takethepresent · 5 years
New Website
Go ahead and make your way to www.takethepresent.com 😇
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takethepresent · 5 years
February 4, 2019 - Life Update
Hello all.
This is just a random life update :)
I have decided to move to Wix. I went with Tumblr because I liked the blogging features and the ability to code. However, I no longer wish to make Tumblr work. I want the people who visit my website to have a good user experience. This may very well be my last blog post on Tumblr. I am unsure how much I will like Wix’s blogging features. It is possible that I will continue to use Tumblr. It is also possible that I will leave it alone.
Regardless, thank you to all of my followers. It’s still crazy to think that so many people resonate with my words.
My life is going well. I am slowly moving toward a kind of work life that I could enjoy for the rest of my life. Currently work is going well. I am getting more and more confident. It seems clear that I should just push toward my dreams. I know my inner genius can take me all the way.
Conscious coaching is going well. I really feel like I am providing quality service to my current clients. I am slowly incorporating more clients. I hope to finish my new website soon, so I can start creating client features.
Life has been really peaceful lately. I think I finally understand my worth.
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takethepresent · 5 years
February 21, 2019 - Breaking a Cycle
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A follower of mine messaged me to ask me how to break this cycle. This is what I told them.
It starts with insecurity about oneself. This insecurity has emotions involved that need to be surfaced. These emotions will remain a mystery until one actually surfaces them. However, it would seem that you struggle to actually feel these emotions mindfully. Perhaps you are experiencing numbness.
No worries though. You will manifest a trigger to surface these emotions. However, you blame the trigger instead of appreciating it. You believe the trigger is what encourages the insecurity. No, the trigger is just surfacing what you are numb to. You are the one encouraging the insecurity by blaming the trigger and continually suppressing the emotions involved.
Then, you go one step further and judge yourself for this. You judge yourself for being so easily controlled by your external reality. You judge yourself for being a victim. You realize that if you blame your sensitivity, you can suppress your sensitivity and suppress how much the emotions hurt. You can even suppress the effectiveness of the trigger in this way. Doing this continually results in self-hatred, constantly rejecting core parts of yourself out of fear.
The cycle repeats.
However, this time around, you have even more emotional numbness because you suppressed your sensitivity. Therefore, you manifest an even bigger trigger because the old trigger won’t be enough to counteract your numbness. Now, you blame the trigger even more because it is even worse than the last trigger. Now you reject your sensitivity even more and hate yourself.
The cycle continues.
What do we do?
1.Stop judging yourself for being so easily controlled by your external reality. Stop judging yourself for acting out so impulsively. When you can be mindful of this instead of judging yourself, you can start to peel back the layers.
2.Each time the emotions get triggered, DO NOT BLAME THE TRIGGER. JUST FEEL THE EMOTIONS MINDFULLY WITHOUT ASSIGNING MEANING TO THEM. If you do this correctly, the emotions should start to surface. Other false securities will also start to surface. In other words, other triggers may surface or other things you blame for your the way you feel may surface. Note that blaming things for why we feel “good” is still blaming your reality for the way you feel. In fact, this kind of blame is often in our “blind spot”.
3.Now you will finally be able to feel the emotions involved with these insecurities. You’ll find that the insecurity slowly fades as you are just left with emotions. If you feel these emotions mindfully, you will find something beautiful inside.
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takethepresent · 5 years
Hi brian! I noticed that everytime i like a boy i start getting cold or nervous because i dont want them to think im too needy, they turn out thinking im not interested/approchable, how could i act properly without being needy?
Note that this has nothing to do with the boy and everything to do with the things you like about him and how it makes you feel. These feelings will help you understand the emotional story going on. In summary, you are seeking validation through this boy. You are dependent on this boy to validate some identity (which is used to suppress uncomfortable emotions). The fear you have is the fear of losing this identity and confronting these emotions. You start to get cold because you are cold to the part of yourself that you are using the identity to suppress.
You can alleviate this situation by reminding yourself that acting a certain way will not make him like you more. He can only like you if you are truly yourself. The same applies to you. You cannot act a certain way to get yourself to like yourself more. You will truly like yourself when you are truly yourself.
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takethepresent · 5 years
Hi Brian! Can you please explain schizophrenia and psychosis? Especially hearing voices in your head. Sometimes I feel like I can hear/ sense other peoples’ thoughts, but recently I took molly and found that what I thought were my boyfriends thoughts, were not at all in fact. I feel like I’m going crazy.
For the most part, schizophrenia and psychosis are labels used to describe a very normal condition that has escalated into its later stages.The vast majority of mental health disorders can be described as a “fragmented mind”. The more fragmented the mind becomes, the more it can experience unusual things.
Perhaps your idea of “crazy” is simply the opposite of your idea of being “normal”. In this way, some part of your mind has become compartmentalized and labeled as “crazy”. Let this part of yourself come to the surface. It has a story to tell you, and the more you suppress it, the “crazier” it will become.
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takethepresent · 5 years
January 6th, 2019 - Decapitated
I went through some crazy stuff relating to my body.
Essentially, I reconnected my body like never before.
Imagine being dismembered. Imagine your body being cut up into bits.
That is what we do to ourselves emotionally.
I was amazed to discover this and feel this. It was so excruciatingly painful. I felt like a complete mess. I felt ruined.
We really blame our body for our issues and cut off parts of our body.
I feel really good now though. I used to have terrible circulation in parts of my body due to this. Now, I can finally feel these parts of my body, and it feels amazing.
I didn’t realize how much I took my hands for granted. I love feeling fluid in my hands. I do so much with my hands, and I take them for granted.
Basically, my entire body feels like a huge penis. What I mean by that is my entire body feels extremely sensitive. Just feeling my body gives me orgasms.
I can finally release all of this tension in my muscles too. Now, when I stretch or get a deep tissue massage, it is extremely effective.
Please work on body scanning meditation. Please treat your body like a sacred temple. It is such a beautiful masterpiece.
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takethepresent · 5 years
December 12, 2018 - Possession
Before I wrote my last blog post, I had just recently dealt with the first part of my possession issues. It became clear that everyone was possessive. We tend to only notice extreme versions of possession like significant other’s being possessive. However, we tend to not realize how possessive we are in so many other ways.
I first realized I was possessive when I watched myself eat food. I realized that I scarf food down from a place of possessiveness. I even noticed it at work. There were leftovers, and I rushed over there to get a plate before the food was gone.
I realized that I am so possessive of the food that I eat that my body doesn’t even digest it. The food is covered in fear. It just comes out as it came in, hence my digestion issues.
As I am surfacing this, I am realizing the extent to which our possession exists.
We struggle to appreciate anything without trying to possess it or identify with it. Instead of appreciating the flower, we attempt to possess it by picking it (at the expense of the flower).
We are even possessive with our thoughts. This attachment even creates shame toward our thoughts. If we have thoughts that are not “pleasant” or not socially acceptable, we shame ourselves. Inevitably, the cycle escalates.
The thing about possession is that it results in so much internalized guilt, blame, judgment, and shame. There is this underlying feeling of “why do I ruin everything?”. If we identify with/possess something and it deteriorates, we automatically blame ourselves for the deterioration.
The ways that we possess our body is the most important subconscious pattern.
Instead of loving our body unconditionally, we love it conditionally.
I love you if you accomplish ____.
I love you if you look this way.
I love you if you make me feel this way.
This creates fragments in our body. We become numb to parts of our body depending on whatever conditions are satisfied, whatever if’s currently apply in the present moment.
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takethepresent · 5 years
December 10, 2018 - Action Potential
Today, I dealt with the duality between action and potential.
We tend to think of the two as separate. This also creates issues with accomplishing things and/or enjoying “work”.
The illusion lies in seeing the action as separate from the potential. We think of potential as our capacity to achieve things in the future.
However, in our nerves, an action potential is a change in charge across a membrane. This is different in that the change ALREADY happened. Essentially, an action potential is a “spark”.
What does this mean?
We tend to see our dreams/potential as separate from our actions/work. We think of our potential as what we do before the action is accomplished. What if we saw the two as the same? What if the two happened simultaneously?
What if, the infinite spark inside of you, was seen as present in every single action of yours?
It seems like we use our actions to validate that spark.
Truthfully, I am not really sure what this means yet. I just surfaced this after crying a lot. Today was a big day for me I suppose.
I do intend to talk about sex. I am still debating between a voice recording and a blog post. I also want to move off of Tumblr soon. I keep putting it off though.
We will see what happens.
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takethepresent · 6 years
What are you studying in college? What are your career goals?
I was an MIS (management information systems) major. I also took a lot of psychology classes. I intend to use my technology and business skills to create a platform that will revolutionize the health industry. I hope to utilize my understanding of psychology to aid me in this as well.
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takethepresent · 6 years
heellloo . i usually dont take insults from people personally but theres only one person in particular who really gets on my nerves when he insults me. Im aware of the memories that have resulted in me hating him but I still get angry when he does something to me. what do i do now?
Feel your anger mindfully. It seems some part of yourself is angry that you have treated yourself so badly.
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takethepresent · 6 years
do you think it's possible that our soul can stay stuck on earth or somewhere "in between" when we die? for example people who commit suicide or had a very cruel and painful death...
It seems like the more attached you are to your life on this planet, the more likely you are to stick around after death.
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takethepresent · 6 years
I haven't been living in the present in so long.. I read your belong on the present. "Can you remember the moment you won a championship? Can you remember the moment you first saw your newborn? Can you remember taking in the vast beauty of an incredible view? The way these moments feel are the exact way living in the present moment feels" but what if I remember that my dad doesn't allow me to have friends or go outside? Makes me feel lonely and my loneliness results in compulsive internet use?
Seems like your “present” moments that you are attached to relate to going outside or having friends.
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takethepresent · 6 years
My friend tells me that if I starve myself, she's going to starve herself... She does that to make me feel guilty for my disordered eating.. Help? Should I stick up for myself?
You can maybe tell her that feeling guilty about your eating disorder is currently your biggest obstacle in actually dealing with it.
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takethepresent · 6 years
How do you work through social anxiety? Like a real practical way. Like actual steps towards that. I'm not incredibly awkward, but around people I don't know, sometimes I just don't speak. And then I feel weird. And I feel like because of this, it's hard to make friends.
You stop blaming your anxiety on your social interactions.
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takethepresent · 6 years
Hello, who do i deal with fear of becoming a pedophile also known as Pedophilia OCD? I asked myself why and i feel like my extremely lack of self worth and love lead me to think i could be a monster. Not sure. Maybe its because i carried th guilt and garbage from my past sexual abuse that i experienced when i was little and im so quick to think that im a survivor who didnt deserve it but a monster who did deserve it... Idk. Please help?
You sexualize the loss of your inner child. You judge your inner child as a monster. These sexual desires you experience are actually a desire to reconnect with your inner child. Every time you judge yourself for these desires, you feel more like a monster. For some reason, your brain is wired to replace “nurture” with “sex”. As you feel sexual feelings, realize that some part of yourself is calling out to you to be nurtured. Meditate on all of this.
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takethepresent · 6 years
How do I get over someone I wasn’t in a relationship with? We were close, but it didn’t happen. I constantly check my phone hoping to see a message, missed call, something... I won’t ever again. & I know it but I can’t release this false hope.
You are attached to a certain feeling that you are searching for in them. Realize that it comes from within. Meditate on this feeling (as well as the lack of this feeling) and all relevant emotions will surface for you to feel and release.
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takethepresent · 6 years
what do you think about someone having sex from a detached perspective with someone they used to be in a relationship with? Like having sex and it being nothing more than that at all. what would that lead to for the person involved, emotionally and subconsciously?
If there is no attachment, then it would probably be fine. However, if there was no attachment, they probably wouldn’t be having sex.
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