#probably not enough for some of you thirsty wenches
“PSA: Girls who wear Skechers don’t give BJs”
Have some high school Everlark, Anon. They’re seniors in this, so 18 or about to turn 18 years old. RATED M.
Peeta smirks slightly at the ridiculous graffiti on the bathroom wall. What, he wonders, does a girl’s choice of footwear have to do with her willingness to go down on a guy?
He digs a sharpie from his book bag and uncaps it before scrawling a response.
Or maybe you’re just an asshole no one would blow anyway.
He finishes and washes his hands, adjusting his bag on his shoulder as he makes his way towards his locker.
“What’s so funny?”
He glances up and blinks at Katniss Everdeen. Momentarily speechless at the sight of her, cheeks flushed and braid slightly disheveled.
“What?” he asks and she motions towards his face.
“You were smiling. That cute little smile you get when you’re amused.”
“Cute little smile?” he teases, his mouth stretching wider into a real smile. “You think my smile is cute?”
“Shut up, Peeta. It’s been six months,” Katniss mutters with a roll of her eyes.
“And what? I can’t still be in awe that the Katniss Everdeen not only actually agreed to date me but also thinks my smile is cute?”
“I’m dating you strictly for the cheese buns and the guaranteed prom date,” she retorts as she places a hand on his shoulder for balance. She works off one of her character shoes.
“I’ll take it.” He holds still for her and nods towards her feet. “Show choir practice ran late?”
“Trinket’s got a bur up her butt about the performance this weekend. You know how she gets.”
“Girls. You cannot hold back. Each movement must maximize the fabulousness of the routine!” He mimics and Katniss snorts slightly.
“I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible,” she explains why she didn’t change her shoes before leaving the choir room.
“I’ll rub your feet later,” Peeta promises quietly. Katniss’s expression softens and her eyes dart around the hall before she leans in and presses a quick peck to his lips.
“And there’s another reason why I’m dating you.”
“Don’t get too excited,” he says. “I may ask you to reciprocate tonight. My calves are still burning.”
“Coach still pushing you guys hard over that bullshit second place last week?” He nods and glances down as she tugs on her sneakers. Sketchers.
His lips quirk and she freezes with her left shoe only partially on her foot.
“There it is again. That smile.”
“It’s nothing. Dumb graffiti on the bathroom wall.”
“Oh?” Her eyebrow lifts and Peeta sighs, knowing he won’t get away with distracting her again. He leans in close to whisper in her ear, even though it’s over an hour since school let out and they’re probably the only ones left in the halls.
“It says ‘PSA: Girls who wear Sketchers don’t give BJ’s.’” Katniss makes an indignant noise and Peeta chuckles lightly as he returns to his locker, finishing swapping out what he needs to finish his homework tonight. “Told you it was dumb.”
“And clearly wrong,” she says, sounding almost offended.
He shuts his locker and turns to her, amused now by how pissed off she looks. “Come on, Katniss. It’s probably just some butt hurt Nice Guy whining because no one would blow him anyway, Sketchers or not.”
“Then why were you smiling?” Katniss demands and realization of what she must be thinking about smacks him in the face. He steers her towards the doors, out into the parking lot where his beat up hand me down car is parked.
“Because I wrote something to that effect in response,” he tells her.
“Oh.” She says, but she still can’t quite meet his eyes. “So the other day, when I couldn’t… you know…”
They’ve reached his car and Peeta maneuvers them so that she’s backed up against it. He leans in close, nuzzling beneath her ear and lacing their fingers together at their sides.
“I don’t care, Katniss. How I feel about you isn’t dependent on whether or not you do something like that.”
“But… you want it,” she says softly.
“Of course I want it,” he whispers. “If it happens, I’m gonna love every second of it. But if it never happens, that won’t change the way I feel about you. Okay?”
She’s still biting her lip, but she nods and lets Peeta open the car door for her.
“Come on. Let’s get you home so we can take care of your feet.”
She climbs in and he makes his way around the car to do the same. They’re mostly quiet on the drive to her place, but when he parks in her driveway, he can’t resist leaning over to kiss her once. Just a quick little one because he knows how she feels about people seeing them. Mainly her neighbors, in this case.
“Besides,” he murmurs when they separate, “how am I gonna complain about it when you changed your mind because… what was it you said?”
He knows he’s got a shit eating grin on his face now, and Katniss is blushing and scowling at him.
“You know exactly what I said. And that smile is not cute,” she huffs, motioning towards him. But he still can’t wipe it off his face as she clambers from the car and he follows her.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever forget what happened when they’d gotten a little hot and heavy, tucked away in a dark corner of her backyard while her parents were working late and Prim was sleeping over at a friend’s. The sudden drop of his stomach when she tugged his shorts down and his cock bobbed up only for a dark scowl to take over her face. And Peeta started to panic that there was something off putting about his dick. Maybe he hadn’t washed well enough after practice and smelled a bit funky? He was about to suggest they try something else, about to call it off himself when she’d blurted out one of the biggest ego strokes she’s ever given him.
“How am I supposed to fit all of this in my mouth? Unhinge my jaw?”
Not that she’d never seen him before, but he supposed she’d never given much thought to sucking his dick until that moment. Her perturbation had put a rather abrupt halt to their making out, but Peeta sure as shit wasn’t gonna complain about it.
Her words had spawned an entirely new string of fantasies that had driven his frantic shower time masturbations for almost a week since it happened. Katniss getting him off with her mouth, without putting his cock in her mouth at all. Other than maybe just the tip.
Inside her house, Katniss calls out to make sure Prim’s already made it safely home on the bus, bringing him out of his memories and back to the present.
“I’m here!” Prim shouts back and Katniss double checks the notes in the kitchen so she knows when to get dinner started for her parents.
Peeta stands beside her and helps where he can. When they reach a point where Katniss can take a break, she takes his hand and leads him to her bedroom. Technically, her parents have a rule against Katniss having any boys in her room, especially when they’re not here. His palms sweat a little with nerves, that they might get caught, but this isn’t the first time they’ve broken the rules. And Prim’s already shown she won’t tattle on them.
He’s expecting her to sit on the bed and take her shoes off, but instead she locks the door and shoves Peeta back on the bed. A second time to get him to lay on his back.
“Foot massage?” he asks dumbly as she climbs on top of him, hovering over him on all fours. But then her mouth is on his and he gives up on talking. Resting his hands lightly on her hips, he follows her lead with the kisses. She’s being aggressive today and he shudders when she bites down on his bottom lip. Whimpers into her mouth when her hand slides down his body and starts palming him through his sweatpants.
“Katniss,” he whispers when she lifts her head and slides her hand back out of his pants. “Come here. I wanna taste you.”
He moves to push her hips up his body so she’s sitting on his face, but Katniss shakes her head. And then his throat constricts and dries out completely as she turns herself around, still on all fours, so her knees are on either side of his chest.
“Katniss what are you—?” He tries to ask as she shoves his sweat pants down his thighs. He obediently lifts his hips to help, hissing and gripping her thighs as she wraps one hand around his cock to pull him out of his shorts.
“I’m proving that asshole graffiti wrong,” she murmurs and Peeta’s eyes roll back in his head as her lips slide warm and wet over his tip. When he turns his head to moan into her pillow, his eyes land on her shoes, still on her feet. Her Sketchers. He’s staring at them a few minutes later when he warns her that he’s about to come. And he’s still staring at them when he resurfaces from the haze of his release, a slow smile spreading over his mouth.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
I sweet baby Jesus 44. Jealous sex with Lee!
I am ready for this.
Strap in people.
Rated Explicit (18+)
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It was an innocent question that led to a not so expected answer.
You wanted to know if he’d been with anybody before. Surely it was a long shot given who he is, or more so what he is.
But you never expected his gaze to drift away, lips pressing into a thin line. Leonardo took a beat to think his answer through, he settled for a nod. There was no need to feel your face heat up, not with the curious desire to know who and how. More so the jealousy that swam inside your body.
“Who was she?” Masking your voice had proved difficult, there was still an edge of annoyance, sprinkled with bitterness.
Leo sat up a little bit straighter on your couch, fingers fidgeting with a loose string on his pants. “It’s ancient history” He reached over for the drink you’d prepared him, you took a generous swig of your own. “Come on, I told you” Now you wanted to know with the way he looked downright mortified.
He ran a hand over his mouth, he felt suddenly hot. “She’s not a good person, Y/n and I’m not exactly proud of it but I was a stupid hormone ridden 18 year old” Leo peaked at you, he could tell that there was no way you were dropping the subject.
And you sure as hell were not expecting the name that came out of his lips.
“Karai, it was Karai” Leo’s voice was strained, he blamed the alcohol. You in turn blinked, perhaps your hearing was off or there could’ve been some other Karai that wasn’t a blood thirsty Foot Clan member. “Leo, are you serious?” You didn’t mean to sound judgemental, the way his eyes looked away knowing full well the rant awaiting to happen. “Trust me, Raph wasn’t too proud of me either, it was stupid and she was using me” But surely it must’ve been a one time thing or did they...?
“How long did that go on for?” You pushed forward not exactly wanting to hear details but some morbid jealous ridden fire inside of you spoke differently.
Leo looked visibly ready to check out, this was definitely not how he saw the night going. “A couple of months, she was just trying to use me to get to my family...” You chewed on the inside of your cheeks as he spoke. Months he said, and the images of him and that wench clouded your brain.
For the sake of the evening the subject was shelved.
For days the intrusive thoughts of Leonardo and Karai fucking would enter your brain at the most uncalled for of moments.
At work, at the supermarket, in the shower.
That wench had really plucked his V card and all for a sinister hidden agenda.
She’d touched him intimately. She’s touched where you’d had. She kissed the most intimate spots of him, just as you’d had. It set your skin a flamed, you frowned and clenched your fist.
It surely didn’t help that these thoughts were now creeping in while the two of you were in bed. Leo’s lips were kissing a path on the inside of your thigh, he noticed you tense up and looked up.
“Everything alright?” He kissed upwards, past your most intimate area, tongue darting out to lick towards your belly button. All things that would have your a toe curling mess, but these damn thoughts only circled the fact that he probably did this with that bitch Karai.
You needed to put an end to this, you motioned for him to come up and nudged him as to be able to straddle him. Leo laid propped against the pillows, he smirked when he saw the michevous spark in your eyes.
Little did he know what was driving you.
“We’re doing this my way” You untied his mask, grabbing his thick wrist and tying it to the best post, good thing he had taught how to do a good knot. You picked up your discarded underwear and did the same for his other wrist, Leo was raising a brow ridge, clearly intrigued where this was going. Not often you took up the dominant statu but right now you were out to fuck this stupid jealous fit out of your system.
And if riding him till he was silly was the way, then so be it.
You cupped his face, thumbs running across his bottom lip. You admired Leo, his body was fantastic, built and hard and his scales somehow added a whole new sensation whenever the two of you were intimate. His blue eyes scanned you without shame, eyes lingering at your breasts. You didn’t miss the way his tongue poked out to lick his lips.
“Open your mouth” You ordered.
The leader obliged, not phased when you stuck your thumb inside. You watched those perfect lips wrap around the digit, your mind wandered of course...
Had she...?
You glared at him, somewhat shoving your finger with a little more force. He groaned, even more so when you removed the digit and crashed your mouth against his with purpose. You wanted to consume him, make him feel just how crazy his drives you with one look.
To show him that he’s yours, only yours.
You kissed across his cheek, grinding down on him with enough force that he pulled on his restraints. He wanted to grab you, flip you over but two solid deep breaths were the only things you felt across your shoulder.
“Did she ever play these games with you?” Youbwhisoered against his cheek. Leo tensed momentarily, well this could either turn sour or into an argument.
Leo of course, had a tendency for surprising you.
“Not as good as you do” His throat felt dry as he spoke, chest heaving when your met his gaze again. Your hands strayed down, grabbing hold of his cock. “You’re mine” Your words held volition, Leo swallowed as his toes curled when you began to pump him teasingly slow.
“Fuck you’re all mine, do you know how bad I have it for you, Lee?” You sank down onto him, enjoying the pleasures gasp that left him. “And to think that bitch go to do this with you” Your hips swayed, slowly at first and then with more force, more speed.
Karai could choke.
She’s never get to have him like this, to touch him so intimately, to make his eyes roll back in ecstasy.
Leo groaned, eyes enraptured by your heated words and forceful thrusts. He’d never seen you like this, so utterly taken with jealousy at the thought that somebody else had him like this briefly. He’d figured Karai was a fluke even if her intentions held more malice, he still sought the intimate comfort he figured no other woman would ever provide him. Then you went along and proved him wrong, showed him love could be possible and that sex could be wrapped up in love.
Even as you fucked yourself down on him with rough movements, he felt loved.
And secretly, so insanely turned on over this jealous fit of yours.
“M’yours, all yours” Leo churred against your shoulder, the tight grip of your walls around him sending him down that familiar path. “Say it again, fu-uck please” You wrapped yourself around him, the stickiness of your skin contrasting and comforting against his scales.
You snaked a hand between the two of you, rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves. It caused you to clench and for Leo to try and thrust upwards. “Oh fuck I’m yours!” He moaned out as just as you did, clenching around him so tightly you heard fabric tear and felt his hands dig against the flesh of your rear. He held you there, pumping his load into you.
“Christ, fuck Y/n” He nearly choked out, the intensity had him breathless, you still trembled against him. You pulled back far enough to get a good look of him. He watched you with a knowing smile, you blushed not wanting to admit yet to what had driven you to this.
Then of course, Leo loved surprising you.
“Get the good rope, tie the knots a little harder... do it again please” His hungry gaze remained on you.
You grinned.
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putas-in-suffering · 4 years
Expensive Taste
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Escort!Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW 18+ older
Warnings: Language, daddy kink, unprotected vaginal sex, mentions of bodily fluids, pretentious bitches, Miguel being Daddy, Miguel liking being called Daddy (its an important distinction)
Word Count: 3.2K
Summary: Part 2. It’s Monday night’s gala and you decide to make a dull event interesting.
A/N: Sucias! Here’s a second part to our Miguel/Escort saga. You can read the first part here. This is turning into a bit of a series between Miguel and our escort and we are not mad at it. We’ve got at least two more parts written out for this duo so we hope you guys are as thirsty for Cartel Daddy as we are because we’re ready to deliver the goods. Enjoy and share with your fellow sucias! Feedback is the preferred drug for our addiction and greatly appreciated 💖💖
**We added a Part 3! Read it here.
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You laughed to hide the disgust, discreetly rolling your made-up eyes in response to the dull droning’s of some Stepford housewife. She was blonde with capped teeth, the fillers in her lips making her look more like a platypus rather than a human. Despite her cheerful attitude, you could tell she was critiquing you…eyeing you with concealed disdain. You were no stranger to those expressions. People often judged you for many different reasons. Tonight, it was because of who you came with.
Miguel had been whisked away from your side, most likely to discuss business. You were enough of a professional to keep yourself busy. Stay hidden, but seen. Engage, but don’t bring attention to yourself. You were there for looks and nothing else. But Tina had trapped you. Talking your ear off about Botox and country clubs and her quaint vacation spots to a little resort across the border. You inwardly cringed at that. The elite loved to talk shit on the country south of the border, but were the first to book first class tickets to experience “the culture”.
You felt a light touch to your arm and tried not to jerk away as Tina questioned you with a silent gaze.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You asked, sipping on your champagne as you did. The one good thing about these galas was the booze. Always top notch.
“Your dress…where did you get it? It’s so…daring.”
The insult was clear. Poorly hidden within the high-pitch of her sickly sweet voice. You only smiled, having played this game with many women throughout your life. If you had to guess, Tina had been married to her husband for ten plus years. They probably had a couple of kids. She probably took care of those kids, letting her husband work and fuck someone else in peace. She probably did yoga three to four times a week, thinking it would keep her husband around. She did the same with the Botox and fillers. Most likely having a little nip and tuck too. She was pathetic. A dime a dozen in this godforsaken social circle. You didn’t know if you could blame her. But you sure as hell weren’t giving her a free pass either.
“Thanks. I was going to go for something more conservative, kinda like yours. But I realized I’d rather Miguel actually want to fuck me tonight.”
Her face went hard, mouth open in shock at your blatant dig. You kept the smile on your face, even when Miguel saddled up next to you, interrupting your caddy interaction. Tina’s husband joined her as well, his eyes sweeping up your figure in a not so discreet fashion.
“Having fun?” Miguel asked, no doubt feeling the tension between you and the other woman. His hand wrapped around your waist, his fingers pressing into your flesh. He was signaling you, letting you know he knew what game you were playing and he wanted you to wrangle it in.
“Absolutely. I was just telling Tina where I got my dress from.” You addressed the group, enjoying the way the man and woman eyed you. She with contempt. He with lust.
“You want something like that, honey?” The man asked his wife, the childish excitement practically spewing out of his pores.
“She’d look great in it.” You insisted with a devious smile, catching the way Tina pursed her overinflated lips at you. “Just a tip though…you can’t really wear any underwear with this dress so I hope you’re okay with that.”
You swore you saw the husband pop a boner right there while Tina seethed and twisted her face in disgust.
Miguel tugged at your arm, clearing his throat and effectively ending the conversation. “Excuse us.”
You followed him as he led you out the glass doors and onto the terrace. It was deserted, the life of the party contained within the walls of the hotel ballroom. He was mindful of your heels, pulling you along but not forcefully. Though you were sure that had more to do with the lurking eyes rather than any form of chivalry.
“Was that necessary?” Miguel questioned, bringing you to a stop in a dimly lit corner.
You could hear the soft melodic tune of crickets over the heinous shit they were playing inside. The cool breeze swept over your skin, soothing the heat that had begun to stir, both from the alcohol and your tense interaction with Tina. You let your gaze take in the man before you. Take in the perfectly coiffed hair, the designer suit, the angular jaw, the intense dark eyes. He was attractive no doubt, which made your job all the more easier.
“She started it.” You retorted, trying hard to keep the smile off your lips. You knew he wasn’t happy with your little display, but he also wasn’t showing that anger outright. He found it amusing. You could see the glint in his eyes.
“I bet she did.” His gaze swept your figure, taking in all the dips and curves. He’d remarked on how beautiful you looked when he’d picked you up earlier in the evening, but now…now he was looking at you as if you were a very expensive steak on a silver platter.
The dress was a soft ivory color, the fabric delicate and beaded. It was sheer, but the nude paneling underneath kept you from exposing any body parts. It was fitted to your figure, the strapless sweetheart neckline doing wonders for your décolletage. It had a slit up the side, but you’d made sure it wasn’t too high. The illusion of nudity was shocking enough. And Tina was right. It was a daring dress, but it encompassed everything you needed it to. Money. Sex. Poise. And you looked damn good in it. It was a physical testament to your working relationship with Miguel. It was shocking. A hidden scandal all dressed in crystals and jewels.
It was amazing what people in this town would turn the other cheek for. Whether some or all knew of your association with Miguel you’d never know, but if you had to take a guess…they probably treated it like his occupation. Coveted but never acknowledged.
“She looked at me like a whore.” You defended. You stepped into his space, abandoning your champagne glass on the ledge of the balcony. You took his own glass and did the same with it, freeing up his hands.
He smirked at your words, the expression sending a lightning bolt of heat straight to your core. “Aren’t you?”
He was smug. And rightfully so. You were already wet. It was as if he could read your mind. He knew without even exploring the space between your thighs what he would find there. He knew what turned you on. It was the same for him. Its why you were the perfect match.
“Your whore.” You whispered against his lips, enjoying the way his jaw clenched. His expression was tight while his chest expanded with a deep breath. His right hand began trailing along the curve of your waist and down to your backside, caressing. You let his hand roam freely, unafraid of the consequence.
“No panties, huh?” He asked, punctuating his words with a fierce grab of your ass. He massaged the flesh, pulling a low moan from your painted lips. You gripped the lapels of his suit, steadying yourself against the rush of desire that now held you prisoner.
“A practical decision.” You replied, leaning further into his body. He let his arms surround you, this time smoothing both of his hands over your lower half. Your eyes fluttered closed, your chest rubbing against his in a silent plea.
“Practical how?” He raised his eyebrow, waiting for your response. His hands began slowly pulling at your dress, shifting the material up your legs and thighs.
“Easier to convince you to fuck me in the middle of a gala.” You teased, tongue darting out to lick seductively at his bearded lips.
He grunted in approval, fingers finding their way to the epicenter of your excitement. He danced along your inner thighs, taking note of the way they clenched. They were already slippery with your arousal, your body getting off just on the anticipation alone. He teased your slit, his eyes watching your face closely. You bit your lip as you tried to shift against his touch, eager for more. You didn’t know what made it so thrilling to sleep with Miguel. It could’ve been a multitude of things. His wealth, his authority, his arrogance. It all combined to make a sensuous elixir. One that had you addicted.
“You’re worth every fucking penny I spend on you.” He breathed against your lips, catching the gasp you released when his fingers finally penetrated you. Your nails dug into his chest, struggling for purchase as he scissored you. His palm rubbed at your clit as he worked you from the inside out.
“Fuck…” You moaned when he curled his fingers against your walls. He was encouraging your body to flood him, coaxing an orgasm to the surface. Who were you to deny him?
“You’d let me do what I want, right?”
You nodded wordlessly, too caught up in his touch to verbalize. His rhythm began to accelerate, forcing your pussy to cling to him in mercy.
“You’d let me fuck you right here for everyone to see. Let them see what my money buys. What I own.”
You couldn’t stop the litany of whimpers and moans that danced off your lips. His words set you ablaze, amplifying the pleasure to insurmountable heights. You forgot about your surroundings. Forgot that the pretentious society of Santo Padre stood only feet away. Your body’s carnal desires were the only thing that fueled you from that moment. That and Miguel’s sinful mouth.
“Turn around.” He demanded lowly, his fingers leaving the confines of your body and trailing the stickiness along your skin.
You didn’t ask questions. You didn’t hesitate. You gave yourself over completely to Miguel, proving to him why you were his favorite…his only. You faced the pristinely manicured courtyard, gripping the balcony ledge as he raised the hem of your dress to expose your lower half. His belt was already undone, his zipper down. He pressed into you, letting you feel the hard line of his cock beneath the fabric of his underwear. You opened your neck up to him in invitation and were instantly rewarded with the delicious graze of his lips and tongue.
“Spread your legs, baby. Let me in.” He whispered against your neck, his hand trailing down your spine. You shivered and obeyed dutifully, letting his body line up with you. The heat of his flesh met yours as he slowly began to push in. No matter how many times or the various ways you’d let Miguel fuck you, he always stretched you with an ache that bordered on painful. The sensation took your breath away.
“Miguel…” You moaned into the night, reaching an arm behind you to thread your fingers into his hair. You tugged at the strands as he sunk all the way into your depths. Your walls throbbed against his cock, feeling the pulse of his blood as he stood completely still. You both savored the moment of raw lust. Savored the erotic connection of your bodies. Savored the risk of fucking with Miguel’s friends and associates just beyond a glass door.
“Tell me what you need.”
You tried to wiggle your hips, but his hands held you firm. You were impaled on his cock, trapped between him and the balcony. You had nowhere to go.
“Move…fuck me, please.” You pleaded, soaking up the kisses he continued to lavish on your neck. His teeth scraped along your earlobe, nibbling as he went.  
“Please what?”
You inwardly gloated at his question, realizing the mood he was in. Miguel only ever asked you such a question when he was feeling especially playful and that usually meant a five star orgasm for you.
“Daddy.” You corrected. You could feel his cock twitch inside of you in response and you squeezed him back, relishing the curse he growled out.
Without warning, he thrust hard and deep, pinning you roughly against the concrete ledge. You yelped at the force of it, your breath catching in your throat. He kept up his brutal pace, using slow, measured thrusts. His fingertips dug into your hips. He grunted like a primal beast as he plunged so deep that you were forced onto your tiptoes.
“Oh, fuck…” You bent forward and braced yourself as he continued to ravage you, the angle making your toes curl. You flinched when you felt the sudden pressure of his finger at your clit, his hand unknowingly making its journey up the front of your dress.
“I can feel you, baby. You’re ready. Be a good girl and cum, yeah?” He taunted.
Miguel’s flare for pillow talk was about as masterful as his cock. His mouth was an instrument. An instrument he used with expert precision. He knew when to strike. Knew when to utilize his talent to make you cum harder than any other time before.
You squeezed your eyes shut as a cyclone of pleasure swept you up and immobilized you. Your entire body shook with uncontrolled tremors as wave after treacherous wave of climax assailed your body. You felt him still inside you. He could feel every swirl of your hips, every earth-shattering shockwave that ricocheted off his cock. You gasped for air as his finger continued to torture your clit, despite your sudden oversensitivity. He prolonged your orgasm, praising the way you squeezed him.
“That’s it. Just like that.” He talked you through it, tenderly caressing your cheek as if he wasn’t still splitting you in two. His hips resumed their pace, the sound of him entering you now amplified by your release. You grasped onto his forearm as his hand reached around to squeeze at your throat. His hold wasn’t hard, but it was enough to make you feel unsteady on your four inch heels. The ledge dug into your hips as he rutted into you, his own hips stuttering in overwhelming ecstasy.
“Cum inside me…fill me up.” You said between each ragged breath you took.
“Fuck,” He cursed, plastering your body to his as he finished. The flood of warmth filled you, his body spasming with each spurt of his cum. There wasn’t an iota of space left between your bodies as he used you, painting your insides and filling you to capacity. His forehead rested on the back of your neck, his breathing beginning to slow as he floated back into the moment.
His tired chuckle made you laugh, the vibrations making you both hiss. You ran your hands through the hair at the nape of his neck, your touch much softer than the previous time. He carefully eased himself out of your clutches, but he didn’t let your dress fall back into place. Instead, he ran a finger over your abused slit, slipping past and coating the appendage. You gasped at the unexpected intrusion, but let him do as he pleased.
A second later he was removing his finger and spinning you around, your dress now covering any modesty you had left. You met his gaze, seeing his hair slightly out of place and a corner of his mouth lifted in a devious smirk. He raised the finger, letting you see the mixture of you and him that covered it. He smeared it onto your lips.
“Beautiful…” He whispered, nodding in approval when you immediately licked the concoction from your lips. He pulled you in for a kiss, his tongue instantly seeking entrance into your mouth. You gave it, letting him taste the champagne and the flavor of your combined releases. You pulled away breathless and satiated, the drunken high of your coupling still very prominent.
“So should I not wear panties from now on?” You teased, stepping back to allow him the room to adjust his pants and shirt. He composed himself, tucking in his shirt as he laughed at your question. You reached up and fixed his hair, noting the hints of grey intertwined in the inky locks.
“Something to think about.” He replied matter-of-factly, eyebrow raised as if pondering the pros of such a decision. He let you fuss with his hair, black eyes fixated on your chest. “That is quite the dress. A little on the nose, don’t you think?”
“Maybe. But if I’m going to look like a whore then at least it’s an expensive one. Right, Daddy?” You winked, trailing a painted nail over his lips and down to adjust the collar of his shirt.
He shook his head and chuckled, gaze now scanning the area for people. “Come on.” He gestured to the ballroom, leading you with a hand to your lower back.
You thanked him as he opened the door for you, letting you pass with a subtle pat to your ass. He maneuvered through the crowd with you, stopping momentarily to greet the occasional acquaintance. You’d grabbed another flute of champagne, standing silent beside Miguel as he spoke with a local politician. Your eyes found Tina’s across the room, a scowl still permanently etched onto her face. You brought a finger up to your lips and made a show of wiping the sides of your mouth, your message clear. She looked appalled, beady eyes bouncing between you and Miguel as if she was putting the pieces of a puzzle together. You took a hearty sip of your drink and waved, pleased when she shook her head and walked off in a huff.
“Behave. I don’t pay you to ruin my relationships with the locals.” Miguel warned in your ear, his arm back around your waist in a possessive embrace.
“No, you pay me to suck your dick and swallow your cum.” You countered.
You took your own kind of sick pleasure out of shocking and sassing Miguel. It was what made all your encounters with him so damn fun. The man’s buttons were easy to push. Some days he played along, like today. Other times he fought against you, intent on punishing you for your transgressions.
“Speaking of,” You continued, handing off your glass to him. “Your cum is currently running down my leg so I’m gonna go to the ladies’ room.”
His eyes flickered down to your thighs hidden beneath your dress, a flash of desire sweeping across his face. He nodded, fixing you with a firm stare. “There and back. No detours.”
“Yes sir.” You mocked, taking his hand in yours.
This time, he wasn’t amused.
“I think it’s time I remind you what your purpose is.” He responded coolly, squeezing your hand back in a deceivingly tight hold. It was an obvious warning that he wanted you to heed, but you’d do no such thing. Playful Miguel was fun, but you yearned for that darker, twisted side that was bred from running a cartel operation.
So, you leaned forward and kissed him on the corner of his mouth, letting your tongue dart out to taste him. You patted his chest with a placating expression, surely sealing your date with the devil later.
“I can’t wait.”
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kprciffdw · 3 years
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: The Lombax Secret-Part 9
And so, Kim proceeded to tell Talwyn everything that happened to her and the group as well as everything that they knew. Kim: "And that's everything we know so far."
Talwyn stood by speechless for a bit. Talwyn: "Oh…um…I see…" Kim: "So, your dad really does own this whole place, huh?" Talwyn: "Yeah, he built it. Impressed?" Kim: "Very. So, Talwyn, I must ask you something, why did Tachyon think that you have a secret Lombax weapon?" Talwyn: "Well…since this is my dad's base…he…" Ron: "Uh, by the way, who is this Max Apogee guy?" Cronk: "Max Apogee was a famous…" Talwyn: "IS a famous…" Cronk: "Um…uh…yes…of course. IS a famous explorer and collector of rare interstellar antiquities, most notable of which was a Lombax artifact."
Cronk then handed a picture frame over to Kim. The frame contained a photo of Talwyn as a little girl with her father, marveling at an unusual object. Kim: "Oh, that answers a lot of questions. So, where is this artifact?" Talwyn: "It was taken by pirates when they raided this station years ago. My father went after them…but he…never came back."
Kim continued to stare at the picture with a melancholy look on her face. Kim: "Talwyn…I…I'm so sorry…"
Talwyn looked back at Kim. She was sad but then a small grin appeared on her face. Ron: "So…we risked our hides getting here for nothing? Well, that's just great!"
Kim whacked Ron on the side of his head. Ron: "Ow!" Kim: "Ron! Don't be insensitive!" Ron: "I'm just saying…!" Talwyn: "I take it he's not very bright." Kim: "That would be an understatement." Ratchet: "He's also childish; as Kim mentioned to me a while back."
Ron placed his hands on his hips as he looked at Ratchet in an annoyed manner. Just then, the Kimmunicator went off. Kim answered it. Wade: "Kim. Ratchet, I've just picked up on an unusual signal. It took me a while to decode it, but I've managed to find out what it is." Talwyn: "Uh…who's that you're talking to?" Kim: "Oh! Uh, I didn't even think about that. Talwyn, this is Wade, Wade, this is Talwyn, we ran into her and her 2 robots just now." Wade: "Nice to meet you." Talwyn: "Likewise." Kim: "So, Wade, about that unusual signal?" Wade: "Oh! Right! There seems to be a very small trace of Lombax technology on a far-off planet known as Ardolis. It might be that artifact that was stolen from the space station." Talwyn: "Ardolis…? Cronk! Zephyr! Get the ship ready. We're leaving!"
She stepped up on a transporter with Cronk and Zephyr. Kim: "Hey! Wait a minute!" Talwyn: "Lock up before you guys leave, OK?"
They were transported out. The group stood by for a bit. Kim: "Well…I guess…we should leave, too. I mean, who knows? That artifact may provide a clue as to where or what this Lombax Secret could be." Ratchet: "Yeah, I agree, let's go." Wade: "There's…just one problem with that: that planet is…inhabited by space pirates." Ron: "Did…did you just say…space pirates? As in the blood-thirsty pillaging kind?" Wade: "Yep and they're robotic, so they're tougher, more lethal and more ruthless. And probably a lot more dangerous than the kind we had here at home." Ron: "Oh, man…I…I didn't think we would be getting ourselves involved in this…!"
Rufus popped out and groaned. Kim: "Ron, we've handled pirates before. It's no big, really." Ratchet: "Yeah and besides, we really don't have a choice in the matter, so quit you bellyaching and let's go already."
Kim, Ratchet and Clank walked off. Ron stood by for a bit, trembling in fear. Ron: "And I had the chance to just stay home. Why do I get myself involved in this, Rufus?"
He walked off after his friends. They returned to their ship, got back in and flew off.
They eventually arrived at the Planet Ardolis. There, they landed and got out of the ship. Soon afterwards, Ron quivered with fear. Ron: "So…this is the…pirate planet, huh? Sure looks…gloomy…and very…pirate-y…" Kim: "Gloomy is right. This backwater planet does look a lot like some place where lowly scum like those pirates would want to occupy." Ratchet: "Come on, Talwyn and her pals can't be too far off."
Kim nodded once; they rushed out as fast as they could.
As they scurried through the place, they ran into a lot of the pirates that had been occupying the entire area. They were subjected to fighting through the pirates as those cutthroats were ruthless and showing no mercy towards the group.
The fight through did indeed take a while. Ratchet: "By the way,  the last time you both faced off against pirates was when you were doing that school trip to ye olde Middleton, right?" Kim: "Yeah, that old colonial town that was being run by Mr. Barken's father, no less." Ratchet: "Ugh…Barken senior, huh? That doesn't sound like much fun." Ron: "It was terrible!" Ratchet: "I hear ya, Ron, I mean 1 Barken was bad enough, but 2? That's like twice the irrational annoyance." Clank: "Indeed. That Barken fellow is truly most unpleasant." Ratchet: "Not to mention having to put up with him is probably the only thing worse than being forced to give up all forms technology for an entire week." Ron: "Including television!" Kim: "At least it's all over and we don't have to put up with him ever again." Ratchet: "Hah! Since you both were able to graduate from high school? Oh, yeah, no more Barken and his…annoying…barking?" Ron: "Uh…you know what? The whole "no more putting up with Barken" thing has made me too happy, so I'll overlook that bad pun of yours, Ratchet. Booyah!" Rufus: "Booyah!" Clank: "But wait, do you not work with him at your jo-?" Ron: "I said no more HAVING to put up with Mr. Barken!!!" Kim: "At least on a regular basis as adolescent high school students." Clank: "Um...right, as adolescence at the very least (giggle)."
They continued on, fighting off more and more space pirates. As they progressed further in, the number of space pirates that they had to fight gradually increased. The entire place was indeed crawling with those cutthroat robotic scoundrels.
As they arrived within another area, they received a transmission from Talwyn. Talwyn: "Ratchet. Kim. Can you hear me?" Kim: "Talwyn?" Talwyn: "I've keyed into your nav-unit. You guys are close to the treasure room but you'll need to find a way inside. Slag's crew is already on to us." Kim: "Then we need to get moving. Thankfully, we are resourceful. Right, Ratchet?" Ratchet: "Yeah. So not the drama."
They were eventually able to find the treasure room, from there, they made their way inside and shortly afterwards, located the artifact. Kim: "There it is!"
They walked up to it. Ron: "Uh…what is it, exactly?" Ratchet: "We'll figure that out later. Let's grab it and get out of here."
Before they had the chance to snag it, they could hear the muffled sounds of Cap'n Slag and his first mate, Rusty Pete, singing. There was no doubt that they would arrive at that moment. Ron: "What? Oh, man! Come on! Not now!" Ratchet: "Quick! Hide!"
They darted over towards one of the treasure chests and hid behind it. Cap'n Slag and Rusty Pete came in, still singing. Kim: "I should have known better than to think that we wouldn't see those idiots again." Cap'n Slag: "Arrrr…what be that foul smell?" Kim: "What bad smell? I don't smell anything other than the usual bad odors that involve pirates." Rusty Pete: "Aye, that oyster chili be disagreein' with me somethin' fierce." Kim: "Oyster chili?" Ron: "Ew! I've never heard of a far worse disgrace to chili since someone put chocolate sauce into it!" Cap'n Slag: "No…there be a yet fouler smell…one I now be smellin' for nigh 600 moons." Rusty Pete: "Oh…fresh trousers?"
Ron snickered a little. Cap'n Slag went sniffing around a bit more. Cap'n Slag: "Lombax!"
The group became greatly startled. Kim: "Oh, no!" Cap'n Slag: "Roust the lads, Rusty Pete. Tonight, the foes taste the cat's tail!"
Ratchet was terrified; Kim's face became tense as she was preparing to strike. Ron took notice of that. Just then, they heard a loud whistle from somewhere. The 2 pirates turned around and spotted Talwyn. She was holding a smoke bomb in her hand. Talwyn: "Hey, Rust Bucket! Catch!"
She tossed the smoke bomb at them and gassed the entire place. Cap'n Slag: "Arrrr…skewer the saucy wench!" Rusty Pete: "Aye, Cap'n! Skewerin'!"
There was a lot of noises being heard within. Thankfully, the group was able to take advantage of the confusion as they managed to jump out and make their escape.
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matronpersephone · 4 years
(tw: torture, mention of unconsenting intercourse, mention of death)
The man quivered against his confinements and the rope burn restored his conciousness crippled back to him instantly, to return him from the promised lands of dreams to the agonizing hell of reality. Count your blessings, they say. So little his moments of bliss seemed, so quick to pass and fleet through the cracks on his fingers like the river waters, he whaled in protest almost pathetically. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to plea, but his tears had dried, his throat had turned sore and his remorse was exhausted, upon deaf eyes. The memory of his wife and his son seemed a distant haze, a wild summer dream and the thought alone of reconnecting with his family was no longer written in his stars. Alas, life was short, so short, so much shorter actually than all he had reckoned. And for that, he lost faith, he lost ambition, he lost sorrow and as all emotion turned to mold from the inside out, he was turned into a shell of his former self, a cheap replica of his days of glory and youth. Life was a game that could take the right player anywhere; now she was collecting unpaid debts and there was no cheating this round. Only reckoning.
He was handsome and strong, and his eyes burned with mischief and desire. But who was he now? Or what, really? The man could only just barely see in this sea of darkness and the goddess of the moon was mayhaps feeling merciful for one final time to grace her light, through one hollow crack on the ceiling this one ray of pale silver, taking a leap of faith into the void of his prison, granting him one glimpse of life again. He crouched closer, thirsty for her grace, thirsty for her saviour, and he cupped the silver in the bloodied hold of his palms, trying to delight what tiny beauty remained in the world. When did he become so mindful of nature, when did he finally grow eyes to see the beauty and when did he find the clarity in his mind to treasure the on going moments of mortality? Death truly changes people and those that meet the dead, they are never one and the same again. Perhaps this explained why now, of all times, he did, finally, truly see. And perhaps he owes even gratitude to her.
Maymm has always been an adversary for quick, clean kills. The purpose of the executioner is not to bring suffering, but to carry out a fatal sentence. It is never their responsibility to measure guilt and justice; once jurisdiction has been spoken, the executioner obeys. And perhaps she is right. For all her nonsensical blabbering, maybe this one time Maymm was not a self congratulatory fool, but actually precise. Nothing quite compared to a swift, spontaneous kill. To steal their breath, to stop their hearts, to overshadow the light behind their eyes and to let their thoughts and their minds and their hopes and their beliefs all bleed peacefully into eternity forevermore, to end a life and to bring a halt to years upon years of pursuits and endeavours and to all that made a person this one, specific person, all in but a split moment in this infinite line of time; that is orgasmic. Maymm never taught her the amusement in a kill, she just had to learn it her own way. For as long as she remembers, the she had to rely upon her own strengths and efforts to teach herself all the necessary lessons to survive in this world and understand it. Well, clearly enough to turn her into an assassin like no other of her kind. Because who other of her own would ever take joy in such cruelty, misery, suffering than the only one with a brave spirit and a huntress' heart. Quick kills are good; sometimes, prolonged is better. And in the case of such scumbags, who dirtied her land with their crimes and shed the blood of her people, oooh! Prolonged was (really) the better of the two.
The silver in his hands clashes on the smooth surface of perfectly sharp steel, gliding smoothly on the sharp edges of the weapon and reflecting in the four corners of this room. The man flinches with horror and he collapses on the flayed, butchered muscles of his back, to no avail but a surge of pain that paralyzed him again. The woman was quiet, so quiet always, so discreet when she danced in the dark and she moved unseen, unheard and unparalleled in the shadows. He never noticed her, not him and definitely not his companions, albeit their magical properties. Had the woman no influence over the spirit realm, or were they so reckless they failed to detect her? Impossible. Impossible, that with no magic one could ever be so swift, so precise, so deadly. Impossible that one could ever circle seven mercenaries so quietly, move so quickly and kill them, one by one, always with one, perfect blow so efficiently. He watched the six, as they surrendered to the sweet embrace of death all around him, their skin turning pale and cold before they hit the ground, and he was left lone, to face judgement. For the first time in his life, afraid. Scared. Horrified.
She likes the fear. Fear is necessary. There can be no respect and no integrity without fear in the spirits of one's enemies. This was, all along, why Ionia had to suffer before she learned her lesson. The old ways worked for the past, but the future did not adhere to the laws of yesterday and thankfully, someone was making sure the laws were on their side of the field this time. So yes, a bit of brutality here and there? That was just some necessary evil. From Navori, to Weh'le and to Puboe, or anywhere else in Ionia, criminals of the war remained hidden, outcasts that were condemned when their evil dreams sank and their ambitions were met with nothing but the wrath of justice. (Someone) had to pull out the weeds and end this infestation because if no one did so much, there will be no tree for her former masters to Prune. Well, and the thrill of the hunt made it all the more exciting.
She turned him over with the heel of her shoe. Poor bastard did not make a pretty sight no more. For a gang leader and a traitor of his homeland, who gambled on the misfortune of his people and tried to chase privileges in foreign empires, he was quite the charm. But now most of all that was lost and the true ugliness of himself was brought to the light. Of course that required some little help of her kama, that was unsurprisingly quite the effective thing. He was given a choice, after all, to confess his guilt and spurt out his secrets, in exchange for a quick passing; he declined. So why would she feel remorseful for her actions, like for one when she first dag deep her blade into his skin and peeled his entire arm off with the precision of a mad surgeon, or when he tried to strike her for a wild attempt to freedom and she slashed the fingers of his feet? Or when she caught lies in his testimony and he forced her to slice across chest and lower torso, smoothly removing the ugly clothing so that perhaps when his heart would come closer to the light he would at least feel less confident in his escaping efforts? She loved that one, watching the steel glide so effortlessly, like scissors on paper, almost brushing against the bones. Perhaps the Kinkou was not so useless, teaching her all about human anatomy and that much. It definitely brought the two so much closer.
He weakly moved his head, with every fiber of his dying being begging only with his eyes. He had seen a kunai before, it killed all his friends so peacefully and what he feared now he longed desperately for. She tilted her scalp. "Oh this? Yeah, it can probably end the pain," she jabbed with a smirk. "But I'm not sure I should do that little favour for you. You see, you turned on my people and then you tried to hide from punishment. You kind of became my problem. And I'm really good at dealing with my problems."
The ghost closes his eyes and flails weakly, as he cries but his tears come no more. But he can hear her smile. It's wicked, it's cruel and it has a voice of its own, that he will remember even when he reaches the skies, the spirit be good. His whole life he fought for a better future for his child, for a chance to save her from the poverty of their family, the cold of the winter and the cruel hunger. His whole life Ionia turned its back on his child that lived in the streets and when he turned his back on them in return, is this what he deserves? To hell with honour and patriotism, they never kept mouths fed; the invaders did. The invaders sheltered them and gave them seats at the table. So to hell with this righteous wench, to hell with it all, why was he so undeserving of a quick death?
But she never answered, she never asked, she never doubted and she never pondered. Why would she ponder, on a killer of the defenseless? On an enabler of the tyrants? On a selfish fool that brought the blades of the enemy into their land and guided them into the bodies of the weak? They murdered, they usurped, they raped and for what? The honour of dying in the wars of someone else that proclaimed himself a righteous conqueror? Was that it, a life any better? Was that enough to trade the suffering of thousands? Was that worth the trauma that now scars them?
Akali doesn't think so. Now twilight falls, and forgiveness is a privileged the guilty have lost.
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mythicamagic · 5 years
Swimming in Silk - Chapter 14
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Training in front of her, engaging her in conversation and now lending her his clothes…Kagome is starting to suspect that Sesshoumaru is trying to gain her attention.
Sesskag - Romance, Humour, Drama, Angst
Rated M - As always you can read this story on Ao3, fanfiction.net or Dokuga
Chapter One - here       Chapter Three - here    Chapter Five - here
Chapter Two - here        Chapter Four - here       Chapter Six - here  
Chapter Seven - here    Chapter Eight - here    Chapter Nine - here          Chapter Ten  - here    Chapter Eleven - here     Chapter Twelve - here
Chapter Thirteen - here  Chapter Fifteen - here
Vulnerable Visages ~
Sitting at a low table, Kagome leaned over a map, dressed in the clans signature red and white silks. Her legs were bare, the robes left slightly parted. Sesshoumaru sat closed by her side in only his white hakama pants, mokomoko sprawling around them. After quickly bathing, the two had thoughtlessly dressed before glancing over the situation.
"So you have alliances with a bunch of clans, but you need more in case they don't show up to fight. Sensing some mistrust there. Oh, you're on good terms with the Bears right? Aren't they already on your team?" Kagome asked, using colourful terminology to try and make the whole thing less tedious.
"Hn, we trade with the Northern or Southern Bear clans."
Kagome's brow crinkled, and she tapped her finger on the map next to a brown marker. "Okay then, can't you ask for help from them?"
"They do not fight battles unless the East and West join them. And they do not fight battles aligned with the Tanuki. If we want those Bear clans to join us then we must drop-"
"The Tanuki. Who knew Racoon Dogs could be so controversial to be buddies with," she sighed. "You can't drop them or they might close that trading route through that Dragon-ridge mountain path. Wow, I can see why this is so frustrating." She felt like pulling her hair out already.
Sesshoumaru gave a dusty chuckle, appearing far more jadedly amused by the work. "And that is not even counting the subdivisions of youkai in those lands that are not affiliated with the central clans."
"I think I remember a few of those from helping you with those invoice scrolls and messages a while ago. Those Northern Horses were nice, but the smaller clan from Eternal Falls really seemed to hate you."
He hummed, not seeming surprised. Lithe fingers reached out, combing through her locks distractedly. "Conquering lands through battle and massacre is so much easier than negotiating," he muttered almost longingly.
Kagome fought a smile. He sounded like a kid. A murderous, blood-thirsty kid. She then looked towards the mountains, further behind Edo's location. "Wait a sec, there's no alliance marker for the Eastern Wolves."
Sesshoumaru arched a brow, "no. Wolves keep to their own."
Quickly shaking her head, Kagome leaned closer. "I'm good friends with the Prince of that tribe. If you send for aid, Kouga will answer, so long as he knows I'm your uh...Lady," she said, cheeks warming slightly. "At least, if he's still around."
The thought of him also being gone weighed uncomfortably heavy in her chest. Kouga, please not you too...
The demon beside her inclined his head, "from what I know, he is Chief."
Blue eyes brightened. "That's great then! Ask him for support in battle, or open up trading- just break bread. He'll definitely respond," she grinned. Sesshoumaru hummed, placing a pending marker on the wolf tribe area. Kagome wrote down the names of various tribes, clans and associates they could also contact. "There's the Hyakkikoumori on this shore, I hear that Shiori gained some followers and leads them. Oh, and this is where we met-"
She rambled a little, but Sesshoumaru listened, able to imagine her adventures vividly since she painted vibrant pictures of them. He could tell from her enthusiasm that she spoke not out of nervousness, but happiness. His claws flexed through the dark strands that fell down her back. Kagome blushed and got the picture to refocus, though he did not chastise her.
They then lost themselves in work for a time, until Kagome touched a lone red and white marker on the map.
"These are your forces," she murmured, noting the distance between it and the Western Stronghold. "What are they doing so far from the main House?"
"Guarding Bokuseno," he replied in low tones.
Her heart skipped a beat. "H-how many are guarding him?"
"20." He blinked when her jaw hung open. "...Too few?"
"Too many!" She squeaked with exasperation.
"This one has plenty of troops on stand by here, I see no issue."
"You've already stationed some with the Foxes," her voice became thin. Where Shippo is.
Her heart warmed at the realisation, despite herself. Looking at him, she noticed his mouth had thinned into a firm, grim line. "This one will not risk your elixir being lost before I can claim it."
He won't risk my ticket to immortality being lost. Kagome eased closer, reaching up and pressing her lips to a striped cheek. He exhaled, blinking, but she only offered a smile. "You're really sweet, but...at least lower it to 5 guards?"
"10 then," she grit out.
"Done." He had no actual plans to follow through with their agreement, however.
Kagome narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. "Mhm. I'm sure General Kaito will be more than happy to tell me if his soldiers still haven't moved from guarding a tree."
Golden eyes narrowed. "He has been loyal and respectful since that stint 30 years ago. I am confident he would not question me, even though he does not know the tree's use."
She rose a brow, shifting to sit on his lap for no particular reason other than she wanted to. Leaning back into his warm bare chest, she lazed her legs over his crossed ones. "Speaking of... He told me that there was a barrier over the Western Stronghold, but now its broken? What happened?"
Sesshoumaru hummed, pulling her closer and using the hollow of her shoulder as a chin rest. "Humans came, thirsty for revenge. Apparently one of their men had been killed by someone of my House. Others joined their cause, who were survivors of armies I decimated in the past. It seems they all banded together in their hatred. We triumphed but they succeeded in breaking the barrier. A few escaped our wrath, which has led to this unrest and bad blood."
Kagome thought for a moment. "Sesshoumaru... If I told you who killed that human who started this mess, would it help anything?" She asked carefully, trusting he wouldn't explode with questions or anger.
Pale lashes lowered, "I suspect I know who it was, and it would be best if you do not say."
Her brows drew together, but she nodded with understanding. Generals like Kaito were probably sorely needed in these times, especially for morale. Kagome felt her mate relax behind her, hearing his breathing become quieter. She patted his hands that were resting on her stomach.
"Time for sleep, my Lord," she murmured, shifting off and gently guiding him toward the pile of awaiting furs. His hand encircled her wrist, tugging her down and moving so that she was trapped beneath him.
"I have little need for rest. It would be wasted hours," his voice came low. "The bed has been far too cold without you."
Kagome smiled, hands sliding over his ears to brush the pointed tips. "Don't be stubborn-"
"You are forbidden to leave," he cut her off, pressing hard kisses to her neck. "Understood?"
Her smile became tremulous. Surely he understood that she never wanted to go? His hands glided over her body, and Kagome shuddered, before his head dropped to her shoulder, the kisses slowing. His muscles slackened. Tired eyes had dropped shut, obviously struggling to stay conscious.
Kagome huffed and wrapped her arms around him, shifting him so that he wasn't squishing her and sliding her fingers through the long strands of silver. "Sleep, Mr. Fancy Feet," she said gently, but with an undercurrent of firmness. He must have been pushing himself to stay awake all this time.
His breathing evened out, body weighing more heavily onto the side of hers. Kagome stared at the ceiling above. Remembering her conversation with Shippo, she breathed out uneasily.
She had to say it, just once, out loud. Then she could lay the subject to rest unless it actually occurred. "You know if...the bed is too cold while I'm gone, you can-" she swallowed. "You can hold someone else, to keep you warm." The words came slow, worming their way out of her insidiously. "And if she turned out to be someone who can make you happier than I can- if you liked her...I-I would..."
Her heart thundered with distress. "I would wish nothing but the best for you. I would wish for your happiness."
I'd be left behind-
Nothing but quiet breaths answered her, but that was alright. Because Kagome was not brave enough to say them to a conscious Sesshoumaru. He'd be angry if he heard them, she was certain. He'd wonder if she doubted him- which she didn't. But somehow, losing him had become her worst fear. Her only anchor in the storm of confusion. She was supposed to worry about finding a job. Her education. Being his Lady. What to buy him for his birthday- not whatever this had become. Worrying about not being there for a lonely demon.
She turned her head and looked at the low desk. It looked so busy. She could imagine him in his chambers, spending day after day working. Maybe he'd take breaks. But it wasn't like he socialised. No, her demon probably just opened the sliding doors to let the breeze in and call it 'getting fresh air.'
Kagome stroked the crown of his head, biting her lip.
Even in sleep, he seemed to sense her emotions, letting out a soft rumble from his chest. Lips mindlessly pressed to her shoulder, arms holding tighter. A part of the miko felt possessiveness take hold of her, the bitemarks pulsing on her shoulder. Like his presence lingered inside the scars, snarling at the notion of being separated.
"Foolish, mule-headed wench..." he sighed, words slightly muffled.
Kagome arched a brow. He hadn't called her that in a while. She'd graduated from wench, to miko, to her real name over time. Are you dreaming about something from years ago?
Smiling gently, Kagome rested her cheek against the top of his head, breathing out slowly and drifting off. That's enough...that's enough worrying now. I'm yours for as long as you want me.
After a few days spent on further organisation, Sesshoumaru had dragged himself in a foul mood to a war meeting. Naturally, he understood it was pivotal to their success but it hadn't stopped him from claiming Kagome twice in one morning.
Kagome padded across the courtyard, tugging at her clothes. The dumb Lord had left too many hickeys and marks. It felt like the material caught on her raised skin. Turn about was fair play though.
Smirking to herself, Kagome paid a visit to Ah-Un in the stables, picturing the hickey on the nape of Sesshoumaru's neck that was hidden by the heavy fall of hair.
Patting the dragon's hide and giggling when Un nudged her insistently for food, she heard a small gasp.
Turning on her heel, she spotted a small face peering out from behind an open stable door. Small deer horns were visible, sprouting from a nest of dishevelled brown hair. Kagome smiled and knelt down.
"Hi, don't be afraid," she said amiably. "I'm Kagome, what's your name?"
"You're human," the boy grimaced, shying further away.
Shock thrummed through her, a bubble bursting. He continued to glare at her distrustfully, "Mama said we're being moved from the Western Lands soon. Humans are coming, humans like you-"
"Not like me," she said gently. "I'd never hurt you. Not every human hates demons, I promise."
"Mama said not to trust humans. They're all liars."
Sitting back on her heels, she thought for a moment. "Hm. You know I don't think I've ever really been scared of all demons as a whole species. I became really good friends with a Hanyou and mated a full demon, but that doesn't mean there aren't evil or mean ones. Have other demons ever been mean to you?"
"Mn...my friends, sometimes." He allowed, voice cautious.
"See? It's similar. So, maybe just try and see humans the same way. I know it's hard. They're probably a scary threat you've only ever heard bad things about, and I'm sure they've hurt a lot of your family members. But...this human would like to be your friend, at least."
Seeing no answer forthcoming and not wanting to confuse him, Kagome stood. Turning on her heel, she smiled to show there weren't any hard feelings.
Leaving, she absentmindedly passed a hand over her eyes, sighing. She supposed that kind of prejudice was only natural if her species were now actively trying to wipe demons off the map. Maybe she shouldn't have said anything. Hearing shouts, she blinked and raised her head, wandering across the courtyard. Bypassing the barracks, she continued on to where the troops usually trained in combat, seeing a crowd had formed around one of the sparring rings.
Oh no. She knew that voice from the grunt of frustration alone. Squeezing between two beefy soldiers, she forced her way to the side of the ring, placing her hands on the fence and gaping as Inuyasha grappled with Kaito.
The two had dug their bare heels into the dirt, trying to throw the other's weight. The soldiers all shouted, calling out encouragement to their General. Kaito's body shook with effort as he pushed forward- sending Inuyasha back until the Hanyou snarled, abandoning his hold to hit him in the ribs. Hands-free, Kaito punched him in the jaw. Inuyasha's head snapped to the side and he swayed.
Kagome frowned as she noticed the state of their bodies. They'd obviously been at this for a while. Blood coated Inuyasha's upper lip. He was shirtless, and she noticed his red sweater had been placed by the ringside with his sneakers.
"He's going to lose. Hand-to-hand combat without claws is too tricky for a Hanyou."
Glancing down at her side, she noticed the deer-boy from the stables had joined her, watching the fight.
"You don't know that," she muttered.
The shouts around them became deafening. "Get the Hanyou! Get the Hanyou!"
Another few hits made half-demon blood be shed into the air, only seeming to invigorate the crowd. Gritting her teeth, Kagome decided she'd had enough. Lifting her foot and standing on the lower fence, she cupped her hands to her mouth. "YOU CAN DO IT, INUYASHA! Beat that guy! Make him sorry!"
The soldiers quieted and she sensed their stares, but she didn't stop cheering, raising her fist and shaking it. The deer-demon at her side gaped. Inuyasha's ears twitched once- dodging the other fist that came swinging his way. Dropping back, Inuyasha landed on his palm, swinging his legs through the air and landing a kick directly into Kaito's throat.
The General wheezed, staggering back. Inuyasha swung himself up to land on his feet, hitting several times in succession and finally kicking his opponent's feet out from under him. Kaito landed in the dirt on his side, kicking up dust.
Everything lapsed into silence. Inuyasha breathed heavily, staring with wide eyes. Kagome grinned and cheered loudly, waving her arms. A slow clap joined her cheering, and she paused.
Looking up at the balcony a ways from the ring but within view, Inukimi stood, smiling with amusement.
Kagome smiled and glanced back at Inuyasha in time to notice him offer a hand to Kaito. The General stood on his own, brushing by him without a word. Wincing, she slowly sobered, offering a weak smile when her friend glanced over. The worst part, she decided, was that he seemed far too used to the reaction. The soldiers all muttered amongst themselves, dispersing from the ring. A few bowed to her, but Kagome couldn't exactly appreciate it.
"Hisao! Hisao," a voice called out.
The deer-demon at her side turned as Chiyo raced over, taking him by the shoulder and bowing deeply to Kagome. "I-I'm so sorry, My Lady. I hope my son wasn't being a bother."
"O-oh, no, of course not." She forced a smile. 'Mama said not to trust humans,' hadn't that been what the boy had said? It...hurt a little to think Chiyo also saw her that way. Kagome glanced at Hisao, "we were just watching the fight together."
"Mhm! Mama, that Hanyou beat General Kaito! It was really amazing," he breathed. The boy then quieted, as though realising what he'd said. "Well...a little amazing, a-anyway."
Chiyo laughed nervously, and Kagome smiled, dismissing her before the servant fainted from nerves.
Turning back to Inuyasha once they were gone, she sighed. "You can't go very long without giving me a heart attack, can you?"
"Shaddap, I was gettin' restless. We've been hanging around here for days. That bastard better let us go to the village tonight."
"This one did agree to it, did I not, Inuyasha?" A familiar silky voice reached her ears.
The Hanyou glared, crossing his arms. "Decided to show your ugly face, huh?"
"Indeed. Yours is worse than usual, or do I usually overlook the hideous crookedness of your nose?" Sesshoumaru arched a brow, stopping by her side.
"Girls, girls, you're both pretty." Kagome sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "The New Moon is tonight, right Inuyasha? So we can start heading out towards the village in the late afternoon."
"Not alone, this one is coming with you."
She looked up at him sharply, heart skipping a beat. "But it's dangerous without a disguise."
His eyes had turned hard. "That is my condition. Take it or leave it. This one refuses to hide the marks of my clan."
"Tch," Inuyasha tossed his head but didn't argue.
Kagome sighed, nodding with acceptance.
Far off in the distance, lanterns were starting to be lit, appearing as small orbs of light. From where they stood on a few thick tree branches, Kagome could see that the tiny village she once knew had expanded, spreading further than she'd anticipated. It now resembled a respectable feudal town.
Kagome exhaled, trying to form the words, but Inuyasha's small, gravelly voice beat her to it.
"It's...changed so much."
She looked at him, brows together when she noticed the stricken expression on his face. His eyes were wide, breathing escalating. The dark hair that now fell into his lashes only made him appear paler. He always seemed more vulnerable and open as a human. Reaching out, she took his frozen hand in her own and squeezed.
Sesshoumaru stared at the village without expression, as though he'd gotten used to the sight.
"I uh...I wanna go closer," Inuyasha muttered quietly.
Kagome shared a look with Sesshoumaru. He subtly seemed to tense when her eyes hardened.
"No," his voice became steel. "He may, but you-"
"I'll be fine. It's not like they'll know I'm yours unless they see the mark," she soothed but refused to back down. She was going.
Golden eyes narrowed, shifting to the village once more, as though considering. Inuyasha didn't wait, instead lowering himself from the tree-branch and dropping to the floor. Once straightened, he padded away into the night-drenched forest.
"Inuyasha," she called with concern, gracelessly trying to climb down the same way. She dropped, landing like a retired gymnast and definitely pulling a muscle. Hurrying after the dark-haired boy, she glanced over her shoulder at the branch, finding it empty.
After catching up with Inuyasha, she stole glances at him until they broke the edge of the treeline. The village up close looked far more developed than Kagome had been willing to admit. The orange glow coming through the windows lit their way as they padded through. The pathways hadn't changed much, but the number of houses felt slightly staggering. The roof-work had become more intricate, the structures of the huts becoming impressive little houses.
"Are you okay?" Kagome asked quietly.
Inuyasha grunted, dark eyes swinging around at the unfamiliar sights. His nose twitched. If he had his dog ears back, she figured they'd be flattened. A few men lifting goods from a wagon paused to look at them.
"Uh, hello," Kagome greeted with a small wave when their gazes become wary. "We're travellers. We were just looking for a place to stay for the nigh-"
"Keep moving, strangers."
She blinked at the gruff dismissal. It felt a little like a slap in the face, though she should have expected it. Edo had just always felt like a place they'd be welcomed. Inuyasha sneered, automatically groping for his sword- which wasn't there. He seemed to forget that detail often.
"You wanna explain why? We got as much right to be here as you, if not more." He growled.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
When one of the men started to inch toward his sickle propped against the wall, Kagome quickly grasped Inuyasha's arm. "Nothing at all~ we'll be going now. Sorry for the trouble," she beamed. Pushing him away, she ignored his protests, glancing at the tense men.
They didn't stop until they reached the border of the village, where Kagome breathed a sigh of relief. "Was it just me, or did the whole place feel tense?"
"Tch, usually happens to places that have been hit bad by bandits. Guess that's why," Inuyasha grumbled. He padded out of her reach, folding his arms while glaring at his red sneakers. "If I'd stayed here, I coulda protected them."
"It's not your fault-"
"I know," he cut in bitterly. "I know exactly who to blame. Bastard," harrowed eyes squeezed shut. "But it doesn't do me any good now, does it? So...I'm gonna save this punch," he curled his hand into a fist. "And I'm gonna deliver it to him one day. For doin' this to me, to us. Ripping us away from Sango and Miroku. But...for now anyway..."
Kagome listened quietly, easing forward and placing her hands on his shaking fist. "Do you want to see them?" She asked softly.
Startled, he quickly glanced at her. Giving a quiet huff, he nodded silently, not trusting his voice.
The graves still appeared to be in good shape. She wondered who attended to them now that Kohaku had probably passed. Laying some flowers down for her friends, Kagome smoothed her clothes as she straightened.
A slight breeze tugged at Inuyasha's dark hair, hand's balled into fists. She could practically taste all the emotions welling up inside him. Placing her hand on his tense shoulder, she leaned in and hugged him. The Hanyou hid his face in her hair, trembling a little as his fists remained at his sides. They gradually unfurled, and he embraced her fully.
They stood for a long while, and she felt every shake and tremor in his frame. Knowing he probably needed to let it out- and he clearly wasn't doing that with her there, she patted his black hair.
"I'm gonna go for a short walk, okay?" Kagome murmured. Pulling away, she noticed him duck his head sharply, hiding his eyes. "Take your time," she added gently.
"Yeah, whatever," he cleared his throat, tenuous voice wobbling until he gave a harsh cough.
Kagome smiled weakly, squeezing his shoulder once more before padding off, leaving him alone by the graves.
Venturing away into the cover of the trees, she navigated instinctively through Inuyasha's Forest. Heading toward Rin's grave and only stumbling a few times, she set her hand on a tree once she reached a clearing. The grass was bathed in the slight light cast off the new moon. Her eyes were naturally drawn to the heavy fall of silver hair soon enough.
"What are you doing here?" She whisper-hissed, hurrying over to Sesshoumaru's side. "You might be seen."
He said nothing, staring down at Rin's aged grave. Another had been buried next to her, and something yanked on her heartstrings. Kohaku lay beside his wife, the gravestones touching shoulders.
Kagome's stomach twisted, and she looked up at Sesshoumaru's placid features, slowly grasping his frozen fingers. She smiled gently, "guess we're both still stubborn, huh?"
Shadowed gold slid to her, warming with faint amusement. "Hn, that much will never change."
Kagome nestled a little closer, feeling like it had been an achingly short amount of time since she'd first discovered him standing at Rin's grave. The memory of his ghostly features, so withdrawn and frozen, still haunted the back of her mind. Now Inuyasha looked much the same.
I never want to see that look again. Today...I want this to be the last day I see a look of grief on their faces.
Making such a wish was wretchedly naive, especially with the curse of her time-travel jumps, but Kagome clung to the Daiyoukai's hand all the same. After a little while however, that hand tensed.
Sesshoumaru raised his head. "Blood."
Suddenly a whirlwind of confusion rocked her senses as she felt herself be lifted up. Soon they were moving. Fast.
When the motion finally stopped, Kagome swayed in his arms from the momentum, gasping when her eyes refocused. The men from before were attacking Inuyasha, five on one. While her friend tried to hold his ground, she noticed one of them swing a staff- hitting him over the back of the head with it. The men then quickly took to kicking and stamping on his crumpled form.
The sound that escaped Sesshoumaru's throat drowned out all other noise. Kagome felt it shudder out from his chest- and watched as the men turned- doing a double take and staring with abject horror.
Sesshoumaru sped in close, dropping her to the floor at his feet as he swept in and cleaved one man in two. His blood landed on Kagome's cheeks.
It felt warm.
She stared as the other men were dispatched in much the same way.
"You...idiot," Inuyasha wheezed out, sprawled on the floor as his black hair matted with blood. "That could have been- Sango- and Miroku's- gn...kin."
Sesshoumaru straightened, flicking the blood off his claws. "Do not be foolish. I knew from scent it wasn't them." He turned on his heel, "Kagome are-"
Her form was sinking through the floor, image wavering out of existence. Her eyes were wide as she reached toward him, then also toward Inuyasha with panic. The blood on her face glowed pink as the scent of Time caught in her hair.
Sesshoumaru's body turned ridged, quickly blurring in the air- clawed fingers stretching wide and plunging into the ground after her outstretched hand. His palm met nothing but earth, cracking the surface on impact.
A noise of grief ripped itself from his lips.
Falling to her knees, Kagome sucked air into her starved lungs. Registering the museum she sat in, dripping water over the polished floors, Kagome shakily pushed herself to stand.
Inuyasha, her eyes dimmed. She supposed he had to actively follow her in order to time travel. Her heart sank, resting heavily in her chest.
Ignoring the startled stares from a few bystanders, some who asked where on earth she'd come from- Kagome raced from the room.
She didn't stop until she reached Higurashi shrine, leaning against the tori-arch at the top of the stairs as she caught her breath. She scrubbed at her face, still feeling the blood. Her legs ached from the sprint, heart pounding. Forcing herself on, Kagome slipped her soggy shoes off once more and trailed wet footprints inside.
Hearing a 'clank!' in the kitchen, rapid foot-falls signalled her mother's presence, before Mrs Higurashi stopped in the hallway. "Oh, Kagome. Thank goodness. Shippo told us you'd be back soon but wasn't sure when."
Guilt tugged at her, and taking a breath, Kagome padded forward. She then hugged her mother tight, burying her face in her shoulder.
"K-kagome?" Soft arms wrapped around her, encasing her in warm, homely smells.
"He didn't come back with me," her voice wobbled.
"Who, honey?"
There was a beat of silence, before a light, comforting touch settled on Kagome's head, stroking her hair. The tense muscles in Kagome's shoulders relaxed, and she wallowed in the safety of her mother's embrace for a long while.
When she'd recharged, she rubbed at her cheeks. "I-I know it's not fair on you, Mama, but I have to go back again as soon as I can. He was hurt, and Sesshoumaru is alone. A-and Inuyasha is going to grow old if I wait too long. Maybe he won't have aged too much- maybe he can still live with us. Besides, Sesshoumaru's stronghold isn't looking too good, and-"
Mrs Higurashi silenced her with a gentle shush, poking her side. "Remember to breathe, honey. I'll call Shippo over, sound good? While you're here though, please eat something."
Kagome opened her mouth to reply that she wasn't hungry, but a look from her mother sent her into the kitchen.
Shippo arrived within the hour, baby-food mixture dotting his blue shirt, which had tried to hide with his jacket.
"You didn't have to come if you were busy," Kagome chastised, grabbing a napkin and wetting it- dabbing at the material.
He yawned, running a hand through thick red hair, "believe me- I needed a break. Try watching a baby kit who already knows magic, it'll take it outta ya." He yawned once more, briefly showing a fang.
"Ah...Shippo, your disguise-" Kagome pointed out weakly, smiling despite herself.
"Mhm, I'll fix it later. No point hiding around family," he said, rubbing his eye. He didn't seem to notice the effect his words had on her, as Kagome's heart warmed. Shaky happiness bloomed in her chest, and for some reason now tears decided to prick her eyes.
She finished up cleaning his shirt and eased away. "Mama told you on the phone, right? I need a new item right away."
Green eyes glanced around carefully. "She said Inuyasha had been left in the past. That the stronghold wasn't in great shape."
Kagome wished she could pry into his thoughts and know what exactly would happen to her loved ones. She could see him pick and choose entirely what to say and how to answer. "Do you know where I can find one?"
He exhaled, placing his hand on her shoulder. "I've got one," he admitted. "But I'm not giving it over until after you've rested tonight. You're also gonna take your arrows this time, got it?"
Something wormed its way inside her stomach, an insidious worry. Kagome straightened her spine and forced herself to act normal. She arched her brow and quirked her lips, "isn't that kind of advice cheating, Shippo? I mean, now I know something's waiting for me when I get back."
The fox laughed, ruffling her hair to obscure her vision and hide his expression. He was more masterful at the art of masks than her. "Sometimes it's good to bend the rules, otherwise things get dull."
The hand atop her head pressed down a little when she tried to look up at him. "Just...be careful."
"I will," she promised, forcing strength into her voice.
With no other plans forthcoming, Kagome settled in for the night after showering and bidding goodbye to Shippo, who passed whatever item it was on to Mrs Higurashi. Pulling the covers up to her chin, she turned to look at the empty futon on the floor beside her bed. Her heart gave a squeeze, and she glanced at Tetsusaiga by the wall.
"I'll take you back to him tomorrow," she muttered, closing her eyes. Turning over, she drew her knees up, touching the mating mark on her shoulder. She'd gotten into the habit of touching it in her sleep, feeling like a part of her were lacing fingers with the demon lord.
She wondered if he were out there, doing the same thing she was.
After dressing in easy to move clothing and sliding her bow and quiver of arrows over her shoulder, Kagome tied Tetsusaiga to her waist, resting the sword at her hip and breathing out. She'd gotten a good few hours sleep at least.
She soon found herself standing before Mama and waiting. With an accepting, but tired smile, Mama grasped her hand and pushed something small into her palm.
Kagome lifted it up for inspection, finding a simple Higurashi shine stamper. It was aged, of course, the image of the sunset barely intact. But she knew instinctively that it was the same one.
"You consider me...yours?"
"Thank you," Kagome breathed, clutching the stamper close.
Soon she was swimming through pink-tinged waters, kicking her legs hard while making a beeline for the surface. Moving her arms, the lungs in her chest protested, demanding air. Forcing herself to push through it, Kagome made a noise and squeezed her eyes shut. Breaking the surface after a moment- she gasped, sucking in harsh gulps of air.
A strange, sharp smell assaulted her senses- burning and choking. It caught at her lashes and made a cough shudder out of her.
Kagome blinked her eyes open, heart plummeting into her stomach. Off in the distance, a brilliant plume of thick black smoke towered high in the air. Following its progress down, she watched as flames roared from the Western Stronghold, licking its rooftops. On lower ground, closer to her position in the river, cries and shouts from human and demon alike sounded out, mingling with the ash coated air.
The miko watched as swords, claws and youki ripped into flesh, sending blood flying. Her heart thundered like that of the horse's hooves as men dispatched demons, slaying as what seemed to be Priests immobilised their foes.
Lifting herself out of the water, Kagome steeled herself, before drawing her bow.
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tinyghanouj · 6 years
The Giant of Rainy Grove (GT story) - Chapter 2
“Grace!” Will called from behind the bar. “I’ve got five ale specials for Randy’s table. Run them on over.” Grace sighed, her chocolate brown hair falling over her shoulders. She pulled it back into a bun and picked up the tray full of glasses. The ale sloshed onto the wood as it so frequently did. She made her way to the table in question, doing her best to keep smiling. Randy was a man that Grace was not in the mood to see or interact with. He and his men had just returned from their hunting trip and she dreaded the loud boasting that would soon follow. Her brother Owen had tagged along, much to her surprise. When Grace didn’t see him sitting with the group, she became worried. Randy and his men were in high spirits, beating tables, singing, and chanting loudly. He turned and met her gaze with a smirk as she approached with the tray of drinks. His eyes lingered on her breasts, sending a shiver of disgust down her spine. “My dear Grace, it is lovely to see you again.” He gave her a small bow and took a glass from the tray. “Surely you’ll be joining us in our celebration?” Grace forced a smile, grinding her teeth. “I appreciate the offer, Randy. But I’ve still got work to do.” Avoiding his gaze, she introduced her only reason for talking to him. “Is Owen with you by any chance?” “Did he not come to see you? I’m assuming the boy headed straight home.” She sighed. “I guess so. He must have been tired from the whole journey. Did he give you any trouble?” Randy gave her that unnerving smirk again. “None, my dear. On the contrary, he was a great help! And you’ll know why soon enough.” Randy raised his glass to his men, “To a great hunt! To a big hunt!” They chanted back in unison, “To a great hunt! To a big hunt!” Not understanding what Randy meant, Grace’s mind traveled back to Owen and his whereabouts. She shook her head and walked back to the bar area, wondering if Will would let her head home for a little bit to make sure Owen was okay. She found the tavern owner at the bar, brewing drinks and tending to the patrons sitting around him. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Did that Randy bother you?” She shook her head, her mind still uneasy. “No, it’s nothing. His group seems pretty excited. They must have caught something special during their hunt.” “Hmph. Special, my ass. The regulars are complaining about the ruckus they’re causing. They’d never set foot in the Crazy Knight ever again if I had my way,” Will grumbled, his distaste for Randy dripping from each word. “I have half a mind to kick them out. No more warnings. Just you wait and see.” Grace shook her head with a faint smile. “You’d only make it worse, Will. Randy isn’t your average man. You know as well as I do that he’s the best swordsman in the village.” Will grunted. “You’re right on that. Wouldn’t want any blood spilled now, right?” He looked past her to the table. “The boy doesn’t seem to be with them. Is he all right?” Grace sighed. “Randy thinks that Owen went back home. I’m worried about him though—this was his first hunt. Would you mind if I ran home and checked on him? I just need to know he’s all right.” Will hesitated. “I wish I could, Grace. But Maria is helping the Jenson woman give birth and won’t be in today. We’re short staffed, and I need you here. I’m heading out to get some supplies though.” He smiled. “I could probably stop by your place afterward to check on Owen for you.” Her eyes lit up. “That would be lovely, Will. Thank you.” He waved her off. “You don’t have to thank me, girl. Besides, somebody needs to look after you two since...” Will shuffled uneasily and snapped his mouth shut. Grace pretended not to notice. “And a good job you are doing, too,” she assured him. “Without you, I’d probably never be able to take care of Owen or myself. We owe you a lot, Will.” “Ah, you owe me nothing,” he told her as he walked around the bar to fetch his lightweight coat. “I’m heading out now. I trust you can take care of the tavern?” She nodded. “Yes, of course. Please do try to check on Owen for me.” “I will,” he promised before glancing at Randy’s table. “God help me, those men are out of control.” As Will made his way out the back door, Grace distracted herself by looking after the tavern’s patrons. Without them, she wouldn’t have a job or a way to keep a roof over Owen’s head. She had started working at the Crazy Knight tavern four years before. It was her way of paying Will back for everything he’d done for her and Owen in the years since her parents disappeared. The memory played in her mind as she worked, stirring the familiar pain of loss. She recalled the day her mother and father left Rainy Grove. It was supposed to be a quick trip to a neighboring village to visit her aunt and help her harvest the spring crop of wild grass. What happened on the way remained a mystery. They simply disappeared into the night. The only remains found were their broken carriage and a spattering of blood. The general consensus was a robbery gone wrong. Only twelve at the time, with a six-year-old brother that needed her to survive, Grace never questioned the findings publicly. In her heart, she’d always denied the idea that they were really gone. Her parents loved them too much to fall victim to a robber. But as days turned into weeks, the weeks melted into months, and the months faded into years, she came to the realization that they were indeed never coming back. A woman sitting near the end of the bar jerked her head at the closing door, her hungry eyes leveled at Grace. “That your man?” Grace laughed. “Heavens no! He is more like a father.” “Oh yeah?” The woman gave a drunken cackle. “I got a few men I call ‘daddy’ too.” “Eh,” Grace whispered. She cleared her throat. “No, he was my father’s best friend before he and my mother passed.” “You are awful old to be working as a wench,” the woman said. Grace ground her teeth in irritation. It was a habit she and Owen both inherited from their mother. “I am twenty-two and I am no wench. I have worked here since I was eighteen years old and I have no plans on quitting or marrying.” Before the woman could pry into her life any further, Grace turned away. The last thing she needed was someone criticizing her current living situation. Though she did not complain, Grace sometimes wished that her life would change, just a little bit. The tavern doors burst open, crashing against the wall and rattling the hanging plates. Every head in the room turned, several of the patrons jumping in surprise. A heavily cloaked stranger stood in the doorway. As he walked, unhurried, into the tavern and took a seat, all eyes followed him. Grace’s heart sped up. If he was a robber, she would be in trouble with Will gone and most of the customers already drunk. She couldn’t tear her gaze from the cloaked man as he sat deathly still at the end of the bar. All she could make out was a strong jaw and a thin line across pink lips. His eyes, the windows to the soul as Grace believed, were still shrouded in the shadows of his black cloak. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves, telling herself that he did not appear to be robbing her. She grabbed a rag to wipe the bar and made her way over to him. The man is just another customer, after all. A thirsty man in need of a drink and a kind smile. She knew what it was like to be the outsider and she’d made a private vow to never make anyone else feel that way. She swallowed her nervousness and smiled. “Welcome to the Crazy Knight tavern. I’ll be serving you today. So, what can I get for you?” He regarded her silently for a few moments before answering. “I’ll have whatever special wine you’re brewing tonight.” From the gruffness of the voice, Grace concluded that the stranger was a human. They didn’t get many fae in those parts anyway. Her eyes flickered over his body, which seemed quite large and built. He was clearly not the type of person that should be messed with. Grace smiled and nodded. “Of course. I’ll be right back with your drink.” She walked away to prepare it for him. Curiosity gnawed at her. She wanted to know more about this mysterious man. Grace, you fool! He could be a murderer. One stupid question from you and off with your head! She shook the thought from her mind. Briefly airing the wine, she poured it into a glass and walked back to where the stranger was sitting. Oddly enough, he appeared to still be staring at her. She set the glass in front of him, keeping her distance. “Here’s our specialty wine. I think you’ll find the flavor quite delicious.” The man said nothing as he grabbed the glass and took a small sip. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. A quick look around told Grace that no one else was watching the stranger any longer, all having gone back to their private conversations. The low buzz of patrons talking always soothed her nerves. Even Randy’s table had quieted down when the stranger entered, and two of the men were already snoring, heads thrown back and mouths gaping. “Well, let me know if there’s anything else I can get you,” she said quickly. Just as she was about to walk away, he spoke with a stern voice. “Wait.” She paused and turned back to him. “Y-yes?” “I’ll be blunt here. I’m looking for someone in particular. I was told that he came by this village a few hours ago.” Grace stared at him. So, he could say more than a few words. “I had a feeling you weren’t from around here.” He said nothing, the shadowed features still confronting her. She tried to make light of the situation. “It’s not every day we stumble upon mysterious cloaked men.” “Let me be blunt again, girl. This man I’m looking for stole something very dear to me and I’m here to take it back. I don’t know what he looks like, but I’ll know who he is once I’m closer to him.” Grace’s eyes widened. “I’m truly sorry and I wish I could help. If you don’t know what he looks like though, I’m afraid it will be very difficult to offer any assistance.” Feeling brave, Grace stepped closer to the man. “Can I ask what he stole from you?” He looked away from her, sternly muttering, “That is none of your business.” She gulped, fighting the hint of defiance inside her. What am I doing getting involved in a stranger’s affairs? “Well then, I’m afraid I can’t help you. Maybe try asking someone else?” She walked away. When she looked back, his interest no longer seemed to be on her. The realization frustrated her, and this was a new sensation altogether. She could not explain her interest in the stranger. Part of her still wanted to stay and talk with the man. The other part of her wanted to run as far away as possible. As she tended to the other patrons, she felt his steely gaze return to her periodically. After a few minutes, she passed him again. He whispered, “Wait.” She stopped and turned to face him. “Can I help you?” His tone had softened. “I wanted to apologize for the way I acted before. I don’t exactly blame you for distrusting me.” Graced smiled. “It’s all right. I’m the one who should apologize for asking intrusive questions. I truly do hope that you find what you’re looking for. If you’d like, I can ask the tavern owner to set you up a room for the night.” She paused before adding, “If you plan to stay in Rainy Grove for a couple of days, that is.” “That won’t be necessary,” the stranger muttered. “But thank you.” She wanted to press him further, her curiosity wide awake. Before she could form her next question, Randy appeared next to the man. Before she could jump away, he leaned across the bar and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. His skin touching hers felt like moist, rotting meat. She shuddered, her body tensing at the unwanted contact. Randy slurred, “Is this man bothering you, my dear Grace?” “No, he is not, Randy. Now could you please let me go?” she hissed through gritted teeth. Grace tried to push Randy away but failed as Randy tightened his grip on her. “Nonsense, Grace.” He slurred. “You’ll be my wife someday, and I need to protect you from the eyes of lecherous men.” Said the lecherous man himself. She rolled her eyes. Grace noticed that the mysterious man’s body tensed when Randy showed up. She couldn’t imagine him caring about Randy’s abrasive, drunken approach. His sudden change in demeanor unsettled her. “Hey. You.” Randy growled at him. “Bug off, and stay away from my Gracey. She wants to be my wife, not yours.” “Randy, no!” Grace yelled as she struggled to get out of his grasp. “I am not your wife, and I never will be!” The man abruptly stood and grabbed Randy’s collar, pulling him up in the air. Grace stepped back as she was freed from Randy’s grip. She took in the scene before her, stunned. The stranger’s hood had slipped down with the sudden movement. His face was finally revealed. The glasses no longer banged on the tables; a hushed silence had fallen over the patrons. Everyone in the tavern was looking their way again. If Grace could describe him in one word, it would be exotic. Long, blond hair hung in shiny locks around a handsome yet menacingly wild face. Sparkling, aquamarine eyes were leveled on Randy, showing nothing but pure rage. Just as shocked as she was, Randy tried to pull away from the man’s grip. Unsteady but angry, Randy snarled, “Who the fuck do you think you are, insulting me like this in front of everyone?” The man snarled back. “I smell him on you. Where is he?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Randy stammered, looking uneasy. “Hey, leave our man Randy alone!” one of his men yelled out. The man growled in the direction of Randy’s group and turned his attention back to Randy. “Gentlemen, please,” Grace pleaded, her heart pounding in her ears. “You’re causing a scene!” The men ignored her attempts at peacemaking. She looked around the room, silently pleading for anyone to step in. She despised Randy, but his wrath would be worse with each passing second the stranger humiliated him. The rest of the tavern did not seem to exist for the stranger. His eyes never left Randy. “If you don’t tell me where he is, I’ll smash you to pieces.” A familiar voice pierced through the silence. “Grace!” Grace spun around, her body following the voice. The feuding men turned to see who was there. To her surprise and relief, Owen barged into the tavern, making a beeline for Grace where she stood behind the bar. He stopped in front of her, gasping for air. “There’s something I need to talk to you about, in priv—” “You!” hissed the stranger. Owen paused and faced the man. His face paled. He stumbled backwards, away from the man. Grace grabbed his arm, worried from the look on his face that he was going to pass out. With each passing second, she was becoming more confused, and more worried that the evening was going to end in bloodshed. “You smell of him too,” he growled at Owen. Owen’s lips quivered, and Grace could sense her brother’s panic building up. She stood in front of her brother, folding her arms over her chest as she addressed the strange man. Though she was afraid, downright terrified, she would never let any harm come to Owen, even if it cost her own life. “Would someone please explain to me what’s going on here? What have my brother and Randy done to make you so angry? And who exactly are you smelling on them?” she asked in a much calmer voice than she felt. He glared at her, his hold on Randy loosening as he dropped him to the floor. She heard Randy cough but couldn’t look away from the man as he moved toward her. Like a predatory animal about to catch his prey, he stalked her around the bar. He didn’t stop until he was inches away from her, the heat emanating from his body. “My son,” he whispered menacingly. “He’s missing, and I went to search for him. His scent led me to this village. I can smell him on these two. So, I am not wrong when I say that they are involved in his disappearance.” Grace responded calmly. “I can understand Randy would be capable of doing such horrid things, but Owen?” she scoffed. “He’s an innocent.” “Oh, God.” Owen choked on a sob. Grace turned and met her brother’s wide eyes. He slowly shook his head. Her heart sank to the pit of her stomach. He looked at the man. “I-I think I can lead you to him.” “Owen? What are you talking about?” she whispered before turning to Randy. “What the hell did you do to him during that hunt?” Randy snarled, still recovering from the man’s grasp. “I did nothing. And the boy has no idea what he’s talking about.” The man kicked Randy in the head, and Grace backed away in shock. Randy yelped in pain. He remained sprawled on the floor, a trickle of blood running from his now-split lip. The stranger hauled him up by the collar and addressed Owen. “Take me to him,” he growled. Owen nodded. “Follow me.” Grace followed the three men out of the tavern. Whatever Owen had gotten himself into was more important than her job. He was her life, and she had the sinking feeling that whatever Randy and Owen had done to the man’s son, it was no laughing matter.
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jessikahathaway · 7 years
Crimson Grail
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The sea.
Don’t all good stories start with the ocean? A retelling of a tale that crossed the seven seas just to reach you, the reader?
Well, stories are all best told by the ones who lived them.
If only everyone had lived to tell this tale…
It was a beautiful day in the port city of Albion.
The sun was burning hot and the marketplace was bustling with life. Everyone was out today it seemed, however, you remained back in the shadows, where you belonged.
Your time was at night, when the moon rose high above the water and the people of the city. You cherished the time you could spend in the moonlight, away from others and in your own mind.
If time was kind, and she hardly ever is, you would wander down to the shoreline and place your feet in the water. The warmth of the salt water easing the ache in your bones.
You worked at the Knight and Gayle Pub as a barmaid, tending to sailors and ruffians of all sorts. As long as they had good coin and kept their hands to themselves, you really didn’t care what they did.
However, one evening, there was talk. Talk of pirates… You’d never met one yourself, but, you were the daughter of a sailor, so you knew your way around a ship just fine. Although, these men were talking about blood-thirsty and dangerous, pirates.
They sailed the seven seas in search of money or eternal glory and fame. If it could get them enough rum to fill their bellies and women to warm their beds, that’s really all they cared about. Your father had turned into one of those men. A man who wanted nothing more than to have a warm body to lay next to at night and some rum to drink the pain of his life away.
But the men in the bar that night were talking of one of the most notorious pirates out there, Min Yoongi. Although, most people call him Captain Min.
He is known for taking prisoners and running them dry of all their riches and wealth. No one who has encountered him has gotten away without some sort of tale to tell. They say he is as dangerous as the ocean during a storm, but will reward you well if you are part of his crew.
“Y/N! What in the name of the devil are you doing out here? We have customers in the bar that need tending to. Go, get dressed and tie your corset tight, I want your bosom up to your chin to attract lots of men tonight. A ship is docking, and there will be lots of coin to earn!” The owner yelled from the kitchen as he prepared the next round of slop for lunch time.
Disdain curled in your stomach as you walked away from the lively market and back towards your dull life of booze, men and whores.
The night brought sailors, you this knew well and as the owner predicted, another ship. These men seemed like merchant sailors who were just stopping for supplies on their route for trade. You served them well, like you always did, and tried to catch up on the latest news from the seas.
“Did ya ‘ear about the massive war that broke out between Captain Min and The Captain of the Blue Fox! It was a huge fight and there must’ve been loads a’ dead floatin’ after the dust settled.”
Your interest was piqued, so you strolled over and set another pint of beer down for them as they smiled and threw you a few more coins.
“Who won, then?”
“Captain Min a’ course! Who else did ya think would win? What I wouldn’t do to be a member a’ that crew… Imagine all the women ya’d get, just by bein’ Captain Min’s good graces, they probably come at you in crowds… What a life, huh?”
Captain Min and Blue Fox had it out?
Those two drunkards were right then, if the two of them had fought, the aftermath was probably disastrous.
Hearing that Captain Min had won, however, was no surprise to you. He was well known throughout this town, and had made an appearance every once and awhile, or so you’d been told. You’d never met him before, but you had wanted to ever since you were a teenager.
The stories of the young Captain Min taking out several ships and trading routes of the rich and famous were well known. Parents told them to their children before bed, making their dreams rich with tales of adventure and riches.
You had heard about him since you were around fourteen.
A few of your fellow barmaids had apparently seen him walking down by the shoreline. That night you had wandered down to the shore, hoping to spot a glimpse of the infamous Captain Min, but alas, it was just you and the sea that night.
Perhaps it was better that way.
Sometimes meeting legends was one of the ways to make them not seem like stories anymore, they were just like the old men who chased skirts in the tavern and disrespected you and your fellow workers.
Perhaps it was better to keep the infamous Captain Min Yoongi a story in the end.
A few days later the tavern was bustling with life. Men were here and there and the rum and beer were flowing.
There was enough booze in there to sink a ship.
However, you were not enjoying your time. There was a certain customer that has been pestering you all night. Tugging on your skirt and even trying to grab your breasts. The owner pushed it aside, thinking the man was merely drunk, and if he was paying for service, you had better provide it.
It was probably your third time passing the table and you felt a firm smack on your behind. You jumped and dropped the current liquor in your hands. You watched in terror as it all fell to the floor.
All the noise in the tavern stopped. Everyone looked at you, some with disinterest, others with sympathy, and some with hunger. You quickly tried to gather everything up, but the owner was there before you had a chance to.
“What do you think you’re doing?! That liquor is worth more than you are you wench! What do I pay you for if you’re just going to go and lose profit for me? I’m not paying you for the rest of the month, you have to work off all the liquor you just wasted!” The owner growled, gripping you by the wrist.
You yelped in pain, but stayed still, fearful of what was to happen if you tried to fight back.
“Or maybe one of these lovely gentleman would be willing to pay for your liquor if you let them in the warmth of your bed for the night?”
There was a loud hollering from some of the men.
“10 trinny coins for the ladies bed!”
“I’ll pay 30 for that woman!”
“35 for the whore!”
Your heart was beating rapidly as people stopped talking.
“60 trinny coins for the woman.”
A voice perked up from the back. The room became deadly silent.
Tears were pouring down your face at the sound of whoever was deciding to take you for the night. You weren’t particularly strong, so, the idea of breaking free was out of the question.
The owner looked at the man coming forward. He wasn’t tall, nor was he short, he was large enough to be intimidating, that was for sure.
Also, the way he carried himself gave you just enough knowledge to know that tampering with him wasn’t a good idea.
He slowly walked forward, making each step he made something purposeful.
Finally, he lifted his head, and you saw that he was gorgeous.
He had dark black hair that shone in the dim light of the tavern. Pale skin that seemed to radiate the moonlight itself. Deep eyes that were bluer than the ocean.
He was handsome, that was for sure.
You lost the ability to speak, but tears still flowed down your face as you awaited his approach. It felt like forever until he was right next to you.
The owner held out his hand, expecting his money. The man before you made good on his word and tossed a sack of money his way. You watched as the money hungry man opened the satchel and his eyes lit up, as if a child given a new toy.
“Take her, she’s yours until tomorrow night. Make sure she can at least stand.”
And with that, you were being pulled out of the tavern and into the night air. Your heart was racing as you were hauled towards an inn. The man walked in and set coins on the counter. The clerk at the front looked at the coins, then at the two of you and nodded his head and threw a room key in your direction.
The walk up the stairs was silent, mind your sniffling of course.
Finally, you reached the top and you heard the door unlocking. Panic set into your bones as you were hauled into the room with the door shutting behind you.
Your tears came harder now. It seemed as though they weren’t going to stop anytime soon either. The man who had brought you here loosened his belt and baldric and threw them onto the dresser that made you jump.
He turned back to look at you with moderate interest as he acknowledged you for the first time since you left the tavern. His footsteps were purposeful as he came towards you, his face unreadable.
You were trembling with fear. You’d never been with a man before, what was it like? Would this turn you into a common whore? Someone who slept around just to get a little more coin on the side? That’s not what you wanted from your life. You wanted to fall in love, with a good man and to make an honest living…
But the sea.
The sea called to your heart like nothing else ever had before…
However, the man before you wasn’t making any moves to remove your clothing. You stayed stock still, waiting for him to make some sort of advance, but it never came.
“Are you afraid?”
The soft words startled you, but you were too scared to speak.
“It appears you are… I won’t be taking you tonight. Fear not, little bird, I’m not about to take a woman who wasn’t eager for my company. Stay here for the night and rest.”
You were shocked by his words.
He paid 60 trinny coins to have you, and yet, he wasn’t going to take you?
“B-But you paid so much money,” you said, blushing at your words.
“That I did. But I knew a majority of the lot in that tavern, young miss, and believe me, you didn’t want to be spending the night with any of them.”
You were stunned into silence.
“I’ll be off then. Don’t forget what I’ve done for you. I may have you repay me in the future.”
He walked to the window and opened it. You watched as he looked around and then, without any words spoken, he jumped.
A gasp escaped your lips as his frame disappeared before you. You expected to hear a groan of pain or some indication that he fell into something. But the room was dead quiet. It sent a chill down your spine.
Although, you weren’t going to forget this.
You could never.
A few months later and there was talk of ships going missing around the world.
The Great Pirate Red Mane had gone down with his ship; The Blind Corsair only two weeks prior.
There had been no word of the notorious Captain Min and the crew of The Crimson Grail. That was until one morning.
You were working tirelessly in the tavern, getting ready for the nightly crowd. The owner had not sold you off for the night again, apparently there were better things to focus his mind on. Such as his new lady he had been courting for the past month.
The sound of the door opening caught your attention.
“Welcome to the Knight and Gayle, best tavern this side of the tide. What can I get for you?”
You watched as two men approached the bar and asked for a bottle of rum. They gave you their shillings and you took it back to the owner, who was more than happy with their purchase.
The men drank silently. You wondered what had happened to them. No men just came in here and drank rum silently. Especially not after spending that much money for an entire bottle.
But silent they were. Until one of them whistled for you to come over.
“Something else you need, gentleman?”
“We’re about the furthest ya can get from gentleman sweetheart, however, have you heard of the Crimson Grail?” One of them asked, leaning closer to the bar.
“The Crimson Grail? You mean, the one sailed by Captain Min?”
The two men nodded and continued.
“It’s here, in Albion. It’s docked on the furthest dock all the way down. It’s been beat up something awful, yet, she still made it into port.”
Your heart was racing.
The infamous Crimson Grail was here, along with Captain Min no doubt!
“Has anyone caught sight of the crew? Or it’s Captain?” You asked like an eager child.
The men shook their heads.
“The only person who’s come off the ship was being carried by a few other crew mates. The assumption is the poor bloke is dead. But, they’re recruitin, just for tonight! There’s a line that just about reaches this tavern’s doors! Me and my friend here went and asked, but apparently that first mate didn’t like us. What a cock he is… that’s why we got the rum, see?”
“Do you know where they’re heading?”
“Story is, they’re heading east, and not planning on coming back anytime soon. This’ll be the last we hear of Captain Min for a long while, missy, and I think that’s for a good reason.”
You nodded and went back to work.
The Crimson Grail was recruiting?
And after that, they were going east, not due to return for, who knows how long?
This might be your very last chance at getting away, if they would have you. It’d been awhile since you sailed a ship and, what about your appearance? Well, perhaps in the right clothes you could pull off a boy.
Once you’re aboard. You’d be free… Free to get away from this hell you’d been living for so long. Able to adventure around the map with the wind in your hair and the sun on your skin.
You’d be able to be at sea, the place that had called to you with such longing ever since you were a child. A place you felt truly at peace with yourself and the world…
Something you’d never had before.
Your mind was made up.
You were going to join the crew of the Crimson Grail and sail the seas in search of adventure and new people.
A new life to call your own.
Later on that night, you were up in your quarters that you shared with a few other bar maids. You had found some cloth that looked decent and tied it around your chest, securing your breasts.
You’d also found some men’s clothing that they’d left here after being chased out by the owner after wild nights in the tavern. You grabbed your hair and placed a bandana on your head, securing the mess up into your hat.
Gazing at yourself in the mirror you were pleased to see that you didn’t appear terribly feminine. If you kept your head down, people probably wouldn’t even question you too much.
With that, you grabbed all the money you could find, even if it wasn’t yours, and headed out the door.
You moved with ease through the crowd, something that being a barmaid had given you. People were speaking and drinking; partying as they all did.
However, you, were on a mission.
A mission for your freedom. You maneuvered your way past some guards and a few unsightly men that seemed a little too aggressive for your liking, and made your way to the docks.
The tide was almost at a peak time to leave.
You had to be quick.
With haste, you made your way to the docks. Watching as merchants, sailors and common folk all milled around.
Then, a horrifying thought struck you.
You’d never seen the Crimson Grail… How were you supposed to be sure that was the ship? What if those old geezers were lying to you, just because they could!
Your stomach sank when you heard yelling.
Some idiot had set fire to the market place.
You watched in horror as people ran screaming and others started to haul water from the sea towards the angry blaze.
This was your chance to run, board any random ship and be on your merry way!
You ran down the docks and made it to the end, where Captain Min’s ship is supposed to be.
There was a ship there with crimson red flags. Men were hauling materials and barrels aboard the ship as a man was barking orders at them.
Without much more thought, you approached them.
“Pardon,” you said, trying to keep a level tone.
“Yes, what is it?” The man said, turning to face you.
“I heard the Crimson Grail is recruiting.”
There was a sigh before he turned around again.
“I’ve got all the sailors I need for now, thanks lad, there’s no room for you aboard this ship.”
Frustration swam through your body. Did he just refuse you?
Without even asking about your experience or anything of the like? What nerve this man has, just assuming that someone isn’t worth his time before they even get a few words in!
“I think you’ll find you have room for one more.”
Anger coursed through your veins as he faced you once more.
“Listen boy, I don’t have time for young scallywags coming about my ship and making a ruckus. If you’re worth it, you’re going to have to prove it to me,” he said, looking at you with a challenging face.
“I grew up on the seas, I know of the wind and the tides, I know how Calypso breathes life into these sails. I know of medicine, and how to cure the sick and injured. I can drink any man under the table and I can most certainly pull my weight on your crew. I only want to sail under the colors of freedom. Can you promise me that?”
He gave you another once over and then smiled, holding his hand out to you.
“I’m first mate Jin, welcome aboard the Crimson Grail.”
You sighed and shook his hand, then sighed the paper with your father’s name. After that he left you to board and get settled into space for the night, they were setting sail in an hour.
After you hauled your things together inside the cramped chest you were given for the time being, you went up on deck. Everyone was running around and looking for something to do.
“Pull those ropes and get the wind in our sails! It’s time to cast off!” Jin yelled as he stood at the helm. You rushed to help and managed to help without messing up.
You’d forgotten how busy it was to be on a ship.
There was always something to do, and if you weren’t doing it, you were dead. The feeling of being a part of a crew filled you with a sense of belonging. These men were now your crew mates. You had to protect them. Fight with them. Be one of them.
You turned as noticed the shoreline had gotten very far away in a short amount of time. How had that happened?
There it went.
Your old life.
Ahead of you, there was nothing but open sea and a new adventure waiting on the horizon.
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Can you please do the ship meme for audrey and Harriet
1.Whois the most affectionate?:
Harriethas lived most of her life believing that your “lovely wenches”are largely, or exclusively for sex, that there’s something in itfor them outside of your love and affection, and that they will “sailoff for better shores” at any given moment.
Tohave someone that will willingly stay by her side through the goodparts, legitimately and frequently seek out her company, and valueloyalty and fidelity towards Harriet specifically is new to her.
It’sstrange and confusing, but in the good sense.
2.Bigspoon/Little spoon?:
Harrietis big spoon, Audrey is little spoon.
Harrietis also generally very physically possessive of Audrey as a matter ofhabit, “keeping close to me what wandering hands might want to takefrom me.” Seeing as there’s few who’re willing to (eitheremotionally or physically) steal Audrey away from her, thisleads to a lot of Harriet casually being close to her, holding herhand, and draping herself over her like “I was the season’shottest new fashion accessory: mostly reformed descendant ofpirates.”
3.Mostcommon argument?:
Harriet’smore illegal, irresponsible, and self-destructive habits and personalissues, such as her alcoholism.
Audreyhas gotten her to make her drinking habit more “palatable anddecent” (and to her mild shame, into looking for relief at thebottom of the bottle every once in a while) with various rules andconditions that Harriet obliges most of the time. To name a few,there’s not drinking in certain public areas, always having adesignated driver to get her home safely and a means to lockeverything but her phone’s emergency calling feature when she’swasted, and changing her drink list to much more “refined”choices like cocktails, spirits, and fermented products that weren’tbrewed in a crusty, partially rotted out barrel with bilge water.
However,whether or not she’s musing over how stupidly named yetdelicious mudslides are, the end result is still Harriet goingabout doing stupid, dangerous, and/or irresponsible things whileunder the influence, frequently ending with her waking up somewheremysterious without her “peg leg.”
Fortunately,a knee-down prosthetic leg is very easy to find and bereturned to you when a large and noticeable component is a smallcutlass with Harriet’s name inscribed on the blade.
4.Favoritenon-sexual activity?:
R.O.A.R.training and traditional sword fighting for fun, with a bit ofunarmed self-defense and martial arts to mix things up. Since Audreywill “argue till the Blues find yer corpses pointing fingers ateach other like they were swords,” they solve most of their debatesand conflicts through combat.
5.Whois most likely to carry the other?:
Harriet,in spite of her having a prosthetic leg, and sometimes even withoutit, though Audrey complains loudly about the over-the-shoulder tacticthis requires, along her having to help balance Harriet while shehops around.
“I’msupposed to be able to swoon or faint while in your arms, notpitching my weight around to keep your balance!”
“D’youwant to get yer pretty little arse home, or d’you want the both ofus to sit here and wait for someone to get us un-marooned fromwherever the fuck we washed up now?!”
6.Whatis their favorite feature of their partner’s?:
Harriet’smuscular arms are Audrey’s favourite, for looking at, or especiallybeing handled with. “I got cannons lined up port and starboard,best ye think thrice ‘fore you fuck with me.”
Inpolite company, it’s Audrey’s lips, in impolite company, it’sher breasts; the courtesy and not incurring Audrey’s wrath beside,Harriet loves both equally, just in different ways.
7.What’sthe first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings forthe other?:
Harrietstarts being more specific and exclusive with her flirtations, seeingas “ye Auradon wenches like to feel like yer the only treasuresthat can catch a pirate’s eye.” There’s also floating about theidea to the other VKs in the hopes that she can subtly get themtalking about their relationships, as her pride does not let her askoutright.
Audreypanics, questions everything, makes serious, practical considerationsabout whether she would be able to let alone want to pursue arelationship with Harriet, and consumes far more piratefantasy romance novels than is probably healthy.
“Fuck’ssake, and here I thought us Villain Kids were a thirsty bunch...”when Harriet first learns of the shockingly prolific and variedmarket for “Villainous Romance” novels.
8.Nicknames?& if so, how did they originate?:
“(Me)Lovely Wench,” or just “(Me) Love,” for Audrey, “(Me)Treasure,” and “Yer Highness” are the ones Harriet uses forAudrey, the former three being her usual terms of endearment towardsher exes, and the last being because Audrey is actually royalty, andorders her around a lot like she was one of her loyal servants.
“Notentirely wrong, but not entirely right, either.”
“Honey,”“Sweetie,” “Darling,” and all the usual terms of endearmentbecause Audrey is the “Classic Princess” sort of girlfriend, butthanks to Harriet’s influence, she has also expanded her book toinclude “Fuck-Face,” “DPOS (Drunken Piece OfShit,” and the “Most Daring Pantie Raider in all ofAuradon.”
Ofthe latter half, the first is used verbally or textually, the secondis used as an acronym in informal written communication like text,and always spoken in full otherwise, and the third came fromHarriet’s habit of stealing Audrey’s panties after they have sex,and hiding it in places that forces her to wear or buy new ones, or“sail with a lovely breeze between her legs.”  
9.Whoworries the most?:
It’spart and parcel with her neurotic tendencies, and her hyper-focus andcare on her public image and reputation. Harriet is much morelaissez-faire, but then again, she prides personal freedom first ofall and was always comfortable with the fact that she will bedespised and feared by pretty much everyone.
“It’skind of the dream of any Pirate Queen, to have that kind ofreputation preceding ye.”
10.Whoremembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?:
Harriet,surprisingly enough.
Asa Captain who has no qualms getting down with the crew when it’s“all hands on deck,” she’s got a very strong memory forspecific details, things she needs to do, and what happened recently,largely because she and the rest of the Villain Kids move fast, inkand paper that you can write on is a precious commodity, and theyfrequently get soaked and unreadable in rain or particularly nastysea storms.
Pleasemind that after getting to Auradon, she’s gotten a lazy streakabout her now that she can piggyback on all these people who arealready paid to do things for her. Back on the Isle, she couldn’treally afford leaving a job unfinished because no one wants to do it,lest the entire section of Hook’s own ship she controlled at themoment collapse, or her siblings get the advantage in their wrestingit from her.
Hernewfound laziness and eagerness to “delegate” bothers Audrey, butshe doesn’t complain lest she appear hypocritical to Harriet.
Dependson who “wins” during foreplay and/or the duel beforehand.
12.Whoinitiates kisses?:
Harrietdoesn’t really do the rest of the affectionate actions likepublicly or privately declare that she loves Audrey, but if there’sone thing she loves doing, it’s publicly “claiming” and showingoff her latest treasures.
13.Whoreaches for the other’s hand first?:
Harriet,again, with the possessive nature of hers, and her paranoia of peopletaking her “treasures.” It becomes a lot less about security andmore about affection as time goes on, though.
14.Whokisses the hardest?:
Thereis a LOT of repressed and much more blatant and aggressive sexualityinside her, and she was keen on doing most everything she could tokeep whatever boyfriend (or in this case, girlfriend) she had withher.
Herreasons have gotten less superficial and selfish over the years, butHarriet still has this thought at the back of her head, the one thattells her to watch for Audrey pulling out a knife while she has herdistracted with the force and enthusiasm of her kisses.
Therehave also been some rather enlightening conversations with Benand Chad, over drinks and without cameras trained on them.
15.Whowakes up first?:
“It’sthe dawn of a new day, time to live it to the fullest!”
16.Whowants to stay in bed just a little longer?:
“No,it is not! Now shut up, get back in bed, and letme get the rest of my beauty sleep!”
17.Whosays I love you first?:
Harriet,because she’s already comfortable with her sexuality of “mosteverything that lives, breathes, and moves,” and because “I loveyou” doesn’t really carry as much weight in the Isle as it doesin Auradon.
Sidenote, she found the way Audrey panicked and got flustered quiteamusing.
18.Wholeaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does itusually say?):
Theyusually have reminders about important things that Harriet needs toshow up to like doctor’s appointments, public events, andoccasionally a “treasure map,” with specific instructions forHarriet if she wants to get to Audrey’s “treasure chest” anytime soon.
19.Whotells their family/friends about their relationship first?:
It’sreally nothing new for Captain Hook to hear that his kids have hookedup with someone new—he was guilty of it himself, of course.
20.Whatdo their family/friends think of their relationship?:
CJand Harry both silently make bets about how long it’s going tolast, and start thinking up angles on how to exploit it to theiradvantage, such as kidnapping Audrey and using her as a bargainingchip to get Harriet to their bidding.
(Theystopped doing it after they learned the hard way that Audrey can a bea VERY unpleasant hostage, whether or not you gag and tie her andthrow her in the deepest, most secure brig you have. She will find away, she always does.)
Hookis disappointed but understanding that she’d want to dedicateherself to someone exclusively, and hopes that it won’t hamper hisdreams of his children going on to concur Auradon, and have the Hookname live on in infamy once more.
Audrey’sfamily are all incredibly chill with it, save perhaps hergrandmother. They’ve all really gotten over the initial shock ofVKs dating AKs, and in some ways, they’re happy that Harriet isgetting Audrey to be more daring and independent, be her own personrather than just be someone’s “prize.”
Theother AKs are concerned, Ben especially with how he knows Audreyspecifcally, but they don’t really question True Love, or ones thatare Generally Good.
TheVKs wholeheartedly and passionately warn Harriet against datingAudrey because she’s several shades of problematic, but inhindsight, it’s a good thing that Harriet ultimately listens to herown thoughts than others’.
21.Whois more likely to start dancing with the other?:
Inthe wake of her losing her original ankle in a horrific accident, shemade it a point that she would never be handicapped by herhandicap. As a result, she trained for long hours, getting around andeventually performing acrobatics with her “peg leg,” one of hermost common exercises being forcing herself to dance to whatever seashanty the bards in her crew were playing now. It was a gruelingcouple of years, sincethe initial prototypes were prone to breaking and injuring her fromstress, excessive use, and lack of maintenance.
ToHarriet, dancing in public is a form of therapy for the lingeringshame and the difficulties of being an amputee, proudly showing offto others that she’s not any less than anyone for having one lesslimb, and if she gets to show off Audrey and the two of them have aroaring good time?
Well,that’s just the new treasure map hidden inside the chest’s lid.
22.Whocooks more/who is better at cooking?:
WhileHarriet has cooked for herself and others, her skills are of the “howcan I make this not terrible and actually edible” variety, whileAudrey has had rigorous training and habit of cooking, thanks to her(fairy) godmothers Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather enlisting her helpwith chores.
23.Whocomes up with cheesy pick up lines?:
“Wasyer mother a siren? ‘Cause that voice of yours’ got me changingcourse to yer twin peaks.”
Incase you were wondering, “twin peaks” is Harriet’s slang forboobs, especially when she’s got her face between them.
24.Whowhispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear duringinappropriate times?:
“How about you and me sail offinto the night, head down somewhere nice and quiet, just you and me?”Harriet says whenever she’s coaxing Audrey into leaving boring ortedious events, frequently followed by vivid descriptions ofher ideas for the moment.
25.Whoneeds more assurance?:
Harriethas her times when she’s unconfident or unsure, but she gets overthem quickly, as she’s always needed to put on a proud face for heryounger siblings and her crew. Meanwhile, Audrey’s whole worldtends to come falling apart when something comes along that provesthat she and her life isn’t as perfect and flawless as she thinksit should be.
26.Whatwould be their theme song?:
“SheWill Be Loved” by Maroon 5.
Audreyhas only really dated Ben her whole life. What she has of herromantic experience is strictly limited to a boyfriend that has thepatience of a saint, and a gigantic capacity for compromise andself-sacrifice.
Afterher rocky rebound relationship with Chad, Audrey quickly finds that aLOT of boys and girls (and the odd non-binary gender) are fine withjust looking at her, or stay only for the good parts and leavefor the rest of it—Auradon Kids are raised with very high, oftenunrealistic expectations for their relationships.
Harriet,in a change of pace from the usual “love ‘em and leave ‘em,then love ‘em again and leave em again, then again, and again, andagain” cycle of Isle relationships, finds herself actually growingfond of Audrey and wanting to try this “monogamy” thing as shelearns more about her past the outward facade and reputation, howshe’s broken like her in so many different ways, and that the twoof them are “floating shipwrecks waiting to crash and burn oncethey finally hit that last rock, get swept up by the storm that doesthem in, or meet someone who has the decency to finally put us out ofour miseries.”
Buteven if they’re broken and troubled and terrible people, “… Iwon’t mind being marooned on an island with just you fer company.”
27.Whowould sing to their child back to sleep?:
Theyswitch duties, depending on who’s less tired.
Audreyhas all the classic lullabies and tales of heroism, though with thenames and pronouns mixed up to reflect her new reality, Harriet has(heavily sterilized) sea shanties and tales of heradventures, with most of the bad and embarrasing (for her) parts cutout.
28.Whatdo they do when they’re away from each other?:
Harrietgoes about her usual business “lookin’ for loot, and spendin’it just as quickly,” trying to be a responsible adult all byherself, or hanging out with her new “crews” on land or at sea.
Audreyusually attends to the more delicate and sensitive duties that can dowithout Harriet’s “unique perspective,” like small meetings andevents with the other Royals and upper crust of Auradon, alongsidehanging out with her friends and being less dependent on Harriet forher social needs, and “me time” such as shopping for clothes,going to spas, and educating herself about numerous matters.
29.oneheadcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart:
It’snot really new for Harriet to not come home, or crash at any of herfriends’ places after going out drinking. Audrey has long acceptedthat her girlfriend is an alcoholic, and tries her best to mitigatethe effects of that.
Whenit goes WAY too far, however, is not the time Harriet throws up on adistinguished individual, or when she humiliates herself and Audreyon live television while she’s all out blitzed, it’s when shegets into a car crash after trying to drive herself back home, andit’s only through luck that it was her prosthetic leg that gotcrushed beyond repair.
It’straumatizing for Harriet as she’s reminded of her mortality and thelimits of her body, and it’s even more traumatizing for Audrey whohas to face the facts that Harriet’s old problems and habits aremuch worse, that she almost lost her for good, and that forthe sake of both of them, serious, much more dire steps needto be taken to reform her.
Audreyquickly becomes overbearing and even more strict than usual, losing alot of the warmth and affection that Harriet likes and needs fromher, and it gets so bad that Harriet finally snaps, yelling at herand telling her to leave her alone, “I don’t need yer help, nowget outta my sight!”
Audreyis initially stunned, then she’s confused, then she’s angry, thenshe’s saddened, and finally horrified. Harriet sees the realizationin her eyes, but her pride and old, maladaptive habits keep her fromdoing anything but continue to yell at her until one of the nursescall her out and Audrey leaves the hospital in tears.
Laterthat night in the recovery ward with all the other amputees, Harrietonce more finds herself laying down in a bed she can’t get up from,staring at the space where her right ankle used to be, and beingreminded that it’s gone forever, there is no turning back in time,or getting a replacement that could come close to the original.
Andfor the few times in her life, she feels scared, sad, and alone—sovery alone…
30.oneheadcanon about this OTP that mends it:
Therest of the VKs and the AKs quickly swoop in and take it uponthemselves to help save this relationship and their friends, bygetting Audrey to back off and trust that Harriet does not needsomeone to constantly baby her and dictate her every move, that heraffections have gone too far and it’s suffocating Harriet, and forHarriet to finally get a chance to directly and frankly share withAudrey that she never likes feeling like someone is telling her whatto do, because she hates people treating her like she’s tooincompetent to make a responsible decision by herself.
OnHarriet’s side, she’s given plenty of hard lessons with showingvulnerability, reaching out to others, and asking for help when she’sfallen down and can’t get back up, sometimes literally because sheonly has one leg, she’s lost her crutch, and has nothing nearby tograb and pull herself up by.
Ittakes a lot of time with just their friends and trained, professionaltherapists before they can or are willing see each other again, buteventually, Audrey and Harriet sit down for tea once more with justthe two of them at the table. It’s horribly awkward for a longwhile as Audrey sees Harriet’s crutch resting nearby, and Harrietsees that Audrey definitely looks sorry and repentant for the helllined with good intentions she put her through.
Eventually,the two of them blurt out “I’m sorry!” at each other, and goabout discussing all the ways they messed up, and how they’re goingto get better in the future.
Severalweeks later, Audrey wheels Harriet out of the hospital herself,before they take a picture together of her standing with her brandnew titanium “peg leg,” this time with a much better swordintegrated into the model itself.
Tocelebrate, the two of them quickly find a good spot in the parkinglot, and have their first duel in far too long.
Harrietloses, because her new leg is without all the design flaws, damage,and less-than-ideal repair solutions she’s used to, but Audreypromises there’ll be many more rematches in the future.
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marinette-buginette · 7 years
Turn Loose the Mermaids(Part 31)
AU belongs to Taulun
Welp, this is probably my worst chapter yet. I apologize in advance. You will want me dead after next chapter anyway, so let’s enjoy the little victories lol. Thanks to @miracujess for being my beta and dealing with my shit
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Tortuga was like no other place Marinette had ever seen. Albeit, she had only been in two ports so far, of which the second hadn’t been the most… pleasing experience, not with strange women trying to take her Chat away from her or with lecherous stinky drunks who ended up with cut tongues. But besides those incidents, it had been welcoming and enjoyable and, dare she say, comfortable. But this place, Tortuga, was giving her shivers. The port was well lighted, but it still felt as if lingering shadows were ready to jump you any moment. And while the joy in the air and the relaxed and euphoric state of people might have been enjoyable any other day, Marinette didn’t feel right in that atmosphere right now. And the streets were stinking! What was up with this port and poor cleaning? Hell knows what diseases will appear because of it. Chat didn’t seem to fare any better. As they were walking along the streets, keeping close to each other and holding hands, Marinette could have sworn she heard him cursing and saying something about how he hated Tortuga. With all the dirt on the ground, Marinette decided she had been inspired to pick a dress that reached above her ankles. She glanced around, noticing all the oddities that were sold at the stands of the merchants. Fish, alcohol, a variety of tools, weapons, but she also saw poisons and some rather weird looking animal limbs. Instinctively, she pulled herself closer to Chat. Her husband wrapped an arm around her and squeezed her shoulder, comforting her. Stopping suddenly, Chat moved aside to free the path for other walkers while pulling her along. Raising her hands, he kissed her knuckles and looked down at her.
“Marinette,” he sighed, “have you thought about… ?”
“My answer is still no,” she stated firmly. As he gave her an exasperated look, Marinette shook her head. “Forget it Chat. I said before, I’m saying it again. I’m not running.”
“But it is your only chance to survive, if this goes badly. I don’t want you to die.”
Marinette rolled her eyes, but as she spoke her voice was soft. “I lived for almost 161 years now. 160 without you. We just found each other. What do you want me to do, Chat? Let you die and go and lurk in the depths of the sea for another century hoping I will meet you again? I’d be damned if I leave you.“ She gripped his hands tightly and looked straight into his eyes as she promised “If we go, we go together.”
Chat looked at her, obviously not satisfied with the idea, but at the same time, his heart began beating faster at her words. He truly didn’t deserve her. Placing a long kiss on her forehead, Chat squeezed her hands. They were in this together.
The Shark’s Fang was one of the best taverns in Tortuga, and there was a general knowledge that it was the tavern the Black Cat of the Seven Seas and his crew frequented. So it wasn’t a surprise for anyone that the only people in there were the workers and the pirates. The chatter was lively and everybody seemed happy to get a drink, Nino most of them all. Everybody went silent as Chat Noir himself appeared.
“Leave me and my crew alone,” he ordered, and the workers immediately scattered through the back door. A group of women who had been lurking around gathered in a corner and exchanged looks, not really eager to leave when they hadn’t got any proper business that night. Max took out a little bag of coins and threw it their way, then motioned for them to get out. The captain wasn’t looking very patient right now.
Chat wasn’t surprised in the slightest when all he had to do was say something to get people to listen. His reputation as the most blood thirsty pirate certainly helped. Redirecting his attention to the crowd in the pub, he simply stated: ”I’ve got news for you. It is about Ma—the mermaid.” The word didn’t sit well with him, but as far as he was concerned, only he and Nino knew Marinette’s name, and he wasn’t about to give it to everybody without her permission.
“Did you find a buyer?” It was Max who broke the silence, and judging by his tone, Chat figured he was disappointed. He did make a habit of talking with Marinette about the life under the sea and mermaids in general. He was one of the ones who, dare he say, befriended Marinette quite fast.
“No.” Chat shook his head. “There is a problem. She isn’t entirely a mermaid.” The whispers of surprise and chatter among the crew turned to silence as Chat extended his hand. Marinette entered through the door holding her husband’s hand and giving a small wave at the crew. “And frankly, no one is selling her as long as I am alive.”
There was a dead silence for a few very tense moments. And then the whole room burst in shouts of all kinds.
“She has legs!”
“What the actual fuck, she has legs?”
“Lahiffe, did you spike my drink again?”
“Well, I prefer it that way, ya know, she is a nice lass and a great singer though.”
“The stories are real! I knew it, take that Max.”
For his part Max was up on the table. “You have to tell me more about this phenomenon!”
“So this is how you’ve been fucking! I can’t believe we all lost the bets.”
Chat raised an eyebrow. “I’m glad to see your priorities are in order, Le Chien.”
“Hold up a second.” Chat’s piercing green eyes settled on the person who spoke. If he remembered correctly, his name was Claude.
“I assume you have something to say,” Chat said nonchalantly, his eyes looking over the others’ faces. At a first glance, this man seemed the only one truly bothered.
“Are you telling us that we ain’t going to sell our biggest catch ever so you can satisfy your dick?” Marinette heard Chat growl. “I’d be damned if I don’t get any coin off that sea wench’s tail.
A chorus of other voices began disagreeing. A sudden wave of tension seemed to pass through the crowd. There were little details, Marinette’s noticed. The way Kim’s back muscles tensed, the way Max reached for his pocket tentatively, Nino settling his bottle on the table, his fingers latching dangerously onto it. Marinette’s grip tightened around Chat’s hand. He squeezed back, but his eyes focused on his crew. Then his lips curled into a grin, but it wasn’t anything Marinette had seen before. It wasn’t playful, or fond or amused. It was rather lethal looking with just a tiny hint of mocking. Marinette admired how well he could hide his inner turmoil and feelings.
“Gentlemen, let’s settle, shall we?” his eyes slid over to Alix who already reached for her gun. “Don’t pull that up Kubdel, there isn’t need for it. I certainly hope my crew isn’t barbaric enough to fill this lovely tavern with blood. We all know how hard is to get the stains out.”
He took a couple of steps forward, in a nonchalant manner, but Marinette noticed he positioned his body in front of her. Her eyes moved from his form to the crew of pirates in front of her. The tension was thick enough to be cut with a knife.
“Claude, it seems like you have something more to say about this. And given our diverging opinions, I’m sure we can take this outside and solve it properly, through a duel.” his right hand tapped the hilt of his sword, challenging. “With you and everybody else who wants to settle this matter.”
The pirate paled considerably, while other’s exchanged looks. No one had ever gotten alive out of a sword fight with Captain Chat Noir. This was the man who killed a royal navy admiral when he was 14. And three others during his piracy years. Claude’s shoulders dropped, considering his options. This might not have been such a good idea.
“You know, “ Max’s voice broke the silence. “Ironically enough, since she is with us our success against trade ships increased, not to mention the fact that we had some of our best catches during this period of time. If coin, is your main concern, I’d say it is better to keep her with us, given she seems to bring us good luck.”
Marinette smiled at Max over Chat’s shoulder. She will make sure to thank him later. Maybe tell him more about the marine life.
“Kante, I appreciate the notes, but please, if Claude wants to fight his way over this argument he is more than welcome to do so.” Chat looked at his crew member expectantly.
The other pirate gulped. “It’s alright, Captain. I’ll just sit down.” because he wasn’t insane enough to get in a sword fight with the man who dueled the most frightening pirate of the Seven Seas at 19 and won. He had one bit of preservation instinct left.
“So be it then. Anybody else?” he looked around expectantly through the crowd. The opposing voices simply avoided his glance. “We are settled then. Does anybody have anything to add?”
“Yes.” to everybody’s surprise Nino climbed on the table taking a big gulp out of his bottle. “Finally you all assholes will share my pain of dealing with their romantic bullshit! You will all have to hear them fucking too, from now on, and lose sleep. Fucking finally, I’m not alone to deal with this anymore.”
The chorus of laughter filled the room at Nino’s antics, whatever surprise of him knowing already being set aside fastly.
“Bring more rum!” Nino shouted again, hoping one of the tavern workers could hear him. Then he waved his hand towards Marinette. “Come here sister, I’m in the mood for a song.”
Marinette laughed happily. Giving her husband a fast kiss, she rushed in the middle of the crowd and began singing with Nino. Chat looked at the whole scene and sighed in relief. This, turned out better than he could ever hope for. Seeing Marinette gesture for him to come over, he joined the celebration.
Maybe luck was upon him, at least.
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