biamondpickaxe · 6 years
I Hope You’re Happy
Genre: Angst
Words: 1.3k
Summary: Based of this prompt from phanficsanonymous: Phil has moved on since him and Dan split up, finding himself happily in a new relationship, and Dan doesn’t think he can handle it.
A/N The title is from I Hope You’re Happy by Blue October and it’s an amazing song so you should go listen to it. Also, I’ve never done a prompt like this, like that someone else posted so I hope this is the proper etiquette for doing such a thing? Idk I just hope I’m doing this right haha
Contains: Swearing, references to sex, possible implications to suicidal thoughts
you can also read this on ao3!
Dan was happy for Phil.
He expressed this when Phil told him he had a new boyfriend.
Yes, they still talked. They were best friends before they were boyfriends, which came before becoming ex-boyfriends. They would always be best friends. Phil was Dan’s soulmate, even though clearly that was a one-sided feeling.
Dan never believed in soulmates until he met Phil. Nobody understood Dan like Phil did. Nobody knew his body language so well. Nobody could read him like Phil could.
No one made Dan as happy as Phil, no one made Dan as hopeful for the future as Phil, no one made Dan feel heard and understood and loved the way Phil did.
So, yes, they still talked.
It had been 7 months since the breakup, and both of them were pretty much over it. At least, that’s what Dan thought.
“I just can’t do this anymore,” Phil said when he and Dan were sitting out on the balcony of their apartment one night.
“What do you mean?” Dan asked, but he had a pretty good idea of where this was going.
“I’m just so tired all the time, Dan. I shouldn’t be tired. This thing... what we are... it shouldn't make me so damn exhausted,” Phil said. He even sounded tired. Defeated. He had his head buried in his hands and his shoulders were slumped over.
“Oh,” Dan said. He didn’t know what else to say. He was dumbfounded.
But he supposed he should have seen it coming. Optimism was never really Dan’s thing, but when it came to his relationship with Phil, he held on and remained optimistic because Phil was the only thing keeping him grounded.
Dan knew that he and Phil hadn’t had sex in 3 months. It’s been even longer since they had slept in the same bed. Dan knew all of this, realistically, but he wanted to believe that they could fix this, that they could pull through this like they had everything else.
“We could go to couple’s counseling like I’ve suggested before. We -”
“No,” Phil sighed, looking up at Dan with watery eyes. “It wouldn’t work. There’s so much that’s wrong, there’s so much that's broken. They wouldn’t even know where to start. I wouldn’t know where to start.”
“Please, Phil, I’m trying to fix this!” Dan begged. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, glistening in the moonlight and the twinkling brightness that came with London at night.
“You can’t fix this, Dan. I’m sorry. I’m done. It’s too much. It’s so damn much and so damn overwhelming and half the time I feel like I can’t breathe and the other half of the time I wish I could stop breathing altogether - God, Dan I’m sorry but I just can’t anymore,” Phil rambled.
Dan nodded. All he could do was nod. Phil made his decision and Dan had to accept that whether he liked it or not.
“I love you,” Dan said suddenly. “You don’t have to say it back. But I do. I love everything about you and I know how cliche it is but I will never, ever stop loving you. I’m sorry we’re so broken. I’m sorry we couldn’t work this out. But I love you. I love you so much, Phil.”
“I love you too, Dan. I’m sorry,” Phil replied.
With that, Dan stood up and went back inside. He was shivering from the cold air and the adrenaline and how hard he was trying not to break down.
Dan locked himself in the bathroom and sat down on the closed toilet seat. He finally let himself go. He started sobbing, wailing, not caring who heard him - whether it be the neighbors or Phil.
Dan cried and let everything out. It felt like five tons of weight were crushing his chest with the amount of loss and heartbreak and sorrow he felt.
He wished he could be angry. Being angry was so easy. But he wasn’t angry. He was so fucking heartbroken and so fucking sad and he couldn’t believe this was happening but it was - oh God.
And that was the end of Dan and Phil.
So when the two did hang out, they usually watched movies or played Mario Kart or did something to keep their minds away from their past, away from what happened between them. If their minds were occupied, everything went well and it wasn’t awkward.
So that’s why Dan was more than a little nervous when Phil asked Dan to get a coffee with him at Starbucks.
When Dan arrived, Phil was already sitting at a booth. Dan walked up to him and sat down across from him, smiling as he did so despite his anxiety.
“Hey, Dan,” Phil greeted happily.
“Hi, Phil,” Dan replied. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been good. Busy, though,” Phil chuckled.
“Same,” Dan said in response.
The conversation was going pretty well, and Dan relaxed a little bit. Phil talked about a small cupcake shop he had just tried for the first time and how the art museum had some cool new pieces.
“Wow, Phil. Sounds like you’ve been getting out a lot. What happened to you?” Dan joked.
“I met someone,” Phil said. His eyes were focused on the man in front of him, scanning his face for a reaction.
“You did?” Dan asked, feeling his voice crack.
“Yeah. He’s my boyfriend now. His name is Julian,” Phil said, almost shyly. He was looking down at the table now.
“Oh,” Dan said. “W-well, uh, I hope he makes you happy. I hope you’re happy, Phil. Or at least... happier.”
Phil just nodded and said thank you. There was no point in saying oh yeah I’m so much happier with him than I was with you, Dan because Phil knew Dan was hurting enough as it is.
Dan tried not to show his emotions but it was hard. He couldn’t stop thinking about how someone else got to experience Phil. Someone else would get to hear Phil’s laugh, see his crooked teeth when he smiled and how his tears looked running down his pale cheeks.
They would get to hug Phil and cherish him and see how his thighs trembled and shook when you touched him just right.
They got to experience all of Phil that Dan once had. The creativity, the innocence - it made Dan’s heart break all over again.
“I’ve got to go,” Dan said suddenly. He stood up quickly and threw the remainder of his coffee in the trash.
“Dan, wait, please!” Phil called.
Dan just shook his head, letting Phil know he heard him and speed walked out the door. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and he hid his face in his hands, breathing heavily and walking in whatever direction his feet were taking him.
“Please talk to me, Dan!” Phil shouted as he ran after Dan, now turning into a dark alleyway.
“Wha do you want?” Dan asked, wiping away his tears and turning around to look at Phil.
“Dan I know this isn’t easy and I know you’re hurting but please. It’s been seven months. You need to move on, for your own sake. You deserve to be happy, too.”
“Do you think I was fucking lying when I told you I would never stop loving you? ‘Cause I meant it, Phil,” Dan said, raising his voice now. He was angry now because he couldn’t take being sad anymore.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t love someone else, too,” Phil tried to reason.
“No, Phil. I will never love anyone the way I loved you. I’m glad that you’re happy but you can’t expect me to just be okay and to just move on the way you did. I’m sorry, but it’s true,” Dan said.
And Dan wasn’t okay after that. He still remained friends with Phil and was even nice to Julian. He was the best man at their wedding.
But Dan wasn’t okay. He was never okay again. And he never, ever stopped loving Phil.
Title from Blue October - Masterlist & AO3
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phanficsanonymous · 5 years
How to Tag your Phanfiction
If you want your phanfiction to reach the most readers it can, you’ll want to tag it both on ao3 and tumblr appropriately so that people tracking those tags find your fic! 
Here are some tags you’ll want to use (remember to put the most important ones first)
#dan and phil
#dip and pip
We also follow the tag #phanficsanon, so if you want us to see it, tag it! 
Also make sure you tag any triggers, the genre (fluff, angst, etc.), and tropes. 
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danandphilwhomst · 6 years
ao3 link
title: Kitten Kaboodle
word count: 2.8k
summary: Phil is definitely hiding something from Dan, but will his current state give him away?
written for this prompt on @phanficsanonymous 
     Phil swiped his nose once again, doing his best to hide his face and the fact that every minute he felt his throat constrict more and more and his sinuses completely block. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't resist. He just ran into her while walking home. And she looked so lonely and sad, he couldn't help but want to take her home.
     Phil jumped in his skin at the sound of Dan calling him and quickly stood in front of the closet door, swiping at his nose once again to hide his allergies. He had hoped that Dan wouldn't get home so soon; he would've had more time to...think about what he was going to do. Phil wished he knew what exactly he was doing.
    “Phil? Are you in there?” Dan's knuckles brushed against the door in a tentative knock.
Phil sniffled and cleared his swollen throat to the best of his ability.
    “Yeah, I'm right,” Phil's vocal cords itched, “I'm right here.”
    Phil double checked the closet door to make sure it was shut securely as he heard the knob turn and Dan sweep the bedroom door open. Goosebumps decorated his arms in anticipation. He knew he wasn't a good liar. What would he tell Dan? Phil blinked to will the worry away, and looked up to see Dan strolling in, puzzled expression knitting his eyebrows. Dan glanced over to Phil,
    “Hey, have you seen my charger?”
Phil swallowed, calm as he could. Don't say anything stupid or he'll find out.
    “Phone or laptop?”
Dan took a step closer,
     “Laptop. I know I set it down somewhere. It's probably right in front of my-” Dan was interrupted by a rather wet and loud sneeze. Phil really tried, but the allergic reaction only spread and it was just too difficult to hide his bloodshot eyes and now rosy nose. Dan inched closer, concern riddling his eyes and forehead.
    “Phil? Are you alright?”
Phil sniffled once again, turning his face away to avoid Dan's worried gaze. Yeah, he was fine. He could drag this out for at least a little while longer. Dan didn't need to know.
    “sniff yeah, I'm sniff fine.”
Dan's hand found its way to Phil's shoulder,
    “You don't look fine, why are your eyes so red? And you're sniffling so much? Did you get sick?”
Phil shook his head, whatever Dan said he was going to deny it,
    “No! No, I just sniffle went for a walk and,” he blinked as his dry, irritated eyes began to water, “I guess there was just stuff blowing around, you know how it is.” Phil sneezed just as he finished the sentence.
Dan crossed his arms. He looked skeptical, but decided to let it go nevertheless.
    “Okay, but at least make sure to take some allergy medicine,” he set a hand on Phil's barely stubbled cheek, “it looks awful.”
Phil rolled his eyes,
    “Oh well thanks Dan,” and a little giggle came through the words before another sneeze could interrupt. Dan playfully pushed Phil's arm with one hand,
    “Pff, you know what I mean.”
     Dan turned to the side, walking around the bed to look under it, still on a search for his laptop charger. Phil could hear various “hmmfs” and frustrated mumbles each place Dan looked and it wasn't there. He eventually stood and walked back toward Phil, who was still partially guarding the closet.
    “D’ya think I would've put it in the closet absentmindedly?” He shifted his feet, “seems like something I might do.”
Phil's mind immediately registered what that meant, panic rippling through his chest,
    “No!” he burst, extending his hands out as if to push Dan back. Dan scrunched his eyebrows,
Jesus, Phil, say something!
    “I- I mean, no, sniff doesn't seem like a-” another sneeze interrupted Phil from continuing; he sniffed, “doesn't seem like a likely place.” His voice was more calm now, though the anxiety still rolled over in his stomach. He wiped at his watery eyes.
     Dan apparently found that to be a suitable answer.
    “Hm okay.”
Thank God. When Phil looked back to Dan, he found an expectant expression.
    “Well,” Phil tried to clear his throat again, “last time I saw it was in the office sniff so check there maybe?”
Dan nodded and turned to search elsewhere at Phil's suggestion. As soon as Phil couldn't hear Dan's footsteps anymore, he shut the bedroom door again, shielding himself from the risk of his little incident running around the apartment.
    A breath of relief shakily released from Phil. Yes. He successfully hid his discovery from Dan: the real reason why his allergies ran rampant. He successfully fooled Dan. Wait, is that a thing I should be proud of? His hands pulled the closet door open and he searched the floor in the dark space. Then he spotted his little friend, lazily curled up in the corner of the closet, nose rested on her paws. Two pointy black ears stood straight up, wide green eyes blinking sleepily. Her coat was in splotches, black and orange and white splashed her face and sides, black tail curled next to her. Her whiskers twitched a little with each blink and her white paws rested peacefully underneath her. Phil's heart melted. How could he resist that little fuzzy face? Those whiskers and soft pink triangle nose? She was the most precious kitten he had ever seen.
    “There you are,” Phil whispered warmly, “I told you I'd be back soon.”
Phil reached his hand out slowly to stroke her head. Miniature purrs vibrated through her as soon as Phil pet her, and she stood to rub closer to him.
    “Awe you're purring? That's so cute!” Phil squeaked, “I'll be right back, okay? I'll come and get you later.”
But before he could get up, the kitten pushed her head back into Phil's palm, nuzzling into the touch. Phil had to giggle,
    “It's okay, I won't be gone long, I promise!”
    Phil stood and watched her as he slowly shut the door again, just as the calico flopped on her back, tummy exposed. Phil smiled to himself. He was weak to that kind of cuteness. No wonder he loved Dan, too. A warm, soft, cute thing. He sighed as his nose started running more profusely, sniffling and shaking his head as he headed to the door. What mess have I gotten myself into?
    Dan stretched his arms up and sighed. Phil had just turned off the camera and sat back down in the office chair. Dan was proud of himself for even keeping up today. He was exhausted, some sort of deep thoughts had kept him up last night and his eyes didn't shut until the time on his phone flashed 4:26am. He knew it wasn't healthy, but how else would he contemplate the universe if not at 4am?
     He felt like a nap was well overdue, and after filming a new gaming video, Dan justified a break as this seemed like enough for today. He turned to Phil, arms finally lowering back to his sides.
    “Hey, Phil?” He rubbed his fist into his lead heavy eyes.
The black office chair swiveled to face Dan fully.
    “Hmm?” Phil lazily replied.
    “I think I'm gonna go lie down,” Dan said, just as a yawn nagged at his jaw and he gave into it. He felt his whole frame weigh him down. Why did he think 4:26am was a bedtime?
Phil blinked back at him, registering the sentence rather slowly. Apparently Dan wasn't the only one who wasn't sleeping well.
    “Oh? Um, yeah okay,” Phil mumbled, all other thoughts dull in his mind, a little numb.
Maybe he should follow Dan.
    Dan stood, extending his arms up again in a lengthy stretch, breath releasing some of the tension in his shoulders. Phil followed his actions, pulling himself up from the office chair and sighing, legs feeling weighty and eyelashes dusted with sleepiness. His hand found the small of Dan's back as he guided him out of the gaming room, deciding to join him for a well-deserved rest.
     Dan reached the hallway and slipped into the moon room, kicking his grey slippers off and immediately shuffling his jeans down to collapse in bed in his t-shirt and black Calvin's. Phil walked in to find Dan curled up on his side of the mattress, nose nuzzled into the pillow and legs curled under him. Phil couldn't help but chuckle fondly. Phil didn't think many people could be cute while sleeping, but Dan was an exception. Seeing Dan curled into himself, soft and slow breaths lulling him further into sleep, brunet curls mussed atop his head, Phil thought he looked just like- oh shit. What about the- Phil rushed to the closet and peeked in, seeing his new pet of sorts sleeping in the corner again. He sighed. She would be quiet for now. Phil left a crack in the door and walked back to the bed.
      Phil pulled the covers back and curled up behind Dan, slinging an arm around his waist and leaning in to kiss the nape of his neck before drifting off himself, lids heavy and body sinking into the feather soft mattress.
    Phil was stirred awake suddenly by Dan. He sat up in bed next to Phil, arm reaching down to shake Phil's shoulder. Phil blinked awake. His eyes stung and though the allergy pill helped earlier, he felt another runny nose starting. Sniffling and pushing himself up to lean against the headboard, he rubbed his sleep ridden eyes. Dan grasped his arm,
    “Phil? Phil are you up?”
Phil shook his head,
    “No definitely not,” he grumbled.
Dan rolled his eyes,
    “Did you hear something?”
Dan's chestnut eyes were alight with a sudden awareness, searching and then staring at Phil. Phil raised his head to stare back, watching gold flecks in Dan's eyes flash from fear or curiosity; he wasn't certain.
    “What? No I don't hear any-” scratch scratch An unsettling noise sounded from the right side of the room and Phil was finally brought out of his groggy state. It scraped against the wall, or was it the window? A short, abrasive scratching was the only sound in the room aside from Dan's whisper,
    “What the hell is that?”
Just then it hit Phil. Shit shit shit he wasn't supposed to find out. He glanced to the closet door, still slightly ajar, but no sign of life had peeked out. Yet. He decided to fib just once more; he would take care of his little “problem” if he could just distract Dan for a while longer.
    “Maybe something brushed against the window?” Phil swallowed hard, “a tree branch maybe?”
Dan observed the room, eyes squinting as he looked for the source.
    “It could be- wait- Phil there isn't a tree next to the window?” Dan looked over to an increasingly anxious Phil, pale as ever and desperately trying to keep his cool.
Phil swallowed again, heart attempting to move out of his chest, ribcage riddled with panic. Dan would be mad, and then what would he do? He was already so attached; he couldn't just let her go now.
    His thoughts ended abruptly as a second noise echoed into the bedroom.
Dan cocked his head, eyebrows raised in confusion.
Oh god oh shit
There was no going back now. Phil couldn't possibly make an excuse for this kind of sound. Phil suddenly felt burning in the side of his face as Dan turned to stare at him.
    “Phiiil,” Dan drew out in a low accusatory tone, “what the fuck was that?”
Sweat started gathering at Phil's palms, clammy and grasping at each other, desperate to find a new excuse. What else sounded like a meow? Um maybe a-
    “Phil,” Dan lowered his voice for a second time, “what did you do?”
Phil's mouth opened to spur another excuse, incredulous at how Dan would so easily assume that he had done something wrong. Well, he had done something but there was no harm done, right? Well, okay, there was mostly no harm done besides Phil's rampant allergies.
    “I didn't- wha- what- what do mean what did I do?!” Phil's voice raised to a near squeak and his arms waved around as he stuttered.
Phil looked at Dan, finding he was giving him that look. The look that said I know you did something, you dork, and you're bad at lying. He didn't need any more words. Over the years they had both memorized the light in each other's eyes, the eyebrow raises, the smirks, and each line of each other's faces. A look was enough to communicate what they needed to say.
    “It wasn't my fault!” Phil's shoulders shrunk up and his arms waved wide again.
Dan rolled his eyes once again.
    “Okay so maybe you could say that it was my fault but not really because I was just too weak to say no and I-”
    “Phil.” He received that look again. Get on with it.
    Phil bashfully glanced down and took a deep breathe in,
    “I was walking home and I looked in one of those alleyways and there she was and she was so cute and lonely and hungry and I had to do something Dan I mean I couldn't just leave her and she gave me a look and you know I don't have an iron will and so I put her in my jacket and brought her home.” The words all spilled out in one breath. Phil held in the air in his lungs, chest aching to let it out, anticipating Dan's response.
    Dan shook his head slowly,
     “Phil, uuh, who is..who is she?”
But just as the question left his lips, Dan felt a warm weight on his ankle where it hung off of the bed, silky fur running against his skin.
    “Oh um...Phil, I think- I- I think I figured it out.”
He looked down to see a calico kitten, strolling next to his foot and rubbing her side on his ankle. Dan's eyes widened, not surprised that Phil would want to bring her home, but surprised that he actually had. And who could blame him? She was the most adorable kitten he had possibly ever seen. But then he had another thought.
    “You brought a pet home without asking me?” He raised his voice. “Phil,” he whined, “you're super allergic! And we couldn't even keep her here! What were you thinking?!”
Phil's cheeks flushed a little, knowing he was at fault and embarrassed that he had tried to hide it from Dan in the first place.
    “I- I just- just I thought that if- if- we could- I thought maybe,” he knew he was stuttering too much but knowing Dan was upset at him, he couldn't get the words out. He had no excuse. None that would make this any better.
    Dan looked into Phil's earnest expression, then looked down again at the kitten. She was rolling on her back now, pawing at the air. Dan's face softened at the sight of the baby pink toe pads. Fucking hell. That level of cuteness should be illegal. Dan took in a deep sigh.
    “You're gonna have to take allergy medicine every day.”
Phil continued staring into his lap.
    “I know,” he answered, head hung and voice almost forlorn, “I shouldn't have brought her here but- wait- what are you saying?”
Dan smiled, warm and inviting.
    “Listen, between this adorable face and your adorable face, I can't say no.”
Phil's eyes lit up as he leaned forward and left excited pats on Dan's forearm.
    “Dan, really?” Phil was practically bouncing.
Dan leaned in to place a kiss on Phil's cheek,
    “Yes, Phil.” And his dimples returned, digging into his smiling cheeks.
Phil leaned into Dan's side, watching the calico roll around on the carpet and he giggled. They could actually have a pet now. To play with and cuddle. Not that he couldn't cuddle with Dan but there was nothing like having a warm kitten on your lap.
    Dan eventually got out of bed to kneel down next to the playful cat. He gently picked her up and cradled her in his arms.
    “Hello there!” Dan fluffed the fur on her head with his nose, smile growing even wider.
    Phil was relieved that Dan wasn't actually mad at him, and he couldn't wait to see what was in store for them. Then Dan looked up at Phil, curious look on his face.
    “So, what are we going to call her?”
Phil smiled mischievously,
    “I was thinking Susan 4.”
    “Phiiil,” Dan whined.
But they both glanced at each other and erupted in giggles, happy to be there together. They now had a family. It was small, but as Phil looked down admiring Dan cuddling their new kitten, he could only think to himself: at least it was a start.
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
Welcome to Phanfics Anonymous!
What is phanficsanonymous?
We are a team of people designed to help phanfic writers alike find inspiration when needed! Along with that we provide advice/tips for authors as well. 
What does this mean?
What this means is that our team will be doing our very best to help those who need it; whether it be advice on a certain setting, word choice, detail, etc etc the sky is the limit! 
Providing advice isn’t our only limit to help out. We will compile playlists for certain themes based on somethings the admins would like to see plus anyone who sends in any recommendations/requests. 
Along with this we will post prompts daily based on things the admins wish to see and what you wish to see. Anyone can submit prompts they wish to see and we will post them! They however are not limited to this fandom. If someone in a different fandom sees one and wishes to write it by all means go for it! As well as prompts being posted daily we will reblog references for anyone to refer to if they choose. 
If you are inspired by one of the prompts posted on here and want us to take a look at it tag us! We’ll look daily at the tag #phanficsanon and we will read your works and offer support to the authors! However unfortunately we won’t be reblogging fics written to this blog, your best bet is to submit your fic to phanfic!
We have decided that if anyone needs any help with plot ideas/advice on an idea they have or anything like that and wish to keep it private we have created an email, [email protected] , that you can send us your idea and what help you would like and we will help out! The admins here bounce ideas off each other all the time and doing this helps greatly. 
The admins are also working on compiling a page of fanfic recommendations that have inspired us somehow. Note this does not mean stealing ideas or plagiarizing others works in any way. 
How can I take part?
You can take part by simply by asking us for advice, sending fanfiction recommendations that have inspired you, playlist requests/recommendations, submitting prompts, etc etc! 
We are working on creating a beta page in case anyone is looking for a beta at any point. Just click this link here, and fill the form out, it takes no more than 10 minutes, and we will add you to the beta page! We do not pair authors and betas but we encourage authors to get ahold of betas on this list if they want!
We also need your help! 
Here at phanficsanon we have decided also to add a few admins to help us already. All you need to do is fill this form here. We will leave the applications open for two weeks and choose 2-4 new members for our team!
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phanficsanonymous · 5 years
Dnp’s child comes home from school crying. Another child made fun of her/him for a drawing they made for a “my family” project because they drew their two daddies. Dnp’s kid comes home to ask where their REAL Mommy and daddy are.
if you fulfill this prompt, tag it using our #phanficsanon tag and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
"I know you say you love me, but you're not capable of love."
If you use this prompt, tag your fic/hc with #phanficsanon so we can see it.
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
there’s a lot of sexual tension between dan and phil. so they decide to have a bit of fun with it. the first to make some kind of noise loses 
if you fulfill this prompt, use our #phanficsanon tag, and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
Dan and Phil go to a skybar for their anniversary and run into Dan’s ex... what he doesn’t know is that he’s Phil’s too.
if you fulfill this prompt, use our #phanficsanon tag, and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
Why has Phil been sneezing so much? Could it be because he snuck a kitten home without Dan realizing?
if you fulfill this prompt, tag it using our #phanficsanon tag and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
Character A is able to time travel and they mess something up in the past and have to try and fix it. 
if you fulfill this prompt, use our #phanficsanon tag, and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
Phil has moved on since him and Dan split up, finding himself happily in a new relationship, and Dan doesn’t think he can handle it. 
if you fulfill this prompt, use our #phanficsanon tag, and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
Dan and Phil are finally getting married. The night before their wedding, Charlie shows up, and has a "talk" with Dan, giving him second thoughts about Phil and his marriage.
if you fulfill this prompt, use our #phanficsanon tag, and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
It’s never fun watching your child grow before your eyes, maybe that’s why Dan can’t accept their son/daughter is starting school.
if you fufill this prompt, use our #phanficsanon tag and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
dan is leaving for 5 months to go on a world tour, phil isn’t sure he can cope with that
if you fulfill this prompt, use our #phanficsanon tag, and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
It starts with a simple, 'hey, wanna come over?' and ends in tears.
if you fulfill this prompt, use our #phanficsanon tag, and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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phanficsanonymous · 6 years
Dan and Phil have been very competitive lately and everything they do is to outlast the other...
if you fufill this prompt, use our #phanficsanon tag, and we’ll happily reblog your fic!
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