#poo mention
puissantveil · 1 year
You know...
If MK11 wanted to focus on Kitana, it could have followed the course of Kitana, upon learning the truth of her parentage, struggle to acknowledge her active participation in horrible things, including and especially those inflicted upon her own people. Her character arc would involve her galvanizing Edenians into demanding the realm stolen from them and prying their homeland out of her stepfather's hands. It would explore Edenians as a conquered and colonized people, how Edenia was a matriarchy, Sindel's plight, and the lives of Edenian women under Shao Kahn's thumb. At least one ending has her returning to Edenia with her mother and Jade, ready to start a new life with Liu Kang.
But no, easier to make Sindel cartoonishly evil and every Edenian into a soulless glitter person except, of course, for the two who abandon their identities, with Jade becoming queen of the Osh-Tekk if Kotal keeps his head. Doesn't that sound suspicious, just a little??
Even from a narrative viewpoint it's crappy story telling. An identity crisis is meaningless if one option is indefensible. Like, is fresh chocolate chip cookies vs. fresh dog shit really a meaningful dilemma?
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toddfrombestbuy · 23 days
dude u just always have poo in u at all times like what ew that's disgusting it's just sitting in there
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lanaevyssmoved · 8 months
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fascinating stuff ed
i love learning about poo
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penguinitrekking · 20 days
Probably if no interest to anyone but me!
A blog to keep track of the dog walking! Hoping it will provided a much needed dopamine rush! We shall see!!
This blog will contain mentions of poo, and may contain dog photos!
This post contains all the tags I use. Feel free to filter through them if you are interested!
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mangledscrimp · 27 days
Hersh 2.0!! haha hehe!! Here’s her ref!! as usual, i’ll provide facts and stuff about other characters involved with them as well! Claire n Clive mentions as well!
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(Also! If anyone would like to see a diagram of anything that i’ve stated here, feel free to send an ask if you need help to see what I write visually! (^ν^))
Differences between Hersh 2.0 and Regular Hersh
Hersh 2.0’s hair is much shorter and a portrayal of how Hershel had it during her college years. The hair bump is smaller. Also, their hairs are parted differently! Hersh 2.0 has cylindrical side tuffs that create curls behind the ear. Hershel’s hair tuffs do not go behind the ears and stay intact going in front of the ear! The bottom is also to even compared to regular Hershel’s hair. It’s also a smidge darker than regular Hershel’s hair color.
•Facial Features
Hersh 2.0 has no facial hair. This is because of Claire’s vague memory of Hershel during college. During college, Hershel did indeed have facial hair by her lip and cheeks (like how she normally does) . But Claire’s memory of Hershel is too foggy to remember a detail like facial hair.
-Crow feet
Hersh 2.0’s crow feet are uncolored bumps of metal by the eyes while regular Hershel has two little lines by her eyes! (No they are not eyelashes, she is a very stressed person )
Hersh 2.0 has the same color eyes as the mouth, but different bulbs of course. Her eyes are much bigger than Hershel’s eyes. To make it seem more like Hershel, Claire put a light coating of black paint over them.
- Hersh 2.0 is built to represent Hershel during college where she was once in a relationship with Claire. The age would be in the 20s.
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^- The dialogue being said is something that Hershel actually said! Though, it’s not quite right. Claire uses conversations she had with Hershel from her memory to create dialogue for Hersh 2.0. She cuts out words she does not want to hear by hooking herself up to her computer and rewrites her own memory by the press of a button.
-Clive is uncomfortable around Hersh 2.0. They believe that it’s morally wrong to create something like them for a purpose of lingering on the past. He and Claire sometimes have arguments over Hersh 2.0 and how it’s not a good coping mechanism. After Claire is too ignorant to listen to any of his advice, he decides to leave it be because he knows Claire’s life is already pretty stressful. Though he does try to encourage Claire to meet new people from time to time.
- Hershel does not know Hersh 2.0 exists.
-Since Hersh 2.0 is the idealized version of Hershel in Claire’s eyes, she is very kind and helpful! Claire generally keeps her inside the Clock Shop, stocking shelves and sorting things, but sometimes Hersh 2.0 runs errands without Claire’s knowledge (at least, that’s what Hersh 2.0 thinks) and buys things that either the house or the shop needs. Unknown to them, Claire does track both Clive and Hersh 2.0. She just feels a bit anxious not knowing where her loved ones are.
-Hersh 2.0’s body is made with the same metal as the little cogs on Clive and Claire’s hats. The reason why the forearms, forelegs, partial neck, and head are different is because claire painted it to look more like Hershel!
-Hersh 2.0 and Clive’s vest are all matching with Claire’s corset!
Also, fun little idea I have!
- Des and Claire are friends online! (yes there is the internet..I plan to bring it in somehow…) They often talk on message boards relating to machinery and share their creations with each other privately.
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spaciebabie · 8 days
how do Tumblr tags even work. is there a piss shit and poo tag and if I put the words piss shit and poo anywhere in the post or tags it drops me in the piss shit and poo tag automatically? unbelievable.
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howtosingit · 8 months
Brian I have a nice ask day ask if you wish to answer it 💜 can you pick your top 5 Rafa on screen scenes and rank them? impossible question I know. but I believe in you!
Okay the thing is I did want to answer this immediately but it absolutely crippled me with doubt 😂 so I'm just gonna do it quick like ripping off a bandaid so that I can't overthink it anymore. Also not going to rank them because I'll spiral, so you're just getting 5 great ones:
The first interrogation room scene in 2x08 (but also all Carlos and Gabriel scenes this episode). The constant shifts in Carlos as he puts things together and realizes why Gabriel's there, the heartbreak of him thinking he was doing what his father always wanted, only to disappoint him again... at the time, this was the strongest scene LS had it its arsenal (WE STAN AND MISS TONYA KONG FOREVER AND ALWAYS) and it remains one of the best ones. It's so compelling and amazing to get to see the Carlos and Gabriel dynamic on display for the first time. This episode was a game-changer and I'll never shut up about it.
It's probably cheating to say all of his work in 4x18, so if I had to pick a scene from that I would say his talk with Owen where they toast Gabriel. My only problem with it is that it's so short, but Rafa packs every fucking thing he can in there, beat for beat, and it's beautiful. His delivery on "and forget about it?" but also all the lines leading up to that. The man is fucking hollow and crushed and lost and MY GOD RAFAEL. He's so skilled at what he does, knows exactly what he's doing every time. It's sublime.
Fine, another 4x18. Carlos's vows. I'm not gonna explain that one, the man is fucking beautiful and his heart is beautiful and he puts in on display publicly for what was probably the first time in his adult life, and it's stunning.
I love the scene in 3x13 where Carlos meets Cooper. Rafa is such a brilliant comedic actor, he uses every tool at his disposal, he understands his craft so well, how to use his body and face and voice to delivery great work, he's such a standout. I adore him. I could watch that scene for hours. Also, he is really fucking distracting in those clothes.
I'm gonna pick the fire in 2x12. And I'm gonna pick it because honestly the intensity of that scene, the life-or-death stakes, the absolute devastation and destruction of it, they are fully delivered by Rafa's performance. Like, Carlos's fear is what drives the scene, and Rafa's work sells it. And I'm also going to pick it because he's shirtless and so fucking hot. I'm gay, it's true. Have fully never recovered from it. And I'm also going to cheat and say the scene continues into him crying and TK holding him. So, like, obviously a top 5.
I'm sorry I have to include it I know I already picked 5 and I refuse to cut any of them but the 3x04 scene deserves to be in here and I'm mostly talking about the montage scene where TK wakes up and Carlos is forced out of the room and then his mom is there but then he fucking gasps the breath of a dying man who has been saved LIKE HE BASICALLY SAYS NO WORDS BUT MY FUCKING GOD, THE PERFORMANCE so I'm listing it and you can't fucking stop me Lola YOU CAN'T
anyway I just really love an actor who has honed their skills and studied their craft and dedicated themselves to approaching each scene in a fresh and honest way and I'm just really fucking happy to get to watch Rafa do it so thanks for letting me rave about him Lola you're a real one ❤️
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sneakyspades · 4 months
setting out to answer the age old question "what was dumaya doing during the end and the beginning when adakias was just bleeding out on the floor of his shack?" he was doing this
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theladyofbloodshed · 3 months
Teaching my class the difference between closed vs open-ended questions. Can anybody think of an open-ended question that begins with “when”?
Me and the whole class:
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vimbry · 10 months
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the-acid-pear · 1 month
random luly lore but i was nicknamed polly pocket as a kid. I guess because. iw as cute? and liked those dolls??? im not too sure
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catinasink · 4 months
I'm so proud of my cat
she pood. in the right place. for once :D
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ragnarvizsla · 1 year
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I really had to make this, and this meme is me during the whole time I was watching the finale.
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mirror-ralsei · 8 months
the nature of being a utdr theorist is that we must constantly prostrate ourselves before Toby’s Curse, that odious truth that declares the likes of “trash” and “pipis” to be crucial plot relevant terminology. keeps us humble
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scuopsie · 3 months
Just rescued a cat that was trapped on the roof for 3 days 😪
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mysticmoondancer · 1 year
Was sitting in my room last night...thinking of MBAV, of course. And suddenly something hit me! Well, more like two things, but the second one will have to be in a separate post since it’ll be super long.
Anyway, in ‘Siren Song’ they never give any background to Serena or why she’s even there at Whitechapel High, anyway. Like, yeah, I know she’s there to make others “feel her pain” and all. But like... what exactly IS this so-called pain of hers that she wants everyone to feel, as well? Did something really tragic and bad happen to her? And if so, did it happen at the school or something?
And if not, then why did she even come to Whitechapel High for anyway, out of all the other possible high schools she could’ve went to? It’s as if she just randomly decided to show up one day to wreak havoc at the school before she’s satisfied and then just moves on to the next school/town.
And did she even have any parents to begin with? Surely, she did or else how would she have gotten enrolled to go to school there? And after her defeat by the gang (or rather, them killing her), wouldn’t her parents begin to wonder where their daughter is at after not seeing for so long? Or the school for that matter! Lol! And if she didn’t have any parents, then surely a legal guardian or something? I mean, I’m sure teenagers can’t enroll themselves into high school without a parent or legal guardian. Unless they’re legally emancipated to be able to make their own kind of important decisions like that without legally needing someone who’s 18 years old or older, that is.
Also, (and could be wrong here) I thought the singing of sirens made people drawn to them by putting them in a trans-like state of mind, leading their victims to their own demise. Typically, either by crashing their boats on rocks and watching them all drown to death or die from their injuries after hitting the rocks pretty badly, or maybe even just drowning them themselves. NOT make them just want to fight each other! I mean, I get that Whitechapel is a town that’s not by any kind of massive body of water (like a huge lake or the sea), so that meant their song couldn’t draw in their victims and cause them to crash their boats on some rocks. But still though! It’s like they just wanted to have the gang to face off against a siren, but had no real idea as to what her backstory would be, though. They just lazily threw her in and called it good. I don’t get it! Like, does making them want to beat each other to a pulp just make her feel good emotionally or does she like... feed off their anger and rage (or just the chaos even), is all?
Anyway, that was my little rant (or whatever) about the episode “Siren Song”. At least, about the villain in it, that is. Lol! 😜
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