#proud of their little chibi i drew
where-is-caithe · 8 months
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Woe, giant Eon ref be upon ye.
Eon - she/her or they/them, lesbian charr.
This was started when I was playing them as a necromancer, however the information is relatively the same no matter their class.
Huge BLOCK of information under the cut!
The gist of Eon is that they were part of an Ash Legion Warband, the Night Warband, that was sent into the Fractals of the Mists around when they were first discovered and instead of returning safely, they were trapped inside. The effects of this are apparent in the way they fight and most importantly, the space spots. Scars they get from fighting heal over in space "rifts". The space feels like their regular fur but cold. The scars they have in this ref are what they look like as of SotO.
As of right now, the idea is they became trapped in the Mists and skipped the level 10-30 personal story, and once they are out, it goes right into joining an order to get out of the Citadel. On paper, they still answer to the Ash Legion. In practice. Well.
Important bullet points! (from the ref and additional points)
Eon is the Commander and follows the story relatively the same apart from the very beginning of it.
they have a broken hilt of a sword from one of their dead 'bandmates that they use in addition to other conjured weapons.
their shoulder spikes are from their Flame Legion heritage, before being lost in the Mists they were a smoke and flame elementalist that specialized in stealth and blitz attacks.
now, their magic feels much colder and their stealth is much more reliable, they no longer use flames.
they were born with a short tail.
they usually have the name "Fang" because of their big teeth.
they don't know how long they were in the Mists and they're the only one of their Warband that made it out.
they learned to wield a long sword while in the Mists and are a formidable fighter with one, though they do use a variety of weapons including daggers, scepters, foci, bows, swords and shields.
they have problems with authority and do not take orders well.
they also have a temper and will lash out, however they're generally friendly unless given a reason not to be.
they're not a good person to be sent to speak with political figures like Queen Jennah or Empress Ihn.
they're very aggressive and will attack first, which is not at all how they fought or acted before the Mists.
Clothing and appearance bullet points!
they hardly ever wear full shirts covering their whole chest, even in dangerous fights.
if there's ever clothing that covers their shoulders, the holes that their shoulder spikes go through MUST be torn that way, not made or cut for them.
always wears something with purple on it.
they have many piercings in their ears and it all depends on how many piercings I want to give them in the moment.
the space rifts must always have purple space, but other colors may be there in addition to purple.
hair is always purple.
they have very faint spots like a black panther.
any metal jewelry or accessories MUST be silver.
their shroud as a Specter is the same as their shroud as a Reaper, but without the scythe.
pupils turn white when fighting/using magic but especially in shroud.
I'm probably forgetting things but this is the basics.
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cabinet-man-colors · 4 months
my first ever animatic- and its gay lawyers. you know how it is.
siblings of mine who will see this! maybe dont watch yet? i know you guys havent seen the full trilogy and i dont wanna spoil it for you- i know i showed aloe the sketch version but thats bc i forgor and it also wasnt super legible so its fine probably.
uhhh spoliers for phoenix wright, ace attorney trilogy (including the last case of the third game. so be warned!!!)
a little bit of info about the process below, i guess?
this project was a bitch to work on, and yet i somehow made it in less than a month. i drew a rough draft on paper (ft: chibi phoenix and edgeworth lmao) before moving it into clip studio, where i dont have the ability to animate for more than a few seconds, so i drew each picture seperately, with 4 frames per layer, then slapped it into an editing software and cropped it so it was just one frame visible, then slowly matched the frames to the lyrics.
and then i decided "actually i wanna refine this more" and went back into clip studio and refined the sketches a lot more. and then i decided to color it. and that took a while. and then i had to replace each frame in my already edited version (that hadnt been exported yet thank goodness) and then i added subtitles.
this sucked to make but im like. okay with how it turned out tbh. im proud of it i think. i did get better at drawing these two nerds so- thats a plus! they change throughout the animatic because i made this over the course of a few days, and i changed how i was drawing them midway through, but i didnt wanna redraw them for some scenes, so the two frames before the last one look a lil wonky and the last frame doesnt match them at all but like its fine! i had fun and thats what matters.
i did it poorly but i did it. and thats what matters.
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supposed2befern · 2 months
So...its been a while, huh.
Well, over my break, it occurred to me that I had a drawing I wasn't too happy with: where I drew Alpharad as Princess Peach
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I was proud of it, except for the shading, but there's always that ONE thing, y'know?
The other thing I didn't like was that I really wanted to incorporate Jaiden somehow. Like, as Mario.
But, I just wasn't happy with anything I sketched. The speed paint is a real struggle, man
However, 9 months later, I finally figured it out. I knew how I wanted to do it (i also just learned how to draw chibis, which really helped lol)
So, I pasted her in and redid the shading
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What do you think? I really liked it. It felt a lot brighter and more vibrant and it's my homescreen at the moment lmao
Theyre just my little guys and I love this duo so much :')
(Sorry for shit quality. Tumblr. Gotta love it)
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purplemochi20055 · 5 months
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Nagisa: Please Gojo-san, I appreciate it, but please don’t verbally abuse my mother so badly that she’ll be appalled to tears!!!
Gojo: awwww! Not even a little?~
I like to imagine that after the parent teacher conference scene in Assassination Classroom, after seeing how Nagisa’s mother is with teachers in general (she literally yelled at Koro-sensei and was preparing a bribe for class D’s teacher) and with how she treats Nagisa that he’d have a lot to say and would probably giver her the most brutal verbal beat down ever.
I’m more proud of this fanart for The 40 than the other one, probably because this time I drew chibis instead of their full art form! It was a little easier to draw, with it being in a 4-Koma format, but I like the way it turned out!
Please, if you haven’t, check out Ravenclaw Werewolf’s fanfic “Main Character Syndrome (With Exceptions)” on ao3! it is sooo good and gives you all the different character interactions you never knew you needed!
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nopenototdaysatan · 2 months
1, 10, and 11!
Hi Bre!
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
I - really like how there are so very many hcs and interactions seen in fandom. Downfall duo, triple threat , etc. seeing everyone's different ideas on how the chain interact has been so much fun.
2 - I like how often there are monthly or weekly or seasonal events. I keep seeing new stuff for creators to interact with and it makes me so excited to join in now.
3 - I just find it fun how people pull in hcs from the actual games and manga. It's really fun to see how other fans of the games see these characters
10. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
You. I have spent years feeling only minor motivation to draw. As soon as I saw your wish for Ravioli last October I desperately wanted to draw again. And now I can and have with my new drawing tablet thing. Though the fact I never drew the ravioli wings overlapping that I wanted to last october is bs. I'm gonna have to fix that.
(@turdofanerd gets an honorary mention for being my first mutual in the fandom. We haven't interacted as much in fandom things but doing little tag games and reblogging each other has been fun.)
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Obviously my favorite thing I've written is my ravioli series Never Had the Chance. It is my favorite and I love it very much. Plus the actually finishing a multi chapter piece feels like a huge win against my ADHD.
On the other hand though: chibi Ravio rick rolling Legend is my current favorite of things I've drawn. It's cute and I'm happy with the colors.
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xxraiinycatgirlxx · 1 month
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Chibi Vittorio enjoying his hot chocolate while thinking of his Husband Leon<3
I am so so PROUD over how this one turned out<33 I drew this little chibi Vittorio last night and OH MY GOD! I am super duper proud over how he turned out :3
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ganymedian · 2 months
5, 9, 20 :)
5. What piece of art are you still proud of to this day? (Show or describe)
Recent stuff. I still like the Shostakovich drawings . I like doing portraits of real people. I also enjoyed doing @sixty-silver-wishes hair in this drawing
9. What's the longest you've ever suffered from artblock?
Years. From 2017-2021. I was suffering with mental health (still am) and my several misdiagnoses and inappropriate psych meds were sucking the joy out of me and my ability to read/write/draw/work/listen to music and etc. I drew sparsely and what little I did draw I wasn't into. It was difficult because I had until then made my sense of self around my value as an artist, and hadn't realized it.
20. What motivates/inspires you artistically? (topics, emotions, etc)
I like portraits, I like german expressionism, and I like doing chibi. Listening to music when I was finally able to enjoy it motivates me once again. There are some artists who inspire me to create, for example @alexkolesar @focsle @sixtysilverwishes-art @blairamok They're all up to some stuff and it makes me want to be up to stuff.
I think the catalyst for reemergence started when I had 6 weeks off work for surgery and I found an old sketchbook while deep cleaning. I also read Lacrimore. I wondered how I used to sit there every night and create as a kid. Everyone tells me, when I express that frustration, that it's because I had more time and less to worry about. that's only half true; it's depression and my terrible self-regulation on top of adult responsibilities. There are plenty of busier adults who draw more than I do.
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kozidraws · 2 years
ALSO THIS BAKUGO ONE IS SO PRETTY I LITERALLY WANNA GET IN??? SOMEHOW??? I WANNA ENTER THIS WORLD????? and the slowdancing one girrrrlll (gender neutral term) art goals <333 i love the focus set by the lighting (TALKING ABOUT LIGHTING, the lanterns???? in that adorable chibi krbk festival art???? that soft glow with those little dots of light everywhere fffuck me uPPP GIRL WHAT THE HELL i LOVE that, that’s gorgeous and looks like it took a good eye for detail and careful attention and application and whatnot to me. and it looks like it was fun to make <3 like you put love into that. i hope that’s true <3) and their pose? you got anatomy DOWN girl (i HOPE you don‘t mind "girl" ahejgkdl, absolutely read it as dude or bestie or whatever else if you‘d like), that’s not easy. at least to me lol. i‘m not an expert but i think it‘s right if i say i especially love the composition of the slowdancing piece? and the background you drew for the kitsune bakugo art is really beautiful and the whole piece is really enticing to look at. idk but it draws you in. i really like looking at it, also bakugo‘s position and the drape of his clothes and the tails lifting up the back of them. i think it‘s beautiful. the colors work together so well and even though it’s very stylized it looks real(istic) enough that i want to go there. it looks like a snapshot, like a photograph, and i want to know what happens next. i feel like you really captured the essence of a beautiful day in a place like that, i really wanna go there asd;fghjh hahaha. i really like looking at it and just kind of dreaming a little bit about it ig haha. maybe it would have been good if i‘d said that before, but i get kind of embarrassed. i‘d be proud forever if i made something like that though and i think you should be too!! (the dragon on his back is awesome too) to conclude: i see a lot of worth in your work!! i think it‘s gorgeous and makes me feel very nice and calm when i see it and i‘d love to be able to create something beautiful like that some day. if you don’t want to share art anymore (or maybe just for a while) that’s of course okay! i hope that creating it brings you joy though.
I feel very overwhelmed with love, I really appreciate that you love that drawing, I put a lot of time and effort into it. I try not to let it get to me but that art didn’t get a lot of attention, not that that should be the main focus but it kinda deterred me for a while to not put so much time and effort into something because not many will like it. But hearing you say this is good motivation to not give up. My art might not be popular but if a few people can love it fiercely then that should be enough.
And to everyone who follows me and leaves sweet messages in the tags, I’ve been saving them to my phone lately. I’ve been very doubtful of my art as of late and the kind words are helping me. So thank you everyone. Much love.
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Week in Review
10/22/2023 – 10/28/2023
Once again, it’s Manga Sunday: I think I’m going to check out of MamaYuyu at this stage – what drew me into the first chapter was the interesting emotional connection between Corleo and Mamama, but now it seems like the story is moving into a regular shounen battle manga structure with Mamama nowhere to be seen… And I really couldn’t care less about the power system of this world either… And Corleo’s internal motivations are so vague and generically “I wanna be a hero”, which was succinct and fine enough for the first chapter but now I don’t feel it propelling the story in any way other than giving him a reason to fight, which is like every other generic reactive shounen protagonist… I’ll probably check back in when the series ends, but as of now my general opinion is that it should’ve been an oneshot.
Y’know what. I’m genuinely invested in the Handsome Must Die final fight. It’s just high campy fun, with Ban’s tragic backstory and Inukai’s enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-ally turn. I’m sure the final chapter next week will be pretty explosive…also wow Ban-kun…your skills…
Undead Unluck: UWOOAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ANDYYYYYYYYYYYYY also I love seeing Fuuko’s strategic mind at work, trying desperately to think of a solution with all of her members’ powers at her disposal…and once again I think about how amazing Undead Unluck would be as a video game.
It definitely feels like Ichinose is finally reaching its emotional core and wrapping all the twists up in preparation for the ending… I find the light bit of intergenerational trauma theming interesting, I can appreciate that it was a more nuanced relationship than the typical “my dad was mean to me��� situation. But even then, it feels slightly surface-level, since Taizan 5 always likes to move things along briskly. I feel a little robbed of a real conversation between the parents, but I do like that Sachie is stepping up. But even then (again), I would’ve liked a bit more insight and depth to this final (?) confrontation beyond flashbacks to show Kakeru’s motivations and then Sachie being like “hey stop that, we actually are proud of you” and Kakeru relenting. Will we get a satisfying conversation between Sota and Kakeru next week? I can only hope.
Oshi no Ko: Gotta say, Kana is super cute in that costume with the panda bow. I’m enjoying the detail of Ruby having stars in both of her eyes when she embodies Ai, though I’m not sure how professional the director’s shooting strategy is lol.
Man, Dandadan always has the most fantastic spreads. I’m looking forward to seeing what supernatural power-up Rin will get, probably something like an idol? Or specifically, an idol duo sort of situation, to fulfil her promise to Mai? That’d be cute.
Marriagetoxin: I think Ureshino and Himin-chu should just date instead. Internally I’m bracing myself for another like five chapters of action that I won’t care about that’ll end with Himin-chu feeling fond of Gero for realises before we move on to the next girl. Also what in the hell is this marriage ceremony. This mangaka can definitely make some stupid over the top creepy gimmick villains, but it’s hard to take it seriously when they’re also trying to write genuine romances between well-rounded characters. Ugh…you know what…maybe I should just drop this series now and check back in at the end to see if Gero and Kinosaki get together…yeah I’m gonna do that.
I’m starting to come around a bit on shady eyepatch investor guy (Magilumiere). I always love a suit jacket over the shoulders look… AND YES HE SERVED AS A CONDUIT FOR EVERYONE’S FORMAL WEAR LOOKS AHHHHH OH MY GOD NIKO???? I SCREAMED OUT LOUD WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE A LITTLE ARISTOCRATIC BOY AHHH Thank you Eyepatch Man. I accept you wholeheartedly now. I don’t care enough to learn your name though lol
The Akane-banashi chapter was fun, I always relish being able to see my favourite character, Karashi.
AGHHHH the little orange on Tayutan’s chibi in Cipher Academy is sooooooo cute and YESS THERE IT IS THE RETURN OF HARSHLY SHADED TRAUMA CREATOR TAYUTAN WOOO I fear that she’ll lose this battle though…we’ve had it too good for too long… Awww DDR and taiko games, that’s so cute… AND BYU’S ONE POINT LESSON  BEING UPSIDE DOWN SDKLFSDF I really really really love how Cipher Academy plays with its pages and isn’t afraid to get silly with it. I know there was that kerfuffle about how “untranslatable” Cipher Academy is and how that’s apparently a bad thing, but I actually really enjoy seeing the original Japanese wordplay in these sorts of Code Battles, and I don’t think having to leave it in is a failure on the translator’s part. I don’t need or even necessarily want translated media to be scrubbed completely bare of its original context, after all. Kubinashi is definitely nasty for starting off with that word, though. Interesting, so that’s Tayutan’s weakness… I’m getting more scared for her. I love the chain link imagery, it’s so fitting for shiritori.  AGHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ANOTHER WIN FOR TAYUTAN WOOOOOOOOOOOO and in such a dramatic fashion… I’m starting to think Tayutan will just never ever lose, which is completely fine by me because I love her. There’s something so cool about a character who has to restrain herself in order to not hurt others…uwagh. Tayutan the character of all time.
Because my library deadline was rapidly descending and I couldn’t renew it, I finally continued reading Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters on my quest to find a contemporary adult fiction novel I enjoy (the quest being named, succinctly, Am I The Idiot Or Does Adult Fiction Just Suck). And because this is the first time this has been brought up in a Week in Review, I’ll go a bit into my weird book tastes:
For some reason I hate reading 99.9% of adult fiction, and most of the ones I do like are classics I had to read for my English degree. I probably have less than twenty adult fiction books in my entire book collection (totalling 148 books, not including digital), and the thing is that I really enjoy the idea of buying books and I would like to do it without having to shamefully walk into the kid’s or manga section. (And also I’d like to read a good book that still allows sex and swearing lol). But I don’t know man, I look up popular books and books that seem up my alley and every time I read them I just get so bored by the story progression or lack thereof or the writing style or the dialogue that I can’t relate to at all. I try following BookTubers and reading their recommendations, but it drives me a little bonkers crazy because most of them share the exact same milquetoast opinions and they’re all mood readers who love thought provoking books about exploring the human condition and they all love the same Booker Prize or Women’s Prize or whatever other prize winning book du jour, and absolutely none of them share my tastes, which makes me feel a little bit like an alien freak with no one to talk to or get recommendations from…  
I’m being a bit dramatic. It hasn’t all been terrible – some contemporary adult fiction I’ve enjoyed are Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (which I own) and Dark Matter by Michelle Paver (which I greatly enjoyed, but the ending made me so sad that I know I’ll never want to reread it, and therefore I won’t buy it). And I’ve generally enjoyed the non-fiction books I’ve read, so I could always buy one of those if I really love it. But nevertheless, I embark on my lonely quest every time I try an adult fiction novel…
Detransition, Baby is fine. I dropped it lol. The messy dynamics between the main trio is an intriguing premise, but I don’t like all the off-topic tangents that are just saying things at me and the dialogue feels so stiff and unnatural. And to be fair, I’ve been around normies sometimes and they actually do talk like that, it just freaks me out because it sounds fake and so unlike how I talk with my friends, and I can’t get invested in characters who seem fake to me. So this one is going to be a pass, just like all the other novels I’ve tried whose premises were “explore the human condition with these messy characters who say a lot of things but nothing really happens.” I should really learn my lesson by now.
Finally back on the House marathon train. This episode had a fun set-up, being the one where a guy takes people hostage in order to get a diagnosis. I always like the episodes where the challenge isn’t necessarily the diagnosis itself but the situation around the patient. There are some fun parallels between House’s obsession with the patient’s obsession and how it endangers others, and also a solid kick to Thirteen’s apathy towards her own life. Solid episode all around.
Watched episodes 2 and 3 of Kusuriya, and I’m starting to lose the faith a little bit. And by that I mean I think that maybe Kusuriya’s structure just doesn’t lend itself well to anime…at least, for the first few mysteries that have very little action. But in general Maomao tends to solve mysteries with just a little bit of looking around and thinking, and the mysteries themselves don’t require too much set-up either, so in anime form it feels like 20 minutes of stasis. There’s a lot of exposition that needs to be done too, and I think they should’ve used that Narrator they established in episode 1 instead of having the characters awkwardly talk at each other about things they already know. Of course, I’m still going to watch it, but if I were to separate out the scores for the manga and anime, the manga would be a 10/10 while the anime is about a 7/10 so far. I’m hoping things will pick up when we get to the Garden Party, but for now I’ll just enjoy seeing Maomao and Jinshi in full color and with voices and accept that it’ll be a somewhat clunky adaptation. But it’s fun getting to see Maomao be a little kitty cat poison freak.
Kakegurui is another series where I don’t really get what’s going on anymore but I stay to see what happens anyway (plus the art is gorgeous). Yumeko as a protagonist feels a little one-note, and it’s funny that it even carries into her backstory, so we basically didn’t get any new insight to her character in chapter 105 other than external information about her family. In terms of characters I’m actually invested in, I hope we can get back to Mary soon, since she actually has to struggle and claw her way to what she wants.
Koko wa Ima Kara Rinri desu 38: This is a manga I picked up on recommendation from a classmate, and it’s been decently enjoyable so I’ve stuck with it. I do enjoy the “teacher helps a class of students” structure (Assassin Classroom being a favourite), and I appreciate that this manga hasn’t shied away from real things that teens deal with like sex and gender. This chapter was wholly uneventful, though.
I don’t know if I would call Scary Campus College University “good”, per se…but it’s definitely entertaining. This beauty contest is really…well, it’s absurdist fun. I liked that bit when the other beauty contest winners were given some pathos beyond being over-confident, and I like that Chigarashi eked out a victory by herself…even if it was because of a stupid ridiculous rap LMAO. Feels very Sakura vs Saki rap battle in Zombieland Saga. With Fujimiya being the crux/final boss and all of the exorcists in play in this Cultural Festival arc, it feels like the manga might be wrapping up as a whole soon.
Sousou no Frieren 115: Frieren is a bit of a weird series for me. It’s so universally praised and emotionally affecting for a lot of people, but I don’t feel all that strongly about it. To be honest, most of my investment is from seeing the shy blossoming romance between Stark and Fern, and I shamefully admit that I kind of don’t feel anything about Frieren’s wistfulness for her past with Himmel. I care even less so about the action scenes, so this current arc is doing absolutely nothing for me. I’m going to force myself to watch the anime since everyone’s raving about it, but I don’t know if I’ll enjoy it. And it’s like, I’m down for some quiet fantasy stories, but this one just doesn’t grab me.
I’m really happy to get another chapter of Yuria-sensei no Akai Ito. This manga has just been so refreshingly messy and human, and I love the complex web of atypical relationships that this manga has woven. In the first place, it’s so rare to get a protagonist like Yuria, and her age and practical personality shines through amongst all the chaos she has to deal with. This Christmas chapter was super cute, and a glimpse into the non-nuclear queer-adjacent living situation that these people could have together…not to mention how all the characters feel so layered and real. This was the kind of ambiguous messiness I wanted from Detransition, Baby, to be honest. And I just found out this got a live action show, which is so fitting for this manga, so I’m looking forward to watching that and I hope they do the story justice. (Although I’m a bit tentative… Because the thing about Japanese live action adaptations (that I’ve seen, anyway) is that they tend to be a little too…clean and perfectly choreographed to a science. To the point where there’s this veneer of fakeness to it. And I want MESS. And hnrghn I’m looking at the preview images and already I feel like the actress for Yuria is too young and neat and why is her hair so perfectly shiny and straight, I was imagining like Evelyn Wang from EEAAO’s levels of frizz…I’m going to be disappointed, aren’t I).
Two new chapters of the Kusuriya manga, what a treat. We get a nice denouement for the hunting arc and some more progression between Maomao and Jinshi, with rumblings of perhaps some political conflict ahead. Possibly three high ranking consorts being pregnant at the same time is such a juicy plot thread…I really look forward to seeing how Maomao protects Gyokuyou and how the babies will change the political landscape.
I had meant to leave Kusuriya for last in my manga binge, but I missed that Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru had a new chapter. Absolutely nothing happened though, which is a little baffling but whatever.
Yeah okay I had to quell my curiosity so I watched the first episode of the Yuria-sensei live action and yeah. It’s just as I thought. Everything’s just too neat, too polished, too rehearsed for any real emotion to come through… The camerawork is uninspired, the lighting is so whatever, the acting is a tad overacted… It’s crazy to me that even the hospital and the movers and Yuria’s home are just. Pristine. There’s just zero verisimilitude to be seen, which stings more when the manga is so uniquely real. Goro’s mom’s actor is spot on, though. I don’t know, maybe an anime would do it justice…but I don’t even know if anime production companies would go for a story like this, and also I feel like the scratchiness of the manga’s art doesn’t lend itself well to animation. But that sort of roughness does lend itself well to live action, which is why I wish the live action was good and had good actors who could actually emotionally fill out the roles…it’d be such a rich piece… basically I want this to be shot and directed by anyone who actually has a creative vision and isn’t beholden to just making a beautiful pristine product.
Watched two more generally uneventful House episodes with my friend. The House/Cuddy plotline is soooo boring and juvenile to both of us, but we liked the Foreman/Thirteen plotline.
I finally continued reading Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Mummy, and god it’s just so good. The change of scenery from the previous books is a welcome change, and the book kicks off right in the midst of the action as Sammy and Marissa travel to Hollywood to see Sammy’s mother. Seeing Sammy and Lana finally interact is so rewarding, and their relationship is so nuanced and layered – Sammy’s constantly wrestling with her own anger and sadness and empathy towards this mother that she doesn’t even recognize anymore. And reading this as an adult, I can also see Lana’s sadness in her single minded ambition in this horrible industry. I love that the Sammy Keyes books aren’t afraid to delve into complicated subject matter, despite being kid’s books. And wow, our first murder case of the series, and it’s looking like Lana is involved somehow…all of the set-up is just pitch perfect.
Wow Marissa’s getting some real standout moments in this one, which works because Sammy is so frazzled about her mother being involved in the case. But Marissa’s emotional maturity is great to see. The tension is just racketed up tenfold throughout this whole book in comparison to the ones before, since Sammy has a big personal stake in the mystery and she’s a fish out of water and it’s a murder. Wendelin van Draanen is definitely good at creating a cascade of chaos.
Finished Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Mummy and wowwww. So many good misdirects but also clues being dropped all along the way…and a very dramatic intense ending that Sammy takes charge of…and also themes about the pain of seeing your mother as her own person and letting go…genuine emotional moments between Sammy and Lana…everything just works so well. This is definitely my favourite book of the series so far. And oh no now I’m a third of the way through…it’s so hard to stop myself from ploughing through the whole series.
Couldn’t help myself and started the next Sammy Keyes book, Sammy Keyes and the Search for Snake Eyes, but I’ll probably stop here for a bit because it’s not as electric as Hollywood Mummy was. Having a baby dumped on her is chaotic in a stressful way, and it just feels like everything is going wrong for Sammy. I like that at least Officer Borsch has grown enough to see Sammy as more than a juvenile delinquent though, and can get her the help she needs.
New Skip to Loafer chapter! Makoto saying she has a crush on a senpai makes me a little sad, since I’m a Makoto/Yuzuki shipper… also we got a glimpse of Sousuke’s somewhat complicated home life huh… Overall just a solid chapter.
I couldn’t wait until Anime Saturday so I watched episode 4 of Undead Unluck and I cried. Everything is just so perfect, I love the quick cuts both for comedy and for drama, Yuuki Aoi killed it as Gina, the comedy was great, the action was great, the lighting and color grading was amazing, I even love the sound editing and sound design, I love the video-gamey sound effects and also the general sound editing of the fight and the sci-fi elements and the UNCHANGE cut-in, fuck that was insanely stylish, and I love Gina and Andy’s kiss in her final moments… This is what makes Undead Unluck so refreshing, and what hooked me onto the series in the first place. Introducing a girl who’s a romantic rival for the main girl is so common in shounen manga, but they would never let her actually get close to the main guy, let alone share an actual intimate moment or a kiss, since they’re so set on preserving the ‘purity’ of the main couple’s relationship. But to get this moment of real connection and tragedy in Undead Unluck was so amazing, and I was shocked that Gina actually died when they’d endeared her to us so much. Undead Unluck truly doesn’t pull its punches, and I just love it so so so much. I think what was always holding the manga back a little was its art, which is lovable but still a bit rough around the edges, so seeing it translated so beautifully and even elevated so highly in the anime with just perfect production on every aspect of animation makes me so happy. If they can keep this up, it’ll be an easy 10/10 for me, and another entry into the Starlight Time Machine Awards.
One more Houseki no Kuni chapter before we head into hiatus again. The quiet but stirring emotions that Ichikawa conveys in their artwork is so moving, even if I don’t remember all the granular plot details that got us to this point. Once Houseki no Kuni ends, I’ll have to go through and reread the whole thing.
Two more chapters of Gakuen Babysitters, which are just like cotton candy in that they are sweet but ultimately lacking in substance. Seeing Kotaro interact with a bird was cute, but the rest was just whatever.
A pretty action packed chapter of To You The Immortal. I don’t really know how I feel about this future arc, but I suppose we have to follow Immo to the very ends of time so the adventure still has a ways to go. This is another manga where I binge-read the whole thing and fell in love with it, but now that I’m reading it only when it updates, it’s hard for me to remember everything that happened. (And I hear the anime was…clunky). So I’ll have to reread this when it ends.
Kemono Jihen chapter 64: A pretty fun fight! I’m not really one for fighting tournaments though, so this arc hasn’t really grabbed me. But hey… Inugami/Mihai ship fodder… I’ll take it.
Spent the day making soup with my friend and then rewatching Over the Garden Wall for peak autumnal vibes. I love the different vignettes we see every episode, the music is just absolute perfection, and I love the unique voice acting. OTGW just really knew what it wanted to do and didn’t overstay its welcome. Also Greg is soooooo cute.
The new Kusuriya episode had a welcome style change from the previous three episodes, with a looser style of animation that added a lot of character to the more mundane scenes like eating or feeding. There were some clunky bits, like when Maomao waved goodbye at Xiaolan, but overall I really enjoyed the experimentation here. The slap and the overall confrontation between Maomao and Lihua’s lady in waiting was fantastic, and I also liked the subtlety of Lihua’s embarrassment when Maomao tells her about the secret technique. Some other little moments I liked were the brothel ladies playing with Maomao’s hair, and Lihua petting her head when she was asleep. Also the return of the narrator! I thought the pacing throughout was just perfect. Judging by the preview, the next episode will seemingly be a return to form, but at least the Lihua arc was a knockout.
A pretty chill slice of life SpyFam episode today. The segment about macarons with the Damian/Anya moment was cute, but I physically could not make myself care about the Franky and cat segment. Even reading that chapter in the manga for the first time was such a slog because of how much of a foregone conclusion it was, and I didn’t find the comedy good enough to justify it. I hope maybe someday we’ll get a Franky arc with real stakes, because his position as an informant can actually be pretty perilous and ripe for drama, but I digress. But! Next week we start the cruise ship arc! Which is my favourite arc! So I’m looking forward to that!
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insurguitor · 1 year
2, 20 and 22 for the art asks :)
2: I love the thick, smooth lines and I enjoy the coloring process! It's really relaxing :) I also like the more vibrant colors!
20: Very hard to choose! I have, like, 7 that I'm super proud of, all for different reasons:
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Going from left to right, top to bottom: The first is fanart I did of R1RU! I was experimenting with shading and I really liked the result! The lightning was kinda difficult, but it turned out pretty well Second is a Wormhole drawing I did for an angel/demon prompt. I'm particularly proud of the way I did the wings and portrayed his expression! I'm pretty sure I figured out gradients around this time and the background really sets the mood in my opinion, even though it's simple :) Third is Wisp! I was trying out a lineless style and it turned out really good hfgjgjfgh I'm really obsessed with it- The wisps themselves are a little wonky to me but the character itself looks absolutely amazing- Forth is a little adopt dude I did! I just really like the way I did the design, mainly the posing and the stickers on the helmet. Fifth is a lil doodle guy, I'm mainly proud of his posing and expression and the accessories! He just has a vibe he radiates and I love that so much- Sixth is a chibi I did of an FR derg :) First time doing a chibi that isn't an object and it turned out really well, I especially like the way I did the blossom and crystal genes. And last is a reference I did for my WOT signup! It's the first proper reference I did that I actually like. Mostly like the posing, the way I did the background, and I LOVE the lettering! Most of my pride goes towards the lettering if I'm being honest-
22: I'll be honest, I'm not really sure- Mainly picked up drawing from my dad since he used to do it all the time and he does these really cool realistic drawings! Here's a pic of one of my critters I made that he drew for me (Sorry that it's blurry I do not have steady hands-):
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I keep it on my desk I swear I stared at it for hours when he first gave it to me- Once I transitioned to digital I mainly just drew other people's critters. I really like drawing things and seeing other people enjoy them! I don't really take inspiration from anyone in particular now, I just like looking at other people's art and remembering "hey! I can draw too!" and then sharing my art with other people.
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"Mary's 2021 Summary of Art" - Published: Dec 31, 2021
(Warning: This is going to be a wall of text.)
January in January i was asked by a friend "Hey, i wanna learn how to make Live2D models. Wanna join?" At first i thought i couldn't do it, but in the end decided "Why not?". That's the mindset i wanted to carry through the year. Pictured is the result. I've been asked to try and complete said model, so next January will be fun! This month i also took part in a FFXIV tag on twitter, where we made fake screenshots for a dating sim. That's where i decided i wanted to try and work on a visual novel, at least once. It has always been one of my dreams after all!
February ...And so i jumped on the lemmasoft forums to look for work. Found a person making a cute little self-love tale for the Valentines Jam and figured it was a good idea to give it a try. It was so much fun. Took the challenge as far as i could, and i'm still really proud of being part of this! Still not sure if game art is for me, but felt great to finally give my dream a try. If you take anything from this text wall, let it be "Wanna do something new with your art? Try it out!"
March I think it's around this time we started playing our TTRPG game (Asera)? Ok i forget when we started, but this was the month i sat down and designed my little thief (Layla) and my boyfriend's fighter (Daimyorus). Also made designs for Layla's family. It was a rather busy month (character design is time consuming!), but nothing really 'wow' to show off for it.
April This month i drew some memes for Asera, and sketched a bunch of illustration ideas... That are still sitting there, unfinished. You see, this same month i got accepted into my first zine ever, as a merch artist! Trying new things continued to pay off~ I got stickers done from sketch to flat colors around this time.
May Finished the sticker sheet for the zine (pictured), then proceeded to take...around a week on the phone wallpapers. I restarted it so many times before... When the idea finally clicked i stayed up till 4am drawing >>;;; I was terrified I'd miss the deadline, and had an apology letter on the back of my mind the whole time LOL Thankfully, it worked out and they were delivered in time. Sadly had to skip Mermay because i was busy with miscellaneous projects (only drew 1 mermaid for it, which I wanna redraw someday). Started making little chibi faces for my OCs so i could have a catalog... Which is an idea I wanna revisit later. Having a good reference of everyone would be really nice! (...even if i never do anything with them lol)
June Asera bug bit me again, and i spent a while making chibis for our characters. Also made chibis for NPCs. Designed more NPCs. Designed some of our weapons. For work, got commissioned by a VTuber to draw them and their pet (pictured). Technically finished on July3, but worked on it most in this month so eh LOL
July I made an off-hand comment about working on commissions a month or two before, then on July my friend approached me like "Hey, so you said you're doing comms... Can I get one too?" I had! So much fun! This is also the first time i recorded my drawing process (i do have plans on making a youtube channel eventually). It made me realize i... Take a bit too long. This one was 36hs. That's a bit much LOL But hey, i'm proud of it and both friend&his girlfriend like it, so 100% worth!
August Another busy month, drew some twitch screens for a friend, updated an old drawing (xmas chibis), filled some ff14 memes, experimented with a more sketchy style so i can have a faster type of drawing (...why didn't i post it?) Pictured is the bday gift i made for my boyfriend. Still haven't posted it here, but it's on my stash somewhere >>; It's filled with love!! Maybe that's why I'm still proud of it.
September Made the final twitch screen (pictured), and designed more outfits for Asera (fashion design is indeed my passion). Cleaned up twitter and started working on a TOS so i can maybe open commissions soon... Speaking of commissions, this is when i drew the Dauntless illustration. Nature BGs are my favorite thing ever!
October A very busy month. Worked on commissions (all 6 of the characters O_O) + bunny boy for the EW countdown. The original sketch for the commissions was.....interesting....idk how that got approved LOL But the final result is something I'm very proud of! For the rest, drew more sketches and outfit designs for Asera, plus a chibi sketch to commemorate EW's release (bf's wol and mine ON THE MOON)... Having no idea it would be delayed very soon LOL
November Got into a bit of an art block, which was broken by... Asera characters as Animal Crossing villagers!! Why are drawing memes/challenges the best thing ever?? After that, i managed to start working on a commission my sister asked. Drew all of her students and their favorite toys. They're all so friggin adorable ;_; Was stressful, yes, but also a great experience. Also i think this was my first time drawing real people? Well, my first time doing that for a commission at least!
December Sadly another art-block month. Made yet another Asera sketch (bc i don't have enough of these!), and twitch badges/emotes for ADigitalKing (pictured, also sorry for the hideous watermark, but they paid for it ok TT). Currently working on twitch emotes for my friend, but struggling to have them on a quality level i'm comfortable releasing.
Phew, what a year! My journey for a year where i have finished art to post on every month continues, but i'm proud of how much closer i got this time. Also got to try so many new things too! Overall, a good year.
Onwards to 2022!
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seeyounexttime · 3 years
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Blank Page Brigade Spotlight: Assistants (3/5)
Assistants Part 1 is: here, and Assistants Part 2 is: there
At the end of volumes of Black Clover is space for the “Blank Page Brigade.” This particular “brigade” is composed of the assistants (you know, those who help with art) and others from the Black Clover manga team, lead by “Captain Tabata.”
In each volume there’s a question that everyone answers. Assistants also include a drawing with their answers. I’ve compiled the answers and drawings from all published volumes (1-29), and grouped them together.
7. Teruaki MIZUNO
was present from vol.3-11, and vol.13-22
"who did this?" drawing what people are too afraid to ask about having that many birds around
vol.14 "Surströmming" is Swedish fermented Baltic herring
Rugby Yami; took me way too long to realize "Revolc Club" is Clover backwards...
hell yeah Hage village will the shades Magna would be proud  😎
"Uji matcha ice cream almond chocolate bar from 7-eleven" is so specific I had to look it up
that vol.21 drawing is some old Japanese reference but idk of what exactly...
as described in the vol.22 reply, Mizuno had a weekly series, which after looking on MAL and considering that Black Clover began publishing in 2015, I think the series being referred to was "Metallica Metalluca" from 2010
also from 2011 to 2014, Mizuno was artist for "Super High-Speed Transforming Gyrozetter" which was published in Saikyo Jump - a monthly magazine - the story was written by someone else though
8. Hikaru MIZUNO
was only around for vol.11
“Mizuno” again? It's the same kanji, and even their given names have similar themes - where Hikaru is written with the kanji for "light" and Teruaki with “radiance” and “bright.” Are Teruaki and Hikaru related? hooked a brother up perhaps?
while Hikaru-san's stint as Tabata's assistant was short-lived, the Vanessa with Rouge doodle is cute :>
was present from vol.11-15
I wonder if Suzuki drew the dragons (Salamander and sea dragon’s roar) during the witch’s forest arc - because these look sick..!
"told me I looked like Gachapin" apparently this is Gachapin
hope Suzuki's motorcycle is okay  🙏
10. Yōtarō HAYAKAWA
has been present from vol.11-29
according to Tabata, Hayakawa had a one-shot recently published in Jump GIGA
Hayakawa declared a magic veggie series in vol.11 and by god he drew those veggie (and other plants) references for a long time!
what's a "century egg" you wonder? glad you asked
so it seems like Parm Chocolate is a separate ice cream than Chocolate Monaka Jumbo. The monaka jumbo looks great honestly *-*
"He bore fruit!!" this needs to be a clover clip istg  🤣
in a happy chibi alternate universe, Zagred is just a guy who means well who's just a little too intense about making sure you eat your veggies
apparently Charlotte is the 2nd worse chef in the series, but Charla though? she's a ✨ decent cook ✨
this is it, Hayakawa wins, that vol.24 drawing of Undine and Sylph fighting... I need this to be canon for a moment i thought bell was calling yuno "cuter" rather than "cooler"
TIL about the blue honeysuckle, AKA haskap (from the Ainu language); and here's Haskap Jelly
vol.24 snack pictures: Suppa Mucho potato chips (brisk plum flavor)
ngl the drawing of the eyeballs coming for their drops is weirdly cute...
Vol.28 "let's play board games" the line was  スゴロクでもしようか  apparently Sugoroku can refer to 2 board games. One similar to backgammon and the other like shoots and ladders, so i just went with "board games"
Vol.29 Drawing Translation:
"If you defeat the devil that comes out, you can make a contract" ☆
"If you can win, you know" ☆
1 game / 1 reward!
Low Rank~Mid Rank
13 kinds in total
1 kind
Assistants Part 4 is now here
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tagged by @fismoll7secinv aka @danhoemei , ty!!!
With the year ending, let’s look back at what we did! What are your favorite creations you did or the ones you think deserve more love? Send this to 5 other creators to share the love.
Though I didn’t spend as much time on art this year as I normally do…
The piece I’m most proud of, which came out 100% as imagined (rare): “little ghosts”, teen Wen Kexing with baby Gu Xiang. I sure capitalized on my strong points for this one, but it came out bangin, so!
I also have a huge soft spot for “wife Wen – husband Zhou”, wenzhou wedding art. I think I got faces / expressions particularly right in this one!
Another one that fills me with fuzzy feelings: Tian Ya Ke anniversary art. It’s really a culmination of my ‘year of tyk’ because I drew it super-fast but nothing gave me trouble? Not even Zhou Zishu’s facial features, for once?
And then there are things I’ve drawn that may not have seemed huge, but are for me!
Made an illustration for someone else’s fic! I was… greatly intimidated but I’m glad I posted it after all. The fic is called “deathbed” and its first-lifetime!jby/zzs. My art for it is here, and it should have the forbidden l-ink to the fic in replies.
For once, put my (questionable) skills into art and drew some manboobs, with TFGL’s Zhao Yue as my muse.
Shaken up my artstyle by imitating DWGL manhua’s style, again with zhaowen.
Lastly: finally found a chibi style I can consistently pull out! feat. “everywhere in jianghu…”’s main cp.
Now, for the reason I didn’t spend as much time on art: I finally started properly writing down my thoughts, instead of letting them bang around my head like a windows xp screensaver forever.
One of my earliest TYK metas, and the one on which I really felt that I hit the stride for them: “The only thing that couldn’t be forgotten was love”.
My favorite meta to write was this analysis of wenzhou’s wrist biting scene though, ngl.
The one that took a lot of time and effort, but I’m super glad I got all of that salt out… this one.
And the labor of love (and also salt, I guess): TYK/SHL comparisons, final cut
Last but not least: a published fic, for once!
“so nothing’s left untouched”, tyk!wenzhou, post-canon, soft clownery hours.
It feels a bit… hmm to tag someone in year-end meme when it’s February, but if you didn’t do this one and want to, you can say I tagged you ~💜
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Ooo, fun facts or trivia! This one is super hard bc I feel like every mega OPM fan already knows the trivia and I’d just be preaching to the choir, but I’m gonna think on it!! Might have to result to personal opm facts u know?
1. I first found out about OPM when I saw a commercial for season one on adult swim and thought it looked really creative and funny
2. It’s my second manga ever! I tried reading Sailor moon but only got two volumes in bc I hated it :/ was too girly and convoluted to me
3. My pop got volume one for my 13th birthday! I remember unboxing it and being like :0 it was a Halloween b day party too 😏😏
4. A few months after I started opm I drew Saitama’s face in sharpie on a craft egg and he was my first OPM toy/figure(?). Still have him somewhere! I tried to draw Genos too but his face was too squished
5. I have a dvd of season one that’s just the normal edition and a bootleg af version with the OVAS that my uncle got from god knows where. The OVAS are only in Japanese tho :/
6. I have a miniature cottagecore house for my Sai and Genos nendos!! I’ve talked a little about it before but never posted pics for it bc tumblr kept messing it up. I’ll try to show it soon tho! It’s got an overhead light, oranges and orange leaf wallpaper, tiny pictures of fubuki, Garou, Mumen, etc, hanging pots, fake moss on the outside, windows, Keith haring art, tiny teacups, a picture of saitama punching Nick Wilde that I got off tumblr (I’ll try to link it if I can find it) and so much more. I just now thought of putting up some gay flags in there, like why haven’t I thought of that before?? I’ll prob put up and mlm flag for Genos and a demi flag for Sai bc that’s how I hc them. I’m very proud of the house and I’m always adding onto it :) OO and I like to pose my nendos every now and then, tho I’ve posed them so many times that I’m running out of ideas 😭
7. I have a really cute lanyard I got years ago at a comic con that I never wear bc when DO you wear a lanyard? Wore it recently tho bc I was bored. Its got Sai Genos Tatsu Mumen and fubuki on the strap in chibi, they’re so cute.
8. Including posters, official Murata art, fan art, my art and posters, I have 10 opm things hanging around my room. It’s unhealthy I know 😃
9. I started with the manga, watched s1 of the anime then s2 when it came out years later and finally decided to check the wc after. If you had to make me choose, I’d choose the manga. I love the webcomic but the manga is more solid (not completely of course) and just more fun to read. Tho the webcomic IS fantastic don’t get me wrong, ONE is a great artist. The anime is pretty good, I’m still sad they had to cut s2’s budget but I love it anyway. THO I HATE HOW THEY TRANSLATED THE SAITAMA SAVING EVERYONE FROM CENTICHORO SCENE BC THEY TOTALLY DIDNT GET THE DRAMATIC LOVESICK LOOK ON GENOS FACE AND THE SURPRISED LOOK ON SAITAMA LIKE THAT SCENE WAS SO ICONIC AND THEY FUCKED IT I—sorry. Still upset.
10. I used to hate Tatsumaki Amai and Suiryu! Suiryu is still on thin ice bc he gives me such arrogant fuck boy vibes. Tatsumaki has grown so much in the current arc and even the arc before it and I just love her so much, even if she’s mean. Amai is a sick but he’s loveable and an interesting one you know? Especially bc of the webcomic. Used to get annoyed by Fubuki but now I’m in love with her LOL
11. I straight up thought Sonic was a girl until I watched the dub and heard his voice 💀
That’s about all I can think of! Sorry if this totally isn’t what you asked for, just a little lost on how to talk about fresh trivia u know? Thanks for ur ask tho :)
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lynmay-arcana · 3 years
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Look what I made! This was a little personal project I've ben working on and it quickly became a lot more work than I anticipated, and the character plushes don't look quite what I was expecting, but I'm still proud of myself for completing these.
All together I made chibi, Asra, Julian and Lake plushes. As well as a mini Faust and plush wheel of fortune keyring.
For those who are curious the fabric used to make everything is printed. I drew the patterns, faces and clothes digitally then ordering the fabric to be printed. The fabric was printed by the UK company prinfab on their soft velvet.
I just want to let people know that none of these plushes are for sale and they never will be. And I won't be making these again, as this was a personal project to practice pattern making and my first time printing fabric. And was a bold reminder as to why I don't sew small things. So please DO NOT make any comments or send messages to regards to purchasing these. The only time I would consider making more would be to make all the Main 6. And again they wouldn't be for sale.
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cesiscribbles · 4 years
Your two styles of drawing are super cute. (I always die a little whenever I see chibi Sho and Zashi.) Got any tips for people who want to take up drawing? :)
Oh well I think there are no new tips I can really give but here are the ones I am following: - the beginning is rough because it can get frustrating to not improve as fast as you want, especially when you compare yourself with other artists who draw for a much longer time. But keep on drawing because you will improve!
- if you want to post your art online try not to do it for the follower count. I saw many artists who lost their passion for drawing because they couldn’t gain followers as fast as they wanted, which made them automatically believe it’s because of their art.
- use references for anatomy, proportions, details, light etc
- in case you are still figuring out your art style, try out different styles from a series for example, till you found out what you are comfortable with. I was in the One Piece fandom for a long time and my style is heavyily inspired by it till got its own direction.
- find your motivation! I love to see how my fav artists drew several years ago because that keeps reminding me that I can improve too!
Here is some of my old chibi art so ya can see what development it went through:
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For a long time I never was happy with how my Chibis looked but all the hard work, experimenting and me not giving up finally payed off:
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I’m proud.
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