#proxy problems
okay so im thinking back to like. bad and baghera's little conversation about ron and morals and how that relates to forever and i think i'm getting closer to putting my finger on the fundamental disconnect between bad and forever.
like specifically, the question i'm thinking about was "would you kill an islander to get your egg back?"
baghera's answer was "i would do it, but i would be crossing a line"
i think that's what makes her different from bad and forever. bad and forever both have lines that they simply Will Not Cross
the difference is that forever's lines are moral and idealogical. he won't torture innocent people, even if they're Federation workers and he's willing to harm even his dear friend Bad to protect an innocent party. he hates the idea of being someone willing to blow up the island even more than he hates being drugged against his will and he hated that a whole fucking lot.
he cannot understand or tolerate how bad would be willing to do something as evil as imprison an innocent worker because that's one of his lines.
bad's lines are people and that's about it. he protects his family. dapper, pomme, the other eggs, forever, foolish, the french. harming his family is unthinkable to him. he holds himself back from torturing Federation workers because that might draw attention to himself that would put the eggs in the crossfire. he doesn't put mines down because an egg could die in a mine trap.
he cannot understand or tolerate how forever would be willing to lie about dapper to protect a Federation worker because that's one of his lines
in short, to forever, There Are Things You Do Not Do To People and to bad, There Are People To Whom You Do Not Do Things
this isn't something that just talking it out can fix i don't think
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achillesunly · 9 days
Fucking loved dbd if I could I'd kiss it on the mouth and take it out on a nice picnic date because everything was on fucking point (almost) and the vibes are immaculate (fr)
And I get they all are supposed to be teenagers
But Voltron has left too deep a scar on me with allurance for me to like Crystal with my heart
#Once a hater always a hater
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chipadykeso · 11 months
mendel is overworked because hes awful at his job otherwise he wouldn't be. hes stressed because he hates his patients and cant deal with them and only says maybe its my fault once he cant even convince jason of doing somethin. and he really just gives up at fixing it, being optimistic and not knowing what to do because he lacks the skills to work with such a huge problem. you cant just say "youre dismissing him because hes bad at his job" because that is precisely why he is overworked.
dr charlotte had to deal with misogyny and homophobia and patients dying daily and once she managed to get some control a new virus appeared and she tried pushing through it with what she could mostly by herself with most doctors not caring and trying not to stress anyone in her family and also insisting on hiding it because she was so proud of herself for being a good doctor. she doesnt know what to do either, but shes wracking her brains about it to no end. she is extremely overworked.
and thats the difference with mendel: charlotte is overworked because she was such a good doctor she never gave up despite every problem she went through, knowing it was only a matter of time and being the one to communicate "something bad is happening" with her 2 songs about it; mendel is overworked because he was a bad psychiatrist who couldn't handle his patients with superficial problems without being emotionally exhausted, being the one to communicate the optimistic statement of "everything will be alright."
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jovial-gender-jester · 3 months
if there's anything i care about more than magical girls, it's magical women
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defeateddetectives · 19 days
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catgirl-catboy · 7 months
Unpopular opinion, but it is possible to be a fan of SFW kink without constantly mentioning how superior you are at the fans of NSFW versions of the same damn kink. Like chill. Republicans hate both of you.
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chikinan · 3 months
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Screenshot time. Can't believe hot pants made johnny see women as people. Incredible.
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Also here's these two being funny but the real commentary is that I have a sinking feeling johnnyboy's gonna end up married to the very currently 14 year old girl. If I'm right please don't tell me I'd rather live in blissful ignorance for longer.
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wispstalk · 10 months
I am not coming for anyone who pairs their character off with serana....like she is not real no material harm is being committed here....but I love fics where people just let her be unattached. The game presents this character who is desirable by a lot of standards and then denies her to the player and frankly I think that rocks. rare w.
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tlanwen · 2 years
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||  180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us; Episode 6
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duaghterofstories · 9 months
What are two books that have almost nothing, or just nothing in common but because you read them in similar times they are forever linked in your brain?
Mine are the Insignia Trilogy by S.J. Kincaid and Proxy by Alex London.
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wright-phoenix · 6 days
category 5 social anxiety incident, brought upon by A Talk About Potential Plans. 1 found dead on the floor, gazillions injured
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autistic-katara · 5 months
tragic: all the fics about the character u searched for on ao3 tagged hurt/comfort because u want to see them comfort someone all involve them being the one in pain
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moe-broey · 21 days
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home-halone · 9 months
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hungee-boy · 29 days
okay real reason i dont watch new media often is cus i keep getting new ideas for projects that only exist in my mind and never get made
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celecaster · 1 month
I've alluded to it before here and there but one of the many woes of the schizoidism is that I realise I effectively never have anybody to ask for not just for serious 'help' but just with things like the last poste. Yes there are probably a gajillion people online who can point me in the right direction but I don't know how to approach such people and in many cases my ineloquence/social problems makes it so people aren't very receptive of or incentivised to want to help me.
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