#platonic sophitz mention :>
vacker brothers mentioned on elfblr 👀
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🖤 allthingsdarkandshady Follow
okay don't come after me but... even with all the scars and stuff, Alvar Vacker do be looking fine
I'd forgive him
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🦢 moonlark-foster-2000
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🪫decknopath Follow
ohhh so that's what happened lmao
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🪫decknopath Follow
like one minute you two were all cozy and then suddenly fitz stands up and walks out upset
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🕶️ Phantastic-Phaser-deactivated20210314
SKDHFDKJ wish I could have seen that
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🖼️ Pterodactyl-enthusiast Follow
Oh noooooooooo
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presidentroarie · 1 year
your birthday hcs are so correct. anyways pls share your reasoning
Hey anon!! Thank you!! So, here's my reasoning:
Sophie: September 6th. Age in school gets weird when you're born just before the deadline for schools (between September and December of the current year) Even from a young age she was great at school, and so her birthday should be around the time school starts. Also, it makes some pretty good angst when she feels inadequate in Elven schooling (reassurance from Fitz pre-Sophitz/ Platonic! Sophitz)
Fitz: January 17th!! I feel like Fitz is a winter guy, and he gives me January vibes more than December or February. And the 17th is because of the Taylor Swift song I'd Lie because that song is perfect for Sophitz.
Biana: April 14th. Biana has soft springy vibes, but April also can have torrential downpour or snowy blizzards. Its a beautiful month, but it can be dangerous as well. I originally had her pegged for Valentines Day birthday, but she doesn't have February vibes in my opinion. It kinda sucks that it's not for February 14th though because I had a very specific headcannon that Sophie mentions Biana's birthday is Valentine's day and explains what it is and then Biana gloats about it.
Dex: October 30th. He's a fall boy, he has the complexion and hair and he would love going trick or treating with the gang and the triplets. Born close to Spooky Season, just on the edge of when it starts getting chilly.
Keefe: December 26th. He's cannonically 11 months younger than Fitz, so December works. Plus, Keefe gives me those December-y vibes. It just feels right.
Amy: December 23rd. I forgot Amy was younger than Sophie at first but then I decided "Screw it, I'm not following cannon to begin with, what's one more thing?" and I figured Amy being 3 days older than Keefe would be funny and then they're inseparable once they meet because they adore the other one and they have sibling energy fight me.
Maruca: March 12th. Just has them March vibes. Green, clovers, grass, sun, all very Maruca.
Stina: January 29th. I wanted her to be older than Biana and she also gives me late January/early February vibes but I was more sold on January.
Jensi: May 24th. Marlee's precious cinnamon roll sits in a field full of flowers smelling them all and petting bumblebees fIgHt Me.
Wylie: August 16th. He's got beachy vibes. Harsh sun, cool waves, brightness and sharpness.
Tam and Linh: July 18th. Very hot, night gets dark, bonfires are cool (they totally don't remind Linh of Marella, no, not at all that's ridiculous)
Marella: April 5th. I just have a vision of Marella walking in the room during Nightfall in a badass outfit and saying "April showers bring May flowers, bitches," and blowing a finger gun at Linh. (If I have a crush on any of the KotLC characters, it's Fitz, Della, and Marella)
Rayni: November 15th. From fannon, she gives me vibes of chilly air, not so much leaves changing colors anymore, they're already all on the ground, and the tree is hibernating for the long winter ahead. Harsh cold stiffled by hot chocolate and apple cider and blankets shared by friends. A little glimmer (Glimmer? Get it?) of light and warmth and love, reminiscent of little mice in their burrows. Shades of brown and tan.
Rex, Lex, and Bex: June 2nd. My chaotic little monsters. Love the water, and they love causing trouble. June is the end of the school year and it's when they get to go back to terrorizing their parents 24/7.
Honestly, I didn't have all the dates planned out except that Fitz I knew I wanted to be January 17th for reasons mentioned above and that each of the characters gave me a vibe that fit with a certain month and whether they were born early, late, or in the middle of the month their vibes fit. O didn't want to the dates to be super similar so I just picked random dates and adjusted them so they weren't all born on the 11th of their months because that's weird and is super unlikely.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
you're dropping info on ch 4 and yet i still cant make theories on ch 3 because this fic is amazing in the way that i have no idea whats gonna happen next. you are cruel and unjust, thank you for the future platonic sophitz content bc we need more of it.
(also i'll do my best to get predictions for ch 3 but my brain has not been working for the past few forever jksjsk. but im so excited as to what will happen next!!!)
don’t worry about it nonsie! I’m just talking about chpt 4 a bit because that’s what I’m currently writing
also thank you! I hope I can keep you strung along enough to be intrigued while also almost completely in the dark!! I strive to be even more unjust and terribly cruel than I am right now
also yes platonic sophitz because they’re soft and I love them (also many other dynamics between characters I just don’t know who they’ll be exactly so that’ll be fun!!)
and brain no work is a thing I completely understand, so don’t feel pressured to make theories and send asks or anything! You’ve mentioned in the past wanting to theorize on Sophie’s wings, and those aren’t fully revealed until chpt 4 so you’ve got plenty of time, don’t worry <33
just for fun, here’s an excerpt!
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