#pillowfort io
snarp · 11 months
If you attempt to promote Pillowfort in my notes, you are a danger to yourself and others. I will block you, AND I will add you to the list of users I make sure to re-block every time I notice that Tumblr has cleared the recent entries in my blocklist, thereby ensuring that it is no fault of my own if anyone ever sees your bad advice.
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songofsaraneth · 7 months
i'll be honest i do not trust any up&coming social media site that claims it will be free to use and also not sell your data and also have zero ads. WHERE are you getting money then? like sure you can rely on donations for sustainability for like... a couple years at best probably, if you're aiming to wildly increase growth/number of users. donation based works ok for small highly invested communities or for online repositories of data (wikipedia, ao3). but like facebook/instagram/tiktok are profitable becuase they harvest data and use ads. tumblr is BARELY scraping by because it only relies on ads. if you take away even that, as soon as you have enough users to surpass the limits of free hosting, you're operating at a deficit.
like not writing this to say don't give it a shot, sincerely wish them good luck and hope they figure it out, it's hard! but also i just don't consider those kinds of websites/communities a reliable "backup" plan compared to tumblr itself which has kept chugging along for years despite Everything. it's a shiny new social media but it is weird to profess that a social media site advertising NO revenue streams will last longer than this one here.
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sbnkalny · 1 year
The battles that i’ve lost the ability to raise someone from someone to sÅve my ass
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smellslikebot · 2 years
how to keep following people when a major social platform implodes
(...and you don't want to join 20 new websites)
First, get an RSS reader*-- here are some free options:
Desktop: Feedbro (browser extension), Fraidycat** (browser extension/web), Thunderbird, Dreamwidth (web)
Android: Feeder
iOS/Mac: NetNewsWire
You'll be able to make a custom feed to follow blogs, webcomics, social media feeds, podcasts, news, and other stuff on the web all in one place. To follow something, find its "feed URL"-- often marked by an icon that looks like this ↓-- and paste it into your reader of choice as a new feed.
Tumblr media
Some feed URLs for social media/other sites:
Tumblr: Use username.tumblr.com/rss or username.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20art/rss to follow a blog's "my art" tag (as an example)
Cohost: Use username.cohost.org/rss/public
Mastodon: Use instance.url/@­username.rss
Deviantart: Info here
Spacehey: Info here
Youtube: Go to a channel in a web browser, view page source, and use Ctrl-F/Command-F to find a link that starts with "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id="
Reddit: Info here
Lemmy: At the top of a community's main page, there's a small RSS link next to where you sort posts/comments.
Some additions thanks to @innumerablewounds:
Dreamwidth: https://username.dreamwidth.org/rss (users can opt out of this).
Ao3: Tags have an "RSS Feed" button.
Bluesky: Add /rss to the end of a URL.
Neocities: https://neocities.org/site/username.rss
Sites that won't work all that great:
Twitter: Feedbro and Fraidycat** may be able to use Twitter profile URLs as feed URLs. Otherwise, use nitter.net/username/rss (or other Nitter instance) Public Nitter instances are dead/dying, and Twitter is now very hostile to pretty much anything that makes it easy to generate an RSS feed. For popular accounts, try this workaround using Google News...?
Instagram: Feedbro may be able to use Instagram profile and hashtag URLs as feed URLs. Check Feedbro's "scan interval" setting-- you could be rate limited or temporarily IP banned from Instagram if it makes requests too often!
Facebook: Feedbro may be able to use public Facebook group/page URLs as feed URLs, but see the warnings for Instagram.
Threads: Come on.
Also see how to find the RSS feed URL for almost any site. Try using public RSS-Bridge instances or Happyou Final Scraper to generate feeds for sites that don't have them (Pillowfort, Patreon, etc).
*You can set up your subscriptions in one reader and import them into another by exporting an OPML file. **Fraidycat's intended use is following a lot of people across different sites, so it's well-suited for this post and I'd recommend keeping an eye on it-- but I didn't recommend it initially because I had some issues with it, and it hasn't been updated in a while. The last time I used it, it didn't have a setting to change how often it makes requests to websites, causing me to get IP banned from Twitter and Instagram...
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pillowfort-social · 11 months
I apologize if this has been asked or addressed elsewhere already, but considering the topic is coming up again for various social media platforms (and many people are aware of how restrictive the App Store for iOS devices can be unless you’re a Special Star like Twitter somehow):
What are the plans to create a mobile app that is available to users—and allows you guys to get proper funding—without compromising on the site’s ability to host nsfw content?
We're in the process of developing a progressive web app for mobile with push notifications that is still on track to be by end of this summer. The PWA will be available directly for download on our site so we won't have to abide App Store rules.
Our newly launched Dev Blog will be providing progress updates on the PWA.
2023 Pillowfort Development Goals
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der-papero · 7 months
Vabbè, visto che in giro qua c'è un po' di allarme (o allarmismo), io ho rispolverato un account Pillowfort che all'epoca avevo creato per capire se ci fossero alternative a Tumblr, e stavolta il marchio papero me lo son prenotato, così evito che uno stronzo amante unicamente delle cosce di donne con calze a rete me lo fotta.
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lindwurmkai · 2 years
[banging pots and pans together] hello I am here to talk to you about Pillowfort again
I started checking PF regularly a few weeks ago and since then I have already had multiple delightful interactions with strangers. Some short (one reply per person) and some longer, none of them unpleasant. Considering I am not very talkative, that's impressive!
Did you know you can now sign up without needing an invite link or paying money? Just enter the waitlist and soon you'll get an email with a sign-up link. Last I heard, the wait was hours rather than days.
There's still no app, but I have three hot tips for fellow mobile users:
1) If opening your browser and then navigating to the website feels like too many steps, you can add a shortcut to your homescreen. I'm not sure how because I never do this, and I imagine it depends on which browser you use anyway, so just google how to do it in your browser of choice
2) If your browser takes too long to load because you have 74591 tabs open, consider keeping two separate browsers on your phone - one for opening shortcuts and links from other apps, one for regular browsing. I'm actually at 3 to 5 browsers for different purposes by now depending on whether you count the apps I will mention in the next tip, this is getting out of control, help me
3) There are apps - at least on Android, I'm not sure about iOS - that can turn any website into a "lite app" that is basically the advanced version of simply putting a shortcut on your homescreen. This has pros and cons; I may make a separate post about it at some point. Personally I mostly use Hermit at this time and it has completely cured me of my previous reluctance to visit mobile websites instead of installing apps.
Maybe this will help some of you, too!
My PF dashboard is still very slow at around 3-8 new posts per day. For a while I was following the "active users" community to see more posts, but it was mostly stuff that didn't interest me. I unfollowed it as soon as I was getting some new posts from other sources on my dash every day, but I'm still looking for more people and communities to follow.
There are no communities for many of my interests. I'm thinking about making some of my own! It's probably easier than you think. To those unfamiliar with the concept, a community is like a shared blog but on a larger scale and easier to join; members might make posts catered specifically to the community, ask questions to start discussions, or just reblog content to the community instead of their own blog if it's a niche interest. Reblogging one's own posts to communities for more exposure is also common. Much better than tags!
If you're interested in signing up but don't want to wait, I still have some invite links:
(And a few more, don't hesitate to ask)
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torifloop · 7 months
Is it really so hard to just say "hey you could have phrased that different I think" or "Interesting hypothesis, now here is my opinion shared respectfully", why do people gotta act like you shot their dog when you have a take that differs from their own? I think tumblr doing shit is a mix of people having grown accustomed to the frequent changes, and nobody wants to learn a new social media site after a 3rd or 4th exodus, other people from more confrontational pvp sites like reddit and twitter have their "debate" culture bleeding over, and I think its also staffs fault for treating its users like an unwilling testgroup for features nobody ever asks for because they want to make profit like other websites in a time where people are now becoming more scrupulous about identifying and avoiding websites trying to earn profit at expense of accessibility and ease of use. Tumblr never needed a new young growing userbase, they needed to not drive their original users away. I dont think the new features are to bring in new users to a website in a genuine attemp to grow the userbase, but to entice new rubes into signing up after scaring everyone away in a vy for money by removing nsfw content and mass banning users to become family friendly so the app could be downloaded in the ios app store and get that sweet sweet apple ad revenue
ok first off - fuckin chill.
Second, ive survived several dozen art site migrations (only to find out the site sucks and is run my shite people and have to go back, or the site goes bankrupt). It's a thing that will happen, something new will come around and say its better that XYZ.
Third, yall were assholes even before the NSFW ban - I got death threats as a minor for running an Ask Blog and people didn't like how I portrayed characters. Assholes on tumblr are nothing new, debates on tumblr are nothing new. Theres plenty of proof.
Fourth - NOTHING IS FREE. Running servers and websites COSTS MONEY. CAUSE WE LIVE IN A CAPITALIST NIGHTMARE. The NSFW ban wasn't because staff hates the userbase - its cause Apple doesn't allow apps that everyone can access to have NSFW content. Oh, are ios users just not allowed to have apps, to access tumblr from their iphones? If you want a functioning website, you have to understand that they need money - Toyhouse is funded by users paying for premium, Pillowfort was pay to join for a decent amount of time (although I'm told its different now, good for them),
I'm not the one sending asks (anon or not) to scream at other users on tumblr.
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seventeendeer · 5 years
I’m on Pillowfort.io!
Hey everyone!
So, tomorrow’s the big day. Tumblr is giving up its last pretense of sorta, kinda functioning as a web page meant for humans. It will still exist, but if things pan out the way staff intends, it will be an unreliable platform for hosting and sharing art, and staying in contact with people - which are the two things I care about the most on here.
In an attempt to escape the tyranny of badly-coded bots, I have set up a blog on a website some of you may know/have heard me talk about before - Pillowfort.io.
- About Pillowfort:
Pillowfort is a blogging site still in its beta phase of development. Huge amounts of tumblr’s users have already migrated to it (I think it was 10k new users just last week??). It’s run by an independent development team who are promoting it as a safer, better moderated alternative to tumblr, where creators will have greater control over how their content is viewed and shared. In the future, the site will be funded by premium subscriptions rather than by selling user information to third parties, which ensures that the creators will remain present and aware of users’ wishes and needs. AKA they can’t just dump widely-hated updates on their users and then ignore them the way tumblr’s staff does. You can read more about the site, its creators, its policies, and development progress on the official Pillowfort tumblr (I’m not affiliated with anything going on over there btw, I’m just a fan who naturally talks like an infomercial when I’m excited lol).
Currently, getting access to the site requires a 5$ entrance fee, which will earn you an invite to be a beta user. This is because the developers obviously still need to eat while they’re working on the project, and they can’t very well roll out premium features before the basic infrastructure is all there.
Invites are currently closed, as the staff works on buffing up the site enough that it can handle the sudden influx of traffic. I was one of the last people who got in before invites closed for the time being. As soon as they’re open again, I’ll give a shout to everyone else here on tumblr in case you want to follow me into this brand new world!
- About my new Pillowfort blog:
I’m taking a chance on Pillowfort and making it the new central hub for my online presence. This means that the rare art, photos and personal posts will appear there before they appear anywhere else. Other than that, my new blog will pretty much be all the same stuff I have on my tumblr right now - reblogging art, text posts, memery, etc. There’s obviously less traffic on there than there is here, but the only way to change that is to contribute things myself and help boost other people as much as I can!
On Pillowfort, my username is FloralMedusa.
- About my tumblr:
I’ll still be on tumblr. The only major difference happening here is that I will no longer search for new blogs to follow on this platform - which could, long-term, mean that I’ll be reblogging fewer things, and my stream of posts will slow down.
I will still be answering asks on here, and I still highly encourage people to send them! I understand that not everyone is ready to leave, or wants to move to another site, and I still want to see you around!! I consider all my followers my friends, and I don’t want to lose any of you, so please, if you have things to say, don’t be shy!
I will also be cross-posting my art to tumblr, though always with a link attached to its mirror on Pillowfort, which means that it won’t show up in search.
Basically, everything will be the same for my followers on here, my focus on doing More New Shit will just be elsewhere. I might even start sharing original content on Pillowfort, since there’s more control over who can see my stuff over there. Who knows!
- Closing statement:
I encourage everyone who can to follow me to Pillowfort. Those of you who already have accounts, please hit me up over there so we can stay in touch. Start using your Pillowfort blogs so we can help build something new. Those of you who don’t have accounts there yet - please do consider getting one when invites are open again. It’s super fun and already so much better than tumblr, even in its beta stage. Again, I’ll give you a shout when invites are open again.
As I’ve said previously, you can also find me on Twitter, under “thesketcherlass”, if you want to keep an eye on my stuff without bothering with either tumblr or Pillowfort. I will also be linking my art over there when it pops up once in a blue moon.
That’s it for today. See you around, cool beans. <3
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snarp · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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markmaker36 · 5 years
It looks like Pillowfort.io is gonna be the place to go for NSFW content from here on out! 
I’m planning on making an account in a few days once it’s open again. In the meantime, I’d like to compile a list of current users or people who plan to join in the future so I know who to follow! I’ll be sure and share a link here once I join Pillowfort.io.
If you’re interested in joining the site, check out @pillowfort-io for more information on the site!
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sbnkalny · 7 months
Why does this wild dot look like a sentient Dorito?
Give me a pillowfort dot io KEY?! 🔑🗝🔑🗝🔑🗝 I’ve lost the throne of Morrowind
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angelofmysteries · 5 years
I honestly don't understand why y'all are so screaming mad at pillowfort??? Like, they just stated that they don't want explicitly underage things to be posted??? I mean, I'm all for that, I understand and accept it, and I don't understand why nobody else seems to?
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purewanderlust · 5 years
Hey, I’m on pillowfort now and I have no friends. Come follow me if you’re over there too.
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Once I move over to Pillowfort.io I will probably be posting a lot of original Wynonna Earp/wayhaught fan content (memes, fics, etc.) Since I'm sure the community there will be small and need help getting it's feet off the ground.
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glitter-lisp · 5 years
*abruptly remembers I was supposed to do the pillowfort drawing yesterday*
Give me two minutes y’all, it’s been a hectic week
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