#i think thats beautiful
scrollonso · 1 month
fernando was literally made to be in aston martin, from jimmy and him being silly together to lawrence welcoming him with open arms and strollonso getting along so well, this is where he belongs.
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capricores · 1 year
one thing about people with pisces and taurus placements is that they are going to sleep. they are probably asleep right now. they are resting. napping. taking a little snooze. no one and nothing will stop them from having a little restful slumber! it does not matter where they are, what time it is, how long they slept last night or how long their to do list is. they will sleep!!! they may have their eyes open or be in a conversation with you but they are actually eyes open sleeping having a nice little dream about their future and their bed
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Cw Bart with big hair because I feel like they missed an opportunity not giving him big hair
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One day I'll actually do shading and lighting for my pictures
Today is not that day.
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osarquivosmagnus · 7 months
I'm bad at character analysis but i was thinking about how qpac has been showing his fear of being arrested/prison for being behind bars, having his freedom taken and being isolated (specially after he was last kidnapped by the federation and he would just shrink himself sometimes and get a little hopeless for a while). Meanwhile qcellbit is very vocal about hating prisons and going quiet as well whenever it is mentioned in any way (when qforever talked about building a new prison weeks ago he just said "yeah i dont like that" or something, but moved on with the conversation) and yesterday again when pac said he wanted to check out the new build. I think mostly, tho, he is afraid of himself and the person he becomes. Yeah he is traumatized, he felt betrayed and abandoned, but he hates the person he used to be, the murderer, the violent cannibal. I think it's pretty similar to (and I actually mean this) how he reacts to abueloier..? He is very "scared" of the old man, but because he is scared he will snap and kill him. Like there is no other explanation for his fear except killing his husband's grandpa and losing him forever. Those cubitos are so fucked in the head. I love them.
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Man those people on your ‘why are you straight edge’ poll are really showing their disdain for people who engage with any sort of drug… if I may add, I voted for having a medical restriction (my liver is failing thank youuuu immune system) AND I also take prescription opiate medication to help with pain. Every time I take my painkillers on days where I’m not working so that I can enjoy my hobbies I have complicated feelings about it because anti opiate rhetoric is just EVERYWHERE and it’s like… I just want to have a nice day. Getting over the ‘oh but it can be ADDICTIVE’ stigma is so important and it’s really not different just because I have a prescription. People who are so nasty about drug use for recreation are so stressful to me.
Ikr it's like people have such disdain for addicts, and drug users in general. I get upset about this because while I personally am a very casual user and I spend most of the time sober and am self assured so I can walk people being dicks about it off, but I know addicts and their lives are hard enough without all the stigma piled on top of it. I just wish everyone could be addiction neutral and pro harm reduction but they're so moralistic about it. I wasnt the politest I could have been about people not drinking and having sex because I was trying to keep it light and I know people take things like this really serious and it kinda backfired.
But like I totally know what you mean about the opioid thing. I really think that our society could benefit from being a little more addiction neutral, because yeah sometimes substance dependency does ruin your life, but I'm neurodivergent and I've met people where I think that doing life with drugs is better for them. Like you raise a great point about opioids. They're dangerous and addictive but if you're in pain because of a disability you need pain management. It's not really an option if you want to lead a normal life. There's a lot of heroin addicts who got that way because they needed pain management and their doctors refused them on the basis that they might become addicted, but taking a daily pill to improve your life, while it may be illegal depending on the substance, isn't bad. I bring up my own neurodivergence because I've heard of the same thing with ADHD and stimulants. Most people who have an ADHD diagnosis can get an Adderall prescription, but undiagnosed people and people falling through insurance cracks will sometimes turn to the street version. And it's like those people, both the ones with a script and the ones who are self medicating, should not be forced to live a substandard life because of someone else imagines there's some purity to a life without drugs. The goal should be to get those people the drugs they need in the safest way possible.
And I come down really easy, to the point where I forget to take prescription meds and don't experience any ill effects, but I have a friend who experiences a come down from their adhd meds thats not unlike the comedown ive seen from my other friend who's a meth user, and this friend with the ADHD meds can't function without them. But when the doctor and the pharmacist get them their meds on time they live a perfectly happy fulfilling life. That's what I mean when I say I'm addiction neutral. Most people who get addicted didn't just pick up heroin or whatever one day for shits and giggles. When I fuck around with "highly addictive" substances I make sure I'm in a good place and it's not a problem to drop them. People who develop problems are usually either they're escaping from something or self medicating. The goal for society can't be to never do drugs we've had drugs literally for longer than we've been humans.
I've heard second hand of a study which I haven't gone looking for, I might, because as you can tell this is a bit of a soap box for me, where they gave Heroin addicts a prescribed dose of heroin like you would pick up Percocet for chronic pain at a pharmacy, and because those addicts weren't shooting up mystery amounts and worrying where they were going to get their next hit from so they didn't start rattling and all the other things that make addicts lives hell, they were able to start doing things like holding down jobs. That study should have been a game changer. I want addicts to be able to live, and selfishly I want to be able to go to the drug store when I'm bored and say "one mdma high no fentanyl please" and leave with something to spice up the afternoon. That's like, not a moral failing on my part even though I'm not self medicating I'm just having fun.
The way the war on drugs has ruined drugs, which like, genuinely drugs are sort of magical when you think about it. Not just the fun ones either. Like when I was a baby I had a really bad bladder infection that absolutely would have killed me if I had had that same situation just like 100 years ago, but my mom was able to force a pill down my throat and it went away. Since then I've probably had at least a dozen little things like that that would have killed me dead if someone hadn't invented a chemical that could interact with my body and make it genuinely not a problem. and the fact that we have that for things like chronic pain and we're too afraid to use it because of stigma is so insane. Like god forbid people get high.
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home-halone · 7 months
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mousesquared · 2 years
If there was something that you enjoyed doing in the past and maybe were even pretty good at it but you now haven't done it in a while out of just a simple lack of want to do it, please don't feel bad about that. Don't let others "oh why did you stop that! You were so good!" or "I miss when you did that thing, I wish you hadn't dropped it" make you feel like you are a quitter or unproductive or anything. You just decided that whatever thing you used to do was done for now or even forever. You don't have to progress until the end with everything. You can just have interests that you do for a portion of your life and then don't anymore. If you played an instrument throughout school and loved it but now don't anymore, that's ok. If you knitted a ton during quarantine and made some really cool stuff but don't anymore, that's ok. If you did something for your whole life but today you decided you just don't want to anymore, that's ok. You may want to pick it back up in the future, but it's ok if you don't. It's ok to not want to get better at everything. It's ok to not do everything to the fullest. It's ok to stop wanting to do something for no other reason than you just don't want to anymore. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for that.
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nomazee · 2 years
i dont care what people say i think fanfiction is one of the best ways to start out writing creatively and yu should not feel ashamed for writing it
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oncorhynchus-nerka · 2 months
VERY IMPORTANT a dam in the Netherlands, the weerdsluis lock, is directly on a migratory path for spawning fish. They have a worker stationed there to open the door for the fish, but they can take a while to open it. So to keep the fish from getting preyed on by birds they installed a doorbell. Only, the fish don't have hands to ring the doorbell. If you go to their website, they have a LIVE CAMERA AND A DOORBELL that YOU RING FOR THE FISH when they're waiting, and then the dam worker opens the door for them! I can't express how obsessed I am with this. look at this shit. oh my god.
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Please check on the fish doorbell once in a while :)
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farstubror · 6 days
"the foot seeks the mouth like leaves seek the sun" -chaumas 2023
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I love how much everyone holds hands in this show😭🩶
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trashcan-teddie · 10 months
If I was an anime character I would be someone's cringe/fail waifu.
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tr3nityc0dex · 1 year
everyone has the ability
to make a dark blue liquid thats toxic
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kosmical · 8 months
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dextervexter · 1 year
i haven’t met most of you and probably never will but i am always wishing you the best.
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despazito · 3 months
Drive by any school or daycare the day after it snows and there will always be an array of snow spheres and sculptures it's making me think of all the prehistoric snow sculpting we will never know about. Do you think neanderthal made snowmen.
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