#pico is also an assassin
dracomeir · 5 months
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Revenant Pico was given another chance at life by Girlfriend after failing to protect Boyfriend. When in dire situations, or more intimidation is needed, he reveals his undead form to gain access to powers granted by his patron. His goal is to find out what happened to his lover, and to avenge him for what happened in the past.
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picoday2006 · 2 years
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sharkylass · 30 days
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So- Fnf fans how we feeling about the weekend update- (this is not even remotely related but it triggered the fixation-)
Just thinking about how Pico was fully planning to commit to the assassination bit, but just saw BF and he realized he couldn't do it. Lord forbid he admits it to himself that he's fond of that damn idiot tho- (Idiot who was shot at and promptly proceeded to invite the shooter to a friendly rap battle CAUSE YO, WE HAVEN'T SEEN EACHOTHER IN AGES!!!) So instead he is "playing with his food" so to speak, only to end up going home hungry, broke and bitchless.
I have some ideas as to how the actual songs go along but for now this is all you're getting.
But yeah no the weekend was really cool- [Commissions]
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Also putting an alt here for my sanity, don't pay attention to it
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cryptotheism · 1 year
Man. We give the Renaissance esotericists shit for their goofy takes on "Christian Kabbalah," but they were also radical progressives for their time. Pico de Mirandola especially.
Like, the man actively risked death (and it's possible that he was actually assassinated) by arguing before church authorities that maybe we shouldn't be indiscriminately murdering Jews and burning their holy books, and that maybe Christians could deepen their relationship to god by discussing theology with Jews.
He did this at the tail end of the 1400s, literally during the Alhambra Decree, this man was arguing for the rights of Jewish people and the value of Jewish theology to papal authorities, as a Catholic priest. He actually wanted to hold a whole ass papal conference on the matter, but was blocked and condemned by Pope Innocent VII.
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paozudraws · 3 months
i think that nene, pico and Darnell were not only all dating, but were a bunch of mercenaries together. Pico was the de facto leader, the "face" of their organization. he dealt with all the deals, all the heavy work of going in guns blazing
nene is an Actual assassin, relying on stealth and her size to do work. she isn't physical, and she also manages the spying, since she the only one capable. she likes doing the death defying tasks
Now Darnell is the Real mastermind behind Everything though. unlike those 2, Darnell never gets into the front lines. he uses a lot of advanced technology, he makes weapons and controls their finances. he has drones to watch things and when he does step in to situations, he goes extreme an uses shit like bombs.
they had a good thing going on the three of them, until pico had a mental breakdown, conflicting eith his motivations. he aggressively cut them out of his life, in lack of better words and ran away. it's just him on his own now, Darnell and nene still together tho
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Okay @hazawatsugu @splatoonfan88
Here I have an idea. What if the Einherjars went against gods that weren't the ROR gods or at least other gods.
In order of rounds and reasons.
Kaito vs Athena 'Of steady hand and still blade I shall strike you down.'
Paradox vs Kali 'the living apocalypse who fights to protect his family vs the berserker warrior goddess who will do anything for her husband Shiva'
Tsugu vs Tyr 'the righteous god of war and justice vs the most innocent and pure of the mortal champions'
Bun vs Azazael 'you and I have suffered for the mistakes and sins of others. I'm so sorry I wished we met under and other circumstances. So do I.' (You chose who says what)
Derail vs Hel 'a king who lived to save and serve his people a just and kind ruler? Please Lady Hel I'm just human as anyone else just like you are truly a benevolent queen.'
Sunblood vs Isis (yes that's her name) 'Both gods connected to many things. Sunblood despite being a science God is also connected wisdom knowledge medicine Foresight hindsight and more while Isis is a healing magic fertility and moon despite normally being seen as the motherhood and family goddess both getting several powers through outside means [Sunblood through worship and getting the titles of various gods he helped overthrow and Isis through getting Ra's secret name/part of his soul that gave him most of his power.] Both are the head god outside of primordial gods and abstract ones. (Isis is the goddess of the cosmos in some tales and Sunblood is second only to the abstract god of space and primordial goddess of the void.) Plus unlike other head gods both are good and caring deities
Mai VS The Jade Emperor 'the fallen Angel who rebelled against heaven's gods for the sake of her sisters' Children vs the god who rules over the gods and mortals with an iron fist poorly painted Jade green'
Garou vs Zagryus 'the human monster who fought for underdogs everywhere while misguided till his final moments vs the god before being accepted by Greece he was originally the terrifying god of rebirth and madness who was taking in the outcasts and who's worshipers were the margalined people of Greece [slaves women and non citizens]'
Bonus fights.
Naruko vs Daji 'both foxy vixens but the difference is one accidentally made a harem of lovely and skilled people she genuinely cares for vs the empress destroying temptress who takes men as her slaves or die by her hand.'
Pico vs Hou Yi 'the mercenary solider who became the world's strongest sharpshooter/gunman who was wrongly portrayed as a villain for too long who eventually loved a Angel and a demon gaining pseudo-immortality vs the devine archer who was exiled from heaven for doing something he was ordered to do and was sent to earth as a mortal who eventually obtained a elixir of immortality that could've given him regular immortality with him unable to gain it and growing to enjoying mortal life.' [bonus both were betrayed which ended in their deaths in my AU Pico was betrayed and killed by his greedy friends and his employers who wanted him to assassinated his partners [gf's dad wanted bf dead and bf's dad wanted gf dead and his friends killed him after blowing off a hand and cutting out an eye before he got killed by them a year later while Hou depending on the myth had his wife selfishly down the elixir and become a goddess only to find out she's still exiled with him getting killed by an apprentice later or the more preferred ending neither he nor her took the elixir and his apprentice finds out about tries to steal it only for Hou's wife Chang'E to down it to stop him from becoming an immortal and greedy god to which Hou Yi still dies a mortal but is STILL betrayed by his apprentice]
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animutate · 11 months
awesome pico hcs YEAHHHHH
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i think pico dropped out of highschool at age 16 around 2003 as soon as he legally could because he did Not feel safe there. especially with people like alucard and cyril still being alive and going there and seeing him every day after what they did to him.
cassandra and hanzou are also both dead. pico killed them in self defense and it did things 2 his Brain. he kills people for his job now but the difference is he was 13 when that happened and it was people he knew and were possibly friends with? even now he still refuses to kill boyfriend because he knew him personally even though its getting him in trouble with his boss. that event also gave him ptsd and made his paranoia horrible for years
most of the assassin games were him. his first few jobs as an assassin were to kill high profile celebrities of the time like britney spears even though was still an amateur and 14 which is a big fucking deal and really stupid, but he still somehow managed to not get caught and made a lot of money off of it.
he lives on his own in an apartment in philly. he managed to have enough money from his job killing celebrities + working at like blockbuster or something when he was 18 to move out as soon as he could and cut all contact with his father. his parents got divorced when he was wayyy too young to remember so he had always lived with his father. he was always distant and never really seemed to care about him, and he only ever saw his mom a couple days out of the year. she was always too busy to speak to him on the phone too, so he isnt used to like. affection??? this is made worse by his paranoia which makes him less trusting so there arent a lot of people hes close with.
i have way more but um im sleepy and this is already really long. MAYBEE i will post more later
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shadesofnavy · 11 months
It's so nice to see a fellow short Pico & GF and tall himbo BF enjoyer! Could I hear some trivia about your trio there? Oh, and are you a shameless shipper who ships them with yo friends' versions of the trio? If so you're very based. ;]
Aw thank you :) yes I'm a bit of a shameless shipper here, just love pairing those who'd get along with my trio here lol. I'll give a little in-sight on these three fellows here so y'all can get to know them more: -Boyfriend is 35, Girlfriend is 34 and Pico is 36 -I gave them legitimate names since they're from a more "normal" world compare to other AUs--Keith Burlington, Cherry Davis and Pico Dankworth--however I honestly don't think it's that big of a deal to call them bf and gf for simplicity's sake. Wondering if I should make those tags now tho.. -Cherry is actually not a demon here... surprise..? -Keith used to go to the gym every few times a week since he was a teenager, however he's stopped ever since he started working on making music and preforming on local gigs around Newsground City -Cherry serves as a full-time cook at a casual restaurant (the best in town so far) -She has a culinary degree -Keith dropped out of college after trying to get a music degree. He claims it was "too finicky" for him -He wouldn't have graduated high school if it weren't for Cherry urging him to try -Keith and Cherry have known each other since early high school (he was 16 and she was 15) -Pico is a surreptitious hitman known only to the world of crime going about the city. He's been living tied to it since he was a deserted teenager just after surviving the infamous school shooting -Pico is actually a good cook himself, however he has a very low appetite and rarely ever feeds himself a decent meal -He's mildly malnourished because of that and is schizophrenic -He's also caffeine intolerant and addicted to smoking -Keith is alcohol tolerant and loves any food with juicy meat -He can grill and cook any kind of meat and make pancakes. Other than that, it's a disaster -He leaves the kitchen a mess whenever he cooks -Cherry does not approve of the statement above -They're all more or less bisexual -Pico gets cold very easily, so he always wears a turtleneck, hoodie and jacket. In the summertime he'll only stick with his turtleneck and maybe a sleeveless hoodie -Despite his frail appearance he's as firm as a log -Pico's gun is the MAC-10 submachine gun; he uses a suppressor with it. He also owns a glock -Cherry's dad once called Pico to try and assassinate Keith (unbeknownst to the ginger who it was), but her mother managed to stop him in time before anything was settled -Edit: I forgot to add that Keith also has ADHD, but I feel as though every Boyfriend has that so yeah lol
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fictiveheavy-systim · 2 years
Whitelist / Request stuff under cut! Yes it's formatted ugly
→ Open for stimboards, transparents, icons, selfcare and pronouns/names
Eddsworld AUs
→ Open for stimboards, selfcare, and maybe pronouns/names depending on if I'm familiar with the AU
Metal Family
→ Open for stimboards, transparents, icons, selfcare and pronouns/names
→ Open for stimboards, transparents, icons, and selfcare
→ Open for stimboards, selfcare and pronouns/names
→ Open for stimboards, selfcare and pronouns/names
→ Open for stimboards, transparents, and icons
→ Open for stimboards, transparents, and icons
→ Open for stimboards
→ Open for stimboards and transparents
Pico's School
→ Open for stimboards
→ Open for stimboards
→ Open for stimboards
Invader Zim
→ Open for stimboards
→ Open for stimboards
→ Open for stimboards
→ Open for stimboards
Henry Stickmin
→ Open for stimboards
→ Open for stimboards and selfcare
→ Open for stimboards
Non-introject alters
→ Open for stimboards, maybe selfcare
→ Open for stimboards, for mogai labels maybe pronouns/names
→ Open for stimboards
Assassination Classroom
→ Open for stimboards
The Devil's a Part-Timer
→ Open for stimboards
Blue Exorcist
→ Open for stimboards
Death Note
→ Open for stimboards
(i also play favorites if you have our discord or something or talk to us you're excused from the whitelist, request whatever)
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crossover-enthusiast · 5 months
Shes a cyborg and she like works for an organisation thats kinda like the greater good but instead of killing anomalies theyre like offering help to anomalies with stuff regarding to being anomalous and also they provide like refuge to anomalies that are currently like on the run from the greater good and also rads like an assassin part time like pico also the leader of the organisation is like her father figure i love her so much
Ohh cool!! She seems neat :>
What's her name?
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zternity · 7 months
☆ 𝙼𝚢 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 ☆
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The Underworld -
Supreme Celestial || CHARACTERS ||
𖤍 - demon
𖤓 - Angel
☯︎ - Neutral
✿ - Magical forest
★ - Underworld
Alix Beloved - King of angels𖤓
Zine - Adopted girl 𖤓
Sinister Family
Zalgo Sinister - King of demons, 2nd oldest sinister
Lazari Sinister - Zalgos Youngest daughter, Willows gf 𖤍
Iggyna Sinister - Zalgos oldest daughter 𖤍
Silvañ Sinister - Youngest 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𖤍
Zatan Sinister - 4th oldest sinister, twin 𖤍
Satan Sinister - 3rd oldest sinister, twin 𖤍
Asmodeus Sinister - oldest sinister. 𖤍
Silvana sinister - 5th oldest 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𖤍
Bruce sinister - Zalgos father 𖤍
Ravena Sinister - Zalgos mom 𖤍
Gardener - Pico 𖤓
Trainer - Natalie ✿ - Siberian cat hybrid
Assassin - Azul 𖤍 + ✿ - spider hybrid
Maid 3 - Kirra 𖤍
Maid 1 - Ophelia ☯︎
Maid 2 - Charlie 𖤓
Librarian - Frisk 𖤍
Mechanic - Zachary ✿ - Leopard hybrid
Chef G. - Violet ☯︎
Chef B. Zack, brothers with Zachary ✿ - Amur Leopard hybrid
Blank Alarie - youngest underworld, player, rapist★
Evil Lucifer Alarie - My favorite traumatized oc, oldest underworld.★
Willow-White wolf-Alarie - Emilas daughter. ★+ ✿ - Winter wolf
MOTHER - Creators of the underworld, have no real name. ★
FATHER - Creators of the underworld, have no real name ★
Emila Alarie - Middle Alarie ★
Jackie Malik - Emilas daughter ★
Anna Malik - Emilas daughter ★
Deuis Malik - king of MF ✿ - Great wolf
Maya Geten - Queen of neutrals ☯︎
Spinner Glee - Old king of neutrals ☯︎
Kemiko - guard of the velvet family…(lore) 𖤍
Rosa Velvet - Arranged Marriage with Zalgo 𖤍
The gatekeeper - the Lady between the gates
Mikieie Rulei - Alixs "friend", Zombie
Nashada Velvet - Rosa's older sister ☯︎
The hunter - Enemy of the Underworld
Ace Hunter - The hunters son
Saide Hunter - The hunters daughter, in love with Willow.
Asteria Heart - gun fanatic 𖤍
Seno-Yun - (lore) 𖤍
Siona Blair - Oldest of them all, (lore), ✿ - Mythic Cat
Artimas Augar ☯︎ - (lore) childhood friends with Asteria
Tenko Garaki - Hook up with Evil
Fyodor the clown - robot (lore)
Ezra Alinac - Evils puppet (lore)
Roanoak / Espen - Evils childhood friend (LoRe)
Tedious Deeds
Jenifer Kat - girl with trauma
The mom - Trauma inducer
Carlos Arai - High school teacher who helps with trauma
Ruby - Lesbian Bully
Side characters
Christian Sanity
Silvan Hunter - A retired Veteran from injury with an unknown ability who made his own church
Lucille - A girl who also has unique ability’s who fell in love with the alter boy
Monica Abbott - Popular girl
Evangeline Solice - Monica’s best friend
Alister Sullivan - Popualr guy
Ms.Quinn - Homeroom Teacher were the incident happened
Theo Harris - Alisters best friend
Naomi - pick me girl with guts
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dracomeir · 2 months
Anyway, I had enough of paranoia preventing me from posting stuff. I haven't said shit about any AU of mine for a hot minute, so today I'll say something about King's Guard. I won't be writing this story for awhile (like a year or more in the future since I write slow), and this is prologue stuff anyway so it isn't that much of a spoiler. If you're like me, you'll probably forget this by then anyway. Still going to put it under the read more though. :3
Warning: Major character death, but also not.
For better context, Pico and Boyfriend had no idea about the other's true identity as an assassin and prince respectively. They happened to bump into each other in the market when dressed as commoners, and increasingly frequent encounters made them slowly fall for each other.
When the night the crown prince was going to be named arrived, Pico used the masquerade as an opportunity to sneak in. A few other assassins from the Ravenlight Order, the group he works for, joins him to ensure the prince with the Voice of Authority wouldn't escape. All the ginger was told about his target was that he had blue hair, and that he would be wearing a raven mask. He was also told to proceed with caution since there were rumours about the danger of the prince's Voice. It alone could cause the heaven's light to smite him, and he didn't want to get into a fight if the rumours were true. He could only do so much as an ordinary human after all.
As the target was walking to the throne to accept his role as crown prince, Pico emerged from the crowd to strike. He ended up slashing the man's mask in half, and saw his lover beneath it. With no time to think, he betrays the Ravenlight Order to protect him. An unknown third party overwhelms him as a curse of silence was placed upon Boyfriend. The ginger was stabbed in the back, and his vision faded as the prince was taken away. He thought it was over when a female voice echoed in the darkness.
"I can give you the means to live until you avenge your king. All I need is your soul."
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gh0st1xapocalypse · 1 year
I know I wanted to stop doing this but this actually kinda ticked me off so
I just saw someone who claimed to be a "fan" of pico's school yet found it offensive and said Cassandra is a terrible person and you shouldn't like her
Tell me you aren't a real newgrounds fan without telling me you aren't a real newgrounds fan.
I get it, making a stupid ass game about a school sh--ting is offensive. THAT'S THE POINT. IT'S SATIRE. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you HAVE to like it. Humor is subjective, but you can't be a fan of it if you find the very GAME you're a fan of OFFENSIVE?? Nene is a racist stereotype, (Hell they even made her YELLOW.) and nobody seems to complain about that.
The game is a joke. Everything about it ISN'T meant to be taken seriously. Nothing in it is serious, nothing about it is serious, it wasn't made for serious purposes and it sparked NEWGROUNDS of all things.
I'm not saying you HAVE to like it, again humor is subjective and I can TOTALLY understand why someone wouldn't find a joke about a real school sh--ting funny.
but you can't just be a fan of the game and complain how the ENTIRE POINT OF THE GAME IS BEING OFFENSIVE.
and with people hating Cassandra?? I never understood why. She's a bad guy oh no!!!! Darnell burned down an entire city, Pico's a trigger happy lunatic especially in FNF where he's literally an assassin, Nene has her whole knife obsession and likes killing people, and the rest of the goth punks are also school sh--ters.
You can't hate Cassandra but praise Pico or Darnell because they're all horrible people, and again THAT'S THE P.O.I.N.T. They're SUPPOSED to be comedically bad people. Even if you DON'T count Pico being an assassin as canon due to it being in fnf (despite fnf being somewhat canonized) there's STILL Darnell plays with fire. He burns down an entire city, but oh no Cassandra killed people so she's a monster aparently waaaaa
like bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TLDR; Pico's school fans stop complaining about the game being offensive, and stop hating Cassandra and people who like her.
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shslpunkartist · 2 years
I'm so amused at the fact that Tsuri would be arrested for being a hitman/serial killer when one of the cops (Otis) purposely lets one (Pico) roam around free. Yes I know why and also I do understand why, but that doesn't it any less amusing to me. And then there's Ami's parents who had probably killed a lot of folks before & then there's Zardy who Kim outright said was pretty much a former assassin & HAS most certainly killed plenty before. Pretty sure cops wouldn't be happy with them either 😂
Otis has to cover for so many people, it's exhausting
He may cover for Tsuri if he learns, considering he isn't a heartless killer (Tsuri's top priority is abusive adults to kids.. and people who threaten his or Leroy's friends' safety.. andsomeassholesthattouchLeroy-), but Tsuri doesn't wanna chance it. Never chance it. Hell, Tsuri didn't even want them to know his name (even though Tsuri isn't his real name, but we don't talk about his real name)
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insinirate · 2 years
be wicked realistic if his bio dad is a regular royal with no selkie powers then if he did that to pico's mom. and pico keeps his pelt always on him because his mom said terrible things will happen if he doesnt keep it close to him :/ pico doesnt get it but he loves his mom so he heeds her odd warning. pico tells john this and the kid doesnt connect the dots, but john does
now weve added to johns stress levels in this au cause on top of knowing pico can shapeshift he has to worry about pico retaining the ability to shapeshift
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witlessficcer · 2 years
Archer and the Assassin 12
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Note: I wrote an incorrect Hawkeye quote recently with this theme and my mutual @kurosakiichigoat​ thought it would be a good one to expand on. Thanks Ichigo! 
If you like what you read, please fee free to leave a like, comment, or reblog. I hope you enjoy. 
Hot Sauce Kisses
As a Black Widow assassin, Yelena Belova took herself very seriously. As a girlfriend, on the other hand, she preferred her childlike roots, being playful and unpredictable. This was both boom and bust when it came to Kate Bishop. More often than not, her brunette lover tended to be receptive to her chaotic surprises. There were times, however, when Kate did not appreciate her mischief.
Yelena entered the kitchen and opened the fridge. Grabbing the bottle of hot sauce, she lifted it high, opened her mouth, and shot the spicy sauce inside, much like one might do with a can of whipped cream. It tasted good and it wasn’t that hot anyway. Making sure that her lips were coated with the red liquid, she turned to Kate, who was chopping cilantro for some homemade Pico de gallo.
The blonde loved seeing Kate prepare food. There was something in her face, the look of concentration, that made Yelena want to kiss her or slap her ass depending on the moment. There was also a wistfulness in her adorable face that melted the blonde’s heart every time she saw it. It was a youthful innocence that Yelena had to purpose to achieve while it came natural to Kate.
Yelena decided to slap the shapely ass which elicited a playful yelp. Kate turned, brandishing the knife.
“I have a weapon, you know,” the brunette said, raising an eyebrow at her girlfriend.
Yelena pursed her lips in challenge and raised her ring adorned fingers and wiggled them in Kate’s face.
“Show off,” Kate replied, turning back to the cutting board.
Yelena smiled satisfactorily and placed her hand on Kate’s cheeks drawing her into a kiss. The assassin watched as Kate closed her eyes. When their lips met, sparks flew. But not the kind that Yelena thought.  
“What is that taste?” Kate said, drawing back, licking her lips to clean them.
“Hot sauce,” Yelena answered matter of fact.
“Hot sauce lips gloss?” the brunette questioned, touching her suddenly tingly lips.
Yelena took the moment of shock to plant another, deeper kissing on her lover’s luscious lips.
Despite herself, Kate returned the kiss, open mouthed, lost in the moment.
The blonde pressed her advantage, mashing her lips hungrily into Kate’s.
“Damn, Girl,” Kate said, breaking the kiss, breathlessly. “Are you needing some attention?”
“Perhaps you should get back to chop, chop,” Yelena replied.
“The train has been divert-” Kate tingling lips started to burn. “My lips are burning, Yelena.”
“Good, right?” the shorter woman said, encouragingly.
“No!” Kate said, shoving a glass under the faucet and turning it on. “Water!”
“You are such a ребенок, sometimes.”
Kate gulped down the water and looked at Yelena helplessly. “Why did you do that?”
“I wanted to spice things up,” Yelena retorted.
“Of course. The look on your face is all I need. Now wash out mouth and stop complaining. There is more kissing to happen. Hot sauce is not the only thing hot in this kitchen.”
“Aw, Babe, that’s so sweet,” Kate said.
“I meant me,” Yelena said with a wink.
Kate took the opportunity to slap Yelena’s ass and dashed from the kitchen toward the bedroom.
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