musicalaisha · 3 days
"Oh so we should just eat anything we want??"
Well actually YES but also:
Restricting food Does Stuff To Your Brain. "Restricting" doesn't mean stopping when you're full. I feel like this is what gets misunderstood a lot. It means placing rules and limits on food that supercede what your body is signalling that it wants. Let's use cookies as an example. Restricting would be:
- I can only have cookies when I deserve them.
- I can only have cookies when I'm alone.
- I can only have two cookies.
- I can only have low-calorie cookies.
- I can only have cookies on set days, or so-called cheat days.
- I can't have cookies.
- I can't have cookies in the house.
- I'm bad when I eat cookies.
- Cookies are a bad food and I must compensate for having eaten them.
Whether or not you stick to the restrictions you set, your brain is learning to be an anxious mess around cookies. It might want to avoid anywhere that has cookies. It might feel shame for wanting or eating cookies. It might get exhausted from suppressing the craving and decide to binge. It might go into binge mode every time you eat cookies because you've taught your body that This Will Not Be Available Whenever. It might feel ridiculously important to eat all the cookies while you can.
I know we're all so used to constantly talking about food, diets, weight and bodies, and it's completely normalised to look at absolutely everything you eat and assign it the level of guilt you're gonna feel for eating it, and to brag about not eating this and that, and to announce that you know it's a Naughty Indulgence when you eat anything sweet.
But oh my god, it's such a huge weight off your shoulders to just let yourself eat cookies because you wanted cookies and stop when you feel satiated and know that the cookies will be available next time you want cookies because you don't need to earn them in any way. Because a brain that knows it can have cookies whenever it wants cookies, doesn't crave cookies all the time. Nor does it feel any self-loathing when it does crave cookies.
And I just wish everyone a very chill brain and some cookies
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musicalaisha · 3 days
“Rich kids should go to public schools. The mayor should ride the subway to work. When wealthy people get sick, they should be sent to public hospitals. Business executives should have to stand in the same airport security lines as everyone else. The very fact that people want to buy their way out of all of these experiences points to the reason why they shouldn’t be able to. Private schools and private limos and private doctors and private security are all pressure release valves that eliminate the friction that would cause powerful people to call for all of these bad things to get better. The degree to which we allow the rich to insulate themselves from the unpleasant reality that others are forced to experience is directly related to how long that reality is allowed to stay unpleasant. When they are left with no other option, rich people will force improvement in public systems. Their public spirit will be infinitely less urgent when they are contemplating these things from afar than when they are sitting in a hot ER waiting room for six hours themselves.”
— Everyone Into The Grinder
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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i know a ton of you are jessie fans (why else would you be following me she's all i draw). jessie's voice actress from OS, Rachael Lillis, is currently battling cancer and could use some help 💗 such a talented human being and voice for many iconic characters! im so inspired by her (clearly) and glad i had the privilege of meeting her this year
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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This was my art school’s water fountain. Drink from them wolf tiddies
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musicalaisha · 3 days
what they cut out from the season finale was actually that after cassandra said "now leave literally forever" and blew k2 into our world they had to stop because brennan got a ping on his phone that said nemesis alert: new nemesis detected
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musicalaisha · 3 days
Would you get pregnant, carry, and birth a baby for $600,000,000
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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Not enough people understand the structural advantages given to the wealthy.
You should have advantages, too.
Why would you want to give up health care covered by your taxes?
Why would you give up college tuition covered by your taxes?
So Elon and Bezos can avoid taxes and take more billions from workers?
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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eagerly awaiting the reveal of what political science 101 concept is she going to stop the plot to teach middle schoolers about. we got bread and circuses we got the extended work on thomas hobbes my money is on haymitch starting this book as an objectivist and having to unlearn that in the face of true struggle
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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starting a collection
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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William H. Hays (United States)
Island Universe
reduction lino print   
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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Sometimes it feels like everyone around me is speaking in a secret language and I'm the only one who doesn't know it.
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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Two tiny unicorn experiments from a couple years ago! I never technically finished them, but kinda liked them as is!
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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zac is never beating the cat allegations
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musicalaisha · 3 days
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more painting practice. A centaur in the morning light. Reference is Cristian (who has the best smile) via fatfotoref.com and @fugitiverabbit
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