#please pretty please meet with me tomorrow bc i am fucking dying right now. i hope she sees it bc ive been crying for like an hour and my ey
keeponquinning · 1 year
Yes, Professor — Part One of Three.
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Joseph Quinn x Erotica Novelist Fem!Reader. 18+
Word Count — 4.6k
Summary — slightly based on this, but mainly. You're Joseph's secret writer girlfriend who you met amidst the start of his convention tours, things are hot and heavy between you two, though strained for the inconvenience of not living in the same city and not being official. You're forced to spend a week apart but plan to meet up with him back in London on the last day of his Con appearance, and after teasing him for his Professor type choice of outfits, well, you just couldn't resist showing up dressed as your professor's favorite student, now could you? We thought not.
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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Part One — He's in London, you? Are not. In a party for you best friend's boyfriend, you manage to get him in a call, hearing his voice, laughing, conversations wishing to see his face, but you can take what you can get.
Preview —
Warnings — Not too many, nothing really smutty happens this part, maybe some dirty talk. Established relationship, it is a big ol' RPF and my first attempt. If not your thing, that's valid AF, just don't be mean / a dick about it. I am but a drop in this massive ocean called Tumblr, just swim on past and enjoy the waves without me if it bothers, I beg. There's also cursing. 18+ so minors, PLEASE, DNI!
Notes — Oh, this came out sooner than my last one, huh?? Mainly because I decided to split this into three parts instead of one big ol' one shot. I def learned my lesson lmao I had a lot of fun writing this, dialogue and banter are my fave things and there was a lot of that in this. Kinda fell in love with these two and planning on doing an actual multi-chaptered fic with them, how they met, all that jazz, let me know if it's something you'd want. Or not, if I get just one person like "yes, please" I'll do it bc people pleasing tendencies fuel me. I've left Reader pretty vague and ambiguous but we do have her mentioning Joseph's British-ness and obviously not living in the same continent because transatlantic romance is so rom com it hurts, but, feel free to ignore that and implant your own background on her, kinda the point, right?? Alright, hope you like this! Like, Reblog and Comment, they fuel me and make my heart go pitter patter!
Taglist — @lunaapis , @munsons-mayhem28 , @inourtownofhawkins , @hopperscock ( i fucking love this url you have no idea )
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"What are you wearing?"
You hear an amused chuckle on the other end of the call, along with a distinct clicking of tongue. "...don't I get a hello first or are you missing me that much?"
A snort comes out your way, totally undignified, but he'd never call you out on it. "I mean, I am, but... Shut up." He's cackling now, that laugh that makes you smile stupidly and you're glad you're on an audio call rather than face time — though you wouldn't mind seeing his stupidly pretty face. "I'm serious, what are you wearing?"
"Why are you asking?" his voice strained, amused, but strained. He must be smiling, his laughter barely dying down.
Taking a deep breath, you explain, "Because I haven't seen you in a week and from the photos I've been seeing of you all day today... I need to prepare myself for when I see you tomorrow."
"I need you to repeat that, not the nonsense about my clothes but the...seeing me tomorrow bit."
Your eyes closed, lips stretching in a smile that, in the crowded room you were in the middle of, you tried to suppress. Teeth biting your lip, eyes cautiously looking around the party you were attending but your mind being on a man across the pond as it were, you let out a soft scoff. "....I need to prepare myself for when I see you tomorrow."
"Damn fucking right you will," his voice low, almost a growl that was...unfortunate, considering your surroundings. But more important, his tone was wistful. You heard the sound of gentle squeak, taking to mean that he sat on his bed, one that you missed very much at the moment. "I can't wait for that, and you will be needing to prepare yourself once we're alone... I fucking miss you."
"Mmm, your voice notes kinda gave that impression, yeah," you chuckled, hearing his as well. "Though I enjoyed hearing them when I wake up. It's lame, but, I do miss hearing your voice first thing in the morning." You hear him take a deep breath, exhaling with a soft hum. "Among other things. Hotel beds are just a bit too cold without you."
"Mhm, feeling the same way with my own bed, darling. Have to remind myself it's just been a week, but, feels a bit longer. Can't wait to have you back, though I know, temporarily."
"I know," this time it was you that sounded wistful. You knew you shouldn't, it was a good reason you'd be away from him. The latest in your book series was out there, digitally and in a week, in physical form. The gap between that and the previous book a bit too wide for your liking, or that of your publisher and readers. It was good that you finally finished it, but in that, included a tour of the book, which meant away from him, your sort of boyfriend. "At least you'll have me for a week, well, between your filming, anyway. Enough time for your friends to get sick of me and then wish I went away to have you to themselves again and for my friends to miss the me that isn't attached to your hip."
"Hah," he scoffed, a sound of a stretch that you could only assume was him laying down on his bed. "My friends are sick of me now, keep complaining about how I miss you. Even have Wes saying if I'm this needy without you, can't imagine how you handle me by your side, so, you've somehow got their sympathy and on your side, I'm the problem now, apparently." You couldn't hold in the laugh that barked its way out of you, and you could hear the offense even from the other line. "Oi. Don't laugh, you knew I was needy from the get go, I made no attempt to hide that."
Recovering from the laugh, you have a nod, though you knew he couldn't see, "Yeah, you are a bit of a clinger." Your smile still lingering, eyes soft, "But... It's...kinda one of your more endearing qualities, so... I'll take it."
"Oh, how gracious of you, accepting that I fucking adore you to the point of being miserable enough without you and getting on my friends fucking nerves"
He always made you laugh, you didn't even know if he intended to, but you could hear him laughing alongside you, so he must have, right? "God, hearing you curse is the best, y'know? You seem like a nice, proper boy, but then you curse and it..." You shake your head, "Makes me miss you more."
You heard him scoff, a wet sound, and you could almost see him licking his lips with a smile. "I know, dead sexy and all that... Hard to resist."
A shrug of your shoulders, more to yourself, of course, "...it kinda is. Makes me wanna do things to you to make you curse more..."
He groaned, which was also a lovely noise on its own. "Don't say things like that when you're not in grabbing distance, it's not fair."
You smiled, almost wickedly, eyes catching sight of your best friend, the only reason you were away from him at the moment. "Yeah, well, at least you're alone on your bed, I'm surrounded by people in my pretty dress, not getting grabbed and kissed by you and..." you trailed off as said best friend stopped in front of you, a pointed brow arched. You cleared your throat, smile still in place, "Which is totally fine, because I'm here to support my best friend and her crazy talented boyfriend on his birthday and album release and I'm totally fine with it."
"Mhm," she let out with a nod, "What I thought. Hi, Joe, can you two say goodbye because said boyfriend is gonna start up in a few minutes and I will not have you two have phone sex while he's performing, thank you."
"Excuse me!"
"You're not excused! You're so not excused — you're not allowed."
"That's just—" you were about to say rude when you very clearly hear the cackling on the other end of your call. "Stop laughing! You're not allowed to laugh right now, that's not fair."
"I'm sorry!" he let out, his voice thin, high, and you could hear an attempt to calm the laughter — but an attempt he did not win as more laughter came rolling out, making your lips twist and wanting to laugh despite yourself. Why did his laugh have to be so infectious sometimes? "I'll stop, I swear..." he continued, making you roll your eyes, looking at the smirking face of your best friend. "....oh, god... Tell Jen I said hello."
You couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, looking over at her, "The painfully British one says hello, because manners maketh the man I'm sure."
Jen cackled as well, shaking her head, "I'll give you two like, ten minutes, tops. You're introducing them, remember?"
"Of course. Ten minutes." A mock salute given, you watch as she turned toward the stage of the intimate venue, just a smaller group of closest friends. Taking a deep breath, directing your attention to your phone, "J o e."
"Oh, no, not Joe. I'm always in trouble when I get Joe instead of your usual Joseph."
"Damn right, that was not cool, I know we're not official, but, you have to have my back. It's the most chivalrous thing to do."
He snickered, "I'm... I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But, well," you heard him release a soft laugh, then heard, "...not to point fingers but you did start the conversation asking me what I was wearing... So was that...not where this was heading...?"
You clicked your tongue off the roof of your mouth very disappointingly, kind of. "No, you perv, I just wanted to know if my sort of boyfriend is going to continue dressing up as a slutty professor so I can figure out how to handle seeing that in person."
"I—" he started, but words cut off with a snicker, and then a proper laugh. "You—Okay. Several things. Don't fucking call me your sort of boyfriend. I am your boyfriend, just.... Well. Secret boyfriend. At least for now—"
"—until your publicist deems me worthy of being known to be dating you."
"No, just... Until we're more established, is all. And I am looking forward to that, taking you to events and such. I'd love to go to the book tour with you, show off how fucking proud I am of you and this book. But... I also don't want to overshadow your accomplishment, the way it's so mad right now. But I am your boyfriend, I know you say it in a joking manner with Jen and our friends, I get it, but... And it's fine to joke about it. Really. But I need you to know it's real for me and I hope it is for you, too. It... It is, isn't it?"
You smiled softly, his words warming your heart more than they should, once again blown away by his sense of sincerity. You never really dated anyone like that before and sometimes, it honestly takes you by surprise. "... Yeah, I know. And I don't mind it, honestly. I'd end things if I did... You're my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend and...if my joking around hurt you in any way, then I'm sorry, you know I don't mean it. Not with something like this. You...mean a lot to me in a very short amount of time and...it's kind of overwhelming sometimes."
There was a soft sigh, a pleased one, from the other end of the call. "I know. I feel the same. Was never expecting you, or anyone, not like this. And no, you didn't hurt me, not one bit. There's no worry of that. I just needed you to know, I'm in this with you."
Though you certainly didn't need to hear it, there's a lightness from within your chest at his words, a light ease in your breathing and your soft smile grew wide. You didn't need him to confirm what you already knew, but, it was lovely to hear. "Me too. I'm in this, too. Especially if you're going to be sweet like that," you end with a light chuckle, joined by his own. "Not fair on your part. But, I'll let it pass."
"My girlfriend is very gracious like that, I'm so lucky to have her."
"Don't you forget it. Okay. I'm assuming you had more to say?"
"Yes, thank you for that. Was quickly getting side tracked... I just wanted it to be known that I am severely disappointed that phone sex is off the table, that broke my heart since we've been in an almost constant state of phone tag, its ridiculous," you giggled at that, actually giggled which was rare. And he knew it, you could hear his chuckle, and though you couldn't see him, you knew he was pleased with that smug little smirk on his lips. "But, I'll survive that. Also. Slutty professor? I've no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh, come on. You dress like a romantic, slutty professor to these things and you know it."
"I think someone's too far into their own erotica stories and confusing some things, I... Dress as a professional. I have to. My stylist deems it so and I just...do as I'm told."
"...Joseph. What were you wearing today, and don't lie, I've seen the pictures. I just wanna hear you say it."
"You're being absolutely ridiculous, I... My loafers, my favorite ones, trousers, erm... Blue button shirt and... Well, a cardigan..." There was a pause, and you knew he was rethinking it all. "...beige cardigan and.....my dark grey...coat—okay. Maybe... Maybe it was a bit professor-ish. You...might be on to something there..."
"Uh-huh. Dressed like a professor who cares and has long office hours for any of his students to come by to unwind..."
"Stop that," he let out with a laugh. "That should be your next book."
"Oh, who says it won't be? I'll dedicate it to you, for inspiration. I'm assuming you'd be open for me to come to you for...brainstorming? Test out scenes, just, y'know, for the sake of art and authenticity?"
"Morning, noon and night, yes, I'm all yours and your....creativity." He chuckled, softly, there was a lingering silence between the two of you, and then a groan from his end. "Just out of curiosity... Would... I dunno, say...a sweater vest, erm... Like....Oof, a grey one with a dark jacket, that um... Is that slutty professor chic, you think?"
"I fucking knew it."
"Hold on! It was... It was a thought... Are you into the slutty professor look, though?"
"Why do you think I called you in the first place? Yes, of course I'm into it. Do you know what it's like, seeing your pics all over my social media, people sending me pics of you with that cardigan and long coat and just... Do you?"
You could almost hear his smug smile as he let out an even soft chuckle. "I do, actually... You're wearing that burgundy dress aren't you?" Your brows rose, though you didn't say anything, not yet. A soft little hum buzzing into your ear through your phone. "I've been stalking your instagram the past week, so I saw the picture you posted today. It's that burgundy dress I like. The one with the bow at the hip and the... The matching choker with the jewelry that you think is almost tacky but... I like it. Gave me something to look at the other time you wore it, remember that? Was it New Years? Took you to an empty room right before countdown, lifted your skirt and—"
"S t o p, we're not doing that, not now," though you smiled, remembering the moment quite clearly, feeling your skin flush especially as he laughed then. He had such a nice, deep, warm laugh sometimes. "...okay, so, yes, I'm wearing that dress... It's not the same, though, like, aside from that choker you love so much, it's pretty tame in comparison..."
"Mm, not for me. I love that color on you. I love anything on you if it means I can take it off of you. And—a cardigan's tame. A long coat is tame."
"The hell a long coat is tame, that's... Anyway, you wear the slutty professor really well and it's not fair. Especially if you're going to to do tomorrow. After being away from you a week... That's cruel, baby. I won't even be able to touch you until the con's over." You heard him hum, probably thinking the very same. A thought comes, making you chuckle suddenly, "I should retaliate."
"...oh god," he let out, clearly recognizing when a wicked thought comes to mind. "Pray tell, how?"
"Why... Professor..."
"....Oh, fuck."
"Yup. By dressing up as one of your favorite students, of course."
"....jesus fucking christ." You heard a small groan, "God, you would, wouldn't you? I don't know if I could take that. It's been a week, body going in withdrawal without you and the sight of you with knee high socks..."
"Hmm. Telling that the knee high is the first thing you go to. Noted."
He chuckled, "Yes, well... The thought of you in knee highs is rather... I wouldn't take them off. Not the entire time."
Your smile widened, biting your bottom lip. "Yeah? Mmm. Well, good, because I'd definitely wear your favorite colors, just for you, Professor."
"Fuck off," he said softly, though, and when you laughed, you heard him let out a breath. "Shit. I can't shake the image, now. My favorite student, dressed so pretty for me. Looking nice and soft...with uh..." He exhaled, "Burgundy knee highs, snug and soft..."
You kept a careful eye around you, trying so hard to suppress your smile. But the sound of his voice was so...alluring, finding yourself squeezing your thighs a little bit. "Keeping up with the color theme, I see..."
"It is my favorite color at the moment, especially on you."
You hummed, "Okay. Question, knee highs or thigh highs?"
"No," his voice instant, "Gotta be the knee highs. I'd want... I'd want your thighs absolutely bare. For my fingers to run and roam over the skin... And...then, y'know... I wouldn't be able to resist to kiss you there as well. Gentle ones of course, but, being away from you this time...wouldn't be long until I start biting..."
A breathless laugh escapes you, now not even caring if anyone looked or listened in on you. It had been a while since you talked to him in real time, without having to push play, it was too good to cut away from. "For someone that says they can't write for the life of them, you're not doing too bad, Professor. You might give a run for my money if you ever decide to go into the erotica business."
"Mmm, tempting, but no. I'll leave that to you. It'd just be a novel of me fucking you and I'd rather have the real thing. But... Was I good enough to get you wet for me, darling?"
It shouldn't make you blush, you built your whole career in literary dirty talk and seducing your readers with your words... But when Joseph did it, his words and voice always struck you deep. Much deeper than any other partner had, which was slightly scary and mainly thrilling. You felt the heat creeping up your neck, a soft giggle being awarded to him. "....you know you are." You heard a pleased sigh from him, taking in a deep breath as you try to calm yourself. That no, sneaking off wasn't an option, that the growing ache between your legs would have to wait, even if you wouldn't have him talk you through it, guide you toward climax in the only way he could. But. "You got me wet and feeling it now every time I walk around in my pretty burgundy dress in a room filled with people."
"Well... I'm alone in my lonely room with a very bothersome hard on and... Probably feel lonelier still when we say our goodbyes and I'll only have my hand and thoughts of you in your pretty burgundy dress, wet, wishing I can feel just how wet you are."
You let out a breath, closing your eyes a moment. "...and I'd wish it was my hand, my mouth, on that...bothersome hard cock," you heard him groan, making your heart flutter, as well as your cunt. "Like I've been fantasizing this past week."
He took a deep breath, you could hear the exhale produce static on your end, a soft hum. "Same here, love. Suppose we'll be doing the same thing tonight..."
With a dejected sigh, you have an affirming hum, "Our ten minutes are about done. Otherwise I'd sneak to a room somewhere and..." You chuckled, "Tell you in excruciating detail the things I'd do to you to make you curse." His laugh comes out at that, making your smile spread further on your face. "But. I am due on stage to introduce my best friend's boyfriend and his band, so... She'd kill me if I missed that, and then would go and kill you, and no one wants that."
"No, no, we do not. That's fine. More to release when I see you tomorrow. Probably keep you to myself for the rest of the week, fair warning, darling."
"Yes, Professor. I'm very okay with that."
The way he groaned at that made your heart flutter again, as well between your legs. You did miss him, terribly, your fingers and toys did little to satisfy you, not without his warmth, his kiss, the moans you'd swallow and hunger for more. "...keep that up and I won't want you to call me anything else."
"Is it bad I kinda like it? P r o f e s s o r?"
He gave a helpless laugh, "Shit, it is. It's very bad of you. Naughty, even. Wicked. My poor coc—"
"Tomorrow, only until tomorrow. And then I'll make it up to you, in any way you want me to. I'll call you professor if you want me to."
"I knew there was a reason you're my favorite student..." You smiled and you could feel he was smiling too. "Okay. I'm going to give you back to your best friend, again. Thank her for me, for letting me have you to myself for this long."
"I will, she'll expecting nothing less. Think of me?"
He chuckled, and you could picture him shaking his head. "When am I not? Especially right now, left to my own devices... Until I have you to myself again." You heard him take a sharp intake of breath, "Have fun, yeah? I love you."
You felt like a teenager again, at the sound of those three words, said recently, right before you left. A slip of the tongue, but meant with sincerity from you both. "I love you, too. I'll see you... Bye."
"Bye, darling. I can't wait."
There was a heaviness that weighed on you as you ended the call, knowing it had to be you, otherwise you wouldn't end it at all. The warmth of his voice lingered, the image of his face imprinted on your brain, curling your fingers around your phone. A thought hitting you like lightning, going to messages and tapping quickly.
Send me a voice note. I wanna hear you.
He liked it.
Your smile widening as you turned around, dumping your phone into your purse and with your heels, made it toward the small stage where the band were setting up. Hands went to Jen's shoulders, hugging her from behind. "I'm all yours, now. He said thank you for letting him have me for the call."
She scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "Gross, you guys are gross."
"Shut up, we're cute." Jen seeming unconvinced. "Whatever, I'm happy."
Your best friend gave a shrug, "Then that's okay." You pulled away and stood beside her, and she took a breath. "He does seem to make you happy and... I don't hate that. Just the whole...secret relationship thing gives me pause." Crossing her arms, she looked to you, raising her brow. "Be honest.... You really okay with it? Because if you are, I'll back off and be one hundred percent for you guys. Because he is nice and seems crazy about you and I haven't seen you this happy in a while... I just don't want you hurt, y'know? I'm not being a bitch—"
"You're never a bitch—" you interjected, pausing as you two looked at each other, and you smirked. "Okay, well, yeah, you are, but for good reasons. A boss bitch, through and through." You paused a bit, giving a shrug of your shoulders. "I dunno. We talked about it... I kinda get it, he kinda blew up overnight and doing...so many things and I... I can't even imagine. I got booktok and like... Well, this book tour, but, obviously nothing on his level. He seems more concerned about if it came out, he'd overshadow my book and the press for it." Which you did appreciate, you worked hard, but part of the reason you got the book done as fast as you did was his encouragement. Being the first to read your pages, his excitement over the story you crafted holding a huge part. "It would have been nice to dedicate the book to him, but, since we aren't....out, didn't really feel right."
"But. I don't know, at first it was kind of fun, sneaking around, dodging photographers, you know. Secret affair type of thing except not being horrible with spouses to cheat on, that kind of thing? And we were casual at first, seeing other people, until... We weren't and...not casual anymore. I mean, it's kind of still fun but also...not."
Taking a deep breath, she sighed. "And how long until it's not kind of fun for you?"
Looking over at her, you frowned, hating that she had a point. "I don't know. I'm not there yet... And I'm hoping it doesn't come to that because... I'm really fucking happy with him." Raising your brow, you give her a reassuring smile. "I'll be careful. And if I'm not, you can kick my ass about it."
"Deal," she agreed to, seeming a little lighter about the situation. "So, is he still going to dress all Mr. Darcy as a Professor when you see him?"
"I swear, he's a walking Jane Austen leading man, like it's just straight up Professor without him even trying." She laughed, you joining in. "It's gotta be a British thing, it has to." Laughing a bit harder, "I teased him with an idea, though, dressing up like a student."
"Oh? Oh, that'd be perfect. Are you meeting him after that con or...?"
A sly smile comes across your face, then, looking at her with a slight chuckle. "Mmm... Don't laugh, but... I actually planned on surprising him at the con?" Your smile widened as she gasped, looking at you agape. "I bought a photo and autograph with him. I knew there'd be no chance on the day of and I thought it'd be cute, you know? He doesn't know."
"Oh, God, I hate to say it, but that's fucking adorable! And kinda genius." Her eyes widened, "You know, though... I mean... The set up's too perfect, you have to dress all slutty student."
"Hey, slutty is for Halloween, I'd be dressed as his favorite student, with knee highs, he seemed very into that."
If her eyes could widen even further, Jen's would, letting out a bark of a laugh. "Oh my god, knee—no, no," shaking her head. "You are doing this. You are gonna do this. Listen...we're gonna make this happen."
"We don't have time, I'm getting the red eye, remember? And by the time this is over—"
But she was determined, shaking her head, "Nope, look. You're gonna introduce the band, because you are my amazing writer friend and words are your thing. We'll stay for a few songs, and then I'm going to take you shopping, okay? I'm making this happen, I'm gonna make this happen for you."
"I thought he gave you pause and you're gonna work this hard to make a fantasy come true for him?"
She wagged her finger from side to side, "Oh, no, no. Not for him, for you. Look, he seems great and he probably is, and maybe there will be a time where he's like a brother to me, but right now? I believe you when you say he makes you happy and that you're happy with him, I see it, so, I'm doing this for you. Because you are my best friend and that's love, bitch."
"I love you. Like... You'll always be my first love, in a totally platonic kind of way. Only because of the fact that you're annoyingly straight."
Jen sighed, "I know, it's a pain, but, we'll always have each other's backs and our hearts, before anyone else." Her gaze going toward the stage, her musician boyfriend giving her a nod, releasing a soft smile. "We didn't do so bad, though. You're up. Make me proud of my boyfriend, okay?"
"Oh, yeah, how do you want me to go about it? Soft and emotional, very serious or...roast him but from the heart?" You both looked at each other for a moment, the answer quite clear.
"Roast him."
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for your consideration....
193 notes · View notes
pepprs · 2 years
it’s like i made it this far only to completely fucking crash and burn and give up right in front of the people who believed i could do it and who i made to trust me to do it. awesome
14 notes · View notes
Hey there! Could I please get a fred Weasley x reader where the reader is a Slytherin, but befriends everyone all the same, maybe with the trope of her being best friends w the twins and everyone trying to set her and Fred up bc there's so much tension? But they're terribly oblivious? I absolutely love this trope lmaoo. Thank you and have a wonderful day!✨❤️
This is cute-- How in the world do you guys come up with this adorable stuff omfg.
Warnings: Abuse, swearing, panic attacks, slight NSFW conversations, set in a non voldy world.
You were a strange one. A Slytherin with a Hufflepuff personality. Honestly anyone that knew you questioned if for once the sorting hat was wrong for the first time. You had friends EVERYWHERE. Fred and George had heard of you, people saying even Filch could find you enjoyable to be around. Once they heard that, oh boy, they had to meet you. Fred and George finally did by the lake one day. Fred was talking to George, noticing a few cracks from limbs in the tree they were standing under here and there. Finally they had an answer as to what was making it do that when they heard “OH SHIT” followed by “INCOMING!” followed by you falling right into Fred’s arms. “My bad, I was trying to get a bird back in its nest.” You apologized, hopping down the the ground. Fred blinked a couple of times, looking at the tree and then you. “Uh... twig.” George said, pointing to his head to indicate you had a twig in your hair. “Hmm? Oh! thank you!” You realized. “Did... You just fall out of a tree?” Fred asked. “You’d be surprised on how much that happens. Oh are you those twins I’ve been hearing about?” You asked. “Probably. I’m Fred--” “That’s George, yep I know.” You nodded. “...Who are you?” George asked. “Oh-- I’m Y/n!” You said. “Ohhhhh. See this is beginning to make sense now.” George nodded. Fred was just... Staring at you. It wasn’t a perplexed face of “What the fuck just happened”. It was more: “This girl is.. Pretty?” 
The twins started having more interactions with you. But there was the day you three became friends that neither of the boys will forget. Fred and George were sitting in the library. Reading? No. Napping? Yes. Well, until you slid into a seat. “Y/n?” Fred yawned. “Act. natural.” You said with this wild eyed look making George raise a brow. Then Draco ran in... With green hair. Fred was now awake and you were hiding your face in a book. “Have you seen Y/n!?” Draco growled. “No... But I see you decided to wear your Slytherin pride today.” George snorted. “You.” Draco growled. Then he noticed you laughing. He pulled down the book. “YOU!” He shouted. “Shit!” You gasped before Fred slid a chair in front of Draco, George bolting with you. You all hid in the one place Draco would never be caught dead in. The Gryffindor common room. You collapsed out of breath on the couch laughing with the boys. “What in the world made you do that?” George wheezed. “He decided to be a dick to my friend this morning. I got revenge. Tomorrow I’m thinking blue. He’s been giving Ravenclaw trouble lately.” You laughed making Fred snort. “Your idea is amazing, might I suggest we rig an exploding ink pen?” George said. “With silver ink, because red just seems to clash with that boy’s eyes.” You said making the boys laugh harder. “Oh I think we’re going to enjoy having you around, won’t we Freddie boy?” George asked. “Indeed Georgie. Indeed.” Fred chuckled.
So the mischievous three were introduced to the world. You had this policy though: Only prank the assholes. So that automatically meant a lot of kids from Slytherin. With each prank you got closer to the boys. Specifically Fred. Something about him just drew you in, like a moth to a flame. George wasn’t stupid either, he could see the looks you two would give each other. When you all entered your fourth year, you had started helping out with their little underground business. You spent the first two weeks of summer that year at home but actually ended up staying with the Weasleys’. You seemed... A little off though. Fred and George both noticed you begin to space out at times, giving off almost this sad look. Whenever they’d talk to you though, you looked at them like you normally would. Something was wrong. They could feel it. It wasn’t until they met your father at the station they realized what was going on. He seemed to snap at you a lot, making you go completely silent. To anyone that didn’t know you this was a normal response. To the boys though, you always had something to say. If you were quiet, this was because you were afraid. Not disciplined. You sat on the train in complete silence. Neither of the boys were sure if they should ask you about your dad. You focused on the rain drops on the window. “I’ve always liked the rain. What about you guys?” You finally asked. “Makes me tired as shit.” George said making you crack a smile. “Heard one of Harry’s uncles is teaching this year.” Fred said. “I think I remembered him mentioning that. The Remus guy?” You asked. “He’s standing in while Quirrell is away.” George nodded. “As long as it isn’t like last year’s substitute.” You groaned. “Fucking Gilderoy.” All of you said in unison making each other laugh. “I swear a simple breeze makes Quirrell catch something.” George sighed. “He does end up getting sick a lot. Remember when he got chicken pox?” You asked. “You would’ve thought the bastard was dying.” Fred nodded. ”He has the immune system of an infant, I swear.” you laughed. 
You all sat around in the Great Hall, you catching a glimpse of who the new substitute professor was. He had a scar on his face and it reminded you of something. You just couldn’t figure out what. Eventually though, you came to like the way Remus taught. He had a sense of humor. Not that Quirrell didn’t it was just very awkward when he did finally crack a damn joke. Remus rose a brow when he saw your first and last name on the roll call. “Miss Y/n, is your mother perhaps Persephone L/n?” Remus asked. Fred rose a brow. “She was sir.” you said, making George look up. “Was?” Remus asked. “She passed on when I was eight sir. Why, did you know her?” you asked, earning a couple of students to glance at your response. “I did. Very kind woman. Who did she marry?” Remus asked. “Cassian Lestrange sir.” You responded, making everyone now halt. “...I see.” Remus nodded. “Something wrong?” You asked. “No offense.. I truly mean none. But I genuinely cannot see Cassian as a father.” Remus admitted. You nodded looking down. “He’s... An interesting man.” You muttered, your look distant and pained. Remus noticed, but changed the subject. Fred looked back at his desk. He had no idea about any of this, much less a distant relation to Draco. Judging by your reaction to the questions though, Fred decided it was best to leave it be. You enjoyed Remus’ class, him noticing a few similarities to your mother as you interacted with other students. You always had a smile on your face when you spoke to others. But the one thing he always noticed was the looks that you and Fred would share. George usually paired up with a girl but Fred ALWAYS paired up with you. You two worked well together. It almost reminded him of two other people he knew... Today though, wasn’t the best of days. It was time to practice Boggarts. You already knew what yours was, but you weren’t ready to exactly displayed to the class. You however walked forward and did it anyways, holding your breath as the Boggart began to shift. Finally it did.
Into your father. You opened your mouth to say a spell but nothing came out, your hands shaking as it inched forward. Fred looked at you and then the boggart, quickly pulling you back with one arm and shouting “riddikulus”. You couldn’t still your breathing and it only seemed to be getting worse. “Y/n? Look at me.” Fred said, ignoring the students watching you. Remus locked the closet and you hyperventilated. “Class dismissed.” Remus said, shuffling the other students out. “I-I can’t-- b-breathe.” you whimpered. George ran over and you gripped your head. “Y/n. I’m right here Love, follow my breathing.” Fred said softly. You followed his movements. “What’s your favorite book?” George asked making Remus raise a brow. “S-sense and Sensibility.” You answered, still regulating your breathing. “Personally I’m more of a short story man, what about you Freddie?” George asked. “Not big on reading. More of a napping fellow.” Fred answered. You let out a small laugh and straightened your posture. “What’s your favorite class?” Fred asked. “P-probably this one.. with the exception of t-today.” you answered. Remus reached into his drawer and handed you chocolate and a bottled water. “Thank you professor.” You muttered. You sat down and sighed. “Y/n... I hate to ask this, truly I do. But is there anything going on at home?” Remus asked. You didn’t say anything. “I... Don’t want to answer that question.” You finally said. Fred frowned and George exchanged a look. “Boys, do you mind leaving us for a few moments?” Remus asked. Fred kneeled to you, looking at your face. “I’ll be outside if you need me. Okay?” He asked. You nodded and he got up, leaving with George.
The door closed and Fred let out a long sigh. “I am going to kill her father, want to help?” Fred said. “Hand me a shovel.” George said simply. “Why didn’t she say anything?” Fred asked. “She doesn’t even want to talk to Lupin Fred. You saw her face, she most likely didn’t want to remember.” George said. Fred looked at the door and sighed. “We can’t let her go home George. Not this summer.” Fred said. “I’m with you.” George agreed. The two boys became a bit more protective over you. But they found it so strange that you still kept the happy go lucky personality despite going through all of this. Then Fred found you one night in the astronomy tower with a blanket. You were propped up against one of the stone arch’s and looking at the night sky. “Y/n?” Fred asked. You looked over at him. “Hey Fred.” You said with that smile. He sat across from you. “What brings you up here?” Fred asked. “Insomnia. And cookies.” You said. “Cookies?” Fred asked. You scooched closer to him, pushing a tin of cookies to him. He took one and you sighed looking at the stars. “Can I ask you something?” He said. “Sure.” You nodded. “What keeps that smile on your face all the time?” He asked. You let out a long breath, thinking over a detailed answer. “Lots of reasons. I have two kickass best friends that will fight for me no matter what, I have really cool teachers, I have friends who are like family.” you answered. “But... I keep that smile because some times someone just needs to see the good in the world. I won’t lie to you. My life is much darker than I think you accounted for. But if my smile provides someone else some light then damn it I’ll keep this up.” You said. Fred looked at you surprised. “Y/n...” He muttered. You looked at Fred and he said nothing, pulling you into his arms. You slowly hugged him back and he sighed. “I swear if anyone tries anything with you again, I will personally send them to their grave.” Fred said making you laugh. “I’m serious!” Fred said, not being able to keep a straight face seeing your smile. “Shut up and take a cookie.” You laughed. 
You two were found passed out the next morning my Luna. You were in Fred’s arms and he was holding you close. You two never brought it up, despite the fact that both of you were blushing like crazy when you woke up. It was now CRYSTAL fucking clear how Fred felt about you to George after witnessing a snowball fight between you two that resulted in Fred tickling your sides and making you laugh during a Hogsmeade trip. You smiled in his arms, faces inches apart. If Fred and George’s jackass brother hadn’t gotten into a fight with Draco, George was 95% sure you two would’ve kissed. 
You seemed distracted by something else though, and that was your professor. The scar on his face- why did it look familiar? And why was Remus going to Snape for a secret potion? You noticed that he was pretty secretive about his personal life and Harry never answered the question of where the mark came from. You took what you like to call “The Granger Approach.” Which was basically reading until you had a reliable answer. Fred sat with you the entire time, napping or talking to George while you read. Both boys were passed out by the time you found an answer. “Oh... Shit.” you realized, making Fred open an eye. “Find what you’re looking for?” George yawned. “...Yeah and I think Remus is going to be absent tomorrow.” You said looking at the full moon through the large glass windows. “Why’s that?” Fred asked. “He’s a werewolf.” You said in a whisper. Both boys looked at you with a “You can’t be serious” expression. “What makes you say that?” Fred asked. “Ron said something. Harry’s class saw his boggart. It was the moon.” You said. George blinked. “If our little brother is your proof that’s not exactly reliable.” George said. “How do you explain the potions he gets from Snape, or the scar on his face, or the fact that he was leaving campus this afternoon?” You asked. “He was?” Fred asked. “He was sneaking around but I noticed him.” You shrugged. “Alright. Say he doesn’t show up tomorrow. Who fills in for a substitute?” George asked. “Probably Snape.” you grumbled. “You’re a Slytherin and you don’t like Snape? My God you really are a strange one.” Fred teased making you smile. George rolled his eyes. “Do we ask him about this?” George asked. “No. We leave this alone unless Remus needs help.” you said. “How in the hell were you not sorted into Hufflepuff? Like honestly?” Fred asked. “I have no idea. Luna says its never wrong though.” You shrugged. 
Sure enough, Remus didn’t show up and Snape took over class that day. Fred, George and you all exchanged knowing glances but overall didn’t say anything. The school year finally came to a close and you were honestly sad to see Remus go. The crazy thing was: That day when you explained your boggart to Remus, he told you that his door was open to you if you needed to leave home. You declined but Fred was hellbent on you staying with them for the summer. He hated the idea of you being potentially in harm’s way. This offer you accepted. You showed up, bags in hand with that same beautiful smile. Molly was of course excited to see you and you were happy to be there. The Burrow honestly felt like home. You and Fred had so many moments though that made the whole family go “Dude. Kiss already. PLEASE.” Specifically when you saw a spider and screamed, practically climbing up Fred while he killed the damn thing. “You managed to go into the forbidden forest alone and came back unscathed but a small spider scares you?” Fred asked, your legs having a death grip around his torso. “THEY ARE FUCKING CREEPY FRED!” You whined. “It’s smaller than you!” He laughed, holding you up. “SO IS A GRENADE!” you whined. You hopped down and eyed the dead spider. “Afraid it’ll crawl--” “FRED IT HAD BABIES!” You screamed, climbing right back up him, more directed to his face. “Oh for Christ’s sake--” He said, enchanting a broom to sweep them out. “You’re a Slytherin. All of  you have creepy creatures for pets and you are terrified of..” “Fred faced you as you were linked to his side, inches away from him. You looked in his eyes, almost as if you were looking for something, swallowing hard. “What the hell happened here?” Ron asked, seeing the two of you. “I saw a spider.” “OH GOD WHERE--”
George was tired of this tension. Yes, it was cute to see his brother head over heels. But my GOD WERE YOU FUCKING DENSE. BOTH OF YOU. How could you two have so many OBVIOUS moments that would make people who barely knew you go “Oh so they like each other” But you two still be clueless to the other’s intentions. You two also talked endlessly to George and Ginny. Both of them would sit there listening wanting to say something, but kept their oaths of silence. This year things were bound to change though. You see: this year was a Triwizard tournament. Other schools were coming to this shindig. And a boy from Durmstrang seemed awfully fixated on you. You were friendly, inviting him to sit and Fred would just be internally screaming the whole time watching you. The Durmstrang boy would do things that literally made Fred’s eye fucking twitch: playing with your hair, complimenting your smile, constantly looking at you. You were oblivious to this being flirty though, unaware of the boy’s crush on you. Finally one day Fred had to talk to you about it. He could not stand watching this little fucker with you. “You should talk to her Fred. Tell her how you feel.” George said. “And if she doesn’t feel the same way?” Fred asked. George practically slammed his head down onto the table in frustration, releasing a long groan. “JUST. ASK. HER.” George whined, making Fred jump. “Good God man, what’s gotten into you!?” Fred asked. “NOTHING FRED. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.” George groaned, getting up and making Ginny nearly die of silent laughter. 
You were in the library, grabbing a few books for a herbology project when Fred popped up, scaring the shit out of you. “Christ! Say something when you’re behind me!” You breathed. “Sorry! Sorry.” Fred apologized. “What do you need?” You asked curiously. “What’s going on with you and that Durmstrang kid?” Fred asked. “What do you mean?” you asked, moving down the aisle, looking for a specific book. “Do you like him?” Fred asked. “He’s cool.” You shrugged. “Not like that Y/n.” Fred huffed. “Like what?” You asked. “Romantically. Do you like him romantically?” Fred asked. “Wha-- no!” You gagged. Fred felt a wave of relief wash over him. “Why did you want to know?” You asked. “It’s just... He acts like he likes you. That’s all.” Fred said. You stopped and turned around, a questioning squint on your face. “Would it have bothered you if I did?” You asked. “Yes.” Fred answered, no hesitation in his words. “Why?” you asked. Fuck. Fred did not think this through. “It just would’ve.” Fred said. “Again, why would this have bothered you?” You asked. “No particular reason!” He lied. “Answer the god damn question before I ask out Luka out of spite!” You snapped. “You do that and I ask Angela out!” He said back. You glared. “Oh that bothers you!?” Fred noticed the expression. “Yes it bothers me!” You said. “Why!?” Fred asked. “I asked you first, you dolt!” You said. Both of you were quickly becoming aggravated, glaring at each other. Fred couldn’t take it anymore and slammed his lips onto yours, resulting in you dropping the book in your hands and cupping his cheeks. You two eventually pulled away for this stupid thing called air and you let out a small laugh. “Well shit Fred, if you would’ve just started with that I wouldn’t have had to ask.” You laughed. He smiled, his hands around your waist. “You’re lucky we’re in public or else I would’ve done a lot more than that Princess.” Fred said in your ear. You looked at him with a smirk “If I knew making you jealous would make you act like this, my God I would’ve made friends with this kid ages ago.” You laughed. “Oh bite your tongue.” He chuckled. “Hmm, I’m thinking I leave that to you.” you teased. He shook his head, kissing you again. 
George caught you two and he actually screamed “HALLEFUCKINGLUJAH” at the top of his lungs, making both of you jump. You three ended up in detention (you and Fred were in trouble for the book mess), George telling you two how the past few months were absolute hell. “I have been watching you two jackasses, trying to get you to DATE since LAST JANUARY. IT’S OCTOBER.” George complained. “It wasn’t that bad!” You laughed. “Not that bad-- NOT THAT BAD!? FRED TALKS MY GOD DAMN EAR OFF ABOUT YOU AT NIGHT-- I DON’T SLEEP” George whined. “Has he now?” You asked, smirking at Fred who was smiling. “You’re always on the bastard’s mind! And I have to listen to Ginny complain to me with the same issue-- ‘Y/n was talking about Fred again to Hermione. Something about if given the chance she’d definitely shag him’.” George quoted making you choke on air and cough as Fred looked at you with an amused smirk.  “Would you now?” Fred asked. You rolled your eyes “What was it you said to me a few hours ago-- ‘You’re lucky we’re in public or else--’” “I remember what I said Darling, I just wanted to know where your mind was.” Fred teased. “Oh you know exactly what I’m thinking you little shit.” You griped making him snort. “Oh God Mcgonagall better come back soon, I’m locked in a room with two randy jackasses.” George prayed aloud. “Relax we’re not going to shag.” Fred said. “Thank god.” George sighed. “That’s not until three.” Fred yawned making you snort and George slammed his head on his desk. “DRINK HOLY WATER YOU UNGODLY SINNERS” 
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midshipmank · 4 years
i wanted LWJ with a motorcycle & somehow ended up with this librarian!LWJ & art student!WWX au
LWJ is a librarian at a public library 
WWX met LWJ when he returned some books 3 months late
LWJ looked at him all judgy like “these are 3 months late,” & WWX promptly became obsessed 
WWX is now a much more responsible library user, mostly because he’s there all the time
but listen he’s not great at focusing in the library, that’s why he doesn’t even use the one on campus. so now he’s his usual amount of restless + distracted by LWJ
trying to figure out how to make a move 
meanwhile LWJ is just like “do not throw crumpled pieces of paper through the air”
some of those crumpled pieces of paper are failed sketches of LWJ
one day WWX stays all the way to closing because LWJ PRETTY OKAY? also he has an art theory paper due pls don’t talk to him about it
so anyway he’s there when the library is closing & LWJ is like “leave”
so he goes :((( but he’s so late LWJ practically follows him out 
is when WWX discovers that that pretty white & blue motorcycle that’s always parked out front?
that’s Lan Wangji’s 
he absolutely loses his mind
all of his friends know about his ridiculous librarian crush by now & they all make fun of him for it
but anyway, the poor boy has it bad
he’s like “A-Cheng, you don’t understand, he could step on me & i’d thank him. actually i think i need him to step on me.” 
JC is like “i did Not want to know that”
meanwhile WWX is bemoaning the fact that he ever became a responsible library user
“how am i supposed to interact with him. i can’t return books late anymore bc i’m always there! what would my excuse be? & he’s already explained how to use their database to me 3 times, i can’t keep looking this dumb” 
JYL is very gently like “maybe just ask him out?” 
“but he doesn’t like me! i committed library crimes! i have to get him to like me first!”
then WWX sees a flyer in the lobby asking for volunteers. there’s gonna be an event in the kids section! for some special reading day! who tf knows, WWX doesn’t care, the point is, he’s good with kids. that would probably be appealing to LWJ. right? right? WWX really doesn’t know. LWJ is so hard to read. on the one hand, he’s the most tight-laced & responsible person WWX has ever met. on the other, he has a very sexy motorcycle. WWX doesn’t know what to do with that
but okay he has a plan
he calls up WQ & goes “can i borrow A-Yuan”
he already babysits A-Yuan every week, so it’s not that weird right?
WQ is like “i stg WWX if you are going to use A-Yuan to attract hot guys like in that movie with the people who love dogs....”
& WWX is like “i would never use A-Yuan like a dog! WQ do you even know me!” 
he gets A-Yuan, barely
anyway, he gets to the library ready to read to a bunch of kids & gets side-eyed by a lot of parents, but he still has fun!!
LWJ is, unfortunately, not the librarian supervising the event, but he is reshelving when WWX is off reading duty & A-Yuan gets the zoomies
ie, zooms right into LWJ’s legs
LWJ is, surprisingly, good with kids. WWX may need to marry him. he somehow manages not to make a complete fool of himself after this revelation
in fact, after this interaction, WWX thinks he may actually have scored some points with LWJ. he’s elated
he’s building all these elaborate future schemes in his head when suddenly he gets a call from Auntie Yu
she wants to know why his grade in his art theory class has plummeted. 
oh right. that class. that class that’s taught by that professor who hates him & that he honestly can’t understand a word of & honestly he hates art theory, he’s good at art, why does he have to take theory too? 
Auntie Yu lets him know in no uncertain terms that if he doesn’t improve his grades by the end of the semester, she will stop supporting him—it’s bad enough that they let him go to art school after he flunked out of his business degree anyway 
so—fuck. fuck. 
WWX throws himself into the redo paper he manages to beg off LQR. he has 3 days & he’s gonna make them count 
the first day goes well, if by well you mean that he raids the art section of the library & works himself until closing & tries desperately not to look like he’s dying in front of LWJ
day 2 goes........similarly, except he falls asleep at his desk & doesn’t wake up until LWJ tells him the library is closing, which? wtf? LWJ usually wakes him up when he falls asleep in the library. WWX has been asleep for hours. 
& also he looks like a wreck, which is not cute
he flees from the library only to find that the bus is going..... going......... gone
fuck. he doesn’t have a car. 
he’s staring down the road after the bus, trying to figure out which friend with a car is available for him to call when he hears someone say “Wei Ying?” behind him
it’s Lan Zhan.
how mortifying. 
he tries to laugh off his situation, but LWJ gets this set expression on his face & says, “i will give you a ride home” 
& WWX is like kinda definitely freaking out because this was not how his first ride on LWJ’s sexy motorcycle was supposed to go. WWX had a plan. he was supposed to be flirtatious & ask LWJ about his bike & then LWJ would offer to give WWX a ride & they’d go all around the scenic parts of the city & when they stopped WWX would be all flustered & breathless & he’d wobble getting off the bike & maybe fall into LWJ & maybe—
okay so his plan was more like a daydream, but at the very least, he wasn’t supposed to look like he’d spent the last 48hrs out of the sun, drinking unhealthy amounts of shitty coffee, wearing a ratty hoodie & art-grimed jeans. like, they’re not even grimey in a cute way
but LWJ is insistent & WWX is weak, so somehow he ends up on the back of the bike wearing LWJ’s helmet with LWJ telling him to hold on tight
he’s half-convinced he’s fallen asleep on the bus stop bench & is dreaming the whole thing
but soon enough, it’s over & they’re stopped outside of WWX’s shitty student accommodations
he gets off & is trying to awkwardly thank LWJ when LWJ says, “you’ve seemed upset these past 2 days”
“ahaha, yeah, i’m just writing a paper”
“for an art theory class?”
WWX is like ????? but then he remembers that LWJ knows what books he checks out 
“yeah. it’s a redo actually. professor Lan hates me.” he forces a laugh. why did he say that. being hated by a professor is not cute, especially not to sexy librarian LWJ. 
“my uncle has high expectations,” LWJ says. 
WWX brain short circuits. 
“your uncle???” shit shit shit Lan Qiren is LWJ’s uncle! LWJ’s uncle hates him! he has no chance now! 
WWX wants to die
LWJ looks considering, then says, “it is my day off tomorrow. if you would like, i can help you with the paper.”
WWX is already the least cute, most pathetic version of himself he’s ever been in his life. he says yes. 
so they meet up at the library the next day & WWX apologizes profusely for making LWJ come into work when it’s his day off. he promises LWJ endless free coffee from the coffeeshop he works at (even if he has to pay for it himself—he doesn’t tell LWJ that part). 
LWJ is way too nice to him & also manages to explain this school of art theory in a way that?? sort of?? makes sense?? though not in a way that makes WWX like it. but LWJ seems neutral about it, so at least he’s not trying to get WWX to agree with it. 
but anyway, WWX manages to pull a passable paper together & in the process LWJ reveals that he’s noticed WWX sketching in the library a lot more than WWX realized, and that he likes WWX’s art. 
WWX is lightheaded
he stares at LWJ for a while & LWJ looks at him & says, “Wei Ying. you should be typing.” 
WWX gets the paper done by 5pm somehow. somehow! he sends it off to LQR with a groan of relief. he’s so tired his bones are aching, but he looks over at LWJ, art theory & citation king, who of course always looks perfect & beautiful, & goes, “i could kiss you.” 
instead of “i don’t know how i’m ever going to thank you for this,” which is what he thought he was gonna say
LWJ’s eyes widen slightly & his ears go red. WWX wants to smack himself in the face. he wants to eat his words. he wants to crawl into a cramped dark place like a disgusting little mole & never see the sun again.
then LWJ says, “have dinner with me first.” 
WWX gapes at him. LWJ looks back, ears still red but eyes steady. 
“okay,” WWX squeaks. 
they go to dinner. WWX still feels like trash, but they end up having a rousing discussion about art & WWX learns all about when LWJ studied art history in undergrad & how he actually doesn’t like the kind of theory his uncle teaches (“but you’re too good to ever tell him that,” WWX teases. “....most of the time.” WWX laughs in delight.) 
LWJ reveals that he brought an extra helmet today, in case WWX needed a ride again. WWX is embarrassed & pleased & wants to marry LWJ again. feeling foolish, he leans into LWJ flirtatiously & suggests they go for a ride—just for the view. LWJ looks at him so long his knees turn to jelly. then LWJ says, “mn.” 
they make out on some scenic ridge somewhere
the end! 
other things about this au:
WWX does digital painting mostly, his ideal job is illustration/comics; he has a instagram/patreon he uses for art commissions (some of which are pornographic—LWJ catches him sketching in the library one day, early in this tableau. it does not go well.) 
his instagram/patreon is mostly anonymous. it’s not that he minds people knowing he draws explicit stuff sometimes, it’s that he doesn’t want Auntie Yu to find out 
he draws LWJ a lot
not explicitly
(at least not until he’s got a life model and LWJ’s consent)
he’s not at the library 24/7. he has a coffeeshop job, classes, studio time for non-digital art, A-Yuan, and friends. but he’s at the library a lot.
this is undergrad for WWX, but he’s non-trad. he flunked out of a soul-sucking business degree in his first go at undergrad & was on pretty shaky ground with the Jiang family for a while. then he sold some of his art & Auntie Yu said they would support him through art school if it was the only thing he was good at. kinda stung, but at least he doesn’t have to pay tuition.
he’s desperate to prove he can make it as an artist
when anyone asks LWJ about his bike, he says he got it because it allows him to weave around traffic. yes, there’s more to it than that, but no he won’t go into it. (this entire au formed because i found out WYB rides motorcycles professionally & went, “wow that’s hot.” we have no thoughts here.) 
WWX did not have to try to make LWJ like him. LWJ liked him. & while WWX might not have gotten his ideal first bike ride, you better believe LWJ got his. he daydreams about scooping WWX onto his bike & riding off into the sunset
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50 questions ⚖️
a scale for libra season - you knew i would!!
thank you to all of these angels for tagging me & giving me a chance to learn more about your precious selves - @yanak324 @watersandwolves @kelleesioverhere @livhatesolives @thelandofnothing
what is the color of your hairbrush? black! with some silver on the handle. 
name a food you never eat? sushi. i don’t dislike it, but it’s just far enough down on my favorites list that i never choose it over something else.
are you typically too warm or too cold? almost always too cold, but that’s exactly how i like it.
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? talking to my brother. he is at sea and bought internet for the day :’)
what’s your favorite candy bar? i don’t think i have a favorite tbh. i like most candy well enough. not really a candy person, though!
have you ever been to a professional sports game? i have been to many major league baseball games, & two minor league soccer games.
what is the last thing you said out loud? “love you, too” 💘
what is your favourite ice cream? ben & jerry’s mint chocolate cookie
what was the last thing you had to drink? lemon la croix in a stemless wine glass, bc nothingggg matterrrssss 
do you like your wallet? i actually don’t, lol. it’s a little dark green designer thing that i splurged on last year, bc i thought adults needed fancy wallets. & it’s very off brand for me. i also broke the inside zipper one hour after purchasing it, when i ripped the tag off bc i was too lazy to get scissors. so that makes me hate it even more.
what is the last thing you ate? omg. loaded sweet potato fries. with cheese & fake bacon & ranch.
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i did! just one shirt at target. a lil striped guy. as if i needed any more of those.
what’s the last sporting event you watched? the eagles/bengals game last sunday. i didn’t put it on, like ... on purpose. i was hanging out with two straight men who insisted, bc i’m from philadelphia. it was sweet of them i guess
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? anything cheeeeesy. or just regular. but fuck a caramel corn (sorry)
who is the last person you sent a text message to? one of the aforementioned straight men
ever go camping? yes!!!!!!! camping is so cute. very into it
do you take vitamins? i am actually all out of my multivitamin, so this question has reminded me to add it to my shopping list for tomorrow.
do you regularly attend a place of worship? (don’t make a target joke, don’t make a target joke)
do you have a tan? haha
do you prefer chinese or pizza? my east coast roots all but require me to say pizza. i do love a good sesame NOODLE though
do you drink your soda through a straw? no ma’am
what color socks do you usually wear? i’ve got all sorts of colors!! right now they are white with black polka dots. team fun socks
do you ever drive above the speed limit? i mean yeah, of course. i am a self- and others-proclaimed Great Driver, though. so i will drive above the speed limit a responsible and excusable amount.
what terrifies you? birds. everyone thinks it’s a joke until they see me encounter a bird. (no, not sparrows/robins/little tiny birds that fly away when you approach them. obviously not those. they’re doing amazing.) 
look to your left, what do you see? couch cushion! i have been on the couch for five hours. 
what chore do you hate most? oh like, probably cleaning the litter box lol. that shit sucks
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? steve irwin (and the fact that my mom cried when he died)
what’s your favorite soda pop? diet coke, because i am ✨garbage✨
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru!! the drive thru experience is one of my favorite things. i love cradling my lil head in my hand while i talk to the person over the intercom. pretty much flirt with every drive thru attendant i ever come across. they’re so cute. shout out to grace at my local starbucks
what’s your favorite number? another day passes where i don’t have a favorite number
who’s the last person you talked to? out loud, my brother. over text, i am talking to three (3) very cute people! one of them is yana, hey bb
favorite cut of beef? the fake kind!
last song you listened to? whistle while you work. i’m watching snow white
last book you read? lol guys, i’m a disgrace. i haven’t read a book in so long. i just don’t have the energy. all i do anymore is attend zoom meetings, cry about the news, and journal about the moon
favorite day of the week? what is a “day” of the “week”
can you say the alphabet backwards? i just attempted it. i can, but very slowly.
how do you like your coffee? iced 😇 with a splash of oat milk. but i just bought a french vanilla coconut milk creamer today. so i’m really branching out.
favorite pair of shoes? i love my white birkenstocks more than anything, but i hate exposing my feet. so probably my dad sneakers.
time you normally get up? arounnnnnd 5:00 a.m.
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunrises these days! usually far too dissociated to enjoy a sunset anymore lolllll i’m fine
how many blankets on your bed? just my main comforter, and my lil pink baby blanket that i still sleep with (balled up under my head)
describe your kitchen plates? they are pink & they are the same as yana’s
describe your kitchen at the moment? clean! except one dish in the sink. but clean, always
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i love a light beer! and learning to appreciate a red wine. nothing fancy.
do you play cards? almost never. i cannot stand games
what color is your car? my last three cars have accidentally been blue. the one i got in march (the first one i bought myself!!) is “cosmic blue” :’)
can you change a tire? no!! someone teach me though, i want to learn
your favorite state? pennsylvania, for better or for worse. 
favorite job you’ve had? 2018 me would be dying at current me even thinking of admitting this, but the one i have right now! it has taught me more than any job i’ve ever had, and introduced me to some of my favorite people, and treated me incredibly well during a time when so many have lost everything. cannot complain even slightly (although i most definitely do, and will continue to)
tagging: everyone that i would’ve tagged has already done this lol damn it guys!! @beautifulinsanesanity have you done this? idk. if you’ve made it this far & haven’t done it yet, then please consider yourself tagged.
🛑 IF YOU LIVE IN AMERICA - HI! ONE MONTH UNTIL ELECTION DAY! are you registered to vote (if you’re of age)? are you aware of how fucked we are if we don’t mobilize to get this ogre out of office? vote early if you can. vote in person if you can. volunteer to be a poll worker if you can. just ... literally please lol. i’m so tired.
love u.
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ilgaksu · 7 years
this is the opening of a sequel to a kingdom where nobody dies, which i started as soon as i finished the first one and am only just looking into finishing up now bc Life Happened. for those joining us just now, andrew is a obscurial, neil is a pureblood wizard from a grindelwald-supporting family on his father’s side, both of them are on the run from MACUSA. probably read the first fic?? it’ll make more sense that way. 
(also friendly reminder i am currently taking prompt commissions!) 
Andrew stands in the doorway, eyebrows raised, and says, “I suppose this answers the question of what you told your uncle.”
“Stuart,” Neil corrects absently, rolling his eyes without looking up, and Andrew snorts under his breath.
There’s an interconnecting door between their bedrooms, set into the wall. It’s lockable from both sides. The rooms, vast and looking out on the rolling vistas of pleasant and manicured green, each have a bed that could fit Neil three times over and an adjoining water-closet across the hall, tiled in a pearlescent teal that undulates unsettlingly in the copper light after months at sea. Only Neil’s bed has been turned down. As far as implications go, it’s not slight. When Neil does look up, Andrew is watching him silently from the doorway still, hands braced either side of the doorframe like a penitent halfway to being flayed alive, like a woman carved into the bow of a ship to replace all the wives left behind. Andrew’s posture is a question. Neil says, “I didn’t say anything outright.”
(And he hadn’t. When he’d called in the favour Stuart had owed him, linked inextricably to his mother’s dying breath hot on Neil’s face, it had been after seven years of silence. The static on the transatlantic line, bespelled against eavesdroppers, crackled and stuttered like kindling, Neil rubbing absently at his own face until Stuart had finally, tonelessly gone, “Will you be bringing Minyard with you?”
“I go where he goes,” Neil had replied, keeping the worst of the defensive note out of his voice. That Andrew came up hadn’t surprised Neil in the slightest: he wasn’t stupid enough to think Stuart hadn’t kept tabs on him, even and especially after he cast aside his old name. He also wasn’t stupid enough to believe Stuart might be opening his arms in Mary’s name as some kind of substitute Madonna. It could be a trap for Andrew, set by foolish men who thought Andrew could be honed into a weapon with their hands in control, when Andrew’s own pulse was a fucking hairline trigger.
“Yes. I’d heard something of the sort. You’ll have to travel as brothers, of course.”
“He won’t like that,” Neil retorted, a little irked by Stuart presuming to lecture a professional runaway on travelling incognito, and then changed the story to cousins out of sheer spite.)   
“Didn’t you? Well, then. Good to see subtlety’s a family trait on both sides,” Andrew mutters, the closest to disbelieving he gets, assessing the rooms again. “I worried we’d left all the basilisk’s blood dramatics back,” a pause where someone else might give in to saying home, “in Carolina.”
He’d been tense since they met the chauffeur at the station; a pretty, dark-haired woman who’d been quickly relegated to the backseat when Neil had noticed the glint in Andrew’s eyes and figured out the best way to settle Andrew’s sea-frayed nerves. It’d relaxed Andrew some to drive, but it’s only now that Neil makes the connection between the tension leeching off Andrew like an extra shadow and the blatant wealth of the Hatford estate. Andrew, with his nails kept clean as knives and his driving gloves, can’t disguise the scars on his knuckles. He’s got an orphanage boy’s soul.
“I’m not gonna clean up after you,” Andrew warns, his eyes tracking an invisible arc and landing on Neil’s discarded key - the one for the adjoining door. Neil shrugs and leaves his key thrown over his own shoulder, glinting in the thick of the carpet where he’d pitched it as soon as the maid had handed it over, unshed fear glimmering under the gather of her eyelashes when she looked to Andrew.
“Good job I didn’t ask then,” Neil bites back, bitchy with exhaustion and the strain of smiling at Stuart Hatford for the first time in nearly a decade. “Lock it if you don’t want me with you. You know I won’t mind.”
“You say that like a door can keep me out.”
“You say that like you don’t know where to stop.”
It’s an old argument, honed down to beach glass over five consecutive years. Neil sighs, the tiredness a dusty itch under his skin, infecting his blood and making it flow slower.
“Did you call Betsy yet?” Neil asks, “I’d say send an owl, but there’s no guarantee you’ll get her back. There’s storms out on the Atlantic the next few weeks.” 
“Betsy has a telephone,” Andrew replies, “You know, they’ve only been around forty years or so, pureblood.”
“The day we catch up to 1927, it’ll be another thirty years,” Neil points out. “Kevin Day will drop dead at the indignity of it all.”
“Can I watch,” Andrew mutters, halfway out to the hall in search of said telephone. He glances to where Neil sways on his feet and pauses, his expression the closest to conflicted Neil’s seen it get. Andrew often puts him in mind of the Medici Fountain statues, last seen by Neil when he was twelve and answered to Stefan with a Parisian accent: blank-eyed, beautiful, unmoving in the face of strangers, looking at these singular things that form the orbit of their world and never away. They can’t help it, of course. They were carved like that. 
“I’ll be here when you get back,” Neil says. He falls back on the bed and pushes himself up on his elbows, all the better to see the frown Andrew sends his way. “Lock the door, if you feel like it.”
Andrew slams the door shut, leaves it unlocked, and Neil imagines his own laughter following Andrew down the hallway.
When Neil was twenty, he walked through the morning, light made beautiful, walked all the way to Renee Walker’s doorstep, and rang her doorbell; ignored Allison hovering behind Renee in a raspberry slip, hips and mouth like fruit, ignored everything but the steady dark heartbeat of Renee’s gaze.
“Help me,” Neil said to her. “I’m losing him.”
The words caught in his throat. Renee’s eyes didn’t waver. She opened the door wider and stepped back.
“Hello, Neil,” she said, quietly, so quietly it felt like gauze, something deceptively strong, something binding. “I think we should talk.”
Neil went to her because, despite the silver of the cross winking at her throat and the way her voice tasted like promises, tasted like something unfaithful, they both fundamentally believed there was something to lose. That there was always something more to lose. That, for all she read Eliot, Renee had always dared to disturb the universe.
“Allison,” Renee said, soft, without looking away from Neil. That was all she said. Allison looked between them and made an annoyed noise.
“I’m going back to bed,” she said, and stomped back up the stairs, the satin of her slip a shedding skin undulating in the light. “Send the monster my regards.”
“Don’t expect any back,” Neil snapped, and Allison cackled and disappeared from view.
“Ignore her,” Renee said to Neil, as he passed her passing through the doorway, feeling the faint displacement of magic as he slipped through the wards. “It was Seth’s anniversary yesterday. She was drinking, and she’s got a sore head for it.” Sore head as shorthand for she’s wounded right now.
“I thought Seth died in March,” Neil says, surprised. Renee nods.
“Today was the day she got the letter. Postal delay.”
There’s always something more to lose.
“I can come back tomorrow,” Neil tries to suggest, and Renee fixes him with an eloquent look.
“If you leave now,” she says, eerie in her accuracy as always, “You won’t ever come back, will you? We both know that. Do you take tea?”
“Please don’t look in my head like that.”
“Please stop thinking so loudly then. It’s like you’re shouting at the moment, and you’re the most opaque person I’ve ever met, apart from Andrew, so,” Renee pours herself a cup of tea, the faint warm colour stirring something in Neil like soothing, “There’s not a great deal I can do on my end, unfortunately.” Her eyes flash to his, sudden and knifelike. “Tell me about Andrew.”
“He hasn’t talked in two days,” Neil admits. Renee hums and takes a sip of the tea. “I don’t think it’s a Charm, but I’m not going to check.”
He doesn’t say I would rather die than use magic on him less than five days after we got back from New York, but he doesn’t have to. He finds that when Renee and him look at each other their eyes meet hollow, with the sort of bleak and total understanding it would be preferable to live without.  
“I see,” she murmurs. She hands him a cup of tea. He takes it on automatic. 
“Don’t read the leaves,” he says, also on automatic. The scent of it is soothing. She doesn’t bother to reply.
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hufflein · 7 years
ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ sᴛᴏᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ
 hogwarts is magical, even in terms of love. a story in which idiots pin after other fools that refuse to accept disgusting emotions. otp(s): sinmei, jessbom, naeun, & arichan. ✉: bc #yolo i have no life. this is for highkey for shits & giggles but also lowkey to give feelz to marauders squad. 
“seungyeonie! there you are ~”
said boy peers up from the book he’s reading, blowing strands of dyed blond hair out of his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. there’s merely one reason hufflepuff’s head boy would be searching for him, & one reason alone. “hello hyung. let me guess-- you’re wondering where mei is.” 
shinhwa chuckles, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “well. yeah. not that i don’t enjoy your company or anything. you’re great, kiddo.”  he affectionately ruffles the younger’s hair, “let’s hang out tomorrow after your care of magical creatures class.” seungyeon playfully rolls his eyes, “yeah, yeah i’m up for it, hyung. in any case, your beloved happens to be with her friends. said something about heading to the great lake. i think saebom tagged along?” 
- - - - - - - - 
“saebom, WHAT in MERLIN’S NAME are you DOING?”
“i’m playing with the big guy, arazely. what else?” the slytherin boy smirks as he wrestles the tentacles of the school’s lake’s resident, the giant squid. 
“oh my god why is he like this” mei groans, planting her face in her hands in embarrassment. “he really needs to stop asking for trou-- wait. jess?! where’d you get that popcorn?”
“shhh we’re trying to enjoy the show,” nadine automatically interrupts while shoving popcorn into her mouth, completely invested in the scene unfolding before them just as much as jess is.  “MATE THIS ISN’T A REAL FIGHT, DON’T HIT ME, THE HELL! NOW YOU’VE DONE IT, C’MERE”  arazely & mei both want to melt into the grass. saebom oh is overly frustrating ninety percent of the time, yet the two can’t help but worry for his dear life.  - - - - - - - -
“what were you thinking? you could have gotten yourself & squiddy hurt! if i were slytherin’s head boy, i’d be taking points away for this.”  the four girls watch sinhwa lecturing a soaked saebom from under the shady tree. his gentle nature is gone, a stern one taking its place. nadine elbows mei’s side, “your boyfriend’s kind of scary when serious. it’s beautiful.” 
“he’s not my boyfriend,” she whines, shoving nadine away from her. 
jess jumps in, not taking her eyes off of saebom. merlin, he looks more attractive than usual. “yeah, nadine. not her boyfriend. yet! soon hopefully. they’re both dumb.”  
“um at least my quote on quote boyfriend hasn’t gotten into a wrestling match with the giant squid!” 
“you want to fight? let’s go, right now.”  “sit doWN JESSICA WE ARE NOT DOING THIS RIGHT NOW” arazely struggles to pull jess away before she lunges at their friend. nadine is no help whatsoever because she’s rolling on the grass, clutching onto her stomach from laughing too hard. 
the commotion is so loud, the boys turn to them, a glint of curiousness washing over their confused faces. once they catch sight of the poor hufflepuff straining to pull back a wand equipped jessica, they rush right over. 
- - - - - - - -
“you’re such an idiot. imagine if you had caught a cold. not that i care though. the entire fiasco was hilarious.” the lavender haired female speaks, ignoring her quickened heart beat. 
she & saebom are currently making themselves comfortable in the slytherin dungeon’s couches. the fireplace is lit, providing a pleasant & much needed warmth to the boy that had gotten himself in quite the predicament not that long ago. 
“it caught your attention, that’s enough for me. cold or not, it was worth it.” 
“stop being gross, i’ll castrate you, i swear” 
a pillow is flung at his head, hitting straight in the face. a laugh runs past his lips as he flings it back, careful not to smack her in the area in which she did him. his interest in jessica isn’t a secret. never has been, never will be. it’ll be shocking if anyone DIDN’T know about his known feelings, honestly. there’s nothing saebom wants more than to be able to hold her hand & kiss the top of her head, be with her during good & bad times. but, in the end, he can’t seem to read her or how she feels in return. 
so, the only thing he can do for now is tease the heck out of her. 
“hey, jess.”
“you’re cuter than any pygmy puff i’ve ever seen.” 
“it’s true though? when have i ever lied to you?”
gods, help her, she could explode at any minute & it’ll be all of his fault. why does he have to be irresistibly adorable? she could have fallen for any other idiot, but no, she had to fall for this specific one.
“you have three seconds to run before i ACTUALLY hex the fuck out of you. one.”
a frantic saebom leaps out of the couch in under a split second, dashing tpwards his dorm room, leaving a pleased jessica smirking to herself in the common room. ah, yes, she indeed adores that boy. too much that she believes its unhealthy at this point. 
- - - - - - - -
“i can’t believe mei & jess ditched us for their boyfriends,” nadine huffs, arm hooked with the girl next to her. “i know you wouldn’t betray me like this, ari. don’t be like those losers, stay the way you are: sweet & wonderful.” 
“uhm, yeah, no, i wouldn’t dare to betray you like that. never ever, bub,” arazely says amusingly. little does her friend know that a bouncy ginger she claims to despise is heading their way, & of course the younger doesn’t warn her. why on earth would she waste an opportunity this good? 
clearing her thoat, the hufflepuff hums. “will you look at the time! i’ve got to go meet up with.. um... seungyeon! that’s right, we’re having a study meetup today. gotta go, bye!”
“hey nadine. wanna go on a date?” 
that stupid, beautiful voice. she knows its owner like the back of her hand. she takes back everything said about ari. she’s a fake & a liar!!! her friend is going to get it when she sees her again, she swears on merlin’s beard. 
“i’ve told you, euncheol. i don’t date gryffindors. they’re losers” nadine turns to her housemate. yes. they’re in the same house, yet--
“you’re a gryffindor, nadine. calling yourself a loser now, are ya?” euncheol raises a questioning brow, arms crossed against his chest. 
“i’m the exception. anyway, shouldn’t you be worried about, i don’t know, graduating or something? this is your last year. saddening, isn’t it?” 
“mm, that’s exactly right. tis why i’m using the opportunity to see you again in future years. because you’re a person i don’t want to lose sight of.” 
nadine is stunned for a few seconds, thinking how he’ll be the death of her. she goes from taken aback to pretending to gag. “you’re so disgustingly cheesy. but that’s something i terribly like about you.”
euncheol can’t help but grin from ear to ear at the sudden revelation. his cheeks turn pinkish, not knowing what to say.
the girl rolls her eyes before matching his smile. “hogsmeade, next saturday after the hufflepuff vs ravenclaw match. deal?” 
“you got it!” 
- - - - - - - -
whenever mei happens to be with sinhwa, they always somehow end up in the courtyard, especially during a bright, sunny day with a beautiful sky shaded blue. the pair is constantly seen together yet everyone wonders why they aren’t together-- a couple. their feelings for one another is clear as a patronus prancing its way through darkness. 
taking a seat on the nearest bench, mei pats her lap with both hands, signaling him to rest his head on it. being head boy comes with countless responsibilities & although he seems to be unfazed most of the time, mei still worries. 
sinhwa contently sighs the moment the back of his head is cushioned on top of her thighs. their eyes meet & they begin to laugh. her fingers soothingly thread through his dark strands, causing him to release another happy sigh. 
“how’s everything? still pooped after that last prank?” mei questions with a faint smile. saebom & chanuk had made such a mess that day, they had detention for three weeks straight. 
“i’m fine, really. wasn’t slightly fazed. those two don’t surprise me anymore. i should know better than to believe they’d grow out of being pranksters.” 
“well, you know i have your back anyhow.”
“mm, that i do believe, miss megan.” he smiles, booping her nose. “thank you. your support is very much appreciated.” 
truly, it’s no wonder that the student body knows there’s something there. seeing them interact like that can make even the headmistress swoon & that’s no lie because she has before. 
- - - - - - - -
“seungyeon, seungyeonie, where is he? aaa i checked everywhere,” arazely pouts whilst walking the student-filled corridors. 
okay, so maybe searching for seungyeon was simply to cover her butt in case nadine wanted to kick it for leaving her with euncheol, even if she did it out of love. 
being deep in her thoughts, she doesn’t notice that she’s going to crash into the person in front of her until someone grabs her by the arm, bringing her to the side. 
“watch where you’re going, ara. it would’ve have been pretty if you had bumped head first into that scary lookin’ dude.” 
“oh, chanuk! you saved me from doing something dumb. again. haa, thanks for that.” 
“how many times has it been now? a million?” he questions smugly. “you’re seriously indebted to me. who else is going to rescue you that many times? no one, only me.” 
the hufflepuff girl pouts, “for the record, i don’t ask you to. you just do. because you’re kind like that. isn’t that right, chanukkie?” 
“sure i am. to you. if it were anyone else, i wouldn’t blink an eye.” he shrugs his shoulders. 
her face quickly heats up at his words & before she knows it, she starts running because nope, not today. good bye chanuk, you’re not about to make her feel things. 
it’s not long after that the slytherin boy’s amused laughter echoes throughout the halls of hogwarts school of witchcraft & wizardry. 
- - - - - - - -
next time on idiots in luv: arazely continues to run away from chanuk, jessica almosts confesses her tru feelz for saebom, mei & sinhwa have to do something abt these goddamn pranks, & nadine goes on her lil date with euncheol. that is all for today, goOD NIGHt.
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maybenexttimeff · 7 years
Tumblr media
we are three days in Virginia already, I respected her request but some times I tripped as I kissed her. She wasn't mad she actually kissed me back. But I'm so tense every time I see her, I try to control myself, and I'm proud that I'm able to control myself. When I woke up this morning and I went to the kitchen to eat something I realized my mother and Robyn are not here. It was strange but I guess they go out together. I'm bored, it's already 3 pm and they still not arrived, I sent a message to Robyn
From : Chris
To: Robyn
Robyn where you at?
worries me the fact that they out so long. it's Tuesday.in Two days on Thursday is my and shorty show and we gonn' stay here on Friday and Saturday. It freaks me out a little bit' to know that we won't be able to be together all day like we are now.. My phone buzzed, let me see what Robyn answerd me
from: Robyn
To: Chris
just spend some time with Mama j in town, we'll be back soon XOXO
they are wandering around the city, I don't like it. it's already five pm and they still not came home, I'm starving so I went to my aunt. My cousin was the only at home. He said that Robyn and Mama j came here and got Cristina also for a wandering on the town. now I'm really confuzed. Austin and I played in the Xbox, Austin is the youngest of all my cousins, he's 17. "Did you heared what they say before they went?" I asked Austin, "I heard only Joyce tells mom to go with them because they have to buy some things for Robyn, she sounded excited about it I don't know "it's weird I thought to myself.. "Robyn feels completely comfortable with Joyce, it's good to see that she feels like she's her second mother" as Austin said that we heard them entre the house. I am now pissed so I didn't react at all I kept on playing Xbox. but Austin in the other hand jumped from the bed and went to see his Mama, to see if she gave him something. Only Austin can always expect things. While I kept playing, I heard someone come into the room, but this is not Austin I already knew who it is "Why didn't you came downstairs?" I didn't move or answerd her I was real pissed off, I preferred to remain silent, I also didn't looked at her way. Robyn sat down on austin's bed next to me, but I still didn't reacted, I continued to play. She moved closer to me and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, "why are you upset with me Babe?" her voice gave me goosebumps all over my body, I looked to my right side, our faces were really close but I didn't do anything just stare at her, she's beautiful. It's hard for me to be waiting, but I respect her, wha ever she ask me I'll do it for her. "Why did you leave me?" I said while I put my right hand on her thigh, She looked toward my hand and where it placed, she hissed while looked at me in the eye "it's a surprise for you, your mom and your aunt just helped me" I raised my eyebrows in surprise "What kind of surprise?" she licked her lips, she smiled and leaned over me again "I can't tell you, but you'll love it." now she initiated   the Kiss, thank God because I was dying to do it. Her lips were so soft, I grabbed her thigh tighter I needed her, Her left hand was resting on my crotch, but between my legs, her right hand on my cheek. Our Kiss was gentle and passionate and I needed more. "You proved me" she said as we kissed I moved away a little and looked confused "you remember I told you I'd make it up to you?" I nodded my head without saying a word "you proved me that you really deserve it" I bit my bottom lip and leaned to kiss her but she got up of bed and walks out of the room. What is wrong with her? She is driving me crazy. I walked down to the living room where my whole family sat "what make you finally come down?" Austin said while laughing at me "Shut up" I keept on walking to sit next to my lovely Aunt. We all sat down in the living room, my mom, my aunt Robyn Austin and me .We sat and watched a movie, Austin and Robyn fell asleep "should we go?" I toldmy mom, my mother looked at me half asleep and nooded her head at me. I got up to Pick up Robyn "come to visit tomorrow" my mother said to her sister, I picked Robyn like a Princess, she's the most beautiful when she's sleeping.
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I felt someone lift the covers and got in my bed, I turned around and saw Chris lying and shaking next to me "babe I need you to warm me up" he makes it hard for me more and more every day "Chris You could've wear warm clothes and not just with Boxer" he smiled and approached to me, he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, "it's hard for me to know you're sleeping next room Please, I just want to be with you, to feel you" I kissed him and turned around so that my back was turned to him, we slept teaspoons, I felt his bulge against my ass. At the morning I looked at Chris sleeping, he sleeps like an Angel, Mama j already know there's something between us, yesterday told her everything and she helped me with a few things. I needed someone to help me, I needed somone who understand better. I'm glad I got to meet her.  Aaron and all Chris's cousins organizes a party, a house party at Chris's crib not here at his Mum. I Like that he gave me to be here at his mother house and not just me and him in his house. It just proved to me how much he tries. how much he respects me. I started toward the casket to replace pajamas, I choosed a black overalls I  bought yesterday. I locked the door so that I could dress up, took my pants and shirt off so I'm just in my underwear, I don't sleep with a bra. I pulled a bra out of the closet and wearing them "good morning baby" Chris told me with his hoarse voice, I love his voice in the morning. I panicked for a moment, looked at him embarrassed, he looked at me and didn't blinked for a moment, I was just in Thongs now. "Good morning handsome" I got dressed. Chris got up out of bed and I looked only at his hard D. "What are you looking at?" he said "nowhere" Chris laughed and came over to me "Chris stop" he did not stop and continued toward me "I can't also give you a good morning kiss? I thought we were past that." he grabbed me and held me to him, he gave me a kiss and held my hips tight he brought me to him and I felt his erection against me so I started to move my hips back and forth on his hard dick "I'm going crazy bc of you FUCK" he yelled he grabbing my face pressed to his and kissed me aggressive kiss. I laughed and walked out of the room because if I didn't do it so it was going to somewhere else . it's Already 9 p.m, I'm wearing a short white dress with cleavage, My hair was tight in ponytailand. Chris waited for me downstairs to go the party, I took the phone and went out of the room, towards the living room and saw Chris, he wore a white Jeans, a black t-shirt with a black sneakers, he looked handsome. "You don't feel cold?" "If you want to be beautiful you must suffer" I tried to hide my smile "you are always pretty now wear something warm" I like when he is bossy but it's annoying sometimes. We arrived at the party , Chris gave me his Jacket that he was planning to wear, he was overpopulated "Chris and Rihanna is here" the DJ said down the microphone, Chris held my hand and dragged me inside "Cuz" Rob and his girlfriend came toward us "how you doing" they huged "you look good" Rob looked at me while saying this, "Thanks" Chris shook my hand, I didn't looked at him, but it made me smile, he's jealous even with his cousins  "Let's go to dance a lil bit," Chris told me and led me to the dance floor. we danced About 45 minutes already and I got thirsty, Chris came to my ear and whispered, "do you want to drink?" I nodded my head "Yes please I would love to" he nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he went to get us drinks. Like an alarm clock that guy that looked at me all night approached me "how someone beautiful like  you left here alone?" "I'm not alone" I said to him "I don't see anybody" he said that while he got closer to me "stay away" I said to him with a disgusted face. He put his hand on my waist "why are you running away I won't hurt you" my heart stopped, I was in shock. Don't hurt me? It hit me again, who sees me as a sex object.I was ready to answer him but Chris has already arrived and punched him in the face "in your life, don't ever put your hands on my girl" my girl? I thoght to myself "Now get out of here before I won't control myself" I flew straight to Chris and hugged him close to me "What did he told you?" I said nothing, I felt safe when he hugged me. It's the feeling that I was looking for all my life. Now it's clear to, me it was always just Chris. Chris and I stood in the dance floor and hugging. It was the best feeling in the world, but then the song PARTY play, Chris's song. So I turned so my back was against him, I started to move my hips. We were really close, Chris stood behind as his hands resting on my hips, he shook my hips from side to side against his bulge. I felt like it was just us. Chris came to my ear and whispered "I love you". now I melted .we Still didn't say that to each other, I also feel this way, I love him..  but I can't say that yet. I turned around so that we were face to face, Chris's hands were on my ass and my hand on his back, over his ass. We held each other so tight, we were so close, suddenly Chris picked me up so my legs wrapped around him, his bulge was right there aginst my pussy. I was horny, my hands were around his neck, I kissed him on the neck, and I heard him moans from pleasure, it turned me on and  I started to suck on his neck area until I gave him a Hickey. Chris's hands were placed on my ass, he started moving me up and down on his bulge. we forgot thah we were still on the dance floor, I kissed him gently, my feet pushed him tight to me, I need it now "take me to a room, now"
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