#possessive graham
suchawrathfullamb · 3 months
you know the mocking "I don't believe you" Will said to Bedelia? okay but how fucking perfect it would've been in season four for him to say some shit like "look who's on the other side now, bitch" cause I'm telling you, the face this man makes when she says "I was with him behind the veil, you were always on the other side" was pure murder
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cherrypearlsx · 2 months
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Me and who
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thegroundhogdidit · 3 months
possessive hannibal is like. okay. yeah obviously. but possessive WILL???? oh hannibal is PREENING under the attention he adores every time will grabs him in public or pulls him away from a social gathering because he's WILL'S man and he wants everyone to know it. there's nothing hotter than when will kills someone for keeping hannibal's attention for too long
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chaiteat · 1 year
Liver in the mailbox? More like you’ve got a De-LIVER-y amiright
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crueldesire · 2 years
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separation can be a terrifying thing.
louise glück, ‘for my mother’ / dead ringers (1988) dir. david cronenberg / jane eyre (2011) dir. cary joji fukunaga / hannibal (2013-2015) / dante émile, journal entry / possession (1981) dir. andrzej żuławski / anne carson, ‘the beauty of the husband’ / hannibal (2013-2015) / dead ringers (1988) dir. david cronenberg
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
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LEON + ASHLEY - Ashley successfully fighting back against Saddler's will, saving Leon.
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imagionary · 8 months
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Graham losing his absolute shit on Twitter cause he didn't place first in the popularity contest
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wreckedmascara · 2 months
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a hannibal mood board because i love being aesthetic.
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nhescio · 3 months
Okay I have a visceral need for a hannigram time travel fic but instead of the typical Will or Hannibal fix-it, the person that time travels back is none other than Frederick fucking Chilton. Like imagine Chilton wallowing around all crispy and stuff after being human torched wondering what he’s done to deserve everything he’s been through. And when he’s finally okay enough to be discharged from the hospital to go home, an anvil falls on him or smth. And as he’s lying there incredulously, he’s like, yknow what? Im not even upset about this. I think Ive suffered enough near death experiences. Please just let this one put me out of my misery. And as his eyes finally drift shut, he hears an alarm blaring in his face. An alarm from his phone. His phone which, when he goes to shut it off, displays an impossible sequence of numbers— the plastic screen shinning with a date from four years past.
So after freaking out and confirming that he is indeed in the past, (and weeping in joy over his unmutilated body) Frederick does the obvious— he packs his bags, pays a visit to the bank, and gets on the next available flight out of the country.
And then his plane crashes and he dies.
But of course he doesn’t die because that seems to be a common theme in Frederick Chilton’s life!
So he’s jolting out of bed again to that same alarm and he tries not to tear his own face off (not that he would ever actually do that cause he knows how easily he could lose that precious face). And (after a few more tries) since this time loop bs isn’t letting him run away, he does the next best thing— phoning the FBI with a tip so that they would investigate Hannibal Lecter and put him behind bars for good. But of course Hannibal somehow finds out and discretely shakes the FBI off his trail while simultaneously sending one of his murderer protégés after Frederick. And so not even a month passes by before Frederick finds himself dying and waking to that infuriating alarm again.
And he keeps going through different loops trying to avoid being “murder tableau of the week”, but failing miserably every time. After dying for what feels like an infinite number of times, he’s realized two main consistencies. Number one, he can’t personally expose Hannibal Lecter as the ripper if he doesn’t want to be gutted, and two, the sooner Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter begin their weird courtship, whether from Frederick’s deliberate meddling or from ripples of unrelated actions, somehow he’s left with much less blood and chaos in the aftermath. In one incredible timeline, Frederick even managed to only sustain one life threatening disembowelment for three years before accidentally making a rude comment about Will Graham’s lack of a social life, thereby leading to a cold death in the Atlantic.
After this revelation, he vows to get Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter to bang each other as soon as possible for the sake of his own self preservation— going through elaborate plans like befriending and recruiting the FBI’s forensics team, or snapping Jack Crawford out of his obliviousness so he’d bluntly give them a nudge, or even once flirting with Will Graham himself to get Hannibal Lecter jealous (note: that attempt did NOT end up well).
And one day, after a shocked text from his “Sassy Science Matchmaking Squad” group chat proclaiming that Hannibal and Will, lovingly dubbed Hannigram by the group, had spontaneously quit their jobs and run away to Europe together, Frederick suddenly realizes he hasn’t been stabbed or burned or maimed or drowned or disemboweled once! He thinks back to his early success in this timeline— silently high fiving with Beverly and Jimmy (Zeller, the spoilsport, had refused to partake) while voyeuristically watching Will and Hannibal shyly having their first kiss in the shadows of a filthy crime scene. In fact, he didn’t think anyone in their immediate circle had been stabbed or burned or maimed or drowned or— well you get the point.
And as one year turns to two to four to eight with no word from Hannibal or Will except the occasional postcard, a sort of cautious optimism starts building in Frederick’s heart. The years continue to fly by until one day, Frederick finds that his hair has turned a snowy white, and that his legs are too weak to support his aching body. He tries to take in a breath to laugh but it comes out as a wheeze. He’s at the end of the line once more, but this time at the end of a healthy, fulfilling life. His only wish is that he’s finally allowed to move on. And as he feels his life slowly drifting away from him, Frederick wonders if he’s accomplished whatever divine mission that godforsaken time loop had wanted him to complete. It really feels like he did the best he could this life, preventing every possible death on the East Coast by sending Hannibal and Will packing early. Sure, he feels bad for the poor suckers in Florence or Paris that were probably flambéed for a pretentiously fancy brunch, but realistically, those two would always leave a body count no matter where they went.
All Frederick wants now is to pass in peace. With a heavy sigh, Frederick willingly closes his eyes one last time, content to move on into whatever lies in the beyond.
And he dies. For real this time. Woohoo!
The End
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woeswrites · 2 months
Yandere Will Graham
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Warnings: Yandere themes, Obsessive behaviors, Brief mention of rape/rapist, Dubious consent (mention of sex while under the influence), etc.
Notes: I am trying to be active again (fingers crossed). Headcannons are a really easy way for me to get the creative juices flowing. Don't be surprised if a few more come out after this one lol.
You were a recent survivor of an attack
No, it wasn't the Chesapeake Ripper
It was just some other wannabe serial killer trying to get his rocks off
He had a dumb, stereotypical name too
The midnight slasher? midnight butcher?
Something like that
The media wasn't very creative with it
Whatever his name was, he'd clearly had a type
Young men
All of a similar stature
With the same hair and eye color
All known to known be up at all hours of the day
It was a pretty open and shut case in Will's eyes
He was a plain and simple lust killer
Most likely white and in his 30s-40s
Classic closet case turned homicidal
He hadn't seen why the FBI was so stumped on the whole thing
The only real trouble was the lack of DNA evidence
He'd been real good at cleaning up after himself
Will knew he'd slip up eventually
This wasn't the type of guy to be so well organized for long
Does being murdered by your most recent victim count as a slip up?
Because that's exactly what happened
He was called to the scene with the rest of the team
The sight of you trembling, covered in blood, and standing over top of that creep was his first impression
You met his eyes and he was unable to pull away
Something about your tear blotched face held him captive
Jack tasked him with asking you questions about the events at hand
Normally this would have annoyed Will
He wasn't the talking type
Let alone someone sensitive enough to make such a traumatized person feel comfortable
But something in him didn't mind so much
Maybe it was the way you looked so vulnerable
Or the fact that no matter how much he pushed the idea away, he saw himself in you
An innocent man turned murderer under the right circumstances
"I'm Will Graham and I'll be asking you some questions."
"God, okay. I'm Y/n. Can't really say it's nice to meet you."
Will tried to start off slow
Ask the basics before moving onto the more pertinent information
You'd answer to the best of your abilities (considering the circumstances)
It took Will a second to jot down your responses
He'd get a little too caught up in your features to notice you'd stop talking
"Sorry, what was that? You got off work at 9?"
There was something admirable about your attempts to infuse your story with a bit of dry humor
Likely a coping mechanism
But Will found himself smiling a bit at your quips
By the time he'd finish up with you he'd felt a little attachment form
Sure the case was over on his end
But it didn't stop him from asking Jack about you
At least a couple times a week
"How's things going with that self defense case? Y/n's...?"
Will showed up the next day with your case fill on his desk
The sticky note stuck to it warned about annoying Jack with too many questions
He'd spend all night re-reading the details
Without noticing he began slipping in and out of re-enactment mode
Imagining you on top of him
Knife in hand
Crazed look in your eyes
He tried to shake the image away
He shouldn't be doing this
It wasn't right
You could've died that night
His guilt ridden thoughts did nothing to lessen the tent that had formed in his pajama pants
He tried to push the idea of you out of his head
Usually he'd have more control over himself than this
His resolve was strong at first
He'd hidden the manila folder away in the depths of his lower drawer
Telling himself he'd drop it
That worked for a couple of days
That was before he started dreaming of you
Events that he hadn't preformed himself took ahold of him
He became your attacker that night
He chased you
He ripped apart your clothes
He was the one who you fought off
He's the one who you thrust that knife into
And he loved every second of it
No, he couldn't
This was just his empathy disorder
He was just in character
This definitely wasn't him
He would never want to do any of that stuff
And he'd prove it
He had memorized that file from front to back at this point
It wouldn't be weird that he'd known your address
He was an FBI consultant
It was basically warranted
Will found himself picking out his best clothes that night
His newest jeans, tailored shirt, the works
Not for any particular reason
And his bed was definitely not littered with rejected articles of clothing
This was just going to be a simple checkup, it's not like it really mattered what he looked like
He showed up on your doorstep with the nicest bottle of wine he could find
"Will? Is that you?"
"Uh, yeah it is. Would I be able to come in?"
You welcomed him in, albeit a little confused
"I thought my case was cleared..."
"That's not what I'm here for. I just wanted to check in on you."
You smiled at this
And Will felt his heart ache
You'd invite him to join in on your sorry excuse for a dinner
He'd never accepted anything so fast before in his life
It didn't take long before the two of you got into the wine he'd brought
It was innocent enough at first
Just drinking and talking
You'd mention how life was after the attack
Will shared a little about his experience with GJH
Its the first time he had ever felt so utterly connected with another person before
But then the two of you got a little more than tipsy
And Will found himself leaning in
One kiss turned into another and another
Will felt a sense of static overtake him
Every touch between the two of you sent shivers up his spine
He felt the strong urge to consume
Before either of you knew it your clothes were now in a heap on the kitchen floor
You woke up the next morning with a splitting headache
Oh-- and an FBI agent in your bed
Shock was an understatement
That was when the memories of the previous night flooded back
Will woke up at the loss of warmth
Last night was the best he had slept in years
You wrapped tight in his arms, bodies perfectly intertwined
His heart sank at the look of regret on your face
"We definitely shouldn't have done that. I think you should leave Will..."
He couldn't just leave now
Not knowing what he did
That you two were made for one another
He'd try to calm you down
"Y/n let's talk about this."
You weren't having it
Mentioning how inappropriate this all was
You'd shove his clothes into his arms
Will tried to console you
Not realizing why you were so worked up
You both did just have the best night of your life after all
You'd back away but he'd continue approaching
"C'mon I know you don't really want me to go. Let's just take a second before we make any rash decisions"
"We aren't doing anything. I want you to go. Now."
Something about him coming over while you were still recovering from your distress and it all leading to this...
It just didn't feel right
Will tried to approach once more but you pushed him away
He couldn't help the smile that made its way onto his face
"Push me. Go on, make it hurt."
You were absolutely bewildered
He reached out and grabbed ahold of you
His grip was almost crushing
Like he was holding on for dear life
"I won't leave you alone that easily. Fate brought us together for a reason. You feel it too right? We're one in the same. We're each other's destiny."
He looked crazed, sweat slipping from his brow
It felt just like that night all over again
The knife in your hand as your attacker bled out
Only now Will took his place underneath you
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suchawrathfullamb · 2 months
can we talk about how Will had zero interest in Jack catching the Ripper and didn't hide it? baby girl was just fangirling in the cases like "yesss, it's definitely the Ripper 😌 look at this masterpiece. good luck catching him tho"
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How do you think feligami got together so fast? Like not why they’re clearly head over heels for each other but HOW. Who made the first move? Were they already together by the theatre or was that hand hold just the smoothest mutual wordless confession in history?? My shipping heart NEEDS TO KNOW
hehe it probably went something like this
Getting to know Felix is easier than Kagami anticipated, especially as he keeps following her.
“Goodnight, Félix,” she whispers, though she does not need to. Nobody is around to hear them. No one is watching them. It is only a taste of the freedom he promised her, and yet it sinks into her with the softness of the street lights and the prickle of the night air.  “Can I see you again?” he asks, just as softly.  She has exactly nine minutes to walk back to the ikebana studio where Tatsu will be waiting to transport her home. She can make it if she walks fast. She can linger a few moments longer if she runs. The vertigo crescendos as she remains in place, watching the gleam of headlights flash in his eyes as cars speed past.  “You should go home,” Kagami tells him, holding his gaze. “It’s not safe for you in Paris.” Félix tilts his head in acknowledgement, but the corners of his mouth turn up. “No,” he agrees. “It isn’t.”
i just love these two so much ok?
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thegroundhogdidit · 2 months
hannibal: you're the most jealous man i've ever killed for
will: you've killed for other men???
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amarriageoftrueminds · 2 months
fucked-up fic idea:
Y'know that one hannigram time travel au where they both travelled so far back in time that Will woke up as a 10 year old and Hannibal was able to rescue Mischa??
Well what if: A) Hannibal was much younger when Mischa died (more like 12), and B) they had the same age-difference as Mads and Hugh?
That would mean Will waking up, potentially, trapped in his infant body rather than his child body?? and being stuck that way for years until he can grow up again? 😬 And what if Hannibal knew that would probably happen, but did it anyway??
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gothicwill · 9 months
Hannigram are the best version of the “you’re the most jealous man i know” “you know other men??” Meme cuz it works both ways.
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