#plot twist is it's just nene
incorrectvtuberquotes · 2 months
IRyS: So the hairdresser shows up at noon tomorrow.
Baelz: Great, and while you do that, I’ll check in on the ring bear.
IRyS: I’m sorry… you’re saying “ring bearER,” right?
IRyS: Okay, look into my eyes and say ‘I promise I’m not bringing a dangerous wild animal to our wedding’.
Baelz: …I’m not bringing a dangerous WILD animal to our wedding.
IRyS: Why are you emphasizing-
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iamhereinthebg · 4 months
Haven't they broken several rules they've established just for everything to revolve around Tsukasa? Like...
1. A mystery can't be defeated in their own boundary (and yet Tsukasa somehow ripped Kako's heart out in his own boundary)
2. You can't use your tsueshiro in a boundary without permission (and yet Tsukasa ordered his to hold down Mirai)
3. Nobody could move because the school's time was frozen (yet Tsukasa did, as well as Yashiro, and Hanako who if I remember correctly suddenly unfroze on his own to break down into tears)
The earlier chapters were way better at following previously established rules and concepts compared to whatever's going on right now
They did ! :))) (want to explode)
I can understand the idea that Tsukasa is a rule breaker, he did destroy the previous n°3 in his own boundary too and it was an interesting twist! I can understand the idea and why it can be interesting, but the way AidaIro using all others characters/plots to make him stand out is just terrible. Dirsregarding rules is not a new thing about AidaIro unfortunately but Tsukasa really wins all medals on breaking them.
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As you said, he was able to move when time was stopped and for which reason?? We don't know. Hanako was able to move once Akane and Teru got to him, probably because Akane is a clock keeper and can somehow give the permission to people to move.
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I said it before and I will say it again, but wanting to show a character is powerful/cool by making the others characters look stupid is terrible writing, and that's the feeling I got with Tsukasa in general. (and chapter 109 is just a whole sequence of the characters being made fun of)
We don't know where to stand because he has every kind of tropes attached to him. They want us to understand he is some kind of martyr who is 'omg poor lil Tsukasa who was so selfless at only 4yo boohoo' (no matter which translation I read for the red house arc, he is believable somehow with Kou but then we get the flashbacks with Amane and it's gone). They put him in an 'angel' position and naive position in a lot of aus, want us so bad to understand deep down he is a nice boy. When we watched him do every possible horrors on screen. And don't get me wrong, I don't mind this, it's cool. Him forcing Mitsuba to eat, creating him, the way he treats some characters... It's the way they are not doing that to other characters who is so strange in my opinon. They know how to handle grey characters like Hanako or Teru (from the reader's pov) so I don't why they try so hard to put Tsukasa in a good light.
He is not a believable kid character in the red house arc, being smarter than Kou and Nene is not making him cool, it's just making Kou and Nene absolute idiots.
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Him destroying his shackles thanks to Mirai power? It's not him being clever, it's Mirai and the clock keepers being made fun of. Him knowing what Hanako should be doing by using Nene? Not making Tsukasa cool, it's making Nene just as an object for Hanako's love, and to get a reaction out of him, most of the time by making Hanako look stupid. (I could go hours on why Nene is just here to serve as a mean to Hanako's character since some arc rather than being her own person but that's for another day)...
I understand that Tsukasa is like 'the antagonist and should be some steps ahead of the portagonist' but it's just so repitive in the way he is unpredicatble that it became boring and predictable. I was overjoyed to see him like this in chapter 108. (which was let's be honest the only good chapter in this new arc)
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Tsukasa is really good here, which is why the drop of quality in chap 109 is even worst. Seeing a new side of him as a supernatural and his sorrow/hatred for Amane is really great. He even moralizes Nene about why sometimes you just need/have to get yourself out of situations alone, and that's how he himself proceeds because his brother never went to see him in 50 years. That he had no choice but to do so. It's great! Really great! To see that he is also an unpredicatble character and who decides to do what he wants not taking people's opinions in mind, because even his older never helped him when he called for him during all this time. It adds a good layer to his character and seeing him weaker/not really knowing what to do is something we desesperatly need for his chacter. But as everything in chap 108, chap 109 throws it out of the window and goes back to the usual ' we have set ups but terrible pay offs' things that has been happening a lot in the recent arcs.
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He is also way too OP. As you said suddenly his tsueshiros could move again and he got rid of Kako. Even Hakubo and Teru being ones of the most powerful characters, were defeated once, Tsukasa never was seriously. It's never explained why he is so powerful (probably because he has an entity inside him/he eats others supernaturals) but the difference of levels is just insane, and absolutely not compelling to read.
We don't know why he is doing what he is doing and they try so hard to make him mysterious. They want us to get to know him without saying anything relevant or his backstory. We are left with whole chapters of absolutely nothing. Welp too bad I am not patient enough to see Tsukasa doing random stuff when half of the characters have rushed characters development or none because 'there isn't much time'.
AidaIro want us to understand they love him and that we should too but they are just destroying every other characters rather than make him loveable.
I hate what they did with his character, his role is terrible because it's destroying eveyone else's. Tsukasa is the favorite and it shows, but it's so badly done that I can't help but hate him.
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nanabansama · 4 months
Spoilers for Chapter 110
Did you notice that Mitsuba, School Mystery No. 3 whose name literally contains the kanji character "3", died 2 times and is now dying a third time!?!?! WELL, I DID!!!!
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Sorry, I've just seen others theorizing about this for a while and always thought it was such a sadistic idea and I can't believe it actually happened... AIDAIRO!! AIDAIROOOOOOO!!!!!!!! *wordless wail*
If that wasn't bad enough, AidaIro had him meet Mitsuba Sousuke's mother and, unbeknownst to her, her son is dying all over again RIGHT NEXT TO HER...!!!! Keep in mind that she doesn't even know he's here, either. And now she may never even get to know this new version of him!!! NGYAAAHHH!!! Yet another example of the sadistic torture AidaIro enjoys putting us through...
Anyway, a moment of respite before I start yelling again: I enjoyed comparing my prediction posts to this chapter! I was right that Tsukasa would win, but...well, I think I got everything else wrong? HAHA. But seriously, I never could have fathomed the plot twist that Mitsuba has no yorishiro, effectively meaning that Tsukasa is literally STEPS away from completing his goal and destroying himself, yet here we are. I'm beginning to think the end of the series is closer than any of us could have anticipated... (it's almost sad to think about!)
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But sadly, even though Hanako is trying his best to get through to Tsukasa, Hanako is still shackled and effectively powerless to stop him if he gets to Nene. Maybe there's some sort of schoolmystery-yorishiro power dynamic going on where Tsukasa is always weaker than Hanako, but with the state he's in now, I think Tsukasa should be safe to just shove him off...
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That said, this move was so well-played! Hanako, stripped of power, could not stop Tsukasa with force alone, so he instead had to use the force of gravity to force Tsukasa on the ground and pin him with his knife and body. I still don't think this is enough to stop Tsukasa entirely, but it is enough to give Hanako time to plead with him. It also restores my faith in the fact that Hanako is a good fighter.
Anyway...I feel like everyone's already wibbled and wobbled about the ending of this chapter by now, but I just want to say I am SO GLAD Amane communicated his feelings to Tsukasa. That he said "i love you" in every single word he said, even if Tsukasa didn't hear it. It was so heartwarming, since Amane almost never does this. He always either bottles things up or shoves his feelings to the side until they're suddenly wrenched out of him and he's forced to care again. And while he was only able to do this because he was literally seconds away from losing Tsukasa, I am SO HAPPY that he could even do it all.
But unfortunately, he still couldn't say "I love you". He had to settle for the tsundere version. (Siiigh...)
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Yet even if he did I'm not sure if Tsukasa would be convinced...That boy is soooo traumatized by the time Amane pushed him as a child, it's actually concerning. (._.`)
All I'm hoping for is that something happens to stop Tsukasa. I'm not emotionally prepared for him to go yet!!! But even if he does go within the next chapter or the next few after it, I just hope he goes out knowing he was loved. Like Sumire did. 💔
It feels like each new chapter has been more exciting than the last...if we get a Yugi backstory chapter next month I think I might actually die of happiness. Goodbye everyone...I'm going to a better place... 👼
I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter as much as I did!! This was such a good one I'm sure I'll be back later to tack on more thoughts. Thanks for reading!!
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amyyythestarry · 5 months
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Sakumei, Aoinene, Terukane?! And Kou, Yokoo, Satouu, Mitsu besties?!? HIDDEN TSUMITSU!?!?!??
You’re killing me Aidalro.
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I swore I wasn’t gonna simp for this freaky emo boy but Aidalro is making that hard to do for some reason.
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Doppleganger, huh?
Funny how Teru talks about cursed veggies, because he dislikes vegetables that look like monsters. Idk about Natsuhiko’s story.. But this doppleganger kinda relates to Mitsu because there are literally two of him, except one is forever dead in TBHK.
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Jesus I love the lesbians on the left.
But Mitsuba’s so casual about this horror topic?
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Paint brush for Shijimei, another association. Idk about Sakura’s though..
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Coincidence, I think not.
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If you meet your doppleganger, you’ll die soon.
Canon interferes with everything huh?
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Why is Mitsuba so tall? These characters keep getting taller.
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If this is actually Amane, if Nene were to meet her doppleganger and die, and Amane saved her, than his has to symbolize Nene’s real short life span and how Hanako’s trying to save Nene. Because he prevented her from seeing her doppleganger.
So does that mean Nene won’t die, and Hanako will actually be able to prevent her death? And some short of plot twist will take place?
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I’m kind of upset that was a whole dream, this would have been a cool au.
But don’t worry, that’s where I come in. 🤭
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I love Kou.
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Great chapter.
Thank Aidalro for giving me yet another au idea.
Also, I think I’m just going to be delusional and believe the person who saved Nene was Tsukasa. You can’t stop me.
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vonlipvig · 2 months
ok i'm home and back from the 'the game' inspired escape room, let me gush a bit because it was very fun and i actually quite liked how they used that inspiration for the room (details below if anyone wants to avoid spoilers for this one escape room in buenos aires idk, i won't spoil actual puzzle answers, just the plot twists! also implied spoilers for the movie the game, of course lmao)
so it's obviously themed after the movie the game by david fincher, which is honestly pretty escape room-y in and of itself. but this room was kind of a...sequel to it, of sorts?
so turns out that nicholas van orton now owns an escape room franchise (funny.), and he's fired all his employees and hiring new ones (you and your group). so while you're there trying to do your typical escape room things in the office, the tv (that's set to the local news) starts broadcasting that nicholas van orton has been MURDERED, and they show camera footage of US (also very fun).
so, we're being framed, we find office papers that kinda point at big wigs trying to take it all for themselves and pin it on us, etc etc. we keep doing our thing, room by room, many fun and tricky puzzles (also, which i though it was SO creative, there was a whole logic puzzle? like, logic statements that you had to work out? if A is true then B is false and that kinda stuff? kinda insane and awesome, i loved that).
(at one point they turn the lights off in the main office room and all the walls are graffitied in glow-up paint like in the movie? so fun).
anyway, we keep doing out thing, there are blood marks on the floor and everything, we 100% believe this guy's been murdered and we're gonna fry for that, and at the end we start hearing the police going 'OK PUT YOUR HAND UP....HIGHER....HIGHER..........NOW CLAP...CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!' (if you're from argentina you know how that goes lmao. palmas palmas palmas!) then MUSIC STARTS and YEAH. it was all fake, we were being 'the game'd and we were hired lmao. and it was so fun cause like OF COURSE IT WAS FAKE, THAT'S WHAT THE MOVIE WAS ABOUT! but in all the excitement you totally forget that, which makes the ending sooooo fucking funny.
(and for the argies, la canción del final era esa de nene malo dkjdhfjhdf).
honestly such a fun room, the puzzles were entertaining (even though we were all very spacey today...kind of a bad performance from the dream team ngl lmao), and i thought it did the movie justice. very reccommended lmao.
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7ban-sama · 6 months
A moment that you’d like Iro-sensei to write in the manga ?
Speaking from my heart, there are far too many moments I want Iro-sensei to write...
Usually I try and be humble and balance my expectations with umm, almost what seems most 'logical' from a writing standpoint — given the trajectory of the plot, with these details, what is this character most likely to do, and what would be interesting, etc... It's kinda like doing math equations. This is also why me and Avvy tend to think more 'broadly', trying to propose a general path of events. But expectations are different from desire...
I would say the 'point' of the manga is the great prevailing mystery of the Yugi twins' past. That is what Nene-chan is spellbound by, no? The story drip feeds us fragments of their childhood through memories, cryptic dialogue; all brief flashes, to keep Nene's head spinning, pining for a conclusion. So... naturally... the thing I am most obsessed about is getting to see that conclusion... Which I'm sure is a feeling many fans feel lol, but, I can admit as a kinnie there are various 'gut feelings' I want to have validated, in particular. Heart truths.
I really, really wish we could see that... whatever was going on with the rope-ritual between the Yugi, the year before they died, was something that Amane either instigated or encouraged himself.
I do not see the bandaged 13 yo Amane as some sort of shuddering, pathetic victim... Plenty of art of him has, a sort of crazy quality I feel I can't begin to describe. It's something like, absolute certainty in one's action, or smugness, or satisfaction. Put-on carefreeness...
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Look at how certain I am of my decision! <- Interwoven with that is this grim severity we see in a clock-tuning or key-holding Amane... so, so serious. That looks like a guy who has it in him to stab his brother in the chest.
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He's definitely tormented by something, enough to wish time would just stop — I'm of the belief that Amane was trying to resist some element of 'growing up'. Time is his enemy, because expectations and responsibility will require him to separate from the childish closeness he has with Tsukasa. 'Growing up', becoming some sort of respectable astronaut, move out, get a job, etc... How does Tsukasa slot into all that? Tsukasa who, doesn't seem to have any ambitions of his own, and can't seem to survive in any timeline... I think there was a boiling point... What was once a dream that brought Amane hope, became soured as it was more of an inevitable reality that would separate him and Tsukasa. Something to be dreaded. Which leads to events like, emotionally ripping up papers reporting the moon landing, and the great I'm Not Going Anywhere speech.
Anyways, to get more specific, as for a moment I'd specifically like to see, to convey all this-!! I really want Amane to be the one pushing to be bound and roughed up by Tsukasa. I think it would be earth-shattering, in a delicious way, to have learned it was Amane's idea!! The scraped-up boy with rope burns, being bandaged by his teacher, deemed a bullied child by Nene — what if that was so very far from the truth! Can you imagine-!! It's that kind of 'twist on a twist on a twist' that I think Iro-sensei likes to write as well.
First you meet Hanako, the unusually powerful seventh mystery. Then you find he was once a friendless, bandaged boy, and you see him unwound by his mysterious twin appearing! He's more vulnerable and tragic than you think... oh, but he has as scary side too! He's over-protective and controlling! But he has a soft spot for his twin... who he owns-!? Because his twin is his yorishiro! Something he wanted to protect! Wait, but what's this, a memory of him proving his loyalty by choosing to submit to Tsukasa!? Amane letting himself be bound up and chewed on-!? Wait, but then he's still going to flip out and stab this twin, that he is permitting to attack him!? What's this guy's deal!!?!??! (stupid brocon.)
Imagiiine the visuals solidifying this as well... I so often think about Amane passively holding up his wrists to be bound. Upward turned, clearly 'offering self' to the red rope... If I had to pick, that's the panel I want more than anything-! I'd never ask for anything ever again lol. (Or maybe I'd become so arrogant I'd feel entitled to even more? w)
Besides that, I have hopes for things on Tsukasa's end, such as, becoming listless and unwell in that last year before he is killed... Despite having been excited and curious about Amane killing him as a child, as years pass and Amane is still enigmatic about his feelings towards him, I kinda hope it got to Tsukasa and left him uncertain about whether or not Amane "should" just have a normal life without him, anyways... If there were tensions building at home, and Tsukasa has no prospective career for a future, perhaps Tsukasa could even come to dread? Regret? His childish impulse to return? 'I really shouldn't have come back...'
Perhaps 12 yo Tsu we see, pressing Amane to make a decision, is on the precipice of some greater listlessness... I'm always holding out for Tsukasa being ah, truly suicidal, and unable to see his own self-worth. Always the pleaser, wish-granter, never prioritizing himself. It's why, in some manner, the shinjuu has to be some sort of counter gesture, tethering him to Amane for all eternity. Amane's way of making sure you don't go anywhere ever again... without saying anything, of course. -_-;
More recently, due to the current arc, I've been thinking about Nene having time-travel powers! That would just be so cool and OP... I really want it! I'm sure there'll be a lot of rules and convoluted logic to it, but god, I love what sort of... magical goddess quality this would imbue Nene-chan. I keep thinking about her sort of haunting the Yugi twins' life, in little blips of the past. I want her to spend more time with 12 yo Tsu and converse with him... I think a lot about them walking quietly through some, environment, some atmospheric space, and talking as they go. And as they do, Nene hears Tsukasa talk with a kind of sad certainty, revealing how he thinks of himself as ancillary, unnecessary, in some way... and Nene drinks this in, sad for Tsukasa. Relating to him, even? (Ideally...) Anyways Nene should opt to kiss him, give him a peck. This lil guy... and it'll create some time shennanigans where yorishiro Tsukasa was just reciprocating w
Also due to recent events, I want Nene advocating for and standing up for Tsukasa in some way... whether it's during the trial or, some other moment. In general I'm waiting for the moment things click for Nene and she actually feels a sense of preciousness for Tsukasa, that she wants to act on... I feel like everything happening right now is meant to slow-cook her until she is ready for such a thing.
Me and Avvy were also discussing that, ultimately if Amane was the one to prompt Nene to peel No. 1's yorishiro, that would be interesting... After all her fuss and resistance towards Tsukasa, to just have Amane command her to do the same, and not really give her any other choice, I like the thought. I'd want him to be that kind of, cold smiley-smiley way he can get, stern... No room to argue... Unsettling, considering all we went through.
Ah, this is an older desire but, I still ultimately want Nene to experience the shinjuu either... 1. directly in the presence of it, somehow watching from, a closet or crack in the door or, something insane like that, or, 2. after peeling Tsukasa's yorishiro seal, she is inundated with a deluge of memory and experiences it from Tsukasa's own perspective. I'd be moooost delighted by 2, but I think 1 would be scary and cinematic as well.
For Nene experiencing the memories... This feels like, beyond-possible-just-pure-fanfic-delusion, but, ah. I think about how a yorishiro presents memories that are tied to them, they basically embody the memory of when they left a profound impression on the mystery. It's why you see Yako being given the scissors by Misaki, Tsuchigomori receiving the moon rock from Amane, etc... And while inside the inner sanctum of Hakubo's boundary, Nene actually did see Sumire's memories herself-! They seeped into her... I wonder, does a human yorishiro mean that you would be experiencing their perspective directly? And, beyond that, is a human yorishiro's defining moment, simply their entire time they spent with the mystery?
If Nene could experience Sumire's childhood memories of Hakubo... then, god, can you imagine her the deluge of preciousness shared between Tsukasa and Amane? They've been together since birth... would she be tabbing through memories of, ages 2, 5, 8, 10 — years and years of moments together? Moments emblematic of why Amane is protective of Tsukasa? (That would just mean moments where Amane is loving Tsukasa, in the vein of the shooting star scene in PP...) It's not realistic at all but I wish Nene could basically experience swaths of, hours, days, weeks, magically living through Tsukasa, experiencing things he's seen and heard and felt. Observing Amane attentively throughout it. So that way Nene can see, herself, what it was like to grow up with Amane... to have Amane loomed over, clutching that knife. Making that very good face. If I had it my way, that's how it would go...
As a bonus, my 'ending' thoughts for JSHK are, that Nene gets the wish from God and kind of Madoka style rewrites the timeline with the Ultimate Wish from everything she has learned. And then we see her and the twins as lil kids about to spend their childhood together, idyllically.
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In Narisokonai Snow White, the Ambrose twins and princess Neige are essentially robbed of a childhood shared between them all. Despite this, Aida-sensei drew her own imaginings of 'what if?' for them together. I like to think JSHK is going to finally show what it would be like, if such a dream came to be. I look at this image like a talisman. A symbol of hope. A beautiful fantasy. I want it to come true!!! I will sit here and believe it can come true. *lays on my back in the middle of a calm ocean*
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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fromthepresent · 2 years
Anime Rant-i talk about random anime stuff
Thanks to my last post i realized something
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Theese two fandom im in is similar
So lets talk about their similarities
You should check the other out if your in one of theese two fandom since they are similar to eachother
But check my explanation first
To see if you may like then
No manga spoiler dont worry
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Both have a supernatural genre
Tokyo revengers is about our main character takemichi who time leaps to save his friends while changing the future
Tbhk is about the adventures of yashiro nene and hanako kun the toilet bounded ghost in kamome academy
(If you thought tbhk is a slice of life non dark anime/manga....the anime is not that dark since it only covers some chapter,but the manga is dark let me tell you)
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Both of the manga has an amazing artsyle
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Tokyo revengers
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The art is just so beautiful
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Both have great character development
Lets talk about our main character's
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Yashiro nene
From a girl who is insecure about herself---a girl who would do anything for her lover
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Takemichi hanagaki
From a defenseless crybaby---the strongest one who went through it all
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Both is a relatively dark anime/manga
Characters have a dark past
The storyline and what is intended is dark
And overall it has a lot of plot twist
And thats not even half of it
Both of It really are good
And if you like one of them
You guys will like the other
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cardboard13 · 9 months
Writing the next chapter of Celebrity Chef series (600 words in, maybe another 1000 or so words to go?), so look forward to that coming out over the weekend(?). Provided I haven't lost focus and started writing something else.
Something else: In a surprise twist, I'm also writing the breakup fic. So I guess what I'm saying is that a new multi-chaptered story is coming out.
I had a massage this morning, and during that time, instead of turning my brain off, I was thinking about the breakup fic, and I ended up figuring out the writing style, the pacing, the plot, and the structure of the story.
But this dialogue (near the climax of the story) broke me when I thought of it, and it was so clear in my head that I just had to share:
“Don’t you see, I did this all for us,” Satoshi insists.
“No,” Nene shakes her head, holding back her tears. “You did it for you.”
Anyway, think what you will on what happened, haha. I'm about 800 words into chapter 1, and I think I'll be done in the next couple of days and will probably post that chapter up. Maybe write the next chapter before posting it, we'll see.
Edit: I think it'll be done by tomorrow. I think I'll post it then.
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randomnessisamust · 4 years
Friend: so you read all 60 chapters of Toilet Bound Hanako-kun?
Me, brain cells still somehow in tact:
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HiCCuP He- TthEYY- wub-WhAti- iFfffthey cHanhiC- changethePAST an-sniff a-AnD-! nnnNenE- FfFfU
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polar-stars · 4 years
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Can I just point out that today’s episode proved to me that not just Totsuki’s headmistress but pretty much the entire Elite 10 as well has left Totsuki behind to be somewhere else instead ahdhd
Well, except for the 8th and 9th seat.
Who I suppose take care of everything now ahdhf.....Spending time together :3c Getting closer..... :3c.....
Listen, if the anime refuses to show them to me, I can make up whatever I want that’s how it works. 
But yes have a quick Mini-Doodle of them and their office-life I presume, because the idea of just the two of them at Totsuki is my new sugar (someone pls write a fanfic)
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
Corrupt bf & Pico - you're all mine
How was one supposed to react to panicked text messages sent around the time of three am?
Pico's insomnia kept him from having a decent sleep schedule, so he was awake to catch it. It was from Girlfriend. She sure as hell was never up so late, so what could possibly be so urgent?
"Hurry to my house"
"It's Bf"
"I won't be able to help you stop them"
Pico nearly thought he was reading everything incorrectly. He read those three messages over and over for about five minutes, trying to make sense of it. Stop them? What's wrong with Bee? He figured the longer he sat there, the less time he had to stop whatever was happening. With haste, he hopped out of bed, slipping on his usual combat khakis. He made sure his uzi was on him, as usual. This time he decided to take two with him. He rushed his way out of his apartment, almost forgetting to close the door behind him.
He tried calling her on the way there, running down the empty streets. There was an electric tingle in the air. He could feel something was wrong. He called her five times, and she still didn't pick up. He knew it would be a lost cause, but he still tried to call Bee. He called him about seven times. He had a mind to hit Nene and Darnell up about whatever the hell was going on, maybe the Uber kids finally decided to make a move or some shit? Who knew.
His lungs were on fire by the time he made it to her house. eerily enough, the front door was cracked open, as if someone made such a desperate escape that the doors to this mansion weren't important enough to keep closed. From where he was standing, he could see some lights throughout the house being left on. "Fucking god, what happened.." He grumbled to himself. The silence was deafening, as if time were standing still. Marching inside, he clutched his uzi at the ready tight to his chest.
The air inside the mansion was still, as if there had been no living creature to set foot inside for years. He used his phone flashlight to see, since the corridors tend to be dark at night. He, Bee, and Gigi all walked together through the halls, knowing Pico was uncomfortable by himself.
He was getting that feeling now.
He felt as if the shadows were dancing just beyond his eye sight, or maybe prowling, waiting for him to let his guard down. But when he looked, no one was there.
He stopped first in the mess hall. The light was on here. He relaxed a bit, quickly getting himself out of that dark hallway. It was fucking with his head. He opened his mouth to call for Gigi, but stopped himself. That's some dumb white people in a horror movie shit. If there was something in here, he would be the one to catch it by surprise.
He sniffed the air. Blood. He knew the scent well. He was hesitant to make his way into the kitchen, poking his head around the corner. He could have sworn he heard a scuffling sound, but when he flicked on the light, nothing. This whole situation had him on edge. It would have anybody on edge.
He tried calling Gigi again, quickly rushing to the staircase in the main area. He called her until he could hear her phone, it would give him a lead on where they've gone. It was in her bedroom. He could have guessed as much. The room was a damn mess, as if a tornado had come through and thrown everything around. Oh god, is Gigi okay? Pico felt the blood drain from his face, and his stomach twisted into a nervous knot. He smelled blood earlier, but didn't know where it came from.. There were some spots on the floor near her bed. He grabbed her phone to look at it. Thank goodness he knew her password. He unlocked it and looked through it to see if she called or texted anyone else. She had an unfinished message she would have sent to Pico.
"It won't stop until"
Until what?
"Dammit.." Pico growled under his breath, then set her phone back down. Where the fuck was she? Where was Bee?
He took a moment to breathe in her room. He couldn't lose them. He couldn't lose anyone else. He didn't want to be alone again. Not again..
No... Now's not the time..
With a shaky breath, he stood off the bed, and marched out of her room. He sniffed the air again. Still blood.. but a trail. He looked down at his feet to see the trail of blood. It led down the staircase off to the left. Following it took him to the last place he wanted to go.
The basement.
This never goes well in horror movies and he knows that.
He almost considered not going down there at all, but the fact that this was Bee and Gigi, and quite possibly the rest of the city in trouble, well, he would have to fight again. Just like the old days.
He gathered the courage, pulled out his phone, and descended into the dark floor.
It was pitch black. He couldn't see a few feet in front of his flash light. He could feel it. Them. Her, him. They were down here. He could see the shadows move, he could feel the darkness breathing down his neck. He tightened his hold on his uzi, then spoke. "Come the fuck out, now."
His demand was followed by immediate laughter, which made him flinch. He swung his phone behind him, but he still couldn't see a thing. That's when something knocked against his hand, something cold and wet. His phone tumbled against the concrete flooring, and he was quick to shoot in whatever direction it came from. Twice. Nothing. "Stop fucking with me and come out!" He growled angrily. What felt like an arm wrapped around his waist, and he acted quickly, turning around to grab the source of it, but his arms were quickly restrained above his head, presumably from the same thing that knocked his phone away.
He shivered at the sensation, and was about to yell again when someone finally spoke. "You've always been such a fighter.. You would even fight your own lovers?" It was.... "B.. Bee?? Where are you?" His eyes darted around blindly in the dark, and he bit his lip. "I'm right in front of you, silly."
"Well I wouldn't be able to fucking tell that in the pitch black darkness, dipshit." Pico spat back in response, only for Bee to giggle. "So tough.. Have it your way."
He heard the flick of a light switch, and was apalled by the sight in front of him.
Only about a foot in front of him stood.. Boyfriend? But... Looking at him was like looking into a void. His entire body was engulfed in this black substance. His face was almost unrecognisable. It was as if he had a row of razor sharp teeth to replace his normal ones, and he could only see one eye. That eye was blank white, like his own, only sharper and more insidious looking.
Pico's heart dropped to his stomach. He was at a loss for words. "What the fuck are you.." His words came out in a mumble, like he could barely speak. It laughed at him. "I'm your Boyfriend, silly!" It cooed back, moving only so he was a few inches away from him. Their bodies touched, and Pico let out another fierce growl before tugging at his restraints. They were.. Weird tentacle shit, go figure. He quickly glanced around, and that's when he noticed another body on the ground some ways away, and assumed the worst.
She was breathing. Shallow.
"Gigi! Girlfriend what-" He stopped again. The same dark matter had mostly consumed her body. A painful grin stretched along her face. She looked terrified, yet she couldn't move. The only spot not touched by the matter was her right eye. She looked at him. "Holy shit this is fucked.. Look I'd love to stay and plot evil shit with you, but can you fuck off and let them go?" Pico swallowed nervously. That was about as nice as he could ask.
"Hm.. I dunno.. You just might have to beg for your life first. I have just the thing for you." The thing that called itself his Boyfriend giggled up something sinister. It moved its arm from his waist, then threw Pico across the room. The ginger tumbled to the floor with a grunt, but quickly regathered himself, reaching for his uzi with a quickness. Still not quick enough. A tendril knocked it from his hand, then grabbed his wrist. Pico managed to catch another one coming at him, just barely managing to hold it. He had a scowl on his face. "If you're so fucking bad why not fight hand to hand?" He called out to him, and it scoffed. "Yeah yeah, I'm not here to fight sweetheart." Another one lunged for his leg, and with two apendages restrained, he was pinned to the wall, rather harshly.
It knocked the wind out of him, and he shook his head, but his other leg was caught, and they were spread apart, and his arms were lifted above his head again. Oh, fuck this. "Jesus what the fuck do you want?? What the fuck is your goal?!" Pico was growing desperate. It sure had a knack for laughing at him. "I want to hear you scream." With that, it advanced on him, continuing to walk toward him. One more of the slimy apendages slithered up Pico's sweater, and it made him shudder. It was called into question what type of scream we were talking about here.
That question was soon answered when he felt the flick against his nipple, and the tearing of his favorite fucking sweater off his body. Honestly he was kinda mad about that, but now wasn't the time to worry about clothes! He couldn't move, as much as he tried, then he felt a searing hot pain on his hip. It was touching him, with its sharp claws. All it did was poke him, and doing so felt like it was fire to his veins. The dark matter seeped into his skin, staining the white surface with the black inky void the other two were covered in. He bit his lip to hold back his sound of pain, only to be conflicted with a tendril beginning to fondle his junk through his pants.
"You're fucking sick." He snarled through grit teeth, and it simply shook his head. "Oh Pico," It unzipped his pants, then pulled them down to his knees with ease. "I'm only doing this because I love you." It grinned, but it was only wicked and crazed. Pico shook his head. This sure as hell wasn't his Boyfriend. He let out a surprised grunt at the feeling of his shaft being toyed with, and absentmindedly bucked his hips. His eyes flew wide upon realisation, and he struggled to move again. "F-Fuck off!" He choked out, trying to ignore the heat that rose to his cheeks.
"Always so cute.. Yet you look at me crazy when I suggest you bottom, huh?" Pico shook his head again, trying to block out the words. It couldn't have Bf's memories. It wasn't him. It wasn't. He gnashed his teeth together as it dragged another claw along his abdomen, watching the matter spread against his flesh, slowly, painfully. "Fuck this.." Pico groaned out, squeezing his eyes shut. If he could tap out honestly he would. It laughed at him again, one of the tendrils prodding at his little pink hole. "I mean.. that is the plan." It teased him, and it pushed inside of him. It was already slick with whatever was coating these things, but the abrupt movement had Pico crying out in pain. The ginger threw his head back, and he tried not to make a sound, but this all hurt like hell. It hurt.. But.. It felt so.. good? That had to be this corruption talking, it had to be.
Pico's back arched, and he felt it move in and out, pushing near his prostate, pulling out when it got close. "Oh... Fuck... This..!" He exclaimed breathlessly, moving his hips around as it began to move faster. The thing standing in front of him seemed pleased, wrapping a firm claw around his cock. Good Lord this thing was kinda hot.. Wait. Pico gasped out at the feeling of it finally hitting his prostate, that being enough to push him to the point of tears. "Now, like I said." It began to speak again. More of the blackness had claimed more of his body. He could feel it crawling under his skin. "Beg for it to stop. You wanted me to be.. 'let go', right? So beg for it." It had a cocky smirk on its face. Pico couldn't believe what the fuck was happening. "P-Please.." It took everything in his power not to moan his words. "L-Let.. Let them go.." He had been biting his lip so hard it started to bleed. The creature laughed, damn there crushing his length in his hand. "That's not what I want, Pico dear." It stated vaguely.
Pico rolled his eyes, then tilted his head back. "Please.. P-hah...! Please..! Let them... G-Go..!" He begged, against his wishes of course. That would have pushed him to the edge if his dick wasn't being practically crushed right now. "Awe, that's a good boy, Pico.." It cooed proudly. Pico's face was on fire, from what he assumed was blush. How fucking embarrassing. "Unfortunately you're a little too late." It smirked again, and let go, allowing Pico to let go as well, relaxing a bit as he released blissfully, but wasn't aware. "Now you get to be with us. Forever." Pico could barely register the sinister laughter as his eyes glazed over, and his consciousness was pushed back to be a passenger, unable to stop the laughter that rose from his own chest to join the cacophony of the thing that called itself his Boyfriend.
And now he resided inside the thing that called itself Pico.
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amyyythestarry · 5 months
I think I just predicted the future arcs of TBHK.
All of this speculating about Mitsuba’s yorishiro/the whole yorishiro business involving Mitsuba and Tsukasa, and coming up with the conclusion that either Mitsuba or Tsukasa would be the last yorishiros left.
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The toilet trio is thinking about how to get to the broadcasting group, which person to grab and make them spit out information ( Like Kou’s plan is ).
Nene thinks about Tsukasa not being the person to capture because of the fish incident/tea party incident, then thinks she can meet Natsuhiko and/or Sakura at school. And then there’s… Mitsuba.
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She doesn’t finish her inner sentence, because then she looks at Kou,
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She looks at Kou, than his phone starts ringing, they never continue talking about this plan ( I wonder if they’ll actually be able to do it ).
By now in the manga Nene has unexpectedly been able to be around Tsukasa without him trying eating her, so I wonder if Tsukasa will be the one she goes to for imformation, they’ve grown a bond, haven’t they?
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So that’s got me thinking he will be taken care of before they even take care of Mitsuba. The trailing off when she get to him, and never being able to think further, it makes me wonder if that’s symbolizing future events. That they’re gonna have to think more about Mitsuba and his yorishiro, because really, he seems completely detached from this yorishiro business.
If that happens then Mitsuba really will be the last person they have to defeat.
Or, theirs gonna be a bigger plot twist than Mitsu becoming the ‘final boss’.
I’m somehow expecting all three to happen..
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geckosong · 3 years
Anime Recommendations
Here is a list of ten anime (in no particular order) that are definitely worth watching, yet don’t seem to get nearly as much recognition as they deserve. 
Terror in Resonance (2014)
This is my personal favorite anime and I push people to watch it whenever I can, which is exactly what I’m doing here.
This show is set-in present-day Tokyo, which has been decimated by a terrorist attack, and the only hint to the identities of the culprits is a bizarre video uploaded on the internet. For the majority of the show the plot follows two different narratives: those of the investigators tasked with bringing down the terrorists, and of the terrorists themselves.
           My Rating: 10/10
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Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun (2020)
This anime is probably one of my favorites, if not my number one, in terms of art style. I love everything about the character designs and the colors used. It is just so soothing to look at.
The famous "Seven Wonders" that every school seems to have are a staple of Japanese urban legends. One of the most well-known of these tales is that of Hanako-san: Rumors claim that if one successfully manages to summon Hanako-san, the ghost of a young girl who haunts the school's bathrooms, she will grant her summoner any wish. When Nene Yashiro, a girl hoping for romantic fortune, dares to summon Hanako-san, she discovers that the rumored "girl" is actually a boy! After a series of unfortunate events involving Nene's romantic desires, she is unwillingly entangled in the world of the supernatural, becoming Hanako-kun's assistant. Soon, she finds out about Hanako-kun's lesser-known duty: maintaining the fragile balance between mortals and apparitions.
My Rating: 8/10
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Kids on the Slope (2012)
If you love jazz, or history, or even heartwarming tales of friendship then this is the show for you. I will admit that is has a bit of a slow start, but by the time you get to the end you’ll be wishing for more.
In 1966, introverted classical pianist and top student Kaoru Nishimi has just arrived in Kyushu for his first year of high school. Having constantly moved from place to place since his childhood, he abandons all hope of fitting in, preparing himself for another lonely, meaningless year. That is, until he encounters the notorious delinquent Sentarou Kawabuchi.    
Sentarou's immeasurable love for jazz music inspires Kaoru to learn more about the genre, and as a result, he slowly starts to break out of his shell, making his very first friend. Kaoru begins playing the piano at after-school jazz sessions, located in the basement of fellow student Ritsuko Mukae's family-owned record shop. As he discovers the immense joy of using his musical talents to bring enjoyment to himself and others, Kaoru's summer might just crescendo into one that he will remember forever.
My Rating: 6/10
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Hyouka (2012)
Energy-conservative high school student Houtarou Oreki ends up with more than he bargained for when he signs up for the Classics Club at his sister's behest—especially when he realizes how deep-rooted the club's history really is. Begrudgingly, Oreki is dragged into an investigation concerning the 45-year-old mystery that surrounds the club room.
Accompanied by his fellow club members, the knowledgeable Satoshi Fukube, the stern but benign Mayaka Ibara, and the ever-curious Eru Chitanda, Oreki must combat deadlines and lack of information with resourcefulness and hidden talent, in order to not only find the truth buried beneath the dust of works created years before them, but of other small side cases as well.
           My Rating: 6/10
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Tonari no Seki-Kun: The Master of Killing Time (2014)
I absolutely adore this show. The episodes are only about 8 minutes long, and there is very little talking, yet the story still comes through perfectly. It never fails to brighten my day when I’m feeling down.
All Rumi Yokoi wants to do is focus during school, but she is constantly distracted by Toshinari Seki, her neighboring classmate. Paying attention during class is the least of Seki's worries, as he obsesses over intricate setups created using an assortment of items, from an elaborate domino course on his desk to a treacherous war played out with shogi pieces. Yokoi desperately attempts to focus in class, only to be repeatedly sucked into his intriguing eccentricities; however, they always seem to end up with her getting in trouble with their teacher. Fortunately, lessons will never be dull with Seki's antics around!
           My Rating: 9/10
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Classroom of the Elite (2017)
On the surface, Koudo Ikusei Senior High School is a utopia. The students enjoy an unparalleled amount of freedom, and it is ranked highly in Japan. However, the reality is less than ideal. Four classes, A through D, are ranked in order of merit, and only the top classes receive favorable treatment.
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is a student of Class D, where the school dumps its worst. There he meets the unsociable Suzune Horikita, who believes she was placed in Class D by mistake and desires to climb all the way to Class A, and the seemingly amicable class idol Kikyou Kushida, whose aim is to make as many friends as possible.
While class membership is permanent, class rankings are not; students in lower ranked classes can rise in rankings if they score better than those in the top ones. Additionally, in Class D, there are no bars on what methods can be used to get ahead. In this cutthroat school, can they prevail against the odds and reach the top?
           My Rating: 7/10
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The Morose Mononokean (2016)
The start of Hanae Ashiya's high school career has not been easy—he has spent all of the first week in the infirmary, and his inexplicable condition is only getting worse. The cause of his torment is the mysterious fuzzy creature that has attached itself to him ever since he stumbled upon it the day before school began.
As his health continues to decline and the creature grows in size, Hanae comes across a flyer advertising an exorcist who expels youkai. Desperate and with nothing left to lose, he calls the number and is led to the Mononokean, a tea room which suddenly appears next to the infirmary. A morose-sounding man, Haruitsuki Abeno, reluctantly helps Hanae but demands payment afterward. Much to Hanae's dismay, he cannot afford the fee and must become an employee at the Mononokean to work off his debt. And to make things worse, his new boss is actually one of his classmates. If Hanae ever hopes to settle his debt, he must work together with Abeno to guide a variety of dangerous, strange, and interesting youkai back to the Underworld.
           My Rating: 6/10
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Beyond the Boundary (2013)
Another of my favorite aesthetically pleasing anime, this show has been the one that I show to friends who claim that anime cannot be beautiful (yes, several of my friends have actually said things along that line).
Mirai Kuriyama is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing "youmu"—creatures said to be the manifestation of negative human emotions. One day, while deep in thought on the school roof, Mirai comes across Akihito Kanbara, a rare half-breed of youmu in human form. In a panicked state, she plunges her blood saber into him only to realize that he's an immortal being. From then on, the two form an impromptu friendship that revolves around Mirai constantly trying to kill Akihito, in an effort to boost her own wavering confidence as a Spirit World warrior. Eventually, Akihito also manages to convince her to join the Literary Club, which houses two other powerful Spirit World warriors, Hiroomi and Mitsuki Nase.
As the group's bond strengthens, however, so does the tenacity of the youmu around them. Their misadventures will soon turn into a fight for survival as the inevitable release of the most powerful youmu, Beyond the Boundary, approaches.
           My Rating: 7/10
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Mekakucity Actors (2014)
I think about this show far more than I’d like to admit. The way they bring different plot lines together continues to amaze me 6 years after watching it for the first time.
On the hot summer day of August 14, Shintarou Kisaragi is forced to leave his room for the first time in two years. While arguing with the cyber girl Ene who lives in his computer, Shintarou Kisaragi accidentally spills soda all over his keyboard. Though they try to find a replacement online, most stores are closed due to the Obon festival, leaving them with no other choice but to visit the local department store. Venturing outside makes Shintarou extremely anxious, but the thought of living without his computer is even worse. It's just his luck that on the day he finally goes out, he's caught in a terrifying hostage situation.
Luckily, a group of teenagers with mysterious eye powers, who call themselves the "Mekakushi Dan," assist Shintarou in resolving the situation. As a result, he is forced to join their group, along with Ene. Their abilities seem to be like pieces of a puzzle, connecting one another, and as each member's past is unveiled, the secret that ties them together is slowly brought to light.
           My Rating: 8/10
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Angels of Death (2018)
You totally want to get emotionally attached to cereal killers, right? Of course you do, that’s why you should totally watch this anime.
With dead and lifeless eyes, Rachel Gardner wishes only to die. Waking up in the basement of a building, she has no idea how or why she's there. She stumbles across a bandaged murderer named Zack, who is trying to escape. After promising to kill her as soon as he is free, Rachel and Zack set out to ascend through the building floor by floor until they escape.
However, as they progress upward, they meet more twisted people, and all of them seem familiar with Rachel. What is her connection to the building, and why was she placed in it? Facing a new boss on each floor, can Rachel and Zack both achieve their wishes?
           My Rating: 7/10
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Bonus: Stars Align (2019)
I am adding one extra because this anime deserves so much more than it got. I adore every single character in this show and want nothing but to see them be happy. There is so much I adore about this show that I can’t put it all into words. I would recommend you watch this so you can share in my rage that the story was cut off halfway through with no current plans of completing it. There is no manga. There is no way of knowing what happens next. This recommendation is entirely for the purpose of generating more public outcry in the hopes that that causes them to finish the show. Please anime gods, if you are reading this I need to know what happens to my smol tennis boys. Are they safe? Are they alright? 
Constantly outperformed by the girls' club, the boys' soft tennis club faces disbandment due to their poor skills and lack of positive results in matches. In desperate need of members,
Toma Shinjou is looking to recruit capable players, but he fails to scout anyone. Enter Maki Katsuragi, a new transfer student who demonstrates great reflexes when he catches a stray cat in his classroom, instantly capturing Toma's attention. With his interest piqued, Toma ambitiously asks Maki to join the boys' team but is quickly rejected, as Maki doesn't wish to join any clubs. Toma refuses to back down and ends up persuading Maki—only under the condition that Toma will pay him for his participation and cover other club expenses.
As Maki joins the team, his incredible form and quick learning allow him to immediately outshine the rest of the team. Although this gives rise to conflict among the boys, Maki challenges and pushes his fellow team members to not only keep up with his seemingly natural talent, but also drive them to devote themselves to the game they once neglected.
This story focuses on the potential of the boys' soft tennis club and their discovery of their own capability, while also enduring personal hardships and dealing with the darker side of growing up in middle school.
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vibrantshadow · 3 years
Three of My Unpopular BD Opinions:
I like Devour Forest. It's far from being the game's best dungeon, and the mandrake root that summons enemies whilst also jumpscaring you isn't exactly the best. But ultimately, I like this dungeon. I love the spooky atmosphere of it and the general vibe of the place. I'm glad it's not too long as I feel that would ruin the experience a bit. I think that having Shu be the only character that can use a Shadow makes battle more interesting, though I'm obviously glad it doesn't last forever. Also, the music is awesome.
Zola being secretly evil, is my favourite plot twist in the entire franchise. Don't get me wrong, I greatly prefer the good Zola from the games, but the build up to this plot twist in the anime is so good. In the VERY first episode, this plot twist is foreshadowed through Zola saying, "In fact if I were to be perfectly honest with you, I may not even necessarily be your ally." Also, the fact that Zola admits she's not a Solider of Light descendant. The fact that her shadow never speaks until the big reveal. The demonic look her shadow has during the final Nene fight. The foreshadowing for this plot twist is just so good.
I prefer Bouquet's design in season 2. Throughout the entirety of season 1, Bouquet wears the waitress outfit from her introduction. I honestly think this is kinda silly and not very practical. Her outfit in season 2 seems more like everyday clothing, the huge amount of pink, whilst being a bit on the stereotypical side, suits Bouquet as she is incredibly girly.
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alexiethymia · 3 years
JSHK Questions and Answers
Since I love lists, and I want to organize these for future reference, this is my compilation of the questions I still have as of the most recent chapter, and attempts to answer them with theories and headcanons with no bases whatsoever. So, let us begin!
1.) How does a human become a supernatural? 
Among the Seven Mysteries, only Hanako and Akane-kun were or are humans. Shijima isn’t the original Shijima Mei, and the current Mitsuba was created from the original Mitsuba. Is there a difference between a human becoming a simple supernatural or becoming a School Mystery? Are humans who died and become ghosts, like original Mitsuba, considered Supernaturals? Is Sakura one such human-turned-ghost-turned supernatural? 
For Amane and Mitsuba, we know how they became spirits. They had lingering regrets, which is confirmed by Kou when he said he’d help Mitsuba with his unfinished business so that he could pass on. So what Kou was talking about in the most recent chapter is probably not that. 
Going back to Akane-kun and Hanako. How did Akane-kun become a supernatural? It was through a deal to save Aoi’s life, albeit he was tricked into it. 
Did something of that sort happen to Amane and Tsukasa perhaps? Did Amane make a wish, was tricked, and somehow as a consequence end up killing Tsukasa as some sort of exchange? Because for some reason, among a time lord, a spider that has a library full of knowledge, and the GOD OF DEATH, it’s Hanako-kun who’s the leader of the School Mysteries. Something big must have been exchanged for that. 
Perhaps Tsukasa heard a rumor that one way he and Amane could stay together forever was to become Supernaturals, with one being the other’s yorishiro and for this reason he wanted to kill Amane, except it happened the other way around. Admittedly, this is a bit farfetched. 
2. Who does Teru actually like?
This was established from the very first chapter, so i believe it’s an important plot point.
Sakura: My first guess, again despite having no basis at all, is Sakura. But Sakura already has Natsuhiko so hmmm....
Mei: Yes, this is a bit weird. The only thing I have to go on is that one picture of Teru with Mei and Shijima in Monster Nursery. Teru could have been a kid who had a crush on high school student Mei before she died. 
Aoi: Recent chapters would point to that. It seems so obvious as to be a red herring, but what if that is what makes it surprising enough to be true? I always thought Teru ‘liking’ Aoi was a way to troll Akane just as how Teru lords over Nene’s crush on him to Hanako (man in other circumstances, Akane-kun and Hanako-kun would get along soooo well), but he never said he liked Nene in a joking way, like he did with Aoi. 
If the Teru-Aoi-Akane triangle is suppose to parallel the Kou-Nene-Hanako triangle, then it checks out if both Teru and Akane have a crush on Aoi. I do see them as being kindred spirits. Both are set up on a pedestal despite no one actually knowing their true selves. Everyone thinks they’re so perfect and nice, but both have pretty twisted characters. I mean Akane is also a ‘nice guy’ but everyone knows about his yandere tendencies, and he’s pretty free about what he thinks. On top of that, there’s also the shady business going on in the Minamoto and Akane families. 
Akane: BUT THEN, what if Akane is the Nene in their triangle. Admittedly, a lot of Teru’s actions could be interpreted as him teasing the boy he likes who’s already in love with someone else. IT CHECKS OUT.
Akane and Aoi: Or you know he could have a crush on the both of them. This is just headcanon after all. 
3.What on earth is Natsuhiko’s deal?
I swear he’s like the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Always beware the fool. I have this weird headcanon that he belongs to a family that’s also spiritually inclined like the Minamotos and the Akanes. Who knows, what if both Sakura and Tsukasa are dead supernaturals and Natsuhiko is their link to the living world?
Someone pointed out how the room with the mirror and the toys could be Hanako’s boundary. Besides the fact that we didn’t see any water, I would say that that is one brilliant observation! I could easily believe that. With what we know now about Sumire and from what Tsukasa said about not seeing Hanako for ten to twenty years, Hanako probably left Tsukasa, his yorishiro, in his boundary and never went to see him. The implications are horrifying. As we saw with Sumire, she kept relieving her death. That’s bad enough with No. 6 letting her die. But based on what we know, unless something else gets revealed, Amane was the one to kill Tsukasa. And he left Tsukasa in the boundary for ten to twenty years to relieve that? If true, I really will have to reevaluate my whole opinion about Hanako. 
I think based on what we saw, if that really is their boundary, it may be a replica of the twin’s room, what with all those toys, and by the time we arrive at that point when we’ll see Hanako’s boundary, I think that’s where the key Nene picked up from Amane in the past will play a part. Is that the key to their house? The twin’s bedroom? Perhaps a secret tree house? There must have been a repercussion as well with Nene picking up that key from the past, because if it’s with her now, then it wasn’t with Amane in the past, and that may have changed something.
If that’s true, then it was Sakura and Natsuhiko who broke Tsukasa out. Again it gives credence to the Sakura-is-already-dead theory, because Tsukasa grants the wishes of the dead, so perhaps there was a wish that Sakura had to have granted no matter what, enough to bind herself to Tsukasa, like how Nene did with Hanako.
(A bit of a sideline, LISTEN I STILL HAVE HOPE FOR A HAPPY ENDING OK. Kamisama Hajimemashita also had time travel shenanigans. and it looked like the protagonist would die, but all of those time travel shenanigans were necessary for them to earn their happy ending. Time isn’t a straight line after all. It’s more like a loop or a circle. What will happen has already happened.) 
4. Why are Tsukasa and Sumire the only human yorishiros?
Although Tsukasa as a yorishiro is not yet confirmed, I still have to wonder why. All of the supernaturals had or have strong ties to a living human. No. 1 has Akane-kun, Yako had Misaki, Mitsuba has Kou, Shijima had Mei, and Tsuchigomori had Amane. We don’t know what No. 1 and Mitsuba’s yorishiro are, but for the other three, the yorishiros they have are in relation to their precious humans. 
I can’t imagine that Yako loved Misaki less than No. 6 or Hanako (presumably) loved Sumire, or Tsukasa, and yet Misaki isn’t Yako’s yorishiro nor is Mei, Shijima’s yorishiro, and I have to wonder why.
Is it because Misaki and Mei had already passed on peacefully, while in contrast Tsukasa and Sumire wanted to stay by Hanako and No. 6′s side, which translated to them being bound as yorishiro? 
It’s stated in the story that yorishiro are the things most precious to a Mystery, but it also makes me think that yorishiros are the things or people that the Mysteries have the most regret about. 
5. Why is Akane-kun affected by supernatural events?
Akane-kun has stronger ties to Supernaturals, being a Supernatural himself, unlike Nene who’s just an assistant to one. 
So why did he forget about Aoi when Yako kidnapped her the first time around, yet Kou and Nene were unaffected, and why did the confession tree have an effect on him?
Maybe, because except for the deal with No. 1, for all intents and purposes he’s just a normal human being? 
But this time around, he doesn’t forget about Aoi. Maybe because he was too involved this time so his memories couldn’t be so easily erased.
But admittedly, it may just have been a story telling choice so the readers wouldn’t know Akane had anything to do with supernaturals.
6. Why was Nene chosen as the kannagi?
This was a question I had all throughout the arc, and it still wasn’t answered. Normally you’d think that Nene became the kannagi the moment she made a wish to Hanako but Hanako later says that he had nothing to do with her short fate. So if Nene had never met Hanako in the first place, would she have been doomed to die for completely mundane reasons?
BUT THEN when she read her book at the Bookstacks, if I’m not remembering incorrectly, her first disastrous date was in college, but Mirai says in the Clock Keepers arc that she had less than a year to live, which means she’s supposed to die in high school. Why this discrepancy? Could Hanako have been lying? Did her lifespan shorten after making a wish to Hanako thereafter becoming the kannagi i.e. Hanako’s assistant? But again only those who were already near to death could have made a wish to Hanako so maybe since they were already doomed to die anyway, making a wish to Hanako and becoming his assistant was just the prerequisite to being the kannagi. Except in this case, Hanako wanted to change her fate. Perhaps opening a person’s book changes their fate. Nene’s book was read, Amane’s book was read by Tsuchigomori, but again no in-story event would support this. 
Sumire identifies Nene as the kannagi, but No. 6 passes her by and identified Aoi as the kannagi, so again why this discrepancy? Perhaps someone in the past put a stop to the practice of sacrificing Akane girls (the Minamoto family perhaps?), but an Akane girl would always go to Kamome as a sort of back-up just in case.
Hanako was clearly lying when he said no human sacrifices happened during his time. What if there was a Hanako-san before our Hanako-kun? What if either Amane or Tsukasa made a wish to that Hanako-san, and as a result one of them became the kannagi or human sacrifice?  
7. Why is No. 1 so important? 
Kako is just sus af. Out of all the supernaturals, No. 1 always seemed the most powerful to me, which makes me wonder why Hanako is the leader of the Seven Mysteries. I mean when he called a meeting, only Tsuchigomori and Yako came, but when Kako presided over the meeting, all the supernaturals were there, except No.6. It was like Kako was the judge while Hanako was the defendant. 
Time is an amazing power, even if it’s only in the school. Theoretically, if only within the school, doesn’t Kako have the power to reverse time going back to when Amane’s time when he was still a student there? Or does Kako have the power to transport people to the past while in the school?
Similarly, is stopping time for fifteen minutes the extent of Akane-kun’s powers as the Clock Keeper of the present, or is there something more to it? Why is it necessary for a living human to be the Clock Keeper of the present anyway? Akane-kun once said he was forced to clean the clock where they kept Mirai imprisoned so Akane must know the location of No. 1′s boundary and yorishiro.
Teru said it was important for them to get to the Clock Keepers. Would something happen if all of the Clock Keepers combined their powers (like some super sentai)?
And let us not forget, Shijima’s hint about Nene’s lifespan lies with No. 1, specifically with Akane. (Speaking of Shijima, what on earth was the price Tsukasa exacted for her wish?)
Who knows? Perhaps the key to solving Nene’s lifespan problem without sacrificing Aoi lies with No.1 and No. 6 as the mysteries who have dominion over time, life and death. 
Seven questions for seven mysteries. 
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