#points at a fic i wrote based on me being an absolute fucking idiot: its my magnum opus
backhurtyy · 2 months
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fool for love
“Only because I fucking care, you little shit.” Roy flounders a bit here— he’s confident now that Jamie’s not lying and is actually fine, but he figures one more question can’t hurt. He reaches for something random. “What holiday is coming up?”
“April Fools’ Day.”
Roy blinks once. Twice. A third time, before he bursts out laughing. “All right,” he wheezes out. “I’ll take that.”
Because technically, Jamie isn’t wrong. April Fools’ Day is the day after Easter this year, and he supposes it is a holiday. It’s just— it’s not what he expected, and it’s such a typical Jamie answer, and it’s helplessly endearing, and fuck but does Roy love him.
jamie hits his head, roy worries, and they say i love you for the first time
2.28k | royjamie | for @lesmiserablol | filling 'established relationship' for @royjamiebingo | based on a true story
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serevena · 3 months
This is in no way an attack at you or anyone that supports Palestine. I think what's happening to innocent people is wrong absolutely. But for people like you to say "Boycott tlou fanfics." And stuff like that whilst having links to tlou fanfics is honestly very hypocritical. How can you say "stop worrying about epussy" but before this strike even started you were doing the same thing us fanfiction writers who like these characters were doing. Us writing for the characters is not supporting the person who created the game directly. you like the characters just as much as we do, so for you to judge someone based off them liking a character is just rude.
I think a lot of people flooding the tag are very hypocritical because we can do so much and, in the end, still get no result as us boycotting may help but it does not get the GOVERNMENT to do anything. I am black, I have experienced racism yet as we boycott and protest there is still hate crimes against us every day. Those people are still going to do what they went to do, unless the GOVERNMENT puts a physical stop to it. I know it may sound very insensitive I just wish that maybe people who are like you would stop calling fanfic writers who write for tlou idiots and stuff when at one point you all did the same things.
I wish to also be educated on the topic so as I have come to you with respect, please do the same, I just want a little more information as this is only my opinion. I asked anonly because I do not want backlash on this because again it may be wrong for me to have this opinion.
I completely understand where you’re coming from but I quite literally said none of this.
I never said to boycott tlou fanfics (I may have reblogged something that said that, not sure). That’s not the issue I was complaining about, I was saying that people are complaining about others spreading awareness about Palestine, and “flooding” the tags. Its disgusting to think about the fact that people find reading fanfics of their favorite fictional character fucking them more important than spreading awareness about a genocide. It’s extremely insensitive.
Yes, I have links to OLD fics. I haven’t written in a long time, and still don’t intend to since spreading awareness is my priority right now. I’m not going to take those down because yes, I wrote porn, but that’s not what I’m doing right now. I’m able to acknowledge that spreading awareness, whether it does anything or not, is so much more important. I in no way called ANY fanfic writer an idiot, and when I wrote what I said; which I still stand by, that wasn’t even directed towards writers. It was directed towards readers who are complaining that since news about Palestine is “flooding” the tags, they can’t read their fanfics, and at the end of the day; it’s not about ‘writers’ and/vs ‘readers’ it’s about being a decent human being.
I also in no way said that writing for these characters is supporting the people who made them directly. Fuck Neil druckmann, I’m sure we can all agree on that. People can read all they want, I can’t control that; but it’s different when they complain about not being able to read their smut fics because people are spreading awareness about something very serious. There’s more important things than just smut. There was a strike. For a week. And they still couldn’t get enough. If people’s lives revolve around just fan fiction and fictional characters, I think that speaks volume and maybe they should go outside and interact ! And i’m sure we can all agree that spreading awareness about a genocide is more important than reading porn. People aren’t gonna die because they didn’t get new smut fics of their favorite character. Even before the strike, i and I’m sure many other people were never this obsessed with porn/fics to the point where we thought it was more important than a genocide.
I appreciate you coming to me respectfully, but please do not put words into my mouth.
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problematicfanfics · 1 year
alright i only just noticed you had a tumblr and felt obligated to say something so
i just want to say that i’m a huge fan of your writing and works, and have been for years. i first found out about your stuff back in november or december 2020 (??) a little bit after I Threw Glass At My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm On Probation was first published, since i had been absolutely in love with tombur at the time and scavenging the ao3 tag 24/7 to see if anything new came out, and i was instantly hooked. i have so much to say about it and no way to put it into words, but the whole general concept surrounding it is so interesting and alluring, everytime a new chapter was posted and i’d read right until the end and then it’d be stuck lingering in my mind for literal days on end. every cliffhanger that was left had me so excited for what was next, excited to see whether wilbur would finally be confronted or not. the fic meant and still means so much to me, it’s taken up so long of my life to the point that its probably something i’ll still remember even when i stop consuming poppy or mcyt content. i’ve been so obsessed with the fic that the song it’s based off of was quite literally my #1 song of 2021 all because of it, and was within my top 100 this year too. i’m legitemately grateful for you writing it, because it both got me into Destroy Boys and gave me so much joy for so long.
this is more an amalgamation of me rambling about how much it means to me, so i apologize about how cluttered and disorganized it is, but thank you for writing. your stuff has helped me with a lot of my life ♥️
i’m gonna cry. i hope u understand that i just finished the chapter today because of this. i literally wrote through a wake at church because of the motivation this gave me. is that bad? probably. but the entire family hated the guy anyways
thank you, you specifically as well as everyone who has stuck around, for, well… sticking around i guess. for leaving me comments, asks, messages, friend requests, texts (to those of u ik well), for motivating me.
it’s been over a YEAR since i updated. and even then, by april 2021, updates were very few and far between. so truly no NEW chapters have really come out and when they do it’s ~1,200 words every three months. but y’all still check in, and not only that, LEAVE COMMENTS. even though it’s been silence since october 23rd, 2021 (i missed oct 22 like an idiot last year AND this year), you guys come back. thank you. it’s been TWO YEARS since the release and i’m no where near done and i’m so sorry to any of you who care enough.
but thank you everyone for checking in, offering help, reading, helping me brainstorm. thank you rad, even though we don’t talk much anymore i have u on snap and i still message u time to time. thank u fello, for being amazing and always supporting me, constantly my #1 supporter and lover. Tater, my love who i message at least once a week, idk where id be without u. and all those “anti”s from 2020 i still talk to to this day, i passed my psych test w a 67% 🦅‼️🙏
i’m blasted. this is long. i had a shit day today, with church and my family being a shit show, and this really made me pick up my head and do what i always do: say “fuck it, we ball” and keep moving on.
so fuck it, we ball, thank you anon.
ANYWAYS here’s some church shit from today i found funny
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queenofbaws · 3 years
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hello friends!!! a quick trivia tuesday while i work on getting caught up on some stuff here!!
feat. trivia for both ghost hunting au and the (almost)s! (there are SLIGHT spoilers for both ahead, so you’ve been warned!)
ghost hunting au
conrad’s whole obsession with dead bodies in bathtubs is based ENTIRELY on an absolutely batshit insane conversation/fight i had with my brother. every single person in our family has called him an idiot for it. he does not relent. no part of the argument makes sense. he does not care. i needed to spread the story of that argument far and wide so i wasn’t the only person suffering under the weight of its idiocy.
the misspelled hoodies gag LED TO the idea for the group’s name, and not the other way around skldfskdjflskdf literally the scene with the hoodies was one of the very first scenes that i wrote, and i wasn’t sure WHAT the ghost hunting crew’s name was going to be, i just knew i wanted it to be something that offered a totally dumb as fuck misspelling opportunity alkdsfjaskldjf creeps just worked a little TOO well. ;P
in my original plan for who ya gonna call?, the creeps were, in fact, going to make it successfully to the blackwood sanatorium, where they would have a totally normal, totally uneventful/boring filming session among all the dusty shit. the joke being, of course, that it was only once they got back to the “normal” lodge that all the ghostly shit would happen. this got scrapped for...reasons. reasons i’m hoping to reveal in the near future.
the (almost)s
i gave the curator that quick, QUICK cameo in chapter 19 as a sneaky little suggestion that maybe the veracity of everything from that point on was perhaps in question ;) at least in MoM, we only really “saw” the curator in his repository OR inside the story itself if a character was about to make a really dangerous decision, soooOOOOOO...however, i do have to say, if i’d been writing t(a) TODAY, i think i would’ve had to make the driver anthony instead. just like. how the FUCK would i have been able to pass that up????????
a not-insignificant portion of the ending where they (starve) was written at a buffalo wild wings where @unicornaffair​ and i ate chicken and deeply worried everyone sitting around us. that’s not even MENTIONING how much of it was planned at a wendy’s. idk about HER, but apparently I do some of my best planning covered in french fry grease, so.
the use of parens in the chapter titles, though seemingly arbitrary, i PROMISE has a purpose!!!!!!!! it’s just a really stupid one!!!! since the title of the fic itself is the (almost)s, i meant for those parens to signal something that had ALMOST happened...or that happened in a way that was unintended/unexpected, if that makes ANY kind of sense outside of my head. probably not. but bear with me: the chapter ‘the ending where they (escape)’ becomes ‘the ending where they almost escape.’ josh stays behind, after all, and the argument can be made that none of them ever REALLY escape from what happened on blackwood. ‘the ending where they (starve),’ becomes ‘the ending where they almost starve.’ they sure eat something, huh? ;P even ‘where there’s (a kiss),’ sam and josh kiss, sure, but that was a surprise - chris and ash come awfully, awfully close, but don’t. it amused ME, using those parens, is what i’m saying. it amused ME. hehehe.
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spectralarchers · 5 years
Christine! Writing help question here, if that's okay with you: I saw your reblog on Crowley's blubber/stutter at points throughout GO series and wanted to ask how to make dialogue realistic? Like irl we say uh and backtrack and stuff a lot but I'm wondering how to pull it off well... and kind of on a tangent, I struggle with finding a balance between dialogue and action (too much dialogue in my case). Any tips?
Hi, Ver!
Sorry it took me so long to reply to your ask, I wasn’t around on my laptop much and I wanted to give you a proper response! The post @verdelet​ is refering to is this one, which is a compilation of all the times Crowley in Good Omens just makes noises instead of saying stuff, where I used the following tags:
I don’t think I have any specific tips, but let me try. 
There’s one scene I always, always, always think about when I think about my dialogue and writing it, and it’s this one from Ocean’s 11:
Which in the script of the movie looked like this:
DANNY (V.O.) And Saul makes ten. 
48Danny and Rusty look weary from all this recruitment. Anearby TV with the sound off plays a promo for anupcoming Tyson fight. 
DANNYTen should do it, don't you think? 
(as Rusty shrugs)You think we need one more? 
(as Rusty shrugs)You think we need one more. 
(as Rusty shrugs)Okay. We'll get one more.
It’s super simple, but it works so well, because it feels genuine - the whole Ocean’s franchise is really good with its dialogue (a lot of it was scripted, but a lot of it was unscripted too). This was just for inspiration.
But, like, when I write dialogue - especially in action scenes - I try to let it flow naturally, as much as possible - if that means I have to cut up the description of a car flipping over in order to get the swear word in, I’ll do that:
He’d miscalculated the stickiness of the road - or rather, lack thereof. The moment he felt the car skid off the ice, his heart took an unexpected leap into his throat. 
He immediately gripped the wheel tighter and stopped pressing the brakes in the hope of steering the car back on track. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he muttered under his breath as he tried to figure out how long he had before they were done for good.
You can also use the dash to cut up your dialogue: 
The road ahead seemed to be going into a tight turn, though, and in spite of his efforts he may not be able to get the car to stop before they hit the bedrock.
And so, the only thing that came out of his lips as he felt the car skid onto the patch of black ice was “Jesu- fu- hold on!”
“Hold on to what?” she yelled from the passenger’s seat, her fingers gripping the safety belt. 
Turning the wheel completely to the other side, in the hopes of forcing it onto the side, he clenched his teeth. 
It’s like a natural cut up of the word, sometimes people get interrupted in what they’re saying, and it’s totally fine to do it in the dialogue as well. I usually keep in mind that the words needs to get cut off in a place that’s logical - for example, if you’re going to cut off “fuck”, better either cut if off at “f-” or at “fu-” because “fuc-” just doesn’t make a lot of sense, if that makes sense?
I also quite like having my characters repeat things, or look for their words when they’re mumbling, so I consciously try and get them to say things either twice or mumble, like I would in real life. It’s like letting the dialogue tell the story, rather than try and say that they’re mumbling or looking for their words: 
Finally, as the car skid to a halt, she hit him in the shoulder. “You! You absolute- you absolute idiot!” she shrieked as him, as she tried hitting him again, but this time, he caught her wrist.
“I’m sorry- hey, stop- I’m sorry, alright?! I didn’t- I didn’t think the road was going to be frozen tonight!”
“You should have known!”
He made a sound, sharply inhaling. “Huh?! I’m sorry I didn’t! Because I don’t control the weather, okay? And can you please stop trying to hit me?!”
He caught her other hand this time and immobilized her in her seat. 
“Uhhh, yeah, pfff.” She paused for a couple of seconds, before resuming: “You’re always, always, always going on about how well you know these- these- these stupid roads!”
One of my favorite parts of dialogue I’ve written is in chapter 7 of Nothing Burns Like the Cold, when Clint is explaining to Steve why the American military is in Greenland, and he’s explaning the Monroe Doctrine and the whole World War II shebang up in the North Pole, because I feel like I made Clint’s long, long, long monologue break up into more understandable pieces of dialogue. I’ve highlighed the ‘dialogue things’ I did in bold in order to make the monologue feel more natural: 
“Well, I’m not sure if you know this, but the Danish Ambassador to the United States during World War Two decided he wasn’t going to take orders from occupied Denmark, and so whenever he spoke to American politicians or diplomats, he would do it on behalf of the ‘free’ Denmark. He thought that because the King and Government were being held prisoner, none of their orders mattered, and apparently we liked that a lot. Especially because of the Monroe Doctrine, I think- I- I think that was it. Because we got afraid that Nazi Germany would establish bases in Greenland, so when this guy, when this uh- this- Kauffman? Yeah, that was his name, it was a big deal when Kauffman came into the picture and said that he was giving the United States authorization to defend Danish colonies on Greenland from the Germans. He was sentenced for treason by everybody back home in Copenhagen, but it’s basically because of his agreement that we’re still in Greenland. He never put an end date on the agreement, I think they called it something like the ‘agreement relating to the defense of Greenland’ but I’m not sure on the exact phrasing. It just states that the American personnel can stay on site until- until- uh, ‘for as long as there is an agreement’?”
Clint rubs a pearl of sweat off his temple, as he takes a breath.
“The US Coast Guard and War Department established some weather and radio stations, and it didn’t really matter after a while, once the war ended. But, a couple of years after the German abdication, stuff happened - NATO, and other agreements, Denmark ratifying the agreement and everything. It made Denmark and the US closer allies. In 1951 though, the Danish and American nations forced native Kalaalit people out of their homes in Thule, because the establishment of the airbase was of “more importance” than them living there, where they’d been living for centuries.” Clint pauses, as he looks over at Steve.
“It was bad, man. Governments said it was on voluntary basis, but it wasn’t. Kind of like when we put the Native peoples of the Americas in camps and called it a good thing,” Clint spits, as he clenches his hands. “After all of that, Greenland became a key point in the Cold War. I mean they set up… They set up 14 bases in Greenland, Bluie West, and Bluie East. And then, when Operation Chrome Dome sailed around, they used Thule as one of the bases where they could re-fuel and load up the B-52s that would fly around 24/7. That operation ended in 1968 when one of the planes crashed.”
He pauses.
“In Greenland. On the - the indlandsis? The ice sheet? Right out of Baffin Bay, they think. They were carrying four hydrogen bombs aboard. Thankfully, there wasn’t a big nuclear explosion because the safeties prevented it, but the explosion caused the sheet to melt and a huge area to become contaminated with radioactive material. It also sank to the bottom of the ocean.”
Clint rubs his face and spits to the side.
“The clean-up, they called it Crested Ice, I think. I mean the plane crashed and burned, and there was a patch of blackened ice which was just- just huge, man. I’ve seen the aerial picture that was taken then, and it was terrible. Some documents which were released from the clean up revealed that plutonium contamination reached extremely high levels, and there was… It was bad, Steve. The workers who helped clean up were poisoned, and they still haven’t received compensation for their work.”
Sighing, Clint finally says the truth that he doesn’t want to tell Steve: “Part of the entire Chrome Dome operation and the Thule Air Base was to patrol the Arctic border to the USSR and to find you, Steve. ” Clint takes a deep breath, as he sees Steve’s head drop next to him.
And, the whole above quote, which is practically 600 words of Clint monologuing, all the while I was writing it, I was sometimes stopping up and reading it out loud to see where would someone pause, where would someone search for their words, where would they be thinking about another word?
I remember when I wrote it, it was difficult because there was a lot of information I had to write correctly (the whole Kauffman and Monroe Doctrine is historically accurate, as is the displacement of the Kalaalit peoples) but also make it seem like it was someone trying to recall something they’d learned a long time ago all the while explaining it to someone who had never heard of it before.
It’s the same thing when your character doesn’t know the thing and motions for it instead. If we continue in the car crash example I was writing earlier, it’d give something like this:
“You told me the bend would be like- like this,” she says, as she moves her fingers in an S-shaped formation, and he shakes his head.
“Nah, it’s more-” he moves her hands closer together, “-like this.”
It’s breaking up the lines and introducing the actions you need to convey where your words can’t do it for you - in the above example with Clint, when he’s looking for his words, I like to think that the reader can imagine him either moving his hands or looking thoughtful because he’s repeating himself, or he’s mumbling, or talking to himself, and therefore, I don’t have to tell the reader that he’s mumbling, because he’s doing it himself? (Does any of this even make sense???)
And, FINALLY, to answer your last question, any tips on finding a balance between action and dialogue would be writing the thing, and then leaving it be for a couple of hours and coming back to it, to read it with a pair of fresh eyes.
If the action scene slows down too much because of the dialogue, you don’t have to interrupt it with actual dialogue, but you can just write that they’re “exchanging swear words” or “yelling whenever their body takes a hit” instead of wanting to force the swear words into the narrative text, if that makes sense?
Otherwise, I don’t have any tips, other than reading your work again if you feel like you were struggling with it. Eventually, if you have someone who is willing to help you out, get a beta and ask them to look out for your pacing. 
@kate-katiehawkeye helped me SO MUCH with Swallow Your Soul, like, the only reason that story makes a bit of sense if thanks to her amazing eyes. 
I hope that this large and long pile of blubber managed to help you out a little bit? I am not the best at giving advice because I feel like half the stuff I’m doing is a total improvisation thing, so... I hope this helped! :D
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geminijackdaw · 5 years
Fanfic Author Asks
Tagged by @bereft-of-frogs​! 
I... have a really hard time being positive about my own writing, but I tried OTL 
Author Name: I’m KiwiMeringue pretty much everywhere! I might change it to this one sometime? But I’ve changed it before and I don’t want to keep like, switching all the time OTL I should probably just have called it like KiwiWrites or something, but the thing about this username is I just thought it was cute and unintentionally led a bunch of people to assume I was from New Zealand which is patently false advertising and very disappointing when it turns out I’m Canadian xD; 
Fandoms you Write for: I’ve got stories published for the MCU, and Naruto!  Uhhh I’m blanking on things I’m famiiliar enough with to write for but there are a bunch? Critical role, the adventure zone, Good omens, netflix she-ra., maybe? Homestuck, but more @mr-alice and I’s fantrolls and kids, who still have a huge place in my heart, more than canon.  
Where you post: I’m kiwimeringue on AO3 and FF.net, and then any like small prompt fills I’d probably leave here, 
Most Popular One-shot: Hands down, it’s Therapy Dog.  In which a young Hatake Kakashi deals with grief, survivor’s guilt, or PTSD by acquiring an irresponsible number of dogs. (Disclaimer: this does not work irl if you’re not a magic dog whisperer with a large property out of town) 
Favourite Story You Wrote:  This is as far as I got and this has been sitting in my drafts for days because I really, really struggle with this. I have a hard time being proud of anything I write. I guess it’s Therapy dog, becuase it’s definitely the one that’s resonated best with people, and probably my best example of “Look, I wrote a fanfic!” without having to qualify it with a bunch of asterisks. 
I have given myself a self-imposed deadline of from October 1st to halloween to finish a prompt that I got from @portraitoftheoddity​ in her discord server, (it’s not SUPER spooky, but it’s tenuously thematically appropriate enough that I’m making it my project for the month xD) if I can pull this off, it will be this one. It should be fun. 
Story You Were Nervous to Post: ALL OF THEM. Time I had some Time Alone (TIHSTA) is like a self-indulgent au of a self indulgent au, and I;m amazed anyone enjoyed it xD It got more of a response that Undying Fidelity (UF), the fic from which is is derived, did, for a while, which surprised me. I sort of what to qualify that I started this before I found the incredible corner of the MCU writer’s fandom that I currently frequent, so uh... this is very much Disney Grandmaster. This is Jeff Goldblum in space. Which is what I’m comfortable writing, but feels really pale and inconsequential in contrast to the horrifically vivid and rich dark carnival of twisted Grandmaster fan content that exists, like welcome to fucking weenie hut Jr’s, population: me. 
How Do You Pick Your Titles: With great difficulty and much waffling! Kintsugi is named for thematic relevance that... I haven’t actually gotten to yet but it’s about to become stupid literal anyone who read version 1.0 knows how I mean this. But the idea of things history, and damage being inextricably linked to them, but that the thing can go on anyway, changed but not ruined, there’s recurring imagery and points of fault lines, places where things have been weakened, but that these are important and necessary. 
I don’t feel like I have to explain Therapy Dog xD it’s about coping with grief... with dogs. 
Undying Fidelity is like, painfully obvious, but it’s what I had started calling it, and it just. stuck. Obviously from Loki’s like... second last line in IW, and Sigyn’s title in the Marvel Comics. I’m kind of wishing I’d chosen something else, because there are definitely other fics with the same title, and it’s the name of a song from the IW soundtrack that is... less than fun. For obvious reason. I mean it’s perfect for what it was used for, but it’s not a “ahhh gonna pop this one on for a listen” kind of piece. I still can’t think of anything better, though we’re kind of in a weird place because I don’t quite have all the cards on the table, yet. On Loki’s end though,I’m hoping that I’ve sufficiently established this like... tenuous vestigial little flicker of affection that he’s been able to more or less ignore, but that simply would not go out, despite how much easier that would have been, that’s been given a little room to breathe now. (I could definitely go on trying to justify this for paragraphs, so I’ll stop now xD). Thematic chapter naming is another thing I love to inflict on myself and I always regret it, though I love it so much when other people do it, ahhh. UF’s chapters are all named after cards of the Major Arcana in the Tarot. I’m going to get to one eventually and you’re all going to see why I did this, and you’re all going to hate me and I deserve it xD 
Time I Had Some Time Alone is the thing that’s repeated at the end of REM’s :”It’s the end of the world as we know it” and does sort of describe our reluctant hero’s state at the beginning xD Thriving in his completely self centered backstabbing Littlefinger party hellscape. (I went off on a huge tangent here that I have removed, I may make it its own post). Anyway, more thematic chapter naming, everything’s based on some apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic story. So 21 Days later (since for Loki it felt like three weeks) instead of 28, and chapter two is now titled “beyond thunderdome” because of course it is. (it was “the man come around” for like, THE ARRIVAL OF DEATH  but that uh... that’s going to be a later chapter now). 
Fic-in-planning stages will be called some variant of “Again, from the Top”? Take it from the top? ugh I’m trying to evoke like... redoing a scene. 
There was also Errant, my NaNoWriMo story from like 2012 or something? xD It was about a bunch of idiots that were basically an RPG party in a shitty High fantasy bullshit setting. So like, as in, “a knight errant” wandering in search of adventure, but also in the sense of like like... they’re a bunch of dumbasses making mistakes. 
Do you Outline: Yes! I definitely need to be more organized about it because my outlines are like these stupid irreverent event sequences that involve me remembering nuance way too well. Like for Kintsugi especially I’m scared I’ll have forgotten important minutia that I didn’t bother including becauyse oh pfft, of course I’ll remember that. And then I ...dont. My initial outlines for UF were an excel spreadsheet with scenes in various tiem periods that I dragged and dropped all over the place xD It was SUPPOSED to be thematically relevant paired scenes, with one part of each chapter being zset in the past and one half on the statesman and it just... did not work out that way. 
How Many of Your Stories are complete: One! And it’s the one-shot! FML!
In-Progress:  Undying Fidelity: Currently working on chapter 10 out of 22 TIHSTA: 2 out of... probably 4+ epilogue? Kintsugi: 13/Mayyybe like 30 something?
Coming Soon: From the Top is in its planning stages~! 
Do You Accept Prompts: Absolutely! I can’t guarantee that a prompt is going to like... spark writing? in me? But I’m always open to the idea. And that doesn’t mean that an idea is bad or anything! Just like, can I, personally, take this idea and run with it somewhere. 
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For: Probably from the top, though I am two chapters out from part of of UF I am reeeeeally looking forward to writing :D 
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions: I don’t know who’s been tagged already, I’m so bad at this, so uhh~ If you have been already, or if you just don’t feel like it, please disregard this! And if I don’t tag you but you feel like it, go for it!  @teleris-night @malicemanaged @cosmicmewtwo @not-so-terrible and @ramblingredrose 
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choisgirls · 7 years
What about the RFA playing a silly party game like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven?
A/N: Hi hi! We decided we were going to combine these two into one, since you mentioned them both!! Hope you don’t mind!
Remember the seven minutes in heaven stuff on Quizilla before it was shut down? A dark time in my youth (404: I wrote fics like that on there in 6th grade dear lord) ~ Admin 626
-He’s only heard of 7 minutes in heaven from TV shows and the internet
-He didn’t know it was an actual thing!!!
-EXTREMELY nervous to play. What if he got someone and it made the relationship weird!!! Oh mY GOD WHAT IF HE RUINS THE FRIENDSHIPS????
-When it was your turn to pick a name, however, he secretly crossed his fingers and prayed to the LOLOL Gods to let it be him
-He’s had a huge crush on you ever since you’ve joined the RFA, but he’s always been way too shy to tell you
-Tries to play it cool when he walks with you to the closet, pretending to be put off by the whole idea
-As soon as the door’s shut though, he’s glad it’s dark so you don’t see how red his face is!!
- leaned in to try and kiss you but missed so he just sat in silence
-You make the first actual move and grab him by the shirt, pulling him closer.  The kiss you gave him was so passionate that he thought he was going to faint, but instead, he put his (shaking) hands on your hips, and attempted to kiss back with the same amount of passion. He might not be able to tell you out loud that he likes you, but maybe you’ll get the hint after this!!
-The two of you kept getting closer and closer, each kiss getting sloppier and more rushed. Neither of you could tell who was more excited, in all honesty. You ran your hands through his hair more times than you can count, just as he’s gripped your hips each time. When you bit down slightly on his bottom lip, you could hear a slight moan from him. Before he could get flustered and apologize, you bite down harder and the moan gets louder- but he gets feistier. Your back is slightly against the wall not long after, and his hands start to trail up the front of your shirt.
-Before he could get any further than your stomach, though, time was up and Saeyoung flung open the door, wolf-whistling. The blush on his face was so cute when he practically threw himself away from you! Tried to stutter out an apology but quickly shut up when you kissed his cheek and told him you wouldn’t mind trying again sometime
-How was he talked into playing this game?
- please dont make me go in there with zen he might hit me
-Wasn’t 100% sure what was actually supposed to happen with this game
-You just had to sit in the closet for 7 minutes, right? You didn’t HAVE to make out with whoever you’re with…right?
-He was fine going in there with anyone but zen, if you could just sit and not participate in anything
-Cool Calm Collected: The Jumin Han Story
- 500% excited on the inside though
-You had managed to make your way into his heart, but he just wasn’t good at his emotions- he had no idea how to tell you
-You know he made a powerpoint presentation once but Jaehee told him that was way too business-like, he had to tell you in a more…loving way
-He followed you to the closet, and you started to tell him that if he just wanted to sit and talk, that would be fine with you, though you were cut off before you ever had the chance to say that
-Your back was immediately against the wall, his hands laying flat against it on either side of your head. He slowly brought his lips to your own, kissing them softly, which surprised you. But, there was no stopping there
-When you kissed back, he took the opportunity to run his hands down your sides slowly. He seemed to take his time building up the kiss to something more passionate and rough. Your hand made its way to the back of his head, the sensation of your hand in his hair was enough to throw all hesitation out the window
-His tongue teased your bottom lip, asking for entrance and his hands ran down your thighs. Before his hands could travel anywhere else, time was up and Zen had thrown open the door, yelling something about men being wolves, and how Jumin should get away from you. The look he shot at Zen spoke volumes, mainly “leave us alone”, as he shut the door again, turning back to you
-”So.. Where did we leave off?”
-He suggested this game as a joke but apparently everyone took it seriously
-Was fine until you decided to join, then he was Anxious™
-Wait….what was he gonna do if yoU PICKED SOMEONE ELSE
-When you picked his name, he put his cool facade and pointed his finger guns at you and followed behind to the closet
-SO NERVOUS. He’s liked you from the start and tried so hard to conceal his feelings for you
-The two of you sat in the closet silently for a few minutes, and you started to think he hasn’t made a move because he didn’t like you. You couldn’t take it anymore and flat out asked him if he wasn’t interested in you, or what. He was in shock until he stuttered out a confession that he did like you, he was just extremely nervous to do anything. You shared his feelings though!!! Which definitely threw him for a loop, omg
-”Guess we should… kiss or something now then, huh?” well that’s kinda the point, silly
-You pulled his glasses off and leaned into him before pressing a chaste kiss against his lips- but that was just the tip of the iceberg. His hand tangled into the back of your hair, bringing your face back to his, kissing with immense passion that literally knocked the air out of your lungs. He only pulled away when he realized you couldn’t breathe anymore
-He was back to kissing you soon enough, and you slowly began to lay down as he hovered on his hands and knees above you. His lips traveled from yours down the right side of your neck, nipping it ever so slightly, and his left hand traveled up your thigh painfully slow.
-You locked your fingers together against the back of his neck, and he dug his teeth into the soft skin at the base of your neck. His hand traveled from your thigh to your hip, rubbing circles into it with his thumb. He whispered sweet compliments against your collarbone, kissing it in between each one.
-He grabbed the hem of your shirt, getting ready to pull it up over your head, but before he could, time was up and Saeran opened the door.
-”….I didn’t need to see this.” “Well then why’d you open the door, Saeran” “beCAUSE TIME IS UP YOU IDIOT, GET OUT”
-He pouted the rest of the night, refused to participate in the game anymore. He did, however, keep you close to him the whole time, whispering pick up lines to you every now and then
- especially when you were trying to take a drink, why would he do this
-He didn’t agree to play this game
-But his idiot brother threw his name into the hat anyway, against his wishes
-He expected no less, though
-Already decided, no matter who he ends up with in the closet, he’s just going to sit there and not even talk. Absolutely everyone
-Well, almost everyone? If, say, you were to pick him, he’d be okay with that
-Never shows it though, why would he
-That’s not something for everyone to know. It was only for you to know
-But….he’s. Too. nervous. Or, more like he’s too scared you’ll reject him. Not to mention that in the back of his mind, he doesn’t believe he deserves you
-So when you pick his name out of the hat, he’s full of mixed feelings. Relief, fear, excitement, dread
-You have to drag him to the closet because he refused to go. When the door shut behind you, you told him the two of you could just sit in there, but you had to get in there so Saeyoung would shut up. He hummed a little in thought before whispering
-”But what if I do want to do something?”
-You thought you heard wrong, so you asked him to repeat himself. Instead of repeating what he said, he leaned close to your face and held your chin between his finger and thumb. He was slightly hesitant but kissed you with a fire behind it that shocked you. You definitely had nothing against it. No matter how hard you tried to match the passion, you couldn’t. He was always stepping it up, getting a little more rough, a little more sloppy, and your back made its way to the wall.
-Your shirt was pulled over your head quickly, his teeth shooting down to your shoulder, and his hands cupping your chest. He sporadically left light hickeys and bite marks across your shoulders and sides of your neck. His hands slid from your chest to your pants as he was about to pull them off. Before he had the chance, however, the door flung open and he tried to hide you from anyones eyes besides his own.
-Yoosung stuttered and apology but held his ground when he said time was up. He did, however, yelp and slightly run away when Saeran growled at him. Anything to get him away so you could put your shirt back on in peace.
-Extremely clingy the rest of the night. He finally let go and let you see how he felt about you, and you seemed to accept his feelings, might he even say that you reciprocate them. The look he gave you told you that he wasn’t finished with you yet
- this guy had the genius idea of playing the spin the bottle
- even if he has to kiss jumin, it’ll be worth it if he kisses you
- except he’s had to kiss Jumin like 5 times now??? hE DID NOT ASK FOR THIS
- and you’ve kissed literally everyone but him
- w h a t is happening
- he’s about to pull some teenage stuff here
- you start moving towards him and then your phone rings he’s totally not tearing up
- you answer it and it turns out you have to go because you just called into work
- he’s holding back sobs
- well if he can’t kiss you, he will walk you back to work
- but when you two step out of Jumin’s house, hE FEELS HIMSELF BEING PUSHED AGAINST THE WALL AND YOUR LIPS ARE ON HIS???
- you’re so feisty MC, he figures out you don’t actually have work you just wanted to make out with him
- the rest of the RFA watches on Jumin’s security cameras
- omg she’s sooo not playing for this
- she does not want to kiss anyone in the RFA except for u, the risk is not worth it
- can she play spin the bottle just with you
- she goes first and it lands on you!!! aAAAAA!!!!!
- she leans over to kiss you and is so surprised when you grab the neckline of her shirt and you desperately kiss her???
- initiate hot make out *lenny*
- you totally forget where and tHE GUYS ARE JUST WATCHING BC THEY DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO zen is a little turned on
- when jumin scoffs you both remember where you are and you pull away sO QUICKLY
- it’s so quiet and awkward no one knows what to do
- Jaehee gets up and grabs your hand to lead you to a private room
- you really think this boy would play spin the bottle?
- nah man nah, he likes you too much to risk kissing other people!!!
- gets a little sad when you decide to play
- you two aren’t even together V is just that dedicated to you
- he almost starts crying when he sees you kiss Seven
- mc why are u like this stop hurting my precious bEAN
- but after spin the bottle is over, he’s walking in a hallway and he feels himself get pulled into a room
- a hot night is what’s happening, buddy my pal
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