#poems of 1912 13
blackhyena · 11 months
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Thomas Hardy, ‘The Haunter’.
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Between the text of the first three Locked Tomb books themselves, the back matter in Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth, and a few interviews, I think that Tamsyn Muir has provided us with enough information to semi-confidently predict at least one major plot element in Alecto the Ninth. It has to do with Harrow, the Resurrection, and what’s beyond or underneath the stoma.
In the Gideon the Ninth back matter Tamsyn says that Harrow is “named very specifically for the harrowing of Hell” (GtN p. 468 in the paperback). The harrowing of Hell is an event in the traditional Christian theology of Jesus’ death and resurrection where He descends into hell and brings salvation to righteous people who died before His time. As Kate Mary Warren’s “Harrowing of Hell” article in the Catholic Encyclopedia of 1907-1912 puts it:
This is the Old English and Middle English term for the triumphant descent of Christ into hell (or Hades) between the time of His Crucifixion and His Resurrection, when, according to Christian belief, He brought salvation to the souls held captive there since the beginning of the world. According to the "New English Dictionary" the word Harrowing in the above connection first occurs in Ælfric's homilies, about A.D. 1000; but, long before this, the descent into hell had been related in the Old English poems connected with the names of Cædmon and Cynewulf. Writers of Old English prose homilies and lives of saints continually employ the subject, but it is in medieval English literature that it is most fully found, both in prose and verse, and particularly in the drama.
The Biblical citation for this is I Peter 4:6, which describes Christ preaching “even to the dead.” Historically the way this was understood was that people before Christ who had died without “deserving” hell but for whom Jesus Himself hadn’t died yet went to a morally and hedonically neutral underworld space like we see in Ancient Greek religion. It was this particular space in hell that was harrowed. More recently the view has been advanced that He just emptied the place and gave out salvation like Oprah giving out cars, and there is some early evidence for this understanding too (Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom; I Corinthians 15). In the interview that Tamsyn did on the Nona the Ninth release day, she tells us bluntly that “Harrowhark is in Hell”.
So that establishes--in my opinion--that Harrow is, is or is going to go, beyond the stoma and release someone, or something, trapped there. One might think based on what we’ve seen of the stoma so far that this would be a very bad thing. “[W[here the things are that eat us,” as Ianthe puts it (GtN p. 382), seems like an awful place filled with awful people, or beings--the thing that possesses Colum in the climax of Gideon the Ninth, the horrifying-looking stoma itself, and of course the devils that the Empire is fighting on Antioch and that have made it to the Ninth House by the end of Nona the Ninth.
But hell is by definition a weird and horrible place with weird and horrible things in it. What if, in the case of at least some of the “things that eat us,” that isn’t their fault, and isn’t how it’s meant to be?
I’m indebted to my IRL best friend and Locked Tomb pusher @mayasaura for pulling these quotes and page numbers for me, as well as realizing a certain numerical discrepancy in the first place:
Twice in the first two books, “ten billion” is given as a figure of people being “avenged” by Blood of Eden (and a certain evil cougar well-known to us all). Cytherea declares herself the “vengeance of the ten billion” on GtN p. 405. Wake gives the same figure on HtN p. 465. Yet suddenly in Nona we get a figure of eleven billion as the capacity for Jod and the OG Lyctors’ cryo ships (p. 13), and ten billion as the figure that The Trillionaires “le[ft]....behind to die, having stolen financing and support and materials” (p. 395). There are a few possibilities here: either The Trillionaires took a billion people with them in their own fleet, Jod is very bad at math for a scientific and medical genius, or the eleven billion capacity for the cryo fleet was supposed to give extra room just to be safe (this is what I think is likeliest). Either way there’s a slight ambiguity about the pre-Resurrection population of the Solar System in general, which, when I noticed it, got me thinking about the other big ambiguity with population figures in these books: the fact that the Nine Houses ten thousand years in the future do not have a population in the high ten digits or even close to it; even the mid-sized individual Houses only have a few million people each (NtN p. 30; the Seventh and Eighth Houses sum to nine million), and the total population is maybe a hundred million at the very most.
So where is everybody?
Jod did not resurrect everybody who lived in the Solar System when he and Alecto “went full fucking Hungry Caterpillar” (NtN p. 409). We know this for a fact; this is where the neo-Niners came from when he fulfilled his promise to Harrow to repopulate her House (HtN p. 35-36). As Jod puts it, “I set many aside, for safety.” Whose safety from whom?
Here’s Jod describing what’s beyond the River in Harrow the Ninth (p. 340-341):
"A genuinely chaotic space--chaos in the meaning of the abyss as well as unfathomable...located at the bottom of the River. The Riverbed is studded with mouths that open at proximity of Resurrection Beasts, and no ghosts venture deeper than the bathyrhoic layer. Anyone who has entered a stoma has never returned. It is a portal to the place I cannot touch--somewhere I don't fully comprehend, where my power and my authority are utterly meaningless. You'll find very few ghosts sink as far as the barathron. If I believed in sin, I would say they died weighted down with sin, placing them nearer the trash space. That's what we've been using it for, in any case. That's where we put the Resurrection Beasts. The rubbish bin...with all the other dross."
Note the deeply dehumanizing and condemnatory language. Rubbish, dross, trash. “Very few ghosts” are down there, supposedly--but do we really think John Gaius would do that? Just pontificate to his Lyctors and tell lies? Lies about the number of pre-Resurrection people whom he’s hated and dehumanized for ten thousand years, the proportion of the human race that for whatever reason he thought couldn't or shouldn't hack it in his brave new thanergy-powered world?
I do. And I came away from Nona the Ninth with a more sympathetic view of his original intentions than did most of the fandom!
I think that at least some of what's on the other side of the stoma is, or are, the souls of the people Jod in his infinite wisdom decided not to resurrect. The world below the bed of the River is directly associated with hell both in the text of the series and in interviews with Tamsyn, and furthermore I think that Harrowhark is going to replicate her namesake's "triumphant descent” and free at least some of these souls, who are in turn at least as likely--probably likelier--to wreck up Jod and impose real consequences on him as Alecto is. I think that this fits the plot, the themes, and The Locked Tomb's overall structure as a story from its cosmology and theology right down to the names of its main characters.
In ten months we’ll see if I’m right!
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Gabriel Dupont (1878 – 1914) - Poèmes d'automne (1904) for voice and piano.
Sung by Florence Katz and played by Marie-Catherine Girod.
The suite is composed by eight songs: 1. "Si J'ai aimé", poem by Henri de Régnier (1864–1936) 0:00 2. "Ophélia", poem by Arthur Rimbaud (1854–91) 1:27 3. "Au temps de la mort des Marjolaines", poem by Stuart Merrill (1863–1915) 4:30 4. "La fontaine de pitié", poem by Henry Bataille (1872–1922) 7:40 5. "La neige", poem by Paul Verlaine (1844–96) 10:30 6. "Le silence de l'eau", poem by Fernand Gregh (1873–1960) 13:55 7. "Douceur de soir", poem by Georges Rodenbach (1855–98) 16:10 8. "Sur le vieux banc", poem by Léon Dierx (1838–1912) 19:25
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askkfsylvie · 1 year
Did you know?
Child labour forms an intrinsic part of pre-industrial economies.In pre-industrial societies, there is rarely a concept of childhood in the modern sense. Children often begin to actively participate in activities such as child rearing, hunting and farming as soon as they are competent. In many societies, children as young as 13 are seen as adults and engage in the same activities as adults.
The work of children was important in pre-industrial societies, as children needed to provide their labour for their survival and that of their group. Pre-industrial societies were characterised by low productivity and short life expectancy; preventing children from participating in productive work would be more harmful to their welfare and that of their group in the long run. In pre-industrial societies, there was little need for children to attend school. This is especially the case in non-literate societies. Most pre-industrial skill and knowledge were amenable to being passed down through direct mentoring or apprenticing by competent adults.
Industrial Revolution
Children going to a 12-hour night shift in the United States (1908)
The early 20th century witnessed many home-based enterprises involving child labour. An example is shown above from New York in 1912.
With the onset of the Industrial Revolution in Britain in the late 18th century, there was a rapid increase in the industrial exploitation of labour, including child labour. Industrial cities such as Birmingham, Manchester, and Liverpool rapidly grew from small villages into large cities and improving child mortality rates. These cities drew in the population that was rapidly growing due to increased agricultural output. This process was replicated in other industrialising countries.
The Victorian era in particular became notorious for the conditions under which children were employed. Children as young as four were employed in production factories and mines working long hours in dangerous, often fatal, working conditions. In coal mines, children would crawl through tunnels too narrow and low for adults. Children also worked as errand boys, crossing sweepers, shoe blacks, or selling matches, flowers and other cheap goods. Some children undertook work as apprentices to respectable trades, such as building or as domestic servants (there were over 120,000 domestic servants in London in the mid-18th century). Working hours were long: builders worked 64 hours a week in the summer and 52 hours in winter, while servants worked 80-hour weeks.
Child labour played an important role in the Industrial Revolution from its outset, often brought about by economic hardship. The children of the poor were expected to contribute to their family income. In 19th-century Great Britain, one-third of poor families were without a breadwinner, as a result of death or abandonment, obliging many children to work from a young age. In England and Scotland in 1788, two-thirds of the workers in 143 water-powered cotton mills were described as children. A high number of children also worked as prostitutes. The author Charles Dickens worked at the age of 12 in a blacking factory, with his family in debtor's prison.
Child wages were often low, the wages were as little as 10–20% of an adult male's wage. Karl Marx was an outspoken opponent of child labour, saying British industries "could but live by sucking blood, and children’s blood too", and that U.S. capital was financed by the "capitalized blood of children". Letitia Elizabeth Landon castigated child labour in her 1835 poem The Factory, portions of which she pointedly included in her 18th Birthday Tribute to Princess Victoria in 1837.
Throughout the second half of the 19th century, child labour began to decline in industrialised societies due to regulation and economic factors because of the Growth of trade unions. The regulation of child labour began from the earliest days of the Industrial Revolution. The first act to regulate child labour in Britain was passed in 1803. As early as 1802 and 1819 Factory Acts were passed to regulate the working hours of workhouse children in factories and cotton mills to 12 hours per day. These acts were largely ineffective and after radical agitation, by for example the "Short Time Committees" in 1831, a Royal Commission recommended in 1833 that children aged 11–18 should work a maximum of 12 hours per day, children aged 9–11 a maximum of eight hours, and children under the age of nine were no longer permitted to work. This act however only applied to the textile industry, and further agitation led to another act in 1847 limiting both adults and children to 10-hour working days. Lord Shaftesbury was an outspoken advocate of regulating child labour.
As technology improved and proliferated, there was a greater need for educated employees. This saw an increase in schooling, with the eventual introduction of compulsory schooling. Improved technology, automation and further legislation significantly reduced child labour particularly in western Europe and the U.S.
Early 20th century
Percentage children working in England and Wales Census year% boys aged 10–14 as child labour188122.9189126.0190121.9191118.3Note: These are averages; child labour in Lancashire was 80%Source: Census of England and Wales
In the early 20th century, thousands of boys were employed in glass making industries. Glass making was a dangerous and tough job especially without the current technologies. The process of making glass includes intense heat to melt glass (3,133 °F (1,723 °C)). When the boys are at work, they are exposed to this heat. This could cause eye trouble, lung ailments, heat exhaustion, cuts, and burns. Since workers were paid by the piece, they had to work productively for hours without a break. Since furnaces had to be constantly burning, there were night shifts from 5:00 pm to 3:00 am. Many factory owners preferred boys under 16 years of age.
An estimated 1.7 million children under the age of fifteen were employed in American industry by 1900.
In 1910, over 2 million children in the same age group were employed in the United States. This included children who rolled cigarettes, engaged in factory work, worked as bobbin doffers in textile mills, worked in coal mines and were employed in canneries. Lewis Hine's photographs of child labourers in the 1910s powerfully evoked the plight of working children in the American south. Hine took these photographs between 1908 and 1917 as the staff photographer for the National Child Labor Committee.
Household enterprises
Factories and mines were not the only places where child labour was prevalent in the early 20th century. Home-based manufacturing across the United States and Europe employed children as well. Governments and reformers argued that labour in factories must be regulated and the state had an obligation to provide welfare for poor. Legislation that followed had the effect of moving work out of factories into urban homes. Families and women, in particular, preferred it because it allowed them to generate income while taking care of household duties.
Home-based manufacturing operations were active year-round. Families willingly deployed their children in these income generating home enterprises. In many cases, men worked from home. In France, over 58% of garment workers operated out of their homes; in Germany, the number of full-time home operations nearly doubled between 1882 and 1907; and in the United States, millions of families operated out of home seven days a week, year round to produce garments, shoes, artificial flowers, feathers, match boxes, toys, umbrellas and other products. Children aged 5–14 worked alongside the parents. Home-based operations and child labour in Australia, Britain, Austria and other parts of the world was common. Rural areas similarly saw families deploying their children in agriculture. In 1946, Frieda S. Miller – then Director of the United States Department of Labor – told the International Labour Organization that these home-based operations offered "low wages, long hours, child labour, unhealthy and insanitary working conditions".
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indiejones · 1 year
These are based on Indies guesstimates of inflation-adjusted worldwide box-office collections of Bollywood Films thru history! Once again incorporating & requiring a modicum of ‘shruti-knowledge’ in assessment. Enjoy, & imbibe, svp!
Advantage of Indie inflation adjusted guesstimate if so accept, is- 1.Eliminate huge skew from 21st c,with 500+ times tkt price. 
2.V.IMP-Remove intermediary in process.. So bring all on level playing field- MULTIPLYING NO OF TKTS SOLD AT WORLD BO WITH ONE TKT PRICE ACROSS THE BOARD. Fair. . . Apt to acknowledge here, that Bollywood films of the 21st c., leave aside the (obvious) quality gap, would also suffer greatly at a systemic level, the new 'Mutiplex culture' being tailored for 1 week to 2-3 week runs at very best, naturally stunting even the potential for repetitive audience in large numbers, spread across several months, that contributed greatly to films of the 20th c., especially 60's & 70's, where witnessed b.o. at it's peak! This screening culture, as part of the vicious cycle of the new age, thus in turn also contributing to stunted artistic insight & outlook. And continue just the same, till major changes brought in at some level..
P.S. -
1. https://www.tumblr.com/indiejones/714836764871770112/bollywoods-70-most-popular-actors-actresses-of?source=share
2. https://www.tumblr.com/indiejones/709779127656448000/star-reports-at-the-indies-all-time-bollywood?source=share
Position Title Year
1 Haathi Mere Saathi 1971
2 Do Raaste 1969
3 Disco Dancer 1982
4 Sachaa Jhutha 1970
5 Kati Patang 1970
6 Anand 1971
7 Aradhana 1969
8 Amar Prem 1972
9 Naseeb 1981
10 Jai Santoshi Maa 1975
11 Khamoshi 1969
12 Mehboob Ki Mehndi 1971
13 Daag: A Poem of Love 1973
14 Prem Kahani 1975
15 Shirdi Ke Sai Baba 1977
16 Bobby 1973
17 Ek Duuje Ke Liye 1981
18 Love Story 1981
19 Muqaddar Ka Sikandar 1978
20 Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge 1995
21 Parakh 1960
22 Hum Dono 1961
23 Shiraz 1928
24 Ziddi 1948
25 Pukar 1939
26 Agneepath 1990
27 Solwah Saal 1958
28 Anmol Ghadi 1946
29 Nau Do Gyarah 1957
30 Asli-Naqli 1962
31 Munimji 1955
32 Nadiya Ke Paar 1982
33 Dil Ek Mandir 1963
34 Bheegi Raat 1965
35 Maryada 1971
36 Hum Aapke Hain Koun..! 1994
37 Ram Teri Ganga Maili 1985
38 Khilona 1970
39 Karm 1977
40 Anurodh 1977
41 Prince 1969
42 Maya 1961
43 Balika Badhu 1976
44 Apna Desh 1972
45 The Train 1970
46 Bandhan 1969
47 Aan Milo Sajna 1970
48 Bawarchi 1972
49 Mehbooba 1976
50 Safar 1970
51 Kashmir Ki Kali 1964
52 Brahmachari 1968
53 Bhola Bhala 1978
54 Ajanabee 1974
55 Ramshastri 1944
56 Love in Simla 1960
57 Maine Pyar Kiya 1989
58 Aar-Paar 1954
59 Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai 1960
60 Chirag 1969
61 Ratan 1944
62 Teesri Manzil 1966
63 Kismet 1943
64 Doli 1969
65 Aap Ki Kasam 1974
66 Dushmun 1971
67 Ujala 1959
68 Phool Aur Patthar 1966
69 Shagird 1967
70 Dillagi 1949
71 Dil Deke Dekho 1959
72 Kaajal 1965
73 Maqsad 1984
74 Guide 1965
75 Jeewan Jyoti 1953
76 Khud-Daar 1982
77 Jagte Raho 1956
78 Joroo Ka Ghulam 1972
79 Panchayat 1958
80 Namak Haraam 1973
81 Asha Jyoti 1984
82 Andaz 1971
83 Khushboo 1975
84 Avam 1987
85 Angoor 1982
86 Barsaat 1949
87 Anarkali 1953
88 Nazrana 1987
89 Afsana 1951
90 Pagal 1940
91 Geet Gaata Chal 1975
92 Bhanvara 1944
93 Beti Bete 1964
94 Swarg 1990
95 Avtaar 1983
96 Ghunghat 1960
97 Dulhan 1958
98 Neel Kamal 1968
99 Chanda Aur Bijli 1969
100 Bahu Begum 1967
101 Godaan 1963
102 Gharana 1961
103 Jhuk Gaya Aasman 1968
104 Chaudhvin Ka Chand 1960
105 Sharaabi 1984
106 Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai 2000
107 Aavishkar 1974
108 Meri Bahen 1944
109 Babul 1950
110 Baiju Bawra 1952
111 Teen Devian 1965
112 Aya Sawan Jhoom Ke 1969
113 Veerana 1988
114 Aan 1952
115 Adil-E-Jahangir 1955
116 Har Har Mahadev 1950
117 President 1937
118 Sajan 1969
119 Dus Lakh 1966
120 Umrao Jaan 1981
121 Dil Daulat Duniya 1972
122 Gora Aur Kala 1972
123 Ganwaar 1970
124 Mard 1985
125 Yaadon Ki Baaraat 1973
126 Sunghursh 1968
127 Mahakaal 1994
128 Hamraaz 1967
129 Heera Moti 1959
130 Aarti 1962
131 Prem Nagar 1974
132 Mere Jeevan Saathi 1972
133 Humshakal 1974
134 Prem Bandhan 1979
135 Naukri 1978
136 Batwara 1961
137 Ram Bhakta Hanuman 1948
138 Kabuliwala 1961
139 Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak 1988
140 Ankhen 1968
141 Coolie 1983
142 Saboot 1980
143 Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam 1999
144 Shaheed 1948
145 Dastaan 1972
146 Telephone Ni Taruni 1926
147 Chakravyuha 1978
148 Aakraman 1975
149 Khoon Bhari Maang 1988
150 Shehzada 1972
151 Majhli Didi 1967
152 Chetna 1970
153 Pyar Hi Pyar 1969
154 Street Singer 1938
155 Aashiq Hoon Baharon Ka 1977
156 Mera Saaya 1966
157 Souten 1983
158 Dil-E-Nadaan 1982
159 Rupaye Dus Karod 1991
160 Veer-Zaara 2004
161 New Delhi 1956
162 Budtameez 1966
163 Sant Tukaram 1936
164 Rajkumar 1964
165 Samadhi 1950
166 Bidyapati 1937
167 Khazanchi 1941
168 Purab Aur Pachhim 1970
169 Saheli 1965
170 Love in Tokyo 1966
171 Lamhe 1991
172 Chashme Buddoor 1981
173 Dil Tera Diwana 1962
174 Basant 1942
175 Chhoti Bahu 1971
176 Madhuri 1928
177 Aadmi 1968
178 Station Master 1942
179 Maalik 1972
180 Roti 1974
181 Amrit 1986
182 Palkon Ki Chhaon Mein 1977
183 Aurat 1940
184 Bluff Master 1963
185 Maha Chor 1976
186 Love 86 1986
187 Khandaan 1942
188 Ladki Sahyadri Ki 1966
189 Amrit Manthan 1934
190 Waqt 1965
191 Jewel Thief 1967
192 Baharon Ke Sapne 1967
193 Jodhaa Akbar 2008
194 Prithvi Vallabh 1943
195 Chor Machaye Shor 1974
196 Chand 1959
197 Bairaag 1976
198 Howrah Bridge 1958
199 Basant Bahar 1956
200 Anuraag 1972
201 Professor 1962
202 Pinjra 1972
203 Bundal Baaz 1976
204 Purani Haveli 1989
205 Phagun 1958
206 Barsaat Ki Raat 1960
207 Do Ankhen Barah Haath 1957
208 Patthar Ke Sanam 1967
209 Nagin 1954
210 Raja Rani 1973
211 Mahal 1949
212 Shahjehan 1946
213 Baharon Ki Manzil 1968
214 Haseena Maan Jayegi 1968
215 Mere Mehboob 1963
216 Namak Halaal 1982
217 Raj Hath 1956
218 Biraj Bahu 1954
219 Chhaya 1961
220 Naya Daur 1957
221 Bhakta Surdas 1942
222 Vidya 1948
223 Satta Bazaar 1959
224 Utsav 1984
225 Ajooba Kudrat Ka 1991
226 Biwi Aur Makan 1966
227 Aashirwad 1968
228 Bharat Milap 1942
229 Bhakta Kabir 1942
230 Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu 1954
231 Kala Pani 1958
232 Aah 1953
233 Parineeta 1953
234 Mughal-E-Azam 1960
235 Seeta Aur Geeta 1972
236 Aaye Din Bahar Ke 1966
237 Shahenshah 1988
238 Padosi 1941
239 Julie 1975
240 Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. 2003
241 Ittefaq 1969
242 Pyar Kiye Jaa 1966
243 Darwaza 1978
244 Gunga Jumna 1961
245 Sawan Ko Aane Do 1979
246 Roop Tera Mastana 1972
247 Andhera 1975
248 Kudrat 1981
249 Saraswatichandra 1968
250 Satyamev Jayate 1987
251 Junglee 1961
252 Mera Gaon Mera Desh 1971
253 Achhut Kanya 1936
254 Caravan 1971
255 Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar 1992
256 Janta Hawaldar 1979
257 Madhosh 1951
258 Rajput 1982
259 Pati Patni Aur Woh 1978
260 Dharam Kanta 1982
261 Chhailla Babu 1977
262 Gehra Daag 1963
263 Tere Ghar Ke Samne 1963
264 Nausherwan-E-Adil 1957
265 Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi 1958
266 Gopal Krishna 1979
267 Pyaasa 1957
268 Do Gaz Zameen Ke Neeche 1972
269 Qaidi 1984
270 Hukumat 1987
271 Jis Desh Men Ganga Behti Hai 1960
272 Chakradhari 1954
273 Ek Shriman Ek Shrimati 1969
274 Tohfa 1984
275 Alibaba and 40 Thieves 1954
276 Pyar Jhukta Nahin 1985
277 Shaan 1980
278 Telephone 1985
279 Aage Ki Soch 1988
280 Lahore 1949
281 Karishma Kudrat Kaa 1985
282 Yeh Rastey Hain Pyar Ke 1963
283 Funtoosh 1956
284 Veer Ghatotkach 1949
285 Sati Sulochana 1969
286 Agar Tum Na Hote 1983
287 Rajnigandha 1974
288 Dekh Kabira Roya 1957
289 Krishna Bhakt Sudaama 1968
290 Subah Ka Tara 1954
291 Gopal Krishna 1938
292 Darogaji 1949
293 Hatyara 1977
294 Naya Bakra 1979
295 Shadi Se Pahale 1980
296 Lalkar (The Challenge) 1972
297 Shrimanji 1968
298 Rakshaa Bandhan 1976
299 Jaani Dushman 1979
300 Dard (Conflict of Emotions) 1981
301 Bandh Darwaza 1990
302 Satyakam 1969
303 Nartaki 1940
304 Achhut 1939
305 Khol De Meri Zuban 1989
306 College Girl 1960
307 Samson 1964
308 Matwala Shair Ramjoshi 1947
309 Garam Coat 1955
310 Do Dil 1966
311 Yakeen 1969
312 Sawan Ki Ghata 1966
313 Raj Tilak 1959
314 Tamanna 1969
315 Bachpan 1970
316 Kalyug Aur Ramayan 1987
317 Aahuti 1978
318 Sone Ka Dil Lohe Ke Haath 1978
319 Waris 1954
320 Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se 1978
321 Raadha Aur Seeta 1979
322 Bees Saal Baad 1962
323 Bahurani 1964
324 Suhagan 1964
325 Solva Sawan 1979
326 Devdas 1936
327 Namoona 1949
328 Yahan Wahan 1984
329 Shair 1949
330 Katha 1983
331 Aage Badho 1947
332 Taaqat 1982
333 Chandni 1989
334 Sanjog 1943
335 Pati Bhakti 1922
336 Deewana 1992
337 Elan 1947
338 Mirza Ghalib 1954
339 Doctor 1940
340 Afsar 1950
341 Chandidas 1934
342 Paying Guest 1957
343 Bazar 1949
344 Apna Desh 1949
345 Halla Gulla 1954
346 Sadma 1983
347 Kamar-Al-Zaman 1931
348 Shirin Farhad 1931
349 Baadbaan 1954
350 Haqeeqat 1964
351 Nadaan 1951
352 Paraya Ghar 1989
353 Nagma-E-Sahra 1945
354 Hum 1991
355 Nauker 1979
356 Pakeezah 1972
357 Kissise Na Kehna 1983
358 Nagin Aur Suhagan 1979
359 Hum Kisise Kum Naheen 1977
360 Balak Aur Janwar 1975
361 Archana 1974
362 Ek Thi Larki 1949
363 Griha Pravesh 1979
364 Ra Kawat 1926
365 Khudgarz 1987
366 Jadugar 1946
367 Nakhrewali 1960
368 Gaon Ki Gori 1945
369 Awaara 1951
370 Jalan 1948
371 Kisan Kanya 1937
372 Parichay 1972
373 Shatranj Ke Khilari 1977
374 Insaaf Main Karoonga 1985
375 Indian 1996
376 Aakhri Cheekh 1991
377 Jamaibabu 1931
378 Sholay 1975
379 Agent Vinod 1977
380 Dil Kaa Heera 1979
381 Tinku 1977
382 Ek Gaon Ki Kahani 1957
383 Mai Baap 1957
384 Waman Avtar 1955
385 C.I.D. 1956
386 Jai Bhawani 1947
387 Damaad 1951
388 Khatta Meetha 1978
389 Masterji 1985
390 Chhabila 1955
391 Do Aur Do Paanch 1980
392 Upkar 1967
393 Rangeela Raja 1960
394 Baghdad Ki Raaten 1962
395 Nayakan 1987
396 Nawab Sahib 1978
397 Ranga Khush 1975
398 Bhartrahari 1944
399 Khooni Katar 1931
400 Kaamchor 1982
401 Boot Polish 1954
402 Pratiggya 1975
403 Victoria No. 203 1972
404 Insaf Ki Pukar 1987
405 Shola Aur Shabnam 1992
406 Main Tulsi Tere Aangan Ki 1978
407 36 Ghante 1974
408 Gol Maal 1979
409 Dr. Vidya 1962
410 Naya Zamana 1971
411 Sant Tulsidas 1939
412 Khubsoorat 1980
413 Sasural 1961
414 Tumhara Kalloo 1975
415 Kismat 1969
416 Adhikar 1986
417 Pannadai 1945
418 Inspector Eagle 1979
419 Bahar 1951
420 Chowkidar 1974
421 Muraliwala 1927
422 Dhool Ka Phool 1959
423 Mahabharat 1965
424 Indrasabha 1932
425 Pooja 1940
426 Dharmatma 1935
427 Devdas 1935
428 3D Saamri 1985
429 Panna 1944
430 Dak Ghar 1965
431 Aadmi Aur Insaan 1969
432 Maa 1957
433 Charitraheen 1974
434 Apne Rang Hazaar 1975
435 Pujarin 1969
436 Apne Dushman 1975
437 Gharwali Baharwali 1988
438 Dhoop Chhaon 1935
439 Chaani 1977
440 Bulbule Parastan 1926
441 Adventures of Aladdin 1978
442 Mere Hamdam Mere Dost 1968
443 Dosti 1946
444 Biwi Ho To Aisi 1988
445 Ustaad 1989
446 Aulad 1987
447 Chupke Chupke 1975
448 Vismi Sadi 1924
449 Naya Din Nai Raat 1974
450 Jeet 1949
451 Shri Krishna Leela 1971
452 Stree 1961
453 Krodhi 1981
454 Hanumaan Pataal Vijay 1951
455 Noorjehan 1967
456 Aaya Toofan 1964
457 Sikandar 1941
458 Anjali 1990
459 Nirali Duniya 1940
460 Baton Baton Mein 1979
461 Tansen 1943
462 Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... 2001
463 Kohraa 1964
464 Pyar Ka Mausam 1969
465 Aasha 1980
466 Andaz Apna Apna 1994
467 Purana Mandir 1984
468 Gateway of India 1957
469 College Girl 1978
470 Rukmini Swayamvar 1946
471 Ram Rajya 1943
472 Kab? Kyoon? Aur Kahan? 1970
473 Kashinath 1943
474 Narsi Bhagat 1940
475 Baghi Sipahi 1958
476 Solah Shukrawar 1977
477 Purana Purush
478 Satyam Shivam Sundaram: Love Sublime 1978
479 Hum Dono 1985
480 Prem Geet 1981
481 Do Bigha Zamin 1953
482 Choron Ka Chor 1970
483 Chandi Sona 1977
484 Pyar Ka Devta 1990
485 Dak Bangla 1987
486 Aankh Ka Tara 1978
487 Call Girl 1974
488 Awara Ladki 1975
489 Do Sitare 1951
490 Main Intequam Loonga 1982
491 Gharaonda 1977
492 Amrit 1941
493 Baazigar 1959
494 Bhabhi 1957
495 Sangeet Samrat Tansen 1962
496 Jhansi Ki Rani 1953
497 Mahal 1970
498 Jagriti 1955
499 Kala Pahad 1927
500 Nadiya Ke Paar 1948
501 Kathputli 1971
502 Foot Path 1953
503 Dus Numbri 1976
504 Manzil 1936
505 Aag 1948
506 Albela 1951
507 Char Minar 1956
508 Baghdad 1952
509 Babu 1985
510 Chirag Kahan Roshni Kahan 1959
511 Tere Mere Beech Mein 1984
512 Andheri Raat Mein Diya Tere Haath Mein 1986
513 Paapi 1977
514 Dekha Pyaar Tumhara 1963
515 Haré Rama Haré Krishna 1971
516 Dr. Madhurika 1935
517 Udhaar 1949
518 Pak Daman 1940
519 Pocket Maar 1956
520 Heera Panna 1973
521 Hotel 1981
522 Mohini 1940
523 Mahaadev 1989
524 Swarag Se Sunder 1986
525 Raat Ke Rahi 1959
526 Sannata 1981
527 Saajan Ki Saheli 1981
528 Bin Phere Hum Tere 1979
529 Kapalkundala 1929
530 Mazdoor Zindabaad 1976
531 Mera Naam Joker 1970
532 Amar 1954
533 Pagal Premi 1926
534 Taxi Driver 1954
535 Prapanch Pash 1929
536 Raja Saab 1969
537 Sati Padmini 1924
538 Ghar Ek Mandir 1984
539 Shola Jo Bhadke 1961
540 Hariyali Aur Rasta 1962
541 Azadi Ki Raah Par 1948
542 Naram Garam 1981
543 Ham Sab Chor Hain 1956
544 Jab Jab Phool Khile 1965
545 Shandar 1990
546 Dushman 1938
547 Pardesi 1993
548 Anari 1959
549 Jeevan Prabhat 1937
550 Majaal 1987
551 Pyar Mohabbat 1966
552 Inspector Dhanush 1991
553 Shaitani Ilaaka 1990
554 Kanoon 1960
555 Madhumati 1958
556 Marte Dam Tak 1987
557 Muqaddar Ka Faisla 1987
558 Lakshmi Narayan 1951
559 Alam Ara 1931
560 Imaan 1974
561 Agni Rekha 1973
562 Angaarey 1975
563 Do Ladkiyan 1976
564 Bahadur 1944
565 Khel 1950
566 Khel Khel Mein 1975
567 Rang Birangi 1983
568 Dil Aur Patthar 1977
569 C.I.D. 1990
570 Dillagi 1942
571 Shabistan 1951
572 Garam Khoon 1980
573 Jagmagati Jawani 1930
574 Kaalia 1981
575 Rang 1993
576 Resham Ki Dori 1974
577 Mili 1975
578 Main Awara Hoon 1983
579 Guest House 1980
580 Pyar Hua Chori Chori 1992
581 No Entry 2005
582 Anari No. 1 1999
583 Khal Nayak 1993
584 Zimbo Shaher Mein 1960
585 Life's for Living: Aadmi 1939
586 Chhoti Si Baat 1976
587 Pushpaka Vimana 1987
588 Haisiyat 1984
589 Sampoorna Ramayana 1961
590 Gunahon Ka Devta 1990
591 Mahatma Vidur 1943
592 Jahan Sati Wahan Bhagwan 1965
593 Lal Haveli 1944
594 Rangila 1953
595 Baazi 1984
596 Sitamgar 1985
597 Saath Saath 1982
598 Yalgaar 1992
599 Buddha Mil Gaya 1971
600 Nastik 1954
601 Bees Saal Pehle 1972
602 Raja Babu 1994
603 Safed Jhoot 1978
604 Jaal 1952
605 Hukum ka ekka 1964
606 Minoo 1977
607 Naache Mayuri 1986
608 Mangu Dada 1970
609 Geet Gaaya Pattharon Ne 1964
610 Chitralekha 1941
611 Saathi 1968
612 Kirayadar 1986
613 Jurm 1990
614 Raahee 1987
615 Ek Phool Do Mali 1969
616 Manchali 1973
617 Shalimar 1978
618 Muflis Ashaq 1932
619 Ashiana 1952
620 Yahudi 1958
621 Jugnu 1973
622 Kalyug 1981
623 Kali Ghata 1980
624 Zindagi 1976
625 Patita 1953
626 Ravan Raaj: A True Story 1995
627 Chandni 1942
628 Oonche Log 1965
629 Boy Friend 1961
630 Diler Hasina 1960
631 Loafer 1973
632 Ishq Par Zor Nahin 1970
633 Vishwatma 1992
634 Actress 1948
635 Suhaag 1979
636 Judaai 1980
637 Pyar Ka Sapna 1969
638 Taqdeer 1967
639 Goraa 1987
640 Koshish 1972
641 Mujhe Insaaf Chahiye 1983
642 Begaanaa 1986
643 Dil Hi To Hai 1963
644 Arzoo 1965
645 Love Marriage 1959
646 Karan Arjun 1995
647 Aflatoon 1951
648 Talaashi 1996
649 Bewafai 1985
650 Khoj 1989
651 Watan Ke Rakhwale 1987
652 Bandish 1980
653 Sikandar E Azam 1965
654 Padosi 1971
655 Dil 1990
656 Vaastav: The Reality 1999
657 Man Tera Tan Mera 1971
658 Baazigar 1993
659 Badla Aur Balidan 1980
660 Munnibai 1999
661 Chandidas 1927
662 Dharti 1970
663 Paar 1984
664 Mafia Raaj 1998
665 Chacha Zindabad 1959
666 Madadgaar 1987
667 Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan 1959
668 Police Public 1990
669 Dhoop Chhaon 1977
670 Jab Se Tumhe Dekha Hai 1963
671 Kavi Kalidas 1959
672 Daulat 1982
673 Sawan Ke Geet 1978
674 Tu Nahin Aur Sahi 1960
675 Dhoti Lota Aur Chowpatty 1975
676 Rajrani Meera 1933
677 Hamrahi 1963
678 Paap Ka Ant 1989
679 Janbaaz 1986
680 Bharat Ka Lal 1936
681 Nagin 1976
682 Kala Bazar 1960
683 Jahan Pyar Miley 1969
684 Hyderabad Ki Nazneen 1952
685 Oonchi Haveli 1955
686 Phir Subha Hogi 1958
687 Zindagi 1940
688 Sindoor 1987
689 Seema 1955
690 Zamana 1985
691 Ghungroo Ki Awaaz 1981
692 Tahkhana 1986
693 Naya Kadam 1984
694 Guddi 1971
695 Sadhna 1958
696 Pyar Ka Karz 1990
697 Heer Raanjha 1970
698 Ardhangini 1959
699 Rishte Naahte 1965
700 Prem Kahani 1937
701 Prem Pujari 1970
702 Bhole Bhale 1950
703 Shaheed 1965
704 Raja Bhaiya 2003
705 Prem Nagar 1940
706 Adhikar 1971
707 Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baaje 1955
708 Sohag Raat 1948
709 Itihaas 1987
710 Jhoola 1941
711 Patanga 1949
712 Agni Pareeksha 1981
713 Sangam 1964
714 Raj Mahal 1982
715 Maha-Sangram 1990
716 Tarana 1951
717 Hurricane Special 1939
718 Mohan 1947
719 Hungama 1971
720 Hero 1983
721 Censor 2001
722 Mission Kashmir 2000
723 Souten Ki Beti 1989
724 Jwar Bhata 1973
725 Sharara 1984
726 Begunaah 1991
727 Mausam 1975
728 Karwane Hayat 1935
729 Mohabbat Zindagi Hai 1966
730 Main Azaad Hoon 1989
731 Bhakt Raj 1960
732 Beti 1957
733 Mr. and Mrs. Bombay 1936
734 House No. 44 1955
735 Dalaal 1993
736 Jawan Muhabat 1971
737 Bhanwar 1976
738 Aankhen 1993
739 Sandwich 2006
740 Insaan 1982
741 Yaarana 1981
742 Do Sholay 1977
743 The Modern Girl 1935
744 Sunehra Sansar 1975
745 Sasurvaas 1946
746 Paap Ki Duniya 1988
747 Pati Patni Aur Tawaif 1990
748 Hum Bhi Insaan Hain 1948
749 Half Ticket 1962
750 Gopinath 1948
751 Dharti Mata 1938
752 Khuda Gawah 1992
753 Raaz 1967
754 Zindagi 1964
755 Khuni Khanjar 1930
756 Daulat Ke Dushman 1983
757 Ashanti 1982
758 Tum Haseen Main Jawan 1970
759 Mr. Natwarlal 1979
760 Mumtaz Mahal 1944
761 Gumrah 1993
762 Naseeb 1998
763 Naukari 1955
764 Pukar 1983
765 Aur Kaun? 1979
766 Kabhie Kabhie 1976
767 Nafrat Ki Aandhi 1989
768 Vijay 1988
769 Geet 1970
770 Dil Hai Ki Manta Nahin 1991
771 Zakhmi Sipahi 1995
772 Border 1997
773 Saajan Bina Suhagan 1978
774 Shri Ganesh Mahima 1950
775 Honeymoon 1973
776 Noorie 1979
777 Chal Chal Re Navjavan 1944
778 Dhanwan 1981
779 Rustom Sohrab 1967
780 Taj Mahal 1963
781 Punjab Mail 1929
782 Bhamto Bhut 1926
783 Inquilaab 1984
784 Dawat 1974
785 Jai Mahadev 1955
786 Yauvan Chakra 1926
787 Kunwara Baap 1974
788 Shararat 1959
789 Roti Kapada Aur Makaan 1974
790 Saajan 1991
791 Shravan Kumar 1984
792 Bachao - Inside Bhoot Hai... 2010
793 Yehi Hai Zindagi 1977
794 Intaquam 1969
795 Mukti 1937
796 Das Baje 1942
797 Nagina 1986
798 Kaaranama 1990
799 Abhimaan 1957
800 Dahshat 1981
801 Senapati 1961
802 Lucky Number 1961
803 Gunda 1998
804 Jeene Ki Raah 1969
805 Mohabbat Ki Kasam 1986
806 Naach Govinda Naach 1992
807 Deewaar 1975
808 Aakhree Raasta 1986
809 Awwal Number 1990
810 Angaara 1996
811 Jaadugar 1989
812 Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke 1993
813 Roti Kee Keemat 1990
814 Ek Sapera Ek Lutera 1965
815 Hum Se Na Takrana 1990
816 Sikandar Sadak Ka 1999
817 Tumhari Kasam 1948
818 Samraat 1982
819 Haseena Maan Jaayegi 1999
820 Raate Ke Andhere Mein 1969
821 Beta Ho To Aisa 1994
822 Padosan 1968
823 Heera Lal Panna Lal 1999
824 Cinema Ki Rani 1925
825 Badnam Farishte 1971
826 Aakhri Adaalat 1988
827 Mawaali 1983
828 Mohabbat Ke Aansu 1932
829 Baharen Phir Bhi Aayengi 1966
830 Jaan Se Pyaara 1992
831 Nirbhay 1996
832 Daya Ni Devi 1927
833 Sipahsalar 1956
834 Anaar 1986
835 Do Chor 1972
836 Geraftaar 1985
837 Farishtay 1991
838 Ghutan 2007
839 Sanjog 1961
840 Shandaar 1974
841 Goonj 1952
842 Dil To Pagal Hai 1997
843 Oh Bewafa 1980
844 Bhule Bhatke 1952
845 Deewar 1955
846 Qurbani 1980
847 Ek Se Badhkar Ek 1976
848 Milap 1955
849 Suraj 1966
850 Ram Aur Shyam 1967
851 Wazir E Azam 1961
852 Anokhi Ada 1948
853 Maze Le Lo 1975
854 Aaj Ka Daur 1985
855 Singhasan 1986
856 Ab Ayega Mazaa 1984
857 Raj Rang 1928
858 Pyar Ka Mandir 1988
859 Milan 1967
860 Barood 1976
861 Biwi-O-Biwi 1981
862 Prem Rog 1982
863 Tigress 1948
864 Duniya Hai Dilwalon Ki 1966
865 Jagat Mohini 1940
866 Jodi No. 1 2001
867 Lagan 1941
868 Pet Pyaar Aur Paap 1984
869 Karma 1986
870 Sharmeelee 1971
871 Dharm Aur Qanoon 1984
872 Hey Ram 2000
873 Mere Apne 1971
874 Ganga Maang Rahi Balidan 1981
875 Dharti Kahe Pukar Ke 1969
876 Ek Nannhi Munni Ladki Thi 1970
877 Kasam Suhag Ki 1989
878 Duniya Na Mane 1938
879 Madam Zapatta 1962
880 Dhake Ki Malmal 1956
881 Zalzala 1988
882 Kyo Kii... Main Jhuth Nahin Bolta 2001
883 Actor 1950
884 Sheikh Chilli 1956
885 Apne Paraye 1980
886 Prithvi Putra 1926
887 Gamdeni Gori 1927
888 Aag Hi Aag 1987
889 Waaris 1988
890 Dhiraj 1942
891 Raagini 1958
892 New Delhi 1987
893 Saajan Chale Sasural 1996
894 Bombai Ka Babu 1960
895 Bharat Ramani 1930
896 Manzil 1960
897 Aashiq 1962
898 Samrat Shiladitya 1926
899 Suryaa: An Awakening 1989
900 Akashganga 1959
901 Gangaa Jamunaa Saraswathi 1988
902 Hanste Khelte 1984
903 Khoon Ka Karz 1991
904 Ustad 1957
905 Sehra 1963
906 Prabhu Ki Maya 1955
907 Karodpati 1936
908 Dharmatma 1975
909 Watan 1954
910 Saagar 1985
911 Dekha Pyar Tumhara 1985
912 Son of India 1962
913 Sitapur Ki Geeta 1987
914 Aadhi Roti 1957
915 Gunda 1969
916 Uljhan 1975
917 Gunehgaar 1939
918 Dharam Sankat 1991
919 Angaaray 1986
920 Azad Hindustan 1948
921 Romance 1983
922 Paraya Dhan 1971
923 Achanak 1998
924 Ganga Ki Kasam 1998
925 Ssukh 2005
926 Kath Putli 1957
927 Jaanwar 1982
928 Bhole Piya 1949
929 Jai Dwarkadheesh 1977
930 Aandhi 1975
931 Veer Parshuram 1978
932 Ram Bharose 1977
933 Red Rose 1980
934 Ghar Ki Izzat 1949
935 Sampoorna Santoshi Maa Ki Mahima 1981
936 Ram Balram 1980
937 Kali Ganga 1990
938 Yamraaj 1998
939 Tan-Badan 1986
940 Mohar 1959
941 Raaj Tilak 1984
942 Chauranghee 1942
943 Shikar 1968
944 Police Aur Mujrim 1992
945 Hatyara 1998
946 Aakhri Khat 1966
947 Lage Raho Munna Bhai 2006
948 Bewaqoof 1960
949 Batwara 1989
950 Daku Aur Mahatma 1977
951 Muqaddar Ka Badshaah 1990
952 Phir Wohi Raat 1980
953 Lekin... 1990
954 Pyar Ke Naam Qurban 1990
955 Tumse Achha Kaun Hai 1969
956 Maa 1992
957 Neend Hamari Khwab Tumhare 1966
958 Dhan Daulat 1980
959 Sinhagad 1923
960 Mem-Didi 1961
961 Dholak 1951
962 Mere Huzoor 1968
963 Bilwamangal 1932
964 Ek Hi Raasta 1939
965 Bakhshish 1950
966 Mard Ki Zabaan 1987
967 Himmatwala 1998
968 Salma 1985
969 Sheesh Mahal 1950
970 Shatranj 1969
971 Bank Manager 1959
972 Durgaa 1985
973 Tangewala 1972
974 Pardesi Babu 1998
975 Grama Kanya 1936
976 Sant Janabai 1949
977 Nai Roshni 1967
978 Lakhpati 1991
979 Jungle Princess 1942
980 Karmayogi 1978
981 Haar Jeet 1972
982 Karz Chukana Hai 1991
983 Patit Pawan 1933
984 Shaukeen 1949
985 Jaag Utha Insan 1984
986 Pushpanjali 1970
987 Palki 1967
988 Balam 1949
989 Vardi 1989
990 Jogan 1950
991 Bandhan Kuchchey Dhaagon Ka 1983
992 Veer Durgadas 1960
993 Navrang 1959
994 Socha Na Tha 1989
995 Bhagam Bhag 2006
996 Star 1982
997 College Girl 1990
998 Rocky 1981
999 Khush Rado 1949
1000 Bahadur Jeevan 1948
1001 Mohabbatein 2000
1002 Safdar Jung 1930
1003 Sapne Suhane 1961
1004 Ek Aur Ek Gyarah 1981
1005 Ek Aur Ek Gyarah: By Hook or by Crook 2003
1006 Arzoo 1950
1007 Devdas 1928
1008 Anamika 1973
1009 Mard 1998
1010 Jodidar 1997
1011 Ayee Milan Ki Bela 1964
1012 Char Aankhen 1946
1013 Krishnaavtar 1964
1014 Vanasundari 1951
1015 Grahasti 1948
1016 Dost 1944
1017 Duniya Ek Tamasha 1942
1018 Imtihan 1974
1019 The Burning Train 1980
1020 Amar Jyoti 1936
1021 Sadak 1991
1022 Ganesh Janma 1930
1023 Ji Haan 1945
1024 Aaj Ka Arjun 1990
1025 Dhola Maru 1956
1026 Karwa Chouth 1978
1027 Aakhir Kyon? 1985
1028 Paisa Ya Pyar 1969
1029 Salaam Mem Saheb 1961
1030 Woh Phir Aayegi 1988
1031 Shikari 1932
1032 Jaane-Anjaane 1971
1033 Azaad 1955
1034 Gadar: Ek Prem Katha 2001
1035 Main Kya Karun 1945
1036 Pathan 1962
1037 Phaansi 1978
1038 Aandhiyan 1952
1039 11 O'Clock 1948
1040 Kar Bhala 1956
1041 Lakhon Ki Baat 1984
1042 Tulsi 1985
1043 Typist Girl 1926
1044 Toorkey Hoor 1924
1045 Darr 1993
1046 Kaala Patthar 1979
1047 Sher-E-Hindustan 1997
1048 Madhuri 1932
1049 Kanyadaan 1968
1050 Chachi 420 1997
1051 Dukh Sukh 1942
1052 Bazaar 1982
1053 Mohabbat Ke Dushman 1988
1054 Khamosh 1986
1055 Shatru 1986
1056 Sanam Teri Kasam 1982
1057 Dil Diya Dard Liya 1966
1058 Pujarin 1936
1059 Gaon Hamara Shaher Tumhara 1972
1060 Aalavandhan 2001
1061 Swarg Narak 1978
1062 Kal Aaj Aur Kal 1971
1063 Manoranjan 1974
1064 Hathyar 1989
1065 Nakli Nawab 1962
1066 Surekha Haran 1921
1067 Phool Bane Angaare 1963
1068 Qatl 1986
1069 Chhupa Chhuppi 1981
1070 Jeeo Aur Jeene Do 1982
1071 Chhota Jawan 1963
1072 Khuda Kasam 1981
1073 Haath Ki Safai 1974
1074 Bin Baap Ka Beta 1979
1075 Jaani Dost 1983
1076 Sur Sangam 1985
1077 Paap Ki Kamaee 1990
1078 Do Gunde 1959
1079 Barsaat 1995
1080 Bari Behen 1949
1081 Passing Show 1956
1082 Fiffty Fiffty 1981
1083 Road No. 303 1960
1084 Arab Ka Sona: Abu Kaalia 1979
1085 Dil Aur Mohabbat 1968
1086 Hong Kong 1962
1087 Rocky Mera Naam 1973
1088 Johar Mehmood in Hong Kong 1971
1089 Masoom 1960
1090 Sindbad the Sailor 1952
1091 Sajan Ka Ghar 1948
1092 Salaakhen 1975
1093 Nagin Aur Sapera 1966
1094 Main Shadi Karne Chala 1962
1095 Labela 1966
1096 Pyaar Ki Raat 1949
1097 Azaad Desh Ke Gulam 1990
1098 Aatish 1979
1099 Ram Lila 1961
1100 Hunterwali 1935
1101 Muqaddar 1978
1102 Naukar Biwi Ka 1983
1103 Indira M.A. 1934
1104 Paap Ko Jalaa Kar Raakh Kar Doonga 1988
1105 Bhai-Bhai 1956
1106 Bhakta Vidur 1922
1107 Juari 1968
1108 Ghar Ghar Ki Kahani 1970
1109 Kaala Sona 1975
1110 Patthar Ke Phool 1991
1111 Apne Dam Par 1996
1112 Rocket Girl 1962
1113 Kartavya 1979
1114 Badmash 1969
1115 Chhote Sarkar 1996
1116 Gambler 1995
1117 Trishul 1978
1118 Nishchaiy 1992
1119 Waqt Ka Badshah 1992
1120 Ustadon Ke Ustad 1963
1121 Maarg 1992
1122 Dastan 1950
1123 Professor Pyarelal 1981
1124 Kasam Khoon Ki 1977
1125 Zameen Ke Tare 1960
1126 Joker 1949
1127 Thodisi Bewafaii 1980
1128 Raja Jani 1972
1129 Karmyudh 1985
1130 Makkhee Choos 1956
1131 Bahadur Kisan 1938
1132 Ghulami 1985
1133 Basant 1960
1134 Dilavar 1984
1135 Elaan 1971
1136 Jail Yatra 1981
1137 Katil Katar 1935
1138 Divorce 1984
1139 Jaan Hatheli Pe 1986
1140 Gair Kaanooni 1989
1141 Dil Hai Tumhaara 2002
1142 Devta 1998
1143 Desh Drohi 2008
1144 Aadmi Khilona Hai 1993
1145 Loha 1987
1146 Maya Bazaar 1932
1147 Adhikar 1938
1148 Kahani Kismat Ki 1973
1149 Anokha Milan 1972
1150 The Don 1995
1151 Badi Maa 1945
1152 Sweety 1981
1153 Rakhwala 1971
1154 Apnapan 1977
1155 Roop Lekha 1949
1156 Yeh Desh 1984
1157 Hatya 1988
1158 Blackmail 1973
1159 Aa Ab Laut Chalen 1999
1160 Humshakal 1992
1161 Jung 1996
1162 Teesra Kaun 1965
1163 Balidan 1927
1164 Bhagam Bhag 1956
1165 Jallaad 1995
1166 Coolie No. 1 1995
1167 Amar Akbar Anthony 1977
1168 Mahaveera 1988
1169 Achchhaji 1950
1170 Dayavan 1988
1171 Tarkeeb 1984
1172 Jaaye To Jaaye Kahan 1980
1173 Aalha Udal 1962
1174 Sachai Ki Taqat 1989
1175 Pagla Kahin Ka 1970
1176 Adhikar 1954
1177 Saudagar 1991
1178 Mala the Mighty 1948
1179 Woh Kaun Thi? 1964
1180 Chudiyan 1942
1181 Zaban 1943
1182 Do Jasoos 1975
1183 Rustom-E-Baghdad 1963
1184 Kalakar 1942
1185 Sargam 1979
1186 Awaaz 1984
1187 Vaasna 1968
1188 Ajeeb Ladki 1952
1189 Reshmi Rumal 1961
1190 Bulundi 1981
1191 Chambal Ki Kassam 1980
1192 Devata 1978
1193 Himmat-e-Marda 1935
1194 Humsafar 1953
1195 Opera House 1961
1196 Bachke Rahna 1949
1197 Pehla Aadmi 1950
1198 Pareeksha 1963
1199 Aag Ka Dariya 1953
1200 Haathkadi 1995
1201 Karishmaa 1984
1202 Hum Hain Lajawaab 1984
1203 Rajaji 1999
1204 Tarzan Goes to India 1962
1205 Arjun Pandit 1976
1206 Heer 1956
1207 Halaal Ki Kamai 1988
1208 Jigar 1949
1209 Aakhri Baazi 1989
1210 Preet Na Jane Reet 1966
1211 Hind Mahila 1936
1212 Ram Lakhan 1989
1213 Pagli 1974
1214 Aisa Bhi Hota Hain 1971
1215 Ek Bar Mooskura Do 1972
1216 Bandhan 1956
1217 Lalach 1948
1218 Rama O Rama 1988
1219 Sarfarosh 1956
1220 Zindagi 1942
1221 Albela 2001
1222 Anokha Rishta 1986
1223 Ghar Mein Ram Gali Mein Shyam 1988
1224 Pyaar Diwana Hota Hai 2002
1225 Farz Ki Jung 1989
1226 Shiva Shakti 1988
1227 Asmaan Se Ooncha 1989
1228 Judgement of Allah 1935
1229 Jayshree 1956
1230 Anarkali 1935
1231 Aaj Ka Hindustan 1940
1232 Tohfa Mohabbat Ka 1988
1233 Teri Kasam 1982
1234 Mem Sahib 1956
1235 Singapore 1960
1236 Anand Math 1952
1237 Aaj Ki Duniya 1940
1238 Tumsa Nahin Dekha 1957
1239 Jal Bin Machhli Nritya Bin Bijli 1971
1240 Mirza Sahiban 1957
1241 Mera Lahoo 1987
1242 Sadaa Suhagan 1986
1243 Durgesh Nandini 1956
1244 Gharana 1989
1245 Lovers 1983
1246 Sulochana 1933
1247 Ek Shola 1956
1248 Kundan 1955
1249 Daku Ki Ladki 1933
1250 Alakh Niranjan 1940
1251 Udayakal 1930
1252 Betaab 1983
1253 Alibaba 1940
1254 Holi 1940
1255 Vishwaroopam 2013
1256 Apsara 1961
1257 Hum Ek Hain 1946
1258 Mr. & Mrs. '55 1955
1259 Chitralekha 1964
1260 Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam 1962
1261 Subah Shyam 1944
1262 Nai Duniya 1942
1263 Preetam 1971
1264 Anjan 1941
1265 Dr. Kotnis Ki Amar Kahani 1946
1266 Khawab-E-Hasti 1934
1267 Karna 1928
1268 Hamara Desh 1941
1269 Dulari 1949
1270 Meri Surat Teri Ankhen 1963
1271 Rashk-e-Laila 1934
1272 Jadui Bandhan 1941
1273 Tirangaa 1992
1274 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai 1998
1275 Dilli Ka Thug 1958
1276 Jawani Ka Rang 1941
1277 Tulsidas 1954
1278 Kanchan 1941
1279 Kasauti 1941
1280 Bedari 1957
1281 Laheri Jeewan 1941
1282 Mere Raja 1941
1283 Mr. Sampat 1952
1284 Dastak 1970
1285 Pyar Ki Jeet 1962
1286 Radhika 1941
1287 Bambai Ki Billi 1936
1288 Jungle Queen 1936
1289 Kanch Ki Gudiya 1961
1290 Jaali Note 1960
1291 Main Aur Meri Tanhai 1980
1292 Shahzadi 1941
1293 Pujarini 1935
1294 Chala Murari Hero Banne 1977
1295 Ghar Parivaar 1991
1296 Mamata Ki Chhaon Mein 1989
1297 Awara Baap 1985
1298 Apna Ghar 1960
1299 Hill Station 1957
1300 Naughty Boy 1962
1301 Maa Beti 1986
1302 Main Tera Dushman 1989
1303 Pyaar Zindagi Hai 2001
1304 Do Dilon Ke Khel Mein 2010
1305 Gunehgaar 1980
1306 New Searchlight 1937
1307 Baazi 1951
1308 Jagat Kesari 1937
1309 Shrimati 420 1956
1310 Ooparwala Jane 1977
1311 Tere Mere Sapne 1971
1312 Miss 58 1958
1313 Zehari Saap 1933
1314 Shri Nagad Narayan 1955
1315 Arab Ka Saudagar 1956
1316 Some Where in Delhi 1956
1317 Man Pasand 1980
1318 Kinare Kinare 1963
1319 Pratima Aur Payal 1977
1320 Prithvi Vallabh 1924
1321 Peechha Karro 1986
1322 Holi Ayee Re 1970
1323 Sanjhi 1985
1324 Kala Dhanda Goray Log 1986
1325 Anjaana 1969
1326 Wafaa 2008
1327 Ek Do Teen 1953
1328 Bharat Milap 1965
1329 Dil Ka Raaja 1972
1330 Insaniyat Ke Devta 1993
1331 Des Pardes 1978
1332 Jawani Ki Hawa 1959
1333 Alag Alag 1985
1334 Awara Shehzadi 1956
1335 Shiv Bhakta 1955
1336 Khel Mohabbat Ka 1986
1337 Suhag Sindoor 1961
1338 Shalimar 1946
1339 Kisan Aur Bhagwan 1974
1340 Amaanat 1977
1341 Lala Rukh 1958
1342 Chandu 1958
1343 Galiyon Ka Badshah 1989
1344 Paapi Pet Ka Sawaal Hai 1984
1345 Jab Pyar Kisise Hota Hai 1961
1346 Sanyasi 1975
1347 Amrapali 1945
1348 Guru Ho Jaa Shuru 1979
1349 Naulakha Haar 1953
1350 Desh Ke Dushman 1989
1351 Taqdeer 1943
1352 Faslah 1974
1353 Suraag 1982
1354 Malik 1958
1355 Yeh Nazdeekiyan 1982
1356 Mumbai Express 2005
1357 Tezaab 1988
1358 Bara Aadmi 1957
1359 Oonche Log 1985
1360 Pardesi 1941
1361 Aanchal 1980
1362 Parwana 1947
1363 Aaj Kaa M.L.A. Ram Avtar 1984
1364 Maa Beta 1962
1365 Nishaan 1983
1366 Sati Naag Kanya 1983
1367 Gambler 1971
1368 Banarasi Babu 1973
1369 Andhera 1943
1370 Chhoti Maa 1943
1371 Amar Deep 1979
1372 Ek Ke Baad Ek 1960
1373 Albeli 1955
1374 Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja 1961
1375 Shaan-e-Hind 1936
1376 Chalta Purza 1977
1377 Baarish 1957
1378 Aag Se Khelenge 1989
1379 Rahi 1953
1380 Muqabla 1979
1381 Dilruba 1950
1382 Aaram 1951
1383 Stage 1951
1384 Azad 1940
1385 Sanam 1951
1386 Beta 1992
1387 Asiai Sitara 1937
1388 Ten O'Clock 1958
1389 Samapti 1949
1390 Badhti Ka Naam Dadhi 1974
1391 Talash 1969
1392 Baat Ek Raat Ki 1962
1393 Aaina 1977
1394 Zalzala 1952
1395 Aurat 1967
1396 Ishk Ishk Ishk 1974
1397 Johny Mera Naam 1970
1398 Arpan 1983
1399 Dushman 1957
1400 Durdesh 1983
1401 Lal Patthar 1971
1402 Armaan 1953
1403 Dil-E-Nadaan 1953
1404 Sone Ki Chidiya 1958
1405 Sazaa 1951
1406 Toote Tare 1948
1407 Do Dooni Char 1968
1408 Bahen 1941
1409 Roti 1942
1410 Diwali Ki Raat 1956
1411 Bhoot Bungla 1965
1412 Sharabi 1964
1413 Raksha 1981
1414 Chand Aur Suraj 1965
1415 Amar Deep 1958
1416 Duniya 1968
1417 Meet Mere Man Ke 1991
1418 Rani Aur Lalpari 1975
1419 Lootmaar 1980
1420 Main Balwaan 1986
1421 Tamasha 1952
1422 Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya 1963
1423 Musafir Khana 1955
1424 Vikram Shashikala 1949
1425 Faisla 1988
1426 Nasihat 1986
1427 Bhakt Dhruv 1957
1428 Dosti 1964
1429 Shama 1946
1430 Veer Arjun 1952
1431 Aji Bas Shukriya 1958
1432 Dayar E Madina 1975
1433 Assignment Bombay 1978
1434 Adventures of Tarzan 1985
1435 Zara Bachke 1959
1436 Devta 1956
1437 Jangal Mein Mangal 1972
1438 Bade Sarkar 1957
1439 Kali Ghata 1951
1440 Sawan Aya Re 1949
1441 Mayurpankh 1954
1442 Veer Bhimsen 1964
1443 Anmol 1993
1444 Watan Se Door 1968
1445 Hero No. 1 1997
1446 Naya Ghar 1953
1447 Bhai 1944
1448 Shahenshah 1953
1449 Gaal Gulabi Nain Sharabi 1974
1450 Chitchor 1976
1451 Madari 1959
1452 Panchhi 1944
1453 Mirza Sahiban 1939
1454 Naaka Bandi 1990
1455 Zabardast 1985
1456 Phool 1945
1457 Sarkari Mehman 1979
1458 Chandni Chowk 1954
1459 Zeenat 1945
1460 Daasi 1981
1461 Teen Ustad 1961
1462 Aas 1953
1463 House No. 13 1991
1464 Koshish 1943
1465 Johar in Bombay 1967
1466 Humdard 1953
1467 Be-Imaan 1972
1468 Hawa Mahal 1962
1469 Flying Circus 1965
1470 Sankoch 1976
1471 Nannha Farishta 1969
1472 Samaj Ko Badal Dalo 1947
1473 Paise Ke Peechhey 1986
1474 Yateem 1945
1475 Meharbaani 1982
1476 Aanchal Ke Phool 1968
1477 Sher E Watan 1971
1478 Aansoo 1953
1479 Hamara Sansar 1945
1480 Balram Shri Krishna 1968
1481 Rustom-E-Rome 1964
1482 Rahgeer 1943
1483 Naukar 1943
1484 Johar in Kashmir 1966
1485 Bhai Thakur 2000
1486 Zulm Ki Hukumat 1992
1487 Naseebwaala 1992
1488 Khooni Murdaa 1989
1489 Maalik Tere Bande Hum 1972
1490 Hai Meri Jaan 1991
1491 Geet 1992
1492 Mastan Dada 1977
1493 Anokhi Raat 1968
1494 Maila Aanchal 1981
1495 Samaj Ko Badal Dalo 1970
1496 Faasle 1985
1497 Do Fantoosh 1994
1498 Aasra 1966
1499 Maa Ke Aansoo 1959
1500 Angoor 2005
1501 Meenar 1954
1502 Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India 2001
1503 Hum Kahan Ja Rahe Hain 1966
1504 Neelima 1975
1505 Hercules 1964
1506 Lutera Aur Jadugar 1968
1507 Zamane Ki Hawa 1952
1508 Ek Mutthi Aasmaan 1973
1509 Moojrim 1970
1510 Pehli Jhalak 1955
1511 Shiva Ka Insaaf 1985
1512 Hip Hip Hurray 1948
1513 Hum Saath-Saath Hain 1999
1514 Ek Raaz 1963
1515 Chatpati 1983
1516 Aaj Ki Taaza Khabar 1973
1517 Pratishodh 1980
1518 Sautela Bhai 1996
1519 Tawaif 1985
1520 Daku Mansingh 1971
1521 No Parking 2006
1522 Darinda 2005
1523 Ali Baba 1976
1524 Razia Sultan 1983
1525 Najma 1943
1526 Humayun 1945
1527 Arpan 1957
1528 Miss Mary 1957
1529 Piya Milan 1985
1530 Om Shanti Om 2007
1531 Piya Ghar Aaja 1947
1532 Tohfa 1947
1533 Kanhaiya 1959
1534 Saat Phere 1970
1535 Durgaa Maa 1986
1536 Ram Tere Kitne Naam 1985
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cma-japanese-art · 3 years
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Poem Card Box, Kamisaka Sekka, 1868-1912, Cleveland Museum of Art: Japanese Art
Size: Overall: 37.5 x 7.1 cm (14 3/4 x 2 13/16 in.) Medium: wood with lacquer
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lightsonparkave · 3 years
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HAPPY TWO-YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO LIGHTS ON PARK AVE! 🎂🎉 In celebration of LoPA’s birthday (August 22, to be exact), all of the prompts from the previous year are up for grabs.
Round 24 will end on August 31, 11:59 PM ET (what time is that for me?).
As always, you’re free to jump in whenever you’d like during the round, a wide variety of work types is accepted, and there are no minimum work requirements. Unfinished works and works for other fandom events are allowed. You can find more information about Lights on Park Ave and the participation guidelines here.
Here are all 149 prompts. Go crazy and have fun! 🎈
A quote about being infinite in the present moment from The Perks of Being a Wallflower
“Vellichor,” the the strange wistfulness of used bookstores
“How long is forever?” dialogue from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
“Time” - Hans Zimmer (Inception OST)
A quote and gifset from Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival (2016) about the nonlinear structure of time
Agnès Varda’s portraits when she was 20, 36, and 80 years old
A John Irving quote about what time does to the people who matter to us
Ten traveling back to see Rose on New Year’s Day in 2005 before he dies and reincarnates in Doctor Who
Future inventions in 2015 as seen in Robert Zemeckis’s Back to the Future Part II (1989)
A quote about what time does for wounds
A photoset of various liminal spaces
Illustration of a black cat in front of a red-lit house with the caption, “They say no one is living here—but the lights come on, once every year”
A photoset of Victorian-era spirit photography, an art form that attempted to capture the ghost of a deceased loved one
Information on the famous Mojave phone booth, a lone telephone booth in the middle of the desert that received calls from all over the world
Rosemary Ellen Guiley’s The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits Third Edition’s definition of “witching hour”
Illustration of a ghost train on an abandoned trestle bridge in the Pacific Northwest
A quote by Isabel Allende about spirits coming out at night in the library
Gifset of the spirit world in Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away (2001)
Illustration of a neon roadside sign of a motel that only appears at night by a long-forgotten highway
“Pacific Coast Highway” - Kavinsky
A gifset quote from The Twilight Zone (1959)
Scenery from Twin Peaks season 1 (1990)
A quote about something shifting into a strange, new place inside of a person from Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
A quote about being lost and found by someone special by Sue Zhao
A photo of the Mildred, wrecked off Gurnard’s Head, Cornwall in 1912
A quote about ephemerality and the beauty of it from Troy (2004)
Two paintings of people visiting ruins by Caspar David Friedrich
A quote about desire and loss by Lara Mimosa Montes
A photo of an overgrown, abandoned conservatory
A passage about what disappears and what remains in ruins from Suicide by Édouard Levé
Dialogue about gratitude for people who aren’t meant to stay in your life but shape who you are from BoJack Horseman
A scene from Fleabag where the Priest chooses God over Fleabag and gently tells Fleabag that her love for him will pass before they part ways
A prayer to St. Anthony, patron saint of lost things, people, and souls
Oscar Wilde’s tomb in Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris, covered in lipstick kisses from admirers
Photos of a cemetery statue in Austria, wrapped in branches and dead leaves, holding a single flower
A gifset of Kevin on the phone, telling Chiron he’ll cook food for him from Barry Jenkin’s Moonlight (2016)
Buttercup’s monologue to Westley about how she would do anything for him from The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Gifs of Merlin saying that he was born to serve Arthur from BBC’s Merlin
An excerpt about giving all of oneself to someone despite what it costs from House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
A gifset of various times Jaime and Brienne demonstrate their loyalty to and love for each other in Game of Thrones
A gifset of all the different ways Cliff is there for Rick in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
A gifset of Nadia deciding to be by Alan’s side no matter what in Russian Doll
“Devotion” - Ocean Vuong
A gifset of Bond comforting a traumatized Vesper in the shower in Casino Royale (2006)
A gifset of Sookhee refusing to leave Hideko, saying her job is to look after her in Park Chanwook’s The Handmaiden (2016)
A dreamscape gifset and quote about repressed thoughts in dreams and the Internet from Satoshi Kon’s Paprika (2006)
A gifset of Mitsuha and Taki finally meeting in their own bodies in a dream from Shinkai Makoto’s Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) (2016)
A quote by Tinker Bell telling Peter Pan where he can find her and where she’ll always love him in Steven Spielberg’s Hook (1991)
The scene where Keating tells his students that poetry, beauty, romance, and love give life meaning in Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society (1989)
An animated illustration of a storefront called “Hauntings” with a flickering “99¢ dreams” neon sign
Various dreamscape scenes and a quote about ideas being the most resilient parasite from Christopher Nolan’s Inception (2010)
A quote about how all living beings must dream to survive reality from The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
A comic about people we love taking turns to visit us in dreams every night
Lovers and Sleeping Couple, two drawings by Egon Schiele
A quote about belief in a better world by Robert Frobisher to his lover, Rufus Sixsmith, in Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
A quote about the feeling of falling in love lingering when you wake up from a dream in Alexis Dos Santos’s Unmade Beds (2009)
A photo of subway graffiti by an unknown author insisting that they’ll never give up making the world a better place to live in
A scene about how to return a stolen kiss from Daniel Ribeiro’s The Way He Looks (2014)
A line about kissing someone the way a flower opens from “I Know Someone” by Mary Oliver
A gifset focusing on showing affection and care through hands from Park Chanwook’s The Handmaiden (2016)
A passage about two people leaving invisible marks on each other through the accumulation of touches over the years from A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood
Two conversations about never being touched before and only being touched by one person from Barry Jenkins’s Moonlight (2016)
Going from yearning to touch someone but stopping oneself to being allowed to touch them from Richard Linklater’s Before trilogy
Moving art of two bodies made of stars and the cosmos embracing
A quote about maintaining sanity by touching someone but being separated despite proximity from The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
A line about proving that one still exists and is real through touch from On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
Different touches between Villanelle and Eve expressing violence, threat, sexual tension, comfort, and companionship in Killing Eve
A juxtaposition of two scenes from Wong Kar-wai’s In the Mood for Love (2000) of Su Li-zhen rejecting and accepting Chow Mo-wan’s hand
A compilation of marble sculptures by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Syd (Chris Evans) trailing kisses down London’s back in London (2005)
James Baldwin talking about how art helps you discover that people before you have experienced the same thing as you and you are not alone
Dr. Brand saying that love transcends time and space in Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar (2014)
Nadia and Alan meeting for the first time as they’re about to die and relive the same day again in Russian Doll
The loneliness of losing everyone by having a long life as expressed by Ten in Doctor Who
The doomed eternal time loop romance of Simon and Alisha from Misfits
A quote by Edvard Munch about becoming eternal through the flowers that grow from his body after death
Nagai Kei recalling the traffic accident that killed him and triggered his immortality, making him one of the rare persecuted humans to possess the power, in Ajin
A collection of moments from Jay Russell’s Tuck Everlasting (2002)
A quote by Mary Wollstonecraft hoping for something that lasts inside the heart
Various scenes with Jack Harkness from Doctor Who
Aya telling Asou-kun to live on and live forever as she nears the end of her life in 1 Litre of Tears
An excerpt about the immortalization of the self through love from “Love of the Wolf” in Hélène Cixous’s Stigmata
A collection of scenes from the Black Mirror episode “San Junipero”
Naoko telling Toru to always remember her and remember that she existed in Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Dom explaining to Ariadne that he uses the PASIV to dream as it’s the only way that he can be with his wife and children in Christopher Nolan’s Inception (2010)
“I’m Going Back to Minnesota Where Sadness Makes Sense” - Danez Smith
A line about wanting to forget how much you loved someone and then actually forgetting from Bluets by Maggie Nelson
“Perhaps the World Ends Here” - Joy Harjo
“In Time” - W. S. Merwin
“By Small and Small: Midnight to Four A.M.” - Jack Gilbert
“Magdalene: The Addict” - Marie Howe
“Wild Geese” - Mary Oliver
“Morphology 2″ - CJ Scruton
“20″ from Moscow in the Plague Year by Marina Tsvetaeva
“To Hold” - Li-Young Lee
“I Loved You Before I Was Born” - Li-Young Lee
A poem about longing for someone through worlds by Izumi Shikibu
A gifset of Marianne and Héloïse falling in love from Céline Sciamma’s Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
“Make Me Feel” - Janelle Monáe
A quote about living in longing being better than realizing that longing from 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
“I Want You” - Mitski
Orpheus and Eurydice in Hades - Friedrich Heinrich Füger
Long definition of the word “saudade”
Definition of the word “hiraeth”
“Something About Us” - Daft Punk
Two lines about burning quietly from the poem “The Pillowcase” by Annelyse Gelman
A conversation about wanting each other after decades of separation from Pedro Almodóvar’s Pain and Glory (2019)
A Hanahaki disease mood board
“Shrike” - Hozier
Two lines about wanting someone to return from Herakles by Euripides
“Love of My Life” - Queen
“Eyes, Nose, Lips” - Taeyang
A screenshot of Kathy and Tommy holding onto each other desperately from Mark Romanek’s Never Let Me Go (2010) and a quote from Kazuo Ishiguro’s eponymous novel
“Perfect Places” - Lorde
A piece about realizing you’ll never be this young again, but it’s the first time you’re this old by Kalyn Roseanne Livernois
A conversation between Neil and Mr. Keating about Neil feeling trapped and unable to live the life he wants because of his father from Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society (1989)
An excerpt about being too young to know how to love properly from Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor” - Arctic Monkeys
Elio’s father telling Elio not to try to rid himself of his sorrow and pain—and with that joy—which he feels so strongly because he’s so young from Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman
A quote about how everything feels final to young people because they’re experiencing it for the first time from Middlemarch by George Eliot
Lara Jean telling Peter that she had to make it seem like she liked him to deal with her love letter fiasco in Susan Johnson’s To All the Boys I Loved Before (2018)
Rue and Jules dancing together and partying it up in Euphoria
“Le Plongeoir” by Laurent Roch
A quote about being pushed into adulthood and not being ready from Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
A photo of a roller rink illuminated by pink and purple lights
Pastel photo series of Coney Island by Mijoo Kim and Minjin Kang
“Hips Don’t Lie” - Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean
“Young Dumb & Broke” - Khalid
Different moments accompanied by the letter to Mr. Vernon at the end of detention from John Hughes’s The Breakfast Club (1985)
Various scenes and a quote about growing up and realizing life isn’t like a fairy tale from Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
Stills of the young lesbian couple in love from the music video of “You Know” - Jaurim
Lines by Effy about her emotional and mental struggles from Skins
Nathan chiding the group for not taking advantage of their superpowers as young offenders from Misfits
A passage about giving into passion and losing control from The Secret History by Donna Tartt
“Thot Shit” - Megan Thee Stallion
An aesthetic photoset of the Greek god Dionysus
A quote about living for ecstasy rather than balance from From a Journal of Love by Anaïs Nin
A photo of an anonymous person in nothing but a silk robe and lingerie
A photo of Donatella Versace lounging in a chair, surrounded by shirtless, muscular men sunbathing around her in Capri, Italy in 1994
An aesthetic photoset based on The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The music video for “Heartless” by The Weeknd
A plea for summer to never end from Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman
“Plastic Love” - Mariya Takeuchi
A gifset from the music video of “Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd, a continuation of the “Heartless” music video
“XS” - Rina Sawayama
A gifset from the music video of “Body” by Mino
Photos of people dancing at the legendary Studio 54
Photos and a description of the party scene at Studio 54
Chris Evans and Evan Rachel Wood hooking up in a car in the “Gucci Guilty Black” commercial
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asfaltics · 3 years
A brown moth fluttered.
  The curtain was down, and the carpenters were rearranging the “No, no, no! I can’t breathe       1       volatile I can’t breathe.” And such a fit of suffocating       2   “I can’t breathe,” she would sometimes say       3 and the minisnever! I can’t breathe it in fast enough, nor hard enough, nor long enough.”       4   and started up up. to return to the tent, only to check him No, I can’t breathe the same air self in the act as often as he started, with ye to-night, but ye’ll go into the he lost consciousness in uneasy dreams       5 meet me at the station. I can’t breathe in this wretched       6   “sickening down there — I can’t breathe!  I can’t stand it, Drewe! It’s killing me!” — Tears       7 struggling to altitudes that I can’t breathe in.  I could help him when he was in despair, but he is the sort who       8   sometimes I find I can’t breathe in it.  Perhaps some folks will say “so much the worse for you”       9 it seems if I can’t breathe in the house. not dared hope       10   “Well, I won’t wear ’em. I can’t breathe” “Sure! Blame ’em!” “I can’t breathe a square breath.” Oh       11 things I regret I can’t breathe.       12   bramble bush. I can’t breathe. I can’t eat. I can’t do anything much. It’s clear to my knees.       13 I can't breathe, I can't talk,       14   lying on its “I can’t stay here I can’t breathe” side, the cork half-loosened. A brown moth fluttered.       15 “I can’t breathe beside you.”       16   the needs of any reasonable young lady. “I can't breathe there,       17 I can’t breathe — I really need the rush of this wintry air to restore me!”       18   I can’t breathe no more in that coop upstairs . tablet ; two he said is what you need.” of flame shoots through a stream of oil       19 no friction. It’s friction—rub- / asthmatically.] “I can’t breathe deep — I can light and of reason. But I’ve a notion       20   out of it. I can’t breathe in the dark. I can’t. I / She withdrew       21 “I can’t breathe or feel in”       22   Up a flight of stairs, and there was the girl, sitting on the edge of an untidy bed. The yellow sweater was on the floor. She had on an underskirt and a pink satin camisole. “I can't breathe !” she gasped.       23 I can’t breathe in the dark! I can’t! I can’t! I can’t live in the dark with my eyes open!       24   One never gets it back! How could one! And I can’t breathe just now, on account of       25 that old stuff, I could shriek. I can’t breathe in the same room with you. The very sound of       26   don’t! I can’t — breathe.... I’m all — and bitter howling.       27  
sources (pre-1923; approximately 90 in all, from which these 27 passages, all by women)
1 ex “Her Last Appearance,” in Peters’ Musical Monthly, And United States Musical Review 3:2 (New-York, February 1869), “from Belgravia” : 49-52 (51) “Her Last Appearance” appeared later, “by the author of Lady Audley’s Secret” (M.E. Braddon, 1835-1915 *), in Belgravia Annual (vol. 31; Christmas 1876) : 61-73 2 snippet view ex The Lady’s Friend (1873) : 15 evidently Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924 *) her Vagabondia : A Love Story (New York, 1891) : 286 (Boston, 1884) : 286 (hathitrust) 3 ex “The Story of Valentine; and his Brother.” Part VI. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine vol. 115 (June 1874) : 713-735 (715) authored by Mrs. [Margaret] Oliphant (1828-97 *), see her The Story of Valentine (1875; Stereotype edition, Edinburgh and London, 1876) : 144 4 OCR confusions at Olive A. Wadsworth, “Little Pilkins,” in Sunday Afternoon : A Monthly Magazine for the Household vol. 2 (July-December 1878) : 73-81 (74) OAW “Only A Woman” was a pseudonym of Katharine Floyd Dana (1835-1886), see spoonercentral. Katharine Floyd Dana also authored Our Phil and Other Stories (Boston and New York, 1889) : here, about which, a passage from a bookseller's description — Posthumously published fictional sketches of “negro character,” first published in the Atlantic Monthly under the pseudonym Olive A. Wadsworth. The title story paints a picture of plantation life Dana experienced growing up on her family’s estate in Mastic, Long Island. Although a work of fiction set in Maryland, the character of Phil may of been named for a slave once jointly owned by the Floyds and a neighboring family. source see also the William Buck and Katherine Floyd Dana collection, 1666-1912, 1843-1910, New York State Historical Documents (researchworks). 5 OCR cross-column misread, at M(ary). H(artwell). Catherwood (1847-1902 *), “The Primitive Couple,” in Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science 36 (August 1885) : 138-146 (145) author of historical romances, short stories and poetry, and dubbed the “Parkman of the West,” her papers are at the Newberry Library (Chicago) 6 ex Marie Corelli (Mary Mackay; 1855-1924 *), Thelma, A Norwegian Princess: A Novel, Book II. The Land of Mockery. Chapter 12 (New Edition, London, 1888) : 432 7 preview snippet (only), at Ada Cambridge (1844-1926 *), Fidelis, a Novel ( “Cheap Edition for the Colonies and India,” 1895) : 289 full scan, (New York, 1895) : 261 born and raised in England, spent much of her life in Australia (died in Melbourne); see biography (and 119 of her poems) at the Australia Poetry Library in particular, the striking poems from Unspoken Thoughts (1887) here (Thomas Hardy comes to mind) 8 snippet view (only) at F(rances). F(rederica), Montrésor (1862-1934), At the Cross-Roads (London, 1897) : 297 but same page (and scan of entirety) at hathitrust see her entry At the Circulating Library (Database of Victorian Fiction 1837-1901) an interesting family. Montrésor’s The Alien: A Story of Middle Age (1901) is dedicated to her sister, C(harlotte). A(nnetta). Phelips (1858-1925), who was devoted to work for the blind. See entry in The Beacon, A Monthly magazine devoted to the interests of the blind (May 1925) a great-granddaughter of John Montresor (1737-99), a British military engineer and cartographer, whose colorful (and unconventional) life is sketched at wikipedia. 9 Alice H. Putnam, “An Open Letter,” in Kindergarten Review 9:5 (Springfield, Massachusetts; January 1899) : 325-326 Alice Putnam (1841-1919) opened the first private kindergarten in Chicago; Froebel principles... (wikipedia); see also “In Memory of Alice H. Putnam” in The Kindergarten-primary Magazine 31:7 (March 1919) : 187 (hathitrust) 10 OCR cross-column misread, at Mabel Nelson Thurston (1869?-1965?), “The Palmer Name,” in The Congregationalist and Christian World 86:30 (27 July 1901) : 134-135 author of religiously inflected books (seven titles at LC); first female admitted for entry at George Washington University (in 1888). GWU archives 11 OCR cross-column misread, at Margaret Grant, “The Romance of Kit Dunlop,” Beauty and Health : Woman’s Physical Development 7:6 (March 1904): 494-501 (499 and 500) the episodic story starts at 6:8 (November 1903) : 342 12 ex Marie van Vorst (1867-1936), “Amanda of the Mill,” The Bookman : An illustrated magazine of literature and life 21 (April 1905) : 190-209 (191) “writer, researcher, painter, and volunteer nurse during World War I.” wikipedia 13 ex Maude Morrison Huey, “A Change of Heart,” in The Interior (The sword of the spirit which is the Word of God) 36 (Chicago, April 20, 1905) : 482-484 (483) little information on Huey, who is however mentioned in Paula Bernat Bennett, her Poets in the Public Sphere : The Emancipatory Project of American Women's Poetry, 1800-1900 (2003) : 190 14 ex Leila Burton Wells, “The Lesser Stain,” The Smart Set, A Magazine of Cleverness 19:3 (July 1906) : 145-154 (150) aside — set in the Philippines, where “The natives were silent, stolid, and uncompromising.” little information on Wells, some of whose stories found their way to the movie screen (see IMDB) The Smart Set ran from March 1900-June 1930; interesting story (and decline): wikipedia 15 OCR cross-column misread, at Josephine Daskam Bacon (1876-1961 *), “The Hut in the Wood: A Tale of the Bee Woman and the Artist,” in Collier’s, The National Weekly 41:12 (Saturday, June 13, 1908) : 12-14 16 ex E. H. Young, A Corn of Wheat (1910) : 90 Emily Hilda Daniell (1880-1949), novelist, children’s writer, mountaineer, suffragist... wrote under the pseudonym E. H. Young. (wikipedia) 17 ex Mary Heaton Vorse (1874-1966), “The Engagements of Jane,” in Woman’s Home Companion (May 1912) : 17-18, 92-93 Illustrated by Florence Scovel Shinn (1871-1940, artist and book illustrator who became a New Thought spiritual teacher and metaphysical writer in her middle years. (wikipedia)) Mary Heaton Vorse — journalist, labor activist, social critic, and novelist. “She was outspoken and active in peace and social justice causes, such as women's suffrage, civil rights, pacifism (such as opposition to World War I), socialism, child labor, infant mortality, labor disputes, and affordable housing.” (wikipedia). 18 ex snippet view, at “Voices,” by Runa, translated for the Companion by W. W. K., in Lutheran Companion 20:3 (Rock Island, Illinois; Saturday, January 20, 1912) : 8 full view at hathitrust same passage in separate publication as Voices, By Runa (pseud. of E. M. Beskow), from the Swedish by A. W. Kjellstrand (Rock Island, Illinois, 1912) : 292 E(lsa). M(aartman). Beskow (1874-1953), Swedish author and illustrator of children’s books (Voices seems rather for older children); see wikipedia 19 ex Fannie Hurst (1885-1968 *), “The Good Provider,” in The Saturday Evening Post 187:1 (August 15, 1914) : 12-16, 34-35 20 OCR cross-column misread, at Anne O’Hagan, “Gospels of Hope for Women: A few new creeds, all of them modish—but expensive” in Vanity Fair (February 1915) : 32 Anne O’Hagan Shinn (1869-1933) — feminist, suffragist, journalist, and writer of short stories... “known for her writings detailing the exploitation of young women working as shop clerks in early 20th Century America... O’Hagan participated in several collaborative fiction projects...” (wikipedia) a mention of St. Anselm, whose “sittings” are free, vis-à-vis “Swami Bunkohkahnanda”... “Universal Harmonic Vibrations”... 21 OCR cross-column misread (three columns), at Fannie Hurst (1885-1968 *), “White Goods” (Illustrations by May Wilson Preston) in Metropolitan Magazine 42:3 (July 1915) : 19-22, 53 repeated, different source and without OCR misread, at 24 below 22 ex Mary Patricia Willcocks, The Sleeping Partner (London, 1919) : 47 (snippet only) full at hathitrust see onlinebooks for this and other of her titles. something on Mary Patricia Willcocks (1869-1952) at ivybridge-heritage. in its tone and syntax, her prose brings Iris Murdoch to mind. 23 Katharine Wendell Pedersen, “Clingstones, A week in a California cannery.” in New Outlook vol. 124 (February 4, 1920) : 193-194 no information about the author. the journal began life as The Christian Union (1870-1893) and continued under the new title into 1928; it ceased publication in 1935; it was devoted to social and political issues, and was against Bolshevism (wikipedia) 24 ex Fannie Hurst (1885-1968 *), “White Goods,” in her Humoresque : A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind it (1919, 1920) : 126-169 (155) 25 ex snippet view, at Letters and poems of Queen Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva), with an introduction and notes by Henry Howard Harper. Volume 2 (of 2; Boston, Printed for members only, The Bibliophile society, 1920) : 51 (hathitrust) Carmen Sylva was “the pen name of Elisabeth, queen consort of Charles I, king of Rumania” (1843-1916 *) 26 OCR cross-column misread, at Ruth Comfort Mitchell, “Corduroy” (Part Three; Illustrated by Frederick Anderson), in Woman’s Home Companion 49:8 (August 1922) : 21-23, 96-97 (hathitrust) Ruth Comfort Mitchell Young (1882-1954), poet, dramatist, etc., and owner of a remarkable house (in a “Chinese” style) in Los Gatos, California (wikipedia) 27 Helen Otis, “The Christmas Waits,” in Woman’s Home Companion 49:12 (Christmas 1922) : 36 probably Helen Otis Lamont (1897-1993), about whom little is found, save this “Alumna Interview: Helen Otis Lamont, Class of 1916” (Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn, 1988) at archive.org (Brooklyn Historical Society)
prompted by : recent thoughts about respiration (marshes, etc.); Pfizer round-one recovery focus on the shape of one breath, then another; inhalation, exhalation and the pleasure of breathing; and for whom last breaths are no pleasure (far from it); last breaths (Robert Seelthaler The Field (2021) in the background).
1 of n
all tagged breath all tagged cento  
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doctorjameswatson · 3 years
First Lines Meme
I was tagged by @pers-books - thanks :)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less  than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
I’ve left a few out at the end that are poems and not fics so I can include ones that definitely are fics. Listed in chronological order under the cut as it is a long post.
1. Rooms with a View (Holby City: Berena): Feelings were a funny thing.
2. Trust, Magic, and Love (The Worst Witch 2017: Hackle): The rope bit into her skin.
3. In the Quiet of the Night (The Worst Witch 2017: Hackle): As the evening wore on, Hecate had grown more and more on edge, Ada noticed.
4. Bonding (Stargate SG1: Sam/Jack): "Thor!" Jack yelled into the night sky of the planet they had just been deposited on.
5. A Christmas Party (Holby City: Berena): The night might have a frosty edge to it, but the inside of the hall did not.
6. Mistletoe and Wine (Holby City: Berena): Rich, dulcet, tones, floated through to where Serena stood and made her smile.
7. Snowballs (Holby City: Berena): SPLAT!
8. Winter Wonderland (Holby City: Berena): “Whoever had the idea of holding a medical conference in the Swiss Alps? I’m going to throttle them!”
9. Captive Wolfe (Holby City: Berena): “I believe you left a spare set the last time you were here.”
10. Finding a Way Home (Holby City: Berena): There are many myths and legends that have travelled through the ages.
11. Emails (Holby City: Berena): Darling Bernie, finally made it to France. 
12. In the darkness, we find hope (Jill Raymond/Elly Chandler): It was past midnight by the time Elly tiredly trudged up the two flights of stairs that led to her front door.
13. Autumn Leaves (Holby City: Berena): As was usual with British weather, the temperatures had taken a tumble somewhere during the last week or two of September.
14. Perhaps, Love (Holby City: Berena): It had been a long five years since Bernie had left.
15. It isn’t fair (Stargate SG1: Sam/Jack): Poking Jack squarely in the chest, Sam held a bottle of beer in the other hand and had a confused look on her face.
16. A Crisis of Confidence (Sanctuary: James/John/Helen): Shell shocked.
17. The only suit he will need (Sanctuary: James Watson): It had been two weeks since James had been sent to bed on doctor’s orders, from Helen, as Nikola kept on working on his suit.
18. Letter for Doctor James Watson, 25th April 1912 (Sanctuary: James/Helen): Fear not, Darling, I am alive and am now in reasonable spirits.
19. A Post Mission Drink (Sanctuary: Teslen): Taking off her boots with a groan, Helen sat back on the couch in the semi-privacy of her drawing room.
20. There’s a first time for everything (Sanctuary: James/John): “James, are you quite sure?” John murmured as he tied the last restraint to James’ wrist.
Any patterns? Well, they’re a lot shorter than I expected them to be. I’ve always thought I ramble, but apparently not in most opening lines. I also don’t tend to start with dialogue. I feel the need for introductions usually rather than jumping into speech. Although this isn’t the case every time.
My favourite first line is probably the one from number 6: Mistletoe and Wine as I like the imagery and how warm and comfy the whole fic feels to me.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it as I’ve seen a lot of people be tagged in this the last couple of days and I don’t want to be annoying and tag those who’ve already been tagged.
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blackhyena · 10 months
Tumblr media
Thomas Hardy, ‘The Phantom Horsewoman’.
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shatterthefragments · 3 years
Questions Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @catholicnicky!
Hmm I'm supposed to tag 20 but I'll tag:
@kiaya, @caffeinatedbraincell, @randofando-spoonie, @cowgaykermit, @boutiquetraveltravelboutique @rhubarbdreams
If you want to play :)
1. Name/Nickname: Shatters <3
2. Gender: *shrugs noncommitedly*/nonbinary fits best
3. Star sign: okay so I took a thing and I'm going to assume that "Sun in Pisces" is this? bc i have no clue any time i look at that :eek:
4. Height: it is to my delight that I can definitely say 5'3" and not actually 5'2"! Bc I'm only a couple inches shorter than a friend and that would mean I'm taller than 5'2"!
5. Time: at the time of this Q: 12:20... ah I should get ready for bed soon... (longer by the time I post this at a little past 1 am)
6. Birthday: Feb. 26
7. Favourite Band: Currently? Maybe Polyphia? Most played currently at least. I've been vibing with Nothing But Thieves, Daughtry (again), 3OH!3 (i know), Florence + The Machine (though I have yet to do a discography playthrough yet), (ok so I'm scrolling through my saved artists for this one), The Neighbourhood, some local bands, and The Pretty Reckless lately.
8. Favourite solo artist: oh dear god. Um. Loving and/or getting back into: Rina Sawayama, Toby Fox, Ichika Nito, Tim Henson, Lil Nas X, King Princess, Hayley Kiyoko? idk it could be a lot more. But for Reasons it currently has to be Lil Nas X <3
9. song stuck in my head: because I caved and got TikTok (derogatory) because of the Chocolate Potato Cake (from 1912!) [and if you didn't just hear that in Dylan's voice you should find it on Youtube it's great] it's Maneskin's Beggin. When that's not recently heard, it varies between many other songs. If I whistle, it's usually a simple march we played in band. Maybe Soda. Maybe the hook from The Worst. Who knows~ not me!
10. last movie: either Waves or Wolf it's been so long since I've watched something. But soon hopefully Hartenstraat!
11. last show: Leverage! When I rewatched it last year or something!
12. when I created this blog: perhaps 2012 or 2013? I deleted most of my blog and started over though at around 15k posts so it may have been before that? But I don't think it was much before 2012 if so.
13. what I post: please tell me fuck if i know aaaaah whatever I see when I pop on when I have the capacity to actually reblog or queue it i guess? mostly related to whatver i'm fixated on <3 (speaking of - draining my queue for the tumblr post+ strike so that'll suck to get filled again afterwards :P)
14. last thing I googled: "Sugar and spice makes everything nice quote"
15. other blogs: theoldguardinshatters is my tog sideblog! I have some other... rather inactive blogs... not really sure I want to share them. Some are straight up empty.
16. do i get asks? not often
17. why I chose my URL: I'm a poet! jk jk (or am I?) but I wrote a poem back in middle school... actually a few versions based off the same premise/line (i was going to see if I could find it but looking back That Far in my blog is like "yeah, there's no way I'm faking my mental illness even when I fear I might be" so I'm just. not. going there. like holy shit maybe i should purge my old posts again...) But if I remember maybe I'll put what I can remember under a cut?
18. following: after swearing I'd never follow more than 100: 304. But many aren't active anymore :( (also literally me 5 yrs ago: 'oh god I follow more than 30 people I'm freaking out, it's too many!')
19. followers: 234, but who knows how many are porn bots I never really kept up back in the day
20. average hours of sleep: ...that is a good question... idk. maybe 5ish when I work and maybe 9ish when I am just me on my own?
21. lucky number: culturally: 8, personally, also: 3,7,13,17,19,23
22. instruments: formerly flute and tenor sax. I haven't exactly kept up oops >.< (so i guess rn I just whistle or hum or sometimes sing)
23. what am I wearing: shorts and a t-shirt
24. dream job: bookbinder, or some other creative pursuit that allows me to work with my hands - cake decorator? other arts? idk. maybe secretary? maybe fancy ass barista/pastry decorator? editor? illustrator? i have no clue please send suggestions <3
25. dream trip: with friends. Not having to drive the entire time. Longer than what I'm currently able to do... maybe a couple months... maybe in europe or asia? maybe just road tripping across canada. idk. It sure would be nice to see them again <3 hopefully camping with one (maybe two?) mid august-ish though! :D
26. favourite food: dim sum (bc I really miss going out with family!), sushi, desserts, pies, quiche, eggs benny, Popcorn, I'm not sure. those are also safe foods texturally usually too though.
27. nationality: canadian, half chinese.
28. favourite song: *shrugs* right now perhaps Soda or The Worst
29. last book I read: ...i don't know... maybe a reread I did of What They Always Tell Us or Martin Wilson's other book We Now Return To Regular Life last year?
30. top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: ...fuck. I don't know. Most of the fantasy universes I read are fanfic... Maybe.... Waves Cinematic Universe - now that Gabriele has a boat, we could boat! Some universe with wings! A universe with UBI *sideeyes gvmt* Stardew Valley universe! :D
from what I can remember maybe (again - Several Versions of this were written... back in middle school...)
Shatter the fragments to see what's left Release the weight That's on your chest
There's nothing left For you to see Nothing left But apathy
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canaryrecords · 4 years
Sotirios Stasinopoulos was one of the most gifted folk singers to have recorded in the first half of the 20th century and one of the most vibrant Greek singers to ever have recorded. Born in the small mountain village of Dafni in the district of Achea in the northern Peleponessus where the largest close town was Kalavryta (present-day population only about 2,000) on March 1, 1878, he followed his brother Vasillios (William) to the U.S. for the first time at the age of 27 on May 10, 1902 at Ellis Island with $12 ($350 in today’s money) in his pocket.
About half of the 500,000 Greek men who arrived in the United States between 1890 and 1920 came to earn money and then returned home. Stasinopoulos went back to Greece twice but then came back to the U.S. first in April 1905 when he said that he was a shoemaker and intended to go live with his brother-in-law Constantinos Kamakiotis in Orange, New Jersey where he subsequently worked as a barber and then again in 1912, when he arrived one last time. His 1912 immigration document, issued when he was 34, mentions a scar across his face. We don't know whether he was involved, but his later songs show strong political leaning that could have tied him to the onset of the Balkan Wars of 1912-13
Six years later in 1918, he was living at the southern tip of Manhattan at 20 Greenwich St, a section then overrun by Irish street gangs including the Hudson Dusters and only a block or so away from the stretch of Washington Street known as Little Syria, crowded with Arabic-speakers. He identified himself as a professional musician but was working for one George Calogeras, an importer about five years his senior who had spent four months in jail for tax evasion on the importation of figs.
Stasinopoulos recorded a trial disc for Victor Records accompanied by a house pianist on April 19, 1921 at the age of 42. Having passed the audition, he recorded four songs at a session in September 1921. One of the four, “Drousoula,” gave him trouble after three takes, and he returned on March 13, 1922, when, after five more takes, he finally cut a master. Within a few months, he had two discs on the market, and in October and November of that year, he recorded eight more songs for Victor.
He recorded for Columbia for the first time in 1923, cutting four sides, all of them issued and setting a pattern for the rest of the decade. Every few months from September 1924 until January 1929, he went into the studio and cut between four and eight sides for Victor, Columbia, or Okeh Records. Practically everything he recorded from that point on was done in one or two takes and was issued. He had learned a lesson from the 1922 sessions, arrived at the studio prepared and got the job done.
In total, he recorded 94 performances, all but the first four of them issued on relatively expensive 12” discs. We present here 16 of the 38 performances he made between September 1921 and April 1925 in the order in which they were recorded. All of this material was recorded acoustically, which is to say before the advent of microphones. Although about half of the performances have circulated online for a few years, a half-dozen of them are available elsewhere too fast. (Victor discs before 1922 run significantly slower than 78rpm; playback at 78rpm is roughly two whole-tones higher than the pitch at which they were recorded.)
His accompanists were largely established semi-professional players about a decade younger than Stasinopoulos himself, mostly from the Peleponesian peninsula and all from smaller municipalities including Sparta, Kalamata, and Corinth - never from the cosmopolitan port cities. Several of them cut discs under their own names, although only he obscure clarinetist Tom Vrounas cut any discs at Stasinopoulos’ sessions. (Vrounas’ 1926 performances appear to the only instances of Stasinopoulos as an accompanist, playing lauto.) Many of Stasinopoulos’ accompanists also recorded with other significant Greek vocalists of the 1910s-20s including Madame Coula and Marika Papagika.
The most consistent accompanist among Stasinopoulos' 1922-25 performances was the santouri (hammer dulcimer) player Louis P. Rassias, who was born in Sparta May 2, 1884 and lived in Montreal for a short while before crossing to the U.S. by ferry to Detroit, where a warrant was issued and then rescinded for his arrest, then moved to Lowell, Massachusetts and finally New York City. When he declared his Intent to Naturalize as an American citizen in 1932, he was living at 404 W 35th St. a few blocks from the center of the Greek nightclub scene. He cut 13 sides for Okeh and Columbia on his own between 1929-29. After the Depression, he moved first to 860 N. 9th Ave and then where he worked repairing shoes and then uptown to 525 W 138 St.
Like many performers, the reorganization of the major record companies after 1929 pretty well ended Stasinopoulos' recording career. It’s clear that he continued to perform, although the only documentation we have of any of Stasinopoulos’ live performances is of a gig at the Windsor Hotel in Montreal under the auspices of the Laconic Brotherhood, a Hellenic organization founded in 1936 and still operating today.
In the early- or mid-40s, he self-released a handful of performances on his own label with a photo of himself in full Grecian folk dress, a hand on his hip and a great mustache. He was at that point well into his 60s. The material he recorded then demonstrated a profound Hellenic nationalism unsurprising as an ex-patriot witness to the Balkan Wars and two World Wars on his country.
His last address was at 1977 E 16th St in New York, less than 20 blocks from French Hospital where he died on on July 22, 1948.
There is something deeply solitary and wonderful in Stasinopoulos’ voice. His subject matter is relentlessly tied to his origin in the rural mountains in a country that had only won independence less than 50 years before he was born in a struggle that originated out of his home district. He speaks for the hillbillies who fought and died and won Greece. He is proud, inflexilble, and a great stylist with a masculine presence and a voice that emanates liquid sequences through these poems of rural life. He seems to embody something that is profoundly old - a spirit of Greekness that might well have existed a millennium ago. Somewhere in the mists of time at some table over emptied bottles of fantastic, hard vinegar, there was a Sotirios Stasinopoulos of some kind rhapsodizing and singing some old poem about a mountain or a hero or a tree or a mother or all four at once.
Known accompanists: Louis Rassias (santouri, b. Sparta, May 2, 1884; arrived in the U.S. 1900) tracks 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Nicolas Relias (clarinet, b. Corinth ca. 1888; arrived in the U.S. 1907) tracks 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16 John Kiriakatis (clarinet, b. Thebes, April 15, 1885; arrived in the U.S. 1911) track 5 Stasinopoulos is the lauto player where it appears.
Tracks 1-3 Sept. 7, 1921 Track 4 Sept. 22, 1921 Tracks 5-7 Oct. 5, 1922 Tracks 8 1923 Tracks 9-10 Oct. 26, 1923 Tracks 11-12 Sept. 24, 1924 Tracks 13-16 April,1925
Where English translations of song titles were given on the original disc labels, we have retained those.
Transfers, restoration, and notes by Ian Nagoski, March 2020 Discographical data from Richard K. Spottswood, Ethnic Music on Records: A Discography of Ethnic Recordings Produced in the United States, 1893 - 1942 (University of Illinois Press), 1990
Examples of later Stasinopoulos performances can be heard on the Canary Releases To What Strange Place ("O Korakas," 1927) and Why I Came to America ("Metaxas," ca. 1940s).
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nitrosplicer · 4 years
My Non-Exhaustive 2019 Reading List
As follows is a non-exhaustive list of the books I read in 2019. While I didn’t succeed in tackling every book on my to-read list in 2019, I feel quite privileged to have the time and energy to read what I did!
My list of books includes re-reads: they also count, and are marked with a *.
1. Pretending is Lying by Dominique Goblet
2. Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
3. History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund
4. The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2018 by Sam Kean
5. The World Without Us by Alan Weisman
6. Whipping Girl by Julia Serano
7. Real Queer America : LGBT Stories from Red States by Samantha Allen
8. Diary of a Puerto Rican Demigod by Edwin Sanchez
9. God Land by Lyz Lenz
10. The War Poems of Wilfred Owen by Wilfred Owen
11. My Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris
12. The Last Report on the Miracle at Little No Horse by Louise Erdrich
13. Are You My Mother by Allison Bechdel
14. Goodnight Punpun by Inio Asano*
15. Becoming Unbecoming by Una
14. Dictee by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha*
15. Plague of Doves by Louise Erdrich
16. Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson*
17. Antigonick by Anne Carson
18. The Overstory by Richard Powers
19. Confessions of the Fox by Jordy Rosenberg
20. Sula by Toni Morrison*
21. When Death Becomes Life: Notes from a Transplant Surgeon by Joshua D. Mezrich
22. My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
23. The Trip to Echo Spring: On Writers and Drinking by Olivia Laing
24. Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love by Dani Shapiro
25. Crazy Brave by Joy Harjo
26. The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater
27. We Both Laughed in Pleasure: The Selected Diaries of Lou Sullivan
28. Collected Poetry: 1912-1944 by H.D.
29. Black Hole by Charles Burns
30. Bid Me To Live by H.D.
31. The Parade’s End tetralogy by Ford Madox Ford
32. Exile and Pride by Eli Clare
33. On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
34. Trick Mirror by Jia Tolentino
35. The Collected Works of Isaac Rosenberg
36. Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay
37. Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann
38. And Still the Waters Run: The Betrayal of the Five Civilized Tribes by Angie Debo
39. The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall
40. The Enormous Room by E.E. Cummings
41. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
42. The Water Cure by Sophie Mackintosh
43. Universal Harvester by John Darnielle
44. Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle
45. The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
46. Lab Girl by Hope Jahren
47. Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness by Peter Godfrey-Smith
48. A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway*
49. Jacob’s Room by Virginia Woolf
50. Gingerbread by Helen Oyeyemi
and more!
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indiejones · 1 year
Advantage of Indie inflation adjusted guesstimate if so accept, is-
1.Eliminate huge skew from 21st c,with 500+ times tkt price. 
2.V.IMP-Remove intermediary in process..So bring all on level playing field-
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
And a few 'Star Report Cards' along the way for fun! >>> 
A. https://indiezone.home.blog/2023/03/15/star-report-cards-at-the-indies-all-time-bollywood-blockbusters-2/
B. https://www.tumblr.com/indiejones/709779127656448000/star-reports-at-the-indies-all-time-bollywood?source=share 
Need I mention,
1. Rajesh Khanna is filmy light years ahead with:
37 in Top 100, 60 in Top 200, & 73 in Top 300! - 134 overall!
(3 Times Ahead Of The Next Best!)
2. Followed by Raj Kumar with 9 in Top 100, & 16 in Top 300 - 46 overall!
3. Followed by Shammi Kapoor with 9 in Top 100 & 17 in Top 300,
4. Dev Anand with 8 in Top 100 & 12 in Top 300,
5. Ashok Kumar with 8 in Top 100, & 26 in Top 300,
6. Sachin with 8 in Top 100, & 15 in Top 300 - 40 overall!,
7. Sanjeev Kumar with 6 in Top 100, & 13 in Top 300 - 64 overall!,
8. Pradeep Kumar with 6 in Top 100, & 14 in Top 300 - 50 overall!
9. Amitabh Bachchan with 6 in Top 100, & 12 in Top 300 - 38 overall!,
10. Rajendra Kumar with 3 in Top 100, & 7 in Top 300 -
11. Vinod Khanna with 4 in Top 100, & 9 in Top 300 - 51 overall!,
12. Vinod Mehra with 4 in Top 100, & 8 in Top 300 -
13. Manoj Kumar with 3 in Top 100, & 8 in Top 300 -
14. Jeetendra with 3 in Top 100, & 8 in Top 300 - 35 overall!,
15. Dharmendra with 3 in Top 100, & 16 in Top 300 - 75 overall!
16. Shatrughan Sinha with 3 in Top 100, 12 in Top 300 (many supporting roles) -
17. Master Bhagwan - 77 overall (just in lead or parallel lead)!
18. Govinda - 53 overall!
19. Mithun Chakraborty - 50 overall!
20. K. L. Saigal - 21 overall!
21. Farooque Sheikh - 17 overall!
22. Shashi Kapoor - 30 overall!
23. Bharat Bhushan - 22 in lead, 70 overall!
24. Biswajeet - 16 in lead,
25. Master Vithal - 11 in lead,
26. Feroz Khan - 18 in lead,
27. Rehman - 12 in lead,
28. Kamal Haasan - 18 in lead,
2 Do Raaste 1969
3 Disco Dancer 1982
4 Sachaa Jhutha 1970
5 Kati Patang 1970
6 Anand 1971
7 Aradhana 1969
8 Amar Prem 1972
9 Naseeb 1981
10 Jai Santoshi Maa 1975
11 Khamoshi 1970
12 Mehboob Ki Mehndi 1971
13 Daag: A Poem of Love 1973
14 Prem Kahani 1975
15 Shirdi Ke Sai Baba 1977
16 Bobby 1973
17 Ek Duuje Ke Liye 1981
18 Love Story 1981
19 Muqaddar Ka Sikandar 1978
20 Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge 1995
21 Parakh 1960
22 Hum Dono 1961
23 Shiraz 1928
24 Ziddi 1948
25 Pukar 1939
26 Agneepath 1990
27 Solwah Saal 1958
28 Anmol Ghadi 1946
29 Nau Do Gyarah 1957
30 Asli-Naqli 1962
31 Munimji 1955
32 Nadiya Ke Paar 1982
33 Dil Ek Mandir 1963
34 Bheegi Raat 1965
35 Maryada 1971
36 Hum Aapke Hain Koun..! 1994
37 Ram Teri Ganga Maili 1985
38 Khilona 1970
39 Karm 1977
40 Anurodh 1977
41 Prince 1969
42 Maya 1961
43 Balika Badhu 1976
44 Apna Desh 1972
45 The Train 1970
46 Bandhan 1969
47 Aan Milo Sajna 1970
48 Bawarchi 1972
49 Mehbooba 1976
50 Safar 1970
51 Kashmir Ki Kali 1964
52 Brahmachari 1968
53 Bhola Bhala 1978
54 Ajanabee 1974
55 Ramshastri 1944
56 Love in Simla 1960
57 Maine Pyar Kiya 1989
58 Aar-Paar 1954
59 Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai 1960
60 Chirag 1969
61 Ratan 1944 62 Teesri Manzil 1966 63 Kismet 1943 64 Doli 1969 65 Aap Ki Kasam 1974 66 Dushmun 1971 67 Ujala 1959 68 Phool Aur Patthar 1966 69 Shagird 1967 70 Dillagi 1949 71 Dil Deke Dekho 1959 72 Kaajal 1965 73 Maqsad 1984 74 Guide 1965 75 Jeewan Jyoti 1953 76 Khud-Daar 1982 77 Jagte Raho 1956 78 Joroo Ka Ghulam 1972 79 Panchayat 1958 80 Namak Haraam 1973 81 Asha Jyoti 1984 82 Andaz 1971 83 Khushboo 1975 84 Avam 1987 85 Angoor 1982 86 Barsaat 1949 87 Anarkali 1953 88 Nazrana 1987 89 Afsana 1951 90 Pagal 1940 91 Geet Gaata Chal 1975 92 Bhanvara 1944 93 Beti Bete 1964 94 Swarg 1990 95 Avtaar 1983 96 Ghunghat 1960 97 Dulhan 1958 98 Neel Kamal 1968 99 Chanda Aur Bijli 1969 100 Bahu Begum 1967 101 Godaan 1963 102 Gharana 1961 103 Jhuk Gaya Aasman 1968 104 Chaudhvin Ka Chand 1960 105 Sharaabi 1984 106 Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai 2000 107 Aavishkar 1974 108 Meri Bahen 1944 109 Babul 1950 110 Baiju Bawra 1952 111 Teen Devian 1965 112 Aya Sawan Jhoom Ke 1969 113 Veerana 1988 114 Aan 1952 115 Adil-E-Jahangir 1955 116 Har Har Mahadev 1950 117 President 1937 118 Sajan 1969 119 Dus Lakh 1966 120 Umrao Jaan 1981 121 Dil Daulat Duniya 1972 122 Gora Aur Kala 1972 123 Ganwaar 1970 124 Mard 1985 125 Yaadon Ki Baaraat 1973 126 Sunghursh 1968 127 Mahakaal 1994 128 Hamraaz 1967 129 Heera Moti 1959 130 Aarti 1962 131 Prem Nagar 1974 132 Mere Jeevan Saathi 1972 133 Humshakal 1974 134 Prem Bandhan 1979 135 Naukri 1978 136 Batwara 1961 137 Ram Bhakta Hanuman 1948 138 Kabuliwala 1961 139 Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak 1988 140 Ankhen 1968 141 Coolie 1983 142 Saboot 1980 143 Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam 1999 144 Shaheed 1948 145 Dastaan 1972 146 Telephone Ni Taruni 1926 147 Chakravyuha 1978 148 Aakraman 1975 149 Khoon Bhari Maang 1988 150 Shehzada 1972 151 Majhli Didi 1967 152 Chetna 1970 153 Pyar Hi Pyar 1969 154 Street Singer 1938 155 Aashiq Hoon Baharon Ka 1977 156 Mera Saaya 1966 157 Souten 1983 158 Dil-E-Nadaan 1982 159 Rupaye Dus Karod 1991 160 Veer-Zaara 2004 161 New Delhi 1956 162 Budtameez 1966 163 Sant Tukaram 1936 164 Rajkumar 1964 165 Samadhi 1950 166 Bidyapati 1937 167 Khazanchi 1941 168 Purab Aur Pachhim 1970 169 Saheli 1965 170 Love in Tokyo 1966 171 Lamhe 1991 172 Chashme Buddoor 1981 173 Dil Tera Diwana 1962 174 Basant 1942 175 Chhoti Bahu 1971 176 Madhuri 1928 177 Aadmi 1968 178 Station Master 1942 179 Maalik 1972 180 Roti 1974
181 Amrit 1986 182 Palkon Ki Chhaon Mein 1977 183 Aurat 1940 184 Bluff Master 1963 185 Maha Chor 1976 186 Love 86 1986 187 Khandaan 1942 188 Ladki Sahyadri Ki 1966 189 Amrit Manthan 1934 190 Waqt 1965 191 Jewel Thief 1967 192 Baharon Ke Sapne 1967 193 Jodhaa Akbar 2008 194 Prithvi Vallabh 1943 195 Chor Machaye Shor 1974 196 Chand 1959 197 Bairaag 1976 198 Howrah Bridge 1958 199 Basant Bahar 1956 200 Anuraag 1972 201 Professor 1962 202 Pinjra 1972 203 Bundal Baaz 1976 204 Purani Haveli 1989 205 Phagun 1958 206 Barsaat Ki Raat 1960 207 Do Ankhen Barah Haath 1957 208 Patthar Ke Sanam 1967 209 Nagin 1954 210 Raja Rani 1973 211 Mahal 1949 212 Shahjehan 1946 213 Baharon Ki Manzil 1968 214 Haseena Maan Jayegi 1968 215 Mere Mehboob 1963 216 Namak Halaal 1982 217 Raj Hath 1956 218 Biraj Bahu 1954 219 Chhaya 1961 220 Naya Daur 1957 221 Bhakta Surdas 1942 222 Vidya 1948 223 Satta Bazaar 1959 224 Utsav 1984 225 Ajooba Kudrat Ka 1991 226 Biwi Aur Makan 1966 227 Aashirwad 1968 228 Bharat Milap 1942 229 Bhakta Kabir 1944 230 Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu 1954 231 Kala Pani 1958 232 Aah 1953 233 Parineeta 1953 234 Mughal-E-Azam 1960 235 Seeta Aur Geeta 1972 236 Aaye Din Bahar Ke 1966 237 Shahenshah 1988 238 Padosi 1941 239 Julie 1975 240 Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. 2003 241 Ittefaq 1969 242 Pyar Kiye Jaa 1966 243 Darwaza 1978 244 Gunga Jumna 1961 245 Sawan Ko Aane Do 1979 246 Roop Tera Mastana 1972 247 Andhera 1975 248 Kudrat 1981 249 Saraswatichandra 1968 250 Satyamev Jayate 1987 251 Junglee 1961 252 Mera Gaon Mera Desh 1971 253 Achhut Kanya 1936 254 Caravan 1971 255 Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar 1992 256 Janta Hawaldar 1979 257 Madhosh 1951 258 Rajput 1982 259 Pati Patni Aur Woh 1978 260 Dharam Kanta 1982 261 Chhailla Babu 1977 262 Gehra Daag 1963 263 Tere Ghar Ke Samne 1963 264 Nausherwan-E-Adil 1957 265 Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi 1958 266 Gopal Krishna 1979 267 Pyaasa 1957 268 Do Gaz Zameen Ke Neeche 1972 269 Qaidi 1984 270 Hukumat 1987 271 Jis Desh Men Ganga Behti Hai 1960 272 Chakradhari 1954 273 Ek Shriman Ek Shrimati 1969 274 Tohfa 1984 275 Alibaba and 40 Thieves 1954 276 Pyar Jhukta Nahin 1985 277 Shaan 1980 278 Telephone 1985 279 Aage Ki Soch 1988 280 Lahore 1949 281 Karishma Kudrat Kaa 1985 282 Yeh Rastey Hain Pyar Ke 1963 283 Funtoosh 1956 284 Veer Ghatotkach 1949 285 Sati Sulochana 1969 286 Agar Tum Na Hote 1983 287 Rajnigandha 1974 288 Dekh Kabira Roya 1957 289 Krishna Bhakt Sudaama 1968 290 Subah Ka Tara 1954
291 Gopal Krishna 1938 292 Darogaji 1949 293 Hatyara 1977 294 Naya Bakra 1979 295 Shadi Se Pahale 1980 296 Lalkar (The Challenge) 1972 297 Shrimanji 1968 298 Rakshaa Bandhan 1976 299 Jaani Dushman 1979 300 Dard (Conflict of Emotions) 1981
301 Bandh Darwaza 1990 302 Satyakam 1969 303 Nartaki 1940 304 Achhut 1939 305 Khol De Meri Zuban 1989 306 College Girl 1960 307 Samson 1964 308 Matwala Shair Ramjoshi 1947 309 Garam Coat 1955 310 Do Dil 1966 311 Yakeen 1969 312 Sawan Ki Ghata 1966 313 Raj Tilak 1959 314 Tamanna 1969 315 Bachpan 1970 316 Kalyug Aur Ramayan 1987 317 Aahuti 1978 318 Sone Ka Dil Lohe Ke Haath 1978 319 Waris 1954 320 Ankhiyon Ke Jharokhon Se 1978 321 Raadha Aur Seeta 1979 322 Bees Saal Baad 1962 323 Bahurani 1964 324 Suhagan 1964 325 Solva Sawan 1979 326 Devdas 1936 327 Namoona 1949 328 Yahan Wahan 1984 329 Shair 1949 330 Katha 1983 331 Aage Badho 1947 332 Taaqat 1982 333 Chandni 1989 334 Sanjog 1943 335 Pati Bhakti 1922 336 Deewana 1992 337 Elan 1947 338 Mirza Ghalib 1954 339 Doctor 1940 340 Afsar 1950 341 Chandidas 1934 342 Paying Guest 1957 343 Bazar 1949 344 Apna Desh 1949 345 Halla Gulla 1954 346 Sadma 1983 347 Kamar-Al-Zaman 1931 348 Shirin Farhad 1931 349 Baadbaan 1954 350 Haqeeqat 1964 351 Nadaan 1951 352 Paraya Ghar 1989 353 Nagma-E-Sahra 1945 354 Hum 1991 355 Nauker 1979 356 Pakeezah 1972 357 Kissise Na Kehna 1983 358 Nagin Aur Suhagan 1979 359 Hum Kisise Kum Naheen 1977 360 Balak Aur Janwar 1975 361 Archana 1974 362 Ek Thi Larki 1949 363 Griha Pravesh 1979 364 Ra Kawat 1926 365 Khudgarz 1987 366 Jadugar 1946 367 Nakhrewali 1960 368 Gaon Ki Gori 1945 369 Awaara 1951 370 Jalan 1948 371 Kisan Kanya 1937 372 Parichay 1972 373 Shatranj Ke Khilari 1977 374 Insaaf Main Karoonga 1985 375 Indian 1996 376 Aakhri Cheekh 1991 377 Jamaibabu 1931 378 Sholay 1975 379 Agent Vinod 1977 380 Dil Kaa Heera 1979 381 Tinku 1977 382 Ek Gaon Ki Kahani 1957 383 Mai Baap 1957 384 Waman Avtar 1955 385 C.I.D. 1956 386 Jai Bhawani 1947 387 Damaad 1951 388 Khatta Meetha 1978 389 Masterji 1985 390 Chhabila 1955 391 Do Aur Do Paanch 1980 392 Upkar 1967 393 Rangeela Raja 1960 394 Baghdad Ki Raaten 1962 395 Nayakan 1987 396 Nawab Sahib 1978 397 Ranga Khush 1975 398 Bhartrahari 1944 399 Khooni Katar 1931 400 Kaamchor 1982 401 Boot Polish 1954 402 Pratiggya 1975 403 Victoria No. 203 1972 404 Insaf Ki Pukar 1987 405 Shola Aur Shabnam 1992 406 Main Tulsi Tere Aangan Ki 1978 407 36 Ghante 1974 408 Gol Maal 1979 409 Dr. Vidya 1962 410 Naya Zamana 1971 411 Sant Tulsidas 1939 412 Khubsoorat 1980 413 Sasural 1961 414 Tumhara Kalloo 1975 415 Kismat 1969 416 Adhikar 1986 417 Pannadai 1945 418 Inspector Eagle 1979 419 Bahar 1951 420 Chowkidar 1974 421 Muraliwala 1927 422 Dhool Ka Phool 1959 423 Mahabharat 1965 424 Indrasabha 1932 425 Pooja 1940 426 Dharmatma 1935 427 Devdas 1935 428 3D Saamri 1985 429 Panna 1944 430 Dak Ghar 1965 431 Aadmi Aur Insaan 1969 432 Maa 1957 433 Charitraheen 1974 434 Apne Rang Hazaar 1975 435 Pujarin 1969 436 Apne Dushman 1975 437 Gharwali Baharwali 1988 438 Dhoop Chhaon 1935 439 Chaani 1977 440 Bulbule Parastan 1926 441 Adventures of Aladdin 1978 442 Mere Hamdam Mere Dost 1968 443 Dosti 1946 444 Biwi Ho To Aisi 1988 445 Ustaad 1989 446 Aulad 1987 447 Chupke Chupke 1975 448 Vismi Sadi 1924 449 Naya Din Nai Raat 1974 450 Jeet 1949 451 Shri Krishna Leela 1971 452 Stree 1961 453 Krodhi 1981 454 Hanumaan Pataal Vijay 1951 455 Noorjehan 1967 456 Aaya Toofan 1964 457 Sikandar 1941 458 Anjali 1990 459 Nirali Duniya 1940 460 Baton Baton Mein 1979 461 Tansen 1943 462 Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... 2001 463 Kohraa 1964 464 Pyar Ka Mausam 1969 465 Aasha 1980 466 Andaz Apna Apna 1994 467 Purana Mandir 1984 468 Gateway of India 1957 469 College Girl 1978 470 Rukmini Swayamvar 1946 471 Ram Rajya 1943 472 Kab? Kyoon? Aur Kahan? 1970 473 Kashinath 1943 474 Narsi Bhagat 1940 475 Baghi Sipahi 1958 476 Solah Shukrawar 1977 477 Purana Purush 478 Satyam Shivam Sundaram: Love Sublime 1978 479 Hum Dono 1985 480 Prem Geet 1981 481 Do Bigha Zamin 1953 482 Choron Ka Chor 1970 483 Chandi Sona 1977 484 Pyar Ka Devta 1990 485 Dak Bangla 1987 486 Aankh Ka Tara 1978 487 Call Girl 1974 488 Awara Ladki 1975 489 Do Sitare 1951 490 Main Intequam Loonga 1982 491 Gharaonda 1977 492 Amrit 1941 493 Baazigar 1959 494 Bhabhi 1957 495 Sangeet Samrat Tansen 1962 496 Jhansi Ki Rani 1953 497 Mahal 1970 498 Jagriti 1955 499 Kala Pahad 1927 500 Nadiya Ke Paar 1948 501 Kathputli 1971 502 Foot Path 1953 503 Dus Numbri 1976 504 Manzil 1936 505 Aag 1948 506 Albela 1951 507 Char Minar 1956 508 Baghdad 1952 509 Babu 1985 510 Chirag Kahan Roshni Kahan 1959 511 Tere Mere Beech Mein 1984 512 Andheri Raat Mein Diya Tere Haath Mein 1986 513 Paapi 1977 514 Dekha Pyaar Tumhara 1963 515 Haré Rama Haré Krishna 1971 516 Dr. Madhurika 1935 517 Udhaar 1949 518 Pak Daman 1940 519 Pocket Maar 1956 520 Heera Panna 1973 521 Hotel 1981 522 Mohini 1940 523 Mahaadev 1989 524 Swarag Se Sunder 1986 525 Raat Ke Rahi 1959 526 Sannata 1981 527 Saajan Ki Saheli 1981 528 Bin Phere Hum Tere 1979 529 Kapalkundala 1929 530 Mazdoor Zindabaad 1976 531 Mera Naam Joker 1970 532 Amar 1954 533 Pagal Premi 1926 534 Taxi Driver 1954 535 Prapanch Pash 1929 536 Raja Saab 1969 537 Sati Padmini 1924 538 Ghar Ek Mandir 1984 539 Shola Jo Bhadke 1961 540 Hariyali Aur Rasta 1962 541 Azadi Ki Raah Par 1948 542 Naram Garam 1981 543 Ham Sab Chor Hain 1956 544 Jab Jab Phool Khile 1965 545 Shandar 1990 546 Dushman 1938 547 Pardesi 1993 548 Anari 1959 549 Jeevan Prabhat 1937 550 Majaal 1987 551 Pyar Mohabbat 1966 552 Inspector Dhanush 1991 553 Shaitani Ilaaka 1990 554 Kanoon 1960 555 Madhumati 1958 556 Marte Dam Tak 1987 557 Muqaddar Ka Faisla 1987 558 Lakshmi Narayan 1951 559 Alam Ara 1931 560 Imaan 1974 561 Agni Rekha 1973 562 Angaarey 1975 563 Do Ladkiyan 1976 564 Bahadur 1944 565 Khel 1950 566 Khel Khel Mein 1975 567 Rang Birangi 1983 568 Dil Aur Patthar 1977 569 C.I.D. 1990 570 Dillagi 1942 571 Shabistan 1951 572 Garam Khoon 1980 573 Jagmagati Jawani 1930 574 Kaalia 1981 575 Rang 1993 576 Resham Ki Dori 1974 577 Mili 1975 578 Main Awara Hoon 1983 579 Guest House 1980 580 Pyar Hua Chori Chori 1992 581 No Entry 2005 582 Anari No. 1 1999 583 Khal Nayak 1993 584 Zimbo Shaher Mein 1960 585 Life's for Living: Aadmi 1939 586 Chhoti Si Baat 1976 587 Pushpaka Vimana 1987 588 Haisiyat 1984 589 Sampoorna Ramayana 1961 590 Gunahon Ka Devta 1990 591 Mahatma Vidur 1943 592 Jahan Sati Wahan Bhagwan 1965 593 Lal Haveli 1944 594 Rangila 1953 595 Baazi 1984 596 Sitamgar 1985 597 Saath Saath 1982 598 Yalgaar 1992 599 Buddha Mil Gaya 1971 600 Nastik 1954 601 Bees Saal Pehle 1972 602 Raja Babu 1994 603 Safed Jhoot 1978 604 Jaal 1952 605 Hukum ka ekka 1964 606 Minoo 1977 607 Naache Mayuri 1986 608 Mangu Dada 1970 609 Geet Gaaya Pattharon Ne 1964 610 Chitralekha 1941 611 Saathi 1968 612 Kirayadar 1986 613 Jurm 1990 614 Raahee 1987 615 Ek Phool Do Mali 1969 616 Manchali 1973 617 Shalimar 1978 618 Muflis Ashaq 1932 619 Ashiana 1952 620 Yahudi 1958 621 Jugnu 1973 622 Kalyug 1981 623 Kali Ghata 1980 624 Zindagi 1976 625 Patita 1953 626 Ravan Raaj: A True Story 1995 627 Chandni 1942 628 Oonche Log 1965 629 Boy Friend 1961 630 Diler Hasina 1960 631 Loafer 1973 632 Ishq Par Zor Nahin 1970 633 Vishwatma 1992 634 Actress 1948 635 Suhaag 1979 636 Judaai 1980 637 Pyar Ka Sapna 1969 638 Taqdeer 1967 639 Goraa 1987 640 Koshish 1972 641 Mujhe Insaaf Chahiye 1983 642 Begaanaa 1986 643 Dil Hi To Hai 1963 644 Arzoo 1965 645 Love Marriage 1959 646 Karan Arjun 1995 647 Aflatoon 1951 648 Talaashi 1996 649 Bewafai 1985 650 Khoj 1989 651 Watan Ke Rakhwale 1987 652 Bandish 1980 653 Sikandar E Azam 1965 654 Padosi 1971 655 Dil 1990 656 Vaastav: The Reality 1999 657 Man Tera Tan Mera 1971 658 Baazigar 1993 659 Badla Aur Balidan 1980 660 Munnibai 1999 661 Chandidas 1927 662 Dharti 1970 663 Paar 1984 664 Mafia Raaj 1998 665 Chacha Zindabad 1959 666 Madadgaar 1987 667 Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan 1959 668 Police Public 1990 669 Dhoop Chhaon 1977 670 Jab Se Tumhe Dekha Hai 1963 671 Kavi Kalidas 1959 672 Daulat 1982 673 Sawan Ke Geet 1978 674 Tu Nahin Aur Sahi 1960 675 Dhoti Lota Aur Chowpatty 1975 676 Rajrani Meera 1933 677 Hamrahi 1963 678 Paap Ka Ant 1989 679 Janbaaz 1986 680 Bharat Ka Lal 1936 681 Nagin 1976 682 Kala Bazar 1960 683 Jahan Pyar Miley 1969 684 Hyderabad Ki Nazneen 1952 685 Oonchi Haveli 1955 686 Phir Subha Hogi 1958 687 Zindagi 1940 688 Sindoor 1987 689 Seema 1955 690 Zamana 1985 691 Ghungroo Ki Awaaz 1981 692 Tahkhana 1986 693 Naya Kadam 1984 694 Guddi 1971 695 Sadhna 1958 696 Pyar Ka Karz 1990 697 Heer Raanjha 1970 698 Ardhangini 1959 699 Rishte Naahte 1965 700 Prem Kahani 1937 701 Prem Pujari 1970 702 Bhole Bhale 1950 703 Shaheed 1965 704 Raja Bhaiya 2003 705 Prem Nagar 1940 706 Adhikar 1971 707 Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baaje 1955 708 Sohag Raat 1948 709 Itihaas 1987 710 Jhoola 1941 711 Patanga 1949 712 Agni Pareeksha 1981 713 Sangam 1964 714 Raj Mahal 1982 715 Maha-Sangram 1990 716 Tarana 1951 717 Hurricane Special 1939 718 Mohan 1947 719 Hungama 1971 720 Hero 1983 721 Censor 2001 722 Mission Kashmir 2000 723 Souten Ki Beti 1989 724 Jwar Bhata 1973 725 Sharara 1984 726 Begunaah 1991 727 Mausam 1975 728 Karwane Hayat 1935 729 Mohabbat Zindagi Hai 1966 730 Main Azaad Hoon 1989 731 Bhakt Raj 1960 732 Beti 1957 733 Mr. and Mrs. Bombay 1936 734 House No. 44 1955 735 Dalaal 1993 736 Jawan Muhabat 1971 737 Bhanwar 1976 738 Aankhen 1993 739 Sandwich 2006 740 Insaan 1982 741 Yaarana 1981 742 Do Sholay 1977 743 The Modern Girl 1935 744 Sunehra Sansar 1975 745 Sasurvaas 1946 746 Paap Ki Duniya 1988 747 Pati Patni Aur Tawaif 1990 748 Hum Bhi Insaan Hain 1948 749 Half Ticket 1962 750 Gopinath 1948 751 Dharti Mata 1938 752 Khuda Gawah 1992 753 Raaz 1967 754 Zindagi 1964 755 Khuni Khanjar 1930 756 Daulat Ke Dushman 1983 757 Ashanti 1982 758 Tum Haseen Main Jawan 1970 759 Mr. Natwarlal 1979 760 Mumtaz Mahal 1944 761 Gumrah 1993 762 Naseeb 1998 763 Naukari 1955 764 Pukar 1983 765 Aur Kaun? 1979 766 Kabhie Kabhie 1976 767 Nafrat Ki Aandhi 1989 768 Vijay 1988 769 Geet 1970 770 Dil Hai Ki Manta Nahin 1991 771 Zakhmi Sipahi 1995 772 Border 1997 773 Saajan Bina Suhagan 1978 774 Shri Ganesh Mahima 1950 775 Honeymoon 1973 776 Noorie 1979 777 Chal Chal Re Navjavan 1944 778 Dhanwan 1981 779 Rustom Sohrab 1967 780 Taj Mahal 1963 781 Punjab Mail 1929 782 Bhamto Bhut 1926 783 Inquilaab 1984 784 Dawat 1974 785 Jai Mahadev 1955 786 Yauvan Chakra 1926 787 Kunwara Baap 1974 788 Shararat 1959 789 Roti Kapada Aur Makaan 1974 790 Saajan 1991 791 Shravan Kumar 1984 792 Bachao - Inside Bhoot Hai... 2010 793 Yehi Hai Zindagi 1977 794 Intaquam 1969 795 Mukti 1937 796 Das Baje 1942 797 Nagina 1986 798 Kaaranama 1990 799 Abhimaan 1957 800 Dahshat 1981 801 Senapati 1961 802 Lucky Number 1961 803 Gunda 1998 804 Jeene Ki Raah 1969 805 Mohabbat Ki Kasam 1986 806 Naach Govinda Naach 1992 807 Deewaar 1975 808 Aakhree Raasta 1986 809 Awwal Number 1990 810 Angaara 1996 811 Jaadugar 1989 812 Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke 1993 813 Roti Kee Keemat 1990 814 Ek Sapera Ek Lutera 1965 815 Hum Se Na Takrana 1990 816 Sikandar Sadak Ka 1999 817 Tumhari Kasam 1948 818 Samraat 1982 819 Haseena Maan Jaayegi 1999 820 Raate Ke Andhere Mein 1969 821 Beta Ho To Aisa 1994 822 Padosan 1968 823 Heera Lal Panna Lal 1999 824 Cinema Ki Rani 1925 825 Badnam Farishte 1971 826 Aakhri Adaalat 1988 827 Mawaali 1983 828 Mohabbat Ke Aansu 1932 829 Baharen Phir Bhi Aayengi 1966 830 Jaan Se Pyaara 1992 831 Nirbhay 1996 832 Daya Ni Devi 1927 833 Sipahsalar 1956 834 Anaar 1986 835 Do Chor 1972 836 Geraftaar 1985 837 Farishtay 1991 838 Ghutan 2007 839 Sanjog 1961 840 Shandaar 1974 841 Goonj 1952 842 Dil To Pagal Hai 1997 843 Oh Bewafa 1980 844 Bhule Bhatke 1952 845 Deewar 1955 846 Qurbani 1980 847 Ek Se Badhkar Ek 1976 848 Milap 1955 849 Suraj 1966 850 Ram Aur Shyam 1967 851 Wazir E Azam 1961 852 Anokhi Ada 1948 853 Maze Le Lo 1975 854 Aaj Ka Daur 1985 855 Singhasan 1986 856 Ab Ayega Mazaa 1984 857 Raj Rang 1928 858 Pyar Ka Mandir 1988 859 Milan 1967 860 Barood 1976 861 Biwi-O-Biwi 1981 862 Prem Rog 1982 863 Tigress 1948 864 Duniya Hai Dilwalon Ki 1966 865 Jagat Mohini 1940 866 Jodi No. 1 2001 867 Lagan 1941 868 Pet Pyaar Aur Paap 1984 869 Karma 1986 870 Sharmeelee 1971 871 Dharm Aur Qanoon 1984 872 Hey Ram 2000 873 Mere Apne 1971 874 Ganga Maang Rahi Balidan 1981 875 Dharti Kahe Pukar Ke 1969 876 Ek Nannhi Munni Ladki Thi 1970 877 Kasam Suhag Ki 1989 878 Duniya Na Mane 1938 879 Madam Zapatta 1962 880 Dhake Ki Malmal 1956 881 Zalzala 1988 882 Kyo Kii... Main Jhuth Nahin Bolta 2001 883 Actor 1950 884 Sheikh Chilli 1956 885 Apne Paraye 1980 886 Prithvi Putra 1926 887 Gamdeni Gori 1927 888 Aag Hi Aag 1987 889 Waaris 1988 890 Dhiraj 1942 891 Raagini 1958 892 New Delhi 1987 893 Saajan Chale Sasural 1996 894 Bombai Ka Babu 1960 895 Bharat Ramani 1930 896 Manzil 1960 897 Aashiq 1962 898 Samrat Shiladitya 1926 899 Suryaa: An Awakening 1989 900 Akashganga 1959 901 Gangaa Jamunaa Saraswathi 1988 902 Hanste Khelte 1984 903 Khoon Ka Karz 1991 904 Ustad 1957 905 Sehra 1963 906 Prabhu Ki Maya 1955 907 Karodpati 1936 908 Dharmatma 1975 909 Watan 1954 910 Saagar 1985 911 Dekha Pyar Tumhara 1985 912 Son of India 1962 913 Sitapur Ki Geeta 1987 914 Aadhi Roti 1957 915 Gunda 1969 916 Uljhan 1975 917 Gunehgaar 1939 918 Dharam Sankat 1991 919 Angaaray 1986 920 Azad Hindustan 1948 921 Romance 1983 922 Paraya Dhan 1971 923 Achanak 1998 924 Ganga Ki Kasam 1998 925 Ssukh 2005 926 Kath Putli 1957 927 Jaanwar 1982 928 Bhole Piya 1949 929 Jai Dwarkadheesh 1977 930 Aandhi 1975 931 Veer Parshuram 1978 932 Ram Bharose 1977 933 Red Rose 1980 934 Ghar Ki Izzat 1949 935 Sampoorna Santoshi Maa Ki Mahima 1981 936 Ram Balram 1980 937 Kali Ganga 1990 938 Yamraaj 1998 939 Tan-Badan 1986 940 Mohar 1959 941 Raaj Tilak 1984 942 Chauranghee 1942 943 Shikar 1968 944 Police Aur Mujrim 1992 945 Hatyara 1998 946 Aakhri Khat 1966 947 Lage Raho Munna Bhai 2006 948 Bewaqoof 1960 949 Batwara 1989 950 Daku Aur Mahatma 1977 951 Muqaddar Ka Badshaah 1990 952 Phir Wohi Raat 1980 953 Lekin... 1990 954 Pyar Ke Naam Qurban 1990 955 Tumse Achha Kaun Hai 1969 956 Maa 1992 957 Neend Hamari Khwab Tumhare 1966 958 Dhan Daulat 1980 959 Sinhagad 1923 960 Mem-Didi 1961 961 Dholak 1951 962 Mere Huzoor 1968 963 Bilwamangal 1932 964 Ek Hi Raasta 1939 965 Bakhshish 1950 966 Mard Ki Zabaan 1987 967 Himmatwala 1998 968 Salma 1985 969 Sheesh Mahal 1950 970 Shatranj 1969 971 Bank Manager 1959 972 Durgaa 1985 973 Tangewala 1972 974 Pardesi Babu 1998 975 Grama Kanya 1936 976 Sant Janabai 1949 977 Nai Roshni 1967 978 Lakhpati 1991 979 Jungle Princess 1942 980 Karmayogi 1978 981 Haar Jeet 1972 982 Karz Chukana Hai 1991 983 Patit Pawan 1933 984 Shaukeen 1949 985 Jaag Utha Insan 1984 986 Pushpanjali 1970 987 Palki 1967 988 Balam 1949 989 Vardi 1989 990 Jogan 1950 991 Bandhan Kuchchey Dhaagon Ka 1983 992 Veer Durgadas 1960 993 Navrang 1959 994 Socha Na Tha 1989 995 Bhagam Bhag 2006 996 Star 1982 997 College Girl 1990 998 Rocky 1981 999 Khush Rado 1949 1000 Bahadur Jeevan 1948 1001 Mohabbatein 2000 1002 Safdar Jung 1930 1003 Sapne Suhane 1961 1004 Ek Aur Ek Gyarah 1981 1005 Ek Aur Ek Gyarah: By Hook or by Crook 2003 1006 Arzoo 1950 1007 Devdas 1928 1008 Anamika 1973 1009 Mard 1998 1010 Jodidar 1997 1011 Ayee Milan Ki Bela 1964 1012 Char Aankhen 1946 1013 Krishnaavtar 1964 1014 Vanasundari 1951 1015 Grahasti 1948 1016 Dost 1944 1017 Duniya Ek Tamasha 1942 1018 Imtihan 1974 1019 The Burning Train 1980 1020 Amar Jyoti 1936 1021 Sadak 1991 1022 Ganesh Janma 1930 1023 Ji Haan 1945 1024 Aaj Ka Arjun 1990 1025 Dhola Maru 1956 1026 Karwa Chouth 1978 1027 Aakhir Kyon? 1985 1028 Paisa Ya Pyar 1969 1029 Salaam Mem Saheb 1961 1030 Woh Phir Aayegi 1988 1031 Shikari 1932 1032 Jaane-Anjaane 1971 1033 Azaad 1955 1034 Gadar: Ek Prem Katha 2001 1035 Main Kya Karun 1945 1036 Pathan 1962 1037 Phaansi 1978 1038 Aandhiyan 1952 1039 11 O'Clock 1948 1040 Kar Bhala 1956 1041 Lakhon Ki Baat 1984 1042 Tulsi 1985 1043 Typist Girl 1926 1044 Toorkey Hoor 1924 1045 Darr 1993 1046 Kaala Patthar 1979 1047 Sher-E-Hindustan 1997 1048 Madhuri 1932 1049 Kanyadaan 1968 1050 Chachi 420 1997 1051 Dukh Sukh 1942 1052 Bazaar 1982 1053 Mohabbat Ke Dushman 1988 1054 Khamosh 1986 1055 Shatru 1986 1056 Sanam Teri Kasam 1982 1057 Dil Diya Dard Liya 1966 1058 Pujarin 1936 1059 Gaon Hamara Shaher Tumhara 1972 1060 Aalavandhan 2001 1061 Swarg Narak 1978 1062 Kal Aaj Aur Kal 1971 1063 Manoranjan 1974 1064 Hathyar 1989 1065 Nakli Nawab 1962 1066 Surekha Haran 1921 1067 Phool Bane Angaare 1963 1068 Qatl 1986 1069 Chhupa Chhuppi 1981 1070 Jeeo Aur Jeene Do 1982 1071 Chhota Jawan 1963 1072 Khuda Kasam 1981 1073 Haath Ki Safai 1974 1074 Bin Baap Ka Beta 1979 1075 Jaani Dost 1983 1076 Sur Sangam 1985 1077 Paap Ki Kamaee 1990 1078 Do Gunde 1959 1079 Barsaat 1995 1080 Bari Behen 1949 1081 Passing Show 1956 1082 Fiffty Fiffty 1981 1083 Road No. 303 1960 1084 Arab Ka Sona: Abu Kaalia 1979 1085 Dil Aur Mohabbat 1968 1086 Hong Kong 1962 1087 Rocky Mera Naam 1973 1088 Johar Mehmood in Hong Kong 1971 1089 Masoom 1960 1090 Sindbad the Sailor 1952 1091 Sajan Ka Ghar 1948 1092 Salaakhen 1975 1093 Nagin Aur Sapera 1966 1094 Main Shadi Karne Chala 1962 1095 Labela 1966 1096 Pyaar Ki Raat 1949 1097 Azaad Desh Ke Gulam 1990 1098 Aatish 1979 1099 Ram Lila 1961 1100 Hunterwali 1935 1101 Muqaddar 1978 1102 Naukar Biwi Ka 1983 1103 Indira M.A. 1934 1104 Paap Ko Jalaa Kar Raakh Kar Doonga 1988 1105 Bhai-Bhai 1956 1106 Bhakta Vidur 1922 1107 Juari 1968 1108 Ghar Ghar Ki Kahani 1970 1109 Kaala Sona 1975 1110 Patthar Ke Phool 1991 1111 Apne Dam Par 1996 1112 Rocket Girl 1962 1113 Kartavya 1979 1114 Badmash 1969 1115 Chhote Sarkar 1996 1116 Gambler 1995 1117 Trishul 1978 1118 Nishchaiy 1992 1119 Waqt Ka Badshah 1992 1120 Ustadon Ke Ustad 1963 1121 Maarg 1992 1122 Dastan 1950 1123 Professor Pyarelal 1981 1124 Kasam Khoon Ki 1977 1125 Zameen Ke Tare 1960 1126 Joker 1949 1127 Thodisi Bewafaii 1980 1128 Raja Jani 1972 1129 Karmyudh 1985 1130 Makkhee Choos 1956 1131 Bahadur Kisan 1938 1132 Ghulami 1985 1133 Basant 1960 1134 Dilavar 1984 1135 Elaan 1971 1136 Jail Yatra 1981 1137 Katil Katar 1935 1138 Divorce 1984 1139 Jaan Hatheli Pe 1986 1140 Gair Kaanooni 1989 1141 Dil Hai Tumhaara 2002 1142 Devta 1998 1143 Desh Drohi 2008 1144 Aadmi Khilona Hai 1993 1145 Loha 1987 1146 Maya Bazaar 1932 1147 Adhikar 1938 1148 Kahani Kismat Ki 1973 1149 Anokha Milan 1972 1150 The Don 1995 1151 Badi Maa 1945 1152 Sweety 1981 1153 Rakhwala 1971 1154 Apnapan 1977 1155 Roop Lekha 1949 1156 Yeh Desh 1984 1157 Hatya 1988 1158 Blackmail 1973 1159 Aa Ab Laut Chalen 1999 1160 Humshakal 1992 1161 Jung 1996 1162 Teesra Kaun 1965 1163 Balidan 1927 1164 Bhagam Bhag 1956 1165 Jallaad 1995 1166 Coolie No. 1 1995 1167 Amar Akbar Anthony 1977 1168 Mahaveera 1988 1169 Achchhaji 1950 1170 Dayavan 1988 1171 Tarkeeb 1984 1172 Jaaye To Jaaye Kahan 1980 1173 Aalha Udal 1962 1174 Sachai Ki Taqat 1989 1175 Pagla Kahin Ka 1970 1176 Adhikar 1954 1177 Saudagar 1991 1178 Mala the Mighty 1948 1179 Woh Kaun Thi? 1964 1180 Chudiyan 1942 1181 Zaban 1943 1182 Do Jasoos 1975 1183 Rustom-E-Baghdad 1963 1184 Kalakar 1942 1185 Sargam 1979 1186 Awaaz 1984 1187 Vaasna 1968 1188 Ajeeb Ladki 1952 1189 Reshmi Rumal 1961 1190 Bulundi 1981 1191 Chambal Ki Kassam 1980 1192 Devata 1978 1193 Himmat-e-Marda 1935 1194 Humsafar 1953 1195 Opera House 1961 1196 Bachke Rahna 1949 1197 Pehla Aadmi 1950 1198 Pareeksha 1963 1199 Aag Ka Dariya 1953 1200 Haathkadi 1995 1201 Karishmaa 1984 1202 Hum Hain Lajawaab 1984 1203 Rajaji 1999 1204 Tarzan Goes to India 1962 1205 Arjun Pandit 1976 1206 Heer 1956 1207 Halaal Ki Kamai 1988 1208 Jigar 1949 1209 Aakhri Baazi 1989 1210 Preet Na Jane Reet 1966 1211 Hind Mahila 1936 1212 Ram Lakhan 1989 1213 Pagli 1974 1214 Aisa Bhi Hota Hain 1971 1215 Ek Bar Mooskura Do 1972 1216 Bandhan 1956 1217 Lalach 1948 1218 Rama O Rama 1988 1219 Sarfarosh 1956 1220 Zindagi 1942 1221 Albela 2001 1222 Anokha Rishta 1986 1223 Ghar Mein Ram Gali Mein Shyam 1988 1224 Pyaar Diwana Hota Hai 2002 1225 Farz Ki Jung 1989 1226 Shiva Shakti 1988 1227 Asmaan Se Ooncha 1989 1228 Judgement of Allah 1935 1229 Jayshree 1956 1230 Anarkali 1935 1231 Aaj Ka Hindustan 1940 1232 Tohfa Mohabbat Ka 1988 1233 Teri Kasam 1982 1234 Mem Sahib 1956 1235 Singapore 1960 1236 Anand Math 1952 1237 Aaj Ki Duniya 1940 1238 Tumsa Nahin Dekha 1957 1239 Jal Bin Machhli Nritya Bin Bijli 1971 1240 Mirza Sahiban 1957 1241 Mera Lahoo 1987 1242 Sadaa Suhagan 1986 1243 Durgesh Nandini 1956 1244 Gharana 1989 1245 Lovers 1983 1246 Sulochana 1933 1247 Ek Shola 1956 1248 Kundan 1955 1249 Daku Ki Ladki 1933 1250 Alakh Niranjan 1940 1251 Udayakal 1930 1252 Betaab 1983 1253 Alibaba 1940 1254 Holi 1940 1255 Vishwaroopam 2013 1256 Apsara 1961 1257 Hum Ek Hain 1946 1258 Mr. & Mrs. '55 1955 1259 Chitralekha 1964 1260 Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam 1962 1261 Subah Shyam 1944 1262 Nai Duniya 1942 1263 Preetam 1971 1264 Anjan 1941 1265 Dr. Kotnis Ki Amar Kahani 1946 1266 Khawab-E-Hasti 1934 1267 Karna 1928 1268 Hamara Desh 1941 1269 Dulari 1949 1270 Meri Surat Teri Ankhen 1963 1271 Rashk-e-Laila 1934 1272 Jadui Bandhan 1941 1273 Tirangaa 1992 1274 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai 1998 1275 Dilli Ka Thug 1958 1276 Jawani Ka Rang 1941 1277 Tulsidas 1954 1278 Kanchan 1941 1279 Kasauti 1941 1280 Bedari 1957 1281 Laheri Jeewan 1941 1282 Mere Raja 1941 1283 Mr. Sampat 1952 1284 Dastak 1970 1285 Pyar Ki Jeet 1962 1286 Radhika 1941 1287 Bambai Ki Billi 1936 1288 Jungle Queen 1936 1289 Kanch Ki Gudiya 1961 1290 Jaali Note 1960 1291 Main Aur Meri Tanhai 1980 1292 Shahzadi 1941 1293 Pujarini 1935 1294 Chala Murari Hero Banne 1977 1295 Ghar Parivaar 1991 1296 Mamata Ki Chhaon Mein 1989 1297 Awara Baap 1985 1298 Apna Ghar 1960 1299 Hill Station 1957 1300 Naughty Boy 1962 1301 Maa Beti 1986 1302 Main Tera Dushman 1989 1303 Pyaar Zindagi Hai 2001 1304 Do Dilon Ke Khel Mein 2010 1305 Gunehgaar 1980 1306 New Searchlight 1937 1307 Baazi 1951 1308 Jagat Kesari 1937 1309 Shrimati 420 1956 1310 Ooparwala Jane 1977 1311 Tere Mere Sapne 1971 1312 Miss 58 1958 1313 Zehari Saap 1933 1314 Shri Nagad Narayan 1955 1315 Arab Ka Saudagar 1956 1316 Some Where in Delhi 1956 1317 Man Pasand 1980 1318 Kinare Kinare 1963 1319 Pratima Aur Payal 1977 1320 Prithvi Vallabh 1924 1321 Peechha Karro 1986 1322 Holi Ayee Re 1970 1323 Sanjhi 1985 1324 Kala Dhanda Goray Log 1986 1325 Anjaana 1969 1326 Wafaa 2008 1327 Ek Do Teen 1953 1328 Bharat Milap 1965 1329 Dil Ka Raaja 1972 1330 Insaniyat Ke Devta 1993 1331 Des Pardes 1978 1332 Jawani Ki Hawa 1959 1333 Alag Alag 1985 1334 Awara Shehzadi 1956 1335 Shiv Bhakta 1955 1336 Khel Mohabbat Ka 1986 1337 Suhag Sindoor 1961 1338 Shalimar 1946 1339 Kisan Aur Bhagwan 1974 1340 Amaanat 1977 1341 Lala Rukh 1958 1342 Chandu 1958 1343 Galiyon Ka Badshah 1989 1344 Paapi Pet Ka Sawaal Hai 1984 1345 Jab Pyar Kisise Hota Hai 1961 1346 Sanyasi 1975 1347 Amrapali 1945 1348 Guru Ho Jaa Shuru 1979 1349 Naulakha Haar 1953 1350 Desh Ke Dushman 1989 1351 Taqdeer 1943 1352 Faslah 1974 1353 Suraag 1982 1354 Malik 1958 1355 Yeh Nazdeekiyan 1982 1356 Mumbai Express 2005 1357 Tezaab 1988 1358 Bara Aadmi 1957 1359 Oonche Log 1985 1360 Pardesi 1941 1361 Aanchal 1980 1362 Parwana 1947 1363 Aaj Kaa M.L.A. Ram Avtar 1984 1364 Maa Beta 1962 1365 Nishaan 1983 1366 Sati Naag Kanya 1983 1367 Gambler 1971 1368 Banarasi Babu 1973 1369 Andhera 1943 1370 Chhoti Maa 1943 1371 Amar Deep 1979 1372 Ek Ke Baad Ek 1960 1373 Albeli 1955 1374 Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja 1961 1375 Shaan-e-Hind 1936 1376 Chalta Purza 1977 1377 Baarish 1957 1378 Aag Se Khelenge 1989 1379 Rahi 1953 1380 Muqabla 1979 1381 Dilruba 1950 1382 Aaram 1951 1383 Stage 1951 1384 Azad 1940 1385 Sanam 1951 1386 Beta 1992 1387 Asiai Sitara 1937 1388 Ten O'Clock 1958 1389 Samapti 1949 1390 Badhti Ka Naam Dadhi 1974 1391 Talash 1969 1392 Baat Ek Raat Ki 1962 1393 Aaina 1977 1394 Zalzala 1952 1395 Aurat 1967 1396 Ishk Ishk Ishk 1974 1397 Johny Mera Naam 1970 1398 Arpan 1983 1399 Dushman 1957 1400 Durdesh 1983 1401 Lal Patthar 1971 1402 Armaan 1953 1403 Dil-E-Nadaan 1953 1404 Sone Ki Chidiya 1958 1405 Sazaa 1951 1406 Toote Tare 1948 1407 Do Dooni Char 1968 1408 Bahen 1941 1409 Roti 1942 1410 Diwali Ki Raat 1956 1411 Bhoot Bungla 1965 1412 Sharabi 1964 1413 Raksha 1981 1414 Chand Aur Suraj 1965 1415 Amar Deep 1958 1416 Duniya 1968 1417 Meet Mere Man Ke 1991 1418 Rani Aur Lalpari 1975 1419 Lootmaar 1980 1420 Main Balwaan 1986 1421 Tamasha 1952 1422 Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya 1963 1423 Musafir Khana 1955 1424 Vikram Shashikala 1949 1425 Faisla 1988 1426 Nasihat 1986 1427 Bhakt Dhruv 1957 1428 Dosti 1964 1429 Shama 1946 1430 Veer Arjun 1952 1431 Aji Bas Shukriya 1958 1432 Dayar E Madina 1975 1433 Assignment Bombay 1978 1434 Adventures of Tarzan 1985 1435 Zara Bachke 1959 1436 Devta 1956 1437 Jangal Mein Mangal 1972 1438 Bade Sarkar 1957 1439 Kali Ghata 1951 1440 Sawan Aya Re 1949 1441 Mayurpankh 1954 1442 Veer Bhimsen 1964 1443 Anmol 1993 1444 Watan Se Door 1968 1445 Hero No. 1 1997 1446 Naya Ghar 1953 1447 Bhai 1944 1448 Shahenshah 1953 1449 Gaal Gulabi Nain Sharabi 1974 1450 Chitchor 1976 1451 Madari 1959 1452 Panchhi 1944 1453 Mirza Sahiban 1939 1454 Naaka Bandi 1990 1455 Zabardast 1985 1456 Phool 1945 1457 Sarkari Mehman 1979 1458 Chandni Chowk 1954 1459 Zeenat 1945 1460 Daasi 1981 1461 Teen Ustad 1961 1462 Aas 1953 1463 House No. 13 1991 1464 Koshish 1943 1465 Johar in Bombay 1967 1466 Humdard 1953 1467 Be-Imaan 1972 1468 Hawa Mahal 1962 1469 Flying Circus 1965 1470 Sankoch 1976 1471 Nannha Farishta 1969 1472 Samaj Ko Badal Dalo 1947 1473 Paise Ke Peechhey 1986 1474 Yateem 1945 1475 Meharbaani 1982 1476 Aanchal Ke Phool 1968 1477 Sher E Watan 1971 1478 Aansoo 1953 1479 Hamara Sansar 1945 1480 Balram Shri Krishna 1968 1481 Rustom-E-Rome 1964 1482 Rahgeer 1943 1483 Naukar 1943 1484 Johar in Kashmir 1966 1485 Bhai Thakur 2000 1486 Zulm Ki Hukumat 1992 1487 Naseebwaala 1992 1488 Khooni Murdaa 1989 1489 Maalik Tere Bande Hum 1972 1490 Hai Meri Jaan 1991 1491 Geet 1992 1492 Mastan Dada 1977 1493 Anokhi Raat 1968 1494 Maila Aanchal 1981 1495 Samaj Ko Badal Dalo 1970 1496 Faasle 1985 1497 Do Fantoosh 1994 1498 Aasra 1966 1499 Maa Ke Aansoo 1959 1500 Angoor 2005 1501 Meenar 1954 1502 Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India 2001 1503 Hum Kahan Ja Rahe Hain 1966 1504 Neelima 1975 1505 Hercules 1964 1506 Lutera Aur Jadugar 1968 1507 Zamane Ki Hawa 1952 1508 Ek Mutthi Aasmaan 1973 1509 Moojrim 1970 1510 Pehli Jhalak 1955 1511 Shiva Ka Insaaf 1985 1512 Hip Hip Hurray 1948 1513 Hum Saath-Saath Hain 1999 1514 Ek Raaz 1963 1515 Chatpati 1983 1516 Aaj Ki Taaza Khabar 1973 1517 Pratishodh 1980 1518 Sautela Bhai 1996 1519 Tawaif 1985 1520 Daku Mansingh 1971 1521 No Parking 2006 1522 Darinda 2005 1523 Ali Baba 1976 1524 Razia Sultan 1983 1525 Najma 1943 1526 Humayun 1945 1527 Arpan 1957 1528 Miss Mary 1957 1529 Piya Milan 1985 1530 Om Shanti Om 2007 1531 Piya Ghar Aja 1947 1532 Tohfa 1947 1533 Kanhaiya 1959 1534 Saat Phere 1970 1535 Durgaa Maa 1986 1536 Ram Tere Kitne Naam 1985
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psychodollyuniverse · 4 years
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 Playwright, Poet, Author, Journalist (1885–1930)
D.H. Lawrence is best known for his infamous novel 'Lady Chatterley's Lover,' which was banned in the United States until 1959. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century.
Born in England in 1885, D.H. Lawrence is regarded as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. He published many novels and poetry volumes during his lifetime, including Sons and Lovers and Women in Love, but is best known for his infamous Lady Chatterley's Lover. The graphic and highly sexual novel was published in Italy in 1928, but was banned in the United States until 1959, and in England until 1960. Garnering fame for his novels and short stories early on in his career, Lawrence later received acclaim for his personal letters, in which he detailed a range of emotions, from exhilaration to depression to prophetic brooding. He died in France in 1930.
Early Life
Author D.H. Lawrence, regarded today as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, was born David Herbert Lawrence on September 11, 1885, in the small mining town of Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England. His father, Arthur John Lawrence, was a coal miner, and his mother, Lydia Lawrence, worked in the lace-making industry to supplement the family income. Lawrence's mother was from a middle-class family that had fallen into financial ruin, but not before she had become well-educated and a great lover of literature. She instilled in young D.H. a love of books and a strong desire to rise above his blue-collar beginnings.
Lawrence's hardscrabble, working-class upbringing made a strong impression on him, and he later wrote extensively about the experience of growing up in a poor mining town. "Whatever I forget," he later said, "I shall not forget the Haggs, a tiny red brick farm on the edge of the wood, where I got my first incentive to write."
As a child, Lawrence often struggled to fit in with other boys. He was physically frail and frequently susceptible to illness, a condition exacerbated by the dirty air of a town surrounded by coal pits. He was poor at sports and, unlike nearly every other boy in town, had no desire to follow in his father's footsteps and become a miner. However, he was an excellent student, and in 1897, at the age of 12, he became the first boy in Eastwood's history to win a scholarship to Nottingham High School. But at Nottingham, Lawrence once again struggled to make friends. He often fell ill and grew depressed and lethargic in his studies, graduating in 1901 having made little academic impression. Reflecting back on his childhood, Lawrence said, "If I think of my childhood it is always as if there was a sort of inner darkness, like the gloss of coal in which we moved and had our being."
In the summer of 1901, Lawrence took a job as a factory clerk for a Nottingham surgical appliances manufacturer called Haywoods. However, that autumn, his older brother William suddenly fell ill and died, and in his grief, Lawrence also came down with a bad case of pneumonia. After recovering, he began working as a student teacher at the British School in Eastwood, where he met a young woman named Jessie Chambers, who became his close friend and intellectual companion. At her encouragement, he began writing poetry and also started drafting his first novel, which would eventually become The White Peacock.
'The White Peacock' & 'The Trespasser'
In the fall of 1906, Lawrence left Eastwood to attend the University College of Nottingham to obtain his teacher's certificate. While there, he won a short-story competition for "An Enjoyable Christmas: A Prelude," which was published in the Nottingham Guardian in 1907. In order to enter multiple stories in the competition, he entered "An Enjoyable Christmas: A Prelude" under Jessie Chambers's name, and although it was published as such, people soon discovered that Lawrence was its true author.
In 1908, having received his teaching certificate, Lawrence took a teaching post at an elementary school in the London suburb of Croydon. He also continued to write, and in 1909 he received his big break when Jessie Chambers managed to get some of his poems published in the English Review. The publishers at the English Review took a great interest in Lawrence's work, recommending his draft of The White Peacock to another publisher, William Heinemann, who printed it in 1911. Set in his childhood hometown of Eastwood, the novel foreshadowed many of the themes that would pervade his later work, such as mismatched marriages and class divides.
A year later, Lawrence published his second novel, The Trespasser, a story based on the experiences of a fellow teacher who had an affair with a married man who then committed suicide. Around the same time, Lawrence became engaged to an old friend from college named Louie Burrows.
'Sons and Lovers'
However, in the spring of 1912, Lawrence's life changed suddenly and irrevocably when he went to visit an old Nottingham professor, Ernest Weekley, to solicit advice about his future and his writing. During his visit, Lawrence fell desperately in love with Weekley's wife, Frieda von Richthofen. Lawrence immediately resolved to break off his engagement, quit teaching, and try to make a living as a writer, and, by May of that year, he had persuaded Frieda to leave her family. The couple ran off to Germany, later traveling to Italy. While traveling with his new love, Lawrence continued to write at a furious pace. He published his first play, The Daughter-in-Law, in 1912. A year later, he published his first volume of poetry: Love Poems and Others.
Later in 1913, Lawrence published his third novel, Sons and Lovers, a highly autobiographical story of a young man and aspiring artist named Paul Morel, who struggles to transcend his upbringing in a poor mining town. The novel is widely considered Lawrence's first masterpiece, as well as one of the greatest English novels of the 20th century.
'The Rainbow' & 'Women in Love'
Lawrence and Frieda von Richtofen soon returned to England, where they married on July 13, 1914. That same year, Lawrence published a highly regarded short-story collection, The Prussian Officer, and in 1915 he published another novel, The Rainbow, which was quite sexually explicit for the time. Critics harshly condemned The Rainbow for its sexual content, and the book was soon banned for obscenity.
Feeling betrayed by his country but unable to travel abroad because of World War I, Lawrence retreated to Cornwall at the far southwestern edge of Great Britain. However, the local government considered the presence of a controversial writer and his German wife so near the coast to be a wartime security threat, and it banished him from Cornwall in 1917. Lawrence spent the next two years moving among friends' apartments. However, despite the tumult of the period, Lawrence managed to publish four volumes of poetry between 1916 and 1919: Amores (1916), Look! We Have Come Through! (1919), New Poems (1918) and Bay: A Book of Poems (1919).
In 1919, with the First World War finally ended, Lawrence once again departed England for Italy. There, he spent two highly enjoyable years traveling and writing. In 1920, he revised and published Women in Love, which he considered the second half of The Rainbow. He also edited a series of short stories that he had written during the war, which were published under the title My England and Other Stories in 1922.
Determined to fulfill a lifelong dream of traveling to America, in February 1922, Lawrence left Europe and traveled east. By the end of the year—after stays in both Ceylon (modern day Sri Lanka) and Australia—he landed in the United States, settling in Taos, New Mexico. While in New Mexico, Lawrence completed Studies in Classic American Literature, a book of highly regarded and influential literary criticism of great American authors such as Benjamin Franklin, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville.
Over the next several years, Lawrence split his time between a ranch in New Mexico and travels to New York, Mexico and England. His works during this period includes a novel, Boy in the Bush (1924); a story collection about the American continent, St. Mawr (1925); and another novel, The Plumed Serpent (1926).
'Lady Chatterley's Lover' & Final Works
Having fallen ill with tuberculosis, Lawrence returned to Italy in 1927. There, in his last great creative burst, he wrote Lady Chatterley's Lover, his best-known and most infamous novel. Published in Italy in 1928, Lady Chatterley's Lover explores in graphic detail the sexual relationship between an aristocratic lady and a working-class man. Due to its graphic content, the book was banned in the United States until 1959, and in England until 1960, when a jury found Penguin Books not guilty of violating Britain's Obscene Publications Act and allowed the company to publish the book.
At the highly publicized British obscenity trial, the prosecuting attorney infamously asked the jurors, "Is it a book that you would have lying around the house? Is it a book you would wish your wife or servants to read?" The jury's decision to allow publication of Lady Chatterley's Lover is considered a turning point in the history of freedom of expression and the open discussion of sex in popular culture. As British poet Philip Larkin quipped in one of his poems, "Sexual intercourse began/In 1963/Between the end of the 'Chatterley' ban/And the Beatles' first LP."
Increasingly hobbled by his tuberculosis, Lawrence wrote very little near the end of his life. His final works were a critique of Western religion titled Apocalypse and Last Poems, both of which were published in 1930.
Death and Legacy
D.H. Lawrence died in Vence, France, on March 2, 1930, at the age of 44.
Reviled as a crude and pornographic writer for much of the latter part of his life, Lawrence is now widely considered—alongside James Joyce and Virginia Woolf—as one of the great modernist English-language writers. His linguistic precision, mastery of a wide range of subject matters and genres, psychological complexity and exploration of female sexuality distinguish him as one of the most refined and revolutionary English writers of the early 20th century.
Lawrence himself considered his writings an attempt to challenge and expose what he saw as the constrictive and oppressive cultural norms of modern Western culture. He once said, "If there weren't so many lies in the world . . . I wouldn't write at all."
from https://www.biography.com/writer/dh-lawrence
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trulyafrasian · 5 years
Shining a Spotlight on Japanese Literature
Nara Period (710 CE – 794 CE)
Oral traditions were recorded in written form.
712 CE: Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters)
713 CE: Fudoki (Records of Wind and Earth)
720 CE: Nihon shoki (Chronicle of Japan)
759 CE: Man'yoshu (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves), anthology of 4,500 poems
Tanka: Verse form comprising 31 syllables (5-7-5-7-7)
Heian Period (794 CE – 1185 CE)
Court ladies played the central role in developing literature.
905 CE: Kokin wakashu or Kokinshu (Collection of Poems from Ancient and Modern Times), first poetry anthology commissioned by an emperor
996 CE: Sei Shonagon wrote Makura no soshi (The Pillow Book)
Early 11th century CE: Murasaki Shikibu wrote Genji monogatari (Tale of Genji)
1120 CE: Konjaku monogatari (Tales of a Time That Is Now Past)
Kamakura-Muromachi Period (1185 CE – 1573 CE):
First half of the 13th century CE: Heike mono-gatari (The Tale of the Heike
1205 CE: Shin kokin wakashu (New Collection of Poems from Ancient and Modern Times), commissioned by retired Emperor Go-Toba
1212 CE: Kamo no Chomei wrote Hojoki (An Account of My Hut)
1330 CE: Yoshida Kenko wrote Tsurezuregusa (Essays in Idleness)
13th century CE: Eihei Dogen, Japanese Buddhist monk, wrote Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye)
Late 14th century CE: Taiheiki (Chronicle of the Great Peace)
Noh plays perfected by Kan'ami and his son Zeami
1400 CE: Zeami wrote Fushi kaden (The Transmission of the Flower of Acting Style)
Edo Period (1603 CE – 1868 CE)
Literature as a means of social intercourse.
Renga: Successive linked verses by several people forming a long poem
16th century CE: Haikai, a sort of jocular renga
17th century CE: Haiku, condensed poetic form of 17 syllables (5-7-5); perfected by renowned poet, Matsuo Basho
Genroku Era (1688 CE – 1704 CE)
City-dwelling artisans and merchants became the main supporters of literature, and professional artists began to appear.
Ihara Saikaku: Portrayed the life of Osaka merchants
Chikamatsu Monzaemon: Wrote joruri, a form of storytelling involving chanted lines, and kabuki plays.
Yosa Buson: Composed superb haiku depicting nature
o 1776 CE 
Ueda Akinari: produced a collection of gothic stories called
Ugetsu monogatari (Tales of Moonlight and Rain)
Meiji Period (1868 – 1912) to Present
Unification of written and spoken language.
1887: Futabatei Shimei 's Ukigumo (Drifting Clouds), praised as new form of novel
Influence of translated foreign poems led to a "new style" poetry movement
Rapid modernization, a major theme of modern Japanese literature
Naturalism as advocated by Emile Zola dominated Japan's literary world
Shimazaki Toson: Represented naturalism; is noted for the "I novel," a style of novel typical of Japan
Proletarian literature and neo-sensualism
1968: Kawabata Yasunari, first Japanese to win the Nobel Prize for literature
1994: Oe Kenzaburo won the Nobel Prize for literature
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