#pollinator daily post
a-very-tired-jew · 1 month
Fandomization, Fervor, and Fuck Off
A consistent and appalling behavior since October has been the fandomization of the I/P Conflict by anti-Zionists and co. Many of us on this site have documented and talked about such behavior. From my own personal experience it reminded me of certain anime fandoms back in the day when they first emerged. If you weren't talking about it and it wasn't all consuming then you were a problem. I remember conventions being hell as these new fandoms crashed photo shoots and panels that weren't about them. The way in which anti-Zionists crash into other issues to make it about their particular one is reminiscent of these behaviors. As I've stated before, my toes are dipped into a variety of scientific topics as an ecologist. One of them is climate change and for the past few months the conversation within CC spheres has been forcibly turned to I/P and the "wanton destruction of the Palestinian landscape by the evil Jews Zionists. Thereby proving they're not indigenous because no indigenous culture would destroy their landscape." Never mind that the conversation prior to that moment was about pollinator loss due to climate change and habitat loss. This is Fandomization and Fervor. The want to drive your fandom into every single topic and make it everything. But now? We're in the Fuck Off stage, and I don't mean this as us telling anti-Zionists to fuck off, I mean the Fandom is telling people within it to Fuck Off or, at least, shut up. Since the beginning of this conflict there have been moderate voices within the anti-Zionist activist movement. We talk about the outright antisemitic and hate fueled ones here, but don't talk about these persons enough. The Moderates are the ones within these spheres that get pointed to when we bring up antisemitism because they bring nuance to the movement and try to curb the worst of the vitriol. They are the ones that screen capped and held up besides the token "Good Jews". While they didn't necessarily have as much of an impact in the beginning of the conflict due to the lack of numbers and the overwhelming fervor, zealouness, and righteousness of anti-Zionists, they are being noticed now. Many of the spaces I am in that posted incessantly every day and had multitudes of conversations about I/P throughout them have now become relatively silent. There might be a brief conversation over the course of 30 minutes here or there, an article gets posted every few days, and the AJ update is the only daily posting. Now, when larger conversations kick off there is more attention paid to the Moderates and the nuance they bring because it's not rapid fire anymore. People don't have to scroll back through hundreds of messages to find the nuance, it's right there and it's loud and clear. So they're being told to Fuck Off In every space I am in I have seen some variation of "Shut up, every time you talk the conversation ends" told to the Moderates. Why? Because each time they are addressing something that would have radicalized people earlier in the conflict. They are addressing outright hate and/or contradictory messaging. The culmination of which has been talking about the Islamic Republic's recent attack on Israel. I have seen them blatantly call out their activist community for celebrating an attack by a country that stands antithetical to everything its members say they stand for (LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, political rights, etc...) and jails, tortures, and kills people like them. As such, the Fervor and radicalization of new fandom members can't happen, and I see it angering the people whose entire identity has revolved around the Fandom and the hatred associated with it. The cognitive dissonance that the Moderates invoke in the radicals has resulted in some outright hatred in these communities that I thought was reserved only for us Jews. But now? Now it's clear that the most ardent members of the Fandom are just full of hate. That's it. They don't actually care of Palestinians, they just want to justify their hate and wallow in it.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/02/2024 Daily Recap
TLDR; SaveOFMDCrew Tumblr Updates; How To Help; Twitter Hashtags; Daily Lists; Reminders: Appreciation Events; Live Rewatch OFMD Party with Q+; Operation Auxiliary Wardrobe; Cast & Crew Sightings; New Watch Partys; Actually reasonable Articles; Stats; Petition Status; Morale; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
= Save OFMD Crew Tumblr Up =
The SaveOFMDCrew Tumblr is finally up and running! Due to some weirdness with accounts they'll be under @saveofmdcrewmates as opposed to the regular name. This will have the same news as the other platforms so feel free to give them a follow.
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== How To Help ==
Twitter folks: looks like @SaveOFMDCrew as well as several other people who've been leading the charge on twitter wanted to remind everyone on when to use what hashtags. Apparently there's been some cross pollination and they wanted to try and clear it up. Thank you to @havethisonelife for summarising.
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Haterade Posts:
#OhBloysHeMad , #TheNumbersWereThere, #FinishOurStories Avoid: #DontStreamOnMax
When Advertising ourselves:
#SaveOFMD #AdoptOurCrew
Horny Posts:
No tags (Edit: @SaveOFMDCrew said it was ok to use #OurFlagMeansDeath on horny posts, just no other tags).
Suggestions for How to Help
Looking for ways to help? There are still daily ideas for you here: How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
Cast Appreciation Events!
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Tomorrow is Day of Damien! A day to shower Damien Gerard (Father Teach) with support and kindness for all he's done for our fandom! He has been hitting #SaveOFMD events pretty hard trying to support us! 
When to start: Saturday February 3rd, 6 AM CST, 7 AM ET, 4 AM PT, 12 PM GMT  Hashtags: #DayOfDamien
His Social Media Accounts:
Linktree (has his cashapp, etc) / Instagram / Twitter / Twitch / Tiktok
== Live - Rewatch Party with Q+! ==
This rewatch party is particularly important because the crew is really trying to get people hyped for the BBC launch of s2 on Feb 5. Everyone is hoping that if the s2 launch in the UK shows huge interest it'll be a huge boon for the potential for s3 with the networks.
Sunday Feb 4, 2 PM GMT / 9 AM ET / 6 AM PT
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Watch Party Hashtags:
=Operation Auxiliary Wardrobe=
Do you do applique, crochet, cross stitch, embroidery, knitting, needle felt or any other textile-based OFMD Art? Wanna join a fun group of participants? Starting next week there will be a recruiting drive for a new fabric+thread project mid-month if people are interested! If you want to jump in now you can message @ForceMonument on twitter, otherwise other avenues will be opened sometime in the coming weeks!
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=Cast & Crew Sightings =
This is from 01/26/2024 but I missed it and I feel like it needs to be shared. Dominic Burgess being a goofball badass as Jeffrey Fettering singing a 18th century version of the Friends theme song. <3 (Apologies for the quality of the video, I had to record it off my screen so people didn't have to go to Twitter). Twitter Post.
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Wee John Wednesdays Mondays are back!
Mon 5th Feb, 10.30pm on Kristian Nairn's Instagram
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You can see a running list of current/upcoming watch parties here.
Thank you @libbyroseitm for the new Watch Party!
Uncle Season 1 watch party on i-player. Thurs 15th + Fri 16th Feb (GMT - 8 PM , ET - 3PM, PST - 12 PM)
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Catered specifically for the UK crew, but we'd be thrilled for anyone else using VPN's to join in too! Here's an article on how to join via VPN
WatchParty Hashtags:
== Articles ==
Finally! The Q+ Article is wonderful and very uplifting.
Our Flag Means Death: Why It Deserves to Find a New Harbor
The 10 best TV shows to watch this week, from Mr and Mrs Smith to One Day
Hairy Bikers Go West, Death In Paradise and Wheel of Fortune: TV highlights this week
The Uncertain Fate of “Our Flag Means Death” Season 3: A Closer Look
Every show canceled so far in 2024
Netflix adds one of ‘the best shows of 2022’ after it was dropped by HBO Max
== STATS ==
Thanks to @Seven_Sugars over on twitter for this info and analysis.
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Also, as always, more fun stats from @meowzawowza on twitter from the Netherlands.
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== Petition Status ==
Almost to 84K signatures friends!
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== Morale ==
I know we're ending day 24 of being the Gravy Basket. It's been a lonnnnng several weeks. We haven't heard from chaos dad in around a week now, so it may seem again like things are slowing down again. As several folks have mentioned before, not every day can be ground breaking, but seeing everyone in the community getting together, having fun with watch parties, discussing ofmd meta, making new art and fanfiction, it feels like the momentum is still there. We often don't see many updates on the weekend so take this time to relax, take a break, maybe do the rewatch party if you have time on Sunday. I did want to bring up, this article on The Tourist is cool because it highlights that HBOMax has cancelled some very highly rated shows in the past and Netflix has picked up on them-- and while we didn't see anything from the 2024 Netflix announcements (as @poison-into-positivity mentioned, even if it was picked up it wouldn't be for 2024) that doesn't mean it's not still a possibility. So don't give up hope. It's going to take some time to get through to the networks, and we'll keep keeping at it.
If you are feeling down or concerned, be sure to reach out to your fellow crew, we're all here for you.
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. You are so incredibly strong, do you know that? No matter what's going on in your life, you're still here. Every single day you get back up, and you keep going. That is incredibly powerful, and incredibly strong, and don't let anyone tell you any different. Do you think our buddy Rhys let's anyone tell him he's not the baddest ass mf on the planet? Nope.
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If all you did today was get out of bed, or take a shower, or walk your dog, and nothing else, you kicked today's ass. If you wrote fanfiction, or watched a tv show, you kicked today's ass. They say that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and while I see where that phrase is coming from I like to think of it a bit differently. What doesn't kill you, gives you a glimpse of just how strong you already were. You are the reason you are kind, you are the reason you are strong, you are the reason you continue to grow. You. Outside forces can help shape you, but you have always been strong even when you have felt your weakest, it's just not always easy to see. That strength is so important, and so is your need to rest. Remember to take a break from all the stressors of your life, whether that be a shower, or a 5 minute walk, or a day or a week away from the internet, whatever works for you. Even the strongest bridge in the world can break when there's too much weight on it. That doesn't mean the bridge is any less strong, it means something extremely heavy pushed it past its limits. Anyway, enough of my ramblings, just please know, everyone out here in the crew are so incredibly proud of you, we're rooting for you, and we're so very grateful you're still here with us.
Speaking of resting....Reminder! No recap for 02/03/2024 unless someone else wants to do one! Please feel free to, obviously! I will be off drinking after taking a dip in some hotsprings and then watching OFMD with two friends who have yet to see it. So if I show up lurking and drunk-tumblr you all, I sincerely apologize, but I hope if I do that drunk Abby is at least amusing. Love yall <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
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If you wanna see someone else other than these two in these gifs from OFMD let me know, we can switch it up a bit.
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visiosatanae · 3 months
Okay I saw this post from @writingjourney about Secondo taking in goats for the Ministry, and now all I can think about is the Ministry becoming a haven for most "unwanted" animals. Rats of course, but also snakes, bats, black cats, frogs, tarantulas, scorpions - all manner of animals that tend to be cast aside by the rest of society. The local town of course spreads whispers and rumors about it.
"They asked to purchase my injured nanny goat for a hefty sum. Poor thing will probably be used for some sort of ritual sacrifice, but she wouldn't have lasted long anyway."
The local pound and pet shop get to gossiping about all of the rats and black cats being adopted all at once and speculating on the horrible torment they're probably going through.
Meanwhile the Ministry is enjoying a stable farm life with fresh goat's milk and cheese on the daily. Primo's garden is regularly pollinated by the belfry bats, bees, and wasps. A whole room exists full of terrariums for the snakes, frogs, and arachnids. Copia has his own rat sanctuary and the cats are looked after by the Siblings. They are often found laying in the colored sunbeams shining through the stained glass windows of the library, or happily purring in a Sibling's lap as they read.
When any of them pass away, they are given a proper burial in their own section of the Ministry cemetery. There is a dedicated wall of framed pictures of passed animal friends and they are honored as former members of the Clergy.
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
A Point of Clarification (More Linguistics, CW: Slurs)
Another Dracula Daily related post. In the novel Dracula, the count has minions who are a racist caricature of people of the Rromani ethnicity. Stoker uses a variety of terms in the text, and as a person of Romanian ethnicity, I would like to clear up some possible places of confusion. The most commonly known word in the English speaking world that Stoker uses for Rromani people is Gypsy. This is an English word ultimately descended from the word Egyptian, based on a misunderstanding by medieval European Christians that the itinerant Rroma were nomadic Egyptians, based on an interpretation of the Bible that the ancient Egyptians were scattered by God. This is incorrect, and most historical, linguistic, cultural, and genetic evidence suggests that the Rroma originated in northern India, which might have been obvious if medieval Europeans talked to any of them, or knew anything about India. Most Rroma today consider Gypsy to be a slur, although some do not - this is (ironically) similar to the attitude about the word Indian by indigenous peoples of the Americas. Among social justice activists, both words are regarded as slurs and faux pas, and at the bare minimum both are inaccurate. So, if you are still using that word in 2022, and you are not a Rromani person, knock it off. Stoker, however, also uses the word Romany in his text, which is just his spelling for Rromani, because by the 19th century it was known in English that “Romany” was the endonym (the word a people use for themselves) as opposed to the exonym (the word a people use for others). If you’re a descendant of settlers and live in North America and you find yourself often confused by the “changing” names of Indigenous groups, its usually because -- as is the case here -- the exonym for that group was a slur, and got adopted into English simply because settlers encountered that group’s enemies before encountering the group itself. The word “Rrom” means “man” in the Rromani language. “Rromni” means woman, “Rroma” is plural. “Rromani” is a female adjective, “Rromano” is a male adjective. Now, where we can really get into some misunderstandings in the context of Dracula is with the term Romanian, which Stoker often spells Roumanian. Rromani =/= Romanian. Romanians are people from the country Romania, of which Transylvania is a part, as well as Wallachia and part of Moldavia and Bukovina. Stoker’s Castle Dracula is located in Romania. Galatz is in Romania, and is called Galați in Romanian. The words Romania, Romanian, etc. have nothing to do with the words Rroma, Rromani, etc. The name of the country of Romania comes from a belief on the part of the Romanian people that they are historically descended from a province of the Roman Empire once called Dacia. The greatest piece of this evidence is that Romanian is a Romance language, which is to say a language descended from the language of the Romans, Latin. Despite being surrounded by nations speaking Slavic tongues, Romanian is closer to Italian than it is to Ukrainian, despite cross-pollination over the years. The reason I use a double-r (representing a trilled r) in my spelling of Rroma for the nomadic ethnic group is for disambiguation purposes, because in the Romanian language the word for Romanian people is Români. The double-r spelling is also used within Romania for this reason. Historically Romania has always had a relatively high population of Rroma, and historically speaking they have I think it is fair to say almost never been treated well. Today Rroma are the second largest ethnic minority in Romania behind Hungarians, but despite the similar names the Români have never treated Rromani people very well. From the time of their arrival in the region in the 1370s until the emancipations of the 1840s and 50s, Rromani people were enslaved within the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, and made serfs in Transylvania. In the 1940s there were genocidal programs carried out against them, and under the Communist regime there were attempts made to force Rroma to live in government built housing and abandon their traditional culture. Since the fall of the Communist government Rroma are extremely discriminated against in Romania, and it is mainstream there to be racist against them. Which brings us to Szgany, which can be a confusing word in Dracula until you know that the Romanian language didn’t have standardized orthography until 1881. Basically the only place you’ll see the word Szgany today is in Dracula or in modern gothic horror fiction copying Dracula without thinking and treating “Szgany” as just the word for Dracula’s servants or something. In the novel, Stoker uses it as if it referred to a specific group of Rromani people, ones native to the area around Castle Dracula, in the Călimani Mountains. However, Szgany is really just a phonetic transliteration of the Romanian word Țigani, which is just the Romanian word for “Gypsy”. The letter Ț in Romanian indicates a kind of “tz” sound, like in the word “pizza”. It is also found in Vlad Drăculea’s epithet -- Țepeș means “the Impaler”, and is pronounced like “Tze-pesh”. So Țigani sounds like Szgany, and is also similar to the word for “Gypsies” in many other languages: Zingari in Italian, Çingene in Turkish, Cigány in Hungarian, Tsingánoi in Greek, etc. These are all still slurs, and descend from the word Atsínganos from the Greek speaking Eastern Roman Empire, which means “untouchable.” Țigani is still a commonly used word in Romania, partially due to the racism and partially due to the desire on the part of Români to avoid association with Rromani. There is a feeling in Romanian that the word Rromani gives Romanians abroad a “bad name” due to racism against Rromani people in many parts of the world. This is all, of course, absolutely terrible. So, to summarize: Gypsy = at best inaccurate, at worst a slur Romany = 19th century English for Rromani, often spelt today as Romani, a common acceptable name for a diverse group of nomadic peoples ultimately descended from northern India Roumanian = Romanian, a person from Romania Szgany = Stoker’s attempt at spelling Țigani, a Romanian language slur for Rromani people.      
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emeliejeannie · 8 months
I've been inspired by another post I saw earlier this week to think about how the Miraculous might affect their holders. so here I go! I apologies for any misinformation about a certain animal here, I just found some info online. so there's only a few things in here with each animal...
Ladybug holders are extra sensitive to the cold, and can get sleepy.
Since Ladybug's are the most well liked bug (probably), humans are naturally drawn to them. this explains why so many people suddenly started to develop crushes on Marinette.
Cat holders have night vision and improved hearing.
Cat holders tend to be night owls.
Cat holders have the ability to purr in and out of costume.
Cat holders get affected by catnip.
Cat holder's nails grow faster and a little thicker than normal.
Ladybug (creation) holders get along well with the living while Cat (destruction) holders get along better with the dead. what I mean by that is, terminally ill people, for example, feel at peace in the presence of cat holders. while animals, nature and children alike feel at peace with Ladybug holders and thrive in their presence.
Bee holders are also sensitive to cold temperatures.
Bee holders have a heightened sense of smell and taste.
Female bee holders start craving jelly.
Pollinator holders (Bee, Ladybug etc) are drawn to plants.
Bug holders get along with bugs better than others.
Pig holders sweat less.
Pig holders have a tendency to be talkative.
Pig holders have better memory than most.
Tiger holders are one of the fastest miraculi.
Tiger holders have an increase in appetite.
Goat holders get cravings for salads.
Mouse holders produce more vitamin C.
Mouse holders like to walk by walls when they can.
Fox holders have improved hearing.
Fox holders can sense the magnetic field of the earth.
Turtle holders are drawn to light.
Turtle holders might become "slow" they process things slower than before, and sometimes respond later than usual.
Snake holders can hiss (???) like snakes.
Horse holders have fast reflexes.
Horse holders rarely vomit.
Horse holders produce more saliva than the average human.
Monkey holders like to "groom" their loved ones. they play with their hair, or pick at loose hairs on their clothes or lint. they're just generally touchy.
Dog holders tend to follow their loved ones blindly. they become very affectionate and are sometimes blinded by their love for others.
Dog holders tend to get excited easily.
dog holders tend to "look out for their pack" they always check if everyone is present in group settings, and protect their loved ones when vulnerable.
Rooster holders tend to be early birds.
Rooster holders like order in their daily lives and in their relationships.
Ox holders tend to be quiet and reserved.
Ox holders tend to be comforting and reliable people.
Rabbit holders are usually very expressive with their face and body language.
Rabbit holders, like cat holders, have the ability to purr.
Peacock holders are drawn to bright colors.
Peacock holders hate being alone.
Some Peacock holders can become aggressive if worked up.
Dragon holders have a tendency to hoard.
Butterfly holders tend to drink a lot. doesn't have to be water, as long as it's liquid.
Butterfly holders have trouble regulating their body temperature.
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crossroadsdimension · 3 months
For the ask game: 🛼 🍄 🔪
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
I have multiple, but I'll pick one that I haven't started posting anywhere yet....
🦊 ⌛️🚂🗻🔥
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
After the events of Tales of Arise, Alphen and Shionne keep and maintain a garden at their home. A part of it is for the sake of the large number of spices that Alphen likes to put in his food on a daily basis, and they've...accidentally cross-pollinated and created some extremely spicy peppers as a result. Alphen's only allowed to use them for special occasions, and Shionne's made a killing selling the peppers to people who are as spice-crazy as Alphen is.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Any research I've done for a writing project has mostly been looking into old, almost unreachable information for various franchises so that I can keep that part of the fics as accurate as possible. I spent hours poking around on a Mega Man wiki to get more information about the Limited Virus, for example. That's probably one of the weirder ones. If there's anything weirder I can't say that I remember at the moment.
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veidelon · 8 months
So uh... I haven't really been on here in *checks watch* about two months. However, it appears that time doesn't stop in my absence (very surprising!), so I'm taking this opportunity to do some memes I was tagged in in the interim. Not sure I tracked all of them down, but thanks to at least @thestarsarecool, @boshemians, and @skylikeaflame for tagging me in one or more of the memes under the cut. I'm going to not tag anyone in Beatles fandom since I assume these have circulated more than enough times, but for the sake of cross-fandom-pollination, if @deliciouskeys or @laurieodell wants to do any of these, feel free. Or don't. Anyway.
"things to get to know me" game
Last song I listened to: What Goes Around... / ...Comes Around - Justin Timberlake. Yes he's evil but... come on, we're in Beatles fandom.
Favorite color: I don't really enjoy wearing it or even really looking at it, but my instinctive answer is always red.
Currently watching: The last series I started was Gen V, which is a spinoff of The Boys. It's alright-- if anyone's familiar with The Boys, the feel is more similar to the Starlight storyline than anything else in there, with some added teen drama mystery vibes.
Last movie I watched: Apocalypse Now. War movies aren't exactly my thing, though it's been on my to-watch list for a long time because of Marlon Brando. I also do have a maybe irrational appreciation for anything anti-Vietnam because of how into that movement the Beatles were-- even Paul had to admit that John's anti-war songs maybe slightly had a hint of a point from that angle! I also watched Tár a couple days ago, which I astutely noticed is actually pretty good.
Currently reading: ... :). The book I technically have open is The City and The Pillar by Gore Vidal, but I can't honestly say I'm reading it. Soon!
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Secret fourth option: sour.
Last thing I googled: Well, I just looked up to see if The City and The Pillar had a film adaptation (motivation to actually finish), and while it doesn't, Wikipedia did inform me that the book itself appears in a movie called Dino at the Beach. Unfortunately, it's Dino as in Bernardino, not as in dinosaur. Very sad.
Current Obsession: Obviously the Beatles, though it's been waning a bit. I'll also say that I recently watched the Adventure Time spinoff Fionna and Cake (partly prompted by seeing you reblog posts about it, Maya! Though that one fanart where Simon Petrikov says he's starting to look like John Lennon was incredibly disturbing to me personally) and I've been thinking about that still on probably a daily basis since.
Current Thing I'm Working On: Myself :). Just kidding, actually the opposite. Actively destroying my psyche by going into John Lennon mode and writing mpreg.
"make a playlist from the letters of your username" game
I just typed in each letter into spotify to see what it gave me. I do like all these songs a lot, not sure I would necessarily put them in a single playlist... but an interesting thought experiment to figure out what the theme would be. Perhaps evil mclennon? Is there any other kind?
v - Vampire, Olivia Rodrigo e - Electic Love, BØRNS i - It Will Come Back, Hozier d - Demons, Doja Cat e - Eternal Life, Jeff Buckley l - Love, Keyshia Cole o - Ode To Sleep, Twenty One Pilots n - Northern Downpour, Panic! At The Disco
and a bonus-- the Beatles/Beatles-adjacent songs I filtered out:
v - Venus & Mars e - Eleanor Rigby i - I'm Looking Through You d - Dress Me Up As A Robber e - Every Little Thing l - Lady Madonna o - Oh! Darling n - Not Guilty
Did spotify out me as a McCartney purist (with a rogue George)....... i'm literally not!!! I hate to admit this but my most listened to album last month was fucking Walls & Bridges..... and yet.
Last Line Game
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest/most recent line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words
I'm actually not cheating and I'm picking my most recently written line.
He doesn’t want anyone gawking at his soul, least of all some quack healer. He’s already well aware that there’s something dead wrong with it– that’s not the issue here.
Riveting stuff, yes? I wish I could get back into John Lennon mode so I could actually finish this chapter... it's been 7 months. Maybe I'll have to wait until the 9th?
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holocene-sims · 2 years
I know you get a ton of these but I also know how much you love them so........
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
i don't mind answering more!! thank you for the ask bestie 💞
the last one i did of these was for grandma aoife so i'll branch out and do this one for grandpa joseph 😇 i would add a picture of him but i don't have access to my screenshot folder at the moment...rip
i gave backstory for grandma so now you get his! tbh grandpa had a very hard childhood 😭 he immigrated to the states when he was five years old and his family lived in new york for a few years BUT his parents were never really able to find stable, well-paying work so they were homeless on the streets of new york for three years. his mother unalived herself from the stress, then finally his father got work in a copper mine in michigan and the family took up residence in a boarding house. but...you know...his father was super busy and his mother was dead so joseph and his sisters were tended to and looked after by the other women of the house
i also talked about aoife's jobs in one post so now for his as well! joseph really did not want to follow in his father's footsteps and get stuck in crazy dangerous manual labor but unfortunately, finances were never in his favor to take him anywhere else. so he worked in a factory building cars for a while (which is where he met his wife btw 💘) and when they gave up on that trade and moved back to the upper peninsula with aoife and their kids to look after his dying father, he took up logging. lumberjack king! but tbh that didn't pay the bills entirely either so on the side, he was also the neighborhood/town handyman 🔧
related but he really would do anything for his wife, his kids, and his grandkids! in some ways he regrets that he couldn't follow his dreams to go to college and do something with a degree, but he does not regret that his hard work and years destroying his body to make a dime financed aoife's dream to run a bakery and ensured that his kids and grandkids get to follow their dreams and live their lives the way they want. he's a real softie and a real family man! also, sure, he did work a lot but he never wanted to be like his dad and be unavailable or distant. he gave up all his free time in the world to spend it with his wife and kids. sometimes the lack of space and time to rest and recover really got to him but it was just too important to him personally to use that time for his loved ones instead of on himself
i also think he struggles to say he has "hobbies" because of his lack of free time and money for most of his life. BUT his hobbies are usually pretty outdoorsy. he does love cooking but he also enjoys gardening, hiking, or taking long drives through the middle of nowhere and just looking at scenery. when it comes to gardening, of course he's a bit practical and has a vegetable and fruit garden, but he also loves flowers! naturally he grows the fruits for aoife to use in her baked goods but his flower garden is kind of his personal pride and joy and he likes that it offsets the uselessness of grass, since the flowers bring bees and other pollinators around
speaking of hobbies, he's kept a daily journal since he was like twelve years old and has never stopped or missed a day in his life. his plans are to keep going until the day he dies. so there's a stack of leather-bound journals on a bookshelf in the bedroom and they're all filled to the brim with his musings and messy, terrible, nearly illegible handwriting!
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OPEN SOURCE INTEL: I’d posted to @iceagefarmer that I’d received many reports of poor germination and other issues from corporate seed sources, and asked people to share what they were seeing.   Over 700 people replied. Here is a summary; huge thanks to Kate B. for reviewing, compiling, and sharing.  It paints an interesting picture of a uniquely difficult season.  Original thread here (https://t.me/iceagefarmer/2936).  (How's your garden doing?) ___ Just been through about 700+ comments from the US, Canada, Europe, UK, Sweden, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and beyond: a) seeds are showing poor germination from a wide range of suppliers b) those that do germinate and start to grow are doing so i) slower than usual  OR ii) are getting so far in their growth then dying (a bit like Tesco's herbs unless you transplant into fresh earth!) OR iii) are growing well but producing greenery not edible produce, so poor yields c) suspicion is also falling on contaminated bagged compost -- many reports of issues here, some discussion around Grazon contamination d) in addition, folks are noticing that store bought veg & fruit is not lasting, plus some is rotten on opening although firm externally e) suggestions also being made about soil alkalinity from chemtrails inhibiting growth f) some people raising animals are getting all male babies [!?] g) sunflowers & other plants are being burnt up by the sun's rays h) there is poor growth/yield from fruit trees j) plentiful complaints from folks that have been growing for 25-40 years that things just aren't right with a degree of confusion as to the source k) livestock feed prices are skyrocketing l) many sick & dead animals around this year & dead birds found daily (Italy) m)  too hot/ too dry/ no rain/ storms/ erratic weather with false forecasting n)  absence of bees for pollination p) cold nights inhibiting growth q) abundance of pests & bugs at levels not seen before r)  zucchini with zero female flowers s) blatant chemtrail spraying with some warning of "cancer in the ground for gardeners", t) healthy hens stopping laying u) pullets dropping dead at 6 months with no obvious cause v) cooler spring so plants are a month behind w) hard to get the cows/goats back in calf x)  change in taste of store bought veg/fruit y) salads are going straight to seed and bolting z) overall poor germination & growth - a weird growing year, Common phrase: "Never seen anything like it in 30 years"
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brewedbible · 6 months
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Pollinator Flowers for the Mild Winter Garden
Thumbnail: Blue flax and Black Magic kale
Flowers planted with vegetables attract beneficial insects and pollinators to the garden. Some of my favorites for the cool season vegetable garden include calendulas, violas, cornflowers and larkspur. They cheer me as I work among the vegetables.
In mild winter areas of the country you can plant flowers now that thrive in the cooler weather. They face less competition from weeds and pests and winter rains can lessen garden work.
Calendulas and violas always find a home in my winter garden. Both make good edging plants.
Flowers planted with vegetables attract beneficial insects which are the foot soldiers in the pest wars. Small flowers like those in the carrot family (anise, caraway, carrot, coriander, dill, fennel, and parsley) attract beneficial wasps and hover flies to the vegetable garden.
Hover flies are the most common beneficial in my vegetable garden and I’ve written about them here: Hover Flies for Organic Aphid Control.
Establishing insectaries in your vegetable garden can lessen insect damage and the need for chemical or “organic” controls, improve pollination and crop yields.
Zinnias, though a summer flower, persist even into November in my garden. Daily I see monarchs and west coast lady butterflies, fiery skippers, and solitary bees stopping by.
Here are some of the flowers to plant in the mild winter vegetable garden: alyssum, bishop’s lace, borage, calendula, cerinthe, clarkia, cornflowers, flax, forget-me-not, foxglove, larkspur, nigella, pansies and violas, poppies, scabiosa, snapdragons, stock, sweet pea. Also consider flowering herbs such as dill, parsley, sage, thyme and chives.
Check other blog posts I’ve written on the topic of flowers in the vegetable garden: Attract Beneficial Insects to the Vegetable Garden Grow Flowers to Attract Beneficial Insects to Your Vegetable Garden
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mortiz888-blog · 7 months
Creating a Buzz: Bee-Friendly Lawn Care for Northeastern Gardens #SaveYourGreen
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Welcome to Green Team Lawn Care, your trusted partner for eco-conscious lawn maintenance! In this blog post, we'll delve into the fascinating world of bees, specifically those found in the Northeastern United States, and explore their foraging habits and the crucial role they play as pollinators. We'll also provide you with valuable insights on how to make your lawn more bee-friendly by employing environmentally conscious practices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l61lhz03tfA Bees in the Northeastern United States The Northeastern United States is home to a diverse array of bee species. These industrious insects are essential pollinators, playing a significant role in the ecosystem. Some of the most common bee species in the Northeast include honeybees, bumblebees, mason bees, and sweat bees. These bees forage for nectar and pollen to feed themselves and their offspring. By doing so, they assist in the pollination of many native plants, which, in turn, supports local wildlife and agriculture. The Importance of Bees as Pollinators Bees are the unsung heroes of our ecosystem, with a substantial impact on our daily lives. They are responsible for pollinating a wide variety of plants, including fruits, vegetables, and flowers. In fact, over 75% of global food crops depend on pollinators like bees. Without their diligent work, we would not only face a significant decline in agricultural productivity but also a substantial reduction in biodiversity. Foraging Habits of Bees Understanding the foraging habits of bees is crucial for creating a bee-friendly environment. Different bee species have unique preferences, but there are some general guidelines to follow: - Plant Diversity: Bees thrive in areas with a diverse range of flowering plants. Incorporate native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees in your garden to attract a wide variety of bees. - Continuous Blooms: Choose plants that bloom at different times of the year. This provides bees with a consistent food source throughout the growing season. - Avoid Pesticides: Pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers can harm bees. Opt for natural, organic alternatives for a bee-safe lawn care approach. Instagram Posts #SaveYourGreen https://www.instagram.com/greenteamlawnct/ Creating a Pollinator-Friendly Lawn Now that we understand the significance of bees and their foraging habits, let's explore how you can make your lawn more pollinator-friendly. 1. Choose Native Plants Native plants are adapted to the local environment and are a valuable source of nectar and pollen for bees. Incorporate a variety of native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees into your lawn to provide a continuous supply of food. 2. Reduce Lawn Area Consider reducing the size of your lawn to create more space for diverse plantings. Lawns, while attractive, offer limited resources for pollinators. Planting more flowers and bushes can help bees thrive. 3. Avoid Chemicals Bees are highly sensitive to chemical pesticides and herbicides. Opt for natural alternatives, like neem oil and beneficial insects, to manage pests in your garden. This promotes bee safety and the overall health of your lawn. 4. Create Bee Habitats Provide nesting sites for bees by installing bee hotels or leaving bare patches of ground for ground-nesting species. This simple step can make a significant difference in your garden's bee population. 5. Continuous Bloom Plant flowers that bloom at different times of the year, ensuring that bees have a consistent food source from spring through fall. This supports a thriving bee population. 6. Promote Water Sources Bees need water, too! Provide a shallow water source in your garden, such as a birdbath or a small pond, to help them stay hydrated. Conclusion Incorporating pollinator-friendly lawn care practices into your Northeastern garden not only benefits the bee populations but also contributes to a healthier and more vibrant ecosystem. By choosing native plants, reducing chemical usage, and creating bee habitats, you are taking meaningful steps toward a more sustainable and bee-safe lawn care approach. Green Team Lawn Care is here to assist you in your journey to create a bee-friendly lawn and contribute to a thriving pollinator population. Contact us today for expert advice and assistance with lawn care near you. Together, we can make a difference in preserving our precious pollinators and the environment. Read the full article
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surferspider · 8 months
daily porter posting #78
through the power of earth-35013 shakespeare and many a wedding that he's been booted from with reckless abandon (see also: porter post #26), porter has become an expert in globally accepted plant symbolism. it's all far simpler than human communication, from where he stands. where he stands is also a graveyard for some dozens of house plant species because he can't remember that saltwater prevents osmosis. still, if you're in need of someone who knows all the trespassing tips and tricks that will get you all the pollinated trauma and none of the consequences, call him at the backwards number he's doodled on your boss's window.
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thegiftingstories4 · 8 months
Blooming Virtually The Green Revolution of Online Plant Nurseries
In an era defined by digital transformation, even the most time-honored traditions are evolving. One such transformation is the rise of online plant nurseries, revolutionizing the way we bring the beauty of nature into our lives. As we delve into the world of online plant nurseries, we uncover a verdant oasis of convenience, variety, and sustainability that promises to transform both our living spaces and our planet.
The Convenience Factor: Online plant nurseries have made the joy of gardening accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or gardening expertise. No longer do you need to be a seasoned horticulturist or live near a brick-and-mortar nursery to cultivate your green thumb. With a few clicks, you can explore an extensive catalog of plants, each accompanied by detailed descriptions and care instructions. This wealth of information empowers even the most novice gardeners to make informed choices and foster healthy plant growth.
Moreover, the convenience extends to the shopping experience itself. Say goodbye to strenuous trips to crowded garden centers and lugging heavy pots around. With online nurseries, your selected plants are delivered right to your doorstep, sparing you the hassle and enabling you to focus on the pure joy of nurturing your green companions.
A Bounty of Variety: Online plant nurseries offer an astonishing array of plant species and varieties that can be challenging to find in local stores. Whether you seek exotic orchids, rare succulents, or heirloom tomatoes, you're likely to discover the perfect addition to your garden within the vast virtual inventory. This abundance allows you to curate a diverse and unique garden that reflects your individual tastes and aspirations.
Furthermore, the ability to explore a multitude of species from various regions empowers gardeners to contribute to biodiversity and conservation efforts. You can select plants that attract pollinators, provide habitats for local wildlife, or help combat specific environmental challenges, all from the comfort of your computer screen.
Sustainability at the Forefront: Online plant nurseries are not just about the convenience and variety; they also champion sustainability. Many of these nurseries adhere to eco-friendly practices that benefit both the environment and your garden. For instance, they often employ sustainable packaging materials, reducing plastic waste and carbon emissions associated with traditional nurseries.
Moreover, online nurseries often source their plants from local growers, supporting regional economies and reducing the ecological footprint of transportation. Some even offer organic and pesticide-free options, enabling you to cultivate a garden that aligns with your values of sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Community and Expertise: Online plant nurseries foster a sense of community among garden enthusiasts. Through forums, social media groups, and customer reviews, you can connect with fellow plant lovers, share experiences, and seek advice. This sense of belonging and shared passion enhances the gardening journey, turning it into a collaborative and fulfilling experience.
Furthermore, online nurseries frequently collaborate with experts who offer guidance through blog posts, videos, and webinars. This wealth of knowledge ensures that you have access to professional insights, troubleshooting tips, and the latest trends in the world of gardening.
 the rise of online plant nurseries represents a thriving, innovative sector that brings nature closer to our daily lives. With unmatched convenience, an astonishing variety of plant species, a commitment to sustainability, and a strong sense of community, these virtual green havens are poised to transform the way we connect with nature. Whether you're an experienced gardener or a budding enthusiast, the online plant nursery phenomenon invites you to embark on a journey of growth, beauty, and environmental stewardship—all from the comfort of your own home. So, go ahead, click, and let your garden dreams bloom.
For More Info:-
Online Plant Nursery
Buy Plants Online In India
Varities Of Plants In India
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treeremovalpensacola · 9 months
Gachina Landscape Management finds a unique solution for challenging properties
If you're in the Pensacola area, then you have probably already experienced the need for having to remove a tree or stump or getting your tree's trimmed. The cost of tree removal varies depending on a few factors, such as: - The type of tree that needs to be removed - The size of the tree - The location of the tree - The condition of the tree Pensacola Tree Removal offers competitive pricing for our tree removal services. For a full list of services Tree removal services visit Tree removal service in Pensacola for a fast, friendly and reliable quote that you can count on. This will help not only beautify your property but also is the safest way to do it. Gachina Landscape Maintenance uses goats to help manage vegetation on properties with steep slopes. (Photo: Gachina Landscape Management) Vegetation management crews often face somewhat tough terrain. Gachina Landscape Management, No. 81 on the 2023 LM150 list, found a unique and sustainable way to manage properties — goats. These four-legged landscapers were the brainchild of Lauren Galanes, Gachina’s San Francisco branch manager. The company has deployed goats as part of a sustainable vegetative management strategy since 2018 on a large property in San Francisco. “At the time we were using chippers to remove a lot of the debris and excessive green waste on site, (and) there were complaints about noise and dust from employees,” Galanes says. Additionally, steep inclines posed safety concerns for the crew, and using equipment in the dry brush posed fire risks. Release the goats Gachina works with three Bay Area companies to deploy the four-legged vegetation management crews. Gachina and the companies work together to determine how big of a herd each property needs. The goat vegetation management companies and their herders work with the team from Gachina to fence off the area, bring in the goats and herd dogs, and move the goats around the property to ensure the herd effectively clears out all excess vegetation. “Goats are extremely adept at navigating steep terrain,” she says. “The sheer size of the campus also impacted how much physical labor we could get done with our crews daily, while goats move in large herds very quickly. They will eat a wide variety of plants (weeds, brush, grass and invasive plants), clearing overgrown areas (hillsides, forests and utility rights-of-way) and eating invasive weeds.” Galanes also says the goats help add fire breaks — strips of land cleared of vegetation — to stop wildfires. Once the goats finish a portion of the property, Gachina’s crews overseed the area with native grasses and add pollinators, which thrive on the newly fertilized land — thanks to goat droppings. Happy clients Galanes says this approach to vegetation management fits well with clients who have strong sustainability initiatives. She says the feedback has been positive. “One of our clients really enjoys having the goats on campus — part of their goal as a company is to improve the quality of work life for their employees,” she says. “Having goats on campus is relaxing for the employees — uplifting during the work day. We have had them say ‘everybody loves your goats, having them here makes our people happier.’” Cristina Prevarin, plant health care and regenerative landscapes manager for Gachina, says the company also deploys barn owl nest boxes for small rodent control in a large HOA. For fellow landscape companies looking for alternative vegetation management, Prevarin says using goats is a viable option. “It’s much easier to coordinate than one may think,” she says. “The companies that we work with are professional, reliable and insured. Often clients are not aware that this is even an option. Many are happy to hear about this natural alternative.” The post Gachina Landscape Management finds a unique solution for challenging properties first appeared on Landscape Management.
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Most Trusted Name in Bee Removals 🐝
Meet Erika Thompson, the founder and highly followed beekeeper of Texas Beeworks. She established her company in 2014 while balancing a demanding role as a Communications Director. After devoting her evenings, weekends, and even lunch breaks to beekeeping, she made the decision to leave her job and become a full-time beekeeper. Her work with honeybees and efforts to protect pollinators have earned her recognition and media coverage from outlets such as CNN, BBC, Washington Post, NPR, Today Show, and the Joe Rogan Experience. If you're interested in seeing the daily work of a beekeeper, be sure to check out her YouTube channel. There, you can find unique footage of the beekeeping process.
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