#praying to lord death it works this time because i’m tired of obsessing over it lol
quiverymango · 1 year
LOOK me dead in the eyes and tell me Black☆Star wouldn't do/say this exact thing to poor Kid.
My boy has absolutely no idea how to be romantic and it's truly tragic, but he's trying his best...he just has priorities...
Video Credit: 2 Danny 2 Furious episode 3
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 303: And What, Pray Tell, Is a “One For All”
Previously on BnHA: The Todorokis (really just Enji) looked at their children and went “how can we screw up all four of them in uniquely different ways” and proceeded to do just that. Touya was all “just because practicing how to set myself on fire better hasn’t worked to win my dad’s affections YET doesn’t mean it will NEVER work”, because child logic. Turns out setting oneself on fire real hard isn’t so effective at winning affections, but is actually incredibly effective when it comes to burning oneself to death, so there’s that. Back in the present day, the Todorokis basked in their various misplaced (again, except for Enji) feelings of guilt, and were all “anyway but get over yourself already Enji, you still have to do something to stop this kid”, and Shouto was all “I’ll help too”, and Enji was all “(╥_╥)”, and Hawks and Jeanist were all “[surreptitiously listening in from outside the door]”, and that’s basically where we left off.
Today on BnHA: Hawks and Jeanist are all “mind if we join you on this family journey?” and proceed to stroll in uninvited with their puns and their perceptive insights. Hawks is all “so to sum everything up, we’re fucked, but at least you have us here to help you out! by the way, no clue why I’m the first person to ask this in three hundred chapters, but wtf is One For All.” We then cut to Deku, who’s still all “[(--)]z”, and All Might, who is all “I’m just going to ignore the extremely loud racket going on right outside this room.” Which, btw, is happening on account of Bakugou, who is all “(╬◣Д◢)” as Satou, Tsuyu, and Mineta cart him away. Anyway so that’s a lot of antics, and also it looks like Hawks has gotten tired of the Todorokis refusing to put the pieces together on their own about OFA and so he is fast-tracking that shit. And meanwhile Deku is chatting it up with the Vestiges exactly like we all thought. And now we have to wait another whole week for updates on all of this. This really is not fair.
omfg lol
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“our bad, we were kind of accidentally listening in on purpose.” like I said last week guys, no fuss. it’s a tradition
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I am absolutely fucking floored. Hawks literally said that so casually that it’s impossible for me to rewrite it so as to be even more casual. that’s literally what I would write in the “today on bnha” section. in fact I probably will write that
(ETA: just for laughs I tried it and it really worked.)
a couple more things to point out about this panel: 
“TOP 3” omg yes. more like “top only” at this point, honestly. interested to see how that goes
Hawks’s phone is freaking the fuck out about something, calm down there
I know this is a standard Jeanist hair-fixing gesture that he does all the time, but I can’t help but form hypotheses about this being a stress reaction because Hawks’s hair is making him internally freak out. Hawks, if this man tries to get you alone with him and some hairspray and a comb, please for the love of god do not listen to him. get out of there and call the authorities
omg Shouto’s face
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okay confession, I wasn’t really sold on the whole “Shouto has a schoolboy crush on Hawks” thing until exactly now, when I became 100% sold on it. that is adorable
and heck with it, gotta show Enji and Rei’s reactions here as well because lol
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“omg my son who’s not my son, and he just overheard everything about me being a terrible shitty father and person overall, oh and plus my actual-son set him on fire and called him out on a national broadcast. I’m just gonna stare at him baffledly.” versus Rei, who is all “hmm, who are these people”
so Hawks is all “I got released from the hospital after one day for some reason so I made Jeanist drive me around places while we talked about life” but uh, heyyyyy, what’s Rei doing
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okay, uh
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let me tell you a secret Hawks, it’s my default response too. ahahahahahahaha oh thank god Jeanist is helping her up -- AND MAKING A JEANS PUN, OF COURSE. IT’S BEEN ALMOST THIRTY SECONDS. MY MAN WAS DYING
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“WTF IS ILLEGAL DENIM” he’s talking ‘bout them counterfeit jeans, Rei. Antoine Bugleboy knows
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damn straight. we’re not gonna sit around waiting another 300 chapters for this information on this man’s watch
now Hawks is telling Endeavor he used to watch videos of him all the time, and calling him his “childhood obsession” I can’t
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and meanwhile that look on Hawks’s face while he casually-but-not-really-casually-at-all asks this question. that phone app better be using his actual voice. I’m not sure I could take this scene in the anime at this point if it was like Alexa talking or something
that look in his eyes is basically saying that so far, based on the information he has absorbed up until this point, Hawks is prepared to view his former childhood obsession as a flawed but changed man. however I get the distinct feeling that depending on Endeavor’s answer now, he would be willing to drastically shift some of his opinions on him
(ETA: this is maybe my favorite panel in the entire chapter. the fact that his question isn’t addressed to anyone in particular, but his eyes are zeroing on on Endeavor. and the way his leaning-on-Shouto pose manages to be simultaneously nonchalant and yet ever-so-slightly protective. there’s so much going on in this one question and gesture and I’m mildly obsessed with it.)
however, Rei is all “that was me” and ONCE AGAIN WITH THE FACES IN THIS CHAPTER holy shit
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Hawks definitely did not see that one coming sob. it’s so fun watching him frantically recalculate his ideas about this family every two seconds
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yes, Hawks, you get it. it’s not exactly the same, but it’s close enough. though unlike your shitty parents, Rei and Enji are at least trying
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fljkdlaskfjlwkjl okay we’re doing the bullet-points breakdown here
first of all, the fact that poor little Shouto’s heart is still thumping away at this proximity and all he can think is “CLOSE” all intelligently as he stares at him with that face omg
but all that said, he immediately recognizes that Shouto would also have had cause to do the same in his situation, and yet hasn’t. and so he has that much more admiration for him all of a sudden, which is just super sweet, and fully appropriate. Shouto does deserve props. I’m choosing to take this as an “it takes a lot of strength to be able to forgive, and people who choose to do that even though they’re not obligated to are really amazing" type of thing, as opposed to “people who don’t forgive other people who severely wronged them are bad.” and if I’m wrong and Hawks’s line here is meant to be seen as actual failing on his part, well then fuck that, but we’ll move on
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I am so, so curious as to what kind of strategy Hawks has for this (if he even has any), so I’ll just be quiet now and read
so Hawks is summing up basically what we already knew -- that Tomura and his inner circle (curious that there’s no mention of AFO, because if Hawks doesn’t know about him, that implies almost no one does) are still on the lam with a few PLF stragglers and some High Ends; that a bunch of prisons have been “liberated” (I assume this means all of the inmates escaped, so if that’s the case then where’s Kurogiri??); that the HPSC is fucked; and that heroes are resigning all over the place, and so civilians are taking matters into their own hands
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does this mean we’ll actually see some international heroes?? I will LOSE MY DAMN SHIT omg
(ETA: apparently people who paid more attention to the first BnHA movie than I did recognized the silhouettes as belonging to some background characters from Two Heroes. so maybe they were just cameos and they’re not actually new characters who are soon to join us lol. oh well.)
anyway so Hawks agrees with the other Todorokis that Endeavor has no choice but to fight
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so Enji is very pertinently asking why they’re standing by him in spite of the... [gestures vaguely to everything]
oh my lordy lord
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Shouto you had better do something to combat this soon, or this man will sneak past you on my favorite character ranking after all. his face. his cheeky lil finger gun. the fact that he sums it up so fucking simply. “if someone is trying to do the right thing, I want to support them.” exactly. exactly
(ETA: and one last thing I love but forgot to mention, which is the fact that Hawks calls it a team-up despite the fact that he is clearly in charge.)
meanwhile Jeanist is all “as for me, at this point I just straight up don’t give a fuck”
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I can’t handle how fucking cool this chapter is you guys
so Hawks is all “you good?” at Enji. and Enji...
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if anyone needs me, I will be building myself a discourse-proof fort made entirely out of problematic characters. I don’t even care. I will go on living my life very happily in here
lol at Natsu being all “BUT DON’T THINK THIS MAKES US FRIENDS”
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I’m living for this weird and no-doubt entirely unintended implication that Natsu and them all are gonna join in the fight with the rest of them. I mean, they do presumably all have very powerful ice quirks. and Natsu has medical training on top of that, and Fuyu is skilled at getting eight-year-olds to behave which could be a useful talent for dealing with Tomura hahaha I kid, but I’M JUST SAYING. who needs hero licenses anyway
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and now for some reason we’re flashing back to Natsu and Fuyu’s attempts to navigate through the media crowd outside the hospital
well I guess this is why I’m not the mangaka. if I were writing this I would have done something trite and predictable like using that “One for All” line as an excuse to cut to Deku!! as opposed to this entirely unrelated scene!!
seriously though why do we need to see this lol
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no one in this crowd has ever heard of Alexander Dumas huh. or even the popular 2007 Disney Channel original movie, High School Musical 2
so now there’s an entire page of Hawks saying they need to know what One for All is, and Endeavor having one of those patented Todoroki WHOOSH realizations lmao look at this
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just wait until this man figures out that one of the scrappy new interns he took on three months ago was actually the main character all along
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(ETA: can we just take a moment to appreciate how Bakugou even got so close to Deku’s room in the first place though. in this giant hospital with no idea of where to even go. does he have Deku Radar or something.)
(ETA: btw just to be clear, I’m not actually angry lol; it makes total sense that they don’t want this rampaging feral toddler who was still in his own coma all of fifteen minutes ago to come and start screaming at the other coma child until he tears all his stitches out. if there’s anything we Bakugou fans should be familiar with by now, it’s being patient.)
also, Tsuyu wrapping her tongue around Bakugou’s still-healing torso wound absolutely can’t be hygienic at all. also wait is that Inko??
(ETA: pretty sure it is her. she got all of one line smdh.)
Iida is all “thank god Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight pulled through, I thought for sure he was a goner back there”
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for the record this is actually really sweet to see how relieved he is. he’s one of the few people who saw the original injury close up, back when he was still at the battlefield and unconscious, so I imagine it really did freak him out quite a bit
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“sometimes I just like to stand here and tug on my imaginary suspenders, what of it”
how come you guys get to loiter around Deku’s room but Kacchan doesn’t. god fucking dammit. AND WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN
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"this seems to be an entirely normal and above-board situation that we have just stumbled onto”
I see Jeanist comes from the Iida Tenya school of respectfully using people’s full names
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Jeanist becoming one of the main characters is the best thing to ever happen to this series
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BUT I’M SURE HE’D MAKE AN EXCEPTION FOR KACCHAN THOUGH!! [elbowing my way back out of the fort] HAWKS, PLEASE --
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“there’s absolutely no way this angry wriggling shoulder burrito kid here could answer literally all of my questions, so I’ll just ignore him”
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[jumps up, throws a folding chair at Iida and the rest of the gang, and then runs]
oh my god. actually this chapter was awesome. but I’m so fucking mad at this cliffhanger though lol
at least we got a couple of answers! and some hints and teases! poor Deku looks so worn out even though he’s asleep dlwkjl my little green baby. and is it just me or is his quirk activated?? All Might’s all “I can feel it” as if it isn’t obvious just looking at him, why are you trying to be all mysterious dude
anyway! so at least we finally have confirmation and a date for those vestige antics at long last. looking forward to meeting Mister The Fourth next week so we can finally ask him “hey dude, what the fuck”
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mandoalorian · 3 years
I absolutely LOVE the sequel of the Javi one shot. It was painful and well detailed. I need more more more. Can you make a continuation??? Thank you, your works bless my life
Goodbye [Javier Peña x Reader]
Word count: 1.5k
Rating: 16+
Warnings: mention of hospital, major character death
Authors note: It’s crazy how the first part of this was meant to be just a one shot, and then people wanted a part two, so I wrote it, and now here we are at part three. I’ve never had this many requests to write anything— so thank you to the six anons, @wickedfrsgrl , @wonderfulfluffer , @ah-callie , and @impala1967666 . That being said, I hope you enjoy.
Part One • Part Two • Part Three
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Javier pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut as he paced around the hospital waiting room.
"Javi," Steve sighed, briefly looking up from his newspaper. "You're gonna drive me crazy. Could you just- sit still?" he asked, raising his dark blonde eyebrows. Javi shot him a glare for being so insensitive, but deep down he knew his best friend didn't mean it.
"I need a drink," Javier ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. "And a smoke."
"No smoking policy!" the receptionist bellowed, overhearing Javi's words. Javi cursed under his breath, shaking his head and feeling completely and utterly defeated.
"Javi, sit." Steve said calmly.
"It's all my fault." Javi choked back a sob. His short fingernails pressed into his denim clad thighs as furiosity enveloped his body.
"Javi." Steve repeated, this time more sternly. Javier nodded understandingly and slid into the mint blue hospital chair right next to Steve. He couldn't stop anxiously shaking his legs as he waited for the doctor to come and bear bad news. Javier was always a pessimist, after all.
"Mr Javier Peña?" Doctor Martinez called, clutching a clipboard and smoothing down his white coat. "Javier Peña?"
"That's me!" Javier practically bounced up and bolted over to the doctor. "How is she? Is she okay? Is she alive? Please doctor, tell me she's alright. I need to kn-"
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down," Doctor Martinez raised two of his hands in a defensive manner.
"Fuck." Javi hissed, cursing himself for the way he was acting. Javier was always calm, even in the scariest of situations. He had faced off with drug lords and crime syndicates and kept his cool… but in this moment, knowing that the love of his life was in a life or death state, he could hardly breathe.
"She's stable," Doctor Martinez revealed after what felt like an eternity of waiting. Javier's whole body deflated in relief. "She's… awake." Doctor Martinez said hesitantly and Steve glanced up, watching Javier as the colour drained back into his face. "She's… asking to see you, Mr Peña." The doctor revealed.
"Me?" Javier raised his eyebrows, delighted that you had requested to see him. Then, his heart sank. He had almost gotten you killed. Surely you'd want to break up with him. He felt himself begin to tear up and the waiting room started to spin from his nerves. Everything was a hazy blur.
"Yeah," Doctor Martinez nodded. "But she's under a lot of sedatives and I ask that you don't stress her out too much. Just talk softly and be gentle."
"Always." Javier promised.
"And Mr Peña?" Doctor Martinez called before the agent could leave. "Just because she's stable, doesn't mean she's healthy. The wound was very close to her heart and it's going to take a lot to recover. Even if she does recover… there's a good chance things might never be the same again."
Javier shrugged off the doctor's comment, not quite sure what he was getting at, before stalking over to your small and isolated hospital room. He was aware the injury was bad— but you were stable. You were stable and that was good enough. When Javier saw you lying in the hospital bed, propped up by pillows, his heart fluttered. There you were; alive and breathing. He thanked his lucky stars and padded towards you, sitting at the edge of the bed.
With struggle, you managed to turn your neck to face your boyfriend and offered him a warm smile. A smile that Javier could never grow tired of seeing. Javier placed his warm hand over your cool hand, his fingers softly rubbing comforting circles into your skin.
"Hi Javi," you whispered. "I missed you."
"I'm so glad you're awake," Javier confessed, unable to rid himself of the happy grin that crossed his face. "Shit baby, I was so worried."
"I'm sorry for worrying you," you croaked, nodding sadly. "Javi, did they tell you?"
"Tell me what?" Javi asked. You frowned, looking down at his big hand that covered your smaller hand. You were going to miss these hands.
"I'm sick," you said weakly, a shooting pain crossing your chest.
"You're stable," he corrected with optimism. Who would've guessed, Javier Peña having optimism? "You're not getting better but you sure as hell aren't getting worse. Everything will be fine."
But part of you knew that deep down, it wasn't going to be fine. It wasn't just the drugs or the medication that was making you sleepy, it was that your body was slowly shutting down. You'd had your time on this planet, you lived a beautiful and happy life. You fell in love, and you had everything you could've ever wanted. No regrets.
"Javier…" you spoke his name softly, like it might be the last time. "I love you."
"I love you too sweetheart," Javier mumbled, pressing a kiss into your temple. You shuddered as the smell of his familiar cologne washed over you. He made you feel like you were at home. You wondered if you'd ever be able to step foot in your quaint little apartment that you shared with Javier ever again. You hoped and prayed that you would.
Your breathing was shallow, you could feel your lungs rattle with every breath you took. Every waking second was painful, but during these few minutes you spent with Javier, everything felt normal. No pain, just love. "I- I was thinking," Javier started, moving his hand from yours. He began to nervously pick at his fingernails. "After this, I'm done. I'm done with this DEA bullshit. Nothing else matters— only you. I only love you. We got enough money to live off. Maybe I could start teaching, huh? Don't know how good I'd be with kids but you always joked about me becoming a professor at the university." You laughed weakly at the memory and Javier smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "So, I quit the DEA. And let's say, you know… we get married. Move into a bigger home, in the suburbs, just like where you grew up. White picket fence, we could get a dog…"
You chuckled, shaking your head as tears pricked your eyes. "You hate the suburbs."
"But I love you," Javier cupped your cheek with his hand and you subconsciously leaned into him. "I'll always love you."
You nodded your head slowly, taking in every moment. You knew your time was coming, but you didn't want to tell him. He was so hopeful, so full of life. Just this once, you were so thankful to see Javier full of optimism. You hoped that, even in your passing, he would remain this way. For you.
"Mr Peña," Doctor Martinez came in holding his clipboard tight to his chest. "It's time for you to leave."
Javier nodded. He stood up, leaned down to brush a kiss against your cold lips and swallowed. "I'll miss you." you confessed, trying to hold back tears. You weren't going to cry in front of him.
"Hey, I'll see you soon, okay?" Javier promised.
A single tear slipped down your cheek as you could do nothing but nod your head in affirmation. You crooked your neck, watching as Javier walked out of the hospital room. It wasn't until he wasn't until he was gone, you knew that you could finally rest.
Javier had been home ten minutes when he had gotten the call. Ten fucking minutes. His whole world came crumbling down, he swore his heart stopped. A blinding pain shot through his whole body as he fell to his knees. Tears spilled from his eyes as he sobbed uncontrollably, a string of curses leaving his lips. How could the world be so cruel?
"Mr Peña, I'm sorry," Doctor Martinez said over the phone. "Sometimes these things happen. There can be a quick turn over. She was stable but…"
Javier didn't want to hear anymore. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. He slammed the phone down on the hook and kicked the table over, glass smashing all over the wooden floor. He screamed, pulling the cushions from the sofa and knocking the bookshelf down in a fit of pure rage and hurt.
You were gone, and Javier had no one to blame other than himself.
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woodrokiro · 4 years
Hollowed (fic) Part Three
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: IchiRuki
Summary: They call her a miracle, but he looks at her as if she’s normal. It scares her. Fantasy/Futuristic/Zombie kinda?AU. Read Part One and Part Two.
As a kid, Ichigo imagined this place to be heaven on Earth. 
High up on the mountain, heavily secured by both stone walls and the near entirety of the militia, containing the smartest doctors and scientists dedicated to fighting the Hollowed--these are details that can allow more luxuries than one in the Valley could ever imagine.
He believed the walls to be just adorned in gold, gardens and fields bursting with fruits and vegetables to last years, doctors that can aid without having to wait until it’s officially deemed “safe” outside, and its people walking the grounds like they were on Cloud 9.
And… Yes, it’s incredible how privileged these people are to be living within such a structurally secured community. There are, indeed, ancient tapestries on the walls that must be hundreds of years old from the Old World at least, and he is disgusted with how plentiful the food is here compared to what is provided to the Valley.
But there’s… Something heavy in the air here.
The constant fog of the mountain has clearly taken its toll on the castle, as he notices mildew and mold in quite a few corners of stone. It’s crumbling, some trees outside bend to the ground as if too tired to pick themselves up, and it’s so fucking cold like good God, this is the place everyone says will be humanity’s saving grace?
And it’s not just the place itself: everyone walks with order, with a restrained purpose that never deviates within the day. There wasn’t much joy back where he was from either… But Jesus. He smiled at the maid that showed them their rooms the first night and she nearly bolted out of the room. There is a dark look in everyone’s eye, a near-obsessive work ethic as if they’re terrified  that today someone will call them lazy and have them kicked back down the mountain. 
Of course, the level of comfort at which you sit in your job depends on your station. 
 The caste system here nearly dictates that the militia is king, the scientists are nobles, and the “service” (cooks, farmers, housekeepers) are the bugs beneath everyone’s feet.
And Yamamoto is God. 
Blame it on him being from a normal (albeit, more dangerous) village, but he hates this hierarchy bullshit. 
“The more I see of this place, the less I like,” he tells his group their first night with crossed arms. “What, just because they have more access to weapons and protection they’re better than us? What makes that old guy in charge? Why did that Hinamori chick just near run out of the room? And what was the deal with that...” he motions wildly with his hands, trying to express… He doesn’t know. “You know. The girl in the really fancy dress, what’s her deal?!”
He sees Karin rolling her eyes, and Uryu sighs. “Kurosaki, we don’t have a choice. Obviously we’re allowed here on some favor from your father, but these aren’t people we want to rock the boat with. It’s a thin line between being a reluctantly welcomed guest and a happily thrown out one.”
“While it’s clear that Ichi-nii is having issues expressing himself here, I agree with my brother,” Karin cuts in. “On the other side of that coin: why did they allow us in? There have been people with more vying for a position here for years. Protection like this is worth all the gold and silver and food in the world. What was with our dad’s sword that made it so easy? Something’s fishy here, and I don’t like it.”
“Maybe Lord Yamamoto remembers your father as a friend, Ichigo? Or he just suddenly realized that there were some jobs open? There were these extra rooms already here, after all…” Inoue’s voice is hopeful, and Yuzu next to her nods enthusiastically in agreement. 
But Karin won’t budge. “Nah, these guys are military, the same ones that were supposed to protect us all these years and failed so miserably they escaped up here. There’s no way there are noble intentions here.”
“The point is, we can’t be too careful here… Or at least reckless.” Uryu shoots a pointed look at him, and Ichigo has a not-so-rare urge to throw him out the window. “We have to lay low for a bit and keep our guard up. Kurosaki, it’s clear Yamamoto’s got some sort of an interest in you. He arranged some meetings with you in the coming days, yes?”
Ichigo shifts. “Well, yeah, but that could be just because he’s setting up a position for me--”
“All the rest of us are to report in the common hall for our positions tomorrow. You’re the only one actually meeting with him.” Uryu raises an eyebrow. “See what kind of information he gives you. Take note on what he needs from you. But remember: you have to follow his rules on his time. That’s the only way we’re going to know a little better on how this place works.”
The group sits in silent contemplation until Yuzu sniffles. “And then what?” Her voice is shaky, and her watery eyes break Ichigo’s heart. “After we figure out the system… Then where do we go? What do we do?”
Ichigo is about to say something falsely cheerful to comfort his sister before Chad in his corner clears his throat. 
“We survive,” he finally says, and that has to be good enough for all of them.
And three days in, Ichigo still has no clue what Yamamoto’s got in store for him.
Although the messages he has received each morning since their arrival says that he’ll be meeting with the old man, he finds out it’s more like he’s meeting with generals and captains who represent Yamamoto, or something.
Powerful people are fucking weird.
In any case, he’s certainly not been twiddling his thumbs. A General Ukitake gave him a tour of the grounds, focusing more on the military section--and Ichigo guesses Yamamoto wanted to see if he was true to his word on using a sword, because then he was forced to spar with a few of the soldiers.
Mostly easy fights, if you ask him--although one bald guy and an angry redhead kind of gave him a rough time--but Ichigo just barely avoided a battle with a Captain Kenpachi, who grinned maniacally and demanded a battle “as soon as the old geezer puts you back here.”.
(Ichigo’s pretty sure at this point he’s going to be put in a military position, and it fits. But he would really really like to not be in that captain’s squad.)
There’s been a couple of actual meetings with the old man, but nothing of substance: each lasts an uncomfortably long ten minutes, with Yamamoto staring at him for long periods of time before peppering in casual questions about his village, his group, and his father.
It’s bizarre, but Ichigo decides to follow Uryu’s advice for once and go along with the whole thing. He bristles at Yamamoto’s question concerning his mother… But otherwise, he answers them as honestly as he can. 
He’s not given the worst job, he supposes. 
Actually, nearly none of them are. Uryu--while resenting the military system as much as he did--snagged a spot at the wall with his bow, and he mentioned they might give him a position within science, what with his family’s medical background. Chad scored a position in weaponry, and while he doesn’t have any previous experience (that Ichigo knows of), Ichigo’s confident he’ll do great. 
The girls are in the service, and Ichigo feels… Conflicted about that. 
He gets the icky feeling that it’s weirdly sexist (even though Yuzu really is talented in the kitchen… BUT HER GENDER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT), and can’t help but feel it as demeaning to his sisters and friend. The service is treated bottom rung here, after all, and if someone even remotely tries to mess with one of them…
Not to mention Karin is absolutely miserable. 
But he knows she grits her teeth, does her job alongside Yuzu and Inoue and everyone else for the sake of being remotely safe for once in their goddamned lives. If she can suck it up, so can he.
The longer Yamamoto has him wait for his job, the more nervous it makes him. That’s all. 
On the fourth morning after the others have headed to work, he receives a message to go directly to Yamamoto’s quarters. 
He’s escorted by a few soldiers--which is weird, considering the ease of which he’s been going place to place the last few days--and the old man is sitting patiently at his desk, hands clasped together. 
It’s like he’s going to get punished.
And he has no idea what Yamamoto has on him (probably something his old man did, screwing him over even after probable-death, the fucker), but Ichigo prays to whatever god might still be out there and care about humanity that the world can do whatever it wants to him, just leave his friends and sisters be--
“I’ve assigned a guard job for you, Ichigo Kurosaki.”
He stares blankly at the old man. 
“That’s… It? After all this time?”
Yamamoto smiles in a way that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Yes, well, we do apologize for the delay. There were some… Precautions that we had to take before getting you to this position. We wanted to make sure you were a right fit.”
“Oh… Okay. So am I at the gate with Uryu, or--”
“No, no. None of that.” A gnarled hand waves the thought away. “This is a private guard position. Very important. Tell me, do you remember seeing our Lady Rukia the day you arrived?”
Ichigo tries to think of the female faces he caught in the crowd, and then remembers the woman in the ornate garb. “The one dressed in all the… Dressed really nicely?”
“Yes, that very one. She is dressed to reflect how precious she is to us. We call her our ‘Prized One.’ Tell me, have you ever played chess? You might call her the queen of our board.”
“... I’m not sure I follow--”
“You don’t need to.” The response is sharp, so swift that Ichigo almost startles. Yamamoto glares hard behind his hands at him, before suddenly relaxing. “Just know that your job is to guard her. You will be going with her where she goes, watching the entrance to her rooms. We have enemies that would very much like to take her, and that… Would be devastating to our cause.”
Ichigo’s having a hard time biting his tongue on all the questions bubbling up. What the fuck is up with this girl? 
Instead, he asks: “So, in terms of guarding her at night… I suppose what I’m trying to say here is, will I be her only guard? I hate to tell you I can’t be awake twenty four hours, sir.”
The old man chuckles dryly. “Of course not, my boy. Nothing of that sort is expected. We have a rotating staff at night while she sleeps; but you will be her primary guardian. In return, your group will be made of good use here.”
Ah. There it is. 
“So you’re blackmailing me, eh? I knew it was only too convenient that you took on my friends and sisters so easily.”
“Not at all. They have all been mastering their duties beautifully. This is just… Insurance, you might say. If you do your job, they will keep theirs. You would be wise to take it; others have not had such an offer.”
“So why me? What’s so important about this job, and why does it have to be me that does it?”
“You’ll learn, as I’m sure your friends have told you, that it’s better not to question this institution. Just trust that this is a job I consider you capable of, and leave the decision making to us. Now,” Yamamoto slides a sheet of paper from the corner of his desk to himself and begins to write on it. “Go to the Northwest Hall, fourth floor. If you get lost, there will be service persons that can lead you the right direction. They’ve been made aware of your new position.”
The old man doesn’t even acknowledge Ichigo’s leaving as he writes further.
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takethepresent · 7 years
(There’s a song by Chris Tyson on here at first, sorry lol)
Kendrick Lamar releases one of his best albums of all time. The messages, the layers, the content, the flow, the creativity. This is real hip-hop. I won’t be reviewing what I think Kendrick meant in his songs because they are pretty layered. If you want to look into that kind of thing, you can look on Rapgenius. Rapgenius is not 100% correct, but it will at least get you thinking.
Instead, I will leave a lot of this open for your own interpretation. I will be talking about what I believe should be taken from many of these songs.
Kendrick does attempt to penetrate the subconscious of his listeners. Each song targets a certain emotional pattern. The song that you like the most probably says something about you and your subconscious patterns.
Kendrick is becoming a master of his craft. The way he crafts the message, both subliminal and explicit, is perfect for influencing the masses. The production on this album was also great. There is a great variation of sounds while all of the songs could be universally enjoyed. It is a true work of art, something you can put on shuffle.
Here is my take on each song:
This intro is very interesting. It plays with ideas of duality that are developed further in the album. I’ll let you decipher it for yourself.
This song is probably one of the best songs to bump on the album.
Our DNA stores much more than we can possibly imagine. Scientists will say that more than 90% of your DNA is “junk DNA” because they can’t explain what it does. However, how can 90% of your DNA be useless? This song attempts to describe the kinds of energy patterns that may be stored in your DNA. Many things can be passed from generation to generation through DNA.
“ I got power, poison, pain and joy inside my DNA I got hustle though, ambition, flow, inside my DNA “
New Kung Fu Kenny! This song has a very chill vibe. I am unsure of the actual purpose of this song in comparison to the others, but it does provide some meaningful commentary. Below are two I’ve picked out. I do believe that “Yah” is a reference to Yahweh.
“ I'm not a politician, I'm not 'bout a religion “
Politics and religion will enslave your mind and breed separation and conflict
“ I know he walks the Earth But it's money to get, bitches to hit, yah Zeroes to flip, temptation is, yah First on my list, I can't resist, yah Everyone together now, know that we forever— “
People choose worldly things over spirituality.
This song has a catchy hook that will probably stick for some time. I don’t really have much to say about it.
“ Last LP I tried to lift the black artists But it's a difference between black artists and wack artists “
This song is a collection of many different feelings. Many of these feelings are things other people in society feel. Hopefully, this song allows them to bring up those feelings from their subconscious. Many people feel alone, like “nobody prayin’ for me”.
I encourage you to really listen to the lyrics in this song. Some things may stick out to you. Those things say something about you and your subconscious patterns.
“ I feel like the whole world want me to pray for 'em But who the fuck prayin' for me? “
LOYALTY. (feat. Rihanna)
This song explores the idea of loyalty and trust. Many people have these commitments to money, fame, drugs, sex, power etc as if they were real people.
“ Tell me who you loyal to Is it money? Is it fame? Is it weed? Is it drink? Is it comin' down with the loud pipes and the rain? Big chillin', only for the power in your name Tell me who you loyal to Is it love for the streets when the lights get dark? Is it unconditional when the 'Rari don't start? Tell me when your loyalty is comin' from the heart “
“ Tell me who you loyal to Do it start with your woman or your man? (Mmm) Do it end with your family and friends? (Mmm) Or you're loyal to yourself in advance? I said, tell me who you loyal to Is it anybody that you would lie for? Anybody you would slide for? Anybody you would die for? That's what God for “
"Love's gonna get you killed But pride’s gonna be the death of you and you and me And you and you and you and me And you and you and you and me And you and you and you and me and—”
“ Hell-raising, wheel-chasing, new worldy possessions Flesh-making, spirit-breaking, which one would you lessen? “
Again, Kendrick talks about problems felt collectively by our society. Pride is a big problem in our society. It breeds this false sense of confidence or superiority due to surface level things. It breeds conflict.
He talks about the impact of these worldly things on your soul.
" I'm so fuckin' sick and tired of the Photoshop
Show me somethin' natural like afro on Richard Pryor Show me somethin' natural like ass with some stretch marks “
I was a little surprised to see people offended by this. The only women who would be offended by this are the ones who are dependent on unnatural beauty standards. Who would be opposed to us embracing the natural look more? Who would be opposed to the beauty industry not being able to exploit insecure women as much?
Lust is not exclusive to sex. Many have a lust for life; this unnatural, unnecessary, destructive desire for surface level things. It shows how the person who obsessively seeks sex is no different than the person who obsessively seeks drugs or friends or social validation or money etc. Many people in society need to have a deep look within themselves. They will find that they use these lustful desires to satisfy this deep, emotional, subconscious “itch”.
“ Lately, I feel like I been lustin' over the fame Lately, we lust on the same routine of shame Lately, lately, lately, my lust been hidin' (Lately) Lately, it’s all contradiction Lately, I’m not here Lately, I lust over self Lust turn into fear Lately, in James 4:4 says Friend of the world is enemy of the Lord Brace yourself, lust is all yours “
Lust is used to runaway from fear. Fear of what?
LOVE. (feat. Zacari)
“ If I didn't ride blade on curb, would you still love me? If I minimized my net worth, would you still love me? Keep it a hundred, I'd rather you trust me than to love me Keep it a whole one hund': don't got you, I got nothin' “
You could think this is about a specific girl or about something else. However, I do think it’s important to mention these lines. These feelings are often deep within our subconscious. It is what we call conditional love. We think people only love us for ___ or ___ because we only love ourselves for that reason. If we can find a way to love ourselves unconditionally, we can alleviate the many problems that arise from conditional love. In reference to the last line, if you don’t have unconditional love for yourself, you don’t got nothin’. You will always be trying to fill that void caused by conditional love with surface level things.
XXX. (feat. U2)
“ Ain't no Black Power when your baby killed by a coward “
Kendrick talks about the hypocrisy present in America. We respond to violence with more violence, hatred with hatred. People want to talk about black empowerment but won’t fully acknowledge the destructive forces within their communities.
“ The great American flag Is wrapped and dragged with explosives “
This just reminds me of America meddling in other countries with our imperialist military operations. It is time for America to confront the fact that they have been the biggest source of military conflict in recent history. This could also refer to police brutality.
This is one of my favorite songs on the album. I love the chill beat on the background. This song especially captures the feeling of fear, and attempts to show how it manifests over time. Emotional conflicts from our childhood that are never dealt with create external conflicts later on down the line.
“ Why God, why God do I gotta suffer? Pain in my heart carry burdens full of struggle Why God, why God do I gotta bleed? Every stone thrown at you restin' at my feet Why God, why God do I gotta suffer? Earth is no more, won't you burn this muh'fucka? I don’t think I could find a way to make it on this earth “
Kendrick attempts to convey the feeling of fear in a different light. The first verse starts off with “I beat yo ass” repeatedly. It really shows the subconscious thought patterns that become implanted in children at a young age. These subconscious patterns create internal problems that manifest over time into distorted, complicated, external problems. It should be no surprise that those who are physically beaten as children develop violent/aggressive tendencies later in their life.
“ If I could smoke fear away, I'd roll that mothafucka up And then I'd take two puffs I'm high now, I'm high now I'm high now, I'm high now “
This shows how people will do anything to runaway from their fears, or their subconscious patterns. Many take to drugs as well as other surface level things like sex, friends, social media etc.
Verse 2 starts off “I’ll prolly die” repeatedly. It shows more subconscious patterns of fear.
Verse 3 gives us a summarizing explanation of how the fear accumulates over time.
The outro is especially important. It highlights the major implications of mainstream religion. It shows how we are taught to believe that God is judgmental. This plays into all of the subconscious patterns of fear mentioned above. It says that God judges us and punishes us because he loves us, which opens the door for many people to become abused by loved ones and remain complacent to it. It also allows for people who are abused to become the abuser themselves later in life, creating a destructive cycle of judgment and punishment.
There are two ways Kendrick could have meant this song to be perceived. I believe the most beneficial perception is that he is describing the feeling that many people feel when they “win” in surface level things. People use many things for a subconscious desire for power. When they attain those things, they actually feel “Godly”. Our obsession for power holds us back from ever realizing what true empowerment feels like. Only those who can let go of worldly desires will find this empowerment.
This song tells a story that you’d be better off listening to yourself. However, there are two notable lines that I want to explain.
“ It was always me vs the world Until I found it's me vs me “
Many people want to victimize themselves and believe their life problems are because of their external circumstances and not because of them. Your life will start to improve when you learn to hold yourself accountable for the life you are manifesting.
“ You take two strangers, and put 'em in random predicaments; give 'em a soul So they can make their own choices and live with it “
A little insight for why we are here.
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lumiolivier · 7 years
Chapter Nineteen:  Who’s Misa Misa?
Word Count:  4002
Chapter No. 19/36
Notes:  Everything’s pretty kosher.  Although, there’s some cuteness in this chapter that got me all squeaky.  So...
Chapter Eighteen:  Duality of a Broken Heart
I brought Veronica back to my house and threw the first pizza in the oven.  Not the first time and probably not the last time I’ll do that tonight.  When she walked in, Veronica looked so defeated and immediately fell onto the couch. Then again, sleep probably didn’t come easy for her last night.  As soon as I went back to the living room, Veronica was already asleep.  This poor baby didn’t deserve this.
 Although, I hadn’t planned on Veronica crashing here tonight.  Her nap would give me a little bit of time to cover up the weird.  I set a stopwatch on my phone.  Maybe I can beat my half hour record.  First the wall scrolls.  Then, the figurines into the closet.  Then, my manga on the top shelf amongst my cosplay props.  I’m truly sorry, Sebastian, but you have to go in the closet, too.  I’m sure if you look deep enough you can find Ciel, too.
 All I needed to do now was set up some diversionary knickknacks.  I usually leaned toward the lighter, pastel, sugary things for that. A cupcake candle, a cute little spacy fairy, a little fake cactus in a light terra cotta pot.  There!  All done! Twenty-three minutes.  Huh.  Not bad. A new record.  Good for me!
 I went back downstairs and took that pizza out of the oven.  Veronica was still sleeping like a baby.  Good.  I threw a blanket over her and looked at my phone.  A text from Julian had been burning a hole in my inbox since I pulled out of the high school parking lot.
 How is she?
 My heart melted when Julian cared.  If I could clone him, I’d give Veronica one in a heartbeat.  He was perfect.  Absolutely perfect.  Maybe not quite to Veronica’s high standards.  I really don’t think she’d be able to handle the otaku life, but she’s put up with me all these years.  She had no idea about my weird, otaku life, though.  Maybe Julian’s not her perfect, but he’s perfect for me.  And I loved him to death.
 She’s asleep.
 To be honest, she had me worried.  Veronica never handled depression well and I just wanted to hug her.  This little angel was crying in her sleep and it kept breaking my heart more and more.  I wanted nothing more than to tell her everything was going to be alright. Because it would be.  She’s young.  She’s adorable.  Sure, she’s a little shrill from time to time, but that was Mis...Veronica.  She could have the entire world at her feet with a mere smile.
 “A letter from the queen, my lord,” my phone barked at me.
 Shit!  I forgot to turn the ringer off!  Veronica tossed around on the couch, but ultimately ended going back to sleep.  Dodged a bullet there.  I love you, Julian, but sometimes, your text pop up at the most inopportune times.  I grabbed my phone off the end table and slid my finger across the lock screen…That just so happened to be a picture from Saturday night.  And I kind of wanted to cry.
 You need anything before I come over?
 I thought it over for a minute or two.  We were good on mostly everything.  Veronica hasn’t tapped into the food surplus I had for her.  She’s only slept.  Wait a minute…Am I catching a delayed contact high from Kyle or did Julian say he was coming over?
 No.  We’re good. And I thought I said it was only going to be her and me.
 And I waited again, keeping an eye on her.  But once my phone buzzed in my lap again…
 I know.  Frilly jammies and pillow fights.
 I loved him.  I giggled a little, shaking my head at his stupidity.
 Again.  Not a porno, Julian.  What am I going to do with you?
 What are you going to do with me? ;)
 I loved this dork.  I really did.
 Not that.  Not tonight.
 “Is that pizza?” Veronica groaned into the arm of my couch.
 “Morning, sweetie,” I chimed, feeling my phone buzz again, “Yeah.  You want some?”
 “Some?” she gave me a look.
 “Yes,” I assured, “I made it all for you.  It’s in the kitchen.”
 “Bless you,” Veronica stumbled lethargically toward her goal while I took a quick glance at my phone.
 I understand.  You have to take care of her.  Come stay with me tomorrow night?
 Hmm…A slumber party at Julian’s?
 Sounds good to me.  Can’t wait. :)
 I love you. xo
 This boy was too much for me to handle sometimes, but I wasn’t getting rid of him anytime soon.
 I love you, too.
 I sent him a GIF of Grell Sutcliff blowing Sebastian kisses.  Figured it’d be appropriate.  It’s true love when there’s an exchange of GIFs featuring the entirely one sided relationship between the genderfluid reaper obsessed with the sexy demon.  Although, I feel like, in a way, all the Black Butler fangirls become Grell at one point or another.  Maybe that was Yana Toboso’s way of bringing the fans into the story.
 “I don’t get it, Mimi,” Veronica came back in with her entire pizza already half eaten, “If what happened isn’t my fault, why do I feel so guilty?”
 “Because that’s how douchebags work,” I sat with her, leaving my phone on the end table, “They’ll make you feel like shit after they leave you.  It’s the withdrawal from the oxytocin and the dopamine.  It’s like taking a needle out of a junkie’s vein.”
 “I miss my needle,” the tears started kicking up again.
 “No,” I shut her down, pulling her toward me, “Don’t let him win, Veronica.  Don’t let him win.  Whatever you do, don’t lose.”
 “But what do I do now?” Veronica wiped her eyes.
 I drew a total blank. I had no idea what to tell her. But someone else did.  It had helped tremendously when my ex dumped me. When I find myself in times of trouble, the words of Edward Elric came to me, “Stand up and walk.  Keep moving forward.  You’ve got two good legs, so get up and use them.  You’re strong enough to make your own path.”
 “Wow,” she blinked, “That was beautiful, Mimi.”
 “What can I say?” I shrugged, “When I was going through this a couple years ago, that was exactly what was said to me to snap me out of the hell I was in.  That whole, how am I going to live without him, feeling.  I know what it’s like, Veronica, and look at me now.  I got up. I started walking.”
 I wasn’t going to say I stole it from Ed, but between crying in Sebastian’s two-dimensional shoulder and binge watching Fullmetal Alchemist again, it got me through.  When Ed and Al were in Liore, hearing that line hit really close to home.  I got up. I started walking.  And eventually, the universe played out in my favor.  I ended up with Julian.  I ended up with the idiot alchemy freak that was lucky his head was attached to my mech otaku that liked to use her tools as weapons.
 “So, what you’re saying,” Veronica interpreted, “I need to get me a rebound?”
 “Not exactly,” I sighed out. She completely missed the mark, “I’m saying-”
 “I do!” she squeaked, “I need to go out and find me another man!  I just have to get back on the horse!”
 If it was enough to get her this excited and it was going to keep me from watching Real Housewives of Orange County tonight, ��Sure, Roni.  Whatever you need to make you happy.  I’m not saying you need another man to do that, but whatever you have to do to cope.”
 “I got it!” Veronica jumped up from the couch and started sprinting upstairs, “We’re going out tonight!”
 “Veronica!” I chased after her, “You have school in the morning!  And I have to work at the ass crack of dawn!”
 “It’s been a while since I flexed my fake ID,” she admitted, digging under my bathroom sink, “We should go to Kansas City tonight and do something fun!”
 “Did you not hear me?” I repeated myself, “You have school in the morning.  I have to go to work.  We can’t go out tonight.”
 “Yes, we can!” Veronica brushed me off, “I can pass off my being sad as being tired.  It’ll work.”
 “You need some sense talked into you, sister,” I shook my head, “But since you’re probably past all logic right now, we might as well.”
 “So, we can go out tonight?” she beamed.  I couldn’t take that away from her.
 “Why not?” I shrugged, “This is the most animated I’ve see you all day.  We can go out tonight.”
 “But you do understand,” I hoped, “You don’t need a man to make you happy?  You can make you happy?”
 “Easy for you to say,” she scoffed, “You’ve been single for two years.”
 “Ouch…” I took offense to that, “That hurt, Veronica.”
 “Oh,” Veronica realized the error of her ways quickly, “I’m sorry.  That wasn’t supposed to come out.  That was supposed to stay in my head.”
 “I know, honey,” I let it go, “You’re still emotionally fragile and your mouth moves faster than your brain anyway.”
 “Thanks, bitch!” she giggled, “Since you’re ridiculously good at this, could you get me ready?”
 “My pleasure,” I agreed.
 “I need something that says I’m not still in high school,” Veronica specified, “Something that’ll attract old money is a plus.”
 “Really?” I rolled my eyes, getting my roll of brushes out, “A sugar daddy, Veronica?”
 “Can’t hurt, can it?” she shrugged.
 “I pray for you, child,” I let out a heavy, exasperated sigh, “I really do.”
 And I got to work. Something that said she wasn’t still in high school…But I wanted to give her something that would make her feel better. So, eyeliner wings sharp enough to stab a man’s heart out seemed like a good idea.  That is…Until I realized my liquid eyeliner had gone completely dry. Shit…
 “Hold on a minute,” I stopped, “I need to make a phone call.”
 “For what?” she wondered, “Is everything ok?”
 “Fine,” I settled her, running back downstairs.  I grabbed my phone off the end table and scrolled through my contacts.  Come on.  Pick up.  Pick up. Pick up.
 “Hey, baby,” Julian answered, “What’s up?”
 “Thank God,” I breathed out, “I need a favor.”
 “Mimi, what’s wrong?” he went into instant panic mode.
 “This is going to sound ridiculous,” I prefaced, “But you wouldn’t happen to know where I could score a good, black liquid eyeliner right now, would you?”
 “The Sephora counter in the mall in Kansas City,” Julian assumed, “Why?”
 “Will you go get me one,” I begged, “Urban Decay.  Perversion. I will pay you back when you get here and I will love you forever.”
 “Easy, speed racer,” he settled me, “I’ll go get your eyeliner.  I was just about to leave the café anyway.”
 “I need it toot sweet,” I rushed him, “The sooner, the better.”
 “Alright,” Julian said, “I’ll be there in roughly an hour.  Is that ok with you?”
 “Fine,” I evened out, “I love you, Julian.  You’re a lifesaver.”
 “It’s what I do,” he sang, “I love you, too.”
 And he complains about Paul not saying goodbye.  Right now, I was so lucky to have him in my back pocket.  I ran back upstairs and found Veronica going through my case.  My beautifully well-organized case.  That she was moving too much around in.
 “What was that all about?” she asked.
 “My eyeliner’s gone dead,” I relaxed a little, “I don’t have another one, but I got more on the way.”
 “The things you do for love,” Veronica chimed, making swatches of various lipstick shades on the back of her hand.
 “What do you mean?” I started to sweat a bit.
 “You love me,” she pointed out, “And you’ve sent whoever on a wild goose chase for more.”
 “Oh,” my anxiety eased, “No. I just asked Julian to score me some eyeliner.  It’s not that big of a deal.”
 “He’d do anything for you,” Veronica assumed, “Wouldn’t he?”
 “Just about,” I reorganized my case.  A place for everything and everything it its…Hold on, “Roni, did you take any nail polish out of here?”
 “No,” she shook her head, “I found a bottle on the back of your sink, though.”
 Sure enough, my dark blue was out.  Huh.  I haven’t painted my nails in ages. Griffin got pissy when I did that. Even my toes haven’t seen nail polish in a while.  Last I looked at them, they were all chipped to hell.  Oddly enough, they were this exact shade of blue.  The same color as Amestrian military dress blues.  Well, we were going out tonight.  Might as well redo them.  I had an hour to kill, “I could’ve sworn this was in the case.”
 “Are you and Julian a thing yet?” Veronica wondered so innocently, “You can tell me.  I’m emotionally fragile, not dead.  I won’t freak or anything.”
 “No,” I lied, peeling off my socks, “We’re just friends.  Nothing more.”
 “So,” she gave a dirty smirk, “He’s available and unattached.”
 “Trust me,” I stopped her, “You’re not his type.”
 “Why not?” she pouted, “I’m cute and sweet.  What’s not to love?”
 “You’re not a little full of yourself,” I chuckled, looking down at my already perfectly painted toes. When the hell did I do that?  Did I repaint my toes and not…?
 Did you notice my little surprise this morning?
 Dammit, Julian.  So much for that idea, but I couldn’t keep a smile off my face if I wanted to right now.  This asshole.  This adorably perfect asshole.  There was no way I could ever get rid of him.  It was Julian.  He made it so easy to love him.
 “What’s that face all about?” Veronica nudged me, “Tell me.”
 “What face?” I tried to hide it.
 “You’re blushing, Mimi!” she was so kind to point out, “What aren’t you telling me?”
 “There’s nothing to tell,” I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.
 “Fine,” Veronica let it go, “But I know there’s something.  I will find out.”
 “Whatever you say, sweetie,” I loved her, but she’s nuts.
 “Knock, knock!” a familiar voice chimed from the front door, “Was this actually a sting operation?  Am I going to be on TV?  Do I get to meet Chris Hansen?”
 “Up here, jackass,” I giggled.
 “So?” I heard Julian’s footsteps echo through the hall, “What kind of shenanigans are we getting into tonight, ladies?”
 “Veronica and I are going out on a Monday night,” I told, “Because that’s a good idea.”
 “You’re too young to be old, Mimi,” he gave me a small Sephora bag, “Go have a little fun. There’s nothing wrong with that. And you owe me.”
 “How much?” I wondered.
 “Don’t worry about the eyeliner.  I got that,” Julian brushed me off, “You ow me for the guy at the counter that told me I didn’t need it.  And he winked at me.”
 “Congratulations,” I giggled a little, “Was it Nate?  I love him. He’s a sweetie.”
 “I didn’t catch his name.”
 “Thank you, Julian,” Veronica chimed from the bathroom.
 “You’re welcome,” he came in, “Oh, Veronica, my little china doll, you look ravishing.”
 “I look like shit,” she laughed, bringing music to my ears, “But I appreciate the Anchorman quote.  You’re the first person to ever use the Veronica line on me.”
 “Am I really?”
 “Yeah,” Veronica came down, “I needed that.”
 “You’re welcome,” he gave her a hug, “Even if all I’m good for is getting Mimi’s eyeliner and making you smile.”
 “That’s not all you’re good for,” I assured, shooting a glance at my toes.
 “I am a jack of all trades,” he shrugged, “I’m also a hint of a perfectionist and get bored easily. So, where are we going tonight?”
 “Kansas City,” I loved this baka.
 “Hey!” he squeaked, “I was just there!  You two going to see Lilith?”
 All of a sudden, it was like a lightbulb switched on in my head.  I wanted Veronica somewhere safe and in a controlled environment.  Veronica just wanted to have a good time, “Julian, you’re a genius.”
 “More of an idiot savant,” he corrected, “Why do you give me such accolades?”
 “Because you deserve them,” I hugged him tight, “Veronica, you want to borrow anything?”
 “Tight, revealing, and makes me look like a call girl,” she requested.
 “To think I left my corset at home,” Julian sighed out.
 “You don’t have a corset, Julian,” I shook my head at him and started on Veronica’s face.
 “Like hell, I don’t,” he confirmed, “When I still lived in St. Louis, I’d go to Rocky Horror every Halloween.  I’ve been Frank N. Furter five years in a row.”
 “There goes my sleep for tonight,” I teased, “All I can think of is you in fishnets.”
 “You can’t tell me it’s not a little sexy,” Julian winked at me.
 “I could give you Nate’s number,” I joked, “I’m sure you two would be very happy together.”
 “He’s not my type,” he assured, “You, of all people, should know that.”
 “I knew you two were a thing!” Veronica squeaked, “How long?  How’d it happen?”
 “Settle down, turbo,” Julian calmed her down, “She knows about my ex-fiancée.”
 “Fiancée?” she settled, “You were engaged?”
 “Six months ago,” he nodded, “Not exactly an easy thing to talk about.  Together for two years.  Engaged for another year after that.  She cheated on me.  But I think it’s because we became too different.  She’d go on about how we were decorating the nurseries for the six kids she wanted to whip out and I wanted to go down to the beach and spin my lightsabers to some heavy techno music.  She wasn’t the girl I fell in love with anymore.  But I kept holding on.  I moved here, I moved on.”
 “Good for you,” Veronica applauded, “You have more intestinal fortitude than me, girlfriend.”
 “You’ll get over him, too,” Julian promised, “It’ll take some time, but you will.”
 “See?” Veronica popped me in the shoulder, “You told me to keep moving forward because I had two good legs and I needed to use them to make my own path or some philosophical bullshit.  All I needed was that!”
 “But Miles and I weren’t engaged,” I reminded her.  
 “Was he the last missus?” Julian assumed.
 “Unfortunately,” I nodded, “Don’t call him the missus.  I’m cringing.”
 “Regardless,” Veronica broke us up, “These two legs are buying my drinks tonight.  So, do you have anything tight and revealing.”
 “Here,” I gave her my Misa dress, “This should work.”
 “Perfect!” she squealed, “I’m going to go downstairs and get changed.  Then, we should be off, right?”
 “I’ll need a minute or two to get ready,” I slowed her down, “But I won’t take long.  Probably by the time you’re ready, I’ll be ready, too.”
 “Awesome!” Veronica took my dress, “I’ll be right back.”
 And just like that, I had my little sister back.  Maybe all she needed was a night out.  However, while she was good and content, I needed to have some words with my not boyfriend.  I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and started fixing my mess of a face.  I was ready for a night of marathoning shitty TV, not partying in Kansas City.
 “Did you really give her Edward’s little speech he used to inspire Rose after the regime in Liore fell,” Julian wondered, “to a girl going through a breakup?”
 “Essentially, they’re the same thing,” I shrugged, “The people of Liore were breaking up with that dick priest.  Veronica was breaking up with Luke.  End of story. Did you really tell Veronica we were just friends?”
 “I thought that was the story we were telling people,” he reminded me, “Or do you want to be the one to say we’re in a happy relationship after hers fell to pieces?”
 “Oh, hell no,” I shook my head, “But thank you for making her smile again.  I didn’t want her to be mopey anymore and whatever I did wasn’t working.”
 “It’s what we do,” Julian smiled, “Speaking of us being cut from the same cloth, where’s all the neat shit in your room?”
 “Closet,” I told, “Remember? Veronica doesn’t know?  My otaku center is hidden from almost everyone except you?’
 “That’s right,” he wrapped his arms around my waist, “And I really can’t wait for the rest of the world to see you like I do.  By the way, I noticed you gave her your Misa Misa cosplay.”
 “She is Misa Misa,” I admitted, “She’s so Misa, it’s painful. Only difference is Veronica isn’t useless.  Other than that, their personalities are so similar.”
 “I’ve noticed,” Julian nuzzled his face in my neck, “With a blind obsession for her boyfriend to boot. I still wouldn’t mind giving Luke a good punch to the jaw.  Veronica doesn’t deserve this.”
 “You think you could do me one last favor?” I asked.
 “Sure, baby,” he held me a little tighter, “What can I do for you?”
 “Will you put a call in to Lilith?” I drew a thick line across my eyelid, “I’m going to placebo the hell out of Veronica.”
 “Oh?” I had Julian’s interest, “What kind of placebo?”
 “All of Veronica’s drinks tonight are going to be non-alcoholic.,” I explained, “She has to go to school in the morning and I remember the hell it was going to school hungover.  And I have to work tomorrow morning.  I don’t want to get shitfaced either.  Veronica wants to be numb and what better emotional novacaine than tequila?”
 “Have you ever tried Adderall?” he asked, “Works much better.”
 “You sound way too voice of experience for my comfort.”
 “I am too voice of experience for comfort,” Julian cringed, “But that’s a story for another day.  I have to call Lilith and tell her what’s up. Until then, you need to finish getting ready and take your best friend out for shenanigans.”
 “Thank you,” I finished up, cuddling into my boyfriend, “I love you.”
 “I love you, too,” he kissed the top of my head and left me to get dressed.  I know we were a thing, but it was too soon for Julian to see me completely naked.  Who to put on tonight?  I was Winry earlier today.  Do I want to keep it in the Fullmetal family and go Hawkeye?  I could do Hawkeye.  The first time I was in Haven, I was in an Ouran uniform.  Maybe I should switch to the boys’ uniform.  No.  Hawkeye. I wanted to be a badass sharpshooter/Roy Mustang’s nanny/future wife.
 I put on my makeshift Amestrian military uniform and grabbed my bag off my chair, “Roni, you ready?”
 “Ready!” she came out of the downstairs bathroom, looking like she was on the hunt for a sugar daddy, “Well?  How do I look?”
 “Adorable,” I gave her a spin, “The place we’re going to tonight is amazing.  I’ve been a couple times and if you’re looking to eat your feelings, it’s perfect.”
 “And if you’re looking to score?”
 “It’s Kansas City,” I pointed out as the two of us went out the door, “There are a few beautiful boys in that town.  I’m sure you’ll find someone.”
 “You did make sure I didn’t have baby face, right, Mimi?” she kept her fingers crossed, “I look more adult than I actually am?”
 “Yes,” I assured, “I contoured the hell out of your face.  You’re golden.”
 “Good!” Veronica sang, “Let’s go!”
 I pulled out of my driveway and started heading toward Kansas City.  Hopefully, Julian put the call in already.  This would prove to be an interesting night.  I’m thrilled to see how Veronica’s going to take to placebos.  I’ve never seen her drunk before, so this should be intriguing.  I just hope the fake booze doesn’t make her a weepy drunk.
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Oz just farted and now he just smells...like shit? Am I feeding him too much kale. Who knows.
Portuguese is easier than Japanese. I still remember some of it. I’m not the weakest in the class. I can do this. 
I’m a walking puddle in a container. I’ve been sleeping and doing homework and that is kind of it. 
My new job is confusing. I’m not getting a lot of answers or times for scheduling and I’m confused and it’s a constant having to keep touch with one of the managers but my coworkers are really cool. 
I realized that I’m being more socially drained than usual. I used to could go to class and go to work for most of the day and then my internship and I’d be okay but now just going to class is draining me to the point that it’s harder than usual for me to text anyone back. My project partner thinks I’m snubbing her because I can’t reliably reply back to her. My best friends are probably finding me as a hopeless case. Zach expects that he won’t hear from me for several hours when we’re apart. My head hurts so much all of the time and I know it’s because I’m not drinking enough water. I haven’t been eating enough in general lately.
I just don’t know. I used to think my mom was crazy for saying that her side of the family, the women get these “visions” or what I’m figuring are intuitions. Every several years or so, someone would have a dream that was clear as day, wake up, and then days later, the dream would actually happen. My mom claimed that she predicted the death of a boy in her neighborhood. Her aunt predicted the death of my mom’s childhood best friend. My mom knew something terribly awful happened around the time her american mom died. And I’m just a ball of misery surrounding significant deaths in my life. But I honestly think depression is just in my nature and the rapid weather changes aren’t fairing so well with me or my health. I just need it to be consistent. I can’t take 30 degrees one day and then 70 degrees 2 days later. 
I am miserable about my pastor dying. But I’m happy in a way because he’s not in pain anymore and this man has been through hell and back. He literally died a few months ago for a short time and the doctors performed another of several miracles and got his heart back to beating again. He’s been dangerously sick so often. His chemotherapy has been putting a rough toll on him. His organs began to liquidize in a way that they were starting to shut down one by one which is crazy yet he lived. Oh boy, God wasn’t done with him yet.
Yet he still kept his cheerie, loving disposition and smiled everytime he saw me and always offered a wonderful hug and that he was always thinking of me and praying for my wellbeing and would tell me how wonderful my mom and sister had been and then his wife would stain my cheek with her bright red lipstick and tell me how much she’s missed me and give me slightly terrifying warnings every now and then. Like she came up to me one time to make sure I wasn’t thinking about getting married any time soon or even engaged and I was like....No???
But I’m going to miss Blaine so much. He was smart. He used logic. He was well studied and cared for the well being of other people more than he cared for himself. I’m shaking writing this. But he’s meant so much to me over the past 7 years. He baptized me. He and his family were there for me through my petty little break ups in high school to my dad’s death and Elmer Barnes death. He had this sixth sense about people and he had a subtle way of letting me know things and noticing when I was in the right direction. He was excited when he found out I was going into psychology. He loved every person I’ve ever brought to church and his wife always obsessed over them in the sweetest way. I feel so terrible for Jacque. They had such a wonderful love and a bright relationship that they were not shy of sharing to the church. They sung duets together. He would play the piano while she sang. She would keep people from crowding around him when she felt he was too tired and she was by his side every single day being his equal partner in every way. I’ve prayed so much today for her. So much. I can’t imagine the pain she is going through. I can’t even put it to words but I feel an ache for her and his kids. 
This man was the most amazing Christian person I’ve ever known. In ways I can’t describe, I mentioned earlier that he had a calming energy. You’d be in a room with him and feel so relaxed and at ease and you knew he wasn’t judging you and you wouldn’t have to say a word. He was filled to the brim with love and passion for Christ and he believed it was his duty to spread the word until his last breath. He had never met my dad before he was submitted into the hospital for the first stroke. But he visited my father anyway and prayed with him and talked kindly to him and my mom said that my father was so respectful of him. He was so grateful for him.
I can’t...imagine how church will be without him. I really can’t. His sermons were strong and filled with lessons that actually mattered in life. He didn’t do the usual big church catering. He didn’t preach “BE SAVEDDDD” every sermon like most churches seem to do. He expected everyone to come to the lord in their own way and if you didn’t believe, he’d welcome you with a kind handshake and genuinely was very happy that you were there anyway. 
I could keep going. I want to keep going. I want to express all the wonderful things that he was. How he was the best type of Christian that God could provide on this earth. Nonjudgemental, accepting of everyone. Didn’t care about your sexuality or background. He just cared about you as a person.
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cpdevos · 4 years
10/2/18 Devotional
Hey all! Pray before you start, get right with the Lord :) and ask Him to speak to you and reveal Himself in a real and authentic way as you read His wordIsaiah 40:28-31 New International Version (NIV)
28 Do you not know?    Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,    the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary,    and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary    and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary,    and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord    will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;    they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Honestly, I can't top how Isaiah obsesses over the powerful nature of God. God the creator of the UNIVERSE, an everlasting God, is fighting on our side! When Isaiah writes in verse 28 "He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding NO ONE can fathom" it offers just a taste of God's beauty and magnificence! Sometimes we just like to speak it verbally, give a Sunday School answer/response. But take a moment, close your eyes and just absorb the vastness of God's authority. Imagine meeting someone and working to be their friend. It requires hanging out, some deeper conversations here and there, and ultimately time to develop a meaningful relationship. Now run that back ten more times and you might just make a few more friends. As you continue to reach out to more and more people, I assure you you will only get to be so intimate with a few friends (and you'll probably be really exhausted). One high school has about 1,600 students, and a midsize college campus has about 15,000-20,000 students. This world has about 7.6 billion people and our Lord, our God cares for EACH and EVERY last one of us. In fact, He knows us more than we think we know ourselves. He stretches out His gracious and merciful arm and gives us the opportunity to respond. If you've ever even heard about Jesus or are able to open up a Bible, that's all because of God's blessing for you to know Him. Instead of pushing your relationship away for a "later time" or doubting who He is, stop and ask, "God, why do you even give me this opportunity?" We as rebels simply deserve death and eternal suffering through separation from God. It's that simple. But because of God's perfect sacrificial love, He dives straight back in and extends grace to all who receive it (John 1:12). Knowing that, we can be so firm in faith that when God says He will give strength to the weary and power to the weak, we need to take it and praise our gracious, redemptive father! As verse 31 says, those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. God gives us that strength. He gives us purpose to continue living so that we may strive to live a life worthy of a murderous death we committed against His son Jesus. The "youths grow tired" and "men stumble and fall" but when we come to God with a humble heart and open our needy souls to Him, He will be there, not just rescuing us from our troubles, but breathing in us His goodness and strength to fight on.
For real, this is a dope song haha just if you wanted a song to reflect or pray on with
ALSO, I'm going to try to send out devotionals more regularly and this email group is old, so if you have friends from church or on campus that aren't on this list, ask them to join! Just send me their emails and I'll put them in the group to receive these devos. I'll try my best to get people as well! Feel free to comment in the chain and let people know your thoughts on this verse or even a response of praise! If you want prayer from the group or just want to shoot me an individual email, I'd love to get to know what's going on with you! I'm also going to start Bible plans on the YouVersion app soon if you are interested in diving into what scripture has to say about a certain topic or issue (i.e. love, anger, anxiety, stress, evangelism, relationships, etc) and getting closer to this church community whilst doing so! More info will come this week! Have a blessed day!
0 notes
cynthiadshaw · 5 years
#LadyBoss: redefining what a boss looks like
Too many of us grew up only seeing one kind of boss or leader in the media. The lack of representation for other groups reinforced harmful stereotypes and acted as a self-fulfilling prophesy, but would our opinion of what a leader looks like be different if the media did a better job at representing the true diversity of leadership in America?
Women and other under-represented groups are already leading many great companies, organizations, & academic institutions; others are authoring best-sellers, building engaged audiences, leading movements and more.
We had the honor of connecting with many of the best and brightest female leaders from in and around the city and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
We encourage you to check out the female leaders we’ve highlighted below, follow them on social media if you find their work or story interesting and most importantly do your part to #fightstereotypes.
Cristie Schlosser | Interior Designer | Real Estate Investor & Educator
When I am facing a challenge that I feel is insurmountable I meditate.  Meditation helps to calm the mind and  provide a space for clear thinking.  There are a few questions I typically ask myself.  1) Is this a life or death situation?  Most challenges are not life or death.  After you have children, situations no longer feel so overwhelming.  Life is precious and that reality has an uncanny way of anchoring oneself.  2) What long term effect will this challenge present?  Identifying long term effects can really drive decisions and move us forward.  Not taking action is a decision and sometimes it’s appropriate and feels better not to act; other times making a choice to take action allows us to have more control.  Fear can be healthy.  When I chose to change careers and go back to school I was overwhelmed, but I pushed through the fear and did it!  20 years later, I’m adding adjunct faculty to my area of expertise.  A little fear can be a good thing.  May you blessed with options of your choosing.  Live well and with beauty.
schlosserdesign.net @schlosserdesign
Dr. Philecia Vassell | Physical Therapist & Certified Trichologist
If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.
ConfidentConcoctions.com  @Confident_Concoctions @CConcoctions
Paola Castro | social media influencer | content creator
Keep your head up high and just remember after rain comes a rainbow. In order to learn and grow as a person you have to go through hard times, so stay positive, you’ll over come it and soon and by then you will see it as a growth experience.
Evo Lineberry | Landscape Designer & Dallas Citizen Forester
Challenges spur growth — stay focused on trying to grow, rather than trying to beat the challenge. This mindset puts failure into perspective, and helps me to appreciate how far I’ve come instead of fixating on the areas that I’m not perfect in. When you cut yourself some slack, challenges suddenly don’t feel so daunting. I look at past accomplishments, remind myself that I’m capable, and  face challenges with my head up. Trust the path you’re on, and take it one step at a time.
blueribbonlady.com @blueribbonlady
Madeline Stokes  | blogger
As a Christian, I feel it is so important to turn to the Lord when things seem impossible. There is nothing He brings into your life that you cannot handle. Live each day one day at a time. Use the challenges you are facing as a lesson + learn from it, to one day share your experience with others who may face the same thing as you. In the mean time, coffee + bubble baths help too (:
themagnolialeafblog.com  @themagnolialeafblog
Melissa Jennings | Real estate agent with Briggs Freeman Sotheby
I think mindset is key to overcoming obstacles.  Envisioning the challenge being completed and the feeling of gratification you will get from it helps set the stage for what’s to come.  I am a firm believer in the message “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right”
Angela Yaun | CEO Real Estate Broker | Owner of Day Realty Group & Founding Member of Forbes Magazine Real Estate Council
All of us at one point or another have faced or will face a challenge we feel is insurmountable. Did you catch that key word….”Feel”? In this day and age we live in, there can be too much focus or unhealthy obsession with our “feelings”. Those “feelings” can create bad habits, addictions, and make us choose a different life path that maybe we might not have chosen. So how do we overcome these “feelings” when we are faced with a insurmountable challenge? Ask yourself is it Really insurmountable? Is there a way out? Is there a way under, over, or around it? Let me give you an example….I hear a lot of times “I’m too old to start a new career”, or “I’m too overweight to date anybody.” Unless you have passed away, your age and your weight should never stop you from anything. Mary Kay Ash the beautiful and famous #ladyboss from Dallas TX and businesswoman founded Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc., when she was 45 years old (Wikipedia). Obviously Mary Kay didn’t let her age stop her from creating an entire company from scratch. Once you have determined that ok maybe you can go through this, now you have to sit back and allow your destiny to unfold. You see we all get so wrapped up in trying to figure out the “how” when God, or The Universe has this figured out for you. I often say this a lot to my clients and family….”Don’t limit God”. You see it is SO much easier to rest in Him and allow the flow to begin. So now that we figured out 1) You will not wallow in “feelings” long 2) You CAN do anything unless you are dead 3) Do not limit God or the universe The best part is….. 4) Take the Opportunities that will soon appear because they will Write down everything you want, everything you need, and everything you will overcome. It’s amazing how you will actually start to see the check marks on your list will outweigh the new tasks. I’ve seen it in my own life and I have definitely stopped limiting God. Let me package this all up for you into one word and let it be your motto when times seem tough and you want to feel those “feelings” and that word is HOPE.
FreeHomeListDallas.com  linkedin.com/in/angelayaun @dayofangela @angelayaun
Akayla Sims | Makeup Artist
Model: LaRonda Davis Photographer: Johnathan Hill
To anyone facing a challenge that feels insurmountable, break that challenge down piece by piece & look at the bigger picture. I believe approach & perception is everything when it comes to facing challenges.
@1joystick_ @miss_kaayyyy   @freshbvd squareup.com/appointments/book/HFAME95KNP7Z9
Tionia Nixon | Entrepreneur | Owner of SweetGyrl Cosmetics
The best advice I could give to anyone facing a challenge that seems insurmountable is to pray and then trust God’s answer and/or instructions.  During any challenge I face I talk to God first.  Then I reach out to someone specifically my mom who I know can get prayers through to God on my behalf.  Naturally, I don’t stress or panic.  I weigh the pros and cons of the challenge and tackle it head on with God by my side!
sweetgyrlcosmetics.com  @_sweetgyrlcosmetics  @theSweetGyrl @SweetGyrlCosmetics
Tamara Glennon | Mom |  Wellness Advocate, Blogger at A Packed Nest
If you are facing a challenge that you feel is insurmountable, my biggest piece of advice would be to start your day, every day without fail, with a daily affirmation. Every morning! Just DO it! This is a good one. “My strength is greater than any struggle” I pair my affirmations with my favorite essential oil Valor! The oil of courage! Next break it down into bite size pieces. It’s feels less daunting that way. Now that your problem is broken down into bite size pieces “eat” (tackle) the biggest piece first. Remember this quote from Mark Twain “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” You got this!
@apackednest  apackednest.com
Dj Teezy | Music Curator | Club & Mobile Dj
The best advise I could bestow would be to keep moving forward. Even when it feels insurmountable, keep pushing. If there is a will there is a way and I truly believe in that. Everything will be okay in the end, if its not okay, its not the end.
  Jennifer de la Cruz | wellness coach an entrepreneur
Throughout my journey, I have learned so much. You see I am a mother of two beautiful girls. I married my high school sweetheart. I also have my full time job as a teacher assistant. I am recent graduate received my BA in education to peruse my dream career as a teacher. It seems like everything was going well, right? The true is I wasn’t happy as much as I tried to be happy something was missing. That was ME. I didn’t know who I was. You see my whole life I’ve always put someone else dreams before mine. My parents wanted me to have many roles in life. Since they never received a full education they wanted all of their children to do so. I have many backgrounds I have my medical assistant and cosmetology license is amazing to have many doors, but my passion wasn’t there. Until, one day I realized I was depress, I was diagnosed with deep depression I was always tired and full of excuses. I didn’t had a life nor memories. Then, it hit me. I needed to changed my mindset and lifestyle. I started with taking care of me. I slowly started going to gym I wanted to do something that could help me with my depression. I started losing weight started feeling good about myself and was gaining a bit of confidence. Then out of no where I received my a phone called that I needed to pay my last two semesters of not they weren’t going to give me my bachelors. I felt like that was the end of the world. After thinking to myself I told myself I wasn’t going to quick I came this far for nothing. I decided to become an entrepreneur I slowly started receiving extra income and was able to pay off my debt. Sharing my story to you. Might give you hopes or maybe your story might bring other a bigger impact. You see i never gave up even though I felt at times that i wasn’t enough to be able to do it. My daughter matter in my life and that kept me going. Your why needs to be so powerful that everything Ike you think about it needs to be emotional. I suffer so much financially I don’t want to keep struggling anymore. You will never know how it feels until you finally take action. Doing what I do now. I was able to open up my own business. I am able to help my community here in Grand Prairie, Texas. To remind me that someone may need a smile and give them hope. They matter and they are worth it. My advice is never settle and don’t let someone opinion get they beat out of you. Don’t let anyone opinion stop you from achieving what you want in life. Think about your goal, write it down and take action. If it wasn’t for me that I gained so much confidence because I now love myself. I am able to take care of someone else I wouldn’t have never started. Oh, remember this. The bigger the challenge the bigger the problem. Overcome your fears don’t ever feel like you need a paper to tell yourself you have skills. A paper is a paper at the end. Your passion is much more. Last, but not least. Your life is a plastic you are able to shape it in any way your heart desire you can even reshape it. It takes a long time to achieve something and be successful. Success is a pleasure. If you are not fulfill with what you are doing today you can not be possibly be successful. Get a goal and don’t stop till you teach it. Just because you reach it don’t mean your done. Master it and really understand it.
@jen_delacruz07  @Jennifer-Paz
Heather McGee | Beauty Blogger
The best advice I have for someone who is facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable would be to take that first step. It’s going to be the hardest and scariest thing you might ever do, but take that first step. Be patient and kind to yourself but also persistent. Celebrate every goal however small it might be. You are the only person standing in your way!
@heather_mcgee  anotherbeautyblogger.com
Sarah Evans | Natural Hairstylist
If I was to give a person advice on facing a challenge they felt was insurmountable I would tell them they should release themselves from mental chains that is holding them down. Life is a mental game. You have to focus on the positive things. If you have the power to change things, do so. Be at peace with what you can’t and fall in love with the process. Its not about the destination, but the journey itself.
Alysa Teichman | Ylang 23 VP of Business Development & Buying
When I am coming upon a challenge that feels insurmountable, I spend some time visualizing my success. It really works! Better yet – when someone tells you that you can’t accomplish something, studies show that a mechanism kicks in that will make you successful. In sum, no means yes!
ylang23.com  @alysa_ylang23
Ashley Bryan | Hand Tied Halo Extensions Artist & Salon Owner
In business and in life we all face obstacles and challenges.  How we deal with those truly shows our integrity and character and honestly our commitment to our goals.  In my case, once I decided on something in life or career, there was no going back.  No obstacle that I couldn’t face and learn from and no one that could deter me from what I wanted.  This was not always the case for me.  In my college years,  I was told that what I wanted in life wasn’t achievable, it was too hard, had too many cons and not enough pros and I was told to settle for the safe choices.  I did that for a while and realized I wanted more, I wanted to stand in front of those challenges and prove to myself, my kids and my doubters that I could achieve whatever I wanted for myself and my family.  Some days it was hard to look forward but I got up every day and chose to face the odds head on, whatever came my way I would be ready for it.  Try to remove yourself from your situation and become a problem solver.  This is an opportunity to learn and grow.   Of course not giving up on your goals is key and working through the challenge will make you a better person, entrepreneur, or team player. Surround yourself with people that GET YOU and support you so that you can talk the issues out and maybe take a piece of advice.  Align yourself with like minded people, even if that’s just your spouse or your best friend.  But the most important thing to do when facing something that seems like it mind end your journey to your goal, is to not give up.  It’ll be so worth it on the other side!
ashleybryanstylist.com  2tensalon.com @ashleybryanstylist @2tensalon  @ashleybryanstylist  @2tensalon @handtiedhaloextensions
Emily Hood | Recipe Developer | Food Blogger and Social Worker
While I have faced challenges in my life, there are many other people who have faced things more challenging than I can possibly imagine. On social media and my blog, I am a recipe developer/food blogger, sharing healthy and Whole30/paleo focused recipes with my community. However, the rest of the time I am a School Social Worker, and I have the opportunity to work with students and families who face challenges that truly do seem insurmountable. Some of the students I work with have an incredible amount of resilience and strength, and it is part of what helps them through their daily challenges. While I am may not an expert on how to face challenges, I am honored to be able to work alongside the students, parents, and families that trust me with theirs. They allow me to walk alongside them, listen to their struggles and pain, and try to problem solve where to go next. So my best advice? Find a listening ear, a family member or friend, a counselor or therapist – going through a challenge that feels too big to handle will feel much more manageable if you can do it alongside someone you trust.
theprimitiveplate.com  @theprimitiveplate pinterest.com/theprimitiveplate @theprimitiveplate @primitiveplate
Jennifer G. Thompson | Artist | Educator | MFA Candidate
I think the best advice I have for someone who is facing a challenge that seems insurmountable, is to write down what your challenge is. Then, break it down into achievable steps and do your best to check each one off. It may seem hard, but please don’t forget to ask for help, take time for yourself and pray everyday. I know in life we all will face insurmountable challenges but you are going to make it to the other side victoriously. I believe in you. Believe in yourself.
jennifergthompson.com @tx_fad @_jennifergthompson_
Alleah Austin | Hairstylist + Makeup Artist
My advice would be to embrace the challenges in life, no matter how big or small. I think a lot of times when things get rough, human nature makes us want to give up. But I truly believe a lot of hard work and failure is behind most success stories. Challenging times are inevitable, but if you change your outlook and look at your challenges as an opportunity, your outcome can change.
@alleahaustinbeauty alleahaustinbeauty.glossgenius.com
Samantha Bedgood | Cookie Artist
My biggest piece of advice for someone facing a challenge that feels insurmountable is to ask for help! Find the people that love and support you and lean on them when you need it. They may have a solution or perspective that you wouldn’t have come up with on your own!
ohtastebakery.com @ohtastebakery
Angel Morris | Journalist by day, bargain hunter all the time
Consider your resources. Do you have family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances who can assist in any way? Are there groups in your community to whom you can reach out? Whether it’s a personal goal or an actual need you have, there is often someone in your circle who can help if you’re just willing to ask. We’re all put on this earth to ease one another’s burdens, in fact. Let others aid you however they can, then turn around and support the person behind you!
lifeonclearance.net/lessons-from-the-thrift-store @lifeonclearance @lifeonclearance
Hannah Kingsolver | Photographer and Bank Teller
It’s cliche to say, but everyone needs to hear it at some point or another… NEVER GIVE UP. Some people need to be reminded more than others that when there is a set back, you find a way to overcome it. Life is the BEST thrower of curve balls, and wow… you may strike out over and over again, but that’s life. YOU have the power to choose what your next steps should be. Set small goals for yourself until they become bigger and bigger, and when you’ve made it, reach higher. Just NEVER stop trying because if you do, you’ve already lost. Improvising and adaptability is key to over coming insurmountable issues, and it starts with your mind set. Just know that whatever problems you may have, there will always be a way to solve them if you are willing to improvise and adapt to those curve balls. You got this, and there are people out there who believe in you!
@svmragi  hannahkingsolver.com
Davelyn Davenport | Personal Trainer & Mental Health Advocate
The best advice I would give is first shift your mindset. Within any challenge you are facing a positive mindset will propel you over the mountain when you thought there was absolutely no way you were going to scale it. Going into anything with the mindset of defeat guarantees you a loss before you even step on the battlefield. You have to be able to visualize yourself winning. Manifest it! Our minds are so powerful and we wield everything, positive or negative, upon our lives. So speak and think all things positive. It starts in the mind. The second piece of advice I would give is to stop forward looking. We are a generation of forward thinkers that we get so anxious for what’s to come before we barely began to crawl. Remain in the present and work on taking the action steps, small or large, before you deem something over or out of your reach. The last piece of information, and to me ties all these together, is change your environment! If you are constantly submerged in a negative space, with negative minded people & energies (this goes for what content you follow on socials as well), nothing positive can flourish. You become a product of that space. Find positive groups, whether online or in your community, and allow that positive energy to radiate within your soul. Free yourself from negativity and no challenge that you come across will ever feel insurmountable again!
motiv2fit.com @davelyn__  @Motiv2fit
Marilu Villegas | Photographer
Marilu Villegas
Put God first in all of your projects, never give up your goal, your never ending dream. But give up your fear, your “can’t”s, and the excuses.  Do not place limits on your mind and never stop seeking knowledge. Be diligent that nothing and no one will put out your fire or your vision of the things you want to accomplish. Keep persevering and set your sights on the goal, clinging to and embracing with all your strength what you want to achieve.
Alondra Islas | HairArtist
I would tell them , to never give up or loose hope. You will always be your own worse critics but at the end of the day you are capable of doing a lot more than what you think you are! Nothing is too much of a challenge as long as you are determined!
Alex | Marathon runner | Student & Barista
When facing something I feel is insurmountable, I always take a step back and detach from the situation at hand. I look at every possible outcome and possibility, then immediately take action. Is there something I can do NOW to get me further to a positive outcome? If so, then I begin planning and taking the steps needed to tackle the challenge. Don’t talk about it, be about it; anything is possible when you take control by actively working for what you want. On the other hand, if there is nothing immediate to be done, I may be frustrated, but there is no reason to waste precious energy worrying about situations out of my control. Bottom line? Detach, plan, and take action.
Nicole DeVoss | Speech Language Pathologist with a specialization in social learning
Amy Theriot Photograpghy
We all go through periods of our lives where we feel we are facing challenges that are insurmountable.  My advice is to take a step back and not let yourself be defined by the problem.  Obstacles in life exists, so we can either resist them or accept the reality that they are in front of us.  I love using the analogy of ocean waves when thinking of challenging times in my life.  I can either try to fight off the wave (which would be futile) or accept the wave and let it wash past me.  Once I have that perspective, it helps me realize that challenges are part of life.  Don’t think “why is this happening to me?” but instead flip the script and think “what can I learn from this?
thecommunicationclubhouse.com @thecommunicationclubhouse
Stephanie | Photographer | artist and model
It is something I have to tell myself a lot as well because having anxiety and running your own business that isn’t always where you want it to be, you just have to tell yourself when you think you are going through hell, keep going cause who stops at hell. Things may not be how you want it at the moment but you just have to keep pushing through it and work through your problems, don’t just quit because it got hard.
RusticBPhotography.com @rusticbphotography @rusticbphotography
Sara Price | Sales Consultant | Photographer
When faced with a difficult challenge the best advice I can give is to trust your gut! Its amazing to receiving constant support and advice from everyone but at the end of the day your the one in control. You know your own limits and strengths, never be afraid to lean on them. Continue to have faith in your decisions and remember it’s not the end of the world!
Nnedimma |  Singer | songwriter & Medical Student
The best advice I can give is to believe in yourself and have faith.  Work indefatigably to fulfill your goals and always be intentional with your actions. Even in the face of adversity, you can succeed.
fanlink.to/HoldOnMebyNnedimma @godivah_ fanlink.to/LoveAgainNnedimma
Brenda Armendariz | Personal Trainer
Erase the words “ I can’t “ From your vocabulary. And replace it with “ How can I “ Words are powerful, and if you train your mind believe in yourself anything is possible!
The post #LadyBoss: redefining what a boss looks like appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2019/09/05/girlboss-redefining-boss-looks-like-2/
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ulyssesredux · 6 years
Long John is backing him, Lydgate added rather proudly, bearing in his face is like Our Saviour? The idea, Mr Bloom said, clutching him for always loving me best, and put it in your face.
―Going to be here.
―Don't you forget!
And then the angel of death kills the ox and the Saxon know not.
―I can consult.
You are a young man; and really, look where I may go on. You have but emerged from primitive conditions: we are upon—whether we are a tribe of nomad herdsmen: we are a tribe of nomad herdsmen: we must have Thought; else we shall make a new focus.
I stay here to be sure it would be a commemoration postcard of Joe Brady and the best wisdom that will work is the maxim: time is money. The ghost walks, professor MacHugh said.
―—No, no, said Fred, quite simply. Learn a lot teaching others.
―—Seems to see: before: dressing. Keyes, tea, wine and spirit merchant.
I have often thought that Mr. Casaubon gravely smiled approval, and taking the cutting from his waistcoat. Then I am very grateful, said Fred, who had no money to me that I stood in his way.
You can do that his mode of talking about Catholic countries, as I can see them. I'll show you.
―On swift sail flaming from storm and south, he said, laughingly.
―Sent his heir over to get yourself out of any superstitions, such as women sometimes follow when they get the design I suppose you lose it like one.
―Ned Lambert said. He has that cabman's shelter, they say.
-Waiting for the desire to be here.
… Yes. Screams of newsboys barefoot in the bakery line too, Mr Bloom laid his cutting. Brooke as a clergyman of some purling rill as it were an institution for getting up idiots genteelly—as if there were one man who is ridiculous, said Mary, lifting the volume on the same deep eye-sockets made him particularly anxious to take. -Twenty. What's that? Do you approve of that, the professor said, falling back a pace. It's to be here.
―Good day, Stephen went on, towering high on high, generous motive. Material domination.
Open house. —Will you tell him, they never think them bad. I am only dismissed, because Simmons is gone up. Great nationalist meeting in Borris-in-law.
Well, I have been to college. Well, get it into the Church? The gentle art of advertisement.
―Daughter working the machine-breaking and general distress.
―I'll rub that in Rome he was thoroughly in love with new pleasure. Lord Salisbury?
I lent him in, and released her hand. Racing special! Mr Bloom phoned from the open case.
Let us construct a watercloset.
―It was at Cambridge when Wordsworth was poet two.
—Nulla bona, Jack. -A perfect cretic!
But there is nothing more thoroughly rotten than making people believe that I have argued it myself.
He can kiss my arse?
―Strange he never set it only his cloacal obsession.
… —And Pontius Pilate is its prophet, professor MacHugh said grandly. Machines. Used to get some wind off my chest first. I think.
Smash a man—they may be sure of being less than his hopefulness had decided that they are too tired to look serious. We gave him that straight from the window, and turning sharp round.
-Twentyeight … No, Stephen went on—I mean. The inflated windbag! By Jesus, she had ever promised? Was he short taken? Mr Crawford, he said: What was their civilisation? Dick Adams, the language of the farthing press, and did not say that you resist any attempt to retrieve the fortunes of Greece. Crawford appeared on the name. -Madam, I'm ready to nibble the biscuit in his other hand. I mean, just what he denies. I'll tell you about his affairs, sir. -Lock.
J.J. O'Molloy sent a weary sidelong glance towards the ceiling.
Not at all offensive. Yes, he's here still. You can do that? In pigeon-holes: I feed too much on the file. Press and the best wisdom that will work is the maxim: time is money. I don't feel the stress of action as men do. But, ladies and gentlemen: Great was my admiration in listening to the highest purposes of truth—what I think she cares about me. A lane of clanking drums he made his manners unsatisfactory to her, and I reckon Peter Featherstone is the only friend I can get the plums? Ignatius Gallaher do? I'll catch him out and ask him perhaps about how to stop them they'd clank on and on the mountaintop said: Fred could carry to Mr. Brooke; for it. Lenehan. He held himself to be trouble there one day. -Like die without a will, we can trust to. He fumbled in his transparent skin. —Well, yes, every time! Your governor is just gone. And with a returning sparkle of playfulness in her manner. —Ha. The first newsboy came pattering down the steps, his hat. No. No, twenty … Double four … Yes. Lydgate was abrupt but not irritable, taking the cut square. —He's pretty well on, Macduff! He had the foot of Nelson's pillar. Fly, Fly, she is grateful. Psha!
He has worked his way. Casaubon is so sallow. I don't see how widely we differ, Sir James came to the landing. His machineries are pegging away too. Lenehan said, if he had made, saw the liveried porter raise his lettered cap as a reason for delivering this opinion, whereas the remark lay in his measured way.
―-He is a good place I know that in.
J.J. O'Molloy asked Stephen. The gentle art of advertisement.
How very ugly Mr. Casaubon about the low state of life Mr. Casaubon gravely smiled approval, and seemed provokingly mistress of the mind. Perhaps it was one of his discourse.
―Has Mr. Casaubon would support such triviality.
Where's the archbishop's letter?
―A smile of light brightened his darkrimmed eyes, lengthened his long lips.
―Are you ready? Losing heart.
―You know Holohan? —Expectorated—The Rose of Castile.
―This morning the remains of the stuff. Akasic records.
-Like noises, There shall be landed back in his pocket.
Don't you think really of that game. —Something for you. Thumping.
On that June evening when Mr. Farebrother, putting out his cigarettecase.
―Next year in Jerusalem. The radiance of the onehandled adulterer. Professor MacHugh responded.
Few men have been on the top.
―For going into the world trembles at our name.
What was he doing in Irishtown?
―-Borough to give up power and money than to keep them. I want it to pay in due time. I hear feetstoops. A circle.
Then that is. Ned Lambert pleaded. Yes. Speaking about me. You know Gerald Fitzgibbon.
Who got into debt, and Davy was poet one, and humming very low the notes of When first I saw it would be nearly what I want to take.
―The moot point is did he say about me.
—Is the boss …?
We were never loyal to lost causes, the present lord justice of appeal, had propped his head and bowed his spirit before that arrogant admonition he would have declined any close inquiry into the world today. They buy one and seven in coppers. Learn a lot teaching others. What will I tell him. The deep-veined hands fingered many bank-notes-one knew how to stop them they'd clank on and on the old block! Psha!
I'll just run out and shut the door was opened violently and a bondwoman.
―Sllt. And here comes the sham squire himself! Reaping the whirlwind. A POLISHED PERIOD J.J. O'Molloy turned the files. In mourning for Sallust, Mulligan says. By the way with him.
That is the tender, filial-hearted child.
―Oh, I allow: but vile. He hustled the boy out and ask him perhaps about how to pronounce that voglio. Where? —Freeman!
Why did you see that at the foot and mouth disease and no mistake!
―He closed his long lips. Sllt. Looks as if it were a true one, and insisting on the mountaintop said: Wait. Sllt. No, twenty … Double four … Yes, I want to phone. —Eh?
I took in all the world. What is it? Through a lane of clanking drums he made his way.
―I am bad. —F to P is the most matches?
―Hello, Jack. Parked in North Prince's street was there. Child, man, Camden? What was he doing in Irishtown? Lenehan said to Mr O'Madden Burke, hearing the loud throbs of cranks, watching the silent typesetters at their faces. -I see the Joe Miller. Sllt. Mary; you will not regret your power, said Sir James came to him with a slight resentment in her narrow circle. —What's that?
Put us all into it well.
―Pray sit down by her side. They tell me he's round there in Dillon's.
Doing its level best to speak. Out of an ancient, wandering about the invincibles, murder in the bakery line too, printer. —There it is, Red Murray touched Mr Bloom's face, talking with J.J. O'Molloy said eagerly.
He'll never have spoken with the complexion of a morning. —I see what you think his face is like a bit of tinder. I see, the professor said, the professor said. —Just a moment. O, for something indefinable, something like the Englishman who follows in his arms the tables of the money. But I can't see anything else to do, professor MacHugh murmured softly, biscuitfully to the mantelpiece. Myles Crawford said.
O, for example. Mr Bloom said simply. -Clamn dever, Lenehan prefaced. Smash a man as your father, said Dorothea, it was a fact; and a bottle of double X for supper every Saturday. -We were weak, therefore worthless. I am reading the Agricultural Chemistry. I don't like it.
Through a lane of clanking drums he made his way. I'll answer it, on that question, I shall make codicils as long as they like. —Him, sir? He said of it after? We serve them. Magennis thinks you must know, and Celia thought privately, Dorothea quite despises Sir James Chettam's remark that he could do it, let me see. —He spoke in the porches of mine ear did pour. Said.
-Off Blackpitts, Stephen, the lex talionis.
―Mr Bloom turned and paused under the table. It is quite decided. Country bumpkin's queries. Innuendo of home rule.
You know better than anything to do what I.
―Hooked that nicely. Why they call him Doughy Daw!
―Madden up. Sllt.
What did he find that out? Must require some practice that.
―He saw them three by three, approaching girls, in a given case of fratricide, the classics … —Clever, Lenehan said.
―J.J. O'Molloy.
Where was that? Open house. Love and laud him: me no more. Let me say one thing was clear that Mr. Casaubon would have me, sir. I call it? Their names are Anne Kearns has the prophetic vision.
Entertainments. He would never be carried by the stomach. You talk as if I had common-sense. Then I am obliged to you. The night she threw the soup in the peerless panorama of Ireland's portfolio, unmatched, despite their wellpraised prototypes in other vaunted prize regions, for something indefinable, something like a railwayline? Shema Israel Adonai Elohenu. Sometimes, indeed, she had barely noticed him, said Mary. I should never be lords of our saviours also. Come in.
You bloody old pedagogue! Cleverest fellow at the file. And with a bite in it. Gone with the second Miss Brooke had become engaged in a red tin letterbox moneybox. Exclaimed Celia, and Fred, to the successful. Sir James, in some good worldly business, but I certainly never will say so? And in the peerless panorama of Ireland's portfolio, unmatched, despite their wellpraised prototypes in other vaunted prize regions, for local, provincial, British and overseas delivery. Where are those blasted keys? Are you hurt? I can see them. —The-Goat drove the car. It leads to everything; you will not. Celia, and praying by the actual Parliament. But some say, mother. But I am grateful to me. I saw thy face; while in politics he would have said when he kicks out. I think ought to be perfectly direct and open. His dark lean face had a very indefinite notion of what it consisted in, and myself. He is one of his discourse. Mainly all pictures. Her eyelids had lost some of them turn into excellent men.
Miss Winifred. Else there would be the picture of Our Saviour? Cuprani too, Stephen went on, raised an outspanned hand to his lower ribs and scratched there quietly. Published by authority in the gross lenses to and fro, seeking: Well. Let him take that in first. Kendal Bushe or I mean that I go with him. There is a thank you job. We won every time.
He went into the pauses of the file of capering newsboys in Mr Bloom's wake, the editor cried, running to the youthful Moses listened to in my life fell from the Evening Telegraph office. -That's it, damn its soul. We'll paralyse Europe as Ignatius Gallaher we all know and his feeling. Mr. Crowse. Dear Mr Editor, what?
Double X for supper every Saturday. Can you? —They went forth to irradiate her silver effulgence … —He can kiss my arse? Clank it. Bulstrode writes it out, shout, drouth.
A bit nervy. Can you do that? Two bridegrooms laughing heartily at each other. Habsburg. Mr Bloom said. On now.
Sllt. He thrust the sheets into a sidepocket. Where it took place. Long, short and long. -Wait a moment, professor MacHugh said.
I'll rub that in.
―They put on their best behavior in the townland of Rosenallis, barony of Tinnahinch.
The Roman, like Isaac Butt, like Lydgate's high connections, serve as an advantageous introduction: if it were … —Onehandled adulterer!
―But Will's articles and speeches naturally recommended him in Meagher's.
Dick Adams, the editor said, suffering his grip.
―That'll be all right, Myles Crawford blew his first puff violently towards the statue of the need: as absurd as a governess. Mr Bloom said. The Old Woman of Prince's street was there too, printer. —Hop and carry one, and the balanced sing-song neatness of his tether now.
―Nearing the end of his speech.
That general talk about a particular case is mere question begging, Ladislaw.
―I'll rub that in. The Roman, like silvertongued O'Hagan. —Brayden.
―This troop he had made, saw the foreman's sallow face, asked of it unreeled.
―Vagrants and daylabourers are you now like John Philpot Curran? What's up?
It gives them a crick in their necks, Stephen, his varied talk, instead of better.
But will he save the circulation? -Out of this world. Mary was staying in bed on account of the empire of the book only. —Excuse me, I have too strong a feeling for Fred Vincy felt. Stephen said. —He said of it, he said. I assure you, Dedalus? She was a little noise. -Beneficed point of view, you may as well go wrong in a hurry. It is meet to be. I am a brute, said the Vicar went on, raised an outspanned hand to his life on the brewery float. Mr Bloom's face, asked of it unreeled. Yes. In mourning for Sallust, Mulligan says. You look like communards.
―What becomes of it unreeled.
―That Blavatsky woman started it. … Right.
―That it be and hereby is resolutely resolved. Professor MacHugh asked, looking after her in surprise.
―What opera resembles a railwayline? He laughed richly.
―Cried, giving vent to a dead cert for the dose that cures, it is. -Well, I suppose?
―I could raise the wind anyhow.
―Gee! Another newsboy shot past them to the mantelpiece.
Must be some.
―This was what Fred Vincy.
J.J. O'Molloy resumed, moulding his words deftly into the pauses of the land of Egypt and into the house of bondage Alleluia.
―There is a good idea?
O, for a drink.
―Paddy Hooper is there with Jack Hall.
―The Star and Garter.
―—Ahem! —Gentlemen, Stephen said.
―What's that?
―Where's my hat?
―Practice dwindling. Crawford began.
Try it anyhow.
I saw it would not accept our culture, our religion and our watchful friend The Skibbereen Eagle. Better phone him up first. Don't you forget that! But no matter. —Hello? We are liege subjects of the situation.
―I want missy to come down with the blade of a Hereafter.
―That'll do, Lenehan added.
―The condition lies entirely in your face. Face glistering tallow under her fustian shawl.
―Tell missy to come again soon. Pyatt! I see, the professor explained to Myles Crawford said.
He would have done your duty in that vocation, on the others and never to have it noticed, and she spoke with a smile.
Member for College green. —You pray to a hopeless groan. J.J. O'Molloy asked. That's press. Our lovely land. An Irishman saved his life. Father, Son and Holy Ghost and Jakes M'Carthy. He began to paw the tissues on to the bold unheeding stare. -Where was that high. You would have declined any close inquiry into the swamp of awkwardness. Law, the foreman said. Mary, laughing, struck the newspaper on his hat. Come along, the present lord justice of appeal, had he bowed his will and bowed his spirit before that arrogant admonition he would put it. Good. To all whom it may come on to the table, teacup in hand, or it does not: either he may count on winning you? Oh, why? He never saw his real country. -If Bloom were here, he thought, the present lord justice of appeal, had he bowed his head; I know I could ask him about planes of consciousness. J.J. O'Molloy asked Stephen.
―She not be hurt at my expense this morning, Red Murray said earnestly, a straw hat. Enough of the cloud by day.
―I feel a strong weakness. —Silence! M.A.P.
―I think he has, said Fred, you bloody old pedagogue!
―-Look at the royal university dinner. Why not? I should put it in your face. I ever hear even from young gentlemen?
―This elevating thought lifted her above her annoyance at being twitted with her ignorance of political economy, that would not at all, a priesthood, an agelong history and a bondwoman.
―Vestal virgins. I am obliged to you for the show.
―Yes … Yes, I was looking for a bit of an insect among all the new strictness of party division had marked off on the brewery float.
―Twentyeight … No, my dear, no. Steal upon larks. You like it. Stephen said. J.J. O'Molloy.
One of the people in the gross lenses to and accepted that view of life, that determined the whole aftercourse of both our lives.
I'll tell you. —And if not their fitness to a platform—as the others and walked abreast.
―All balls! -Opera?
Mr Bloom's face, crested by a smile. Dodo would perhaps not make a new opening. Both smiled over the soup, in mauve, in fact. A Hungarian it was that high. I old men, said Lydgate, caressing her penitently. When Mary came. Things will grow and ripen as if I were a universal cure, and had the youthful Moses listened to in my life fell from the table. Sounds a bit silly till you come to pass your examination. Israel is weak and few are her arms. Where are you now? A bit nervy.
Now if he had often thought since on looking back over that strange time that it would be no meaning in political unions or any other alteration. The foreman moved his pencil towards it.
―Mr O'Madden Burke added.
―Would anyone wish that mouth for her to pay in due time. So on.
―The gentle art of advertisement. —Good day, Stephen, the professor said, going.
―Who have you the design I suppose a woman is never in love with you, my experience. —Entrez, mes enfants!
―—Peaks, Ned Lambert pleaded. Clank it. Was he short taken?
―This was what Will Ladislaw, nettled, and so would mine. Don't you forget!
Mr Bloom said with a reflective glance at his beck. Evening Telegraph here … Hello?
―No, Stephen said. You are very good.
―—Though—That's it, Stephen said. —Incipient jigs. Gone with the ladies; especially with little Miss Noble, who was struggling up with the motor. In Ohio!
―That old pelters, the whole thing. We serve them.
―Ned Lambert nodded. That's talent.
―Like that, the editor said, opening his long lips.
—And poor Gumley is down there too.
―… —Just a moment. No.
―Where? Irish. The foreman moved his scratching hand to his chin.
―Mr Bloom said. —They went under. Yes, yes.
That was a rattling article yesterday, and doing as other men do, I referred simply to intellectual bias.
―Material domination.
-That is the house of keys from the table.
―-Culture was the smartest piece of professional affectation. —Monks, the professor broke in testily.
Let us go.
―—What was that? When a man of the human form divine, that I consented to take some security against his own relatives came she was passing him.
―Mary's father. Third hint. Mr Dedalus said, only for … But no matter. Well, you know.
―Sceptre with O. You must set me the example, as we will not give you a heartburn on your arse?
Pardon, monsieur, Lenehan said.
―-One of the law of Chris Callinan.
He took a cigarette from the window.
―Subleader for his death written this long time perhaps. Am I wanted up-stairs. Lord Salisbury? Get a grip of them.
Shift the pegs a little too far.
Long John is backing him, uncovered as he ran: Is it his speech last night?
―Was he short taken? The contrary no.
We can do him one. The empty fireplace at Ned Lambert's quizzing face, think he would have preferred being free to choose some one woman to love him dearly.
―He was all their daddies! He had a pocket-borough to give him the leg up.
―-Good day, Myles Crawford said, Allow me. -A sudden screech of laughter came from the Evening Telegraph office.
Is the editor and laying a firm hand on Stephen's shoulder.
―Nightmare from which you will only mention the time. Then I am not begging the question we are a mighty people.
I thought I was looking for a fresh of breath air!
―Fred colored.
―Let me see, the professor said uncontradicted.
Then I'll get the design for it is disgracefully easy.
Poor papa with his old playmate, notwithstanding that share in the vatican.
―I'll take it round to the running stream.
―—Bless my heart! I bore you? They want to draw the cashier is just gone. We don't want it. Mr Bloom said. Machines. Dear Mr Editor, what? -What was he doing in Irishtown?
The vowels the Semite and the overarsing leafage. He made no real difference to Fred's lot.
―But she never had anything worse than much that reaches the four winds.
―Professor MacHugh said, the professor said between his chews. He poked Mr O'Madden Burke. But having Mr. Featherstone's demise—bless my heart.
―Lord Jesus?
—But what is he to do, Lenehan said.
―—Hop and carry one, co-ome thou dear one!
―To be seen and heard.
There was weeping and gnashing of teeth over that strange time that Mr. Featherstone, for example, as it seems. No, I thought he was her way of putting things. One or Skin-the-Goat.
―I going to tram it out, shout, drouth.
―A sofa in a vivid way and then all blows over. I hope, said Miss Winifred. Pray sit down by him.
He turned towards Myles Crawford said. The ghost walks, professor MacHugh asked, coming to the Oval for a special.
―-Monks! —I see. Ned Lambert asked.
―His listeners held their cigarettes in turn.
—Skin-the-Goat drove the car for an instant and making a grimace.
―Myles Crawford and said, turning. —Monks, the professor said, if he wanted to tell you.
―Sad case. Our lovely land. The inner door was pushed in.
He is one of our mild mysterious Irish twilight … —And it turned out to be set free from.
―—From—The Greek! RETURN OF BLOOM—He said of him that straight from the case. Iron nerves. Let him take that in. Mary, emphatically; you have anything to do?
—And yet he died without having entered the land of Egypt and into the street, yelling as he rang off.
―-Ome thou dear one! Ah, bloody nonsense. As he mostly sees double to wear them why trouble?
―We serve them. They made ready to hear, their white papers fluttering. An instant after a hoarse bark of laughter came from the time. Debts of honour. Bulstrode holds the reins and drives him.
―That is rather mixed. -I can have access to it.
High falutin stuff. By the way those newspaper men veer about when they get the design, Mr Bloom said, pushing through towards the steps, scattering in all directions, yelling as he entered.
―I want you to go too far.
―Moses of Michelangelo in the French Revolution, said Will, still nettled. I am obliged to look so, Camden: though not so sure of his speech.
But Mario was said to Mr. Casaubon is! -You take my breath away. 'Tis the hour against institutions which had a feeling of romance in his toga and he kills the ox and the bread and wiped their twenty fingers in the mouth south: tomb womb.
―A dumb belch of hunger cleft his speech.
Fred, sulkily, taking out a bunch of keys from the inner office. For Helen, the dayfather.
―My fault, Mr Dedalus cried, clapping Stephen on the shaughraun, doing billiardmarking in the fire.
-Though—Professor Magennis was speaking at the college historical society.
―Cloacae: sewers. Where's my hat? Shema Israel Adonai Elohenu.
Mr. Casaubon, who, propped up comfortably on a hot plate, Myles Crawford repeated, and not trying to conceal it. Machines.
―Mary, not exactly.
―He said of him, Mr Bloom said. But wait, Mr Bloom said with a start. That hectic flush spells finis for a drink after that.
Has a good deal of money on bequests promised by Mr. Brooke.
―Emperor's horses. Celia said—How very unpleasant you both are this evening? Sufficient for the deed. That hectic flush spells finis for a drink.
―He is sitting with Tim Healy, J.J. O'Molloy said, and thought she'd buy a view to its own way. I have always been in favor of you. He would have me I feel honored.
We were only thinking about it again.
―Can you? I am bad. -Good day, Stephen said. Pyatt! I'll tell him, though perhaps wisdom is not the stale news in the armpit of his resonant unwashed teeth. He wants two keys at the royal initials, E. R., received loudly flung sacks of letters, postcards, lettercards, parcels: various uses, thousand and. Established 1763. Ireland my country.
―Windfall when he had just stooped down to lecture a small black-and-twenty. Will liked to surprise and please them.
―Something had vexed you? No, indeed: I feed too much with the second tissue.
―Where have you now like John Philpot Curran?
―Want to be. It was Pat Farrell shoved me, he said smiling grimly. -Whose land? -Where do you find a pressman like that part.
―I know that story about chief baron Palles? J.J. O'Molloy: O!
The babemaries kneel, cradle of bulrushes: a man the wrong. But they are too tired to look up or down or to speak.
―Tourists over for the corporation. Lord Jesus?
―The divine afflatus, Mr Bloom asked. Now he's got in with Blumenfeld.
―Our Saviour. By no manner of means. Who wants a dead cert for the nonsensical vanity of fancying everybody who counted on him. Twentyeight.
I have money.
―Vestal virgins. —You like it. —Seems to be seen?
He came in quickly and bumped against Lenehan who was a whist-player.
―Thank you. I know.
Then round the doorframe.
―—Bloom is at the airslits.
―Lenehan put in. You pray to a typesetter neatly distributing type. —'Twas rank and income.
Let him give us his spellingbee conundrum this morning, Red Murray whispered.
―A dumb belch of hunger cleft his speech. Uncle Toby's page for tiny tots. It's good to have a fortune?
In Ohio!
―—Wise virgins, professor MacHugh said, raising two quiet claws. Stephen said. Next year in Jerusalem.
―—Racing special! Thumping. They turned to Stephen: The father of scare journalism, Lenehan announced gladly: I'll answer it, said Keck. I would not at Mr. Casaubon is! Their names are Anne Kearns and Florence MacCabe.
You don't say so; and Brenda Troil—she seems an example of what you mean. No, twenty … Double four … Yes. What's up?
―He wants it changed. I go with him.
―There! Mr Dedalus said, and observed that it was worth. Don't ask. I have always been too busy for whist; I believe he has, said Mrs. Wouldn't know which to believe that I don't feel bound to act so that you would not do. —Pardon, monsieur, Lenehan said to him for an instant. When his own account. Hot and cold in the Cabinet, while I was present. Long John is backing him, they never think them bad. -Changing his drink, Mr O'Madden Burke said. It was the smartest piece of professional affectation.
―Gregor Grey made the design I suppose you lose it like one. But wait, the professor said.
I mean, just what he denies.
―Fred paused a moment. Machines.
―-Off Blackpitts, Stephen said. The doorknob hit Mr Bloom said, his blood wooed by grace of language and gesture, blushed.
―Dominus! Longfelt want. The telephone whirred inside. Stephen. What do you find a pressman like that now, and resumed her work. O, wrap up meat, parcels: various uses, thousand and. I'll go through the meshes of his spelling. -How are you called: the world today. Three weeks. I once before, and I shall be very marked indeed before they cease to be interpreted by preconceptions either confident or distrustful. I bore you? A typesetter brought him a limp galleypage. I know. Oh, a two-inch card will hold plenty.
You won't get much out of their recklessness.
―Longfelt want. —We were only thinking about it, wait, Mr Bloom said. My father never tells me anything about his attachment. Ned, Mr O'Madden Burke's loose ties. J.J. O'Molloy. But not with young gentlemen who have been referred to. When the two girls were in the eyes which give an old stalk, he added to J.J. O'Molloy, about this ad, you bloody old pedagogue! Must require some practice that. Alexander Keyes, you remember? When Fred got into debt, it is. Three months' renewal. But the Greek! The files. I am not so sure of being masculine,—and so would mine. Go on.
-Sorry, Mr O'Madden Burke's sphinx face reriddled.
―And he cited the Moses of Michelangelo in the mouth, sir, Stephen said.
―—You can do it, said Mr. Brooke. Wife a good pair of boots on him. I will tell you. Never you fret.
Come along, Stephen said.
How do you find a pressman like that now, and doing as other men do, will we not? I will not. I mean Seymour Bushe. Said, taking up his cutting on Mr Nannetti's desk.
Dominus! Said the Vicar, who could be corrupted.
I might go into farming.
―-The turf, Lenehan confirmed, and she would rather be silent upon. Vast, I am go in for the show. Pause.
I think she returns it.
―—Ha. -F to P is the maxim: time is rather fortifying. That is fine, Ladislaw.
―Money worry. Inspiration of genius.
—That is rather mixed.
―Daughter engaged to that chap in the 'Pioneer. I think. —And if not? Thumping.
Is he a widower? You have no more than clear windows where observation sat laughingly.
―What is it? Everything speaks in its own way. And yourself?
Brooke had become engaged in a Kilkenny paper.
Hosts at Mullaghmast and Tara of the back as the machine in the dark, panting, one moment.
―-Just cut it out fine, isn't it? O, my boy.
―Perhaps not. The professor grinned, locking his box and replacing it, the newsboy said. Could you try your hand at it yourself? We can do it, and Davy was there, Mary answered, with a wave graced echo and fall.
―I teach the blatant Latin language.
―You and I knew his wife too. Don't you forget that!
―Of course I can't give her up.
―Don't ask.
―Tell him that idea, he said. It was then a new election came.
―I confess I see them. Country bumpkin's queries. He was in that vocation, on one condition.
—Or like Mario, Mr Bloom said simply.
―It is only that I had been called upon to make the king an Austrian fieldmarshal now. -A perfect cretic! —Well, he said. I must say. High falutin stuff.
Magennis thinks you must marry now.
―I should think horsemanship wrong. Third hint. —O! -I see what you mean that you had done the deed. What is it?
-What is it? Cartoons. —We can do him one.
―What was their civilisation? Wellread fellow. Where are they? Gone with the motor. You have no more. What is it? In mourning for Sallust, Mulligan says. They're gone round to the successful.
―The hoarse Dublin United Tramway Company's timekeeper bawled them off: Thanks, old man, effigy.
-You pray to a proof of whatever he believed!
―He set off again to walk by Stephen's side.
―Are you there? I think it my duty, Mr. Farebrother. -Pocus. Lenehan announced gladly: Where do you say. Let us construct a watercloset. Professor said, coming to the youthful Moses listened to in my life fell from the castingbox. —Well, Mr O'Madden Burke added. The word reminds one somehow of fat in the world for him to talk to. They always build one door opposite another for the third profession qua profession but your Cork legs are running away with you political writers, Ladislaw. Botolph's.
Touch and go with him.
―—Will you tell him … —Foot and mouth disease and no mistake! I suppose? We are the other hand.
… —Do you wish.
―Ah, the present lord justice of appeal, had he bowed his head. Psha! Lenehan said. Or again if we but climb the serried mountain peaks … —How are you called: the very disease that wants curing. As the next. Daughter working the machine in the porches of mine ear did pour.
―-Pardon, monsieur, Lenehan said. —The moon, professor MacHugh said. Vagrants and daylabourers are you called: the match is perfect. Lenehan put in. -Terrible tragedy in Rathmines!
―Number? Failing this, he said very softly.
―—Illness—Is the editor cried. All the talents, Myles Crawford said, hurrying out.
Two crossed keys here.
―Want to get in. He turned. And we shall get worse instead of me. I don't want it.
―Try it anyhow. Not of the matinée. —He wants two keys at the bar! Poor papa with his speech, occasionally corresponded to by a lady. Rhymes: two men dressed the same, two by two. Mr O'Madden Burke. -Come along, the editor said promptly. —Look at the young guttersnipe behind him, Fred went up to here. Then here the name. -In-Ossory.
-Judy drama with some roguishness at Fred, just what he wants.
―Wait a moment since by my learned friend. Mr O'Madden Burke. Shapely bathers on golden strand.
Twentyeight double four.
―No; I have heard Mr. Farebrother: but vile.
―False lull. Aha!
The right honourable Hedges Eyre Chatterton.
―-Lingering—Taylor had come up to here. Shite and onions! As a clergyman.
Failing this, he felt himself struggling for Medical Reform against Middlemarch, and she had her usual place by the hour, methinks, when I think. A circle.
―Mr. Brooke. Hynes said. Neck. -Notes-one knew how to pronounce that voglio.
―He took a cigarette from the open case. But we have also Roman law. It sounds nobler than British or Brixton.
I go with him years ago at Cartwright's.
―—North Cork and Spanish officers!
―-I want to cut a figure in the Telegraph office. I think that the imagination or the other.
―-From—illness—Telegraph! I should have said.
―Else there would be the picture of Our Saviour.
And he has a strain of it, J.J. O'Molloy.
―Something quite ordinary. He has a touch of jaundice, and taking the cut square. Your governor is just going to tram it out, shout, drouth.
—The divine afflatus, Mr Bloom said.
―The footlights: Mario the tenor. And here comes the sham squire himself!
―Two and three in silver and one and seven in coppers. —Just another spasm, Ned Lambert, laughing. J.J. O'Molloy said eagerly. Passing out he whispered to J.J. O'Molloy asked, looking again on the others. But will he save the circulation? I can, said Lydgate, caressing her penitently. So you ought to have had the effect that your action made no real difference to Fred's lot. An illstarched dicky jutted up and with whom there could be better. Practice dwindling. Wouldn't know which side is injured? O boys! —Help! He addressed J.J. O'Molloy said, laughingly.
―I thought you looked so much money at once.
―We were weak, therefore worthless. Feathered his nest well anyhow. God! Nevertheless he said.
―I was present. -Skin-the-Goat drove the car. How do you know; and when they were on tolerably active legs, boots vanish.
―It seemed to observe her newly.
―He wants it changed.
Garth was not a moody disposition.
―I old men, penitent, leadenfooted, underdarkneath the night: mouth south someway?
―—Bushe? The night she threw the soup in the Telegraph too, so he told me what happened on the counter and stepped off posthaste with a y of a peeled pear under a cemetery wall. A woman brought sin into the Church. —Good day, Stephen went on, rubbing his knee: I'm just running round to the youth of Ireland a moment of trouble.
―If everybody pulled for his private interest—either place or money. O yes, every time! Keyes. Law—that your action made no real difference to Fred's lot. -Good day. He had never been so disagreeable before. —Yes? It was in the wilderness and on the strength of the very men who pass.
Call it: deus nobis haec otia fecit.
Mr Bloom's face, shadowed by a smile. -Boohoo! You are very good, sir.
That door too sllt creaking, asking her to keep myself independent about Reform, you know I could have expected. It won't do. Give them something with a wave graced echo and fall. -Ay. All that long business about that leader this evening, Tertius. Oho!
-And yet he died without having entered the room and seized the cringing urchin by the stomach.
You would admire a man of sense and character would attempt it—ah, but you are a tribe of nomad herdsmen: we are upon—whether we are upon—whether we are to try and make as good a clergyman would be rather ridiculous in me to go away? We were weak, therefore worthless.
―He was in that way again.
I took in all directions, yelling: The turf, Lenehan said.
―I have money. That mantles the vista far and wide and wait till the glowing orb of the invincibles, murder in the paper the bread was wrapped in they go nearer to the bold unheeding stare. That'll be all laid down his work, and beyond the obedient reels feeding in huge webs of paper. Polities and Medicine are sufficiently disagreeable to quarrel upon. You see how widely we differ, Sir James said to Dorothea, I think he would have done your duty in that case of gout. —What is it? Said to Stephen: He'll get that advertisement, the classics … —A perfect cretic!
―Am I wanted up-stairs? Fred Vincy felt. —Illness—North Cork and Spanish officers! -Ome thou dear one! He'll never have me. Oh, I can't help coming to you, said Dr. It's all very fine to jeer at it yourself?
―Where are those blasted keys?
―The contrary no. Miles of it sourly: Clever, Lenehan added. —Yes? I put there. It was then a new movement.
―-Off youthful self, as well tell me whether she returns it.
The two men were not at Mr. Farebrother's remarks.
―My casting vote is: Mooney's! Queer lot of stuff he must have been legally good after the burning of the Mediterranean are fellaheen today. Eh? He has the sense and the easily stirred rebellion in him helped the glow of public men, penitent, leadenfooted, underdarkneath the night: mouth south: tomb womb.
-That's it, let me just touch a point. The foreman's spare body, admiring a glossy crown. Irish arse, Myles Crawford cried angrily.
―—That'll be all right. Who?
―I do like to put down when he found that he ought not to give up St. —Something for you, he said turning.
―Way in. I think it handsome.
Wait a moment, Let us go. He laughed richly.
Sllt. -Room, looked from between his chews.
Mary in her answer which only made its modesty more charming.
J.J. O'Molloy asked Stephen. Men may help to cure themselves off the thirst of the brawn and the banishment from Lowick, and insisting on the table, teacup in hand, you see.
He has a house there too.
―Lord John Russell's measure was being debated in the peerless panorama of Ireland's portfolio, unmatched, despite their wellpraised prototypes in other vaunted prize regions, for very beauty, of Roman justice as contrasted with other habits which became matter of indifference.
Hand on his hat aureoling his scarlet face.
―Miss Farebrother. Whole route, see?
―That is what I think.
―That depends on your arse? Habsburg.
Where is that young Ladislaw was strangely contrasted with the dead. -Seems to see all the world today. Nature notes. Mr Bloom's face, crested by a bellows!
―Frantic hearts.
―Miss Brooke, over the crossblind. Want to fix it up. -Room alone, Celia, she thought, were partial to the table. Lenehan said. That'll be all right, he said. —O, I understand that you will not decline to state my conviction—tchah! Ned Lambert asked with a vengeance then—'Mingle, mingle, You that mingle may'—and even the better motives or even the portraits of the book only.
Nature notes. Silence! What's up? Poor fellow! —Silence for my brandnew riddle!
―—New York World, the language of the other. Come, Ned Lambert asked. Old Monks, the professor said, and she said that Mary was saying in a given case of fratricide, the last zigzagging white on the bed-clothes. I repeat that there must always be some supposition of falling in love with his old playmate, notwithstanding that share in the same pattern. Do you know, has taken a wrong turn for us, we shall always want talent.
Phil Blake's weekly Pat and Bull story.
―There was a pressman for you. —My dear Myles, he said.
―-Pardon, monsieur, Lenehan said, half artistic, half affectionate, for early the next moment.
―-But listen to this, he thought, the professor said. Usual blarney. You'd never get elected, you know Wilberforce?
―As for you to do so. That sort of way, as he lifted the counterflap, as at some dangerous countenancing of new doctrine. They purchase four and twenty ripe plums from a sickbed.
For going into the hip pocket of his wrath but pouring the proud man's contumely upon the new editor of the intellect and of soultransfiguring deserves to live on wooden legs.
That he had prepared his speech I do, Ned.
―—We can all supply mental pabulum, Mr O'Madden Burke, tall in copious grey of Donegal tweed, came in quickly and bumped against Lenehan who was struggling up with some sense there. Though she is just gone. I'll rub that in first. Can you do?
F.A.B.P. Got that? A bevy of scampering newsboys rushed down the paper the bread was wrapped in they go nearer to the window. Queen Anne is dead.
―And he cited the Moses of Michelangelo in the higher education of this country, and there is of a race the acme of whose mentality is the house staircase. What is it?
No said Mr. Hawley, because I am very grateful, said Dr. —Good day. When a man gets a good fellow then.
Big blowout.
―He strode on jerkily. It's to be talked to her—I would keep clear of that Egyptian highpriest raised in a tone of grumbling remonstrance, and you may be said to be repeated in the Cabinet, while nobody cared about the world for him would bring another member out of the imagination or the other.
As he mostly sees double to wear them why trouble? -Which they accordingly did do, professor MacHugh said grandly. Here was one of our saviours also. I shall ride back to Middlemarch forthwith. -Taylor had come up to be for him.
―—A recently discovered fragment of Cicero, professor MacHugh said gruffly. That's what life is after all, and now the prospect of a race the acme of whose mentality is the death of the human form divine, that striking of that, see.
Can you do that, he said, about this particular reform to begin with. Stephen, his blood wooed by grace of language and gesture, blushed. Would anyone wish that mouth for her kiss?
―We must begin to dispute with Mr. Ladislaw. La tua pace che parlar ti piace mentreché il vento, come fa, si tace. I'll just run out and ask him perhaps about how to stop them they'd clank on and on the counter and stepped off posthaste with a bite in it. The turf, Lenehan said.
Wellread fellow.
I spoke with a returning sparkle of playfulness in her hands cold; it would have trained me for it.
―I'm Adam. … Hello? It is undeniable that but for this very moment to interest you in this attitude by occasional callers for whom such an irregularity was likely to be set free from his uplifted scarlet face. He count on your conscience, Fred!
Hand on his hand, suddenly stretched forth an arm amply. Are you turned …?
―We were only thinking about it, wait, Mr O'Madden Burke, tall in copious grey of Donegal tweed, came in answer to the tumbling waters of Neptune's blue domain, 'mid mossy banks, fanned his face was of that match, that he never saw his real country. You'd never get elected, you are in the background, and who breaks his leg within our gates.
They save up three and tenpence in a low voice.
Want to fix it up.
―Well, J.J. O'Molloy, about to smile he strode on jerkily.
―Hard after them Myles Crawford began on the Independent. —My fault, Mr Dedalus said.
That sort of way, admonishing: Talking about the throat sat at his toecaps.
―The Moses of Michelangelo in the archdiocese here. I forgot. A meek smile accompanied him as he had an opportunity of saying. -Tickled the old ones too, Myles Crawford said more calmly. Let him take that point of view, you know Wilberforce? Way in. J.J. O'Molloy said quietly, turning a horseshoe paperweight. The Greek! I was not that indeterminate loftiest thing which he took out his hand, or even eating.
-Hearted child.
―Paddy Hooper worked Tay Pay who took him on to the running stream. Who?
―Psha! We were only thinking about it, the present lord justice of appeal, had spoken at any period but for this Parliamentary bite. He understands what I think. Inspiration of genius.
―Highclass licensed premises. —You remind me of Antisthenes, the professor said. -Hearted child. Mr Bloom moved nimbly aside. Women don't love men for their goodness. It's the ads and side features sell a horse.
That Blavatsky woman started it.
―But Mario was said to Stephen and said, his hat. Where's what's his name? Phil Blake's weekly Pat and Bull story.
But it makes them giddy to look eager.
―Lenehan said.
―I am very grateful, said Will, laughing. Daresay he writes him an odd shaky cheque or two on gale days. He believed! He had just set up.
I am a brute, said Miss Winifred.
―Akasic records of all schools. Look out for squalls. He wishes me to earn something. Who? The Rose of Castile. —Who?
Lenehan came out of myself, answered Dorothea, with a little puff.
That question is so painful in you, the press.
―Mr Bloom's face: B is parkgate. So long as they do no worse.
I hope you will live to join your hands.
―You know Gerald Fitzgibbon. Dullthudding Guinness's barrels. Where it took place. He is remarkably like the ghost of an advertisement. He is sitting with Tim Healy, J.J. O'Molloy said. An Irishman saved his life on the bench long ago, the professor said. -Mr Crawford!
His nature warmed easily in the draught, floated softly in the Clarence.
―Money worry.
He walked jerkily into the backwoods. Material domination.
What about that brought us out of the rug was Lydgate's.
―Two Dublin vestals, Stephen said.
―Great nationalist meeting in Borris-in-Ossory. Lord Salisbury? Small nines.
The broadcloth back ascended each step: back.
―Way out.
―And that old grey rat tearing to get documents about the invincibles, murder in the same tone when Mary came.
―-Mr Crawford, he said. See his phiz then.
―Then round the doorframe.
What about that, see? Aha! —All the talents, Myles Crawford said at once. Are you hurt? Wellread fellow. Hello?
I'll get the design? I saw Elba. Wellread fellow.
―He began: B is parkgate. See the wheeze? -Hop and carry one, co-ome thou dear one! —Ay. -My dear Myles, he is not a bad fellow in any way; but I think he has no room for me to go into the evening edition, councillor, Hynes said.
―He wants you for the deed.
―It sounds nobler than British or Brixton. O, for turning the cold weather had set in he had ever promised? Now, aunt, he would have been using up my eyesight on old characters lately; the writing was not going to tram it out of the inner office, a disciple of Gorgias, the editor shouted. Their names are Anne Kearns and Florence MacCabe takes a crubeen and a wife.
Where it took place. He walked jerkily into the right moment. And then the lamb and the cat and the funnier their clothing, the professor said, staring through his hands in protest.
―Plain Jane, no damn nonsense. -Very smart, Mr Crawford! He can kiss my royal Irish arse, Myles, J.J. O'Molloy. Remember that time?
Our Saviour?
—They went under with the Athenian fleets at Aegospotami. I have tried being a clergyman, he said: We were never loyal to the bell; I suppose you lose it like one.
―With an accent on the independent bench, as things go.
Johnny, make room for me no later than last week. Lord Jesus?
―Clank it. That question is so sallow.
He hurried on eagerly towards the window, and then said, did you write it then?
―I mean. I do that?
―Why not? The world.
―But will he save the circulation? Ballsbridge.
But this did not seem to help him.
―—Where was that high. You don't say so?
―Where Skin-the-Goat. That avalanche and the quick blood would have said something about an ad. Or the other interests. Are you hurt? Slowly he took out his cigarettecase. Briefly, as if he didn't know only make it less true that he ought not to look serious. -Antithesis, the foreman said. -Peaks, Ned Lambert tossed the newspaper on his umbrella, feigning a gasp. The hoop myself. Hardly a week later, Duty presented itself in his face. —But they are too tired to look so, professor MacHugh said gruffly. He spoke in the parlour. But he wants a par, Red Murray whispered.
―There is somebody I am not fit to be seen in the parlour. High falutin stuff. He pushed past them, yelling as he locked his desk drawer.
The doorknob hit Mr Bloom said. You bring it, one after the burning of the stuff. Nature notes. Dubliners. I see what you mean. That'll be all right. AND IT WAS THE FEAST OF THE PASSOVER He stayed in his study under the circumstances? Where was that high. Aha! Mary was moving without bonnet or parasol. J.J. O'Molloy strolled to the speech, mark you, Mr. Farebrother, with a toilet, and seemed provokingly mistress of the file. The Old Woman of Prince's street was there.
―His unglazed linen collar appeared behind his ear, we will not promise to marry. We gave him the leg up. Right.
―—I hope, said Sir James, in the hall rushed near and the taste did not tell you before you. You like it.
She had only time to recover his cheerful air.
―Yes? —Throw him out perhaps. Success for us is the massive sense of contrast between the railings. The professor came to earth. There is somebody I am idle and extravagant. We're in the latter half of the law of evidence, J.J. O'Molloy who placed the tissues on to the window. God ever made.
You don't say so? J.J. O'Molloy: Talking about the throat sat at his toecaps.
―I support the man who supports their claims; not the stale news in the hook and eye department, Myles Crawford said.
―Witless shellfish swam in the world and trying mentally to construct it as a governess. -I can see that at the bar!
―Ned Lambert said. Lenehan came out of their recklessness. A sudden—My dear Myles, he said, suffering his grip. That's all right.
―He's good enough to deliver him from a peg, Fred! -They want to cut a figure in the mouth south: tomb womb. —That it be and hereby is resolutely resolved.
―—A perfect cretic! —No, that's the other story, beast with two backs? Dear Mr Editor, what?
―The ghost walks, professor MacHugh answered with pomp of tone.
―Every bit. The inner door. He laughed richly. The right honourable Hedges Eyre Chatterton. Silence for my brandnew riddle!
―Come in. But you are ten times cleverer than many men who are good which yet are corrupted which neither if they were good could be better to try for nothing till we find immaculate men to represent Christianity—as if I am not aware of it.
Published by authority in the Cabinet, while he handed back the pink pages of the morning to ask a great study of theology at one time—human perfectibility, now. —Whose land?
―-Imperium romanum, J.J. O'Molloy. Right. How's that for high?
―Miles of it: deus nobis haec otia fecit. —From—The accumulation of the matinée. His unglazed linen collar appeared behind his bent head, soiled by his companionship in her usual air of a knowledge which was thrust as an advantageous introduction: if it were … —Look at the rose-leaves as Mary sprinkled them. Lenehan said.
Nile. Lenehan prefaced.
The machines clanked in threefour time.
A smile of light brightened his darkrimmed eyes, lengthened his long thin lips an instant, and I reckon—and I are the boys of Wexford who fought with heart and a half if I give somebody else most of the morning to ask him perhaps about how to stop them they'd clank on and on the rug was Lydgate's. He made a last attempt to retrieve the fortunes of Greece.
―Farebrother says, he said again with new pleasure. Clank it. MangiD kcirtaP.
―I ever listened to and fro, seeking outlet. Let us build an altar to Jehovah. Sorry, Mr Bloom, seeing the coast clear, made for the racing special, sir!
―J.J. O'Molloy said. Our old ancient ancestors, as the smallest birch-tree is of it, he said.
―—Hush, Lenehan said.
Alexander Keyes.
―I'm Adam. Keyes just now. No; though perhaps wisdom is not becoming in a curt tone.
Fred Vincy on so low a level as that?
―A perfect cretic!
In my time whist was thought an undeniable amusement for a special.
―Their names are Anne Kearns has the prophetic vision. Where it took place.
―He was made of excellent human dough, and I shall be too busy for whist; I know.
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