wb7ykfq08gy · 1 year
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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Katydid with phoretic pseudoscorpion
Phoresy is a behavior seen in some species of pseudoscorpions (and other organisms) in which one animal uses another (usually larger) animal for transportation to new resources but does not harm it.
Photographed in Singapore by Nicky Bay // Website // Facebook
Shared with permission; do not remove credit or re-post!
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
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Name: Insectiride
Debut: Mario Party 6
Mario and friends get up to all sorts of shenanigans! Many of these are dangerous shenanigans, and I would prefer not to get involved with them. If I were to fall in lava or be hit by a barrage of hammers thrown by a turtle, I would Die! I lament this fact, but I am no scrimblo. However, some of the antics are good safe fun, and that includes the act of racing in funny bug-shaped vehicles! I wish I could do that in real life!
Though there is a snail among these insects, for the sake of simplicity, I will call all these creatures Bugs. I usually reserve that term for arthropods, but I don't feel like saying "creepy-crawlies" a bunch of times in this post like some kind of Talking Flower. So Bugs. There are some people who'd call a snail a bug without even a disclaimer! Can you imagine that?
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Players begin Insectiride by choosing their vehicle out of the four unique options! I think I played this minigame once and I THINK I used the grasshopper. I think it still might be my favorite! I'm sorry to this snail, but I don't like it much. It looks like pizza, and I like pizza a lot- I regularly observe #pizzafriday- but it's just not the sort of thing I'd like a snail's skin to remind me of.
Each of these bugs has its own control scheme! The player on the ladybug must press the indicated button ten times quickly to make it crawl forward a bit. The player on the grasshopper must press a sequence of various buttons to make it hop forward a few times. The player on the stag beetle must press each indicated button that appears one at a time, each press making it push along a bit. And finally, the player on the snail must press A when its body extends fully to make it pull the shell along behind.
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When playing this with humans, there is probably no one Best Bug to reliably choose, since human reaction time must be taken into account. If playing against ambitious robots, however, there is absolutely an imbalance! In tool-assisted speedruns, Grasshopper is the winner, followed by Ladybug, Stag Beetle, and poor Snail in last...
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Mario Party 6 is a Koopa Kid Game! And there is official art of him riding the funny ladybug mechanism! I'm glad he got to have fun here. We all know he isn't having fun where he is now... in the Purgatory Zone... poor kid. Oh well! That's life!
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Those were the only four bug vehicles present in Insectiride, but in Mario Party 3's Ridiculous Relay, there was another! Way before all the rest! Here we have a Skeeter-inspired contraption, allowing the operator to maneuver across the surface of the water! I think this would be the main mode of transportation in Wet-Dry World, for those who are not already Skeeters. Between being a mecharthropod and having a strange control scheme that must be displayed to the player, I would not at all be surprised if this was an inspiration for Insectiride!
Now don't think you're getting out of this post without some real Bug Facts! Humans, of course, are much too large to ride on a bug. To be small enough to ride a bug, you would have to be a bug yourself. And some bugs do indeed do this! This is phoresy, the interaction in which one animal will latch onto another animal for the purpose of travel. Usually, the hitchhiker will be a tiny arachnid such as a mite (including ticks), or my favorite arachnid, a pseudoscorpion!
Phoresy is EXTREMELY funny to me. A teensy little critter will just grab onto the leg of a fly or something, and away they will go! Hang on tight! This is a type of symbiosis known as commensalism, where one organism (in this case, the one hanging on) benefits, while the other (the host) is largely unaffected. Humans riding horses is another example of phoresy! A human can be like a mite sometimes. Ok, see you later! *grabs onto a hoverfly's leg and flies away*
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drhoz · 7 months
#2010 - Fam. Macrochelidae - Phoretic Dung Beetle Mites
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On the dung beetle Onthophagus ferox.
Macrochelidae are fast-moving, free-living cosmopolitan predators found in habitats that are rich in decaying organic material, including manure, and carrion, including human corpses. They're probably best known for the species that hitch a lift to the next cowpat on a convinient dung beetle, and then decimate the fly population at that pat. Macrochelids feed mainly on small arthropods such as fly larvae and nematodes, and some species are particularly promising as biological control agents.
For example, Macrocheles robustulus is presently commercially available for the control of pre-pupae and pupae of thrips as well as larvae of Lyprauta sp. (Keroplatidae).
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webofinfluence · 1 year
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Notopia: Please Sir, I Want Some Phoresy Pie books, reproduction, rice glue, scissors, knife and time 660 x 552 x 18 mm inc. frame #notopia #tomjohnsonart #appropriation #worksonpaper #framed #theframeisntreal #collageart #photocopies #reproduction #phoresy #olivertwist #adverts #orphans #insects #fruits #plants #norns #cake #abuse #smug #holly #berries #botanicalillustration #hitchhiking #foliage #cherubim https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUNeBnosGb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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niqvassieart · 2 months
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Here is a little fairy I designed last spring for 3Dtotal's book ‘Inspired by Nature’! 🍄 This character is based on the weeping milk cap and its ecology - their task is to be a bus for forest mites and take them where they want to go. 🌲🌳🚌 The velvety mushrooms of this fungus species are fed upon by both crane fly and mite species. However, these tiny mites are too small to easily walk between isolated mushrooms so they hitch a ride on the backs of visiting flies to find a new meal! This is an interaction called phoresis in biology and similar hitch-hiking mites can often be found on big beetles who feed on animal carcasses too (another patchy food source). Find the book containing the full design process here! It’s a huge book full of so many beautiful floral/fungal characters by some amazing artists ✨
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crevicedwelling · 5 months
taxonomic nightmare but may i request a chelicerate order ranking
sticking with extant ones, here.
Amblypygi - S
my little tree flatcrab spindle angels. maybe other arachnids have chemically interesting venom or are more colorful (amblys can do gray!! and sometimes brown) but amblys are really just suited to my tastes. long-living with both sexes having indeterminate growth, spiny, fast, nonvenomous, arboreal/scansorial, curiously social, and they just look great.
Alfonso says hi.
Thelyphonida & Schizomida — Uropygi? - A
great bugs for most of the reasons shared with above, being fairly closely related to amblys. vinegaroons are the tanks of the tetrapulmonates, built to burrow and clobber things with their freakishly muscular pedipalps. schizomids are very funny guys that deserve better. each group took “ain’t broke, don’t fix” even more literally than the amblypygi and truly all look identical; if you hid arachnologists’ microscopes there’d be a crisis.
Solifugae - A
fast, furious, fluffy: I love these little (and not-so-little) freaks. again, doing it all without venom, their crazy snipping chelicerae are some of my favorite insect anatomy. plus, they’re bizarrely diverse, from the mouth-on-legs of the rhagodids to the classic camel spider look and then there’s the hexisopodids that look like angry fur pillows.
Opiliones - A
there’s so much more to these than the ball-on-sticks (though that’s iconic!) that I used to think they all were. ornate armor and parental care (paternal, in some cases!) from the Laniatores, spindly guys abound, alien drone robots from Dyspnoi (Trogulus), and then whatever pudgy little Siro has got going on. possibly the most creative use of pedipalps, with funky lobster claws, bear trap spike-hell, “spoons?” (cosmetids), pinchy bits, glue traps, and spare leg all represented.
Araneae - B
sure. spiders are cool. everyone knows what a spider is. points for diversity, points for bizarre forms, yeah yeah. can we go home now? also, webs are cheating.
if it was only Liphistius, they’d get an A.
Ricinulei - ????
mysterious. elusive. built like a baked bean. what are they even doing? we don’t know. pay researchers more
Pseudoscorpiones - B
great bunch of little guys! phoresy is fun, and so are venomous crabby pedipalps. they have the best element of surprise—never know where you’ll find them next. in a book? under bark? in a beetle? lots of points for weird social lifestyles in certain species and associated chemical mimicry, plus all the wacky insular species and host specialists.
Scorpiones - C
they’re like pseudoscorpions, only less so. cute in a very dopey way. learning that a scorpion’s anus is at the tip of the tail ruined them for me forever.
Palpigradi - D
adorable but they’re not really doing anything let’s be honest. and I love them for that. you do you little eyeless guys I’m sure I’ll find you someday in the dirt
Acari/Parasitiformes - S
aha! I bet you thought I’d rank them poorly, but no, mites are the best arachnids (though not my personal favorites). if you disagree with that, it probably means you don’t know enough about them. mites can do anything and you are a fool if you doubt them.
yes, this includes ticks. ticks are cool and if you have an issue with this—sounds like a vertebrate problem
~~~~~under the water~~~~~
Xiphosura - C
overrated. great, and I love them, but just slightly overrated. stop stealing their blood pls
class Pycgnogonida - ????
Huh? What?
What? I don’t know. Maybe.
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eyesteeth · 7 months
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- though widely used as an example of commensalism, particularly phoresy, the relationship between the two can resemble mutualism in certain instances, such as -
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primarining · 11 months
pseudoscorpions love phoresis
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 11 months
31. LUST - Who is your hottest OC?
33. MIND - What book would you most want to forget so you can reread it for the first time?
Thanks for the asks!
31. Oooh. Definitely Peace or Saz. I think all my ocs are hot though but I'll put those two in S tier. I mean look at them.
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33. Can't lie I've really been slacking on my reading lately. A lot of the fiction books I have crammed in I'd like to hold onto XD Cause I haven't finished them yet. But I'll forget Phoresis by Greg Egan. I read this in high school and can't lie some parts confused the absolute fuck out of me. But I really really liked it regardless. I'd love to read it again with a fresh mind.
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
@chennnington submitted: This fly has some kind of smaller big stuck on its leg. It looks like a tiny arachnid with pincers and seems to be dead. The fly keeps trying to get it off, but it doesn’t work. Any idea who that little fellow is and why it got stuck there? Location is Germany. Thanks in advance and sorry for the bad video
This is a great video, actually! The tiny bug is a pseudoscorpion and I don't believe it's dead. Looks like it's clamped onto the fly's leg pretty tight. Pseudoscorpions engage in something called phoresy - you may have seen me mention phoretic mites on beetles a few times in the past, it's the same idea. It just means that they hitch rides on other bugs in order to travel further, usually to a food source, and usually at no or little cost to the host bug. Although it looks like it's pretty annoying to have a dude clamped to your leg :P
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covenawhite66 · 2 months
Phoresy is when pseudo scorpions attach themselves to another animal to be transported to another location to increase its range of movement.
They ride on mammals and birds to different insect orders and even other arachnids.
Withiidae family of pseudo scorpions, includes 37 genera and 170 species.
An observation of phoresy by pseudoscorpions on a scorpion host is recorded for the first time worldwide.
A thorough study of Birulatus israelensis has been conducted.
March–November, field observations, and video recordings in the vicinity of the ant nests between August–November.
From the Eastern part of Israel from southern Golan and the Sea of Galilee in the north, to the Dead Sea area and Central Negev in the south.
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acarinarium · 4 months
Tag masterpost
Post type
These categories are somewhat loose, I just prefer to have some way of grouping posts which hopefully also benefits anyone looking through my blog
Snail mail
Not a reblog
I try my best to tag any organisms in a post with phylum, class, order and family. This is perhaps a bit needlessly complicated but I feel like it works best overall. If there is any confusion around it do feel free to send me an ask about it! There are also clades outside of those rankings that I tag, for one reason or another, and I will try to regularly update them on this list. I also use #Non-animals for any other organisms
Both between and amongst species
Content warnings
Injured animal
Dead animal (used for depictions of freshly dead or visibly decomposing animals)
Animal remains (used for depictions of clean bones, taxidermy and pinned insects)
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entomoblog · 4 months
De faux scorpions utilisent de vrais scorpions comme moyen de transport
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
Des chercheurs ont capturé un pseudoscorpion faisant du stop sur un vrai scorpion, et c'est la première fois qu'un tel covoiturage interespèces est observé dans le monde. Les pseudoscorpions, également appelés, peut-être un peu injustement, "faux" scorpions, sont de minuscules arachnides qui ressemblent à moitié à leurs homonymes plus grands. Ils possèdent des pinces (pédipalpes) semblables à celles des scorpions, mais n'ont pas la queue piquant
  Guru Med | 25 Jan 2024
  L’étude publiée dans la revue Arachnologische Mitteilungen: Arachnology Letters : Hitching a ride on a scorpion: the first record of phoresy of a myrmecophile pseudoscorpion on a myrmecophile scorpion et présentée sur le site de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem : Tiny Pseudoscorpion Rides on a Scorpion observed for the First Time.
  The main study area in the northern part of the Jordan valley, where Birulatus israelensis and Nannowithius wahrmani were found; b-c. Nannowithius wahrmani phoretic on a Birulatus israelensis; d. Nannowithius wahrmani (Photo a. and c. by Y. Zvik, b. by S. Aharon, d. by S. Warburg)
  Bernadette Cassel's insight:
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stardust-bridges · 4 months
Club Furies Premiere: Lakej - Phoresis [Dosis Records]
The new installment in the series from Dosis Records, the label headed by Chilean producer Sam Wilson and currently based in London, UK, has arrived. This release is a Various Artists that balances physical and mental techno in a dark and tense well well-placed, dancefloor-oriented environment. The producers in charge are Cia Rebeck, Dangelo (ARG), Jose Monsalve, Lakej, Ledd, Motion Symmetry, and…
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bluepoodle7 · 5 months
#JohnDoeGame #Househuntedgame #MaisonTalo #MyInfectedRealtorAu #Fungmammals #MyThoughts
Maison Talo when he finds out what a fungmammal is made of. Fungus/mold.
Videos not mine but links are there.
JonTron - Spirits Be Gone From This House (youtube.com)
If Au's could be with the canon which can't but the characters can be cameos in the background.
I imagine Maison Talo having this song being in his head when a fungmammal sneaks up on him to phoresis on him then telepathy singing this to him & him randomly singing this out loud for three days while slowly his ranking disappearing.
Music and video not mine but links are there.
Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley - Manga - ILoveU Music Extended (youtube.com)
Infected realtors when this happens longer be like.
Too Many Cooks Kill Me (youtube.com)
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