fern-pajamabrain · 7 months
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not as much material this time, but she got herself a boyfriend! you go girl!
Extra: them tiny
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losdibujitos · 9 months
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Una plantita 🪴
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carade0jete · 8 months
Here some random thoughts at 2. AM about this new Mortal Kombat.
I only saw 10 minutes of this new storymode and I can only feel extremely excited, I’m one of those who really lost faith that Ed Boon would deign to give us and his team of writers something good, but heeeey! At least it’s not Harada and his same story cliché around the Mishimas (oops, my bad, I strayed)
I’ll be honest, Geras’s trailer didn’t thrill me but that fraction of a second of interaction between him and the new "Time Keeper" is all I had to say about his role.
Liu Kang is the least fit to be in charge of something so important, heck, did you see the stupidity of his choices? First he chooses Kitana to be by his side for eternity, how can someone like that have objectivity? Geras, you are wise though a traitor.
Kronika may not have been one of the biggest villains or that today we could compare her with I don't know, Onaga? (I'm sorry, villains are so rare and lousy in...being that, villains.) But she played her cards, and never allowed herself to be guided by her desires for a "good" utopia, she just wanted balance and for Raiden to stop bothering ( and me too, Raiden is such an annoying character)
She was manipulative and never thought of others other than just tools to get what she wanted, then we have Liu Kang who tries to make everyone happy and have a good life but again, people are never really happy or conformist.
( Yes, I hate Liu Kang and Raiden, in case it's still not clear. )
I think that giving all the power to a character like Liu Kang is the worst possible idea, due to his chaotic personality and added to the fact that he has no idea what it is to assume the responsibilities of a God / Elder God, he will only think about his interests and what he thinks is the best for some and not for all, his vision is not critical or neutral, he judges and makes events happen according to what he wants.
He did not give the characters an option to choose what they wanted, I am not saying that Shang Tsung does not deserve his new life, but Sindel? Come on, she deserves to suffer and know what humility is, she has hurt so many people.
Speaking of the storymode aspects, I like what I see, I think there are more scenes, more information and less fighting, I really hope for something well written, that can solve the doubts of the fans and fill plot gaps.
there is a wish/hope list.
Kronika's return really sparked some interest in me again for the game, I hope the power of the script and “the good guys must win” doesn't ruin the character again.
I don't want to see Raiden again, enough of him being the only God to do something, or the only one to take responsibility.
I really hope/want Cetrion to return, there isn't as much waste as introducing an Elder God and putting him to such a stupid use as being someone else's lap dog. He is such an interesting character, so beautiful, I genuinely believe that she never wanted to follow Kronika's and if she played alongside her it's because she is her daughter, (so as not to disappoint her.)
I hope Liu Kang gives her a good life (so far we only know that titans are not affected by hourglass but Elder Gods?) I want her to be happy, her mother selfishly sacrificed her TWICE.
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aitlin-with-a-k · 1 year
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Good afternoon, everyone! I'm so glad to be here today to talk about an issue that's close to my heart: the environment. As you all know, the environment is an essential part of our lives, providing us with clean air, water, and food. Yet, despite its importance, the environment is currently facing several challenges, including pollution, deforestation, and climate change. As individuals, we have a responsibility to take a stand and make a difference. That's why I'm here today: to inspire you to take action and promote environmental awareness.
First and foremost, it's important to understand the significance of environmental awareness. Awareness means being knowledgeable and informed about the state of the environment, as well as the negative impacts that human activities are having on it. Without awareness, we risk destroying the very ecosystems that we rely on for survival. Awareness not only encourages individuals to make better choices, but it also empowers them to advocate for change at the local, national, and global levels.
Secondly, it's important to acknowledge the challenges we face in protecting the environment. The issues we're faced with are complex and multifaceted, making the solutions seem unattainable. However, we have the power to make a difference, no matter how small or how big. By raising awareness and taking action, we can contribute to the collective effort to protect the environment. As Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." By taking a stand for the environment, we can all make a difference.
And what does taking action look like? First and foremost, it's about making small changes in our daily lives. Small changes can have a big impact on the environment. Whether it's reducing water usage, recycling, or consuming less, every little effort counts. It's important to remember that we're all in this together, and our actions have consequences, both positive and negative.
But above all else, taking action means advocating for change. It means writing to our representatives, signing petitions, and supporting environmental organizations. It means voting for candidates and legislation
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saucegloton · 2 years
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Such a beauté! I could stare at you literally all day ☺️
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plenilunada · 2 years
This one
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yo-pandra · 2 years
smol flowers
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In order:
Longstalk phacelia (Phacelia longipes)
Splendid woodland gilia (Saltugilia splendens)
Scarlet monkeyflower (Erythranthe cardinalis)
Plummer's mariposa lily (Calochortus plummerae)
Grinnel's beardtongue (Penstemon grinnellii)
Cliff aster (Malacothrix saxatilis)
Branching phacelia (Phacelia ramosissima)
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malfoyqueen · 2 years
Ir a terapia no es malo, malo es quedarte estancado pensando que puedes tu solo contra tus problemas, malo es que todo te esta comiendo y solo lo pospones.
El ir a terapia es amor propio, es sanar, NO es estar loco, es amarte💗🌱
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kandy-draw · 2 years
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Mejor dejen que el amor y el conocimiento, que nos da nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo, los ayude a ser cada vez mejores cristianos.¡Alabemos a Jesucristo ahora y siempre! Amén.
Seguir leyendo::
2 Pedro 3: 18
Para las personas que llevamos tiempo en el evangelio es importante dar a conocer un mensaje de amor a nuestro prójimo :3
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missserotonin · 2 years
Paay is doing great. 🌱
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fern-pajamabrain · 8 months
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more frames of Her!!!!
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im-deco-nstruida · 2 years
Esta plantita me inspira tanto
🪴Costilla de Adán🪴
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Atentamente K🦋
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danicallyproven · 2 years
Blooming balcony. Just happy and proud that my plants are full again.
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aitlin-with-a-k · 1 year
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Good day, everyone! I'm so glad to be here today to talk about an issue that's close to my heart: environmental awareness. As we all know, the environment is a vital aspect of our lives, providing us with clean air, water, and natural resources. But despite its importance, the environment is currently facing various challenges, including pollution, deforestation, and climate change. This is why I'm here today to raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire all of us to take action.
Firstly, it's essential to understand the significance of environmental awareness. Awareness is the first step towards promoting a positive change for the environment. It involves being knowledgeable and informed about the state of the environment, as well as the negative impacts that human activities are having on it. Without awareness, we risk destroying the very ecosystem we depend on for survival. Environmental awareness not only encourages individuals to make better choices, but it also empowers them to advocate for change at the local, national and global levels.
Secondly, it's important to acknowledge the various challenges we face when it comes to protecting the environment. These issues are complex and multifaceted, and there is no easy or simple solution. However, we can make a difference, no matter how small or big. It's our responsibility to ensure that we leave a better planet for the next generation. And the only way to do that is by being environmentally aware and taking action.
And what does taking action look like? It starts with making small, individual changes. This could involve reducing waste, using reusable bags, and turning off lights when not in use. It's important to remember that every effort counts, and the more individuals take action, the greater impact we can create. We can also support environmental organizations and volunteer for local conservation projects. By working together, we can create a more sustainable future for all.
In conclusion, environmental awareness is not just about saving the environment, but it's also about leaving a legacy for the future generations. By raising awareness and taking action, we can make a positive impact on the environment. I urge everyone to take the pledge to be more environmentally conscious and make a difference. Thank you.
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sweetmc · 8 months
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