#this is soooooooo silly i hope you all enjoy it lol
backhurtyy · 2 months
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fool for love
“Only because I fucking care, you little shit.” Roy flounders a bit here— he’s confident now that Jamie’s not lying and is actually fine, but he figures one more question can’t hurt. He reaches for something random. “What holiday is coming up?”
“April Fools’ Day.”
Roy blinks once. Twice. A third time, before he bursts out laughing. “All right,” he wheezes out. “I’ll take that.”
Because technically, Jamie isn’t wrong. April Fools’ Day is the day after Easter this year, and he supposes it is a holiday. It’s just— it’s not what he expected, and it’s such a typical Jamie answer, and it’s helplessly endearing, and fuck but does Roy love him.
jamie hits his head, roy worries, and they say i love you for the first time
2.28k | royjamie | for @lesmiserablol | filling 'established relationship' for @royjamiebingo | based on a true story
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madmadmilk · 4 years
ok ok ok ok this is probably gonna end up being a long, rambly (pretty sad) personal post so–– feel free to scroll on and have a nice day ☼
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i know it’s been a rough couple of weeks for everyone.... and to try to keep myself in good spirits, i enjoyed the “quarantine memes” and venting my frustrations online. my blog is a bit of a diary, and a platform–– lol while you shouldn’t really take my advice as The Word, it’s a nice way to share information and experiences with one another! i just really enjoy that !! it’s a nice place to come at the end of the day and just be silly and honest with the void.
blahh, and if i’m being honest?? i haven’t felt very great the past few days. so phewww, i have some frustrations to share....
so the first two weeks of quarantining & social distancing were definitely strange. i didn’t really get to say “see you later” to a lot of friends, family, and my boyfriend. i took the “social distancing” rules pretty seriously and was addicted to watching the news :( work was fine but slow
NOW it’s the third week, and i’ve had a sinking feeling for a while... 
YESTERDAY, my boyfriend and i decided that maybe we could figure out a way to meet for a few hours? unfortunately, the “stay at home” order was being enforced in my state THAT HOUR and we decided to avoid the complications of asking for permission and stuff (cos we both live with family).  so i didn't get to see him even tho we made some convoluted and elaborate plans to... :( it was already super sad and idk we have a pretty dependent relationship on one another and this is just SO frustrating cos he didn’t take the situation as seriously as i did in the beginning and now......... the “stay at home” order is gonna be enforced until JUNE... bruh
and , if that wasn’t enough YESTERDAY, i got the dreaded call.... and I’ve been let go at my job. 💔 i had been contracted to work there, as “temporary” status for nearly two years.... and i think that the “ stay at home order” kinda finalized cutting off a lot of “non-essential” employees.  lol i literally broke into sobs just out of shock after the phone call. by no means was it a dream job, but it was my First Job, and it’s pulled me out of despair and gave me a routine for a while. so yeah, still pretty upset about that.... it’s pretty fresh.
i’m ok, i’m doing better today, and i’m ready for whatever comes next
i’m so grateful to be living at home (with my family) at this time, and i’m in a safe place to chill and grow a little bit
i’ve been keeping busy with writing, drawing, cleaning, cooking and taking walks ❣️
very thankful to have this space too, and to share my thoughts and all. i was really upset the other day, but i know better than to wallow in it for too long. soooooooo ur gonna have to deal with me spamming my thoughts on here :)
yeah, so that’s it. i just feel like i need to be honest about losing my job, and the disappointment of being “stuck at home” for another 2-3 months. i’m fine, and i’ll be fine but yeah, i can still be frustrated about it. you’ll probably see A LOT of me in the coming months, and hopefully they’ll be all good things.
i might put out a “how to help me” post soon if things get tight, but ya! no strict obligation to ya, just if u feel like buying me a lil coffee or buying a print or t-shirt from my shop. or even commissioning me to draw you something or write something! i might make a post soon, but we’ll see! i got a lot of shit i gotta put together 😢
till then... follow me on instagram? @ noturjacky to see what i’m up to IRL and just.... help me grow a following idk lol  🤪
that’s it for now! i just want to say thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for being so lovely and supportive. I hope that you’re all treating yourselves well, and finding reasons to smile everyday!! we’re getting through it, and not every day is a total success... but tomorrow could be! ♥︎
sending lots of love your way! please stay safe and healthy, babe,
madmadmilk 🌿
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It’s wonderful how you love reading people’s words about almost anything and attend to their words, being able to sense their feelings behind it. And I agree, it’s so lovely when you can sense a person’s joy through their words, as you said! Here I am once again, feeling special, thanks to you 💛 You’re a darling! And I’ll try my best to send long asks whenever possible!! (1/11)
Ahh, it’s going to be a while before I actually feel comfortable doing chart readings! But you know what? I would be happy to read your astrology chart for free, if you want! It would be great practice for me and it would give me a chance to grow my confidence. Though only if you want, let me know! ☺️ I’m so happy to know you’re learning and grasping everything perfectly! The way you believe in me astrology-wise makes my heart all warm 💓 (2/11)
I’m sorry your summer courses got cancelled btw, especially since you were on track to graduate. Hopefully, this gives you time for yourself though. I wish I can say I enjoy being active too, but it’s not something I do often tbh. Though I do love walking, as well as dancing (but it’s been a while). I need to find more activities that can get me moving 😔 Ah I see, what solo activities do you like doing to stay active? (I fall on the introverted side, I tend to favor being alone too) (3/11)
I’m on the same boat as you + your family. I haven’t been outside since mid-March and being at home until now has made me a bit antsy. It probably added to the weird headspace I was in too. Though that’s gone now, I’m feeling much better + less stressed thankfully. The semester is still in session for me, I’ve got about until mid-May until it’s over. Though I’m glad that school will be over before my birthday, so that’s a blessing I’m super thankful for! I can enjoy my day in peace, aha. (4/11)
Manipulation can be associated with a few other signs too actually, but Scorpio is definitely up there in the top three! And it is definitely true that that as you get older, you can either grow more into your sign’s archetype or some traits lessen over time. Rather than it being some traits disappearing, it’s more likely due to other planetary energies in certain signs coming into play and becoming more prominent. (5/11)
There’s also this point in everyone’s chart, the midheaven. It’s been said that whatever sign a person’s midheaven is in, that person shows more of that energy as they get older. Which brings me to how you got the impression that I’m a Libra! My midheaven is in Libra, which is probably why you felt that more than Taurus. It’s fascinating, especially since we’re just interacting through messages. Didn’t know my Libra energy was showing that strongly but it’s nice being aware of that now! (‪6/11‬)
I will definitely let you know if any of my guesses change when I do a rewatch of the whole series! (P.S. did you hear the announcement that A:TLA will be on Netflix ‪on May 15th‬?!) And to make it more fun, I’ll assess the other characters as well and share what signs I believe they could possibly be! I’ll consider it my mini summer project 😋 But oh my gosh, soft Zuko in the comics? 🤧 Maybe I should read the comics too then, since it might give me more material to work with. (‪7/11‬)
Your questions made sense, it’s all good! I think the best thing to refer to and see how Yue’s Venus energy influences Zuko’s Cancer side is that conversation in chapter 22 of Limerence, where Zuko told Yue that if having a family meant having a family with her, then that’s all he could ever want. Of course, he loves her, so there’s no doubt about them having a family together eventually. (‪8/11‬)
Though this is highlighted more with Yue’s Venus + Zuko’s Cancer energy because those energies meshing creates a soft/tender vibe, which makes coming together and creating a family highly ideal. Because Venus carries this loving energy which reinforces Cancer’s love for being domestic. As for the dynamic of Yue’s Libra and Zuko’s Aries, I feel that it’s one of the things that sets the overall tone for their relationship. (‪9/11‬)  
With Aries/Libra, it’s kind of a classic case of Venus & Mars, so Yue being the affectionate/gentle one while Zuko being the intense/bold one, that paints the picture of their Aries/Libra dynamic. All that Libra/Scorpio energy in your sister’s family though, wow!! There are some common patterns in astrology that can occur with family, and one of those patterns can manifest as a certain sign or two being strong in the family. I guess that’s completely true for your sister! (‪10/11‬)
I’ll wrap all of this up by saying that chapter 33 of Limerence is completely enthralling! With every single chapter, I’m just in love with your storytelling. You’re such a fantastic writer! And also, it’s very enjoyable talking to you every time! Thank you for showing such warm energy always, it’s refreshing 💜 -  🌻 (‪11/11‬)
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AHHHH – my lovely 🌻-anon~! 🥰🥰🥰
How long have you been studying astrology, and how long does it usually take for one to gain the confidence and skills to provide a service? I’m just so curious – but I never had anyone to ask these questions and learn. I’m sorry if these queries sound silly 😅
I would love a reading – but I’ll have to give you something. I refuse to not pay or give something back (even if small!). Plus, I need to say thank you for indulging me and letting me bother you non-stop with my questions 😂 But, seriously – you should be confident. You have literally not only captured my interest but a lot of others too!
Honestly, as sucky as it is to not graduate, I’m doing exactly that – taking the time for myself. I’ve been going for walks as of late while listening to some tunes! I live near conservation, so I’m lucky that I have a huge forest with lakes and a beach to unwind. But before I got hurt, I used to do cross-country, high-jump, and shotput (I miss those days 😭).
But, if you enjoy dancing – I encourage Zumba💃
I know it seems random, but it’s something super fun to do by yourself (or with someone else, I usually do it with my mom) and it just gets you moving. I’ve been doing Zumba almost every day because sitting on the couch is starting to get to me. It’s totally random – but it’s a fun way to get active in the comforts of your home, and you got some fun music to listen to. I’m glad to hear you’ve gotten out of that weird headspace though – I relate a lot to you in that aspect. It can take a while to get out of it, but the important part is that you did it! And I wish you the best with school, you’re almost done.
Also, happy Taurus season, babe~! 😘😘
Ouu, so what other signs associate with manipulation? I always hear Scorpio, so you’ve piqued my interest. And, I’m going to be honest, I’m still in shock that you’re a Taurus LOOL. I don’t know why, but the way you write reminds me of some of my friends/family who are Libras. You just have this diplomacy when you write? Do I sound crazy – probably 😂😂. I’ve never heard about the midheaven, but now that you told me that, it does make a lot of sense. Like you know how Zuko screams Mars? You scream Libra for me😋
YES I DID HEAR. Okay, so I’m from Canada, so ATLA is already here for us to watch – but my best friend (he lives in the States) literally called me screaming in excitement. We’re planning binge-watching dates for us to video chat and watch together. So I think I can safely assume you shall be binge-watching ATLA starting May 15 😉😉
Soft Zuko.
I swear, I fangirled soooooooo damn hard.
My heart – gone.
Soul – snatched.
Zuko is just such a cutie, like a teddy bear – with that smile of his and I just ajsdksadjksjdkasdksd My body can’t handle this level of cuteness. Like he has his kick-ass moments, but getting to see that other side of him was beautiful. My favourite moment was he gives Kiyi a piggy-back ride and tucks her into bed. If you end up reading the comics – you gotta let me know. I’m dying to know what you think of it!
It was also neat seeing Katara’s and Aang’s relationship develop in the comics (and Toph). Like the comics captured the essence of an awkward teenage romance (Katara and Aang) blooming into a long-lasting relationship. Like my friends said they cringed so hard during some ‘romantic’ moments between them, and they’re like it made us cringe not because it was bad, but because that was us when we were teenagers with our partners.
Oh wow – thank you for the examples! Honestly, it makes sense now about the domestic aspects with Zuko’s Cancer and Yue’s Venus. I just needed to make sure I was understanding it, I need to know these facts👏👏 But I swear – I feel like their whole relationship is the definition of chaotic neutral 😂😂
Is there a reason why certain signs have a strong presence in certain families (like you mentioned how you have a lot of ‘me’s’ in yours lol). Or is just random?
But I’m glad you enjoyed chapter 33, love! It feels so nice to get back into a writing routine – I was going nuts, not able to write consistently. I need to channel my chaotic energy into my stories LOOL
But I hope you’re taking care of yourself (family and friends included) in these times! It’s nice engaging in these long chats, it makes so happy (can you tell 😂).
I can’t wait till I hear from you again🌻~! 💜💜💜
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1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, June 30 - July 6, 2019
Another week, this one with a DE update (Discord Collaboration Event) that happened... well, yesterday.
I was going to make this post much earlier, but the FF website was being dumb.
Legacy Prologue - Kanto
1) Don’t mind me, just a random review to let you know that people still read Legacy. But while I’m here, I just wanna say to the people reading the Review Response: POST A REVIEW ON LEGACY IF YOU READ IT SO THAT THE SERIES CAN CONTINUE FASTER
... While I appreciate the thought, but posting a review for the very first chapter does the opposite of what you are trying to do. It’s already a downhill trend. If you raise the higher points higher, the downhill trend just becomes steeper.
Legacy #007
1) Where’d you go? There hasn’t been an update in almost a month?
Yeah, it’s been like a month, but... I think the Legacy Hiatus can go a few more months. Let’s see 1 update per every 4 months, hmm?
2) I love this story so much I really hope moon,lillie and hau are ok and if platinum will recover from her experience with the shadow net.
I can't wait for the next chapter
... Shadow net? ... Heh. I guess you can consider the currently concealed enemy as Legacy’s version of SA’s ShadowNet? But without the comedic silliness and failure.
3) OUCH. Putting moon and a boy on fire is horrifying. I think Lillie too. Never thought people would almost kill anyone just to get that Pokedex.
I put Moon, a boy, and Lillie on fire. So yes. I already said a long time ago that I was going to set Moon on fire. I followed through with that promise. Yes, you wouldn’t think that people will go that far to get a Rotom Dex given how annoying it is, but... useful for their goals.
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And with that, Legacy’s chart now looks like this. It’s still a downhill trend. But just a few more to the last chapter and the trend will look different.
Destiny #013
1) I'm so sorry that this review is so late! I sorta got caught up watching a three hour movie with my family and then fell asleep reading this not because it was boring but because I tend to fall asleep while doing things. Anyways, I kid you not, when Blue asked the big question (the question I've been asking since the very beginning) I stg I leaned in closer. Like, that was the very moment that I had been waiting for the entire time! And it was just causally thrown in and took me by surprise. And tbh, I didn't expect that answer. He's trying to restore certain pokemon to their full power... well I doubt he's doing it to be nice. He's obviously going to use that power for something else. I can't believe Blue just took that answer as a satisfactory one when it's so vague. But I guess she didn't really do it for information, but whether to see if he trusted her or not. Well, he passed the test.
Speaking of that moment, I was also surprised to see that Blue could still think. Was she still brainwashed? Or even when under his control can you still think thoughts you would even when he isn't of control over you? Welp, who knows. But it also makes me wonder if the scouts have that same thing. What were they thinking when they were attacking the dexholders? Or maybe Blue is just really strong in those regards and this could somehow mean that in the future Blue will break her hold because of that strength. Hmm a lot to ponder indeed.
Also, Diamon was so sweet. I know they all are when it comes to the person they like, but like goddammit Dia. You're killing me. And, like, it wasn't even that much, but just his concern for Platinum was great. Though, X is a little bitch ngl. There Y is, all hurt and afraid, and doesn't even speak to her (unless he did and I just forgot?). But what can you expect? I guess not that.
I feel like this review is a little short compare to the others, but I suppose that's because this chapter is shorter than the others. But you are right when you said that in order to compensate for that, you gave us valuable info! It gave me more questions than answers, but still the little insight into Peter's plan was nice. Though as for what he plans in doing with Blue... I feel like he would do something more with her than just sending her to fight the dexholders. It would be such a waste to send someone as important as her to just fight them, when he already has an advantage. Maybe he plans on sending her as a spy? I mean, he already tried that, but that didn't work out as well as he expected, But it still did the job so I guess maybe not. Hmm or maybe he'll use her somehow, not to defeat the dexholders, but to restore the power to the pokemon. Unless the whole reason for restoring the pokemon's power is to defeat the dexholders, But that seems rather silly, because he could just do that on his own.
Anyways, I read your review response and while it does take a long time to write these reviews, I very much enjoy writing them so I will continue lmao.
Thank youuuuuuuuuu
And you’re back! For just one chapter this week, it seems. Yep. Trying to restore certain Pokemon to full power. That was me trying to jump the gun on the third Kalos game which never existed for some reason. Damn it. Oh well. At least Generation VII gave the Zygarde formes.
Well, Blue is not brainwashed. It’s more like... instead of just completely controlling her, she’s getting more aggressive thoughts and prompts in her mind. She was already distressed, and the subtle “nudges” towards the darker thoughts prompted her aggressive response. As for the other FULL mind controls... you will see.
Diamond is so sweet. Especially when it comes to Platinum. Hehehe... And for X... he’s not really the vocal type when it comes to things like this. It’s usually Y trying to cheer him up, and making sure that he’s okay, not the other way around. So... he doesn’t really know what to do. ... Poor Y...
While it certainly wouldn’t hurt to spy on an enemy that you can already easily crush, it’s not all that necessary. That said, disruption can come in many forms. Hehehe...
I look forward to seeing your future reviews!
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And Destiny now looks like this. Still up and down and up and down and... And this won’t be changing from just ONE person reading and reviewing, of course. ... That said, every time I look at this chart, that (38, 5) is REAL freaking annoying.
DE #033
1) YAY! New update :) I was wondering what was taking so long for one but after reading this now I know. :) Can’t wait for more :)
Well, this wasn’t the only thing that was causing a delay in all the other chapters. But at least I was working on something in the meantime, eh?
2) MORE. MOREEEEEE! More cute black/white chapters. I neeeed theeem
And you shall get them. ... Later, and depending on the outcome of this chapter.
... The biggest reason why these two are not in any pairings is because of how freaking awkward or boring they are in a relationship. And you want me to pair them up with people they haven’t even met yet, thus removing canon histories from their interactions? Once again, I cannot keep these two REMOTELY in character and have such a chapter to work.
4) Aww, this was so cute! I've always loved Agency, even though I haven't quite read that arc yet lol. Seeing them happy together just brings a smile to my face :D The next chapter coming up seems interesting, too, I can't wait to see who the random Dex Holders are!
Seeing Black and White happy together is a rarity in my stories! Heh... So better enjoy it while you can~!
The two Dex Holders for the next scrambled chapter has already been decided. The “random” is a lie. The answer can be found in Pokemon Special Discord. Hehehe...
5) I literally can't stop smiling while reading this. This is just soooooooo cute!
Hehe. I tried to cram in as much cute and sweet stuff as possible :)
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And so DE now looks like this. ... Interesting to note that this chapter has been out for less than 24 hours and already has more than the Sun & Moon chapter I made a long time ago. Heh. As usual, the youngest juniors just get sh*t on in stories like these. Before the Sun & Moon chapter, what is the absolute minimum? (16, 5), which was... X & Y. Yep. The youngest juniors just get sh*t on.
If this chapter fails to reach 10 like the last one, then... well, so much for trying to write cute stuff with Black and White.
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kateanddevinreview · 6 years
A Christmas Prince
In Which Kate and Devin review Netflix’s new Christmas movie and utterly fail at avoiding spoilers.
Kate: So where do we start?! Devin: Pick a movie to talk about? Kate: Top of the list is Christmas Prince. It was terrible; from start to finish it was filled with cliches and things that didn't make sense Devin:  I liked the movie! Kate: You can like the movie that is fine. I enjoyed watching the movie? But only because it was so bad. Devin: I really like the izombie girl and she was super weird in this, almost soft spoken or something? Kate: She was weird, but she made it more enjoyable to me just because I like her. Devin: I would probably have been much less forgiving of this movie without her Kate: Prince was handsome, but I've already forgotten his name. Devin: Really? I thought he was eh. Kate: Not as handsome as in the next movie (spoliers!), but he was very princely I thought. Devin: I mean prince looked very british? But I don't find that attractive Kate: I guess I don't mean particularly attractive to me, but generically attractive. As in, I think more people would say he was very attractive than would say he was average. His acting was pretty blah though. His sister's hair was on point? Devin: Fair. She reminded me of the bitchy girl in willy wonka though. Kate: OMG, yes. She was very reminiscent of the bitchy girl. Devin: Was she the bitchy girl? Kate: I don't think she was? But definitely reminded me of her Devin: Hold on I am imdb-ing her Kate: Holding Devin:  Okay well searching “willy wonka and the chocolate factory” failed, because that is not the title. And you're right it's a totally different girl. Devin: Moving on, loved the queen lady, possibly because she's in it for all of 5 minutes. Kate: She was pretty good, very severe looking. But you could tell it was grief? (Spoiler: the king is dead) Devin: It's in the plot description, I don't think it's a spoiler. Kate: Oh is it? I didn't read the plot description. Devin: Also he's been dead for like a year Kate: Well fine Devin: No okay I lied. But it is revealed in like the first 10 minutes. Kate: It is a very major point in the plot. Kate: So actor choice I give it 8 christmas trees. Generally they all fit in and izombie girl made me willing to watch it. Devin: Yeah, out of 10 I'd say 8 is probably where I land too. Kate: Cool, consensus! Devin: I still really love that she has both family and friends and contacts them throughout the movie, like a normal person. Oh! And I liked that she called her boss to be like "hey, so, uh, what should I do?" Kate: That's true, the movie gets bonus points for concocting a real life around their protagonist. Devin: This is not a spoiler I don't think? But what the hell was with the scene where he saves her from wolves? Kate: Yes! That fit in nowhere? Wait, I mean, actually, when you think about how fast the plot moved, it progressed over only 2 weeks and ends with (Definitely spoiler) him proposing. Kate: Maybe attack by wolves was the instigating ‘falling in love quickly’ event? All the adrenaline? Devin: Oh yeah the timeline of this movie makes no sense. Also: how did she saddle and steal that horse if she was going to fall off so easy? Kate: How did she know how to ride a horse at all? Devin: Right? Kate: Clearly we are missing some important backstory here Devin: Was she from New York? Or do I just assume that's where all movie characters from a city live? Kate: I think the second, but I don't actually know where she was from. Her friend being super gay does suggest New York to me though.   Kate: Back to ratings, I'm going to give this one a low grade on Christmas-iness. I think the plot could have progressed absolutely the exact same way without being set over Christmas, using a birthday or something. I give it only 1 reindeer. Do they ever say how the King dies? Devin: I assume either illness or age… actually I feel like the king got cancer, but that could be 100% a lie. Kate: Doesn't matter because it’s not christmas related. Devin: Cold. Did you think the mom was old to have a daughter as young as Emily? I can't actually remember how old she looked. Kate: I really wondered about that. She looked a little old but my dad has a friend who got pregnant at 50, so physically it’s possible. And the sister was what, between 9-12? Devin: Probably Kate: So if mom was 55 in the movie that seems doable Devin: Ok. Also the king was a dick "hehe I will continue to lie to my only son about his parentage, EVEN THOUGH I KNOW I AM DYING AND ALSO HE IS A GROWN ASS MAN AND IT AFFECTS THE POLITICS OF MY KINGDOM and then I will HIDE THIS VERY IMPORTANT LEGALLY BINDING DECREE to be found after my death and definitely for sure followed even though honestly no one has to listen to a dead guy. And the only hint they have is my shitty riddle poetry" Kate: I still very much doubt the legality of the paper "it has the king's seal on it" no thank you. That's not how I like my laws made Devin: Like doesn't he need that notarized or looked at by a council or some shit? Also, it's not even a decree, it just says "I love my son lots, just not enough to tell him the truth". Kate: And if he did, wouldn't that person have come forward when he died? So fucking weird, he was a dick, you're right. Devin: What modern day country is this anyway? Kate: A shitty European one. Devin: Like, fake country, yes. But I assumed they were using maybe England as a template or something. Kate: It seemed a little like they were. But a much smaller country than England? Devin: Are there still ruling monarchies? In real life? Kate: Yes? Saudi Arabia? Devin: Hmm, I don't know enough about Saudi Arabian law to determine if death bed messages hidden in acorns are legally binding. Kate: Well, one of their princes just murdered a bunch of their other princes, so probably not. Kate: Oh hey, apparently Monaco is a country that still has a ruling monarch. Devin: Huh Kate: There are others but I don't think we need to get into all that. Just go read the wiki people. Devin: I mentioned while I was watching, but I still resent her dramatic race to stop the coronation when she easily could have called the palace. Kate: You have cellphones! Use them! Devin: It would have saved at *least* half an hour. Kate: Trope! That goes in the trope category. I'm giving the plot like 2 eggnogs, maybe tropes like 4 jingle bells. Devin: Yeah the trope meter was off the scale in this movie. Kate: Like, I liked some of the tropes? Which is why it’s a little higher for me. But damn. All of them. Devin: Tropes can be good, they just threw a lot of them in there. Kate: They made a list of tropes and then made a movie around them. Devin: Clumsy female lead. Kate: Ugh. Hate that. Devin: "hehe oops, was this OBVIOUSLY EXPENSIVE VASE important?" Kate: Everything in a castle is expensive! Sick sister Devin: Mean kid just wants friendship. Kate: Ugh, the mean kid/friendship one is another pet peeve. Devin:  She goes from "I will kill you in your sleep" to "I trust you implicitly" in, like, a single scene. Kate: The sister warmed up to her in like 4 hours! That's not how it works! Have them bond over something silly right to begin with! Many movies do that well. Devin: If you need them to be friends for the plot, just don't make her mean to start! skip straight to friendship! Kate: Yes! Dead father. Dead mother Devin: Secret adoption Kate: Father who owns a restaurant that you have to go work at. Devin: Shaved his beard and suddenly she thinks he's hot Kate: Oh yes! Secretly not a playboy? Devin: Also he stole her taxi for seemingly no reason. Kate: I didn't really get that bit to be honest. Devin: Just to be a dick? Kate: Yeah, that was such a dick move. That was never addressed and she just forgave completely just because he's a prince. Devin: It's like they couldn't decide until halfway through if they wanted him to be nice or not. Also wanting to bone is not the same as love. Kate: Very true. It seemed like it just went on and on to me. I'd be like, surely this movie is wrapping up soon. And then it kept going. Devin: I definitely shouted at you "dear god look in the acorn!" for a solid hour of that movie Kate: You did. Over and over. You picked up on it the very first scene and you were cooking at the same time! Devin: It was so obviously a box! I have honestly no idea where she got the birth certificate from though. Or how bitchy love rival girl found it. I never learned her name Kate: Oh, so she literally just found the birth certificate in a desk at the lodge they went to after the wolves. It might have been a sort of secret compartment? But not very secret. Devin: lol what? Kate: And then bitchy rival girl searched her rooms. Devin: Rude Kate: Which was a huge invasion of privacy. Devin: If I was a secret reporter I would definitely lock that away. Kate: Right! They were like, spread out on her bed. Devin: Then again a 10 year old cracked her laptop password Kate: hahaha, I forgot that part, so dumb, just so dumb. Devin: She's honestly a terrible reporter Kate: Yeah, plot definitely only gets 2 eggnogs. I mean, she wasn't really a reporter. Devin: She sort of was? Kate: She was an editor who wanted to be a reporter. Devin: Yeah, fair. Kate: But clearly she was better at writing than reporting I would say. Devin: She did get the assignment. Kate: Cause no one else was available! Devin: What percentage of her getting that assignment was her boss hoping the prince would sleep with her? Kate: At least 75% Devin: "You lied your way into the palace? Goooooood. I stuffed some condoms in your luggage. No, no reason. Wink." Kate: OMG! Her boss was such a sleeze. Or at least it felt that way to me. Devin: I mean wasn't it a tabloid magazine? Kate: It must have been. Devin: iZombie was very naive. Kate: Soooooooo naive. How? She's an adult. Devin: A very sheltered adult. Kate: She works for a tabloid! Devin: Ok I think maybe it's final scoring time Kate: Ok, you wrap. Tell me how you feel? Devin: Probably a 3/10 for plot, 8/10 for actor choices, 4/10 for acting, uh, like 2/10 for Christmas-ness, 6/10 for ending? 2/10 for tropes? Kate: I think I’d go a little lower on the ending - 4 gift bags. It was pretty fucking weird, but it did end happy? And that's important in a christmas movie. Devin: It was weird, but I feel like I am very forgiving as long as it's happy. Split the difference and say 5? Kate: Sure, 5 gift bags. Devin: What would you give it overall? Kate: Overall it’s not a movie I would recommend unless you specifically like one of the following: the girl from izombie, movies about fake royal families or .... I can't think of a third thing Devin: Acorns Kate: Or acorns - if you really have a thing for super obvious plot devices, this movie is for you! Overall possibly 4 christmas's I suppose Devin: Aww, so low? Kate: Yeah, sorry. Devin: No you're fine. Kate: How many christmas's would you give the Christmas Prince? Devin: I was thinking a 6. Kate: I think 6 is perfectly acceptable. If you'd given it an 8 I would question. Devin: Never. Kate: Oh no! We forgot to judge the title! Devin: It's a terrible title. 0 sleigh bells. Kate: Yeah, 0 sleigh bells for the title. I think it was so we would realize it was supposed to be a christmas movie. Devin: Probably. The Christmas [Noun] is just so boring. Kate: The Christmas King would have made more sense? Devin: Hmm, I do like the Christmas King better. Kate: Because of the coronation plot line. That we didn't get into at all in this review. But whatever, go watch the movie. Devin: Yeah. Kate: You know it has something to do with acorns. Devin: Or don't watch it. Kate: Or don't.
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peony-please-blog · 7 years
Real Talk: February 2017
I’m starting a series of posts where every month I will sit down and reflect on how the month went! This is inspired by the Artist of Life Workbook by Lavendaire!
I’ll be reflecting on:
Highlights from the month
What I’ve been grateful for during the month
What I’m excited about for the coming month
Goals for the coming month
So without further ado, let’s get started!
Highlights from February
I attended my first floral workshop. After a month of thinking and reflecting and being scared shitless of even TRYING, I finally made a move to start working towards my floral career! You can read about my experience here.
I started working on my calligraphy and hand lettering. Let me tell you, it is HARD. But persistence and perseverance will be the two things that will get me through this!
Mini Melbourne trip. It was nice to get away with the family and Jonathon, and to see our family friends who live there. I discovered how freaking amazing the shopping is there. I’m definitely going back after my wedding! Soooooooo excited to shop up a storm!
What I’ve been grateful for
Jonathon. I’m always so grateful that the most impatient person in the universe has somehow managed to find the most patient person to be with. Even when I can see his frustration with me during my bouts of crippling self doubt, he is always so supportive! <3
Bonding time with coworkers. There have been many changes at my day job and with people moving on to bigger and better things, I’m so incredibly grateful for my coworkers who have become friends for life. It’s really them that makes work bearable!
What I’m excited about in March
10 year anniversary with Jonathon. I cannot believe we have been together for a decade. Not only does that make me feel incredibly loved and happy but it also makes me feel so incredibly damn old lol.
More floral fun. I’m so excited to be going to not one, but two workshops with Helen from Lime Tree Bower again! I’m especially looking forward to the intensive wedding workshop where I’ll learn how to make centrepieces and boutonnieres, helping me hit one of my creative goals for 2017! I’m also going to be going to the flower markets every fortnight to buy flowers to experiment with - my next visit will be next Tuesday! Woohoo!
Attending my second wedding of the year. One of my uni and work friends is getting married in March and I’m SO DAMN EXCITED FOR IT. I love weddings sooo much but this one will be extra special because my friend is one of the most loving and inspiring and beautiful-inside-and-out people I’ve ever met. I’m so excited for her!
Goals for March
Continue working on calligraphy. And try not to get so frustrated with myself haha.
Meditate! I was doing daily meditations before Christmas but fell off the wagon with the silly season and have been unable to maintain it for more than two days in a row now :( 
Research on blog layouts. I’m currently using one of the default templates and am keen beans to get a customised template. Unfortunately the last time I played around with html was when I was an angsty teenager so my skills are hella rusty haha. Also looking at getting a custom url domain but not sure if I should do that later?
That’s it for now, guys! I hope you enjoyed reading my Real Talk post (sidenote: if someone can help me think of a name better than ‘Real Talk’ - I’m all ears haha)! If you also have a blog, please feel free to join me in reflecting each month and leave a comment with your blog!
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