#put it bluntly‚ mashing.
fionnaskyborn · 6 months
every day (overstatement) i come up with increasingly more ridiculous ideas on how to approach fighting games
#was cleaning a laptop. as one does. cleaned the mouse as well. while doing that‚ a thought bubbled up to the surface. ''what if you bound#the attack keys to mouse buttons.'' IMMEDIATELY grinned in the most mischievous way.#just me mentally smiling like the grinch in that one gif. you know the one.#i think it might work though! see‚ the human hands are wired to default to doing motions in sync. this is why you have to put in effort to#move different fingers on each hand if you're moving them at the same time. it can be done with just a little conscious effort! however‚ if#you're trying to do a similar motion with two different fingers on each hand‚ your hands will tend to move the same two fingers even more#than usual. which‚ again‚ is an easy thing to avoid if you can allow yourself to pay attention to what your fingers are doing#but if you're focusing on something else (like‚ say‚ looking at what your opponent in a fighting game is doing)‚ controlling your motor#functions becomes drastically more difficult. you have to choose between diverting your attention to the placement of your fingers‚ or‚ to#put it bluntly‚ mashing.#HOWEVER#if your hands aren't performing similar motor functions at the same time (say‚ if one hand is controlling the movement via keys while the#other is controlling the attacks via pressing mouse buttons)‚ the issue of the hands tending towards synchronicity is no longer an issue‚#because your hands are doing motion patterns that are different enough for them not to try to sync up!#at least‚ that's how it should work‚ theoretically speaking. i've yet to test this out while playing a game‚ but it worked just fine when i#was testing out the motions themselves! i'm very eager to try this out whenever i end up finding the time to even approach my computer#TL;DR (bilbo baggins voice) after all‚ why not? why shouldn't i play fighting games like a shooter?#logs
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arandomaewblog · 6 months
the two genders:
wanna write, have no ideas
have ideas, don't wanna write
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rosytintedlights · 2 months
RZ!Michael Myers x Gender neutral Nurse!Reader
Summary: Reader pushes for Michael to have a lunch he’ll finish for once
Warnings: None, just fluff :)
700~ words
”Is it really so hard to just give him an extra scoop of mashed potatoes instead of the carrots? I mean, seriously, what’s the problem?” (Y/N)’s voice rang out, annoyed by the basic lack of caring among the kitchen staff. They really didn’t think it’d be so hard to switch out what was on the tray, especially since Michael’s meal ticket was just like everyone else’s. The whole point of having meal tickets was so that each patient would receive a meal that they could finish.
”If he can’t suck it up and eat the damn vegetables on the plate, then that’s not my problem! I’m not making exceptions just because that freak is a picky eater.”, the kitchen manager spoke with irritation, clearly not willing to budge on the matter. There was a heated glare shared between the two, only to be interrupted by Dr. Loomis before (Y/N) could get more personal with the argument.
“(Y/N), what’s taking so long on Michael’s food? You know we serve him first to get him out of the dining room quicker.” Dr. Loomis scolded. He turned his attention to the kitchen manager, asking what the hold up was. “Tell me, what is the problem? We are all well aware of what Michael gets like when he’s irritated.”
Piping up to defend Michael and themself, (Y/N) spoke bluntly to get to the point. “All I asked was why we couldn’t switch the mushy carrots that Michael always picks around for a second scoop of mashed potatoes. As a nurse, and especially as his nurse, I need him to start eating the whole tray of food. I really don’t see what the issue is, everyone would benefit. Michael gets a tray of food that he’ll actually eat all of, I get to chart 100% of the meal eaten, and we get him back to his room without a fuss.”
“Why should I make an exception for him when it wasn’t on the meal ticket to begin with? It’s not like he’s allergic to the shit! He shouldn’t be treated special just because he’s a picky eater.” The kitchen manager argued, still disagreeing with (Y/N). Sighing and ignoring the protests from the kitchen manager, Dr. Loomis gave the go ahead to change Michael’s meal. And with a satisfied grin, (Y/N) took his tray and headed to his table.
Michael was sitting alone as always, either glaring at people who got to close or simply staring at the table. His posture, though it had always been pretty terrible, looked especially tense today. Today had been one thing after another for him; Prodding from Dr. Loomis, multiple broken crayons and dry markers, a ripped mask, a new patient getting too bold with his personal space, (Y/N) busy with charting instead of sitting with him during free time, more prodding from Dr. Loomis. To put it bluntly, he was not happy. Without much choice but to behave, at least, unless he wanted to get his few privileges taken away, Michael balled his hands up while resting them on the table and he patiently but irritably waited for his food.
His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar hand setting a tray down in front of him. Without glancing up from the table, he quickly assessed what was on it, already prepared to shovel in the pudding and eat around the carrots. But.. there were no carrots, or any mushy vegetables for that matter. In its place was extra mashed potatoes, and while not exactly the best mashed potatoes he’d ever had, were still far superior to bland carrots with no brown sugar to add to them.
“Do me a favor and eat the whole tray this time, otherwise you might not get this kind of privilege again.” (Y/N)’s voice broke him from his thoughts, and he turned his gaze toward them slightly. Silent as always, Michael showed his appreciation by simply eating the food like he was asked to, starting with the potatoes he’d been gifted instead of the chocolate pudding. When he finished, he was escorted back to his room. When lunch was over and everyone had been escorted back to their designated locations, (Y/N) stayed behind in the dining hall to help clean up. Starting with Michael’s table, a soft smile spread on their face at the sight of an empty tray.
Waaaaahh my first post! I know it’s a little short, but I’ll get better the more I write >:D I can’t wait to write more and get more scenarios out <3
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silverpigeon · 2 months
request/suggestion?!? maybe something sweet and domestic like mashfinn friends and families reactions to them being engaged?! (sorry i’m a sucker for married life)
(There are two more suggestions in works so I closed the inbox for now, but I will open it after they are done!)
I knew you would come and fuel my Mashfinn soul, thank you for your suggestion and I hope you'll enjoy it!
Mash was always blunt and Finn knew that, it was one of his strange charms after all, one that ultimately helped the young wizard realize how much he actually loved Mash. How could he not, after everything that had happened? After all the things Mash has done for him?
It was so nice, to hear those words back one day, and to date Mash, and to experience him like this in their own, intimate moments. To see him blunt again, but…
Maybe he just didn't expect to hear a marriage proposal sound blunt, even though it was so… so like Mash.
“Finn, marry me.”
They were just lying on a couch, entangled in each other as Mash played with Finn’s hair and looked over his shoulder to see a book his boyfriend was reading.
And then he suddenly spills those words, making Finn shut his book in confusion.
“Don't joke around like that…”
Because what else could this even be? It wasn't like they were together for a really long time, or that Finn would even make a good husband.
How was one even supposed to answer that? Wasn't this something Finn should have studied for? To have a reaction ready?
But then again, was there ever a moment in his life with Mash for which he was ready?
“I’m not joking. Oh… you don't want to marry me.”
“D-don’t be stupid, of course I do! It’s just that…that…”
“You do want to marry me.”
There was no reason saying no right now, Finn guessed. Not that he wanted to, there was no way he would ever say no to Mash ever, but his words are caught in his throat and so he nods, cheeks red and his future suddenly including a husband.
So Mash pulls a ring out of his pocket and holds Finn’s hand, slipping it on and also looking quite nervous.
It takes one glance for Finn to realize why.
“...Mash, is that an onion ring?”
“...I’ll get a better one soon, I promise.”
But before Finn could even say that he didn't need to, really, because getting an edible ring from his boyfriend was also really ‘Mash’, the strong wizard carefully put Finn’s whole finger in his mouth, eating the ring and making Finn’s face go from very confused to very red.
And that was Mash too.
“You’re engaged?!”
Mash says it so bluntly once again to their whole group of friends, of course after getting permission from Finn, and Lemon grabs the strong boy so hard she would probably tackle him down were he someone else than Mash, obviously.
Lance and Dot keep staring, but then realize it definitely looked impolite and at least the blue-haired wizard puts his palms together to congratulate them.
Dot has a different idea though, and he goes to Finn to do the job his blonde friend couldn't, tackling Ames to the ground with a scream.
“Congrats, dude! You’re going for kids next?”
“Excuse me?!”
It takes a lot of screaming and Lance having to calm everyone down before they can calmly sit down and just talk. The actual marriage part of the engagement is far away and no one wants to mention a date, yet it doesn't really matter for now. What is important to them is the feeling, the fact that they have come to trust each other this much, that they would like their days to continue like this.
And that Finn can call Mash his fiancé, of course, which is something he is planning to abuse very much. He knows his ears go a little red when he calls him that.
Their reactions after that are similar, yet still quite different. Lemon changed her whole ‘Marrying to Mash’ attitude rather quickly after he started to date Finn and now, she was incredibly happy for them. Even though she couldn't do the preparations with Mash, she could still do them for Mash, and that was enough. Lance is the one with the technical questions concerning their life going forward, but he smiles while Dot asks when, and where, and they are both definitely excited.
Just another proof that Mash and Finn couldn't have asked for better friends, really.
Regro Burnedead and Rayne Ames are together under the Burnedead’s roof when they and their relatives sit down. Finn doesn't know where to start, how to explain, and even though he knows they are both very supportive of their relationship, it still feels quite embarrassing.
So he stays quiet and lets Mash’s bluntness take over.
“We’re engaged.”
Mash’s father spits out the tea he had in his mouth and even though Rayne looks completely unbothered, inside he could probably scream. He likes seeing his brother happy, really, and he tried to stay happy when he first heard about him getting a boyfriend, but an engagement?
Maybe the only reason why it shocks him so much is the fact Finn was growing too fast, and Rayne spent too much of that time avoiding him.
But Regro is now hugging them both with tears in his eyes and Rayne can sense that Finn is scared of his older brother’s reaction. So of course he gets up and hastily joins them all.
Because him and Finn weren't alone anymore, and their family would only grow from now on.
“Oh Mash, there's so many things we need to do! You need to choose the place, and the cake, and the flowers…”
“It’s fine, Pops. We still have a lot of time.”
They did, now that Innocent Zero sat behind bars and everyone had the chance to feel full of hope once again.
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theladycarpathia · 2 years
“This is invite only, Hargrove,” Robin says, firmly planting her feet in the middle of the door. The general appearance of Family Video is putting out signals that they are shut up for business. The blinds are closed, the lights are off and the sign on the front door clearly states ‘Closed for Private event.’ Keith was finally cool enough to let them use the back room of Family Video for a movie night, providing that he could come and Robin introduced him to the girls from Band. Whether any of them will be interested is another matter.
“I’m aware,” Billy says, chewing lazily on a piece of gum. Christ, he’s not even closing his mouth as he chews. Fuck knows why half the girls at school found him attractive - they’ve clearly not seen the white glob of gum being mashed between his teeth. “I was invited.”
“Oh yeah?” Robin challenges, because to her knowledge you had to be invited by either Keith, Steve or herself. They’d kept the list relatively small - Vickie, Lucy and Anna from school, Nancy and Jonathan, Eddie and Chrissy, Heather, Barb, and a few others from their collective high school years. She’d seen the list. She’d written the list. No way was Billy Hargrove on it. “By who?”
Billy’s shit-eating grin widens.
“By Harrington, of course,” he purrs, as though she’s one of those moms that used to lounge by the pool or book his lessons at the club. She can’t quite picture Billy teaching people tennis, not anymore than she could picture him teaching kids to swim. But apparently the white shorts have the same effect as the little red lifeguarding ones on the housewives of Hawkins. Gross.
Then his words register and she gawps at him.
“I really don’t fucking think so,” she says bluntly, because she’s heard enough about Billy and Steve. The Halloween party, the car race that ended up with both of them in jail, the scuffle at the basketball game, despite them both being on the same team. The two have a long and complicated history, and Robin knows this because she’s worked with Steve at various jobs for the last year and a half. Which means all she’s heard is bitching about Billy Hargrove for the last year and a half.
She’d heard enough even before she and Steve were friends. The dethroned King and the new kid on the block, having it out in a fight that ended with both of them bloodied and unconscious. Even she’d heard the whispers and discounted almost all of them immediately. It was a fight over Wheeler. No, it was a fight over another girl. No, it was definitely over Wheeler, because they were at the Byers place. Jonathan actually defeated both of them, leaving them passed out on his living room floor. There was so much shit and Robin had pegged all of it as untrue. 
She knew enough of King Steve, the hair, the mouth, the legend. She’d vaguely seen Billy in the halls and at games. It wasn’t until he hung over her counter, a challenge in his eyes, that she’d realized some of the truth behind that fight. Realized a few things about Billy Hargrove that most of the kids at school wouldn’t. 
She’s not sure Steve knows.
She thinks that Billy knows about her.
“I was invited,” he insists, casually leaning on the door-frame. He still dresses like a whore, Robin is amused to note. He’s wearing a shirt, if you can call revealing both tits and a hint of belly button ‘wearing.’ He’s wearing a pair of jeans so tight that they could be painted on, which is no improvement from the obscenely white shorts he wears at the club. Where teenage girls and suburban moms flock to in droves, just to adjust their tennis whites and hope to catch his eye.
Robin really wishes she could tell them that they’re barking up the wrong tree. She’s had Billy pegged since the day they opened Scoops and he turned up in a tank top and jeans, just to lounge in a booth with his cantankerous sister for half an hour. She didn’t even seem to want to be there, which had made Robin think.  
He pulls out a cigarette and a lighter, even though he still has gum in his mouth. She sincerely hopes that he’s not the kind of person who just drops his old gum onto the sidewalk. But to her relief, he sticks it into the wrapper and stashes it in his pocket, cigarette dangling from his bottom lip. “Old Stevie and I are good pals now, haven't you heard?”
“No,” Robin retorts. Steve is her best friend, a fact that still baffles and delights her. Pitching up at Scoops last summer to find that the king of Hawkins High was her coworker hadn’t exactly filled her with joy. 
But as it turns out, Steve is pretty cool. And they don’t keep secrets, which is why Robin is so sure that she would have heard about this little development. 
Alright, so she’s kept Billy’s rather obvious crush secret, but that’s not hers to tell. 
“Well, we are,” he says, shortly, exhaling a stream of smoke. His cool blue eyes flash briefly, a little of that hot temper making a reappearance. Robin smothers a grin. 
“So,” she says casually, making sure she takes up as much space in the doorway as possible. It’s fucking freezing, because it’s November but she’s not about to miss the opportunity to mock him. “If I go and get old Stevie…he’ll totally say that he invited you because you’re such ‘good buds’. Did I get that right?” She watches his jaw clench, a familiar enough motion. Billy Hargrove is all coiled heat, an explosion just waiting for the right spark. 
“That’s what I said,” he says, stubbing out his now smouldering, barely used, cigarette on the side of the building - thank fuck Keith isn’t out here to see this - and flicks it away. “Now can you go and get him before we both freeze our tits off out here?” 
“Hey!” Steve appears behind Robin, bright in his favorite yellow sweater. He spots Billy in the doorway and fucking beams. Robin moves from feeling like she’s missed a step to feeling as though she’s just tumbled down the entire fucking staircase.
“Hey, Bambi,” Billy says easily, and nudges Robin out of the way, slipping inside the warmth of Family Video. He just…softens the moment he sees Steve, all of his previous aggression seeping away. Robin stares. 
She doesn’t get it personally. Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington is just like any other guy. Nice enough hair, big dark eyes, pouty mouth. He’s not bad to look at. But she never got why it sent all the girls at school into raptures when he walked by, and she really doesn’t get it now.
“You made it!” Steve says, tugging awkwardly on a strand of hair that’s fallen in front of his eyes. “I didn’t think you were going to come.”
“Nearly didn’t,” Billy comments, flicking a disdainful glance at Robin. “I didn’t know your bouncer was going to be so effective.” Steve has the decency to look sheepish.
“I forgot to add your name to the list,” he mumbles, and Robin can smell the lie on him a mile off. He didn’t add Billy to the list on purpose, knowing full well he’d have to explain why he was inviting an asshole to their movie night. “Go in, I just have to…speak to Robin.”
Robin closes the door on the cold Indiana air and folds her arms across her chest. Steve waits until Billy has vanished behind the Employees Only red curtain.
“What the fuck, Harrington?” Robin demands, feeling unsettled and embarrassed. She hates that Billy has managed to show her up, but the core of her hurt lies in that Steve didn’t tell her. Actually willingly kept something from her. They’ve never done that, not since that night at Carol’s party where they both got totally wasted on some kind of punch and she told him about Tammy Thompson. Sharing secrets and a toilet bowl is what made them best friends. 
“I’m sorry!” Steve pleads, an upset flush to his neck. “It was a last minute thing and I thought you wouldn’t approve. I mean, it’s Billy.”
“Well, yeah,” Robin says, flicking the lock on the door. Short of any more surprise visitors, everyone is here. They probably don’t have long before Keith demands they start the first film. “But I thought we hated Billy. You hate Billy. All I’ve heard for nearly two years is that he’s an asshole with stupid hair and stupid tight jeans and…” She trails off. Now that she’s said it all aloud she can hear herself. Can hear how Steve’s words sound, how familiar they are because she’s said things like that herself. How Becky Orchard thought she was all that in her training bra. That Beth Larsen’s new red lipstick was too bright and Robin couldn’t stop staring at it. That Tammy Thompson’s stupid perfume made her gag. 
Oh yes. Robin’s said things like that before. 
“Steve,” Robin says, slowly. “Do you have something that you want to tell me?”
Steve promptly looks terrified.
“It was dumb,” he mutters, eyes flicking down to the floor. “I don’t really…”
But what he means to say is lost as Keith barrels back through the curtains to demand that they start the film now because people have curfews (Keith has a curfew) and it’s inconsiderate to not start promptly (Keith is terrified of his mother) and who the fuck invited Billy Hargrove (and whoever did so is fired, because Keith is also terrified of Billy.)
“Coming,” Robin calls merrily and then digs her fingers into Steve’s arm so he can’t run away.
“I will let this go for tonight but you are taking me home after shift tomorrow and buying pizza and telling me exactly what the hell is going on.” Steve nods mutely and flees the moment she lets go. How much of an answer she’ll get out of him tomorrow is debatable, which is fucking wild given that she’s heard every gory detail of his love live, from Heidi, to Janine to Daisy.
Robin doesn’t follow him in just yet, needing a minute to tip her head back against the door and take a deep breath. Holy shit. 
She’ll have to go in soon and endure yet another rewatch of Fast Times, and Keith’s awkward conversations with her friends and as she’s not sure how far along Steve and Billy are, there’s a chance they’ll sneak off to the closest to make out which really ruins her plans with Vickie. They only have the one supply closet. 
Man, Steve really can’t give her shit over Tammy Thompson now.
Cheered by the thought, she slips into the back just as the opening credits roll up, and slides into her seat next to Vickie. But she doesn’t look at the movie right away, instead watching the barely visible space in between Billy and Steve and wonders how she didn’t see it before. 
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vibingpyro · 5 months
English Muffin
Hobie Brown.
Hobie Brown is a menace, truly. Ever since joining the Spider HQ, he has been a lingering shadow, always poking and prodding, not to mention cracking some sarcastic yet admittedly funny comments about Miguel and the other spiders.
But unlike Hobie, I'm a much more secret menace, sometimes stealing the last coffee creamer from the cafeteria without notifying the others that work there to restock, or even taking someone's unmarked leftovers in the communal fridge of the break room. Which leads us to now.
I'm currently eating on an, what I assumed, unmarked and unclaimed english muffin in the break room of the headquarters, sitting down on one of the somewhat battered chairs in the annoyingly bright light that occasionally flickers out every so once and a while.
And right now, I've never wanted it to fizzle out so bad.
My eyes flicker up, meeting Hobies intense gaze and I freeze, mid bite. 'oh shit' I quickly think as Hobie also seems to freeze for a moment an unreadable expression on his face as he walks closer, his hands placed in his pockets of his vest.
"Is that my muffin?" He asks bluntly, although there's an amused tinge to his voice.
I shut and open my mouth, quickly putting down the English muffin back in its wrapper I had found it in, and sure enough, there is a small almost unreadable signature on the wrapper that I hadn't seen at first glance and I physically grimace.
"...maybe?" My voice squeaks out, as I gather up the courage to look back up at Hobie, I swear I hear him snicker for a moment and I can only blink in surprise as he pulls out the chair across from me, and sits down in it.
"Y'know, it's not polite to eat others food." He says, and I immediately open my mouth to apologize but he speaks before I can. "I'm just takin' the piss, love. You're fine." He says, his hand moving out of his vest pocket to make a waving motion in the air, always using his hands to speak this one.
My eyebrows shoot up at Hobies words, and as I look at him he truly doesn't seem bothered by the fact he just caught me eating his English muffin, mid bite and all. It's hard to believe that this is how he's reacting when not even last week, he reprimanded and instant mashed potato-ed another spiders front lawn before it rained as revenge for eating his cheeseburger.
"You're sure?" I ask, squinting my eyes in suspicion, gazing down at the English muffin as if it personally kicked my grandmother. "You didn't poison it or something, did you?" I question, half joking.
Hobie snorts at that, but shakes his head to my immense relief. "No, but I probably should start lockin' my food up at this rate." He shrugs and I laugh, nodding along to that. "That would probably be for everyone's best interest." I reply, my hands reaching out to take another bite of the English muffin, it truly is delicious.
It's only when I begin to think, as I take the bite that, why is he being so nice to me? Hobie and I typically don't interact unless we have been tasked together for a mission. He has always been kind to me in passing, giving an encouraging pat on the back, and telling jokes to lighten the mood when we are assigned on missions but I'm certain he does that with the other spiders as well.
After I swallow my bite, the question seemingly passes my lips before I can rationally think about it. "Why are you letting me do this?" I ask, leaning my arm on the table with my head resting on my palm. One of Hobies pierced eyebrows quirks up, and he replies amused. "We're friends, aren't we." It's not said as a question more of a statement
I blink. "So you're not planning some oddly elaborate and time consuming prank for me to clean up?" I ask.
Hobie stares at my face, "Are you going to eat my muffin, or keep askin' oddly elaborate questions?" He replies, that amused tone still there but this time with a hint of sass with his eyebrow still quirked up.
My eyes narrow, as I pick up the English muffin once more, taking another bite as my reply. Hobie rolls his eyes, with a small smile on his lips, shiny piercing at the side of his lip catching in the glint of the lighting of the breakroom. 'Look away from the pretty British man, look away from the pretty British man- oooh but he's so pretty' I think, shaking my head as a rapid blush rises to my cheeks.
I avert my eyes as, the last thing I want to do is possibly make Hobie too uncomfortable with my staring, but for a very brief moment, I think I see Hobies pupils turn into hearts.
'nah, this muffin probably is poisoned after all...'
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cloversugar · 2 years
here’s my take on the sumeru characters as an actual middle easterner
so to say the very least im not surprised. like at all. but very disappointed?? as a disclaimer, i personally am on the lighter side of the skin tone spectrum, but still pass as middle eastern. my family itself is varied, some of my relatives are darker or tanned, while others, like me, are lighter. on that note, having maybe a couple of light skinned characters would be ok, but having next to none at all for tanned characters from a region where many if not most people are going to be tanned is something i take issue with. while the game also has a grand total of two tanned playable characters as of now. yikes. i like the designs, i think they’re alright given who’s behind them. but id like them a lot more if the characters weren’t whitewashed??? like?? so you’re going to name them and clothe them in their cultures but make them pasty?? yeah yeah ok. some people have said it better than me, so my opinions are pretty messily laid out, but yeah!!! what the fuck!!! it’s giving very much aladdin. it’s giving you didn’t give enough of a shit about anyones culture so you mashed it all together and then didn’t care enough to make your characters look the part beyond their outfits. but you could put in the effort to be culturally accurate when it came to cultures like chinese, japanese, and german? or, you know to put it bluntly, cultures where most people tend to be lighter skinned. yeah. you did so well representing them, wb us? hm?
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katsukikitten · 2 years
Okay SO we were talking about sitting in Bakugou’s lap while he plays a video game…
This man has it so bad for you that all it takes is being close and he’s getting hard. I mean the little shorts that barely contained your shapely butt didn’t help either, but he just can’t help how much you turn him on with no effort at all on your part. So with you in his lap, ass pressed against his bulge, it’s happening. He’s trying hard to ignore it, and dammit he’d have succeeded if it weren’t for the almost-subtle grinding of your hips into him that you pretended was only happening while you “got comfortable.”
The third time it happened, he almost dropped his controller, having to swallow the groan that he nearly let out. “Sit still, brat,” he grunted.
“I can’t when your cock is this hard underneath me,” You snapped back jokingly. You turned your head to find him staring hard at his computer monitor as a blush crept up his cheeks and dusted the tips of his ears, not expecting you to call him out so bluntly.
Seeming to recover, he button mashed a little harder than necessary as he sucked his teeth. “And who’s fault is that? Fuckin’ tease.”
You shrugged a shoulder and began to untangle yourself from him and the gaming chair. “Well, I can just move—“
“No.” He gripped your hip, his large hand pushing you firmly back down into his lap. “Stay. Please.”
“I’m just distracting you though, right?” You teased.
“I can handle it.”
“Prove it.”
“Fine. Brat.”
You settled back into his lap and rolled your hips against him, pressing your back to his chest. He inhaled sharply but put both hands on the controller, determined to prove you wrong. You grinded down into him, this time with purpose, earning you a barely contained moan from the man under you. He was white knuckling the controller now and you had barely even started. You closed your eyes and let your head fall against his shoulder as you continued to torture him, rolling your hips and grinding into his crotch as his hard cock pressed against your ass.
It didn’t take long for one of his hands to leave the controller to caress and grip your bare thigh. “Fuck… What am I gonna do with you, baby?”
You didn’t answer, just smiled as you continued. He hand crept further up until his fingers were brushing against your center, the wet spot on the garments only growing under his movements. “So wet…”
Soon he began pulling your shorts and panties aside. He easily found your clit, circling the bud and eliciting little gasps of pleasure from you. His hips began to roll with yours, grinding against your ass as his fingers rubbed your clit. Even with the controller still in one hand, he was still able to somehow move around in the game, but you weren’t watching to see if he was actually winning.
You whined when he slipped a finger inside of you, quickly followed by a second. You almost forgot that you were meant to be teasing him as his fingers curled and plunged in and out of you, filling the room with lewd noises as you mewled and moaned. His palm gave you just the right amount of friction on your clit that had you on the edge already. “Katsuki…”
“Yes, baby?” You could hear the smirk in his voice and you knew what he wanted. He purposely grinded up into you a little harder, his other hand gripping your hip to keep you seated in his lap. He kissed along your shoulder and neck until you managed to groan out the right words between gasps of pleasure.
“Please… I wanna cum.”
“Then cum.”
If his command hadn’t been you’re undoing, the feeling of his teeth sinking into the soft spot between your shoulder and neck was. You moaned out his name as the feeling of euphoria washed over you. Your back arched off his chest, your legs trembling as he fingered you through your orgasm. He sucked and licked at the little love bite as you fell apart in his arms. “Good girl.”
As you came down from your high, you noticed both of his hands on your hips as he continued to grind into you. With furrowed brows you looked at the computer monitors to find one of them black with a bloody GAME OVER on the screen. But before you could think to gloat about winning your little game of tease with him, he was yanking down his basketball shorts underneath you, pulling your shorts aside again and pressing the leaking tip into you.
So really, aren’t you both winners here?
(I wrote this fast so I apologize if there’s any errors ahhhhhhhh)
OMG MEG!!!!!! ❤️ 🖤
The fucking sit still brat and then getting to cum IM DYING IM DEAD THIS WAS FUCKING PERFECT
Ugh girl I- 🥴💫🥴🥴🥴
Fucking you in the gaming chair until he feels like he isn't deep enough in you. Quick to fold you over his desk and watch you squirm and try to grab onto something to try to hold on as he fucks the brat out of you
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warp--space · 1 year
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What Comes Next
The 21 year old Rian Shepard, the perfect stranger that Toshinori knew better than anyone else, was so skittish that it could have broken his frozen heart.
It took a bit of talking around, but Nighteye was convinced to leave to secure a more suitable hideout. Soon after, Hinata was able to convince Lilly to go with her to take a shower.
And that left the two men to awkwardly hang around the sparse living room. All Might tried not to let his curious glances linger on Rian while the younger man, visibly uncomfortable, kept layers of threadbare cloth huddled around his form. Memories of said young man wearing far less clothing swirled around his mind, and he had to beat them back.
This is who I marry, huh? Well… I won't complain. But I'm skeptical about the circumstances.
After several long moments, the blonde sighed. "I don't mean to pry, but… is there anything I can do to make you calm down?" He paused, then looked away, rubbing his neck. "That was worded wrong… I'm not exactly used to this… but still. Is there anything I can get you?"
The older man nodded, disappearing into the kitchen for a moment, then returning with a glass of water. He knelt in front of the brunette, almost hesitating as he measured his words, holding the glass out. "Don't drink too fast… you could get sick."
The young man regarded the glass carefully and he took hold of it, inspecting it, and then nodded. He scooted closer. Hesitating a moment, he sniffed it, then took slow and careful drinks. All Might couldn't help but feel relieved that his directions were being followed.
"...Thank you."
All Might nodded. "Can you stand?" he asked, taking the empty glass back after Rian finished it. The young man seemed to think hard, then nodded. Giving the softest smile he could, the blonde offered his hand. "Come with me, then. I can warm up some food for you and your sister… my daughter ate while the anesthesia still had you out cold."
The small man shivered, then took the hand with the careful deliberation of someone who expected to be bitten. It made Toshinori want to kill every single person in that lab. The overwhelming desire to protect this person was... new. But purposeful, and not entirely unwelcome. Familiar. The villain guided him into a standing position, then carefully led him into the kitchen where he had the brunette sit at the table.
The blonde bruiser began warming up some mashed potatoes, letting the hum of the microwave fill the silence while he carefully chose his next words.
Might as well get this part over with.
"... Again, I don't mean to pry. But I find myself wanting to help you. So… you're transgender, right?" All Might could practically feel the icy glare he was receiving from the younger man, who kept his silence bitter. Sighing, he continued speaking. "I saw your file. Don't misunderstand me."
"... So what if I am?" He hissed, voice almost a whisper. After a beat, he continued, trembling like a leaf. "I had to sit there for years being referred to as a girl and being constantly degraded and threatened with assault. No offense, 'cause it's not like I'm ungrateful for you pulling me and my sister out of there, but you'll either call me 'Rian' and refer to me as a man… or I'll just have to annoy you until you put me out of my misery," the brunette said.
All Might considered the small scrap of humanity before him, then smirked. "Alright, Rian, if that's the case, then..." suddenly, the larger man paused, going quiet as the counter he leaned against made a dangerous creaking sound. "Wait... Did you just say assault?"
The young man stiffened. "It's nothing."
"I doubt it," All Might said bluntly, but not unkindly. Miraculously the microwave beeped, and he distracted his ferocious anger by stirring the mashed potatoes and adding butter. "But... I won't press the issue right now. You need to rest. And recover. You and your sister look like shit."
"Is... Is there somewhere... Somewhere we can stay?"
"Obviously. Weren't you listening to Nighteye and I speak earlier? You're staying with me where you'll be safe."
And happy, if I'm lucky.
Toshinori couldn't help but be shocked as the kid just... Burst into silent tears, staring down at his feet. For a moment the blonde thought that he'd said or done something wrong... Until he realized that the kid was relieved, not hurt or frightened.
How the hell am I going to pull this off without breaking his wounded little heart? I'm the most heartless bastard I know... But... I suppose I don't have to stay that way.
"... Does your sister know?"
"My sister hasn't seen me for nearly half of her life…" Rian practically whispered. "I have no idea what she knows."
"Then… I'll be glad to help. Respectfully. Obviously I'll be using the name and terms you prefer… but…" The young man gave him a confused look, and the blonde didn't bother to try to hide his blush as he slid a bowl of food towards him. "But… I can also help you get surgeries. Clothes. Hair dye. Anything you need, I can provide."
"...What's the catch?"
"None. Just…" All Might scowled, rubbing the back of his head. "...just get better. What happened to you wasn't right. That piece of shit and his lackeys only experimented on you because they want to be stronger than me, so I'm holding myself responsible…" he grumbled, heart sinking as he remembered that Rian never would have been there if he had also shown up at the bank those years ago. "And… you'd look less like shit if you could smile."
Then laughter.
"Well…" Rian said, suppressing giggles as his face lit up Toshinori's suddenly shabby-looking kitchen. "I guess you aren't wrong… but don't blame yourself."
If only you knew.
"How about this…" the young man murmured, eating slowly as he talked. "You're the world's greatest villain, All Might… right?"
"Then… I'll help you watch your daughter while you're out being a menace. I mean…" Rian shuddered. "I want to say I don't wanna impose… but the thought of going outside makes me feel sick. It might be better if I stay inside. Just until I can get used to people again."
"Of course… and on that note, you can take your time doing that. No one will dare to push you. I'll kick their asses if they try."
"I appreciate that," Rian said, smiling softly. "You know… you're a good dad, I think. Or at least you seem like it. You're a better person than I thought you might be, just looking at you."
Toshinori's face heated up, but before he could speak, a door down the hall slammed open.
"Uhoh…" the young man murmured, shakily standing up. Toshinori had to fight to keep himself from physically supporting him, and instead he portioned off more mashed potatoes into a bowl. "Over here, sis! I'm in the kitchen with Hinata's father."
The blonde listened to the pitter patter of little feet running towards their location, and his heart felt oddly warm.
"RayRay the shower is so cool! It's a whole room by itself and there's this big-big tub!!! Like big for that guy! You need to go see it!"
Rian smiled, hesitating for a moment, before he went to his knees and hugged his little sister tightly. "... I missed you, kiddo. I'll go do that while you eat."
On cue, Toshinori put a small bowl down on the table for Lilly.
"Eat up while your brother showers, kid… then you all should definitely go to bed."
The kids were already pouting at him, but the blonde couldn't help but smile at Rian's back as the younger man shakily walked down the hall.
If the previous 'me's somehow managed to get through this first night without falling in love with him… it'll have been a miracle.
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curseofbreadbear · 14 days
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bravevolunteer asked: i've never seen you before today. (for cassidy)
[Typically, Cassidy indiscriminately attacked the pizzeria's night guards; her killer had been employed here, so logically, any employee who spent their nights here could be him. That said...her attacks were often hindered by the boy who shared her suit: Evan.]
[Evan was frustratingly rational. Where Cassidy saw any employee as either complicit or connected to her killer, Evan insisted that most Fazbear's employees were innocent -- which, in her opinion, couldn't be further from the truth. They worked HERE, after all, and were none-the-wiser to the reason why the mascots' suits were stained with blood and mucus. Nobody here was innocent.]
[This time around, though...Evan was acting differently. When Cassidy demanded that he relay the guard's appearance to her ( she only had one physical characteristic to work off of, but it was enough ), he clammed up. There was only one real explanation: Evan recognized this guy.]
[His reactions throughout the week gave her a clearer answer about his identity; this was his brother. The same brother who'd tortured and murdered him. No wonder he was so conflicted -- despite everything that happened to him, he wanted to face his tormentor with forgiveness.]
[Well, Cassidy wouldn't let that happen. They refused to let his brother get away scott-free.]
[They materialized in the office, their vessel limp and lifeless; Cassidy threw her ( and subsequently, the bear's ) gaze in the guard's direction. White pupils glowed brightly from the suit's hollow interior, hinting at the spirit's presence within. When she first spoke, she made her intentions clear -- "I know what you did." The guard bluntly stated that he'd never seen them before...a comment that was technically mutual.]
❝ Duh. We've never met. But...that doesn't mean I don't know who you are. ❞ [Putting on a show, Cassidy flickered the lights; the suit vanished, then reappeared, upright, mere inches from Michael's face. For added effect, she mashed her teeth up and down; the bear followed suit, chomping down on nothing.]
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❝ Do you remember what you did to him? ❞
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gazpachoandbooks · 2 years
Does the idea of Gendry somehow getting caught up in the Brienne-Jaime-Pod-Stoneheart-Searching-For-Sansa roadtrip drive anyone else insane or is it just me
Like he's already appeared in Brienne's POV he can't fade into the background again I need my anarchist son to stay in the narrative
Also putting his mistrust of everyone and everything aside Brienne and him would get along swimmingly, no surprise there, and he's used to helping children with no one to turn to so Pod would end up adoring him, but Jaime.
Jaime would initially find it funny wouldn't he. This walking replica of Robert/Renly/Stannis all mashed together in one short-tempered oblivious blacksmith.
But oh Jaime. Does he remind you of someone Jaime. Someone who joined a brotherhood he considered the epitome of chivalry and decency, only realising his mistake when it's already too late to change his mind. It begins to ring a bell, doesn't it Jaime?
Just imagine for a second. How funny would it be if this ridiculous talk-crap-get-smacked teenager-just-sworn-knight was the one to finally turn Jaime's father!instinct on. How HILARIOUS would it be if Jaime started actually liking him. Like imagine this scowling grumpy kid who is very obviously a Baratheon!Sample but is also obviously Very!Unaware of this listening attentively to Brienne and bluntly ignoring orders and manners and stubbornly defending the innocent and Jaime going shit he's a nice kid he's Robert's kid though but he's brave but he's ROBERT'S KID but he's a knight who is ACTUALLY HONORABLE but he reminds me of ROBERT but someone should definitely be watching over him WHY DO I CARE
Meanwhile Gendry is trying his very best not to punch him every time he speaks because 1) the Lannisters did run a manhunt for him some years ago and he still has no idea why, and 2) he believes his best friend -his only friend- died in the Red Wedding and the Lannisters did pretty much have a hand on that didn't they? Sure, as long as he's helping find Arya's sister he'll put up with him, but that's getting harder and harder to do because the Kingslayer keeps half-mocking him half-acting as a mother hen around him and things are just starting to get WEIRD
Meanwhile Pod is just happy to be of service and Brienne is torn between confusion and annoyance, starting to lean heavily towards the latter -as is usually the case whenever Jaime is involved-. The potential this gang has honestly
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Miss potatinha pls can I have Touya-nii getting cucked by his incel friend Shigaraki who he teased would neva have a gf, and is now fucking touyas sister? 🙏🙏
Here you go light of my life~ I hope it’s everything you wanted, it was definitely really fun to write. 
Warnings: slightly implied incest, Touya-nii being a meanie
“Touya-nii,” you softly tug at his sleeve, wince when he swats your hand away and tells you to wait, “but Touya-nii I have to go,” you whine. He glares at you.
“Wait until Keigo gets back,” he pulls you to sit on the armrest beside him, “I don’t want you two alone together.” You don’t ask why, you’ve seen the way his friends look at you. They said they wanted to be your friends, too, but Touya keeps you tethered to his side constantly, especially when Keigo is around. It’s like he doesn’t want you to talk to anyone that isn’t him.
It wouldn’t be so bad if your brother wasn’t so mean. He tells you you’re stupid, gives you spankings if you do something he doesn’t like, pinches your thighs, flicks at your chest, and gives you hickeys you can’t hide just because he can and likes to make you uncomfortable. Makes you “play wrestle” so he can grind his crotch into your body while you squirm and try to get away, just how he likes. He makes you cry and then tells you to suck it up while he lets you sit in his lap to “make up for it,” without saying sorry. Ever.
When the blonde comes back Touya lets you go, telling you which hallway to go through since this is Shigaraki’s house and you’ve never been. You nod, give his cheek a kiss when he tells you to, and scamper off to relieve your bladder.
Just as you’re closing the door on the way out you see his other friend, Tomura. He’s never worried about Tomura being around, he thinks he’s too creepy and you’ll cry for your nii-san if he tries anything. You don’t think he’s creepy, though. He’s a lot nicer than Touya. Honestly Keigo is the one that creeps you out when he tries to touch you and makes lewd comments to see you flustered. Shigaraki usually just stares a little but it doesn’t really seem like he knows he’s doing it.
You wonder if he’s nice to you because Touya is mean to him, too. You’ve heard him say Tomura couldn’t get a girlfriend if he paid someone and a bunch of other insults. He calls him crusty and says he’s gross, and one time you could’ve sworn you saw him wiping his eyes after Touya finished berating him.
He walks back with you into the main room where Touya and Keigo are laughing at something on one of their phones. When your brother sees you he gets up, pinching your cheek.
“We’re gonna go grab some beer. Play with Tomura or something, yeah?” You nod, not wanting to risk him spanking you in front of his friends again if you said no. He pats your head and heads out with the blonde, leaving you and Shigaraki alone; completely secure in the thought that he’ll come back to you awkwardly playing video games. Or maybe if he’s lucky crying for your nii-san because Tomura’s creepy ass tried to cop a feel.
The two of you end up playing some fps game, sitting in the floor next to each other mashing buttons while you murder your opponents in co-op. You’re not horrible but he’s definitely much better than you and it’s clear he’s completely carrying you through the matches. You keep sneaking glances over at him, admiring the focused expression on his face. It’s a similar expression to the one he has when he’s looking you up and down. You’re not stupid, you can tell when he’s leering at you but for some reason it’s more flattering when it’s him rather than creepy.
Victory flashes across the screen and you set down your controller, pulling your knees up to your chest. He throws his down and goes to the kitchen to grab an energy drink, taking a sip and then offering the can to you to try. Your cheeks burn as you press your lips to the same place his had just been, barely even tasting the liquid inside before handing it back and muttering a thank you.
“Wanna see my setup? It’s way better than the console.” You nod too fast, too enthusiastically, and follow him back down the hall and into his room. It’s gross, there’s empty cans all over the place and laundry covering every inch of the floor. Several hoodies are strewn across his unmade bed and you can’t help but wish you could put one on. You watch him and listen as he tells you about the monitor and how he customized all his stuff, but you don’t understand any of it, simply nodding along and happily taking another sip of his drink when he offers.
“Can I sit?” you ask softly, gesturing to his messy bed. He shrugs, clearly trying too hard to seem indifferent, and you sit, hand smoothing over the soft fabric of his jacket as you move it aside. He sets the can on another empty one on the desk and plops down beside you, much too close for comfort if he were anyone else. You wonder vaguely if your nii-san would make him move.
“You’re cute,” he says bluntly, and you nearly squeak, face burning as you manage a small nod in thanks. He grins widely, gripping your shoulders and looking at you intensely, “So do you wanna go out?” his fingers are digging into you but all you can do is nod again, leaning eagerly when he comes closer until you’re clumsily pressing your lips together.
He almost immediately shoves his tongue down your throat, cupping your face too hard and smushing your face against his. You tangle your fingers in his hair, whimpering when he moves his hands to pinch at your hips and thighs. You cling to him as he pushes you onto your back, his old mattress squeaking loudly under you as he swings a leg over to straddle you, never breaking the kiss.
He tastes like the energy drink, his hair is greasy when your fingers run through it, and you’re pretty sure your head is resting on one of the many questionable stains littering his bed, but you’re elated. Both of you. He gropes harshly at your chest, frantically shoving your shirt up to paw at your nipples, pinching them roughly as he groans into your mouth.
You whimper when he bites your lip, and he pulls away smirking down at your trembling body. His eyes lock onto your chest and he yanks your shirt completely off before setting his sights on the rest of your clothes. You pull him into another kiss while he clumsily works off your pants, pulling them and your underwear, leaving you completely naked and him with everything on.
Blood rushes into your cheeks as he pins your arms, hungrily looking over your bare form as though he’s unsure where to start now that he’s got you. You shyly cross your arms over your chest but he takes and pins your wrists above your head, kissing you briefly before dipping down to your chest. His tongue flicks against your hardened nipple, his free hand pinching at the other one as he starts to suckle the soft flesh. He releases your wrists to grip your thigh, pulling your leg out from under him. You get the hint and wrap them around his waist, the fabric of his t-shirt grazing your clit just enough to make you jump at the contact.
He leans back and pulls his shirt over his head, letting it join the mountains of others on the floor. His eyes lock onto your pussy and his tongue trails along his lip. You’re not sure he’s even aware he’s doing it. Without a word, he delves between your legs, excitedly licking you with no technique or regard for how it feels, merely wanting to taste. You squirm and his arms wrap around your thighs, pinning you as he laps at your folds. His clumsy movements against your clit are enough to send you over the edge, and you grip his hair as you cum, crying his name as your back arches.
He wipes his chin off with one of the random articles of clothing scattered under you and flings it to the floor, crawling over you and latching onto your neck. His cock springs free as he shoves his pants down, bouncing slightly before weighing heavily down. Bigger than you’d imagined, and you’d thought you were generous. You catch him smirk at your reaction, giving it a few pumps for your viewing pleasure.
He lines up the drooling head of his cock and presses slightly in, gathering slick on it before pushing in the rest of the way. The stretch has your eyes rolling back into your head and soft whimpers leaving your lips. His head bumps your cervix as his hips meet yours and you let out a guttural moan, head flopping back onto his bed.
“Fuck,” he groans, looking down at the sight of his pubes pressed flush against your folds. He gives a few experimental thrusts, marveling at how much your walls cling and twitch around him. You moan softly, wrapping your arms around his neck and drawing him into another kiss as he starts to really move. He’s rough, like you expected, hips rolling against yours almost frantically as he fucks you into his mattress.
You’re moaning and panting into each other’s mouths moreso than actually kissing, gripping at limbs as though you’re both worried it isn’t really happening. The bed groans and the headboard smacks against the wall, bed springs squeaking loudly, however it’s not loud enough to drown out either of your moans.
For a time he leans back and smiles wildly at you, not attempting to hide his excitement. His pace is uneven and rapid, borderline inhuman. He grips your hips to keep you in place as he uses you like a toy, immediately stooping to kiss you when you give his arm a little, needy tug. He’s perceptive, trailing a hand gently along your cheek when you cling to him, still reaming you without pause.
Your tongues twirl together as his hands come up to press yours into the bed, fingers interlocked as his thrusts get more animalistic. Tears prick at your eyes, his rough treatment and the friction from his hair pushing you closer to the edge again. As though able to read your mind, he trails a hand down your body, pinching and groping his way to your clit and rolling it in his inexperienced fingers.
You can tell he’s close, his hips sputter and he groans, shoving his face into your neck to suck at your skin and muffle his noises. His treatment of your clit gets rougher, the puffy nub’s abuse bringing you to orgasm. Your eyes roll back in your head and you cry out just as the door opens, giving your brother a front row seat to your O face.
Touya’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates at the sight, Keigo’s immediately doing the same but accompanied by a massive grin. They watch as Tomura groans, unaware of their presence, spilling himself inside as your cunt milks him for all he’s worth. He presses into you deeply, humping his cum against your cervix with a shudder before he collapses on top of you, panting.
You tremble under him, grateful for his body covering yours as your face burns. You shake him slightly and he grunts in response, muffled in your neck. He looks up after a second, concerned at your expression before he turns, face going completely white.
Tomura locks eyes with Touya, both completely at a loss for words. Keigo looks over all your exposed skin he can see, ecstatic look still plastered over his face. You’re looking anywhere except at your nii-san or Keigo, trying not to cry as you pull one of his numerous hoodies over your chest.
“Uh,” Tomura starts, “we got along fine. How was the beer run?” You think you can hear Touya’s brain implode.
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hexpea · 3 years
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Ch. 5 - Starting Something ⚠️NSFW BELOW⚠️
Your brother stood there, staring at you intensely with a firm grip on your shoulders while you remained silent, feeling a bit emotional from his words.
"Hey, Y/N..." Kento stared between you both, hoping he wasn't interrupting anything. Satoru's grip on your shoulders relaxed until his hands fell to his side.
"I'll meet up with you at the station," Satoru gave you a close-lipped smile and headed on his own way, leaving you alone with Kento who's presence made you tremble.
"Oh, hey," you blushed, looking away from him for just a moment.
"You were looking for me, right?" He asked bluntly right off the bat. The sudden question startled you.
"I...I guess so, yeah," you admitted. It really wasn't worth it to lie.
"I...overheard your conversation with Naoya," he continued, it being his turn to look away. "I don't think its right for you to sleep with me if you have a boyfriend."
"B-boyfriend?" You wanted to burst into laughter right there, your mood picking up with Kento's choice of words. "He's definitely not my boyfriend."
"Then why did he call himself your husband? He specifically said 'you're mine' as well," he furrowed his brow in confusion.
"Oh..." you laughed awkwardly, "that. Yeah. We're under a certain...contract. All thanks to our dumb elders."
"A contract?" Kento inquired further, quickly becoming intrigued at your situation. He wasn't a part of the "big three" so all of this behavior was new for him.
"Yep, Gojo DNA. It's valuable," you sighed, rolling your eyes. "I may not actually have the power, but I'm at least a vessel for it. With the Zenin's being another powerful family, our elders decided 'hey, why not mash them together?' And so the contract was written and I'm betrothed to Naoya."
"That's a bit intense," he flatted his lips together. "I had no idea the three families interacted in such a way."
"Well this is new for them, too. Who knows, maybe my future Zenin kids will marry into the Kamo family." You playfully shrugged. "I'm supposed to marry him right after high school. Everything's pretty much arranged already."
"I'm...sorry," Kento gave a slight questioning intonation, unsure of what kind of answer he should give.
"Don't be," you chuckled, "it's all a part of being a Gojo." Kento gave an expression of dissatisfaction. "Anyway, I just wanted to pop by and say hello."
"Well, hello," he smiled crookedly, moving some of the hair from his face - happy that you changed the subject. His velvety voice gave you flashbacks from the weekend, your knees subtly shaking. Your eyes shot down for just a moment, brain naughtily giving you images of what lied beneath the fabric of his tight uniform.
"I was wondering if I could have your number, actually," you reached into your backpack, unzipping one of the pouches to get your cell phone, a Samsung Gravity complete with the slide-out keyboard. Kento took it from your hands and started entering his number. Watching him type away was making your heart beat a hundred miles a minute.
"There," he handed the device back to you which you quickly put away.
You suddenly remembered what Naoya threatened you with just a few moments ago, "listen," you started, "we probably shouldn't be seen together. Like, even as friends. Naoya...is not nice." You put it lightly.
"Sure," Kento nodded, "just text me and we can meet up wherever. Just so long as I'm home before midnight." You couldn't believe how loose he was suddenly being with you. You had only known him to be the serious, uptight kind. It was as if something in you loosened him to something more comfortable.
As it usually went for the time, while you walked away to meet your brother - you texted Kento on the way just so he'd have your number. It was just a simple "hey," no more, no less. What made your heart truly flutter was his own "hey" back. It gave you a strong desire to come up with something else to say back. You sat next to your brother on the ride back, engulfed in your phone - trying to figure out how to reply to just a simple hello. Satoru was fighting sleep, eyes struggling to stay open from behind his lenses as you held your device an inch away from your face, typing and erasing message after message.
You finally settled on "what's up?" and closed your device, feeling stupid as ever for sending something so simple and not being able to come up with something more intriguing. You waited the rest of the train ride for a reply, not even getting a response once you were home and well into your homework. You worried that you'd never get a reply. That was, at least, until your phone finally chirped.
You clicked through your device to get to the message to find a "nm wbu" which made you blush intensely. Just a few letters and you were given a fresh nose bleed. (Giving me so much early 00s nostalgia with this shit lol, pardon.)
You continued responding, happy to receive answers back. The quick responses fed into your ego, really feeling as if you were starting something here. Since you were technically engaged to Naoya, your dating history was slim. Slim to a zero. Kento was the first to make you feel such butterflies. You knew that you could end up hurt considering the circumstances, but you were too addicted to stop. The way he made you feel was like an addiction, something you continued to fuel through single letter-based text messages that boomers would be unable to decipher. Instead of finishing your math homework, you found yourself stupidly smiling at the screen of your primitive phone as you and Kento texted away.
The clock quickly hit midnight. You could already hear Satoru snoozing away from behind the surprisingly thin walls of your home. Based on the messages you shared with Kento, the two of you were ready to do a bit of rule bending - something the two of you wouldn't dare do at any other point besides the wee hours of the morning. You threw on a jacket and took the train back to the TJH campus, finding Kento right at the entrance to the main courtyard - only the moonlight lighting his face.
"Hi," you greeted bashfully, interestingly close to his body despite your shy demeanor.
"Hi," he greeted back in a low voice, taking a bit of charge and caressing your cheek with a gentle hand.
"I'm surprised you even met me here," you sighed, pressing your lips together nervously and looking away.
"Well, the heart wants what it wants, I guess," he lowly chuckled, yet again breaking character. Each time he changed that stoic expression it made a warm feeling grow in your chest, as if you were seeing a piece of Kento that no one else would see.
He then slowly pressed his lips to yours, now holding the back of your neck from the caress he gave. Your body melted to his in acceptance, feeling your chapped lips against his smooth and orderly ones. Your chest leaned onto his, taking in his full body despite it just being a kiss. Something about the moment felt fleeting and you just had to capture it all with everything you could.
You were both in the middle of the main courtyard, nowhere suitable for what this was turning into. You couldn't help it, he was just too much for you to handle - your mind racing with inappropriate thoughts despite the few hours in total that you spent together.
"I think we should find a better place," he broke from the kiss breathlessly. What took you the most was his tone of voice. It was incredibly serious, intoxicated from your presence and the feeling of you against him.
"Mhm," you nodded in agreement, completely taken by his kiss - unable to think of anything else in the early morning hours. You had school the next day, but in the moment you simply didn't care. What spoke to you most was what was between your legs.
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You eventually found yourself in a classroom, shoved up against a teacher's desk. The two of you quickly naked and indulging in one another as if you were in the most secure location and definitely not in in a public place. The state that Kento was in was clearly a state that no one in his life would ever see. No one except for you.
Kento was deep within you, hefty grunts dizzying you to a point of no return as your back laid flat against the teacher's desk he had you on, successfully crumpling all of the sheets of paper that had originally laid organized before you. The two of you had no idea which classroom you were in, as if it mattered. The upcoming school day clearly did not exist at the current moment. Either way, you were not only breaking the school rules but also the law. It was uncharacteristic of you both, but something deep down prevented you from acting properly. He simply rammed away, ignoring all sense of orderliness - treating you as if you were some type of animal in heat. He pounded away effortlessly, an animal in his own sense - hitting your cervix repeatedly to the point of submission. Tears streamed down your cheeks, both begging him to stop and begging him to continue. Either way it didn't matter, you had clearly lost yourself to him. The pain was also clearly the pleasure you needed. Your walls clenched relentlessly as his own temples pulsated - his jaw repeatedly clamping shut from the feeling in an attempt to keep himself from cumming too soon. He slowed when he had to and quickened when he was able to. He paid careful close attention to the way your body responded to his movements. It was as if each thought were mathematical in nature just to make sure you were taken care of. You were surprised at how he was able to persist despite this being only his second time. He was such a person that you had to believe this to be his second time. There was no way in your mind that such a sweet, kind-hearted man would be so thoughtful with his movements.
Your walls tiredly pulsed for a final time, clamping around the last of the stamina he had. Both of your bodies were just so incredibly exhausted and sweaty finishing didn't even matter - though both of you managed to successfully climax. His forehead lazily met yours, eyes lulling about until they met yours - a sloppy kiss adding to that satisfied sensation. The heat shared by both of your deep breaths filled your nostrils, the two of you both too stubborn to be the first to pull away.
"Y/N," Kento sighed, his voice rough as he recovered. "I don't think we can keep up with this."
"Nanami..." your voice trailed off, chest heaving in order to catch your breath as his cock was still deep inside despite its softened state. "Please don't say that."
"You're engaged," he muttered, slowly pulling himself from you. Your body already missed the filling sensation. It hadn't hit you how dangerous it was for him to have finished inside, mind still fogged over from the pleasure.
"I'm sixteen," you sighed in response, still feeling mentally intoxicated from your orgasms. "A piece of paper means nothing to me."
"Right now," Kento finished for you. He was suddenly standing straight and somehow composed despite being fully naked. "When you graduate and fulfill your contract, that statement will have a different meaning."
"And?" You insisted, still laying flat on the desk Kento had originally been pounding you on.
"And when the time comes, things like this will be inappropriate." He began to slowly dress as if he wasn't dooming you to some sort of bleak future with Naoya.
"I-I don't care," you clenched your fists, finally sitting up in response to his sudden straight-forward attitude.
Kento gave a sweet, defeated smile as you stuttered out the sentence. "I just don't want to hurt you. I...have no idea how any of this works."
"It's on me if I get hurt in the end. I have to marry that dickhead...let me have a little fun," you pouted.
"Alright," Kento caved, knowing damn well that's what he wanted, too.
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When you were both tidied up, you took a moment to pause before leaving the classroom. Though all you could ever be was friends with benefits, Kento couldn't help but be tender with you. As you leaned on the threshold to the classroom, Kento took a step closer to you - bringing his lips close to yours. You could feel his breath flow across your face, the tip of his nose sliding past yours as he grew closer to press his lips to yours. You felt yourself melting just as you did many times before for him. You clenched your fists at your sides, knowing if you grabbed him the way you wanted to you'd never leave that room.
He slowly came back, just leaving the tip of his nose with yours. Your eyes were out of focus from the proximity but your heart yearned for him to be closer again.
"Y/N," Kento said softly, brushing your cheek with his thumb, "you have to promise me something."
"I'll do anything you say," you whimpered, hypnotized in his blurry gaze. You couldn't help the way he made you feel. You knew that the smartest thing would have been to walk away the night of the party, but it was well beyond too late.
"You have to promise me you won't fall in love," his voice was gentle and slightly unknowing. He felt weird having to say that, but he knew how treacherous being together was - especially with Naoya in the picture.
"I promise," you answered, knowing what he meant.
"I just don't want you to get hurt and I...also don't want to be hurt," he explained what you already knew. "We can still do this, but...if it comes down to love I'm going to have to keep my distance. You're engaged."
"Y-yeah, I understand," you felt like you were being scolded for a moment by your parents.
"I'll...see you around," Kento planted another kiss, this time on your forehead, before leaving you alone in the empty hallway.
Since midnight was well in the past, you were forced to walk home - thankful you lived in a safe neighborhood. You couldn't keep Kento from your mind the entire time, images of you together echoing throughout your brain. You promised...but you didn't know if you could keep it.
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elstreem · 2 years
A Night in Vegas
Just a little BediGuda fluff fic inspired by the All In! event revival in F/GO. I say little but I somehow got 2k words on it, that's where BediGuda brain rot will lead you...
Oh yeah, I usually do BediGudako content with comics and such, so I decided to write this one with Gudao.
Oh yeah, this fic has BediGuda as an established relationship before the event, okaaaay go-
A Night in Vegas
The glittering city of Vegas was not one to go quiet in the hours of the night - if anything, more people were out in the streets, enjoying the cooler air and admiring the dazzling displays of the many casinos.
Around 9 pm, the Chaldea crew was also thinking up plans to unwind after a dazzling day of gambling and sword fighting. They still had to resolve the Singularity and whatever was going on with the Swimsuit Swordmaster tournament…but it was fairly laid back and there was time to enjoy the Singularity at leisure between the battles (the Summerfest, enjoyable as it was, was full of frantic cramming that left some hands cramping well after the event.)
Oei and Musashi - er, Iori, were excitedly thinking of food places to try, Mash wanted to wander about the city with Fou in tow, Siegfried was planning on a quiet evening inside with a few books on hand, and the Master of Chaldea, Fujimaru Ritsuka…
…was talking with Fuuma Kotarou about a little request.
"I'm heading out tonight, but I'll be back around…2, maybe 3 am? You don't have to tail me, Kotarou, I'll be with Bedivere," Ritsuka said.
"Are you sure, Master? Hmm…does this have to do with the note you received earlier?" Kotarou asked - earlier in the day, Bedivere had passed along a written message that got everyone curious.
"Um, yes, it is," Ritsuka said with a little laugh.
"Does it have to do with the Swimsuit Swordmasters?" Oei asked, overhearing the conversation.
"Or something about the Casino Camelot?" Siegfried asked. 
A blush graced Ritsuka's cheeks as he shook his head. Mash suddenly got an idea of what Ritsuka's plan was about and stifled a giggle.
"No, we're just…okay. It's a date, putting it bluntly," Ritsuka said, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh. Ahhhh!?" Oei exclaimed, the words sinking in.
"Oh. Oh! Um. Yes Master, I'll be sure to give you some privacy," Kotarou said, bowing in apology.
"Ha ha! Well, let's not keep you then, you go on, Master of Chaldea!" Iori said with a hearty laugh.
"Yes, do go on, Senpai. Take care and have fun!" Mash said with a wave. Fou also raised a paw in farewell, and with a few more laughs around the Master left the hotel room and went on his way.
Ritsuka went down the hotel steps, unable to stop a grin growing on his face, nervous excitement making his nerves flutter. It had been a while since he had some time to spend with Bedivere…
As he came into the street, he saw the Knight standing calm and collected, silver hair glowing with different tints from the lights around him. 
"Bedi!" Ritsuka called, and the Knight of the Round Table turned, a smile gracing his face on seeing his Master approach.
"Ritsuka," Bedivere called warmly, opening his arms. With full trust, Ritsuka ran up to him and jumped, laughing with delight as Bedivere easily caught him. The Knight wasn't wearing his armor, just his plain clothes beneath, so Ritsuka could come close without having to be uncomfortably pressed against metal.
"How are you, Master? Not tired, I hope?" Bedivere asked as he wrapped his arms around Ritsuka. 
"No, I'm fine. I had some sleep late in the afternoon," Ritsuka said, looking up at Bedivere's face. The Master had a slight frown of concern, raising his right hand to touch Bedivere's cheek.
"And you? You've been working all day at the Casino Camelot, right? Have you taken a rest?" Ritsuka asked.
"And don't try to use being a Servant as an excuse, Bedi, you should still have some rest," Ritsuka continued with a knowing look.
Bedivere gave a small chuckle at that, touched by Ritsuka's concern.
"I most solemnly swear, I have been looking after myself, Master. We close the place for the night, remember? I've had some time to myself," Bedivere said.
"Good to hear," Ritsuka said, hugging Bedivere and indulgently pressing his face to Bedivere's chest.
Bedivere laughed again, putting a hand on top of his Master's head and brushing his tufted hair in little back and forth motions.
"Is there anywhere you wish to visit tonight?" Bedivere asked.
"Mm…somewhere quiet would be nice. We've been having too much excitement racking up QP during the day…" Ritsuka said.
"Somewhere quiet sounds good. Oh, I know, shall we go to the edge of the city? I think I saw some places to sit there…" Bedivere said.
Ritsuka finally found the willpower to draw back from Bedivere and did so to smile.
"Okay, lead the way!"
"Let's go, then," Bedivere said, offering his hand, and Ritsuka gladly took it as they walked off into the night.
They sat at the edge of the city, looking out onto the waters that surrounded it. The noise of the streets was muted and it was actually quite calm and soothing, a slight breeze making waves that lapped at the city.
"Even after the previous summer's trip to…Luluhawa, wasn't it? I'm still not used to the idea of a calm sea," Bedivere said.
"What's your idea of a good vacation, then?" Ritsuka asked curiously.
Bedivere closed his eyes in thought.
"Anywhere quiet is fine. And even better, if I'm with you," the Knight answered, looking intently at Ritsuka's face.
Ritsuka felt heat flare in his cheeks, and he wondered if Bedivere could see his blush in the dim light.
"I don't think I'll ever want to go back to the desert, but I suppose this one isn't so bad," Bedivere said with a laugh.
"Ha ha, yeah, this is quite cozy for a desert isn't it?" Ritsuka laughed along.
"How about you, Ritsuka? Where would you like to go for a vacation?" Bedivere asked.
"Hmm…" Ritsuka tipped his head back in thought. He had visited a lot of places through Singularities, some in rather implausible environments (like an actual magical girl realm)…but even through all those fantastical experiences…
"Hmm…this sounds like I'm copying you, but…any place with you, sounds great, Bedi," Ritsuka said, turning to look at Bedivere.
A cool breeze blew by, ruffling Ritsuka's hair, and the Master shivered a little, still clad in his summer clothes.
Almost instantly, Bedivere summoned his cape and wrapped it around Ritsuka.
"Ah, yes, deserts get cold at night…" Bedivere said in concern.
"Oh! Thanks, Bedi," Ritsuka said, clutching the cape edges with his hands.
"Do you need extra warmth, Master?" Bedivere asked.
"Um, it's a little chilly, but I'm fine -" Ritsuka said, when Bedivere put an arm around his shoulders and drew him close.
"Is that better?" Bedivere asked.
So much better, Ritsuka wanted to answer, but he got tongue-tied and could simply nod. After a few seconds of thinking, the Master decided to let himself fully enjoy the moment and snuggled up to Bedivere's chest with a little sigh of happiness.
"I should have thought of bringing some warm drinks…" Bedivere mused, and was about to ask if Ritsuka wanted some, but seeing him comfortable, Bedivere decided it could wait.
They so very rarely had time and the privacy to be close together…
The hours pleasantly passed by in a quiet murmur of talk, enjoying the warmth of contact and taking in the soothing vista of water in the moonlight. But it had to end sometime, and seeing Ritsuka yawn a few times in a row, Bedivere spoke.
"We should head back. Don't worry I will get some rest. I promise," Bedivere said, raising Ritsuka's hand to his lips.
Ritsuka sighed, the sweet gesture not quite making up for the knowledge that they had to part.
"I promise to get some sleep, too. Don't worry, I can afford to wake a little late," Ritsuka said, mustering a smile at Bedivere's words. Knowing that the Knight was actively making an effort to take care of himself always felt like a victory.
"If I can, I'll see you again another night, my Ritsuka," Bedivere said.
"I'll look forward to it," Ritsuka said, and they stood up together.
Again they linked hands and walked back, taking their time on the way. Too soon for Ritsuka's taste, they ended back at the Gildalay Hotel.
"Here we are," Bedivere said, turning to Ritsuka. Though the Knight did his best to keep his voice calm, Ritsuka could hear a note of wistfulness in it. 
The Master gave Bedivere's hand a squeeze and looked up, lips about to frame a request when he felt the cool touch of a silver hand on his chin. The fingers came to cup his cheek, thumb brushing carefully across his lips in a question.
Ritsuka closed his eyes in answer, tilting his head, barely breathing, waiting for -
Bedivere brushed his lips across Ritsuka's, a fleeting, light touch, just the merest suggestion of warmth. Shy and modest, much like the Knight who gave it, but afire with love and adoration all the same.
Ritsuka pressed back, slightly clumsy but filled with feeling, and Bedivere obliged to deepen the kiss. What followed was a moment like a fragment of eternity, suspended among the lights of an unreal city of hopes and passions.
No matter how long the kiss, the sort of which left Ritsuka panting for breath after, it was still too short a time to spend together. Every snatched moment was bittersweet with that knowledge, knowing that their time together would always be limited, not just because of Ritsuka's ongoing mission, but just the fact that existing as Servant was always going to be temporary.
Once the world was restored, for good, hopefully…that was the day they will have to part as well.
But having resolved to love each other as best as they could…
"Good night, my Ritsuka. I hope you sleep is filled with sweet dreams," Bedivere murmured, holding Ritsuka close for one last embrace. The Master hugged him fiercely back, savoring the tender moment.
"With a night like this, I will have the sweetest dreams," Ritsuka said. Bedivere smiled at that - and one more moment holding hands, then letting go. Ritsuka walked back up the hotel steps, turning for one last look and a wave.
Bedivere waved back, and pressed a hand to his chest. With one last look at the building, he quietly made his way back to the Casino Camelot for his own rest, some hours before it opened again for business.
Mash drew a blanket over Ritsuka, who was deeply asleep soon after coming back, a slight smile on his face as if dreaming of something good.
"Seems like Master had a good night," Siegfried said quietly to Mash.
"I'm glad he did. I hope they had a good time," Mash whispered back.
"Fou?" Fou asked, waving his tail.
"I won't ask, Fou! We'll know if Senpai tells us. If not, we let him be," Mash scolded. 
Fou gave her a look as if pointing out she was quite curious too.
"Come on, Fou. Go to sleep," Mash chided.
"Fou…fou fou fo fo," Fou grumbled, but curled up into a ball. 
Bedivere…did not receive the same consideration. He sighed and put his hand to his forehead as Gawain, Lancelot and Tristan crowded around him with questions.
"My fellow Knights, no, I am not going to talk about our time together," Bedivere said with a sigh.
"Aww, why not? Shouldn't you celebrate it with us?" Gawain asked.
"Ha ha ha no, I'm not telling. Go away," Bedivere said with a pleasant smile.
"Was it that bad?" Lancelot asked.
"Knowing Sir Bedivere, if anything, it was very successful, wasn't it? Ah, how delightful," Tristan said with a knowing smirk.
"Speculate all you want. I'm going to get some sleep, as promised," Bedivere said with a roll of his eyes. He made a hasty retreat to his room, locked the door, and sighed, finally unable to repress the blush creeping over his face. More than anything, the memory of Ritsuka contentedly nestled close was something he was going to treasure for a long time.
He let out a little sigh - here in this strange Singularity, he got to see his King having some fun and actually smiling most of the time, and perhaps there was not just one, but many other chances of a good date with his Ritsuka. If only his comrades weren't acting a little…kooky from being Aloha Knights he could enjoy himself fully.
Bedivere gave a little laugh to himself - he wasn't gambling anything, but somehow he was winning all his heart's desires. Manifesting as Servant truly was a miraculous thing…and with that thought in mind he went to bed for some promised rest.
If you read to the end, thanks much! I wasn't planning on making this, but while playing the event (and totally destroying all the normal enemies with my Ruler Artoria with MLB Attack Up CE) I was just thinking, hey, it's a fairly laidback event and there's some time for Ritsuka to hang out with a partner of their choice...and with me that means Bedi lol.
I am actually aro-ace so if anything about the dialogue or actions are cringey you know why, I don't actually have romance experience lol. I just wanted this two to have some quiet time together.
I am very nervous posting fanfics, so all the 64 other BediGuda fics I have on my phone are probably going to be taken to the grave lol. This one is on my Gdocs which might be easier to read, but asdfghkkh why would anyone even want to https://docs.google.com/document/d/18W7SzpkRr1x9hpgTfb7eBENe5ZtyCoRRmuqso_GfmGE/edit?usp=sharing/
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mdverse · 2 years
Hey! So your Furtana art (and art in general) always brings me such joy and I think I feel similarly about Finn as you do, i.e. can't really love canon him but I do like aspects of his character and therefore like my headcanon of him. So I just wanted to ask, what would you change about canon Finn to make him more easily likeable? What do you think are the best things about him, and do you have any headcanons you'd like to share? :) (could be Furtana related haha, or not)
hi!! am glad my art can make u happy (especially the furtana stuff, they really have become my comfort trio haha).
i do want to warn you that i'm not great at analysing characters (or anything else ngl my brain is often very empty), and i'm even worse at putting my thoughts into words, but i'll do my best for u :)
i think the main thing i would change isn't even an aspect of Finn himself, honestly. if anything, the most important change i'd want would be for the characters around him to hold him accountable for his actions. bc let's face it, Finn gets away with saying a lot of things. he's the only character i can think of rn who used two different slurs, in addition to the entirety of mash-off/ikag, and probably more things that i can't remember off the top of my head, and the only time i know that someone for sure made him actually think about the consequences of his words was Burt. also santana slapping him, but idk if that really counts. i know u just watched ikag so i don't really need to go into the fact that pretty much no one tries to knock some sense into him (the kurt/klaine aspect of the outing really irks me and i don't feel like getting into that here but ugh). with the r-word i think he did realise immediately that he was wrong to say it and i think he regretted it, but my point is. most people around him didn't hold him accountable for the hurtful things he said and did, so he was able to get away with doing things without really thinking about the gravity of his actions. and that's really frustrating, bc we see that burt yelling at finn does actually have an effect - it's clumsy but he does try to support kurt after that. and i think we see it in s4 with him defending unique when she is dead set on playing rizzo; he knows there are risks in letting her do so, but he is 100% willing to protect her to the best of his abilities. he's capable of growth, and i think he's also willing to learn, it just seems to take a lot for him to get there sometimes. which actually leads pretty well into why i like vb au furtana! the thing about santana is that she just,, doesn't take people's bullshit. she's stubborn and won't shy away from a fight, even if she stands no chance of winning, which means that growing up together, santana would've always been ready and willing to throw finn's mistakes in his face. very bluntly. it most definitely also means that finn and santana fought a lot as children - usually over dumb stuff bc, yknow, they were kids. but regardless of what it was, finn would come out of the conflict with a new understanding of what he did wrong and most importantly, why it was wrong for him to do x thing. which isn't to say that vb au santana had a fantastic moral compass as a child, bc she did also treat kurt (among others) like trash for a while, but her constant presence and bullshit detector play a big part in preventing vb au finn from turning into canon finn.
in terms of what i do like about him... i think it's kinda similar to your recent post about santana and how you like that she's cruel and messy (i do too! wasn't sure how to respond to that post bc words are hard but,,, its sth i enjoy exploring in vb au... just letting her be harsh and defensive at times... but that's a whole other thing lmao anyway back to finn). i like that he's flawed. i like that he's confused, that he doesn't really know what he wants in life, especially after high school. i like that he's insecure, that he lashes out at people (though sometimes his anger issues worry me and make me think that he needed therapy. tbh a lot of the glee characters needed therapy but that's a whole other post again), that he feels like the (stupid) high school hierarchy is extremely important, that he struggles to merge that part of his life with his love for the glee club. he feels grounded, yknow? i love me some character flaws that make them instantly relatable. but i think what i love about him the most is how kind he can be. it feels weird to type that right after bringing up some of his worst moments on the show, but he really does have some incredibly sweet moments with people. to me, his growth shows the most in s4, bc teacher!finn had some moments where you could just tell that even if he didn't know what he was doing, even if he was scared to be leading these kids by himself, he still cared about them so much. things like helping artie make grease happen, helping ryder with his dyslexia, trying to help the s4 newbies bond with each other, making sure the club didn't fall apart after their sectionals. i am still judging him for deciding to do gangnam style but that's unimportant rn. idk i'm really losing my train of thought now so i'll just finish with this: finn is a sweet but dumb boy. he has golden retriever/dumb ginger cat energy written all over him and i just desperately wish he had been given more chances to properly grow from his mistakes, instead of pretty much everyone (except burt hummel, king, icon) glossing over it.
one more thing tho! i am once again shamelessly self-promoting but i know that watching ikag was a struggle for u and i humbly offer my version of santana's coming out in hopes that it's a more pleasant experience for u...
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truglori · 3 years
Homebody (Ch.3)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning : Language, Slight Smut
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Davio’s was the choice of the night. It was known for being one of the top restaurants with a perfect view looking out towards the city.
Scoping out the restaurant Erik’s attention was drawn to the repeated sounds of utensils clinking against porcelain plates. Along with the many voices talking amongst each other, it was driving him to the state of annoyance. If it was up to him he would have rather chosen something more quiet and isolated so that he could be focused on his date.
Bringing his mind back to what was in front of him he checked out his view. Sitting there with her titties out and her signature ice piece that rested comfortably in her cleavage, she rocked an all black dress that clung to her body perfectly.
Shyly looking up from her dessert menu Alexis caught him staring her down. She gave him a smile before setting down the laminated paper. Flipping her 26 inches of Brazilian bundles over her shoulder that she decided to wear bone straight, she leaned in to give him a better view.
“You like what you see daddy?” She teased before sipping on her glass of Rosè.
Erik eyes scanned over her one last time. “I do. You look good as fuck right now.”
“Mm thank you daddy. I got this dress earlier today just for you.” She always tried her best to impress him.
He slowly nodded his head. “Oh yeah? You showing out for me..having ya ass all out like that too.”
Erik couldn’t lie to himself even if he tried. Alexis was bad as fuck. From her perky titties that always sat up to her fat ass that looked plumped in no matter what she was wearing. To the hood she was the definition of a bad bitch and she had the attitude to match it too.
Erik ran into her almost nine months ago. They both were in the club celebrating a mutuals birthday. He noticed her when he stepped in the building with Durk and the crew. She was already in the V.I.P section with a friend on each side of her.
Making eye contact with each other for the first time that night Erik knew he had to have her just for the time being. He introduced himself to her and brought her and her friends drinks for the remainder of their time there. She didn’t put up a front either. That’s what he liked about her, she showed just as much interest and was straight forward with him. Erik didn’t have to deal with the typical cat and mouse chase game most women did whenever a man pursued them.
What he thought would be simple one night stand turned into a fling. They ended up exchanging numbers while laying in her bed after going a few rounds. The way that she sucked and fucked him had him thinking twice about ghosting her. She was the first girl to make him nut from head. That’s how skilled she was with her throat and tongue. Alexis was truly a freak and there was nothing that was off limits to him. But the more time they spent with one another the she started to get entitled and Erik couldn’t stand that shit. She was always putting their names together out in the streets which almost ruined his reputation of being low-key. He told her that if she didn’t stop running her mouth he was going to stop fucking with her and that put her in her place.
The waiter interrupted him from his thoughts as he sat down their food they ordered fifteen minutes ago.
The smell of a fresh hot and steamy steak well done along the side of creamy garlic mash potatoes invaded his nose and caused his mouth to water.
“Maybe you could take me to your place and take it off me after.” She lifted her leg up and massaged his dick through his pants with the flat part of her heel.
Erik smirked. He knew what she was trying to do but it didn’t work.
“When was the last time we went to my crib?”
“Never but-“
“So then why would I bring you there if I never did before?” He cut her sentence short.
Erik was very cautious about who he trust to know where he lived. Every single one of their sneaky links was hosted at her apartment. It may seem shallow that he couldn’t even allow the girl who he could bend over whenever he wanted to know where he laid his head but he just couldn’t trust everyone.
“Erik when is your paranoid ass gonna realize I’m not out to get you or set you up.” She rolled her eyes.
“I never said you were so why you insinuating some shit like that? You thinking about it?” He questioned.
‘This the shit I’m talking about.’
He shook his head setting down his fork to take a break from his food and picked up his glass of Hennessy.
“No. I’m just wondering why you don’t have a problem fucking me but yet I can’t even come to your place...that’s low as fuck.” She cocked her head sideways before going back to her shrimp and scallop.
“What’s wrong with me keeping my privacy? And why we gotta talk about this now, we should be enjoying ourselves.”
Erik cut the conversation no longer entertaining it. He never was the one to explain himself to someone who didn’t pay one bill where he lived and he wasn’t going to start today.
Alexis no longer wanting to vex the situation switched up the mood.
“You’re right baby but ooh guess who I seen today?”
Jogging his memory from the car ride with Amiyah earlier he already had a hint but let her speak anyways.
“Durkio’s sister. She works at the boutique where I got this dress from. She’s pretty..just a lil too chubby for me.” She giggled throwing her shade while bitting into some scallop.
When those words left her lips it turned Erik all the way off. What was the reason of a woman trying to denigrate another grown woman.
“You tell her that to her face?”
Alexis smacked her lips. “Why would I say that to her?”
“I don’t know, what you got against her?”
She laughed at his question. “Nothing I just stated my opinion that’s all.”
He nodded his head taking a mental note.
Some time had passed as the two ate in a comfortable silence chatting here and there. When he was finished he picked up his cloth napkin wiping his mouth. He was ready to get up out of there. Erik looked to see Alexis going through her purse. She took out her lipstick and reapplied it and that gave Erik the hint that she was also finished with her meal.
“You ready to get out of here?”
“Yeah I need you to give me some dick when we go back to my place” She spoke bluntly and out in the open not caring who could have heard her.
Grabbing his wallet he pulled out two crisps one hundred dollar bills paying for their dinner. He then got up slipping on his jacket as he watched Alexis stand up and put on her Burberry vintage trench coat.
He followed closely behind her to the exit of the restaurant before he went in front of her and held the door open. They walked to the valet and Erik gave his ticket to young man at the booth and watched him run in the direction of his car.
The wind blew softly and Alexis found herself standing directly in front of him as she slipped her hands inside his open jacket and wrapped them around his waist colliding their bodies together. The feeling of his hard abs against her breast made her nipples harden. She looked up at him watching his head stay in the same direction where the valet boy ran to get his car. Lifting one of her hands to his beard she tugged it softly grabbing his attention.
Erik shifted his eyes down in hers and recognized the look in them.
Already knowing what wine always did to her body whenever she had it let him know that she was ready to try to suck his dick while doing a handstand if she could.
She bit her lip never breaking contact. “I want you so bad right now.”
“You think you can handle me tonight? You be runnin every time when you off that Rosè. That pussy be hurting huh?” His hand grabbed her neck softly and his thumb caressing where her trachea was.
“I don’t be running it just be taking you so long to fuckin nut.” She smiled and opened her mouth sticking out her tongue.
Erik looked down at the display before bring his thumb up to it and watched as it disappeared in her mouth. Her jaws sunk in as she sucked it softly and lightly bobbed her head up and down. His balls tightened at the warm sensation on his finger bringing his memory back to the times she would do the same thing on his dick. He gave a low groan before he was interrupted with someone clearing their throat.
“Excuse me sir...your car is here.” It was the valet.
Erik grabbed his keys and walked to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for Alexis. She got in but not before lightly gripping his balls. Closing the door behind her he made his way to his side starting up the car and looked out his rear view before driving off.
It wasn’t too long when he glanced over and saw Alexis hiking up the bottom of her dress to her waist. She had no panties on and her pussy looked like it was freshly wax. Smiling at his face she leaned her seat back and spread her thighs opened. Running her nails over the inner flesh she felt herself getting warmer from the touch.
Erik was doing his best to multitask by watching the road while getting a look at her phat pussy lips every now and then.
“If you gon put it out like that you might as well play with it.” He told her biting his lip.
Following his demand she spread her lower lips with one hand as she let the fingers of her other dip into her wet opening just before bringing them to her clit rubbing it in circles. She moaned at the feeling applying more pressure. Her pussy became more wet from having him watch her. It made her excited and proud that she was able to keep his eyes distracted while taking the risk. No longer being able to hold back she stopped her stimulation and sat up with her knees on the seat. Bending down across the arm rest she put an arch deep enough in her back so that he would be able to see the butterfly tattoo on her ass cheeks.
“I wanna play with something else too.” Unbuckling his Loui Vuitton belt and zipping down his pants she took out his dick. It was so fucking heavy. The length and girth of his nine inches is what drove her to the brink of obsession. His dick took her soul every time he would fuck her and she gladly let him have it.
Wasting no time she kissed the sensitive head showing her appreciation then stuck her tongue out and ran it up and down his shaft wetting his dick up. Returning to the head of his penis she smacked the heavy tip on her lips as she pushed out some spit to make it glossy. Opening her mouth she took him in with sunken cheeks and immediately started to suck mocking her movements from ealier when they were outside.
Erik gripped her hair and moaned in his throat. She was a fucking head monster. It didn’t take him long to get hard because she knew what she was doing. Pulling her hair into a ponytail with the free hand he wasn’t driving with he switched his eyes between the road and her spitting on his dick then deep throating it.
He couldn’t hold back his smile. “You fucking nasty you know that?”
Quickly moving his hand off the steering wheel he lifted up his shirt to keep it from getting soaked and placed it back taking control again.
Seeing this, Alexis brought one hand up to his abs caressing them and then moved her way up to his chest running her fingers over his left nipple. Relaxing her throat and silently humming she was able to go deeper taking at least six inches of him without gagging.
“Fuck..” Erik mumbled under his breath.
Lifting up and wiping her mouth she smiled. “I heard that daddy.”
“Get back on that dick.” He guided her by the back of her neck feeling himself about to cum at any moment.
Giggling she played around his head flicking the underside of it. Using her right hand she massaged his balls as she took him back into her warm wet mouth and sucked his tip repeatedly producing excessive spit so that she was able to stroke him at the same time. Up and down she twisted her hand around his girth and would make a tight grip whenever she would reach the top.
This was on of the reason Erik couldn’t find himself to stop fucking with her. He could never turned down some good head and she definitely knew how to give it.
“Suck that nut out then.” He hyped her up and seen that it was working when he saw her twerking her ass cheeks.
With her staying around his sensitive head for a while he felt his stomach tightened up and his ass clenching together as his hips thrust up. He didn’t want to bust just yet but she was sucking him dry.
“Mm fuckk.” He dick spurted out his semen into her mouth and he relaxed back into his seat.
She made sure he was milked properly before she cleaned him up neatly and put his dick back in his pants and going back to the passenger side.
Reaching over she ran the tip of her nails on his neck.
“You needed that daddy...that load was big as fuck.”
“I did and you gon suck another one out of me when we make it to your crib.”
She smiled proud of her work.
“Anything for you daddy.”
It’s been two days since Amiyah last saw Erik. Two whole days had went by and this man still haven’t called her.
She couldn’t get him out of her mind.
Closing her eyes she kept thinking about the way he touched her. How his hands gripped her waist and rested there comfortably. His hands were tough but yet soft and gentle with her plush body.
‘What is he doing to me?’
Is the question she asked herself as she laid with her back on her bed with one leg folded on top of the other rocking it side to side while being on her phone. She had just finished cleaning her room and decided to finish setting the mood with a sweet smelling caramel drizzle three wick candle from Bath and Bodyworks that she brought herself.
It was her day off so she had nothing to do but sit in the house. Durkio was gone and Kelley was at work and aside from those two she had no one else that she could hang with. Being interrupted from scrolling on Instagram she was getting an incoming call from and local unknown number.
Amiyah sat up. The palms of her hands became sweaty as she answered with a soft voice.
“Hi this is Jesse Mcwell and I am calling from our student loans forgiveness program to let you know that your application has been accepted.” The voice sounded like it was coming from a southern white women.
Amiyah inwardly groan at the customer service worker. She laughed at herself for getting nervous and excited over nothing.
“I’m sorry Jesse but you have the wrong number...I’m not in school.”
“Oh I’m sorry well thank you. Have a great day!”
“You too!”
She clicked the red button ending the call.
She smacked her lips.
“You’ll know it’s me.” She mocked Erik in his voice becoming annoyed.
That wasn’t the first time she picked up a call from a random number within that last two days that wasn’t Erik. All of them being from either an automated voice message claiming she won a free trip or last but not least the student loan office.
She picked up every single last one of them in hopes of hearing his voice.
Climbing off her bed her belly growled.
“I need some food.” She spoke to herself out loud which was a habit of hers.
Walking into the kitchen she rummage through the cabinets and refrigerator but found nothing to her liking. It was either junk food or leftover takeout from Durk. Growing easily frustrated with her hunger she blew out air and closed the pantry door.
A minute later had passed when she remembered that there was a small Jamaican spot that she liked literally right down the street. It was nothing but a three minute walk and she could make it there and back in lest then ten. Grabbing her coat and house keys she put on her Timbs and then exited her home locking the door behind her.
Going to the elevator she clicked the down button and waited for it to come up to the fourth floor so that she can get on.
The doors opened and out came her neighbor Melanie. She was some Latina that she only knew of because of the one time she walked in the apartment and found her brother bending her over in the living room. The girl was the reason Durk didn’t pick her up from work that day which lead her to having to take the bus home.
“Oh hey girl! How are you?” She tried her best making small talk with her.
Amiyah mentally rolled her eyes but gave a small smile.
“I’m good thanks!” She returned her fake energy as she stepped in the elevator and hit the lobby button.
“Tell your brother I asked about him. Let him know-“
The doors shut before she could finish her sentence. Amiyah laughed and shook her head.
“That girl know I don’t like her.”
It took nothing but a few seconds when the elevator finally came to a hault and opened the doors on the lobby floor.
Amiyah walked outside zipping up her coat and began heading in the direction of the restaurant. It took exactly how long she thought it would, less than five minutes. But being a house length away from her destination she noticed an all black BMW and sitting on top of it was a black guy as he spoke with two Dominican looking men.
Keeping her head down like how her brother taught her she was hoping to go unnoticed and not wanting to draw any attention towards her. The closer she got she couldn’t help taking a glance and picking up their conversation.
“Listen I’m not trying to make no beef.. we gotta lay low since our business is getting out there. Niggas is finding out shit and I don’t know how.” The black guy spoke with his hands folded together in front of him like he was the man in charge.
“We got you boss. We’ll make sure whatever we know gets back to you.” The taller one of the two other men spoke up confirming her thoughts.
“Yeah we gon start going low.” The shorter one finally spoke.
That was the last of the conversation she heard before she went inside the restaurant. Walking up to the cooler she slid the door open and grabbed a Calypso ocean blue lemonade. She only had to wait behind two people before she was able to put in her order.
The sudden feeling of the breeze from outside let her know that someone was coming in but she had no time to look back as the line moved and it her was her turn.
“Hi can I get a medium oxtail with rice and peas but no cabbage. Also can you add extra gravy please.” She gave the middle age lady a smile and sat her drink on the counter to unzip her Coach wallet taking out a twenty.
“Yo she good...she with me and hook it up for her.”
Turning her head to put a face to the voice that spoke for her she saw it was the guy who was sitting on his car from outside. He standing there with his hands in his pocket.Taking him in he was dressed down in a Givenchy track suit with the Moncler x Givenchy puffer jacket to match. His outfit screamed money but it was nothing she hadn’t seen before with her brother.
“Um thank you but I could’ve paid for it. It’s not that much.” She spoke softly.
He gave her a smile looking her up and down taking in her shape right in front of her.
“You good. These my people who look out for me and whoever I know.” He shrugged his shoulders letting her know that it’s nothing.
Shyly darting her eyes to the counter to grab her drink she stood to the side before turning back to the stranger.
“Well thank you but you don’t even know me.” Not trying to be rude to him but she was only stating facts.
“So then let me change that. I’m Cane.” His hand went to his chest as he introduced himself then reached out to shake her hand.
“Amiyah.” She placed her small hand in his that was huge compared to hers. She only hope that he wouldn’t notice her hand lightly sweating up which happened whenever she got nervous. It was a trait she hated about herself.
“That’s beautiful name. It kind of sound like my daughters.” Yet to have let go of her hand he stroked the back of it with his thumb stepping closer to her.
“What’s your daughters name?” Amiyah was finding herself lured into his charm as she stared deeper into his eyes.
“Janiyah.” He smirked at her before letting go.
“That’s pretty. What was your name again?"
His eyes danced over her body again. She was a pretty thick girl to him. He knew as soon as she walked pass him he was hypnotized by her big ass and pretty natural round face. In his opinion she was fine as fuck but he could see the way she acted told him she probably thought differently.
She seemed insecure from how she spoke timidly and barely being able to keep eye contact. He noticed this but still went for her. If she was anything like how he thought he had her figured out to be then he knew that she could be someone who he could easily control and who he can get some pussy from time to time.
“Excuse me, your order is ready young lady.” The middle age woman broke the two from their staring contest.
Walking up to the counter she took her food along with a fork and some napkins and headed for the door. She felt him following behind so she held the door for him without bothering to turn around.
Cane laughed that she knew he was right behind her. He couldn’t help but to be hooked with the ass that she was dragging. He definitely was going to make it a priority to break her ass in.
Amiyah returning to the direction where she came from turned around to thank him one last time.
“Thank you for taking care of this. I appreciate that.”
“Well you can thank me properly by letting me take you out to dinner. Introduced you to some real Caribbean cuisine and not some street corner shack...no offense though.” He smirked.
She giggled at him down playing her choice of restaurant. “I thought you said these were your people. Why you shading them like that?”
“They are my people but that don’t mean I gotta settle ma...and neither should you.” He stepped closer occupying her space.
“Okay.” Not knowing any better and folding under his gaze she accepted his offer.
He took out his IPhone 12 and punched in the numbers that she gave him. He sent a text with just his name alone to make sure she had it.
“You need anything else. Maybe a ride? I noticed you walking” He stated genuinely.
“No I live two minutes away.” She replied letting him know she was good and waving goodbye.
“Aight I’ma hit you up later. Nice to meet you Amiyah.” He gave her a smile as he sat back on the hood of his car and watched her walk away.
‘Damn he was so fine.’
Two fine ass men in the same week asked for her number. She always made up scenarios in her head about how it would be the first time she would give a guy her number and never would have thought it would be with her brothers fine ass best friend or with a stranger who looked like money.She always thought she would get less and have to settle below her standards, but after today this was definitely a confidence booster.
Locking the door behind her she walked to the coffee table and sat her food down after she turned the tv on. Getting undressed back into her lounge wear she plopped on the couch and opened her plate to eat.
“Damn they hooked me up.” Looking at her plate she saw that it was plenty of oxtails sprawled out and extra gravy just the way she liked it.They never gave her that much oxtails that had that much meat on them before.
Cane immediately came to her head as she took in a spoonful of rice. She wondered if he was someone important to the restaurant for them take demands from him and made sure she left with a generous amount of food.
Her phone rung. Not paying attention to anything else besides the tv she answered it nonchalantly while chewing on her food expecting it to be one of those automated machines again.
“I wonder what I won this time?” She spoke to herself sucking the sauce of her fork and placing it down.
“Shit whatever you want?” Erik chuckled.
She snatched the phone away from her ear reading the number.
She saved the number.
“Uh..I’m sorry Erik. I thought you were these voice messages that keep calling me.” Even though he couldn’t see her she still felt embarrassed.
“You good. Sorry I took so long to call you.”
Putting the tv on mute she sat up giving him her undivided attention. His voice sounded like he just woke up.
“That’s okay. Are you just now waking up Erik?” She giggled. Her nerves were starting to show.
“I didn’t make it home till early this morning. I been up all night.” He talked before clearing his voice.
“Oh okay.” Her phone buzzed. She glanced at it and seen it was an incoming FaceTime call.
“Pick up.” His voice commanded. She was still able to hear him due to not hanging up the regular phone call yet.
She looked in the FaceTime camera and fixed her hair as well as wiping her mouth making sure there was no crumbs on her lips.
His face finally came into view as he was laying in what looked like a bed. Black satin pillows surround him. Scanning her eyes over him she noticed he had on a black durag to match.
She giggled as he kept his eyes on her not speaking yet.
“What?” Balling up her fist she used it to cover her smile.
“I can’t look at you?” He licked his lips.
He looked even finer when he was just waking up.
There was no way that she able to handle this man. From his thick lips to his voice, he was ruining her and he hadn’t even done a thing to her yet. She was starting to see a side of Erik that she didn’t know about.
“Oh my god. Why do boys say that?” She questioned acting fake annoyed.
“Well first off I’m a man so don’t make that mistake slipping up calling me a boy again. Aight?” He spoke lowly keeping his eyes on her.
Biting her lip, she tested him. “Erik I can call you whatever I want.”
His chuckle broke the silence.” You tryna make me pull up on you or sum shit? Stop fuckin playing with me.”
She put him on mute and sat the phone down hiding the camera.
‘Sis we is not wetting up these panties today.’
Her thighs clenched together from his threat. She couldn’t take how he could get her sticky down there so quickly. It felt different compared to how it felt when she she would play with herself. That would take her some time before she got aroused but with Erik every look he gave her and every word he spoke to her had her pussy spilling.
“So you gon put me on pause while you play with that pussy?”
She picked up the phone unmuting it.
“Shut up Erik!” She replied pretending to be unfazed.
“I like the way my name come off them soft ass lips.” Erik laughed and teased her watching her come undone in front of him.
“Could you stop?” She turned the phone away only showing part of her face to hide her smile for a second before turning it back.
“What? Say my name again?” He licked his bottom lip while watching hers.
‘Oh my goddd...what is he doing?!’
“I just said it.”
Playfully rolling her eyes she played tough with him but he saw through it.
“Say that shit again while you looking me in the eye.”
He demanded her putting an arm behind his head while waiting for her to respond.
“Erik..” What she meant to come out in a vex tone exited out as a light moan instead.
“Wassup baby.” His deep laughter came through the phone.
Erik watched as the look on her face became flustered. He only wanted to tease her. He liked how she looked when she became nervous. She tried her best to match his energy trying to be tough at first but he shut that down. It surprised him learning that she kind of had a smart ass mouth but clearly it didn’t take much to fix.
“You’re annoying.” At this point Amiyah wanted to just get under her covers and hide.
“I’m just fuckin with you. Told you I’m a grown ass man...don’t be playing with me like that.”
“I hear you.”
“What you do today?” He changed the conversation.
“Nothing it was my day off so I just cleaned my room and just got back from the Jamaican spot. You know the one down the street?”
He nodded his head and furrowed his eyebrows.
“You spend ya money on that shit. I had way better Jamaican food.”
She smacked her lips. “ First of all don’t do my spot and second I didn’t have to pay for it today. Some guy spotted me.” She spoke quickly without thinking.
“What you mean some guy spot you? He paid for it?” Erik sat up in bed because her last sentence caught his attention.
“Yeah he was nice but that was it.” She tried her best to diffuse the kind act.
“Nah don’t trust that. Niggas out here always gon want something in return even for something as simple as buying yo ass a meal. Don’t accept nothing next time.” He enlightened her.
She shook her head deciding not to bring up the fact she gave him her phone number.
“Let’s chill tonight?” He broke her train of thought.
She smiled widely. “To do what and go where?” She rushed the questions.
“Whatever you want to. I just want to see you in person.” He eyes examined her beautiful face as she blushed.
“How about we go see a movie and go to a diner or something after.”
That was a certain type of date she always fantasized about and now she was able to take a chance at living it.
He smiled at her excitement. “Bet. I’m pick you up at seven and you don’t gotta dress up but wear something nice for me okay?”
“Okay.” Her soft voice made his dick jump.
“Aight talk to you later.” He smiled and ended the call.
‘Let me go rub this kitty real quick because his ass is too much.’
Part Four
Please excuse any mistakes!
Cane is at the top.
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @uzumaki-rebellion @blowmymbackout @curls-and-crosses @madamslayyy @goddessofthundathighs @eriksjournal @wakandamama @wawakanda-btch @wakandas-vibranium @wakandaforeverwrites @ghostfacekill-monger @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose
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