THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. I mentioned in the AN at the bottom of the last chapter that it would be wonderful to get to 70 reviews by the time I uploaded chapter 9... that was 3 days ago and we've already reached that, and gone over it! For those of you who know me, you know that this story is my baby. I've got so many things planned for this and it's been in my head for soooo long. From the bottom of my heart, thank you
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ascottywrites · 3 years
The Garvez Reconfiguration
When Luke Alvez became a part of the BAU I know I was not the only one who swooned at the idea of the Garcia/ Alvez lifestyle. This list is my sharable proof! And after a whole year disappeared, I think it’s a perfect comeback! (Fight me bro!)
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Caught up By: gizzymoon (wip: 13/? | 34,429) FFN Rated M
Luke and Penelope get caught up in a blizzard. 
Shining Star by MusicalCatharsis (Complete: 10/10 | 38,491) Ao3 Rated Teen and Up
After discovering that Penelope will be spending Christmas alone, Luke invites her to spend the holiday with the Alvez family.
When You Go) Don't Leave Me Behind by romanticalgirl (Complete: one-shot | 15,049) Ao3 Rated E When Luke offered to take her out to dinner, Penelope didn't really know what was in store. She hoped, but she didn't know. She also didn't expect that it would feel different than before when he was out on a case.
Or that it would be just as scary falling in love as working for the FBI
when did these games begin? I'm overthinking my thoughts again... by LightLeadingMe (Complete: one-shot |  1,358) Ao3 Rated Teen and Up
Penelope and Luke's first date.
shine on you sinking sun by wintersoldiering (xoxogossipwolf) (Complete: drabble | 831) Ao3 Rated G
Luke feels shitty after a hard case and comes to Penelope for talks and comfort. And cocoa!
Close Call by flannelflowers (Complete: one-shot | 1,617) Ao3 Rated G
Luke's close call on the bombing case puts things into perspective.
Systematic Destruction by romanticalgirl (Complete: one-shot | 21,535) Ao3 Rated E
Phil's death changes a lot of things, and Luke finds himself doing things that will change his life. It's easy to pretend he's not making choices, and things are just happening. But in the end, everything comes home to roost, and he has to decide what and who it is he wants and needs in his life.
*It’s weird that in this show we don’t get as much trauma blowback as real life would hold. This seems adequate, makes them seem more like real people who make bad decisions that have nothing to do with plot devices. 
Because the Night by romanticalgirl (Complete: one-shot | 4,979) Ao3 Rated Teen and Up
Penelope doesn't want to get set up, so using Luke as a diversion totally makes sense. Nothing can possibly go wrong.
why did you do that? by felicitysmoakapologist (Complete: one-shot | 1,618) Ao3 Rated Teen and Up
phil unaware he's ratted on his friend. garcia is angry. luke has some explaining to do.
And She Sleeps In His Bed by buddiestan (Complete: one-shot | 3,008) Ao3 Rated Teen and Up
Luke and Penelope continue seeing each other.
*this is a sequel but I like it just a touch more than the first. What can ya do? 
We Meet Again by PrincessTreacle (Wip: 35/? | 41,307) Ao3 Rated E
What if Penelope met Luke before he joined the BAU? This is that story. A one-shot for joyfulluv143.
Garvez Drabbles By: Teyamarra (Wip: 10/? | 11,517) FFN Rated T
A collection of drabbles and oneshots involving our favorite crime-fighting duo. 
*Teyamarra has cross posted on Ao3 but there these drabbles are posted individually... I just thought this was was easier... ya know, if you don’t mind the hella intrusive ads FFN throws up. 
Adore: A GarVez Fic By: Pari (WIp: 9/? | 20,389) FFN Rated T
Set after Season 14, Episode 6. Where I'd like Luke and Garcia's relationship to progress to. Writing this as ideas pop into my head. May be a long one, maybe a short one. Stay tuned. Constructive feedback always welcome.
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garvezxmasterlists · 3 years
Season 15
All fics that include plotlines from S15 or that happen during s15.
Last Updated: 
A sweet goodbye by kissherhello (Rated K, Complete, One-shot)
Wild Heart by doyouever-daydream (Rated K, Complete, One-shot, Songfic)
coffee, please by captainswanship (Rated K, Complete, One-shot, First Confession)
About Time by PrincessTreacle (Rated T, Complete, One-shot, Smut)
Could Have Beens by frizz22 (Rated K, In Progress, First Confession)
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Criminal Minds Kinktober 2019 Day Fifteen
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Power Kink / Dream Sex
It's not weird to dream about your co-worker, right?
It's not weird to dream about your co-worker, right?
Well, that's what she keeps telling herself.
It's normal to dream about his body. The hard muscles of his chest, abdomen, back and thighs often featuring in her dreams.
It's normal to dream about his lips caressing hers, drawing out soft moans as they trailed down and sucked the skin of her neck into his mouth.
It's normal to dream about his hands pinching and pulling on hardened nipples until her back arches and it feels as if his hands are real.
It's normal to dream about his thick cock pushing into soft skin, stretching her until she feels so full she swears she can taste him in her mouth.
It's normal to wake, her fingers between her legs as she desperately tries to chase her orgasm, the feeling fading when she realises she is awake and he isn't inside her.
None of that's weird, right?
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Criminal Minds Kinktober 2019 Day Ten
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Aphrodisiac / Sex Pollen
It was the annual dinner, nothing special, yet JJ and Prentiss are determined to make sure Alvez and Garcia leave together - there's just one problem, they don't know the full story.
Luke glared at Prentiss from across the room, scowling as he sipped at his wine and tried his best to ignore the woman next to him sipping her drink.
It was the annual team dinner and as usual, Prentiss had organised the whole thing. She'd had some help from JJ and one evening he had overheard the two of them discussing what to do about him and Garcia. They'd been wanting to get them together for a long time and had decided to do something about it.
"Okay," Prentiss began, "for the main, we have oysters with asparagus and for dessert, we have strawberries dipped in chocolate! We just need to decide on an appetiser."
JJ giggled. "It's perfect - everything is an aphrodisiac; that will definitely get them going!"
"I don't know why they haven't got together yet…" Prentiss hummed speculatively.
"The attraction is clearly there. They need to stop fighting it."
"They're both as stubborn as each other." He could hear the eye roll in JJ's voice.
"That's why we have to do it for them - we will get Penelope and Luke together."
When Luke had heard that he had smiled, grinning from ear to ear as he backed away from the door slowly, struggling not to chuckle to himself.
As he got into the elevator, he pulled his phone from his bag and dialled the now familiar number.
After a few rings, she answered.
"Hello, you've reached your own personal sex goddess, how may I help you?"
"Hey, P," he greeted, his heart speeding up when he heard her voice. "You're not going to believe what I overheard…"
Yes - that's right. He and Penelope were already dating. It was like a stupid rom-com, it happened late one night when it was only the two of them in the office. They'd been bickering one moment and the next she was riding him as he sat in his office chair. They'd been inseparable since. They had yet to tell the team they were together. It had been two months and Luke knew this was it. Penelope Garcia was the only one he would ever want and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to make it official, in as many ways as he could.
Penelope had admitted she loved him but didn't want the team to know, not right away. She didn't want them to meddle in their relationship and to be quite honest, Luke was starting to find their countless attempts to set them up hilarious. They were purposefully sat next to each other at meetings, it was him he who to call Garcia when they went out of state and they were constantly pushed to work together - they didn't mind one bit.
He was currently trying to ignore her as she was wearing a dress that he was certain was made to kill him. It was a deep red and revealed a generous portion of her cleavage. It was floor length with a slit up the thigh and she had paired it with black high heels that had a strap that wrapped around her ankle rather seductively. She was wearing very little makeup but her bold red lip made him want to push her up against the wall and kiss her until her lipstick came off.
"Why are you ignoring me, Newbie?" her captivating voice asked and when he glanced at her, she quirked her eyebrow and bit her lip.
"Stop it," he growled, feeling himself harden in his slacks. "You know what you're doing to me and it needs to stop." He tried to look angry but failed miserably.
"You love it," she teased and he had to admit - he did.
Dinner was a torturous affair. He had to watch her pouty red lips as they wrapped around each piece of food on her fork and she moaned with delight, meeting his eyes from across the table every single time. At one point, she dropped some food on her cleavage and used her finger to wipe it up. Luke was desperate to know if it tasted better when it came from her skin - it probably would.
At one point, she dropped her unused spoon on the floor and crept under the table to apologise. She gave Luke a grin but he hadn't thought anything of it, not until he felt her hand on his crotch, palming his once sleeping erection. He jumped about a foot in the air and scared JJ who was sat next to him.
When she had asked what was wrong, he'd turned a deep shade of red and stammered out some excuse about his body jerking for a random reason. Penelope had returned to her seat opposite him and shook her head, her tongue running across her lip as he mentally cursed her.
After the desert when he had been forced to watch her lick chocolate from strawberries she had excused herself to the bathroom. He'd waited and then followed.
The bathrooms were secluded off on their own floor, so when she emerged from the bathroom, Luke pounced on her, pushing her up against the wall and kissing her for all it was worth.
Penelope moaned and kissed him back, grinning into his mouth.
"Something got you all hot and bothered Newbie?" she managed to murmur against his insistent lips.
"Shut up," he growled, tired of her mouth and the things it could do to him. His hands roughly grabbed her waist and he kissed her fiercely, pouring everything he had spent the last few hours keeping pent up out. His lips were strong against hers and in no time at all she was clawing at his back and pressing her hips forward, demanding he give her more.
One hand of his trailed down her body, caressing the soft dress before it slipped into the slit at her thigh and felt the creamy skin that was kept hidden.
His fingers ran up and down, teasing her as he got closer and closer to his destination.
She mewled when his fingers lightly touched her through her underwear, her head ripping away from his as she leaned her head against the wall behind her and closed her eyes, waiting for the pleasure she knew he could bring to her.
Luke was gentle, lightly fondling her, a quick press to her clit and then applying more pressure as he dragged his fingers up and down. One thing he had learnt about Penelope Garcia was that sexually, she was extremely responsive to him. There hadn't been a time when she hadn't come first when they were together. Her nipples puckered when he looked at them and when they had their morning sexcapades she was often warm and wet for him before he had even so much as laid a finger on her.
Her back arched and she pressed into his fingers more, not caring that anybody could come up the stairs and see them. She wanted Luke and she wanted him now.
"You've been teasing me all night," he whispered into her ear, moving closer. "Wearing that dress, eating the food like a pornstar and grabbing my cock under the table," he tsked. "Well, we can't have you doing that can we?"
She shook her head, completely hypnotised by him, his words and his fingers.
"I'll just have to punish you." With that, he pulled his fingers away and stepped back, smoothing out his jacket where she had grabbed him.
Her eyes shot open and she stared at him.
"What are you doing?" The glimmer of desire was still fresh in her eyes.
"You teased me - and I teased you." He began to back away from her. "Don't worry, I'll finish you off later." He winked and watched as she shook her head in disbelief.
"Besides - it will give the aphrodisiacs time to work." He waggled his eyebrows at her and she let out a loud laugh. He loved that he could make her happy.
"I don't need any aphrodisiacs, Luke," she told his as she approached him and wrapped his arms around her neck. "Not when it comes to you."
Unable to help himself, he leaned down and kissed her, his arms pulling her close and holding her to him.
"I knew it!" a loud voice shouted and the two pulled away from each other to see JJ stood looking at them with a triumphant smile on her face.
Before either Penelope or Luke could say anything, she JJ turned and practically ran down the stairs. "Emily! Emily! It worked - the aphrodisiacs worked; we got them together!"
Luke and Penelope shared a look before smiling at one another and following JJ back to the dinner. They'd tell her another time they had been dating for a while. She was so happy and neither one wanted to burst her bubble.
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Criminal Minds Kinktober 2019 Day Five
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
High Heels / Deep Throating
He loves that she wears them all the time. Seeing her legs in them, they drive him crazy.
He watched as she strutted across the floor, her high heels making a clicking noise as she went.
High heels - she always wore them. No matter what they were doing, she was wearing them.
They went from downright sexy to downright ridiculous; ones with cat ears on the side and she even had a pair that had mickey mouse ears on. They made him shake his head. They also made him hard.
He would go home after a day of watching her stride around in them, his cock hard and weeping inside his jeans. The second he was through the door, he would drop his jeans and boxers and furiously fist his cock, pumping until he came in a sticky mess all over his hand.
On occasion, he had to take care of his poor cock in the bathroom at work. The sound, the way her legs looked in them - all of it sent him over the edge. Luke was worried he was going to suffer some sort of blood clot in his dick the amount of time it tended to stand attention when she was around.
"Meeting, Newbie," she called, hips swaying as she headed to the meeting room, the sound of her heels echoing around his head and making his dizzy with lust.
Luke sighed and followed her in, trying not to stare at her feet in the heels, but as he moved his eyes up it just got worse. Her shapely legs looked wonderful in the black peep-toe heels she wore and they lead to a perfect ass he would love to bite and hips he wanted to hold on to as he pounded into her.
Fuck, he thought, sitting down and shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
As she talked through the case and showed pictures, Luke had enough decency to ignore her and focus on the case.
"Alright," Prentiss announced at the end of the meeting. "Wheels up in an hour."
Luke stood and as he did so, he knocked his pen to the floor.
He cursed as all he wanted to do was get out of this room and as far away from Penelope Garcia as possible.
He heard her before he saw her.
"What's crawled up your ass, Newbie?" The first thing he saw was her red painted toenails peeking out from black peep-toe heels. His eyes trailed up and he saw her smooth shins leading to pale knees - who knew knees could be sexy - which lead to creamy thighs. He wanted those thighs wrapped around his head.
His eyes met hers and he swallowed.
"Cat got your tongue, Newbie?" she teased. At the mention of tongue, he hardened.
Slowly he stood, pulling himself to his full height meaning that Garcia only came up to his chest.
He didn't answer as he walked past her and out of the room. He didn't know what would come out his mouth if he opened it; either a curse or a moan.
"Newbie!" Garcia called, forcing him to turn around and see what she wanted.
He didn't expect to see the grin on her face.
"I'll be wearing purple heels when you get back."
Luke could only stare as she sauntered past him and gently brushed up against his crotch.
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Criminal Minds Kinktober 2019 Day Nine
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Skinny Dipping / Shower Sex
Garcia had a bucket list. One of the things on there: skinny dip. Too bad Luke Alvez has to come and ruin it… or could he help her cross off a few other things?
Garcia nervously looked around the private courtyard that came with the villa and before she could change her mind, she shed her clothes.
She placed them in a neat pile on one of the sun loungers and then pulled her yellow journal from her canvas bag.
She flicked through the pages until she got to the one she needed.
1. Be naked in public
2. Skinny dip
3. Have fantastic sex with someone
4. Sleep under the stars
5. Make love with someone as the sun rises.
Tonight she was going to cross off the first two.
The rest of the team were due to arrive tomorrow so she had the entire villa to herself and she would make the most of it.
Penelope placed her journal (still open) and bag on top of her clothes and walked to the steps of the pool that was in the centre. It was a large rectangle pool with the mot enticing blue water. Gingerly, she climbed in.
It didn't take her long to go used to the temperature - thankfully it was heated - and she swam a few laps, loving the way the water felt on her bare skin.
She closed her eyes and dipped her head under the water. When she came back up, she smoothed her wet hair down and smiled before opening her eyes.
The sight that greeted her made her scream out.
"Oh my God!" She immediately turned around and tried to cover her naked body with her hands. "What the hell are you doing here, Luke?"
"I was coming to check out the pool but looks like you're already doing that." She could hear the smirk in his voice.
"No - I mean what are you doing here early. I thought you weren't flying in until tomorrow?"
"Change of plans."
They were both silent.
"Penelope - you do know that water is clear right?" He paused as if she would suddenly be shocked at this revelation. "And you're not wearing clothes… so I can still see your ass."
She felt her whole body blush.
"Well look away!"
"Sorry!" She heard him turn and when she was sure that he wasn't looking she peeked over her shoulder. His eyes were trained on her journal and he walked towards it before picking it up.
"Hey! That's private!" Penelope swam to the edge and used it to hide more of her body whilst she tried to reach for the journal. There was no way she could get to it, she just really didn't want him to read it.
"That's quite a bucket list," Luke said.
"It's a private bucket list," she said, emphasising the word private.
"Being naked in public isn't very private."
"It wouldn't be in front of people." She could feel herself rolling her eyes.
"I take it you're not an exhibitionist then?"
"Of course not." She paused. "Could you pass me my cover-up out of that bag please?" she gestured with her hand.
"Because - I'm feeling self-conscious."
Luke's voice was quiet when he said his next sentence. "You shouldn't be - you're beautiful."
"You think I'm beautiful."
"Of course," Luke sounded bashful.
Feeling brave, Penelope pushed herself away from the wall.
"Luke?" she called. Slowly he turned around to face her but he kept his eyes on her face. "You should join me - maybe help me cross off a few of those other items?"
The smile Luke gave her was blinding and he stripped his clothes off before diving headfirst into the pool with her.
The next morning, Penelope woke up with Luke spooning her. He had one hand around her waist and the other was clutching her breast. Her nipples tingled as she remembered what he could do with those hands.
"Morning," he whispered huskily, pressing a kiss to the back of her neck. "We finished your bucket list."
Her eyebrows raised in confusion and she turned her head slightly to see him better. "We didn't get number five done."
He smiled. "Oh no? I think you'll find the sun is rising Penny. Oh and look at that - so am I."
He gave her a cheeky grin as the hand on her waist slid down to her pussy and fingered her clit, pushing and pulling the delicate nub as Penelope writhed around on the sun lounger.
He pushed his cock into her and she arched her back and moaned Luke leaning over her body to silence her cries of pleasure.
Overall, it had been a very productive night. Four out of five things ticked off her bucket list and fifth about to be completed. Penelope would just have to create a new one - maybe with Luke's input this time.
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Criminal Minds Kinktober 2019 Day Two
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Lingerie / Finger Sucking
He walks in on her browsing lingerie and it becomes the only thing he can think about.
Luke hadn’t meant to walk in on her browsing lingerie. It was an honest mistake - and who looks at lingerie during work hours? Penelope Garcia apparently. 
He had gone to go and get her as Prentiss wanted to see them all about a case. He’d gone to her office and knocked on the door - not once, but twice - and neither time he got an answer. He’d knocked a third time as he entered and saw her staring deeply at her computer, pink headphones on her head with those little kitty ears sticking out of them. Wondering what had got her attention he turned his attention to the screen and was shocked by what he saw.
She was browsing lingerie websites and the current image she had clicked on was a blonde model in a black lace crotchless bodysuit. It had long sleeves and a high collar, roses detailed throughout the material. 
Luke could only stare and very quickly the model disappeared and instead Garcia’s body was now modelling the lingerie. His mouth went dry about the same time his cock got hard. 
His eyes were wide and he resisted the urge to palm his cock through his jeans. 
Sensing someone was looking at her, Garcia turned around and let out a shriek when she saw him standing there. 
“Newbie!” she shouted, turning the screen off before she removed her headphones and swung her office chair around to face him. Her cheeks were red and she looked embarrassed. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
“I was-” he gestured towards the door and then his mouth seemed to open and close. “I… Prentiss… meeting.” His brain had turned to mush. 
“Speak English, Newbie,” she advised. 
Luke took a few moments to gather his thoughts and try desperately not to look like his jeans were strangling the life out of his cock. 
“Prentiss wants to see us for a meeting.” 
“Oh,” Garcia said, standing and pulling her dress down when it revealed a little bit too much thigh. “There, was that so hard to say?” She grabbed a fluffy pink notebook from her desk and a pink pen with a yellow cat on the end. 
Dumbly, he followed her from the room, realising he had a problem that needed to be dealt with. 
“I’ve just got to… go… I’ll be back in a minute,” he stammered out, turning away from Garcia and the office and heading towards the men’s toilets. 
When he was inside, he stumbled into a cubicle, unbuckled his belt and in one swift motion pulled his jeans and boxers roughly down his legs. 
His tanned cock stood hard and weeping, the end swollen as it stared back up at him. 
Wasting no time, he grabbed it hard and spread the precum over the skin, tightening his fist and groaning when the relief spread through his veins. 
He closed his eyes and let himself think of her in that black lace crotchless bodysuit. He wanted to lick her, taste the salt on her skin after he made her sweat. Spread her sweet pussy lips and lap at the juices until she was screaming and cumming all over his face. He wanted to ram his cock into her cunt and send thick streams of cum deep inside her. 
His hand began to do some serious damage to his cock. He leant over the toilet and placed a hand on the wall, sweat forming on his brow. 
“That’s it, Newbie,” he could hear her voice crooning. “Cum for me.” His balls drew up and he breathed deeply. “Cum, Newbie. Cum now.” 
“Ahh!” Luke cried as thick streams of white flew from his cock and into the toilet, his body sweating and his legs shaking. 
Lowering the lid of the toilet seat, he flushed and sat on the cold porcelain, leaning back against the wall as he tried to catch his breath. 
Seriously, who looked at lingerie during work hours? 
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Hi! Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable) SPREAD POSITIVITY 💌😘 1- My brutal honesty; 2- My sensitivity; 3- My ability to do self-analysis; 4- Even when I'm depressed I never give up; 5- ; My (too) open mind.
...I’m not great at positivity so here we go. 
1. I’m loyal as hell (like a dog)
2. I try and help people in any way I can
3. I (think) I’m a decent writer 
4. I have a good sense of humour 
5. I try really hard and most things presented to me, even if it’s not something I particularly want to do 
Because I know some people don’t like receiving things like this, I’m going to open this up to all my followers. You could post it publicly or message me privately, 5 things you like about yourself. If you post it publicly remember to tag me in it so we can get to know each other.
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Criminal Minds Kinktober 2019 Day Three
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Bed Sharing / Clothes Sharing
He's wearing her underwear and to be honest, she couldn't be more aroused.
Three months - three months of bliss. That's how long Penelope Garcia and Luke Alvez had been dating and it had been the best three months of her life. They still argued and bickered like they used to but now they had the added bonus of coming home and making each other sweat between the sheets.
Penelope had never thought of herself as a physical person. Sure, she enjoyed sex as much as the next person but with Luke, she craved it. She craved his tongue and his hands and his hips and his cock. Good lord his cock. That this was created to please women. It made her almost believe there was a God.
"You don't have a spare pair of underwear for me do you, Penny?" Luke asked as he walked into her bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair damp from the shower.
"What about the ones you wore last night?"
"I can't wear them as someone made me make a mess in them." She blushed. It had been her fault. They'd just finished up a case and she'd not seen him for a few days. He'd barely gotten through her front door when she had pinned him to the floor and jacked him off until he came into his underwear leaving a sticky mess behind.
"You got me back though," she retorted, sticking her tongue out like the child she was. Afterwards, Luke had made her come not once, not twice but three times with his tongue, only stopping when she begged. One more orgasm and she felt like she was going to pass out from pleasure.
"Well I'm not going into work commando," he told her.
"You'll just have to wear some of mine then," she reasoned, standing from the bed and going to her underwear drawer. "What do you feel like; yellow with bows or blue lace?" She quirked her eyebrows at him, not expecting him to say yes.
"Hmm," he came over and examined the garments. "I think it's got to be blue lace." He took the underwear from her. "Goes better with my skin tone."
She threw her head back and laughed and he kissed her on the cheek, squeezing her to his side.
"Come on," he began. "We don't want to be late for work."
Penelope glanced over to the clock and saw they only had thirty minutes left. "Shoot!" she exclaimed, rushing passed Luke to quickly finish her coffee and find her bag.
Twenty-five minutes later they were at work. As usual, they headed into the office hand in hand, Luke carrying his own bag and hers.
Just as they were about to get into the elevator, a woman nearby dropped some papers she was carrying on the floor.
"Shit!" she exclaimed, bending down to pick them up.
Luke and Penelope both headed over to help her.
"Here," Luke kindly said bending down and picking up a wedge from the floor.
Penelope had every intention of helping too but when Luke bent over, his jeans rode low and she could see the blue lace of her underwear peeking out. Her heart sped up and her pussy clenched.
"Thanks," the woman said, her and Luke standing at the same time, Penelope's view of the blue lace suddenly gone.
"Have a nice day," Luke called as the woman headed off.
Penelope was staring at Luke, unsure what to do. She couldn't believe she was turned on by seeing her boyfriend wearing her underwear. The desire she had felt gave way to embarrassment and she was thankful when he led them back towards the elevator.
They chatted quietly on their way up and once they got their floor they separated with a quick kiss, promising to meet up for lunch.
The morning came and went for Penelope. It seemed to speed by very quickly when she was thinking of Luke in the blue lace and when she was trying not to think of Luke in the blue lace, time seemed to drag on.
Prentiss called them halfway through the day into the meeting room to discuss a potential case. Penelope was sat next to Luke with her laptop out and relevant case notes open.
Prentiss was talking and pointing to the screen when all of sudden it went blank.
"Oh," she frowned and walked around the to the side then tutted.
"Luke - a cable's come free, could you reconnect it please, I can't quite reach." She got up on her tiptoes but it was just a few inches away from her fingers.
Like smiled and stood, squeezing Penelope's shoulder as he did.
Rossi, Reid, JJ, Tara and Matt were all looking down at the case files on their iPads and discussing finite details; Penelope, on the other hand, was distracted by a flash a blue.
She looked up from her laptop and watched as Luke stretched, his t-shirt revealing the muscles in his back and her underwear, her own panties flooding with moisture. She quickly glanced towards Prentiss to see if she had noticed, but she was too busy waiting for the screen to come back on.
When she put her eyes back on Luke, she couldn't take them off him. She wondered how the material felt against his cock. Did he feel constrained? Sexy? Was the material nice against his balls? He did have very sensitive balls.
She imagined him hard under the material. His throbbing cock waiting for her. Dripping with precum as the lace rubbed against the skin and stimulated his nerve endings. The thought made her wet and she rubbed her thighs together, shifting in seat, desperate to get some friction.
"Done," he announced, shifting back to his normal height and turning round, garnering the attention of the rest of the team.
Penelope's eyes slowly trailed they way back up his body and when she met his eyes, he smirked and she blushed. She'd been caught staring.
She looked away and back towards her laptop, listening as Prentiss carried on from where she'd stopped earlier.
Luke walked back to the table, bending as he sat and lowering his mouth to her ear.
"See something you like?" he whispered. The smirk was evident in his voice.
She didn't answer him - she didn't need to.
The rest of the meeting was spent with Penelope only half listening to what Prentiss was saying, she was distracted by Luke's hand. It was on the table at first, and then it crept under and sat on his own leg for a few minutes. Then slid across to her knee and fingers ran circles on the inside of it. A few minutes later he trailed his fingers up her inner thigh, caressing the creamy skin that lay there.
She turned to look at him, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open.
He just grinned.
"Alright, you all know what you need to do - I'll see you first thing tomorrow." Prentiss gave them all a smile and everyone began to leave the room, Penelope feeling uncomfortable and hot.
She grabbed her laptop as he packed up his things and together they left the room.
Without saying a word, she took his hand and led him back into her office.
"What's up?"
Garcia placed her laptop down on the desk and turned to face Luke.
"Take your clothes off." It wasn't an ask - it was an order.
Luke grinned. "Something got you all hot and bothered?"
She didn't respond. Her eyes watched as he kicked his shoes off, removed his shirt and then unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down to his legs, leaving him in only her blue lace underwear.
He used his words from earlier to tease her. "See something you like?"
His thick erection was straining against the material. It made her mouth water.
She walked right over to him and kissed him hard, using her hands at his neck to pull him down to her height. He wasn't much taller than her, only five inches when she wasn't wearing heels and she quite liked that she didn't have to stretch too much to kiss him.
Her lips pressed frantically against his and she wound her fingers into his hair, angling his mouth just how she wanted it and pushing her tongue inside, enjoying the groan that was elicited from his lips.
Luke's hands found her waist and slid down until he found her ass. His large hands cupped and massaged her rump, squeezing and pulling her hips to his.
She was wearing a simple navy blue dress with butterflies on today and because this material was thin it meant she could feel everything. He was hard.
Penelope pulled her lips from his and kissed down his neck, peppering the skin with sucks and licks as she went. Slowly she kissed his pecs, lightly flicking his nipples as she went.
"Penny," Luke groaned, eyes squeezing shut as his hips thrust into hers and he squeezed her ass hard. "No teasing," he panted out, finally opening his eyes to see her looking innocently up at him, her fingers lightly crawling across his shoulders and giving him goosebumps.
"It's only ever a tease if you don't intend to do something about it."
Luke laughed. His eyes sparkled and he beamed at Penelope.
"Come here," he leaned down and kissed her, taking her breath away. His tongue plunged into her mouth and he held the back of her head with one hand so she couldn't pull away.
He stroked his tongue over hers and she whimpered. Yes, she actually whimpered.
"Now," she mumbled against his mouth, managing to put enough distance between them so she could talk. "I need you now."
Luke wasted no time and pushed Garcia back until she was leant against her desk but she didn't want it like this.
She pushed against him and he raised his eyebrow before conceding and falling back to sit in her desk chair. She reached under her dress to pull down her wet panties and she flung to them to the other side of the room.
Luke shifted his hips and lifted his ass up off the chair fully intent on taking off the lace material that constrained his cock but Garcia had other ideas.
"Leave them on," she told him huskily, moving to straddle him and kiss him once more.
She rubbed her now bare pussy against his lace-covered cock and they both moaned. The lace felt so good against her swollen lips.
She ground herself down on to Luke, moaning louder when he arched his hips.
"You've got to give me something, Penny."
She smirked. Reaching down, she rubbed his cock through the lace, purposefully dragging the material over the bulbous end, her smirk growing bigger when Luke groaned.
Carefully she pulled his cock out of the side of her underwear and grasped him hard in her hands. Rising up on to her knees, she slowly sunk down on him.
Her eyes closed in bliss and her jaw dropped open in pleasure. Every time they did this she never got over how he felt in those first few seconds. Hard, thick and pleasurable. Her heart was beating fast and her pussy sucked him in deeper.
Opening her eyes she saw Luke was staring at her, pleasure written across his face as his hands grasped at her waist.
Penelope leaned in and kissed him and then began to move.
She rose up slowly, not allowing him to slip all the way out before she sunk back down onto his hardened member. She began to increase her speed after the first few thrusts and then it became very difficult for her to control her moans, groans and whimpers.
The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of their pleasure and their skin slapping together, the wet suction noises driving them both higher.
"Who knew… fuck… that me wearing your… shit underwear would turn you on?" Luke gasped, rocking Penelope slightly so he hit her inside walls at a different angle.
She didn't respond; she couldn't.
Her hands were know resting behind her on his muscular thighs and she used them as leverage. She increased her speed and lost the tempo, her clit throbbing every time she sunk herself back down.
"Luke… oh… there… I'm-" Her words got caught in her throat and her legs shook, her orgasm crashing into her. Luke rocked her harder and let out his own groan a few seconds later, pinning her to him when he did as his cock thrust deep inside her. Whenever he came he always felt the need to be as far inside her as he possibly could.
Penelope leaned limply against Luke as he sat back in the chair, her eyes closed and a satisfied smile on her face.
When she opened her eyes, Luke was looking at her again, a content smile on his face.
Without a word she leaned forward and kissed him, smiling against his lips.
"Penelope?" Luke began. "I really do think I'll have to go commando now." She quirked her eyebrow. "We made a mess." He looked down between them and Penelope sat up a little straighter so she could see what he was talking about.
She couldn't help but giggle when she saw the liquid dripping from her pussy and onto Luke's now flaccid cock still outside of the lace underwear.
She placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him. She'd have to make sure that he didn't have any underwear to wear at her place more often.
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Criminal Minds Kinktober 2019 Day Four
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Vanilla Sex / Biting
They've been dating for a few weeks and now they want to take it to the next level
Penelope stood back and admired her handiwork. The candles were lit, the blankets were laid down, soft music was playing in the background and Luke would be bringing some Chinese food over in a few minutes. She was wearing a simple black and white floral midi dress with some black lace underwear on underneath. Everything was perfect.
Feeling nervous, Penelope headed into the kitchen and poured herself some wine, drinking down a few sips before she smiled. She was nervous but excited.
"Pen?" Luke called as he entered her apartment, bags rustling as he brought them through the door. "I've got the food."
"In the kitchen!" she called back. She smiled when he entered, giving her a smile back and putting the bags on the side.
"Hey," he greeted, pressing a kiss to her lips.
"Hi - wine?"
"Yes please."
As she poured the wine, Luke got the food out and plated them some food up, both of them finishing at the same time and carrying them to the living room.
Quietly, the sat on the floor and began to eat their dinner, talking about their days to each other.
When they had finished, Luke took their plates into the kitchen and returned with two bowls, smiling at Penelope's confused expression.
"What's that?"
His grin got wider. "I know how much you love the cheesecake from that bakery on the corner - so I might have got some when I got the Chinese."
"Aw, Luke," she cooed. She was so grateful that he had come into her life. He made her smile, made her laugh and just made her days better.
When he sat down, she kissed him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him to her.
It was a gentle kiss and a promise of more to come. Tonight was the night. Penelope wanted to have sex with Luke.
When they parted, they were both smiling.
"Eat your cheesecake," Luke instructed her playfully. "I didn't go all the way down to the bakery for you not to eat it." She giggled as the bakery was only a few blocks from her apartment and he needed to pass it to get here.
They ate their dessert in relative silence and when it was finished, Penelope put their plates to the side and crawled towards Luke. She wrapped her arms around his neck and straddled his legs, Luke sitting back against the couch to accommodate her better.
His hands wrapped around her waist and held her close to him. His mouth slanted over hers and kissed her back. They had gotten good at kissing each other, tongue tasting and teasing, hands skimming and squeezing.
When things got hot and breathless, Luke did what he always did and pulled back. He gave her a smile and kiss to her forehead. His way of telling her that he knew they needed to stop.
Usually, Penelope would be grateful and just enjoy the feel of his arms around her, but not tonight.
Leaning forward again, she kissed him deeper this time, locking her arms around his neck and holding him to her.
Luke kissed her back with as much enthusiasm, their tongues touched and played and Penelope moaned into his mouth.
They parted slowly and their lips hovered, centimetres from each other.
"Are you sure?" Luke asked her in a husky voice.
"Completely," Penelope responded, kissing him again as he leaned forward to have better access to her mouth.
As they kissed, Penelope's hands trailed down Luke's chest to the hem of his shirt and she tugged it slowly up over his abs, grazing them lightly with her fingernails.
Luke groaned and reluctantly tore his lips away from Penelope's so she could take it off him. The second it was over his face he went back to kiss her, using one hand to hold the back of her neck and keep her close to him.
Penelope let her hands gently stroke down his pecs, goosebumps appearing in their wake. When she got to his abs, her nails scratched and Luke moaned in her mouth. His hips bucked forward and surged into hers, sending chills down her spine.
Wrapping his arms around her more securely, Luke rolled Penelope onto her back, laying on top of her gently as he continued to kiss her.
His hands slipped to her legs and he ran one up her smooth skin; cupping her calf, tickling the back of her knee and kneading her thigh.
As his hand rose up, her dress bunched with the movement, eventually allowing his eyes to see what she had hidden underneath.
He felt it before he saw it and when he felt the lace on the tips of his fingers he looked down, panting at the black material.
"What are you doing to me?" he groaned as his fingers swirled around the fabric, digging into her skin.
Penelope giggled against his lips as he kissed her with more fervour, pulling the dress further up her body.
Eventually, he had to pull away to fully take the dress off and when he saw her matching lace bra, another moan fell from his lips.
His lips attacked hers once more and this time they focused on getting Luke out of jeans.
It didn't take long and soon they were both only left in their underwear.
"You're so beautiful," he panted in between kisses. "I can't believe your mine."
Penelope smiled. "And your mine."
"Yours - just yours," he promised.
He kissed down her neck and to her bra, using his hands to lower the straps. One hand lifted her up off the blanket slightly and unhooked her bra, using his other to remove it completely. He didn't waste any time looking at her breasts before he leaned down and kissed them. A simple kiss on each nipple was all it took for them to peak and harden. Her back arched and she begged him for more.
Luke willingly obliged and sucked a nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the peak, enjoying her sounds as he pleasured her.
He moved to the other nipple, biting down on this one instead. He gave her a cheeky smile when she pulled at his hair before he kissed his way to her underwear.
He pressed his nose to the lace and inhaled. There was nothing like the smell of Penelope Garcia. Through her underwear, he gave her pussy a kiss.
"Luke!" she whined. He grinned at her because he knew what she wanted. She wanted his tongue on her without the barrier of the lace.
He hooked his fingers into her underwear and dragged them down her legs, bearing her pussy to him.
Luke surged forward and kissed her pussy, his tongue dragging up and down her folds.
"Oh!" Penelope moaned. She threw her head back and arched her back, her nipples tightening.
"You taste amazing," he whispered against her. "You'll have to let me do this for the rest of my life."
"I'll let you do anything you want as long as you don't stop," she whimpered back. Her eyes were closed tight now and she losing herself in the feeling of his tongue inside her.
Luke slipped a finger into her and she let out a small scream, throwing her head back as her hips moved against his finger.
He rested his head on her thigh as watched as she took pleasure from him.
As her pussy tightened around his finger, he pulled it out, sucked it into his mouth and then sat on his knees to removed his underwear.
When he was completely naked and hard he lay on top of a panting Penelope, nothing more between them.
"Do you still want this?" he questioned as he slid against her.
Her hands cupped his face and she stared deeply into his eyes. "I want this," she reassured him.
Luke checked her eyes for any uncertainty and when he saw the smile on her face and the confidence in her eyes, he knew this is what she wanted.
"Do you want this?" she asked, although she was pretty sure she knew the answer.
Luke slid against her and let her feel his hardness. "Guess," he teased causing Penelope to laugh. She pulled him down and kissed him.
As they kissed, Luke slid into her.
Penelope wrenched her lips away from Luke's and let out a cry.
"Oh God!" she panted. "Yes…"
Luke rested his forehead against hers and let them both adjust to the feelings they were experiencing. She was stretched and pushed and he was surrounded by warmth and wetness.
He opened his eyes to see her staring back at him. She gave him a nod to let him know it was alright for him to move and then kissed his neck.
Luke had one hand by her head and the other rested by her hip; he used them to help push himself into her.
They established a soft but deep rhythm, lips locking together as pants and moans filled the room.
"Luke," Penelope whimpered. "Luke."
He lifted one hand from the floor and used it to lift her calf and wrap it around his back, allowing him to delve deeper inside her.
"Ah," she cried out as he hit a new position and gave her more pleasure.
Her pussy began to clench and her cries grew louder and more erratic. Her breathing deepened and her mind lost all grip on reality. She could only focus on Luke and what he was doing to her body.
"Cum for me, Penelope," Luke grunted into her ear as his hips took on a rhythm of their own. "Cum."
"Oh Luke!" she cried, her pussy clenching around him so hard, he closed his eyes and saw stars behind his lid.
"Penelope!" Luke cried as he came inside her, his body releasing the tension that had built up since he had first stepped foot in her apartment.
His hips moved slowly as he came down from his high and Penelope hugged him close, kissing his neck and chest.
"So," Luke began when his breath came back and his vision was no longer bursting with light. "How was that? Not too bad for our first time?"
"It was wonderful," she told him. "Just wonderful."
A little while later, they were both snuggled up on the floor, Luke on his back as Penelope snuggled into his chest, their legs intertwined.
Neither one of them said anything, but they were both happy and content. This was how they could see themselves spending the rest of their lives.
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Twilight Kinktober 2019 Day Eight
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Voyeurism / Mutual Masturbation
They can't have sex but that's alright, she has a solution.
Nessie sat up in her bed, a sweaty mess. Her hair was stuck to the nape of her neck, her mouth was dry and her pussy was aching. Being pregnant wasn't much fun when you were alone and horny. And she only had one person to blame. Jacob Black. He'd waltzed in her life and turned it upside down in the sweetest way possible. They'd met when she was four months pregnant and Nessie had the pleasure of explaining that the baby wasn't hers, it was her brother's and his wife.
Jake didn't think it was too weird though having known Bella since they were little.
After spending a few weeks getting to know each other, Nessie knew she liked him. Not only did he have a nice body to look at (stupid pregnancy hormones) but he was intelligent, charismatic and funny. He had the whole package.
When Jake had admitted he had feelings for her, Nessie had told him the exact same thing a few seconds later, followed by "But this can't go anywhere - not yet." Her duty was to the little life she had inside her. She had promised Bella and Edward not only would she take the utmost care of this baby but she would also refrain from having sex whilst pregnant (even if that meant she couldn't enjoy a slice of Jake pie). Edward had grimaced at that last sentence.
So, Jake and her had agreed that they would spend this time getting to know each other, working on being friends and every other aspect of a romantic relationship bar the physical side.
That had been going well up until two weeks ago when Nessie had been plagued by dreams of Jake, usually in some state of undress, doing something manly; fixing the sink, putting up a shelf, mowing the lawn… you get the idea. It was now becoming a problem. Nessie hated waking up feeling needy. And nothing she did seemed to alleviate the problem. Her fingers didn't feel right, her breasts were too tender and her mind rebelled against the idea of her own fingers. Her own body was a traitor. It made her needy and then wouldn't let her fulfil that need.
After tossing and turning for a few hours, Nessie eventually crawled out of bed and did some pregnancy yoga before she went downstairs.
"Morning, Ness," Bella greeted as she turned the coffee maker on. "And morning, Bean." Bella pressed a kissed to Nessie's stomach and then to her cheek. "How are you feeling this morning?"
"Tired," Nessie grumbled, inhaling the scent of coffee before Bella put a herbal tea in front of her. Nessie wasn't a big tea drinker but she knew Bella wanted her to drink it, so she did.
"You've not been sleeping well these past few nights," Bella remarked with a furrow of her brow. "Is there something on your mind?" She didn't ask about the baby because she knew Nessie would tell her if something was wrong.
"Not really - I just can't get comfortable." And that wasn't a lie. She wasn't about to tell her sister-in-law she was as horny as fuck for her childhood best friend. At least not yet; maybe when she was a little more sleep deprived it would come out.
"Do you want me to ring Doctor Rodriguez? I'm sure Carmen would be more than happy to see you."
Nessie waved her off. "I'll be fine." She saw the worry in Bella's eyes. "If I'm not sleeping well in the next few days then yes; but for now I'm fine." Besides, the thing that was wrong with her couldn't be cured by Doctor Rodriguez.
Edward came down not long after and he took kissed her belly and then her cheek before giving his wife a good morning kiss.
They all had breakfast together before Bella and Edward headed off to their jobs, Nessie staying at home as it was her day off.
A few hours later, the doorbell rang and Nessie opened it to see Jake stood on the step with his hands in his pockets and a large smile on his face.
"Good morning - I've been given the task of making sure you're alright."
She waved him in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Bella was worried - she said you hadn't been sleeping?"
Nessie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Not only were Edward, Bella and both sets of parents worrying about her, but Jake was too.
"I'll be fine," she reassured him.
"You need to make sure you get enough sleep…"
"Don't lecture me," Nessie moaned as Jake wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "I'm too tired."
"I've got the perfect solution for that," Jake informed her.
Jake's 'perfect solution' turned out to be Nessie's worst nightmare. He led them both upstairs, undressed her until she was only wearing her t-shirt and panties and placed her on her bed. He took off his own top and left himself in only his jeans before pulling back the covers and pulling Nessie close to him.
"There - now you can sleep."
Sleep? With Jake this close it was the last thing on her mind. His nipple was so close to her face she would be able to stick her tongue out and taste it.
Nessie laid ramrod straight in his arms and after about ten minutes Jake sighed.
"What's wrong, Nessie? I can feel how tense you are."
She sat up. "I can't sleep like… this." She gestured to them on the bed. "It's not… comfortable."
"Is it your baby bump?" Jake's eyes looked concerned.
"No… I just…" She didn't want to tell him but she realised she would have no choice. "Youmakemehorny."
Jake's eyebrows furrowed together. "What?"
"Nessie I really have no idea what you're saying."
"You make me horny!" Nessie said, slightly louder than she intended, a blush covering her cheeks when Jake's eyes widened.
Nessie buried her face in her hands and wished that this was a dream she would wake up from.
"Hey - look at me." Jake gently removed her hands from her face and gave her a kind smile. "It's alright, you make me horny too."
"Really? I look like a beached whale."
"Yes; really. I look at you and… I have to remember we've got a few more months to wait." His eyes scanned her body and Nessie felt her nipples harden under his gaze.
Looking at him and seeing the way he drank her in made Nessie more aroused than she had ever been in her life.
"Maybe we don't have to," she purred. Nessie stood from the bed, using Jake's hand to help her with her balance before she pulled her t-shirt over her head, unclasped her bra and slid it down her arms and onto the floor and carefully stepped out of her panties.
"You're really testing my self-control," Jake gritted out, eyes roaming from her face to her breasts to her pussy and back to her face again.
"I promised I wouldn't have sex." Her fingers trailed across her chest. "I never said I wouldn't masturbate."
"Oh God," Jake groaned as he stood up and dropped his jeans and underwear in one swift motion, his large erection jutting out proudly from the apex of his thighs.
Nessie whimpered when she saw the appendage. The things it could do to her.
"I've been dreaming about you," she whispered, her fingers light across her skin. Previously her own touch had annoyed her but seeing Jake's eyes follow her every move made her feel desirable, sexy. "I wake up and I want to cum so badly but I can't. My fingers don't feel good enough."
Jake's own hand stroked his length up and down; long hard strokes. When Nessie looked down she could see pre-cum forming on the tip.
"How do you touch yourself?" he whispered hoarsely. "Tell me."
"Soft and slow at first. I build up pressure on my clit, lightly pressing down before I insert a finger inside myself." Her fingers did exactly what she described.
"How does it feel?"
"Like I need more. It's not thick enough."
"Fuck," he hissed. "Add another finger, Ness."
She did as he instructed and moaned at the sensation.
"What else do you do?" His hand worked faster over his cock.
"I play with my nipples - they're so sensitive." Since the start of the pregnancy, her breasts had gotten larger and she noticed they were much more sensitive. Brushing up against Jake was one of the main reasons the girls stood to attention.
"Show me."
Nessie used her free hand to lightly rub the top of her breasts. She ran her nails across the skin and then ran them over her nipple. It puckered quickly and pointed towards Jake.
When she pinched it he groaned and closed his eyes.
"And you don't cum?"
She shook her head. "I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because…" Nessie was losing her train of thought. Her fingers pumping in and out of her were coated with her own juices, she could feel them on her thighs and her nipples were both now hard and strained, puckering tightly as she worked herself up into a frenzy.
"Because what?"
"Because I want you to touch me, Jake."
Jake groaned low and began to stroke himself faster and harder, his hand almost blurring.
"Do you want to know how I'd touch you?"
Nessie nodded and increased the speed of her own hand.
"I'd finger fuck you first, just like you're doing to yourself. I'd use two fingers to get you nice and wet and then just before you were about to come I'd put my mouth on you." God, she wanted that. "I'd flick your clit with my tongue and fuck you until you came all over my face. Then when you were nice and wet I would slide my hard cock into you and only let you come when you'd begged. Then I would make you come once more and this time I'd come with you…" Jake began to lose himself to the fantasy. "I'd come so hard you'd taste it in your throat!" That was the last straw for both of them. Jake grabbed his t-shirt from the floor and shot into it, groaning loudly as his cock released his warm thick liquid.
Nessie came too, her own fingers seizing in her pussy when it clamped down and spasmed; the first release she had had in a long time. Her orgasm seemed to go on for an age and seeing Jake cum dragged it out for her.
When they had both cleaned up and collapsed onto the bed, Jake spooned her from behind and kissed her shoulder.
They were both silent for a time before Nessie spoke up. "We're probably going to have to do that a few more times for me to be able to get through this pregnancy."
Jake just snorted.
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Twilight Kinktober 2019 Day Five
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
High Heels / Deep Throating
As long as she was wearing heels, he was hard. It didn't happen with any other woman, just her. It was those damn heels.
He heard her coming before he saw her. She was wearing a navy blue lace dress that fell to her knees and navy blue high heels with a delicate strap that wrapped around her slim ankle.
The dress showed off her plentiful cleavage and shapely arms. The navy blue complimented her pale skin.
He was hard. Who was he kidding - he was always hard for her. As long as she was wearing heels, he was hard. It didn't happen with any other woman, just her. It was those damn heels.
She was the forbidden fruit he couldn't have. He was a junior doctor and she was a consultant; one of the best in her field. She specified in children's medicine and she was wonderful. She soothed parents and children alike and had saved more lives than he could count. She was his fantasy.
"Not daydreaming again are we, Doctor Cullen?" Bella, the nurse asked and Carlisle felt his ears heat up.
"Apologies, Nurse Swan," Carlisle responded as he stood and gave her some files he had been working on.
"Dreaming about a specific consultant?" she inquired and Carlisle felt his face heat up this time.
"You should just ask her out," Bella told him. Bella and Carlisle had been working together for the last few years and she was well aware of his crush on Esme. She couldn't understand why he didn't just ask her on a date.
The truth was, Carlisle thought she was too good for him. She was several years older than him and knew what she wanted from life. Carlisle… well, Carlisle didn't even know if he wanted to specialise in anything yet. He was quite happy going home to his crappy little one-bedroom apartment, eating a microwave meal and watching reruns of Frasier. Somehow he didn't think that would be what Esme saw as a good time.
"Forget it, Bella," Carlisle politely said, walking past her to go and get some more supplies that he would need later in the day.
Once he had got the supplies, Carlisle decided he would go for lunch. He didn't feel like taking the stairs and decided instead to take the elevator.
Stepping inside he was slightly surprised when it stopped on the floor below and Esme Platt entered, giving him a blinding smile and standing next to him.
"…What floor?" he asked in a shaky voice.
"The same as you," she responded, pointing to the control panel. "Ground floor - I'm hungry."
"Me too." Carlisle wasn't quite sure why he told her that and he looked at the floor, feeling incredibly embarrassed. The embarrassment was replaced with arousal when he saw her heeled feet. God - how did she make high heels look so attractive?
"What are you going to get for lunch?" Esme asked him in a pleasant voice, turning her body to face him.
"Me?" Carlisle stuttered once more. This earned him a giggle and Esme nodded. "Well… ugh. I quite like the meatball sub…"
"Oh! I love those!" she exclaimed. "You're Carlisle Cullen, right? You've been here a few years?"
Carlisle nodded, his voice stuck in his throat.
"I'm Esme Platt - it's weird that we've never spoken before." It's because you're too good for me, Carlisle thought.
"Shall we?" she asked, gesturing towards the doors as the elevator came to the bottom floor.
Carlisle exited after Esme and to his surprise, they got lunch together.
The more she spoke, the more Carlisle found it easier to talk to her.
Everything was going alright when he felt the need to ask her why she always wore high heels. He tried to fight the need to ask, but his mouth and brain were working in different directions.
"Why do you wear heels all the time?" When the words came out of his mouth, his eyes went wide and he began to apologise profusely. "I'm sorry - I didn't mean to be rude."
She waved him off. "Don't apologise. I like wearing heels because they make me feel powerful. Sexy, Beautiful. Some women wear lace underwear to make them feel good about themselves; I wear heels." Being a visual person, Carlisle could only think about Esme in lace underwear and heels.
"We should get back," Esme said, glancing up at the clock before she stood and they got rid of their trays together.
"Are you going to the financial meeting this afternoon?" Carlisle asked as they got back into the elevator together.
"Yep," she sighed. "I have to - the board want us to reduce our spending but they don't seem to understand that when we have ill patients, we have to treat them, we can't let them suffer." Was there anything negative about this woman?
"I'm going to the meeting too," Carlisle said. "Eleazar can't make it and wants me to go on his behalf."
She nodded her head in understanding.
"Carlisle?" Esme asked, his name rolling off her tongue. "I've seen you staring at me - do you like me?"
"Uhh… well… uhh…" His mind felt like it was melting in his head. How was he supposed to respond to that?
"It's alright," Esme cooed, stepping closer to him. "I think you're very cute." Carlisle was now stood at the back of the elevator with Esme stood in front of him.
He didn't know what came over him but Carlisle leaned forward and kissed her. His arms wrapped around her waist and held her close.
When he pulled back, Carlisle thought she might slap him, curse him or even knee him in the balls. But she did none of those things. She smiled and then pushed him back against the elevator, fisting her hands into his shirt and kissing him back hard.
It was glorious. Her lips were soft and tasted like cherry (why did they taste like cherry?). She smelled like disinfectant (something you couldn't get rid of when you worked at the hospital) but it suited her and she was so warm under his fingertips.
"You asked me why I wore heels," Esme panted when they parted. "I only told you half the answer." She leaned forward and kissed him again, lightly nipping at his lips. "They put me at the perfect height to do this." Her hand let go of his shirt and crept down to his slacks. She fondled him lightly, rubbing the fabric of his slacks against his underwear.
Carlisle moaned and she smiled.
His pleasure was short-lived when the elevator began to shudder to a stop. He began to panic, but Esme didn't even flinch. She turned slowly so she was stood in front of Carlisle, never taking one hand off his cock. She brought the other one behind her back and smiled at the nurses who entered.
When the elevator started to move again, Carlisle fully expected for Esme to remove her hand from his cock. She, however, had other plans.
The hand that was already on his cock, moved upwards and pulled his zipper down, her hand slipping into his trousers first and then his boxers.
Carlisle's eyes widened and he looked down, Esme's heels only bringing her up to his shoulder. He looked down and she turned her head slightly, giving him a wicked grin.
She slowly caressed his cock with her hand, the soft skin making his cock weep with relief.
Bringing her other hand to the inside of his boxers, Esme's worked him over, carefully twisting each hand in the opposite way to really stimulate him.
Carlisle tried to keep his eyes open but the pleasure was mounting. His knees felt weak and he wanted to throw his head back and moan with pleasure.
The elevator ding brought him back and he watched with relief as all the nurses got off leaving him with just Esme and her hands down his pants.
"Shit," he growled into her ear, causing her to giggle.
"Hold the elevator!" a voice called out as the doors began to shut and Carlisle was pleased that Esme couldn't do anything as both her hands were down his pants.
A good Samaritan had other ideas though and stopped the doors for her, smiling when she thanked him and got in.
"Esme - how good to see you!" the voice exclaimed and Carlisle could have cursed when he saw who it was: Jessica - the hospital gossip.
Carlisle tried to discreetly step away from Esme but when he stepped back, her grip on his cock tightened and he felt pleasure surge through his veins like a lightning strike. Okay he thought don't do anything to make her grip it any harder or you'll be coming quicker than a virgin during his first time at a strip club.
Esme moved backwards and slightly to her left, blocking even more of Carlisle as she increased the speed of her hands on his cock. Now she was blocking Jessica from seeing anything and the brown-haired girl was none the wiser.
She chatted with Esme about new hospital developments and Carlisle nodded along even though he had no clue where the conversation was going. All he knew was that he was going to blow his load - and soon.
"Well this is me," Jessica said, stepping off the elevator, giving Esme a wave.
The second the doors had closed, Esme turned back to Carlisle and kissed his neck.
"We've got one more floor - think you can cum for me in that time?"
Carlisle nodded desperately and let his head fall back against the elevator and a deep moan escape his mouth.
Esme attached her mouth to his neck and sucked, her hands swiping over the pre-cum that beaded on the head of his cock.
Her mouth kissed its way up to his ear and she began to whisper to him.
"Do you know how many times I've thought of this? How many times I've fantasised about having you at this hospital? How many times I've imagined you bending me over my desk?" It was that last image that did it. The thought of Esme bent over her desk, dress shoved to her hips as he pounded into her, high heels still on her feet that sent him flying over the edge. His poor cock dribbling cum all over her hands and the inside of his underwear.
When he had finished, his whole body leant against the back wall of the elevator. Esme pulled her hands out and then using a tissue she pulled from the pocket of her dress, she wiped his cum from her hands. But not before she teased him by sucking two fingers into her mouth and moaning.
She quickly pulled his fly up just as the doors opened and she led him out, his legs still weak.
"Well this is my floor, Carlisle," there was a teasing light in her eyes. "Thank you for a wonderful lunch."
"Thank you," Carlisle told her back. "I've not had a lunch that enjoyable in quite a while."
She bit her lip. "You're more than welcome."
Feeling brave and knowing that there was something between them, Carlisle tried his luck. "Maybe we could have lunch tomorrow? Same time?"
"I'd really like that."
"You should wear heels again." His eyes travelled to her feet once more and his cock began to stir to life. His eyes met hers and she smirked. "I might give you an enjoyable lunch tomorrow."
Her eyes widened and she grinned. "I'll see you tomorrow, Carlisle."
He resisted the urge to fist pump the air as she walked away, those heels making the signature clicking noise.
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Delay to Kinktober 2019
As some of you will have probably realised I have not been posting for either of my kinktober 2019 fics. Unfortunately, I have been extremely unwell, I was diagnosed with three different infections in the space of five days and it has really taken its toll on me. I WILL finish my kinktober fics and I hope I can get everything uploaded by the 31st... but we’ll see. Please bear with me and I hope to hear from you all soon. 
Princess Treacle 
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Twilight Kinktober 2019 Day Ten
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended.
Aphrodisiac / Sex Pollen
They've been too busy working to have sex. Tonight that is going to change.
He pushed her up against the door and ground his hips hard against her. She moaned as she felt his erection through her dress.
Somehow, he managed to get his keys in the door and unlocked it, sending them both stumbling inside, chuckles and giggling emerging from the lovebirds.
Once inside, their dance resumed and she pushed him down on the couch, reaching between them to snake her delicate hand inside his pants and grasp at his large erection, the tip weeping already.
As she grasped his swollen member in her hand he groaned and closed his eyes, luxuriating in the feel of her hand around him. It had been so long, work had been coming first for such a long time that they hadn't done this in what felt like forever.
He'd come home to find her dressed up, her hair high on her head and her neck adorned with the necklace he gave her a few years ago.
"We're going out," she told him, sipping on a bottle of water. "Get dressed."
He hadn't bothered to argue with her and following her dress, he'd put on a nice shirt and some slacks.
When he'd come downstairs she had instructed him to get in the car and they had driven to a nearby restaurant. He'd heard of it but had never been in until tonight.
The lights were low and the music was sultry.
They were sat at a table and her hand caressed his thigh. She told him what tonight was about. It was an aphrodisiac night. Every piece of food meant to stimulate the senses. His eyes had gone wide and he'd agreed wholeheartedly. His demure wife organising this? Yes, please!
They'd had a nice five-course meal and by the end of it he was throbbing for her. He'd watched her delicate lips wrap around the fork and tongue the food off, heard her moan as the rich chocolate dessert had slipped down her throat and watched as she swallowed her wine gracefully, her long neck bared to the public.
They'd barely been able to keep their hands off each other in the car and now they were home, all bets were off.
"I'm not going to last," he warned her gently taking her wrist in his hand.
She gave him a simple smile. "Neither am I."
With practised ease, she rose herself up onto her knees and moved her underwear out of the way whilst simultaneously pulling his cock from the confines of his slacks. Pressing a deep kiss to her lips, she sunk herself down onto his cock and began to ride him at a furious pace.
His hips slammed up into her and he roared into her mouth.
They furiously fucked each other, her hips slamming onto his and other times his hips jackhammering up into her.
The result was the same.
She leaned back and cried out as her orgasm took over and her pussy clenched tight around him, setting his own orgasm off.
He came in thick spurts inside her, his whole body rigid until he was sated.
She slumped against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her.
It had been too long and they both knew it. Work had taken priority for both of them, but tonight that had all changed.
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Criminal Minds Kinktober 2019 Day Eight
Disclaimer - All recognisable characters belong to their original owners. I do not make a profit from writing this; I simply do it for my own amusement. No copyright infringement intended. 
Voyeurism / Mutual Masturbation
He watched them, palming himself as the large man thrust into his buxom beauty. Soon, he thought. 
He’d been watching her for the past year. He’d first seen her when she was on her way to work. Her purple dress, red glasses and green shoes made her stand out, like the brightest star in the cosmos. She was an angel on Earth. 
He’d watched her, to and from work she went diligently, every morning and evening at the same time. He’d seen her out on a Friday were her work colleagues. He’d even seen her on a Wednesday night when she went to that support group she ran. She was wonderful and beautiful. 
Or she used to be until she let herself get tainted by the new agent who came to work for the FBI. Luke Alvez was his name and he was scum. He’d waltzed into the bureau and that was it. Everyone fell in love with him, including her. Penelope Garcia. The woman of his dreams. 
She resisted at first, he’d seen them arguing as they went into the building and then as the left at night. But somewhere it changed. He began to take her out during the week and then one weekends and one morning when he was watching her in her apartment, Luke Alvez came up behind her in a towel and kissed her. He was almost sick in his mouth. He thought she might push him off, slap him or call the police. But no, she got down on her knees, unwrapped the towel from around his waist and took his cock into her mouth. She sucked him until he protested and then she got to her feet and bent over the counter, letting Luke take her from behind. It was disgusting and vile. His cock still got hard from it though. He imagined it was him pounding into her. His hands grasping at her plentiful buttocks, his cock buried deep inside her sweet folds and his name she screamed out as she came. 
But she didn’t even notice him. Luke Alvez became her world. 
He’d followed them to a club tonight. Watched as they danced and laughed with friends. She’d gone to the toilet and he wanted to approach her. Tell her that he could satisfy her just as well and that he was a better match for her. He knew he routines, he knew that she liked cats and he knew that he could pleasure her in all the right ways. He’d watched Luke Alvez do it; studied his movements and techniques. 
But he got shy. She was so beautiful. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a curvy body, what more could a man want? 
He’d continued watching them throughout the night; they both drank and the more they drank, the more their hands wandered. His hand went up her dress and she let out a gasp, turning to look at him with desire in her eyes. They shared a look and then they disappeared. 
He followed them, staying a respectable distance as they wound their way to the exit, holding hands and exchanging longing glances. 
He got held up by a group of youths who tried to make him dance with them but he growled and bore his teeth, soon making them leave him alone. 
When he got outside, the couple were nowhere to be seen. 
With a frustrated sigh, he turned down an alley, head down with dejection until he heard the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin and the breathy moans of two people in the throes of passion. 
Simultaneously, his cock hardened and his heart broke. 
There she was, allowing him to taint her in such a public place. She was up against the dirty alley wall, one hand in his hair as the other gripped his leather jacket tightly in her hand. She was moaning loudly as he thrust into her, face buried between her breasts. Her thigh was around his hip, creamy skin bearing itself in the moonlight. 
Reaching down, he palmed himself through his jeans and drew the zipper down, pulling his cock out of his underwear and exposing the sensitive flesh to the cold night. 
When he grasped his cock in his hand he pretended it was her. He pumped himself to their rhythm. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend he was balls deep inside her, pretend it was his cock making her moan like a wanton slut and his kisses on her breasts that made her cry out with pleasure. He could pretend he was holding her thick thigh up as he pumped into her and it was him giving her everything he had. 
With a pitiful whimper, he emptied himself into his hand, embarrassed at his stamina as the couple continued their furious fucking. He refused to call it lovemaking. Only he would make love to Penelope Garcia. 
He watched as they eventually came together, swallowing each other cries of pleasure. 
When Luke pulled his cock out, anger surged through him when he realised they hadn’t used a condom. Now she really was tainted. His seed was inside her, dripping down her thigh and into her underwear, infecting her with his essence. 
They laughed, kissed and redressed themselves before heading towards her apartment where they would no doubt deface more surfaces and she would be further tainted. 
It disgusted him. He would have to step up his actions. Their relationship was progressing faster than he thought. She was being consumed by him and he needed to save her. 
He walked quickly home and upon entering he headed straight to his bedroom. He lightly fingered the picture of Penelope he kept by the bed, stroking a finger across her cheek. 
Turning, he opened his closet and dug around in the back, moving clothes until his safe was revealed. He entered the passcode (her birthday) and opened the door, smiling when he pulled out the knife that he kept in there. It was a hunting knife, nothing special. It was the same one he had killed his sister with when she betrayed him and fell in love with someone else. It was the same one his father had used to teach their mother a lesson when she tried to escape their farm. It was a family possession. 
He ran his fingertips across the sharp edge, wincing when it cut his skin and blood oozed from his digits. 
Soon, he thought. Soon he would free her from Luke Alvez and they could be together. Soon it would be him thrusting into her as she cried out in pleasure. Soon she would marry him and bear their child, her body growing round with their life force. 
The more he thought about their future together, the harder his cock became. 
Soon - it became his mantra.
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