#please play katana zero
cadetral · 1 month
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facebook-stabber · 1 month
I wanna go home, I don't like this party; I'm allergic to people!
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lsandom · 2 years
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surely the chronos won’t have life altering effects
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qwertyprophecy · 6 months
The Illusion of Aggravating Player-ness
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Pictured above: demo footage of me attempting to hit the Hero when their dodging program is turned to maximum. (I can only test this for so long before getting annoyed, which is exactly the vibe I'm going for.)
More about the feeling that has inspired The Dark Queen of Mortholme under the cut:
A couple years back I happened upon a tumblr post identifying a surprisingly common sentiment when playing Pokémon. The player has an edge over NPCs in battles for basically the entire game, because unlike those silly programmed losers we've figured out how to use healing potions. So upon getting to end game and witnessing our first case of the NPC trainer healing their Pokémon to full with a hyper potion, it feels like such bullshit. How come they get to do that? Only I get to do that!
There are instances of little details in many other games that evoke a similar emotion, like this one boss in Sekiro who can sneakily counter the player's charged attack with a move that till then only the player has been using. (Please let me know if you personally recall any examples!) The sheer audacity of non-player characters using player-only moves, being annoying as I am! It's a deliciously strong reaction that goes beyond the game's difficulty ramping up; I think it's about recognising ourselves, the essence of distinctly player-like behaviour in this fictional entity made from code.
While thinking about that I also happened to be mulling over what I considered a huge missed opportunity in the end boss of the game Katana Zero. Without spoilers, let's just say that it made me consider whether it would be even remotely doable to create a narrative boss fight against a player-like entity who appears to get to save and re-try the fight by themselves. In Undertale there's a brief illusion of a NPC saving and loading game states, but they don't quite do it like a player would.
The illusion would have to include a feeling that your opponent not only gets to try again but is learning from their mistakes. Furthermore it's specifically an advantage they have over you; you don't get to try again, nor do you get room to improve. And unlike them, your preprogrammed skillset is designed to have exploitable weaknesses and a static power level which can be surpassed.
No matter how skilled, you'd be doomed to lose against an opponent like that. The bosses we beat have it rough, huh. I myself am not particularly good at video games–when I try to get past a difficult boss fight in any game where those are designed to take a fair amount of attempts and learning, I feel in my bones that meta-level story of striving to overcome a seemingly impossible obstacle. It's a journey through various emotions from eagerness to frustration, culminating in the triumphant success.
But from the boss's point of view, that story takes a very different shape, involves different emotions, and (assuming the player keeps playing) invariably culminates in a predestined loss. Sounds unfun. So obviously, that's the experience I aim to provide! (Unfun games really are my forte, with my previous work simulating jubilant experiences such as job hunting blues! anxiety! exam anxiety! trying to fix a spaceship engine that's killing you!)
Who wouldn't want to enjoy being the most powerful being in their universe until some little dipshit bursts in and locks you in an unending battle till they’re satisfied and you’re dead?
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talesofozdizz · 4 months
my favorite thing to do is shill for video games i love, please play Katana Zero
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imptwins · 2 years
welcome to the IMP CAVE.
sup. I’m imp. You can call me Szár, Lin, Shin, or Weiss. Or imp. Or Susie. Honestly I’ve got a lot of names.
I stream, I write fanfiction, probably in the future I will create original things too. Might wanna learn gamedev stuff. So far it’s lookin’ like this will be my main social hangout other than Discord even though tumblr’s vague-ass rules terrify me. x)
Currently I mostly write Deltarune and Undertale stuff. I use the same name over on AO3. My work is often but not always sexual, always queer and trans as all hell, and rarely but occasionally verges into Dead Dove territory, so watch the content warnings. I’ll be using ‘Dead Dove’ as a tag on posts where it’s applicable so blacklist that if you need to, plus ‘EITD’ for Echoes in the Distance (my extremely long-running DR fanfic series) and ‘Castaway Angels’ for that series.
On the rare chance I stream again it’s usually either story-heavy games - Omori, Disco Elysium and Spiritfarer are all on my increasingly backlogged to-play list - or tough action games like the Souls series, indie platformers like Katana ZERO and Luna Nights, etc.
Please enjoy some links.
Sideblogs: ♥ Reblog/impspiration blog ♥ JUST my writing posts, drabbles, updates, etc ♥ Dead Dove corner (CW: mostly dc/nc/cnc, familial relations, emotional manipulation, blood and general violence)
Others: ♥ Watch me stream ♥ Read my trashy fanfiction ♥ Help me pay rent ♥ Help me pay rent, but consistently
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kaix-s · 3 years
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chronos blue 
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kibutsug · 5 years
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scamoosh · 3 years
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replayed and got myself reobsessed 😖
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iceice-baeby · 5 years
Finally got my hands on Katana Zero now. I fucking love it already. It is easy to get into. And if you get into it you can pull it off. And if you pull it off you feel like a fuckmotherin badass and I love it.
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turtle-babe83 · 2 years
Ahhh! My first ask! I'd love some 64 and 146 with Leo 🤗
Please go wherever this one takes you! Love your work!!
I’m so excited to be your first ask!! Let’s pop that cherry 🍒😉💙 Going with fem!reader.
Warning: Language and NSFW 18+ only
Leo’s Game
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“Wanna play a game?”
It sounded innocent enough. But when you started bragging about how far you’ve come along in your training, a certain gleam came into Leo’s eyes. You should have seen it as a warning. You added a sway to your hips and a little extra flair as you moved through your katas. Dressed in only a sports bra and workout shorts, feet bare, you were stunning. Leo watched with that same stoic expression until you finished. Your body shiny with sweat, face flushed, and hair awry, you had no idea the dirty thoughts running through the leader’s mind. So you didn’t hesitate to answer “sure” to his loaded question. Now, however, as he explained the rules, you felt a chill race down your spine.
“No one else is here tonight, so don’t worry about the others. I’m going to call out kata’s and I expect you to execute them perfectly when I tell you. If your stance isn’t perfect, if you lose balance, if you get it wrong, I remove an article of clothing from you…with my katana.”
The look in his eyes was a dare. He expected you to back down, to admit that you were just being cocky. But you just couldn’t do that. With a defiant sneer, you agreed to play his game. Leo began to call out different katas. You were swift and graceful, flowing from one to the next with ease. While impressed, he couldn’t let on that you were doing so well. Plus, it wouldn’t accomplish his ultimate goal: having you naked and at his mercy.
The tension between the two of you had been building for weeks. Everyone could see it, but no one dared bring it up. Lingering looks, discreet brushes of skin and scale, you were hanging at the edge of a precipice, ready to fall. Maybe it was time to let go and see where you landed.
Leo began barking out katas at rapid speed, repeating some, and barely giving you time to finish before expecting the next. Your precision and tight execution were beginning to fail. Leo drew one of his katanas, twirling it expertly as he zeroed in on your areas of weakness. At the first blatant flaw, his blade sliced through one strap of your sports bra. You performed the next kata perfectly but the one after put so much strain on your already exhausted right leg, you wobbled. Slice, slice. Your sports bra was in tattered pieces on the floor.
You had to resist the urge to cover yourself, knowing he would take it as a slip in your performance. You breathed heavily, beads of sweat rolling between your now freed breasts. Leo was admiring your beautiful form even as he upped the ante. Soon, you would be his. His body began to tremble in anticipation. It was time to pull out the big guns. There was a particular kata that he knew you were struggling with. His lips curled into a wicked smile as he called it out, tone mocking and confident.
Fuck. You should have known he would pull this shit. You gathered yourself and focused on your breathing as you moved through each motion. Your muscles quivered with strain but you managed to keep going. So close! You were to the end of the sequence and making the final move when you lost balance, muscles giving out under the pressure. Before you could hit the mat, Leo’s blade made quick work of your shorts, and naked, you fell into his waiting arms.
“Cheater,” you accused, “you knew I was having difficulty with that one!”
Leo gave a derisive snort, “All’s fair in love and war.”
“So which one is it?” you murmured. “Love or war?”
As his calloused hands caressed your lower back, dipping down to grasp the backs of your thighs, he brought his mouth close to your ear, “A little of both, don’t you think?”
With that, he lifted you effortlessly. You wrapped your arms and legs around him, your damp cunt smearing your juices on his hard plastron. Mouths met in a frenzied dance as all the desire you had both been holding back came rushing forth. Nipping, licking, sucking at lips and tongues, you couldn’t get enough of one another. You frantically pulled and pushed at his gear, needing him to be as naked and exposed as you were.
“Leo! Please!” you whimpered, desperate for him to do something, anything.
His large hands squeezed your bottom, kneading the dense muscle there as he dropped down on his knees. Laying you back on the mat, his mouth roamed your curves, while his hands made quick work of unfastening and removing his pants. You were just as eager to touch him, but when you reached, he grabbed your wrists and held them down on either side of your hips. You opened your mouth to protest when he dove down to the apex of your thighs and dragged his tongue up your slit. You shut your mouth. No way were you going to interrupt that.
As his tongue dipped into your wetness, again and again, you felt like a rubber band being stretched too taut, about to snap. He was both gentle and ruthless, driving you ever higher with soft licks and nuzzles, then sucking on your clit like it was his favorite candy. When you came, it was hip bucking, thigh quivering, scream inducing euphoria.
Leo relished your breathy cries and the smooth skin of your thighs squeezing his head. He couldn’t wait to be inside you.
“You ready for me?” he asked, voice tight with restrained lust.
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak intelligent words. He rose above you, and lifting one of your legs over his shoulder and shell, he aligned his tip to your hole, rubbing to coat it with your juices. You were wide open, and when he pressed forward, you found out quickly that this angle brought him right to your g-spot. Leo was looking down at where you were connected with a look of awe.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful as this,” he whispered. You weren’t entirely sure he knew that he had spoken aloud, he was so enthralled.
“Mmm, Leo,” you moaned, arching your back.
His gaze finally averted from below, he noticed the way your breasts lifted and bounced with each thrust of his hips. He latched onto to a pert nipple and smiled around it as you yipped.
“Easy there, that’s attached,” you muttered.
Leo released it with a chuckle, “If you’re still talking, I’m not doing this right.”
Leo slid his arms under your legs, pushing them back and keeping you spread wide as he drove his cock relentlessly into your tight cunt. You couldn’t stop the obscene sounds that were spilling from your lips. Leo’s grunts and churrs joined the symphony of wet smacking skin and high pitched moans. Reaching a crescendo, you stiffened your legs as you basked in your release. Leo growled your name as he emptied himself within your pulsing walls. Finally spent, he let go of your thighs, and gathered you against his chest, nuzzling your neck.
While part of you was afraid to break the spell of the moment, you had to know, “What now?”
Leo breathed you in, then kissed your lips gently.
“I was hoping maybe you would stay the night,” he murmured.
“And after that?”
Leo smiled, “Then I start trying to convince you to stay every night.”
“Love and war, huh?” you smiled back. “So who wins?”
“We do.”
The art inspired by this fic beautifully rendered by the amazing @leosgirl82
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lsandom · 4 years
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katana zero is such a good game please play it i beg of you,, there’s so much to like about it i can’t even start
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turbobyakuren · 2 years
Any games you've been enjoying recently or shows even
haven't watched many Shows as of late because i'm not a very Shows person but i've watched Breaking Bad and Netflix's Lupin. I've been meaning to rewatch Paranoia Agent because i want to use that dvd player and also i love this show a lot.
Among what i've been playing:
One step from Eden (if you love battle network's combat system and wish it was super fucked up this is for Yous)
Disco Elysium (a really great take on a TRPG as a video game, though i feel super bad for the protag everytime i make him fuck up something, "Dark souls of paragraphs")
Dark Souls. First of the name. Have paused my second playthru a bit but i'm at moonlight butterfly (and i fucking hate him)
Xenoblade Chronicles please god please play xenoblade chronicles if you read this it's on the switch and it's amazing you will not regret it. If you buy it buy it for Reyn. SPEAKING OF WHICH i'm really mad i can't find xenoblade chronicles 2 anywhere
Apex Legends. My beloathed. I like this game but i also don't like this game. My video games junkfood. It's bad for me but i love it anyways so i get one as a treat.
And then there's games i've been meaning to play but haven't found the moment to start em up: Blasphemous' newest DLC, AI the somnium files, Dangan Ronpa V3, Curse of Monkey Island, DOOM, Wonder labyrinth, Transistor, Hyperlight drifter, Katana ZERO, Yakuza 0, and Zero escape games. And also FF IX to finish. That's a lot i have on my backlog to even start LMFAO but i'm saving some for streaming (especially Katana ZERO and Wonder Labyrinth, i promised those blind. Yakuza i think im just gonna play it for me because i don't think i ahve the capacity to stream this game at the moment, hardware-wise)
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
YES YOU CAN!!! please do!!!
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Phew! Okay!
Okay so a while ago I started playing a game called Katana Zero and ITS SO COOL YOU HAVE NO IDEA. You play as this amnesiac samurai and you are pretty much a hitman right? They tell you who to kill and you do the job yada yada and they also give you this sort of drugs theyre testing I forgot the name but it doesnt really matter! And these drugs give you a unique perception of time and its SO cool you are like, SUPER fast.
The characters remembers a specific scene from his childhood but its super blurry and it gets clearer and clearer as you progress on the game and it also helps the fact that you have a psychiatrist helping you with all of that okay?
This PROBABLY doesnt make any sense but its so cool i promise!! -L
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toastsamurai · 4 years
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Busy as fuck with school, but here’s an assignment I did recently! We had to do a poster for a Band/ Show/ Game/ Media thing. Been playing a lot of Katana Zero so I decided to do that. Tried to go with a dada style of poster but I’m kind of shit at composition still so hopefully it’s somewhat coherent! Fuckin great game. if you haven’t played it please do it! EDIT: I did a second version because i can’t stop tweaking this 
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errantkatana · 2 years
// Thank you all for tuning in to tonight’s program, where two psychopathic former child soldiers have no idea how to comfort each other in the slightest, please play Katana Zero, it makes me cry a lot--
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