#Blue Dragon xbox 360
minty-trash · 2 years
Fuck the Blue Dragon anime, all my homies hate the Blue Dragon anime.
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r3dsaturntv · 3 months
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The creator and artist of Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest, Blue Dragon and Dragon Ball Z, Akira Toriyama. RIP.
He had passed away on March 1. The news just came out a few hours ago.
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devileaterjaek · 8 months
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flojocabron · 1 month
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Part 2 on DS seems too rare and expensive for me now. But I can live with just these two Blue Dragon games.
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g4zdtechtv · 2 years
FULL EPISODE: AOTS! - Attackaween II (10.31.06)
More of the Night Your Dog Came Home!
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genopaint · 3 months
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A Green Dragon Appears!
Akira Toriyama really was such a good monster designer and helped bring some of my favorite RPGs to life. Chrono Trigger, Blue Dragon, Dragon Quest. Chrono Trigger's character designs were SO influential on me growing up. And the design for Arasu is SO important to RPG protagonists that I had OCs inspired by him before I even saw the character. And yeah, of course, Blue Dragon has always been a very important game to me even when I was a tiny child who couldn't afford an Xbox 360. Actually really sad to hear he's gone. Rest in peace.
Dude just knew how to draw a good looking reptile
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satoshi-mochida · 6 months
Some games that are currently stuck on older consoles that I hope get rereleased in some way, Part 3:
Part 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Yakuza/Like a Dragon: Black Panther 1 and 2/Kurohyo: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinsho and Kurohyo 2: Ryu ga Gotoku Ashura hen(both do have fan translations, though).
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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 1-3(all three are on Steam, but it'd be good to have them on consoles, too).
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Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand
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Legend of Legaia
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The Legend of Dragoon
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Ape Escape 3(it was supposed to be part of the PS2onPS4 set of games, but never materialized)
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Devil Survivor 1 and 2.
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Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
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Shin Megami Tensei IV/IV Apocalypse
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Bravely Default/Bravely Second
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Project X Zone 1 and 2
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Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha Vs the Souless Army and Raidou Kuzunoha Vs King Abaddon(I think both are on the PS3 PSN)
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Tail Concerto
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Clash at Demonhead
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Pokemon Ranger series
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Golden Sun series
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Viva Piñata series
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Steambot Chronicles
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Sakura Wars series
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Ar Tonelico series
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Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
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Tears to Tiara series
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Sonic Heroes and Sonic Unleashed
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Star Ocean: Blue Sphere
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Devil May Cry 4(it is on Steam, but is otherwise stuck on the PS3/Xbox 360, I think).
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Warhammer 40K: Space Marine(I don't know much about Warhammer 40K, but I watched someone play this and it looked pretty cool)
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! series(and Elite Beat Agents, too).
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Shining series(both the Shining Force games and the post-Shining Force games that have Tony Taka or Noizi Ito as the artist)
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theotherseapancakes · 3 months
I think everyone should know about Blue Dragon, one of the times the FF and DQ teams got to finally cooperate and helmed Akira Toriyama as usual. I think people should also know about his avatar, Toripo!
I really, genuinely think this game is one of the best RPGs of all time. Extremely underrated, went without much love over here or anywhere because it was on the Xbox 360. A shame, too - the battle system is a blast. Also, the Boss Theme was sung by Ian Gillan, the singer from Deep Purple. (Yes, that Deep Purple.)
There is a non-spoilery smattering. If you're ever able to play the game somehow, I really do think it'd be a nice way to commemorate. It's one of my favorite titles, honestly.
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vibrantshadow · 4 months
Asian-Exclusive Blue Dragon Content
This is a collection of as many Asian-Exclusive Blue Dragon things that I could find.
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Shiny box art for the first game. There's also the villain variant as some of the covers over there are reversible.
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There's also a guide book titled Blue Dragon: Deep Blue. Here are some images of it
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There's also a book which I assume comes with the Awakened Shadow game but I'm not sure. You can see more about it on a post from the R/bluedragon subreddit.
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Figurines of the main characters that came with a copy of the first game.
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There was also a Blue Dragon-themed Xbox 360 faceplate.
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Crossover merch between season 2 of the anime and the Dragon Ball franchise, (and sometimes other Toriyama properties).
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Mechat figure
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There's a bit more than this but I don't want this post to become too long so I'll just leave it like this.
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Video Games for Japanese Learners Part 3 (English and Japanese Bilingual)
Mega Man Legends (ロックマンDASH 鋼の冒険心) and Mega Man Legends 2 (ロックマンDASH2 エピソード2 大いなる遺産) for the PlayStation 1 and PSP
Recommended level of Japanese: intermediate (JLPT N4, N3)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:中級 (JLPT N4、N3)
When most people think of Mega Man, they think of the side scrolling action Mega Man games. The Mega Man Legends games are 3D action-adventure games similar to the later Legend of Zelda titles. They are a lot of fun and are super charming. The first game in the series has a lot of kanji but shouldn’t be too difficult for intermediate learners. On the other hand, Mega Man Legends 2 has kanji with furigana written above. The PSP versions are both direct PlayStation ports.
これらのソフトは、横スクロールアクションのロックマンのソフトではありません。ロックマンDASHのソフトは、3Dのゼルダのソフトのように3Dアクションアドベンチャーです。とても面白くて、魅力的なゲームシリーズだと思います。ロックマンDASHには小学生レベルの漢字とひらがなが書かれているので日本語能力が中級レベルなら問題ないと思います。一方、ロックマンDASH2には、漢字にふりがなが書かれています。 PSP版は両方とも移植されたPlayStationソフトです。
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Blue Dragon (ブルードラゴン) for the Xbox 360
Recommended level of Japanese: intermediate (JLPT N4、N3)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:中級 (JLPT N4, N3)
This game is very similar to the Dragonquest and the older Final Fantasy games. The game was written by the legendary Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. It reminds of a JRPG that I would play on the Super Famicom/SNES, but in 3D. It has kanji with furigana written above. It got mixed reviews but I personally like Blue Dragon. This game is available to purchase on the Microsoft store on the Xbox One and Series consoles.
このソフトは、ドラゴンクエストや昔のファイナルファンタジーのソフトとよく似ています。ファイナルファンタジーの監督の坂口博信さんによって作られたソフトです。スーパーファミコンのJRPGを思い出させます。漢字にふりがなが書かれています。レビューはまちまちですが、個人的にはブルードラゴンが好きです。このソフトはXbox OneとXbox Series S/XのMicrosoftストアで購入することが可能です。
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minty-trash · 2 years
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bluedragonarchive · 2 years
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The blue dragon role playing card game which had two starter decks (light and dark) and two booster box sets available in English.
There was more sets also known as volumes (up to 11) released in Japan after the initial sets which were printed in English which had cards from the second season and shadow cards which had the artwork of the corporeal shadows from the Xbox 360 game
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devileaterjaek · 11 months
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pjsgames · 1 year
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Ah, Blue Dragon, released back in 2006 for the Xbox 360. It's been quite some time, hasn't it? This role-playing game brought together the talents of Hironobu Sakaguchi and Akira Toriyama, and you could certainly feel the influence of their work in the likes of Final Fantasy and Dragon Ball Z.
The game follows young protagonist Shu and his friends as they embark on an adventure, discovering their mysterious shadow powers. While the story might not have been groundbreaking, it did a decent job of keeping players engaged. The turn-based combat system, on the other hand, was a familiar and comfortable experience for fans of the genre.
The world itself was vibrant and colorful, sporting Toriyama's signature art style, which gave it a certain charm. In the grand scheme of things, Blue Dragon may not have been the most revolutionary RPG, but it did provide a solid experience for Xbox 360 owners back in the day.
Looking back at Blue Dragon now, it's interesting to see how it's aged. While it may not be a top-tier classic, it remains a memorable title for those who played it during its heyday. As a piece of gaming history, it's worth revisiting if you're feeling nostalgic or if you're interested in exploring the rich library of the Xbox 360.
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faithdragon36 · 1 year
Faith faith faith gimme some c!faith lore I wanna know more (hey that rhymed)
OKAY SO c!Faith is a world jumper!! She’s got three main worlds that she hops between, those being Lunightia (my singleplayer world, her home world), a server called Wander SMP that is whitelisted and has its own lore (I employ a popular fandom trope called “story magic” to explain how this can be the same character even with all of the insane bullshit that goes on over there, and why it doesn’t follow her between servers) and Islandcraft! Which, for our purposes, also has story magic, although it’s gotten pretty out of control since it involves near-total amnesia and is affecting the server’s Admin(s).
She does not have any control over her powers and most of the time does not remember jack or shit about what goes on on the other servers she’s on, the rare exception being that she might sometimes remember stuff while on Lunightia, have dreams/nightmares about her other servers, get deja vu for no reason she can understand, or if it makes a joke work. You know how it goes!
Before she managed to settle with Lunightia as her home world, she jumped through a lot of worlds, usually with a specific person whose name and face she can no longer recall, but alone on occasion. (This is based on my experience playing Minecraft on Xbox 360 and Pocket Editions before they shut down, lol)
I’m assuming you’re not looking to hear about Lunightia, though, you want to hear about Islandcraft right?
She, like c!Kitty, is trapped within the narrative. That being the giant, semi-unstable time loop they’re both stuck in. Fortunately for them, the precise combination of how my headcanons work means that neither of them will permadie because of this arrangement (a combination of “Players are immortal,” “Story Magic can fuck with time,” and “I mean, is it really a time loop if you’re not resetting everything, down to the biological level?”)! That doesn’t mean there can’t be Angst, though >:3
See, c!Faith is a water dragon. She has gills. She shouldn’t, really, be able to drown at all. But her fate in this loop is to drown with c!Kitty, every time. She shouldn’t need a ship, but she’s a pirate- she could hardly sail without one, right?
And yet. She’s only a pirate after meeting him for the first time (the tenth, the twentieth, the hundredth time). She has to relearn it all, every loop.
How to swordfight. How to rig up the sails and the ropes. How to aim the cannons, how to read the maps, how to find the long-forgotten treasures, how to steer the ship from all the way in the back. It’s not second nature, even now.
One thing she knows, though, is that the world shouldn’t be like this. It’s weird. Sand doesn’t come in pink and blue and black. There is no yellow biome in the Nether. She knows this. But… How does she know? She can’t remember a time before the world was like this, can’t remember any other worlds at all. (She doesn’t think about it. Don’t think about it, just let it simmer, quietly, driving you slowly, steadily mad as you struggle to remember something, anything-)
Unfortunately for her, she’s not going to be getting any answers any time soon! This world is just slowly mutating and she is powerless to stop it :)
Fun fact about c!Faith! She’s 2’10 (picture a Maine Coon but a dragon) and adores endermen even though you’d really think that such a small creature would be at least a little intimidated by the height difference. She can also walk quadrupedally, if she wants to, but mostly doesn’t because being able to use your hands is actually pretty convenient and, shockingly, it’s really difficult to do that if you’re standing on them.
Now, to be clear, the premise we’re building Islandcraft on is that this has happened before, and it will happen again. This isn’t even close to the first time they’ve played through this song and dance. It won’t be the last. These pirates and their Vaguely Desperate Godlike Entity are going to be running this whole shebang for a good, long while yet. That being said…
…This is our first time playing this out, so not all of the details and plot holes have been ironed out yet. Also it’s, like, really late, and I haven’t consulted literally anyone else about all of the things that I just said, so if there are some small contradictions please assume that the other person is right
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genopaint · 2 months
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The long awaited Week 10 of Daily Dragons! Like the last post, I just didn't really get the chance to post these cause my laptop was packed up and what not. But it's finally here for your viewing pleasure :)
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #63 - Seal Dragon
These large, semi aquatic dragons are often seen basking on rocky shores. When hungry, the largest in a pack will swim into the ocean, hunt large animals like whales, and bring them back to shore for the whole pack to eat
I had a concept for a walrus like dragon but ultimately this isn't exactly what I had in mind. However, I do kinda like it! So you can expect to see at least one more seal-esc dragon in the future i guess lol
Daily Dragon #64 - Flying Dragon
As the name suggests, these dragons are ALWAYS in flight! They only land when they need to sleep, but are actually able to go surprisingly long times without needing any rest at all. Sometimes even multiple days!
Up and early with dragons these last few days aha Another redraw! I keep seeing it while looking at the other dragons for a hot minute so I wanted to tackle it too! I think it's actually from 2011-2012 like the Ghouldrogon because... Well they were on the same sheet of paper!
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Daily Dragon #65 - Magon
The first Wario dragon! There's actually quite a few in his series. Lately I've been thinking about Wario Land/World/MoD for a while now. They're some of my favorite games and it might honestly be time for me to replay them
I played all the Wario games back in highschool so it's been a hot hot minute. But I really do like them all. They're all good as hell even (especially) Master of Disguise which is so underappreciated
Daily Dragon #66 - Snoozozaur
This dragon lives and breathes for one thing and one this only: sleeping! Rarely ever waking up, only for occasional food and water, they can actually sleep walk and sleep fight using what scientists believe to be some type of psychic ability. Additionally, they can levitate! Meaning they can comfortably sleep ANYWHERE!
Daily Dragon #67 - Shrine Dragon
This dragon is frequently seen guiding heroes of all kinds to temples and shrines important to their quests. If you're looking for a secret dungeon in a large area and spot one flying in the sky, it's in your best interest to follow it!
Daily Dragon #68 - Green Dragon
Thank you for all your amazing monsters and characters over the years, Mr. Toriyama!!
The more I keep thinking about it the more it's making me sad. Chrono Trigger's character designs were SO influential on me growing up. And the design for Arasu is SO important to RPG protagonists that I had OCs inspired by him before I even saw the character. And yeah, of course, Blue Dragon has always been a very important game to me even when I was a tiny child who couldn't afford an Xbox 360.
Daily Dragon #69 - Cuddlodon
A dragon that just loves being friendly and playful! They have some very basic combat skills like small fire balls and teeth, but why would you ever want to fight one? Come on, don't be mean to them :(
Really really low energy today. I wanted to do a Super Mario RPG celebration dragon, but I have something big in mind for the SMRPG dragon so I want to save it for when I'm less busy. Instead, today I redrew this fella from 2012: The Cuddly Dragon!
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And of course, in 2024 (that's 12 years later holy hell!!) they come in multiple colors :)
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