear many explosion sounds. They weren't that near but they weren't that far away either. At first I just assumed they were pyrotechny rockets but no, the explosions sounded too clean and quite frequent that I started to believe they were gunshots.
And then I started to worry, cuz they just never seemed to end; I swear I can say they were 30 and I wouldn't be far from the actual number.
At morning I asked my grandma if she had heard the gunshots and she told me that yes, but thought they were pyrotechny.
And across the day and night I heard like ten clearly rocket explosions.
What even is a gunshot and a rocket. Were those actually rockets? They didn't sound like that, but the others weren't gunshots.
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keurcity01 · 4 months
Baisse Du Loyer Au Senegal
L'efficacité des solutions proposées en vue de la baisse des loyers au Sénégal peut être remise en cause s’il n'y a aucune mesure de suivi. Baisse Du Loyer Au Senegal
About Us -
My website offers a carefully selected range of new real estate properties, perfectly suited to the needs of investors and individuals looking to establish themselves in Senegal. We provide personalized advice and expert support to successfully navigate the Senegalese real estate market. With us, people will discover attractive investment opportunities and benefit from quality service to realize your real estate projects with peace of mind
Click Here For More Info:- https://keurcity.com/
Location:-  24, mermoz pyrotechnie Dakar SENEGAL
Social Media Profile Links:-
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abbyew20 · 4 months
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noveltyadvent · 5 months
“Whence the taste for garish lights which no lampshade could soften. On the contrary, they were amplified by the play of mirrors multiplying them to infinity. Mirrors turned into dazzling reflectors. The streets were packed at night with people gazing upon the works of lighting engineers and pyrotechnists.
The general public craved artificial lighting. They wanted lights, city lights, which had no further truck with Nature or the Creator, which just involved man illuminating himself. This coincided with the precise moment when man's being was becoming his own object of study, the subject of a positive knowledge (Foucault). The rise of the fourth estate occurs here, within the shimmering urban mirage that is merely the illusion of what is up for grabs." 
Paul Virilio, The Vision Machine (1994)
Image: Selected plates from Elémens de Pyrotechnie - Claude-Fortuné Ruggieri, 1811
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toutmontbeliard-com · 8 months
Matchs du FC Sochaux-Montbéliard à domicile : les supporters n'utiliseront pas de pyrotechnie
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Tribune Nord Sochaux a annoncé avoir décidé de s'interdire toute sorte de pyrotechnie comme fumigènes, torches, etc. dans l'enceinte du Stade Bonal de Montbéliard dans leurs parcages pour ne pas engendrer des coûts supplémentaires et évitables au FC Sochaux-Montbéliard. Le premier match a domicile de la saison 2023-2024 aura lieu ce vendredi 1er septembre 2023 à 19h30 et sera diffusé en direct vidéo sur ToutMontbeliard.com. Read the full article
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var-83-tv · 9 months
Les chevaliers du ciel les 70 ans de la Patrouille de France à Toulon 
Retour en images Sur l'événements du 15 août 2023 à Ville de Toulon Plage Du Mourillon, Toulon Spectacle  #meeting #aérienneComme chaque année la Patrouille de France On réalisait de superbes chorégraphie Au-dessus des Plage Du Mourillon, Toulon plus le feu d'artifice de clôture Et par la suite cette fin de journée s'est terminée avec ce superbe  #feudartifice  pyrotechnie musicale
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nuka-cherries · 9 months
chapter 2: no es posible, no es verdad (mi cabeza va estallar)
chapter 2 under the cut!
“Rollins, problem?”
“No, sergeant.”
Nick rolled his eyes. But he kept walking.
“He is a veteran with PTSD. That was a coerced confession!”
“Bullshit!” Rollins exclaimed. “Like the military is a bunch of saints.”
“What are you trying to say?”
“Well, we’re not at war anymore.”
“You are not,” Nick said. “But Patterson? The moment those flares went off, he had a flashback to combat. He thought she was a wounded soldier. You may not be at war. But he still is.”
“We can’t release him, regardless.”
Nick was so annoyed.
But he was fine at least to keep him nearby. Less harassment, if anything.
He was still arguing with Rollins in the lot.
“It is textbook PTSD. You should have seen him. It was coming over him like a wave.”
“Alright. Can I ask you something?”
“Did you tell him you were in Iraq?”
“It came up.”
“Was that before or after his PTSD manifested?”
Oh, low. Low. Low.
“Come on, Rollins.” 
“All I’m saying, is it possible that he’s playing you?”
He could practically see the air quotes around the word manifested.
“I know what you’re saying, and no. Why don’t you drive?”
He tossed his keys to Amanda. 
She barely caught them.
“So you're gonna spend the rest of the trip mad?”
“I ain’t mad,” Nick said with a shrug.
“It sounds like you’re mad.”
“But I’m not.”
Rollins may forget; she’s from the South but he was Cuban and Italian and from the Bronx. He was born with mad attitude.
Nick was tired and had been fighting off the headache. The complications of this case were layers and layers. The yard lengths of string to connect all of this situation would have made a complicated spiderweb. 
He has a migraine. But for now, he was quiet and watched the three of them talk it out. Watch what was going on in silence, deep in his own thoughts. Rollins being so doubtful of Frank was rubbing him the wrong way, especially when she persisted on that she was right. The ride back, he spent it listening to music and just an eye on the road. He didn't drive.
Too pissed off for it.
His head was split in half too.
Barba was as quiet as he was, watching everything play out in front of him. He had to give the counselor that, at least; he was incredibly observant. Very.  He noticed patterns that sometimes Nick did not catch on right away. Maybe in another timeline where he chose to not be an asshole, Barba would have made a great detective.
Ever since the Delia case, Nick was extremely careful in everything he did. At least he and Liv were okay; that was his best friend. She still missed her old partner; Nick had a feeling there was something more there, but he wasn't going to bring it up. Sometimes he caught her playing with the ring on her left index finger. It must have meant something. 
“This may be hard to follow, Counselor.”
“No, I get it,” Barba said simply. “It’s Benghazi.”
Nick blinked. 
Hell of a reference there, Counselor.
“You thought that Gabby was assaulted by a mob, when it turns out that the attack was orchestrated. The problem is---”
“How to prove it.”
Nick heard a slight crunch.
Wait. Was that a banana chip?
Was Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba eating banana chips?
“These three. The Cotillion crew. They didn’t touch Gabby?”
“No, but they set the whole thing in motion. They took her to the club. And this one,” Olivia stated before she pointed to Brit’s picture. “She picked out the tube top that Gabby wore!”
Barba let out a sardonic smile. “Even a New York grand jury won’t indict on that,” he said. “Unless…” He walked over to the board. “One. Two. Three. Multiple people. Coordinated attack. We’re looking at a conspiracy. Nick, what about the guard you spoke to?”
Nick was startled, but he recovered and got his bearings. “Well, the attack and pyrotechnics triggered his flashback. His memory is…fragmented.”
Nick could say that at least. It was the truth. Noncondescending. 
“You got him to remember Louis.” 
Wait, what? Barba noticed that?
“...Yeah.” Nick was tentative.
“Go back. Take him through the night. Don’t lead him…but see what else he can reconstruct.”
Finally, someone that considered Frank in this situation other than him. The fact that it was Barba surprised him more.
“You got it,” Nick said. 
He felt a little too justified that at least someone took him seriously. Frank was suffering. He needed help.
Nick paused the thought.
Wait, why did it have to be Barba?
The trial was said and done. It was late in the evening. Barba was back in his office.
At least Nick hoped. Or else he would look like a fool with both coffees balanced in one hand. He knew which one was Barba's with the marked off sharpie for extra sugar. He had noticed him put extra packets in the mug the other day in the squad room.
But the light was on in his office, so he must have gotten lucky. 
Nick knocked with his foot on the door frame.
“Is this a bad time?”
“No, not at all. Come in.”
“Um. I was in the area. And I brought you some coffee.”
“El vicio.” (The vice.) Barba accepted it with a smile. “Gracias.”
"I just wanted to thank you for taking Frank seriously."
“Other than the curve ball he threw our way mistrial, it was a breeze. I'm glad he agreed to counseling.”
“Yeah. Rollins had her…reservations about him. But she apologized, at least.”
“Reservations how?”
“His legitimacy. She thought he was faking it and that it blinded my judgement. But I served for a long time. Things are different when you’re overseas. The things you see and experience…different. I remember I couldn't sleep when I came back home. It was the noise. Well, lack thereof,” Nick said.
Barba was quiet. 
Was he listening?
“Uh...Context; the desert is quiet as hell. Nothin’ but sand, dust, tumbleweeds and boredom. Those were the good moments. The rare ones. So…it’s quiet. New York isn't. But sometimes, in the dead of night…it gets quiet. I don’t know,” Nick quickly shut down. “It’s…yeah.”
He drank from his coffee. This was so nerve wracking. And for what? And for WHAT?
“I get it. I didn’t serve, but I have friends who did.”
“You do?”
“Have friends? Yes,” Barba said. With a smile. “Much to the world’s surprise.”
But Nick laughed. 
“I have friends from long ago that served and it was not the same when they came home. To say it is faked…prejudiced statement.”
“Yeah, exactly. But people judge what they don’t understand. But you understood. I’m just glad you did.” That was sentimental. Oddly sentimental.
He cleared his throat. “But yeah, we uh. We got a win. Some form of justice. Thank you,” Nick said.
“No need to. But…you’re welcome,” Barba said softly.
“Goodnight, Counselor.”
“Good night, Detective.”
Nick gracefully exited the office.
…And he all but skedaddled out to the parking lot. 
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.  
Meanwhile, Barba looked at the coffee. 
He took a sip and there was sugar in it. The right amount. Nick somehow guessed it.
God. He was fucked.
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