#pokemon decidueye
silvermations · 9 months
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I drew the best bird. Been replaying a bit of Arceus.
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pokemonlolitaproject · 9 months
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As requested by jazz-kitty a coord inspired by Pokemon #724 Decidueye
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sanho-crwpff · 1 year
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Back with another quick Pokémon sketch cause I'm so excited for the Decidueye 7-star raid event ✨ So glad I no longer have to wait for my fav to become playable in Pokemon SV 😭
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pumaskulls · 4 months
🎨 and hisuian decidueye if that's ok? I love my owls 🥺
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Dude, the whole Rowlett line is SO GOOD!!! 🥺🥺 i need to draw them more
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neonishe · 9 months
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Randomly decided to draw my pokemon character with her little team💙
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lara-prism-light · 8 months
draw suggest: your favorite hk character interacting with your favorite pokémon~?
Quierrl and Decidueye, those are my favorites!
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[I'm still learning how to draw Pokémon]
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daily-pokemon-trivia · 11 months
modern starters (gen 5 onward) are based on different themes, or believed to be. This is the fourth part of a 6 day series about starter trio’s.
Gen 7 does not have a clear or confirmed theme, please keep that in mind for this part! Most of this is speculation. There are 2 things people think the starters could be themed around, more D&D/RPG classes or "villain, hero, damsel."
Decidueye in this case is either an archer or hero. I don’t think I’d have to explain the archer thing, because it has an entire bow as a signature bit of its design. The hero part comes from it sharing similarities to Robin Hood, the classic English folk hero. 
Incineroar would be a warrior/brute or the villain. The warrior/brute comes from it being based off of wrestlers and being a hard hitter. Whereas the villain role comes from it being a wrestler and dark type. In Japanese, the name for dark type is actually evil type, which explains why this would make it the villain.
And then you have Primarine, our bard or damsel in distress. It’s based on opera singers with its signature Z-move being called “Oceanic Operetta.” So it wouldn’t be weird if it’s role in an RPG would be to be the bard. And the damsel part is based off of being a very effeminate pokemon. (Though Primarina can kick ass, we love a girlboss)
Now I didn’t mention it before but another pretty popular theory is that the starters are based on zodiac signs. Decidueye being a Saggitarius due to it being an archer, Incineroar being a Leo due to it being a cat-like animal with somewhat of a mane around it’s face and Primarina being an Aqaurius due to its water type and flowing hair. And another theory is that they are performers on a stage. There are a LOT of theories around their theme, and this isn't even all of them.
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darkfireart · 7 months
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Inktober Day 21: Decidueye
I ended up going with the shiny version cause I only have orange and red markers so the og wings would’ve gotten a little crazy.
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eev583 · 2 months
My Akari’s Pokémon Team is made up of Decidueye, Staraptor, Luxray, Zoroark, Lucario and Sylveon. :3 I gave each of her Pokémon personalities and kinda feel like sharing them with you guys. I’ll start with her first Pokémon.
Decidueye is a very timid, shy and nervous Pokémon. That usually likes to hide behind her trainer. She doesn’t like getting out of her comfort zone, and being put into situations she’s not comfortable in. Unlike most Pokémon, she’s actually pretty scared of battles. Sometimes freezes stiff due to fear while in one. I like to head canon that Akari actually lost the first battle by the gate with Volo because of this. Decidueye isn’t very confident in her abilities, since she’s the weakest in the team, but Akari likes to encourage her.
Staraptor has a very quirky, reckless and confident personality. Unlike Decidueye, he LOVES Pokémon battles and wants to take part in each one. Sometimes doesn’t listen to Akari’s orders when he thinks another move would work better. He can also be a little reckless, and try to pull off a move to impress everyone. If it works, he often brags about it. Would literally charge at a legendary Pokémon without giving it much thought. He hasn’t attempted it yet, but everyone knows he would. He also likes to make jokes occasionally to brighten everyone’s mood if he can.
Luxray is very lax and carefree, though she can also be a little lazy. Her favorite hobby is sleeping, and she’ll sleep whenever she gets the chance. Pokémon battling isn’t her favorite thing, but she’ll do it if she has to and can be surprisingly fast and sharp then. Luxray has a way with calming other members of the team down whenever situations look grim. Since she can remain calm even if everyone else isn’t. It’s hard to provoke her, but if anyone succeeds she can be pretty fierce.
Zoroark has a mischievous, sly and trouble-making personality. He loves to either scare or prank the members of the team. He even does pranks on Akari and her friends. His pranks are harmless, but Lucario would scold him if she thinks he went a little to far with one. When that happens he’d apologize but it wouldn’t be long till he does another prank like it. When he’s not pulling pranks on people or Pokémon, he usually seen hanging out with Luxray (she one of the only ones that isn’t to bothered or annoyed by his jokes).
Lucario is the strongest member of Akari’s team. She’s very protective, responsible, and kind of acts like the mother to the team. She’s very mature, and likes to keep the team together and solve conflicts between them. One of the reasons why she’s so good at Pokémon battles is because she usually always strategizes and changes her technique depending on what she can read from her opponent. Another fun fact about her is that she is actually the sibling to Volo’s Lucario (Volo actually gave her to Akari when she was a Riolu. I have a little backstory for that).
Sylveon is actually a boy (which is ironic for the evolution he evolved into). Usually very sarcastic and grumpy. Wearing a little scowl on his face most of the time unless if something makes him feel another stronger emotion. He gets annoyed easily, and tends to snap at whatever provoked him. But despite being a little cold and unfriendly, he actually does care about the other members of the team. He just wouldn’t show it outwardly. If something happened, he would fight to keep his friends safe from harm.
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Sakaki; should’ve just pretended I didn’t hear shit…
Tatsu; Ah Sakaki-sama there’s much I want to ask!! 
Mochi; Me too me too!! 
Sakaki; after I clean up and talk to the Commander…
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beastenraged · 2 years
Say. How would Clint meeting with a decidueye go? Him being just done over the fact that there's a Pokemon who literally shoot arrow. With a bow and all. Ha. Maybe he found a hurt rowlete and took it home? Because really. They're cute! Or the little rowlete just see Clint using bow and arrow like a pro and go !!!! My human! And got attached. Unfortunately they didn't account for the fact that Mama Decidueye would come looking and shooting arrow at Clint to get her hatchling back.
Oh no, you've inspired me! Have a short ficlet.
"Your partner fits you pretty well," Kate notes from Clint's side as they both watch his Decidueye take potshots at the Hydra agents below.
"Huh. I guess." Clint shrugs. Birdlike partner with arrows, next to man with bird codename and arrows? Yeah, he can see that.
But it wasn't always that way.
At ten years old, every child gets a partner. A protector, of sorts. 
Some of those partners will grow and evolve right side along you, changing as your life does. Others stay the same forever, only varying in what powers they could bring to bear. 
A lot of people think you can predict a person’s future by what shape their partner takes at ten years old. 
Just having turned ten himself, Clint Barton isn’t sure how true that is. 
For one thing, he didn’t expect to get an owl. A plant owl, that only stares at him uselessly. Does nothing as Dad beats him and Barney every night, after drinking his way through the money. 
He guess he couldn’t really expect more out of it, when even Barney’s Stunky can’t do much against Dad’s Rhydon. Still hurts. 
All it does catch mice. That’s it. 
He lays his head on his arms, looking at the owl as it looks at him back. 
“You’re kind of useless, aren’t you?”
Rowlet watches him with round black eyes, before it tilts its head back to choke down a mouse. 
Rowlet becomes Dartrix the moment Clint learns his parents are dead. Barney’s partner doesn’t evolve, and they never figure out if that’s a good or bad thing. 
Dartrix is even more of a pain in the ass than Rowlet was, and Rowlet was pretty useless already. 
The bird’s fussy about how clean it is. It won’t let Clint get any sleep until it’s properly groomed, a real pain in the ass. 
Barney laughs at him and Clint throws the grooming brush at him. Stupid thing’s full of Stunky’s stinky fur again, asshole. 
Once they run away to the circus, Dartrix becomes a little more useful. Still fussy, still demanding those daily cleanings. But also...
Clint practices his shooting, his trickshots, Dartrix right by his side. The owl contributes razor sharp leaves alongside razor sharp arrows. Twinned together, landing in each other’s shadows.
A two in one act, just like the Swordsman and his Bisharp. A way to really make a living. 
For once, Clint thinks he’s done it. He’s found his place. Finally.
(But that’s not true, is it?)
Seeing the Swordsman stealing, Clint steps in without any expectation that Dartrix will too. Even against another person’s partner. 
It never did against Dad’s Rhydon, after all. 
It’s just Clint. Like it’s always been. Just Clint. 
Before Bisharp cuts him, a flick of an arrow flies between them. Making the partner back off. Clint looks up. 
It’s his Dartritx. But not. Bigger now, colored brown and red, evolved one last time.
He knows its new name. 
It nods to him and Clint knows what it means without a word needing to be said. 
I’ll stand beside you. 
You won’t be alone. 
Never again. 
Deciding to split ways, to not see each other again, that’s when Barney’s Stunky becomes a Skuntank. 
Clink decides not to read too much into that. Or the fight they have afterwards, the one that ends with Decidueye standing triumphant over a dazed Skuntank. 
(He has to, for the sake of his own state of mind.)
When he’s recruited by his first spy agency, they look Decidueye over. One intern excitedly tells him that his particular Decidueye is the rarer Grass-Fighting variation, instead of the expected Grass-Ghost. 
“Best for fighting the Dark Types that are common around criminals. Pretty lucky for you!”
He thinks back to that moment, when that arrow was the only thing standing between him and his mentor’s Bisharp. A Dark type. 
Of his brother’s Stunky. Skuntank, now.  
Decidueye tilts its hat at him. Clint looks away from the intern and their too bright blob of a companion. 
“Pretty lucky.”
A feathered wing reaches out to pat him on the shoulder. Wordless comfort. 
Clint smiles. 
What else can he do? Just him and Decidueye. Against the world. 
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starlitmothart · 9 months
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Me when I first saw Rowlet: ROUND! I WANT! Me when I first saw Decidueye: GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST GHOST
...and that's how Rowlet became my favorite Grass starter and made my PLA starter choice 10000x more difficult... until I saw that H. Typhlosion was a Ghost type.
Name: Vidar (formerly known as Mr. Floof)
Species: Decidueye
About: He was a very cute and sweet little baby, but grew to be a quiet and shy young man. He doesn't talk very much, but cares deeply for his friends. He likes to hide in his hood and pull the drawstrings tight when he doesn't want to talk.
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kornart3 · 4 months
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3buddy · 1 month
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Anti Fascist Decidueye
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catwalkvivi · 2 months
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over halfway done with the major arcana in the ghost type tarot set~
(really happy people dig these!!!! always glad to see so much love for ghosts 🥰)
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btbigelow · 11 months
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ROWLET CAKE ROWLET CAKE!!!! The frosting is matcha flavored! This piece was based on those vintage 80's style cakes I kept finding on Instagram. The checkerboard pattern in the background is a tablecloth that I scanned. You can buy this print on my Etsy. This is easily one of my favorite illustrations I made last year ahahaha which is why I got really obnoxious with the tags. (Sorry) Been thinking about sharing some of my process work to show how this materialized.
EDIT: so this particular piece has attracted... perhaps the most engagement that I have ever received on any piece, ever, and that is completely astounding to me. I am so blown away by the reception and the glowing praise from you all and I'm so immensely grateful and humbled. Thank you to everyone who has liked and reblogged this, whether you're a newcomer or a long-time friend who has religiously watched me from the beginning.
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