#poulet basquaise
greatcombinations · 4 months
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askwhatsforlunch · 11 months
Euskal Sukaldea
As you may know, I am currently holidaying in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, being pampered at a spa hotel, and discovering the Basque Country. Or, re-discovering, rather. We had a family trip in the region years (possibly decades!) ago; but we were in Biarritz. This week, where we’ll also visit the rugby rivals of Bayonne, I also intend to expand my knowledge and repertoire of Basque Cuisine. My Euskal Sukaldea may be tiny now, but when I return, it will be with plenty of memories and recipes, from pinchos to that cake stuffed with black cherry jam!
Basque Cashews
Basque Gambas with Creamy Tomato Sauce
Skipjack Tuna with Courgettes and Tomatoes
Basque Vegetable Rice (Vegan)
Poulet Basquaise (Basque Chicken)
Piperade (Vegetable Omelette) (Vegetarian)
Rabbit Basquaise
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jhesite · 7 months
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jjeremysstash · 1 year
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Part 1
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the interesting oc asks for uhm. decord. looks away.
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How good is their sight?
Very good! A little known fact is he can also see in the dark like a cat or fox might be able to :) Do they have any scars?
I think its.. 60-70% of his body is covered in scars? Not necessarily just his burns, other scars too. He has very little skin that isn't scarred though. Do they have any bad habits?
Decord is a kleptomaniac... How tall are they?
192cm! Where do they like to hang out?
In his room, alone, with a good book. Sometimes he'll read in the common area of the bunker though. Just to exist with the sounds of other people.
How do they respond to criticism?
It depends on who and how. If it's coming from say.. Sulien or Inessa, even if the tone is off, he'll take it in stride and apply it where he can. If it comes from say Tartaglia, even if the tone is good, he'll turn his nose up and ignore it. People in between it usually depends on what the criticism is and how they told him. Might apply it, might not. Do they prefer crowds or being alone?
ALONE. What's something that will always make them smile?
Queer answer: Galin. Realistic answer: His sister's smile. Can they cook?
One of the best of my Genshin ocs... What's their favourite food or drink?
Poulet Basquaise is his favourite food, but he loves fontaine(french) cuisine in general. he misses it a lot! His favourite drink is wholeheartedly water. GOOD CRISP water. Do they make multiple trips or carry it all at once?
Carry it all at once, he'll use his hydro tendrils to help him if he must. Have they ever had their heart broken?
More than he'd like to admit. Have they ever nearly died?
Well Decord died. straight up, died. and now he can die and come back as much as he wants. It sucks. Do they get sick on amusement park rides?
Nah, Dec is fine. Are they allergic to anything?
Well not anymore lmao... He used to be allergic to bees. Are they the 'mom' friend or the 'suck it up' friend?
SUCK IT UP absolutely. But also only HE can say that, if somebody else is unnecessarily rude to someone he's close to, he'll go down fighting.. Do they have any pets? If not, what would they get?
Does Galin count???? anyways no, he doesn't. He'd probably do well with a big ass dog or a snake though. What did they want to be when they grew up?
He wanted to be Chief Justice.. Do they like to stargaze?
The inky black sky reminds him too much of limbo. It.. suffocates him now. Glass half full, or glass half empty?
Half empty. Have they ever killed anybody?
Several somebodies. Do they have any regrets?
More than he'd like to admit. Decord has done many things, has stooped so low. He's disgraced himself. What do they fear the most?
Coralie refusing to accept him as her brother now that he's become a fragment of who he was. Are they the type to gamble?
Surprisingly, no! Do they have any unique skills?
WELL being an interstice is unique to him and only he can cause other ones so?? How do they respond to spicy foods?
Doesn't bother him. He loves spicy food. Gets a lil sniffy though<3 Is their living space tidy or cluttered?
Organized clutter. How do they break bad news to someone?
Doesn't sugar coat it. He'll be there for them if the news is particularly painful, but he ain't gonna hold it back. Do they have a collection of anything?
Books! And all the paintings he's stolen. Are they an only child?
Nope! He was for a minute tho lol Do they have a comfort item?
His scarf.. It's his mother's. Whats the most valuable thing in their possession?
His skeleton key. Which is why its such a big thing he gave it to Galin out of "nowhere". Do they prefer to sleep alone?
Decord thought he did, but then he started getting cuddles and now he's kinda obsessed with cuddles. Do they use one blanket and one pillow, or do they sleep on nest of fabric?
Since he rarely sleeps, it doesn't particularly matter? He's fine with nothing or with a lot of items. (Galin, however, sleeps in a nest of fabric. so Dec has gotten used to this) Would they take the chance to be immortal?
*stares into the camera* help him. Are they a competitive person, even for fun?
Yes, he was childhood friends with Emil Baudelaire and Laure Plouffe lmao.. Are they a good liar?
The best even<3 Do they like to be indoors or outdoors?
Indoors. Can they swim?
He can!! Do they know that they are loved?
He needs to hear it one more time, please..
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perfectreviewpuppy · 2 years
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c-h-pictures · 2 years
Mum: Oh, we could have had poulet basquaise.
Me: Which is?
Mum: Basque chicken.
Me: Which is?
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photos-car · 10 days
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lonesomemao · 1 month
Blonde Nathalie
37664 Facebook
Pays Basque
Rue de la République
Habite à Saint-Louis
Alsace France
Elle flic situ
Poulet à la Basquaise
Il n'y a plus de Roi Taureau en France
Et le Cardinal Richelieu n'est plus
Samedi 13 avril 2024
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my-visionplaisir · 8 months
Mon poulet basquaise
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dixvinsblog · 9 months
Les recettes du blog : Maquereaux à la basquaise
Maquereaux à la basquaise à consommer chauds ou froids accompagnés d’un filet d’huile d’olive. C ‘est quoi ” à la basquaise ” ?  C’est une préparation à base de tomates, de poivrons et d’ail qui sert d’accompagnement à un poulet ou une omelette par exemple.  Mon panier pour 4 personnes 4 Petits maquereaux vidés  500 g de Tomates  1 Poivron vert   1 Citron non traité  2 échalotes   2 Brins de…
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Winter Comforting Stews
And on cold days when you fancy something warming and hearty, these Winter Comforting Stews are just what you are looking for. Slowly simmered meat or fish, in a broth or thick sauce, but always fragrant and tasty! These few recipes, from all over the world, make one relish a a numbing chill!
Poulet D.G. (Chicken E. O.)
Stoofvlees (Dutch Beef and Beer Stew)
Spinach, Sweet Potato and Lentil Dahl (Vegan)
Potée Auvergnate (Ham Hock, Sausage and Vegetable Stew)
Bourguignon Stew with Cheese Dumplings
Poulet Basquaise (Basque Chicken)
Prawn and Trout Bouillabaisse
Sea Bass with Potatoes and Carrots in Saffron Cream
Burns Night Scotch Broth 
Petit Salé aux Lentilles (Ham Hock and Lentil Stew) 
Lamb Tagine
Sweet Potato Chicken Curry
Hearty Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken Mafé
Beef Stew with Fluffy Dumplings
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looybi · 1 year
Comment cuisiner le poulet basquaise ?
ICYMI: https://looybi.com/style-de-vie/cuisine-comment-cuisiner-poulet-basquais-2020-04-03?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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lepetitlugourmand · 1 year
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@vititoempanadas : Quand deux frères argentins Nicolas et Facundo, passionnés de gastronomie, décident d'ouvrir un restaurant dédié pleinement à l'empanada, cet addictif petit chausson farci de gourmandises, cela donne "Vitito Casa de Empanadas". Situé en plein coeur du Vieux-Nice, ce lieu simple et authentique est non seulement un hommage à Vitito, le grand-père, mais aussi à la convivialité argentine. Nicolas, chef de cuisine baroudeur et autodidacte, a traversé de long en large le continent sud-américain à la découverte d'inspiration et de cultures culinaires. Après un séjour « coup de foudre » gastronomique en France, il décide de s'installer à Nice. Il travaille un temps comme chef de partie à Peixes, puis son esprit d'entrepreneur le bouscule et il créé @afeulent06 traiteur Asado-BBQ argentin pour des évènements privés et des manifestations publiques. C'est en voyant la passion et l'engouement de ses clients pour l'empanada qu'il décide, avec son épouse d'ouvrir leur établissement et il embarque son petit frère Facu dans l’aventure. Tout est fait suivant les recettes traditionnelles. La pâte est fine et croustillante, les savoureuses et pimpantes farces maison sont préparées avec des légumes locaux et de saison, les viandes coupées au couteau mitonées avec amour viennent d'exploitations environnantes, comme la ferme Le Mérinos à Utelle ou de La Saurea à Tourette-Levens. A découvrir et déguster sans tarder : Poulet fermier façon basquaise, Caprese (mozzarella tomate basilic), Pulled Pork effiloché échine de porc pruneaux sauce bbq, Jambon-fromage, Végétarien (légumes de saison), Vitito ou Vitito Picante(boeuf "Angus" coupé au couteau) sans oublier la suggestion du mois, par exemple, boudin créole, noix, pomme granny smith et mozzarella ou encore inspirée d'ailleurs comme le Brasilera frit aux crevettes, poivron et mozzarella.... et accompagnés des sauces maison : Chimichurri ou Criolla. Pour terminer en douceur on peut compter sur l'empanada dulce de leche ou pomme, vanille-gingembre. Ces petits chaussons du bonheur se dégustent sans modération @vititoempanadas #empanadas #asado #vieuxnice #cotedazurfrance #streetfood #argentina #nissalabella #local (à Vitito) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpX5mDLI858/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nightmdic · 1 year
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And to one (1) medic, a little container of poulet basquaise tied with a ribbon. And… maybe the crumbs of what was supposed to be some biscuits but the hastily written apology note in the Christmas card will explain why they aren't there anymore and why letting a cat in the kitchen is a hazard for all parties.
Except for the cat, of course. She's not at all sorry for destroying the biscuits.
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She’ll certainly have a little laugh about the biscuits, and adore the food he’s given her that night while she celebrates christmas in the clniic. 
@stormhcted​ || Gift marie for xmas!
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Methode la plus simple pour Preparer Fait maison Poulet basquaise Cookeo
Methode la plus simple pour Preparer Fait maison Poulet basquaise Cookeo
Bonjour tout le monde, bienvenue sur ma recette page, si vous cherchez recette de Poulet basquaise Cookeo, ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Nous ne vous proposons ici que la meilleure Poulet basquaise Cookeo. Nous avons également une grande variété de recettes à essayer. Avant de passer à la recette de Poulet basquaise Cookeo, vous voudrez peut-être lire ce court conseil sain intéressant sur Des…
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