#prodigal fangirl returns
Imagine Peter Rekindling His Crush On You
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Peter Quill X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Suggestive themes, spoilers, mentions of an abusive relationship, fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
(A/N:) Okay I have seen GOTG Vol. 3 twice now and I freaking LOVE this movie! It has reignited my love of Peter. I had this idea and I had to write it! I’m even staying up late to get it done as I want to get it posted ASAP! I hope my fellow Peter fangirls enjoy it as it has a little bit of angst and fluff. I had so much fun writing this and I hope I can get more ideas to write for Peter! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
A week had gone by since Peter had returned to Earth and it had been pretty calm so far. Catching up with his grandfather had been easier than expected and his last remaining Terran relative welcomed him back like the prodigal son. But now Peter was wanting to find more people he had known all those years ago. It didn’t take long until his thoughts had begun to dwell on you. He remembered the crush he had harbored for you, even after Yondu had taken him away his thoughts had gone back to you if he was in need of something good to remember. He asked his grandpa about you, but for some reason the older man was keeping quiet about you. It aggravated Peter but he didn’t ask much, not wanting to push his grandpa’s buttons too much. Though he couldn’t shake the feeling that the older man was up to something.
It shocked Peter that one fateful day that you turned up to his grandpa’s front door, like it was the most normal thing in the world. You waltzed in easily, hands full with vegetables.
“Mr. Quill I brought you...,” you paused almost dropping your bundle of goods. You fumbled around, regaining control but still staring at Peter who sat on the couch. Normally he would have laughed at someone giving him such a look but he knew he had to have the same expression on his face. While he still loved Gamora so much, it was a blessing to see you once again. You aged, just as he had but he couldn’t help but see how much of a beautiful woman you had become.
“Peter,” you asked as tears pricked the corners of your eyes.
“Hi (Y/N),” Peter spoke while rising from the couch. He took the vegetables from you and laid them on the kitchen counter. You followed close behind, still unbelieving that Peter was standing right in front of you. Grown and more handsome than you could have ever imagined. You swallowed loudly, stepping closer to him. He leaned backwards, suddenly uncomfortable with how close you were. You suddenly hugged him, shocking him more.
“It really is you!”
Peter chuckled finally hugging you back, “Yeah. I had some loose ends to fix.”
You punched his shoulder roughly.
“Ow! What was that for,” he squalled.
“For leaving without saying goodbye,” you glared.
“I had no choice!”
You continued to glare before relenting. It wasn’t Peter’s fault, you knew that. But it had hurt that day that he had disappeared. You were sure he was as good as dead until you had saw Thanos’ defeat and Peter had stood amongst the heroes that had saved the Earth. But now with him standing in front of you in person, the relief was becoming so overwhelming. You had thought about him a lot since then and you were afraid that you would never get to see him again. Or that if you did get to see him, he wouldn’t remember you at all. But now you were so relieved that that wasn’t the case. You hugged him again, but this time he was scared you would punch him again. Peter held you away from him about to say something else when you looked down. A little boy that hid behind you, tugged on the hem of your shirt. Looking up at Peter with large bright eyes. Of course, you were married. Any guy would be stupid to pass you up, he just hated he was too late. You looked down at your son, rubbing the mop of his hair affectionately.
“Peter this is my son,” you pushed the little boy forward who pushed back too shy to stand before Peter. 
Peter’s eyes went from the young boy to your left hand. He didn’t spy a ring on your finger, but that didn’t mean you weren’t taken. He looked back to the boy who still was trying to escape. He squatted down getting eye level with him before smiling warmly.
“I’m a good friend of your mom’s,” he said holding out a hand. “We knew each other when we were kids.”
“Hi,” he answered timidly before looking back up towards you. Satisfied with him braving a new stranger you let him dart back behind you. You chuckled, shaking your head.
“He’s a little shy sorry about that,” you said.
Peter waved it off, though his heart hurt he was glad you found some happiness in life. You sent your son off to go play as Peter invited you to go outside to sit while you watched your son play. While you enjoyed the sunshine warming your face, Peter couldn’t help but look at your ring finger, the lack of ring bothering him. He didn’t have a right to be jealous of someone who had been there for you, but his heart was betraying him.
You were enjoying the silence, just glad to see Peter once again when he interrupted the silence.
“Who’s the lucky man,” he finally asked. His curiosity and jealousy too much to bear. You stiffened, refusing to look at Peter. You were really hoping he wouldn’t ask but of course he would once he saw your son. You sighed, deflating back into the chair.
“He’s not in our lives anymore,” you replied vaguely. Peter just continued to stare and you sighed again. “He left me a little after I gave birth. He was verbally abusive and he didn’t really love me. He just lied to get to me. I married him like an idiot and I suffered since.”
Peter felt his rage starting to choke him, especially when he saw a stray tear make it’s way down your cheek. He couldn’t imagine someone being so cruel to you and leaving  you alone to raise a child alone. His hands clenched into fists as he trembled in rage.
“He didn’t deserve you,” Peter snarled.
You jumped in your chair, surprised at the anger in Peter’s voice. Every emotion began to swirl inside your mind as you saw how much he actually cared about you.
“Any man that is dumb enough to marry you and knock you up just to belittle you and abandon you is not worth anything in any universe.”
Peter thought about his father who had killed his mother and left Peter alone in the world. If it hadn’t been for Yondu, in his own twisted way, rescuing him he wouldn’t be here talking with you. Peter suddenly took your hand giving it a gentle but firm squeeze.
“You deserve better,” Peter continued.
You laughed nervously a blush darkening your cheeks. “Laying that Quill charm on thick aren’t we?”
“I’m serious,” Peter replied. “He deserves better too.” He gestured to the little boy racing around the yard, giggling gleefully. You touched your cheek, surprised to find tears streaking your skin.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered. Sure you had been so young when Peter left but it had left a void in your life you had tried to ignore. But now with him back on Earth and a grown man, you found that he had meant more to you than anything. You felt foolish for finding someone else to take his place and the one you found had been a waste of time. Your son was the only good thing that had come from that relationship and marriage. Peter tugged you back into another embrace, kissing your cheek. His beard quickly catching your tears as you clung to him tightly.
“I missed you too,” Peter said. He never wanted to let you go now that you were back in his life. While Gamora still hurt, he found that holding you and seeing you again felt right. He felt a conviction well up inside him, that he wanted to show you how much of a real man he could be.
“Can I take you and him out sometime,” he asked.
You sniffed before nodding. “I would like that very much.”
“Be prepared for the best date of your life,” he announced making you laugh.
“I’ll hold you to that,” you smiled through your tears.
“I want you too,” he replied before jumping up from his chair. He kissed you again before taking off after your son. The little boy squealed as Peter chased him around the yard, scooping him up and throwing him up in the air. You couldn’t lie to yourself anymore as old feelings came back to you. Peter was back in your life and you couldn’t say it was a bad thing at all.
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prodigalsonfanblog · 3 years
I'm usually a pretty reasonable fangirl. As much as I love a show/ film/ work of some kind, I'm able to vent my feelings and step back to the rest of my life. But something about this cancellation and especially HBO's decision to pass has really hit me hard. It all feels so unfinished! As though two books in a trilogy have been published and the last left in a desk drawer somewhere! I guess I just want to know that there's still a little hope that this wonderful story has an ending. I hope you're well and taking care of yourself- you've helped keep my spirits up.
Same here! I’ve had shows cancelled on me before, some have returned, some have not, but never have I felt so intensely about a cancellation until Prodigal Son. A lot was working against it - moving to competitive Tuesday nights, the pandemic, Fox not advertising it as much as they should have, one could even argue how the fact that they restricted their videos on Youtube to just the US was a factor. But it’s an amazing show like no other with brilliant storylines and talented actors and it DESERVES to continue telling its story.
Don’t focus too much on HBO’s decision. The fact that the process that this show is going through to get picked up is so public - getting news articles that one streaming service has decided not to pick it up but the creators and WB are hopeful and still looking at other streaming services - is a good thing. They’ve heard that we want the show to continue and they’re fighting to save it, just like we are, but in different ways. It’s important that we continue doing our part - to keep showing up on Twitter, during the tweet parties or whatever part of the day you can - to save this show.
There’s still lots we can do - talking about the show during tweet parties to get us trending, signing and sharing the petition, tagging other streaming services and networks on Twitter (there are plenty! Netflix especially but also Hulu, Prime Video, Apple TV and others), voting for Prodigal Son on polls about cancelled shows so others can see how upset we are about this, hyping each other up and making sure that we’re taking care of ourselves. I know that Tom made a post on Instagram saying goodbye to the show and that people are freaking out about it, but he knows about as much as we do about this situation and he’s the main lead of the show - he’s been heavily involved in this for 2 years and the news of the cancellation hit him hard as well. The Lucifer cast said goodbye to the show as well when it was cancelled, and they got picked up by Netflix after a month of fans campaigning for it on Twitter.
Thank you for the kind words. 💕 Remember to stay positive, be patient and continue showing up! We can do this!! 🙌 In the wise words of Malcolm Bright, who quoted Alexandre Dumas:
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emeralddarkness · 3 years
Hope you’re having an awesome day! 💖💖💖
Who is your favourite Batman, Joker, and Batman villain in general?
oh dang this is such a big ask. uh. UM.
Well for the cheap, easy answer - my favorite version for almost anything DC period is the version you find in the DC Animated Universe (which is a separate continuity for most of the 90s DC cartoons, not everything animated and dc), they just nailed distilling the characters down to their essence and then did a super good job with that essence. Batman and the Joker are two of the characters that they did absolutely nail in DCAU - Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill are the Definitive Batman and Joker and like that's just the tea. These are the guys I'd point to if you asked who the character was. But a favorite is a little harder, because there's so many versions that are just so fun. Adam West's Batman is an absolute riot to watch, itty bitty Bruce from the tv show Gotham is just as Dramatic as he should be, the comics (with the right writer) can be so subtle and caring and good, Lego Batman is such a ridiculous and loving parody of what Batman turns into when he's not in the right hands, i just. I really love Batman.
And shout out to my boi Terry McGinnis who might be the real answer for favorite, if I have to choose a favorite. I really really love Bruce but I also really really love Terry, who shines so bright even in the shadows.
I'm not really a Joker fangirl or anything like he's, ya know, fine and all, but often times he seems to trend in the direction of 3 edgy 5 me. I do think that the Tim!Joker from Return of the Joker was a really fascinating cool rendition. I also actually decided I really kinda dug the DCEU version with the tattoos and the grill in Suicide Squad, Leto's Joker, even though I super didn't care for him the first time I saw the movie. He was too bizarre, and deliberately bizarre - too many things that seemed to be there for people to look at and go 'oh how crazy, no normal person would have 'damaged' tattooed on their forehead, nobody would lay out spirals of knives and guns and baby clothes and dress their henchmen in panda costumes, this is all performative, since when has the Joker had being visibly crazy as part of the schtick he doesn't need to try to sell it is just sort of is.' Then things kind of clicked into place and my perspective shifted to yeah that's the point, that's what this version of the Joker is doing - it's freaking madness and crime as performance art, he does all these things to make people look at him and say 'wow he's crazy and that makes no sense' that's the point, and all that was confirmed for me in one of the extended cut's scenes where Harley confronts Joker and he explains that he's not someone you love, he's an idea.
so anyway that was super cool once I started looking at it that way, and suddenly it turned from an over the top and kind of dumb rendition into a guy who's lost track of when to stop acting and that's the madness here, that all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players, Harley is half act and half audience. It made it unique and interesting in a way that wasn't a sliding scale to innocent trickster to psycopathic maniac who wears clown makeup, it was a new way to make him crazy and i am On Board after all that.
As to my favorite villain.... I dunno man. I don't necessarily dislike any, off the top of my head, but I'm less invested in the villains generally than I am in the heroes. Red Hood Prodigal Son Jason makes for some really interesting stuff with the dynamic of having been a member of batfam and kind of also still being a member of batfam but also he's not because he kills people now. Harley Quinn can be a ton of fun when she's done well, but she can also be turned into a sex bunny in a clown suit when she's not. Mr Freeze got a backstory makeover in btas that turned him super interesting and compelling after that. Catwoman is a lot of fun by herself, even if I do think that Batman/Catwoman as a relationship can tend towards slightly boring because all it ever is is trying to tempt each other over the line that they're always flirting with as a matter of habit just in general. Hush is interesting in a dark mirror kind of way (but not hush beyond oh my gosh that entire mini was so freakin dumb). I think the real favorite villain is the entirely cheater answer of Batman himself - like look at Tower of Babel. But in the end probably the real answer is that it kind of depends on how well they're being written. Basically all of them can be compelling, but if I was gonna buy a figurine and I had a choice of a batman villain or a batman hero i'd probably choose the hero.
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choicesfanatic86 · 6 years
TTS:  Part 4 (Liam x MC)
DISCLAIMER:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except characters unique to my story.  Those belong to me. ;)
PAIRINGS:  Riley (MC) x OC, Riley (MC) x Liam, Liam x Riley (MC) x OC, Olivia x Drake, Bertrand x Savannah, Maxwell x OC
SUMMARY:  Riley must accept that to move on to a new future, she must confront her past.
TAGS:  @herladyshipxx @theroyalweisme @blackcatkita @devineinterventions2 @hopefulmoonobject @captainkingliam @pbchoicesobsessed @queencatherynerhys @mfackenthal @cocomaxley @crayziimaginations @grapefrults @pessimystic-fangirl
Hi guys! Thank you again for your kind words about the Through the Storm series.  I’m so happy it’s getting such positive feedback.  Part 5 will likely be released late Tuesday/early Wednesday. :)
I received a question about Riley’s age in this book.  In my mind, I have Riley as 28.  She left Cordonia when she was 26.  Andy is currently 26.  Paul is 39, so that puts him around 10 years older than Riley.
PART 4 - The Return
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Riley awoke the next morning with a terrible hangover.  She didn’t normally drink  . . . let alone drink a whole lot of whisky.  In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she had a drink of whisky, but if she were to guess right, it was probably with Drake back in Cordonia while on the engagement tour.  Her head was pounding, she felt nauseated, and her thoughts were fuzzy but not fuzzy enough to forget what happened the night before.  She sighed as she walked to the bathroom rifling through the medicine cabinet . . . looking for something . . . anything to ward off the colossal migraine she had woken up with.  She found the nearest pain reliever and popped two into her mouth.  
Searching for something to eat, she wandered into the kitchen, pulling a muffin out of the container.  Sitting down at the table, she started to scan through the messages on her phone.  She noticed that she had a new email.  She smiled slightly when she saw Maxwell’s name as the sender.  She clicked into the message.
I can’t believe you actually responded!  Bertrand said I’d be wasting my time (and money) trying to send you an invitation.  I’m so happy I get to prove him wrong.  I can’t believe my best friend is coming back to me.  The prodigal Beaumont returns!
Of course you can bring someone!  The more the merrier.  After all, this Beaumont wedding will be the party to top all parties.    Although, I’m afraid their reception will be missing one crucial piece of any Beaumont party.   Savannah has requested that no  weapons be present at the reception.  She’s worried about the influence it might have on little Bartie, so I’m afraid our fancy champagne opening will have to wait for another occasion.  She really doesn’t know what she’s missing.  ☹
Please don’t worry yourself about airfare or hotel accommodations.   I insist that you stay at the house while you’re in Cordonia. After all, you are an honorary Beaumont, and your room is still waiting for you.  I can’t have you staying just anywhere.  I can also arrange to have a private jet fly you here.  Finances have been much better since we’ve last spoken, and I couldn’t possibly have you flying commercial.  I’ll be sure to set up the arrangements and email you once they are confirmed.  
And don’t you worry about you know who.  I can keep your return under wraps until the wedding.
Your Best Friend, Maxwell
Maxwell was still so very Maxwell.  Time hadn’t changed him at all.  He was still the lovable goofball who tried his very best to make everyone and anyone happy.  Riley could just picture him gleefully smiling and bouncing up and down as he wrote his response to her.  She was glad that he was exactly as she remembered him.  She was also glad that he didn’t seem to have any sort of resentment toward her.  At least not that she could decipher in the message.  
As she was closing out her email app, she heard rustling from Andy’s bedroom.   No sooner than a few seconds later did Andy come gliding out of the room with a huge smile on her face.  “Good Morning, Sunshine.”  Andy sang cheerily as she walked into the kitchen.
Riley cringed and groaned at her cheerfulness.  “Shut up,” she said.  “I just took some Advil.  Let it kick in before you get all cheery”
“I see somebody had a bit too much whisky last night.”  Andy pointed to the half empty bottle on the kitchen counter.  “Wonder what brought that on?” Andy snorted.
“You’re hilarious.” Riley said sarcastically.  “You know, if the whole grad school thing doesn’t work for you, you could probably make it as a stand up comedienne.”
“Touché.”  Andy nodded.  “So, how’d last night go with Paul?”
“Pretty good.  It was nice to spend some time with him.  He did kind of catch me off guard though.  He told me had to talk to me about something . . .” Riley started to explain before Andy cut her off.
“Did he pop THE question? The question that gets you a shiny new ring on that left hand finger?”  Andy excitedly squealed.
“What?”  Riley exclaimed.  “No.  God, no.  We are nowhere near that.  He asked me to move in with him.”
“Oh.”  Andy paused, taken aback.  “I’m guessing I’m not included in that equation, huh?”  She said softly, her cheerful excitement waning.  “So are you going to?”  She asked nervously.
Riley sighed, shaking her head.  “I told him that with everything going on lately, I needed some time to think about it.  So don’t worry, you’re not out of a roommate just yet.  I told him I needed some time to consider all the factors involved.  I mean, he dropped a bombshell on me . . . I dropped a bombshell on him.  It was an intense night.”  Riley continued.  “I told him about the wedding.  About Cordonia.”
Andy raised her eyebrows.  “You did?  How did he take things?”
“Surprisingly well,” Riley said.  “I honestly thought he’d be pissed that I kept it from him.”  Riley rubbed her hand across her face as if to rub the sleep out of her eyes.  “He wasn’t upset at all.  He was understanding and sweet.  He didn’t judge me or ask why I didn’t tell him sooner.  I really think I found the last decent man in New York.”  She smiled softly.  “He told me he supports whatever decision I make about things.”  
“And have you?  Made a decision that is?” Andy asked.
Riley nodded slowly.  “I have.”  Riley started to rub the back of her neck, massaging the knots out that had formed with all the stress of the previous day.  “I went back and forth about it a lot last night, but I couldn’t get your words out of my head.  It kills me to say this, but you’re right.  I do need closure.  And now that Paul wants me to move in with him, I think it made me realize that maybe things in Cordonia weren’t as finished as I had wanted to believe them to be.”  She shrugged lightly.  “I think if I’m going to have any sort of future with Paul, I have to accept everything that happened and really move on from it this time.  So I’m going . . . I’m gonna try to leave on Friday.  I emailed Maxwell last night, and I just got his response this morning.  He is going to arrange for a private jet to take me to Cordonia.”
“A private jet?”  She gaped at Riley.  “Who are you right now?”  She exclaimed.  
“Out of everything I just said you only walk away with the fact that I’m going to be going on a private jet.” Riley admonished.
“Yeah.”  Andy said.  “That’s kind of a big deal.”
“Anyway . . . I have few things to tie up with the business.  I’ve already phoned Alicia and asked her to hold down the fort while I am gone for the next few weeks.  The Mitchell Group’s Grand Opening isn’t for another month and a half, so I’ll have enough time to work on things with them when I get back.”
“Wow, it seems like you have pretty much everything figured out already.”  Andy noted.  “So how does Paul feel about traveling on a private jet?  I’m sure he’s had his fair share of rides on them considering he travels so much for business.”
Riley shook her head.  “Oh, Paul’s not coming with me.  He has to fly out to Boston in a couple of weeks to work on that merger he’s been dealing with for months now.”
“You’re going alone?” Andy asked with surprise.
“Actually. . . “Riley trailed off.  “I was hoping you would be my plus one.”  Riley said.  “It was your bright idea for me to go back there, and there’s no way in hell I’m doing this alone.   I need some back up here.  I know you’ve got your thesis to worry about, but we’ll be gone for like maybe three weeks at the most and you can even bring your –“
Riley’s sentence was cut off by a loud shriek.  Andy ran over to Riley enveloping her in a huge bear hug.  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.  EUROTRIP!”  She yelled.
Riley smirked.  “Don’t thank me yet.  You haven’t experienced court yet.”  Riley sighed.  “I just don’t want you getting caught up in all of the glitz and glamour of Cordonia.  It’s really easy to get swept up in court politics and the fancy balls.  I don’t want what happened to me to happen to you.  Okay?”
“Ri, we’ll be there for three weeks.  I don’t think the world can end in three weeks,” she said sarcastically.
“I fell for him in a matter of weeks, Andy.  I didn’t even see it coming,” Riley whispered sadly.
Andy placed a comforting hand on Riley’s shoulder.  “Things are going to be okay, you know.  You’ll see.  You’re making the right decision.”  Riley could only nod as she headed back into her bedroom to start coordinating their travel plans.
The days passed by quickly as Riley and Andy prepared for their trip to Cordonia.  Riley had worked tirelessly to make sure her assistant was prepared for any possible scenario that could arise during her time away from the business.  She knew Alicia was fully capable of handling things on her own for a little while, but Riley needed a distraction to keep her mind from wandering to all the “what if” scenarios of what could happen while in Cordonia.  She considered herself fortunate that Paul and Andy were so patient with her fears, and let her vent out her frustrations and worries to them, even if they seemed a bit over the top.  The anxiety she felt had grown as their departure date neared.  She had emailed back and forth with Maxwell in the days before the trip, and their short email conversations seemed to help keep her anxieties at bay.  She was glad that their friendship seemed stable despite how they last left things.  They spoke as if no time was lost, and it helped to think that she’d at least have one friend back in court that she could rely on.  
Friday came far too quickly for Riley, and she found that her nerves hadn’t improved.  Paul had offered to take them to the airport, and Riley happily accepted.  The drive to the airport was quiet, and it was making Riley’s anxiety worse.  She fiddled with the radio’s buttons trying to find something, anything to distract her from the thoughts that kept pulsing through her head.  Paul must have realized how anxious she was because he took one of his hands off the wheel to hold Riley’s hand loosely.  The small gesture put Riley slightly at ease.  Ten minutes later, Paul pulled into the drop off at JFK International Airport.  As they got out of the car, Paul pulled Riley off to the side.  
“You’re gonna be okay right?”  Paul kissed her forehead, pulling her closely into his lean body.
Riley nodded.  “Yes . . . Maxwell has assured me that he and Bertrand are the only ones who know I’m coming.  He’s going to try his best to keep the press out of the loop about my arrival.”  She adjusted her backpack on her shoulders nervously.  “They didn’t tell him I was coming, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
He shook his head firmly.  “I’m not worried about him.  I’m worried about you.”
Riley nodded.  “I’m fine.  I promise to call you once we get settled there.”  She snuggled into his embrace.  “I wish you were coming, too.”
Paul nodded in agreement.  “I know.  I do, too.  After everything that you’ve told me, I wanted to be there for you in case you ran into him.  I’m glad you’ll at least have Andy with you.”
As if on cue, Andy yelled behind them, “Alright lovebirds, we gotta get moving!” Paul laughed at Andy’s eagerness and gave Riley a soft kiss on her lips.  “I love you.  Be safe out there.  I want you back in one piece.” Riley returned the kiss a bit more forcefully.  “I’m going to miss you, babe.”  She tightened her hold on hi a little before reluctantly letting go.  She took one last look at him and smiled before entering through the airport’s sliding doors.    JFK was a mess.  Luckily, because they were going to be traveling on a private plane, there was a special TSA line that expedited security clearances.  Once they had passed through TSA, they found the aviation bay where their plane was scheduled to depart from and patiently waited until one of the staff members told them they could board.  
Once on board, Riley’s nerves seemed to settle . . . maybe it was her body’s way of accepting that there was no turning back now.  Whether she was ready or not, she’d be in Cordonia in a little under eight hours.  While Riley had been hemming and hawing about their arrival, Andy had been in sheer bliss.  She had never flown on a private plane before and she was going to take full advantage of all the free little amenities the jet had to offer.
Somewhere along the line, Riley had fallen asleep, only to be jostled awake by Andy’s nudging.  “We’re going to land soon.”  She said quietly.  “I think you can see Cordonia from here.”
Riley looked out of the plane’s window.  The beautiful, lush mountains could be vaguely seen from their altitude.  “It’s hard to believe that such a beautiful place could cause such heartache.”
Andy looked over at her friend’s forlorn expression, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.  “I’m with you ever step of the way, okay?”
Riley nodded, turning her attention back to the window.  “It’s hard to believe I’m even back.”
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As I while away the last few hours before I see TROS, I’m going to spit out one last rant about why Ben must be redeemed.  It’s nothing a million people haven’t said before, nothing groundbreaking, nothing even particularly well organized, but I have to ramble.
20 Reasons Why Ben Solo Must Be Redeemed
1.  Lucas, Abrams, and others have repeatedly stated that the core message of SW is hope.  Saying "Oh, except for that guy.  He's beyond hope" would end the nine-movie arc with a giant fart sound instead of playing into that theme.
2.  He is named after the man Leia called her "only hope" in perhaps the second-most famous line of dialogue in the original trilogy (second only to "I am your father.")
3.  Speaking of fathers, if Ben isn't redeemed it makes Han's sacrifice meaningless.  He laid down his life in an attempt to bring his son back to the Light, and with his dying gesture caressed Ben's face in a forgiving gesture.  Han did not die hating his son.
Ben staying evil would also cheapen Luke's final act.  He used up the last of his life force to face his nephew one last time, to give him one final lesson and warning.  
Considering how vocal the fans are who dislike how the original cast were killed off in the sequel trilogy, a surprising number of them want their favorites’ deaths to be futile.
4.  It would vindicate all the fans who have seen the hints and successfully predicted so much of the trilogy already, despite being the target of vicious harassment by a certain, toxic segment of the fandom.
5.  The prodigal son is an ancient trope, and it’s survived for thousands of years because it’s a satisfying story that speaks to a primal need for acceptance and reconciliation.  SW has always drunk deeply from the well of mythology.
6.  Ben remaining on the Dark Side would leave Rey without the companionship of the one person who truly understands her.  Through their Force Bond they know each other with a level of intimacy only a select few ever have.  Rey is the main hero of this trilogy, and heroes in fairy tales get happy endings.
7.  Speaking of fairy tales, that is what the SW saga has been called repeatedly by Lucas and others in the know.  Fairy tales do not end in nihilistic, tragic fashion (at least, not the versions that are widely known and beloved in modern times.)
8.  What message would it send for Ben to stay on the Dark Side?  "Once you do a bad thing, you're tainted forever and might as well not even try to be better"?  Yeah, that sounds like a message Disney would be behind...
9.  Ben has canonically suffered mental abuse since he was born (possibly even in utero).  His character resonates with real-life abuse survivors.  Again, this would send a terrible message to viewers:  "Abuse makes you evil and you can never rise above it."  It also means that he did not choose the Dark Side entirely of his own free will.  He was groomed and lured into it.  It doesn’t absolve him of all responsibility for his actions, obviously, but it does throw a whole lot of gray into the mix, and makes us yearn to know what he would be like without that influence.
10.  It would give Palpatine a victory.  The most evil being in the galaxy would win--if not the war, then a very significant battle.
11.  The Force would remain imbalanced.
12.  Characters are supposed to grow, change, and evolve throughout a story.  If a character ends a trilogy in essentially the same place as they began, that's unsatisfying and, frankly, bad writing.
13.  It would render all the previous movies pointless.  They are the story of the Skywalker family, and if we watched three generations struggle over nine movies only for the result to be “and then their last scion died in disgrace” that would feel like a colossal waste of time.  This is not a Shakespearean tragedy, where such a thing would be fitting; again, it’s a fairy tale.
14.  The movies hit us upside the head with lines like “Nobody’s ever really gone,” “I feel it again, the pull to the light,” and Snoke pointing out that even patricide couldn’t expunge the Light from Ben.  The camera cuts to his face when the word “hope” is spoken.  There are many, many examples of these subtle and not-so-subtle hints.
15.  The books and other expanded universe materials have given us scenes of Ben as a small child, doing and saying cute kid things that make us go “aww.”  That doesn’t strike me as “You should hate this character and cheer for his death.”
16.  Adam’s amazing acting has telegraphed the deep conflict, pain, and suffering of his character time and time again.  How many times did we see him on the verge of tears?  He is utterly miserable on the Dark Side, and even in his moment of supposed victory at the end of TLJ he was clearly broken and devastated.  He is not a cartoon villain cackling madly about the heroes’ downfall.  (That’s Palpatine.  Heh.)
17.  Adam is an artist of great skill and sensitivity who selects his roles with care.  He is not some shallow actor in it for the money.  They talked him into taking the role because of the depth of the character, and the nuance of his journey.  If the ending was “and then he doesn’t learn anything and just dies” I highly doubt Adam would have been interested.
18.  As fandom likes to say, “the man is a walking spoiler,” and it’s so obvious that he is at the heart of the biggest, deepest story beats based on how little we see of him in the trailers and promos.  We see him fighting with a lightsaber, because that’s expected and doesn’t give away the plot, but the significant moments (”But I do” and the bit with Palpatine’s voices) are few and far between.
19.  Perhaps the most important of all:  Leia.  She is one of the most beloved characters in modern cinema, and she earnestly, devoutly, passionately, desperately wants her son back.  Whether her character survives Episode IX or not, to have her left heartbroken about her only child would be unthinkable.  If for no other reason than for Leia's peace of mind, Ben must return to the Light.
20.  On a personal note, I’m still smarting all these years later from how disappointing the conclusion of the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy was (the most kickass woman I’d ever seen on screen ended up literally barefoot and pregnant).  That left a gouge in my heart that will never heal.  After years of deep meta analysis and fangirling, for Elizabeth to end up that way, and for the sizzling chemistry between her and Jack to amount to nothing, was devastating.  I dread the thought of a trilogy I’m this invested in dropping the ball that badly again.  Game of Thrones ended up as a dumpster fire, too.  Even the last Harry Potter book was disappointing to me, although not as badly as the previous examples.  Anyway, the point is that I’ve been let down by other franchises in the past several years, and I refuse to see it happen again.
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Read When Fangirls Cry(11) online free by Marian Tee
When Fangirls Cry(11) Author: Marian Tee
Bastardized bitterling.
The words slipped past her lips before Saffi could stop it. Staffan and the unknown woman with him froze at the sound and Saffi made a quick about-face just as they turned to her, but of course it was too late – it was impossible to escape what was about to happen.
“Saffi March?”
Shock temporarily immobilized Saffi at the incredibly familiar voice. Sheer incredulity made her spin around when she recovered, unable to believe what she had heard.
Disconcertment flashed briefly in Vania Coolidge’s face before her dark green eyes hardened with malice. Saffi March might have grown more beautiful over the years, but that did not mean anything. This child woman before her would always be a freak, with her crazy smart mind and eccentric ways.
A catty smile forming on her lips, Vania drawled, “Well, well, well, the prodigal princess has returned.”
Saffi could not find the energy to smile back. Vania looked amazing, her blond hair long and shiny, falling like golden waves against her bare shoulders and back. Her strapless mini-dress was so, well, mini, it could easily pass as a swimsuit without the crotch. She looked, Saffi realized painfully, like the kind of woman that used to attract Staffan’s attention…easily.
“Nothing to say?” Vania let her eyes widen as her mouth formed a fake round ‘oh’ of surprise. “But wait, you did say something, didn’t you?” Her laughter spilled out over the now silent restaurant, with every patron eagerly watching the... Read full: Read When Fangirls Cry(11) online free by Marian Tee
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Someone explain to me why marathoning seasons 1-8 was a good idea?
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