#percival king kin
shroomedits · 11 months
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꒰𑁬 : // anonymous requested: percy phone wallpapers like / rb if saving ! please credit if using ♡
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fairytalefragments · 1 year
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— aroace pride icons for anonymous ; like/rb if using
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kinn-moods · 2 years
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A royalcore header for Percival King from Epithet Erased for anon!
Sorry its so simple, I just thought simple would be best for this look ^_^
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bookofmac · 4 months
okay okay okay, thinking thoughts
So I find the concept of Names really interesting in Camlann, reading into the extracanonical stuff put on the tumblr is giving me food for theory crafting. The Catacylsm seems to be some kind of return of magic to the world (possibly heralded by the return of The King of the Britons in their hour of need?) and thus people with significant Names have access to something because of it. they fall into the stories of their namesakes; Perry, Gwaine, and Kay are Knights, Morgan is Morgana Le Fay, and we now have a Gwen in Shújūn.
Based on Kay's dicussion with Perry if more people can fill in the roles of their stories to more 'to plan' the stories will go, Of course this is not good news if you know the general end point of Arthurian legend (Betrayal, muderer, war, most everyone dead, the 'Glory' of camelot gone). It's inherently kind of a doomsday cult if you stay in those stories, you know where parts of this are going (i'll get back to this)
it also seems like there may be some, for lack of a better term, kin drama going on. There are 900 members of the court and Kay mentions that Peredur is a really uncommon name outside of Wales, meaning there are certain knights who are more common, i assume Lancelot's, Kay's, maybe a few Talisin's, a bunch of Gareth's, and like 50 Elaines like in the legends lol
We also dont have the context for how Names work full yet and neither do our characters. I think theres a lot of answers to be had with Shújūn/Gwen with how it works, how you know other than the buzzing in you're head and desire go through the motions and Follow the Story
Now, where does Dai fit in all this?
Dai doesn't have a Name, and I think theres going to be a point where he changes his name in a major way, but not to a Name, but a Bardic name. In welsh poetic and story telling tradtions Welsh poets, THE OG Bards, will take on pseudonyms tell their stories. This practice stems from the medievil era, but goes forth to today, and many modern Welsh and welsh heritage poets have connections to this tradition (Dylan Thomas' middle name was his great uncles bardic name, Sarah Williams published her work under the name Sadie), I believe it's also a requirement to have one if you intend to perform in the major Eisteddfod, (I am Australian so my experiance of Eisteddfods here is very different so if i'm wrong on that let me know)
Why would he do this? I think Dai is going to, at least try, to write him and his friends a way out.
Much ink is spilt over how Arthurian legend doesnt have an 'orginal text', and as such there are lots of stories that are inherently contradictory; Bedwyr is the best knight, but so are Gwaine, Lancelot, and Galahad. Mordred is some random king until his Arthur's son. Arthur has a sister, no he has two, actually he has three and one of them is an Elaine. This could be used to explain any doubles (are you my Gwaine), as well as why we see a few different spelling varients which are, the very welsh Peredur as opposed to Percival or Parzifal, the anglisised and more boarish Kay as opposed to Cei or Caius (this last one might just to keep Dai and Kay distinct tho). These variations are no more or less 'canon' than any other telling of the story, and so often the writer of a given telling of Arthurian legend is going to have their own bias. But things dont HAVE to end the way they always do, and sometime you need to have someone outside the story you're caught in to tell you a new one.
You are not locked into that ever looming cloud of Thomas Mallory and Le Morte d'Arthur.
Other evidence I have for this is that Dai sings at the begining of each episode, and sings in welsh at that. He also is, to a point our narrator, existing both in and out of the current narative. Also his name is an a lyric of Sosban Fach (a song i would be surprised if it wasn't in the show at some point) 'Dai bach y sowldiwr' which is also not from the text the song was based on. Tangential yes, but i think it's worth thinking about.
I think there is also something to be said about choice in what your name is and how it feeds into the overall theme of identiy, and how that plays into other themes at play in the story, like Transness, Imperialism, and Predestination
TL:DR; While he doesnt have a Name, Dai's gonna give himself an epic bard name and save them all by writing a killer hook to get them out of the story
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itzaltwins · 4 months
Y'know those agent profiles that are seen in TGC when Charlie hacks into the Kingsman database? I made these near the time I got into the franchise (late 2021), but I never shared them anywhere, mostly because I doubted the film makers really cared about their accuracy (and most viewers don't care either). I've never been hooked on any film franchise unlike video games, so I was shocked no one overanalyzed the images and shared it for the fandom to see. Well, here they are (with accompanying alt-text):
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James is in there too - he deserves it.
Some of the text I couldn't make out from the film, so if you can fill in the blanks, please share. Fortunately, thanks to these tweets, I could read some parts better.
Explanations and thoughts under the cut:
I decided to mix Eggsy's profile from the one we see in TSS when he visits Harry at the infirmary and TGC. Why? He's apparently 5'9" IRL (so I went with TSS's 5'10" over the 6'00") and he couldn't be born in 1985 because he would be 29 in TSS, which is wrong. Same thing with Roxy's DOB. Changed their admission dates to 2014 instead of 2012.
Speaking of incorrect heights, I'm pretty sure they just threw in some random numbers: Colin Firth is 6'1½". In TSS, after the train test, you can see him and Alastair (Percival, 6'4") on the same plane. Alastair appears just slightly taller, so I assume 6'2". In this particular photo of Colin alongside Alastair and Carlos (Bedivere, 6'3"), they're all roughly the same height. However, they're not standing side-by-side so it's a bit difficult to determine the exact difference. They're like a variation of that three-headed dragon meme. Then there's this other photo with Chester (Lamorak, 6'5"), Carlos, Bimbo (Gawain, 6'3"), and Percival. Chester is clearly taller than all three. If Carlos and Alastair are 6'2", he's probably 6'4". Bimbo looks just slightly shorter, so he's 6'1". Oh and Jack Davenport (Lancelot/James) is also 6'2", not 6'1". Not a big deal overall, but I really like accuracy when it comes to heights.
Some things that may be of interest: Lamorak and Bedivere share admission dates. Next of kin for filler agents are actually those of the film crew in TGC (yes, I looked at the credits too much). Arthur (good) and Lancelot (James) share the same next of kin.
As for the notes sections: With The King's Man, it's impossible for Arthur to have served in all British special forces before Kingsman formed - he was born 1940. Bedivere is referred to as Percival. Percival is referred to as Kay (!), who doesn't have a profile. Finally, the section after Geraint's hair colour is covered by other profiles the entire time.
So yeah, do whatever you want with this info.
Who do you have as the last unnamed agent? I was hoping they'd officially confirm all the codenames in TKM, but then they only listed names we already knew plus Bedivere. They'll do it in TBB, right? Right?
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ciels-fancy-manor · 11 months
butter stimboard !
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also I got diagnosed with autism this week !!
creds ⬇️
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thenightling · 2 months
I never had any children but here are some of my favorite baby names I've come across and considered for if I ever had a child.
Traditionally masculine:
Roderick - Can be shortened to Roddy, Rick, or Ricky. Roderick means Glory or Ruler. Roddy McDowall's full first name. Also the name of one of the main characters from Edgar Allan Poe's Fall of the House of Usher. Roderick is also the name of the man who summoned and trapped Morpheus in the first issue / chapter / episode of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. And a more obscure reference, Roderick is the name of Dr. Craven's father in the 1963 film, The Raven, starring Vincent Price. I would use this as a "King" name. ;-)
Jareth - A combination of Jerold and Gareth. David Bowie's character's name in Labyrinth.
Pipkin - An unrecorded Middle English name, possibly derived from Phillip. It is also the surname of one of the main characters in Ray Bradbury's The Halloween tree. Ray Bradbury used it as a cross between Pip, the hero from Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, and Pumpkin. Kin also means family. So you are saying "Pip is family." which is very sweet if you know the plot of The Halloween Tree. Kin can also mean "To be like" or "connected to." So the name (in reference to Great Expectations) also means "Like Pip."
Percy or Percival - One of King Arthur's knights, Percival, and the famous poet, Percy Shelley, husband of Mary Shelley (author of Frankenstein.)
Kit - Very old nickname for Christopher. Once was the nickname of the writer, Christopher Marlowe. Now heavily associated with the actor Kit Harington from Game of Thrones.
Jaskier - Polish. Actually means "Buttercup" but actually is considered a boy's name. Pronounced as Yas-key-er. The original Polish name of the bard from The Witcher novels. HIs name is sometimes translated to Dandelion in some of the English adaptations.
Vladislaus - I'd probably never really use this name except in absolutely very specific circumstances. This name comes from an early renaissance war hero and Prince of Eastern Europe. Vladislaus the Third of Wallachia.
Gender-free names that I like.
Loki - Means Mischief Maker. From the Norse God of Mischief, Fire, and invention. (and sometimes also ice). Marvel depicts him now as God of Stories which fits his mythological roots as God of Invention. In the Poetic and Prose Eddas Loki invented fishing nets. Loki is also the patron of orphans and outcasts, a sympathizer of the outsider. In mythology Loki can be any gender and in Marvel Loki has been portrayed by a man and a woman.
Rowan - The Rowan plant is supposed to be good luck and a pentacle made of Rowman and tied at the points with red string or ribbon protects against black magick.
Traditionally feminine:
Gretchen - Old Germain Nickname for Marguerite and similar names. Marguerite was my mother's name, Rita being her nickname.
Gretchen was also the love interest in Goethe's Faust and ultimately saved his soul in Faust Part 2.
Jessamy - can be shortened to Jess or Jesse or even sometimes May. It's similar to Jessica but derives out of Jasmine.
Evie - Eve was (according to the Abrahamic mythos) the first woman. Evie is also short for "evening." Evie was the name of the hero in the 2022 film The invitation. It can also be short for Evelyn but I prefer Evie to Evelyn.
Shelley - Traditional girl's name and the married name of author Mary Shelley, writer of Frankenstein. Also the surname of the poet Percy Shelley.
Wilhelmina - The old version of Wima. Can have the nickname Mina or Will. And I think Will is a cute nickname for a girl ever since I heard the song "The Will to love" from W.I.T.C.H. ________________________________ Twin names: Masculine Twins: Jareth and Geralt. Geralt is the first hero of The Witcher novels. _________________________ Feminine Twin names: Gretchen and Jessamy _______________________ Masculine / feminine twin names: Percy and Shelley for the pun in creating the name Percy Shelley (the nineteenth century poet and husband of Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein). ___________________________ Gender-free: Loki and Rowan
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blimbo-buddy · 9 months
Okay okay so-
Kittypet Kingdom has chosen candidates and heirs.
It's more likely to choose an heir of your own kin and blood but its also not unlikely to choose someone you think can take over in your place.
Lord Percival of Clawmere chose a kit named Ghost as his heir because while he does have many children. Ghost has quality to himself, that the others don't and he was chosen.
There is some backlash of his children and kin for this choice, but if he thinks Ghost is a perfect candidate, then they can't argue much about it.
Ghost is super nervous because Percy's kits aren't nice to him over being passed over.
Unlike in the clans, the leaders of the kingdoms can be rightfully criticized for their decisions. The community has priority to them. Everyone is allowed to voice their thoughts.
There's Queen Isabelle, who chose her daughter Athena and King Oliver, who chose his nephew, Dandelion. King Oliver didn't have much success in having kits during the time, so he chose Dandelion.
I love the kingdoms and coming up with differences in the clans and them but also similarities because it is fun!
What do you think?
This is super interesting! I love a good little background royal drama going on between the choice of Heir. Also I think it adds for some interesting ideas, as it seems like it doesn't go off of the "Eldest child being the Heir" thing but rather "The child that is chosen to be Heir". And even then, with King Oliver, you said that he chose his nephew, since you also said that cats more often choose their heir of the same blood/kin as them.
I like that everybody in the Kingdoms is allowed to voice their opinions about the leadership of their clan, gives them more free speech compared to the clans. I wouldn't be surprised if some Monarch had been brought into power via voting.
Overall I really like this idea! It can offer up a lot of interesting conflict
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Master Of Grief, Lord Of Tears.
Merlin OneShot.
"You were my safest place, Camelot never was. But I understood that you are Camelot as much as Camelot is you. And you were the ones who shattered me into pieces and left me with nothing. I tried to save you, protect you and love you, Arthur. But at that exact time, I was slowly killing myself. I'm tired, My Lord, I wish to be truly happy, at least once. I deserve it."
Word count: 1,177
Please, do not copy on other websites, this story is mine.
please enjoy! tell me what you think! <3
Magic was never the problem, unlike some say and believe.
Magic just existed, always was and always will. It was neither good nor bad. It just adapted to the hearts and will of its bearers, a blank canvas ready to be painted. Whether it was with darkness and blood or light and love.
Magic was just there.
"There" as in everywhere. In life or death, good and bad. The elements, the people, to the core of the Earth.
All around you, you could feel it. Powerful, always moving, alive.
Even when Uther Pendragon, The Cruel King, tried to purge it, magic never left.
Pendragon was a simple man, he hated and was afraid of an entity he could not understand or control.
Yes, the hearts of the ignorants can lead to irreversible agony.
Now there he was, son of the Triple Goddess, the child made of Magic, living inside the corrupted heart of Camelot, serving and protecting the ones that only took from him, leaving the Blessed Child with agony and emptiness.
He thought that Arthur Pendragon would be different from his father, and maybe he was. Merlin tried, but in the end, he failed to see the difference. Promises were made, and loves were confessed but fears were not fought and overcame.
They were always there, at the back of his mind. Never letting him enjoy life, always staying alert for that day to come. For the pyre and the flames. For death.
“They are your friends, they would never hurt you..” he would tell himself, a lie he forced himself to believe.
“But are they really?” his mind would counter, “How can they be your friends when you can't be yourself around them? How can they be your friends when you live in fear for your life every day because of them?”
Arthur, Percival, Elyan, Gwen, Leon, and even Gwiane were all the same in front of his magic. Always warning him to never truly trust. Lancelot was different, Merlin felt safe, safer than he ever was when he was around. It was a different type of safe than the one with Arthur because Lancelot knew. And Magic knew that. Merlin likes to believe that the Triple Goddess sent the man his way. To protect him.
But then, his protector died, right in front of him. And Merlin wanted to follow him right after. He resented everyone. Why did they get to live, when the only person that truly made him feel at home was gone? Why happiness was so cruel to him? What has he ever done to deserve that?
That night he cried with Gwen and talked for hours. She grieved that man she truly loved, and Merlin grieved a friend, knowing that Lancelot was way more than that. He was his anchor, but he could not say that to anyone anymore. Because he was gone.
The Druids were calling for him. Telling him to leave that wretched place and come to them. His people, his kin. He always ignored them, too focused on the prophecy and his love for Arthur Pendragon. But maybe, if he had left sooner, his heart would still be in one piece, still beating with hope inside him.
Only once, he thought about leaving Camelot. With Freya, his first love. And Arthur took that way from him, broke him. That's all he ever did, bringing him only pain and misery. He really should have left sooner.
Now, there he was, wandering in the forest at night looking for a way home. He took nothing with him, just a little food and his handkerchief. Nature would give him the rest, he was Her child, after all. He didn’t say goodbye to anyone. They would not understand, especially Arthur. He only wished that he could’ve taken Morgana with him, she deserved happiness too. But it would have been too dangerous, Uther loved her too much, It was too risky. Maybe one day she would find her way to him, to her kin. He would give her clues to do so, and he left her a letter, hoping that she would not betray him.
It was a chill night, the moon was full, shining upon him. He sat under a tree, tired from walking all day. He needed food and rest, home was a few days away.
“You should light a fire, otherwise, you will freeze to death.” someone said, walking away from the shadows to be seen. There he was, Arthur Pendragon, looking down at him. Did he follow him all the way? But why? To imprison him for leaving Camelot without consent? To bring him back and slowly kill him again?
“What are you doing here?” the warlock asked, confused, and scared.
“I could ask you the same thing,” the prince replied. “Pretty sure Gaius did not ask you to look for herbs at this time of the night, so far away from the castle.”
Seven Hells, he never imagined to be followed, so he did not know what to say to the man now sitting in front of him.
“I’m going home,” he said, after a while, not looking at the man.
“Ealdor is the other way.”
“That’s not my home anymore.”
“Right, I thought that Camelot was.”
“It is not.”
They stayed silent after that, both of them thinking, too afraid to say what is inside their hearts.
“So you are leaving Camelot?”
“Because I wish to be free.”
The prince was confused, he could see it. ‘How can one not be free in Camelot’ That is what was on his mind. Little did he know, not everyone was Uther Pendragon’s heir.
“But I thought–”
"You thought wrong.” the warlock stated.” you were my safest place, Camelot never was. But I understood that you are Camelot as much as Camelot is you. And you were the ones who shattered me into pieces and left me with nothing. I tried to save you, protect you and love you, Arthur. But at that exact time, I was slowly killing myself. I'm tired, My Lord, I wish to be truly happy, at least once. I deserve it."
Silence was upon them once again. A heavy one, filled with pain and regrets.
“I love you,” the prince said, looking at the man in front of him, tears in his eyes.
“I deserve more than your love, Arthur. Your love is not safe, it’s not warm. It’s a prison.”
“I don’t wanna lose you.”
“You can’t lose me, because I was never yours. Let me go, let me be who I am.”
“I don't get it.”
“You could never:”
They were both crying. So in love with each other, but not destined to be together. At least in this life.
“Go back to Camelot, and forget about me. And if you truly love her, you would free Morgana too.”
That’s the last thing he said to the man, before getting up and disappearing into the shadows, never to be seen again.
Maybe in their next life, they could be together.
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gottfrieds · 11 months
are any of y'all ever consumed by the thought of the slowly crushing loneliness Aglovale experienced once Percival left for Feendrache or is it just me
the slow whittling down of his family members. Herzeloyde first. then Lamorak left, and while they have clearly always held the only sense of rivalry between the brothers, it was never absent of care. and his absence was surely felt, but at least he was alive. presumably kept in contact (since Aglovale says it's "of late" that Lam has been impossible to reach). and Percival was still there. sweet, precious baby Percival, who needed his guidance and company and whose ongoing presence was some sense of normalcy.
and then he grew up. and left. he left, and then it was just him. and Gahmuret. the man who, even before mad with grief and playing with dark magics, told his eldest child that a single piano session with his mother was a waste of time. you cannot tell me that the King of Light warmed that castle enough for him alone. not when it was just his heir left. not a man who considered a simple experience with art too frivolous for a future king. not a man who likely spent more time with his research than together.
that castle may as well have been empty.
and then it was.
the last part of your family that was with you whittled away. Percival didn't return when his study abroad was done, after all, had to go find himself after the incident over there. Lamorak didn't really return either, and he's been harder to reach. loss after loss after loss. but Gahmuret's death at least brought Percival back, family coming together again to mourn. maybe this will lead him to stay again. to remain at home. it is so empty alone, with the memories of everyone and-
Percival leaves again after the funeral.
and this time, with the weight of the entire kingdom (and his father's deathbed pleas) fully on his shoulders.
between that and the circumstances of Herzeloyde’s death...it's honestly no wonder he is the way he is when we met him.
and hey, get this!! Percival finally comes back! he comes back and do you know what he does when he finally shows his face in front of his only living kin he knows the location of at any given time? he has a single meal and he GOES TO LEAVE AGAIN! FOR FEENDRACHE! AGAIN!!! like we know Percival hasn't been back home since the funeral which we know was MULITIPLE YEARS AGO. man with severe trauma left in museum to everyone close to him he's lost in some way or another that's been slowly unraveling from grief and isolation
were there other people around, others he interacted with daily? sure! but this is the man who firmly believed the only people he could trust anymore were his brothers. only ones he could relax his guard around (people are weak and evil things, you know). and they're gone.
like it's so much to think about. at once I think "no wonder this man is insane" and also "it's a wonder he isn't more bonkers than he was"
did they mean to write you this tragically??? this compelling??? you’re too interesting to contemplate!!!!!
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jessiesonamy18 · 2 years
Watch Out My King!
It is troubling times in Camelot. The evil forces left behind by Merlina are still at mass across the land. Sonic, the Knights of the round table and the newly recruited Knights of Hearts are traveling the land to try and lessen the numbers of the left over evil forces.
"My King" Sir Percival knelt down on one knee towards Sonic "It would seem the enem-"
"Percival I told you, you don't have to kneel to me every time we talk!" Sonic interrupts her
"My apologies my King" Sir Percival stood up and bowed
"And just call me Sonic! That goes for all of you, we're a team so let's work as one!"
The Knights nod in agreement
"Then what would you suggest we do?" Lancelot questions
"The enemies are still at many, I suggest we spread out and take on factions individually!" Gawain exclaims
"Not a bad idea! Alright, you three head off to towns and make sure the civilians are safe."
"We shall protect them with our lives my Kin- I mean, Sonic" Percival says then turning to Lancelot and Gawain to discuss strategy
"Sweet, now that leaves us two to start lowering their numbers in the fields" Sonic turns to the newly recruited Knights of Hearts who looks exactly like Amy
Paladin Amy looks in slight surprise and a little flustered that Sonic chose her to go with him, then collects herself "It would be my honour!" She replies with slight excitement in her voice
"Pardon my intrusion my King" Lancelot approaches Sonic and Amy
"I told you it's Soni-" Sonic didn't get to finish his sentence before Lancelot continued
"But are you certain you want to take this naive with you on such a mission?" Lancelot questions Sonic's decision while looking over at Amy, who has now looked slightly away from him in doubt
"Of course!" Sonic says walking towards Amy "She's still new to this, I'll show her the ropes and she'll get more combat experience too!" He says putting one hand on her shoulder
"Very well. We shall carry out our objectives. Stay safe." Lancelot bows and goes off with the other Knights
"OK! Let's go show those monsters what we're made off Amy!" Sonic signals Amy to follow him
"Very well" Amy follows behind Sonic
They make way to Titanic Plain, taking out any stray monsters along the way.
Throughout the journey Lancelot's words rang through the Paladins head making her doubt herself and question why Sonic would bring her along and not any of the other Knights.
'Why would he choose me? The other Knights are much more experienced. Does he think I'll mess up protecting the civilians?' These thoughts kept the Paladin worried throughout until suddenly
"Everything OK there Amy?" Sonic asks as they're traveling the outskirts of the plains
"O-Oh! Yes my King! Apologies my head was... Elsewhere." Amy replied caught a little off guard lost in thought
Sonic then stops in front of her putting his free hand on his hip. Amy can tell by his face that he knows she's not being the most honest with him
"Is something wrong my Kin-" Amy stops herself knowing he'll just ask him to call him Sonic "I mean Sonic, is something wrong?"
"Not with me, but it looks like somethings eating you up" Sonic replies "You're not gonna let what the dark knight said to you get you down right?" Amy looks slightly surprised that Sonic knew what was on her mind
"I'm sorry... But I must ask, why did you really chose me to accompany you?" Amy now looking serious and a little upset with the question out there "I'm not experienced like the other Knights. Throughout our trip, you have have done most of the combat and even protected me. I am your Knight, it is my duty to protect you, not the other way around." Amy now becoming a little shaky in her voice, Sonic softly replies
"We're a team out here. I have your back like I know you'd have mine." Hearing this, Amy slightly relaxes herself "Besides, all of the other Knights are way to formal with me, they're not exactly the best conversationalist. They won't even laugh at my jokes!" After hearing this Amy gave a little giggle "Aha! There it is! There's that smile that can cure any bad in peoples hearts!" Amy now flustered by Sonic's words begins to blush but it was short lived.
Amy noticed one of the monsters wielding a cross-bow behind Sonic taking aim at him! She acted on instinct to protect him "Sonic, look out!" She shouts making Sonic turn to look at the enemy, Amy jumps at Sonic to push him down and out of the way of the shot that barely scraped Amy's head armor. Upon missing the monster retreated.
Amy sits up and checks for the monster seeing it's gone. She rubs her head to check for any damage but it was merely a scratch on her head plate. After sighing in relief she begins to blush again realizing what exactly she was sitting on. She was sitting on Sonic who she had pushed out of the way of the arrow.
"O-Oh my gosh, my Ki- I mean Sonic I-I'm so sorry! I did not mean to be s-seated on you, I-I was just trying to protect you" Amy says in a panic while looking down at Sonic still sitting on him. She hastily gets up, turns away and hides her face with her hands. "Hey it's ok Amy" Sonic says getting up "You saved me back there! That was incredible!"
Amy still looking away from him replies "R-really? You're not mad?" She takes her hands off her face and turns to him
Sonic smiles and gives a thumbs up "I'm not mad, why would I be when you saved my bacon out there!"
Amy relieved gives him a big smile and laughs a little. After a brief moment they continue on scouting the Plains for any monsters that still lurk.
The Knights of Hearts may still be new. But she shows she has the heart to be one of the best Knights in all the land.
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legends-of-time · 4 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story)
Chapter 48: Aithusa
Amelia's POV
Merlin, Amelia, Percival, and Anne stand in the forests one night, staring up at Kilgharrah as they tell him some rather large news that they came across that the Dragon ought to know. It had been funny to watch the complete and utter shock that dawned on Percival's face when the creature appeared in the sky and flew down to them.
Merlin had been walking to Gaius' Chambers when he overheard the Physician conversing with someone they don't know. Merlin's curiosity was piqued and he listened in. He learnt it was an old pupil of Gaius'. Gaius had seemed worried about the man, Borden he'd called him. Borden had come to him for help, having stolen an artefact from the Druids, a Triskellian of Ashkanar, a key essentially, that was broken up into three parts. He had one part, had spent nearly half his life tracking it down, and had taken the second from the Druids, but the third part remained hidden deep within the vaults of Camelot. When pieced together the key is meant to lead the holder to a tomb, the tomb of Ashkanar, where, apparently, a Dragon egg is hidden. Borden had tried to argue that he wanted to see a 'noble creature' brought back to life but Gaius had immediately dismissed that as a falsehood.
After the man had left, Merlin had burst into the Chambers, angry that Gaius knew of such a place where a Dragon's egg is stored and hadn't said anything, what with him being the last Dragonlord, but Gaius had merely said the tomb was sealed by magic and only the key could get them in. There was no point in telling them about a place they wouldn't be able to enter or worse, telling them and watching them foolishly try to get in and die trying (as he knows they just might).
The key piece itself that is hidden in the Vaults had been there for 400 years which makes it all too obvious why Gaius had never said anything, if one part has been hidden and protected for so long, they can only imagine what the other parts are being kept like.
Borden had warned that he will be staying in Camelot, in the Tavern in the Lower Town and waiting for word from him about if Gaius will help or not. They don't doubt that if Gaius refuses, Borden will do so on his own.
Amelia knows they all want the Dragon Egg returned, to save the Dragons, and to help Kilgharrah protect his kin, but at the same time, they know the only way to do it will be for Borden to help and lead them to the tomb. Gaius knows not where it is, no one does, and that is why the key is needed. This brings up the issue they are facing, Gaius had warned Merlin that Borden has ill intent with the egg, but also that he is not a man to be trusted and if they try to help the man, he will stab them in the back in an instant. He is in a difficult spot as he doesn't want the egg to fall into Borden's hands, but he doesn't want them in danger of trying to deal with him and rescue it. Amelia had suggested they go to the one person who should have the deciding vote on what they do.
"I never dared dream of such a moment." Kilgharrah breathes, startling Amelia with the emotion in his voice, the hope, she can hear in it. "Until now, I believed the egg would never be found, that I would be the last of my kind."
"I'm still so sorry that happened," Amelia tells him. "What Uther did..." She shakes her head, she can't even begin to imagine what it was like for him, chained up, alone, listening to his kin crying out for help as they burned, and then for them to ask him for help to protect the very King that did that to him. Amelia hears a sniffle come from next to her.
"Do not weep for me, my dear." Kilgharrah smiles kindly at Anne.
"I'm not crying." Anne huffs though she sniffles and wipes beneath her eye. Amelia knows she's cursing her pregnancy. She has only just started to really feel the effects of it. She is still in her early days and while Amelia would argue that her stomach is still quite flat, Merlin in particular insists otherwise and always adds that he knows his wife's body quite well to Amelia's disgust.
Kilgharrah just chuckles. "As you wish." He gives her a small bow of the head.
"So, the legend is true?" Merlin asks rhetorically.
"This is a chance in a thousand. You must retrieve the egg."
"We know." Amelia murmurs hesitantly.
"Then what is the matter?"
"Gaius has forbidden it." Anne replies.
Kilgharrah scoffs. "Merlin! You are a Dragonlord! It is a gift passed down from your father. He gave up everything in his life to save me. What do you think he would say? The egg harbours the last of my kind. I beg you, Merlin. In your father's name, promise me that you will do everything in your power to rescue it."
"You have my promise." Merlin declares.
They set up a plan, Merlin goes to Borden as he's the best option. Percival looks too threatening, Amelia is too well known to be sneaking in and Merlin worries about Anne and the baby so she can't do it either. After, the plan is for Amelia, Merlin and Percival to go save the Dragon egg. Anne is excluded for the reasons mentioned above.
Borden agrees to Merlin helping him though the next step is for Merlin to get the keys from Arthur. Merlin later tells Amelia and Anne, on the way to the Council Chambers for a meeting with Arthur, Agravaine and Council members, that the initial try wasn't successful as Arthur had woken up so they need to try again.
Amelia eyes the keys on Arthur's belt as she stands in the meeting. She knows that she'll have to somehow get it off Arthur's belt without him noticing. Anne and Merlin linger in the background in the Council Chambers.
"We need to strengthen all our outlying defences as Odin's raids only go to prove. But it is the northern borders that are particularly vulnerable." Agravaine is saying as they ponder over a map.
"There's always been so, and the reason's obvious." Arthur says. "If you look at the terrain here—" He cuts himself off as his trousers fell to his knees. Amelia looks at him in surprise before looking accusingly at Merlin, who shrugs and grins while Anne next to him scrunches her face up in embarrassment.
"Allow me to help you, sire!" Merlin calls cheerfully as he runs over to Arthur, grabbing his trousers.
"No!" Arthur protests, but Merlin is already holding onto his trousers. "No! Merlin!"
"Your Majesty!" Merlin insists.
"Merlin!" Arthur shouts as the two fall to the ground.
"Get off me!"
"I'm trying to help you, sire!" Merlin says as Arthur finally gets out of his grip. He gets to his feet and pulls up his own trousers. After all this embarrassment, Amelia certainly hopes that Merlin has the key.
"There we go." Merlin says proudly. "Will there be anything else, sire?"
Arthur looks at him incredulously. "No!" Merlin backs out in a way that tells Amelia he's hiding the key behind his back. Well, at least there's that.
Arthur turns to Anne, who's standing there and looking like she's suffering from severe second-hand embarrassment. "I certainly hope your child inherits their mother's... well, everything."
Anne grimaces before scuttling off after her husband.
Amelia smirks. "Clearly you need a new belt, Arthur."
Arthur glares and turns back to the map, clearing his throat. "So, the terrain here..."
The meeting with Borden had not gone very well, according to Merlin's grumbling the next morning when he explains to Anne, Percival, and Amelia why the warning bells had gone off on their way to the Vaults. 
Merlin tells them about what happened. He'd given Borden the key and guarded the entrance. Borden had completed the Triskelion but then the man had knocked him out, leaving the key with him clearly intending to frame him. Should've realised that was going to happen. Merlin had woken up and then had gone to try and put the key back in Arthur's Chambers when the bell had gone off.
"The lock hasn't been damaged, which would suggest whoever it was had a key." Agravaine says as he observes the gate.
"Strange." Gaius murmurs. His eyes flicker suspiciously towards Amelia, Anne, Merlin and Percival.
"Of all these treasures, this is all they were interested in." Arthur observes, opening an elaborate box to reveal its empty contents. "What was in here?"
"I believe, Sire, one third of a Triskelion, a type of key. A key that, according to legend, opens the ancient Tomb of Ashkanar." Gaius explains.
"I remember my father talk of such a tomb. It contained a Dragon's egg." Arthur says. Amelia remembers it well, it almost became a bedtime story for her, Morgana and Arthur. Uther had felt the need to tell them about it and his wish to find it and destroy the egg.
"It has been said."
"You don't believe it to be true?" Arthur asks.
"Well, it is possible, Sire. The wealth and wisdom of Ashkanar are without equal." Gaius admits. Amelia knows Gaius can't lie about this as Arthur will be angry and lose trust in him if he realises. They really don't need Arthur to trust Agravaine even more than he does already.
"Is the egg still there?" Agravaine asks.
"I can't be certain. But, to my knowledge, no one has disturbed the tomb for more than four hundred years." Gaius admits further.
"But with this Triskelion, someone could." Arthur realises.
"Sire, a Dragon's egg can live for a thousand years. Even today, it could still hatch, and another Dragon would be born into this world." Agravaine warns him.
"So, all my father's work to rid the world of these monsters would be undone." Arthur realises.
"That must be our fear."
Amelia glares at her uncle. He's playing on Arthur's need to please his father.
"Then we have no choice. We must hunt down this intruder, destroy the egg." Arthur declares. He turns to Percival. "Percival, gather the Knights."
"But Arthur," Amelia quickly interrupts before Percival does anything, "no one's found this tomb for four hundred years. Surely, we don't need to worry."
"We can't risk that, Amelia." Arthur argues.
Percival glances at Amelia, who reluctantly nods, and leaves to follow through with his orders.
"How could you be so stupid?!" Gaius cries as soon as he, Merlin, Anne and Amelia enter his Chambers. "What were you thinking?!"
"I am a Dragonlord. It is my sacred duty to protect the last of the Dragons." Merlin retorts.
"The tomb could've remained closed for another four hundred years and the egg would've been completely safe!"
"And Kilgharrah would have been alone!" Amelia snaps right back. She and Kilgharrah haven't been on the best of terms recently but her heart breaks thinking of him being the last of his kind and now they have the chance to change this. "We finally find another of his species and you tell us it's better to just leave it! To let this noble species die out!"
Gaius stares in shock at her tone.
"Arthur is riding out intent on destroying the egg." Anne speaks calmly. "We know Borden won't just release the Dragon if he gets there first."
"That's why we need your help Gaius," Merlin adds. "Percival and I are going with Arthur. We need to know exactly what Borden may do, what he's like, so that they can be prepared to stop him."
Now that Arthur knows, plans had to be changed. Amelia can no longer go with them as there's no way she's leaving the Kingdom in Agravaine's hands. Anne is glad she's not the only one that is being left behind. Amelia doesn't like not going with them but is reassured that Merlin has Percival as his backup.
Gaius sighs and nods.
Merlin's POV
Merlin heads off with Arthur, Percival and the rest of the Knights as soon as possible. Despite having a lead on Borden, they soon lose him and against Merlin's wishes, Arthur insists they make camp as it's getting dark. After a bit of fun with the Knights where Merlin thought they had eaten all the food, leaving none for him when it turns out they'd been hiding a plate for him the entire time.
Merlin sits with Arthur by the fire as the Knights sleep on. Merlin's mind is consumed by old memories.
"You're very quiet." Arthur remarks as he lounges back on a log while Merlin sits on it, facing the fire.
"I'm sorry." Merlin apologises softly.
"What is it?" Merlin doesn't respond. "Merlin."
Merlin sighs, knowing Arthur is not about to let it go. "It was here that I last saw my father."
Merlin glances at the King to see him processing the statement in surprise. "You never talked about it."
Merlin shrugs with false carelessness. "There's not much that I can say. I didn't really know him that well, but... I was proud of him. I want him to be proud of me." He admits.
"I can understand that. You should try being in my shoes." Arthur comments. "It was hard enough while he was alive, always having to live up to what he expected of me. It's even harder now. I now know what he faced, the decisions he had to make. I tell you Merlin, don't start measuring yourself against a man who's dead. You'll never win."
Merlin nods understandingly. "I know. He will always be better than me. I hope my child will be proud of me as well. I worry I won't be good at it. Being a father."
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be a good father. You can't fail at that." Arthur remarks.
"Was that a compliment?" Merlin asks with a small grin on his face.
Arthur scoffs. "Don't be ridiculous."
Merlin chuckles, his mood uplifted. If he does this, saves the egg, he's building a legacy for his child and their children to protect. This has been his drive ever since he learned of the egg. His duty to the future.
Percival's POV
The next morning, Merlin is feeling resurged with new determination. He tells Percival as they sneak along the woods towards Borden's camp that the Druids had come to him last night. They had told him of the direction in which Borden is heading as well as a warning for what they'll face there. It had been difficult to convince the others, after finding the camp empty, of Merlin's sudden knowledge of where to go being legitimate, Percival was honestly prepared to lie about finding some tracks, but thankfully Elyan spots some horse dung.
This convinces the others and they head on their way and soon reach a Cave with a stream trickling nearby.
"It's a dead end. That's it. Let's go back." Arthur declares.
The Knights turn back. Percival and Merlin don't, sharing a worried look. There must be something here. Percival begins looking around for any signs.
"What about the Cave?" Merlin questions, stopping the others in their tracks.
"We're wasting our time." Arthur dismisses.
Percival finally spots something, a muddy footprint by the water. "Arthur." He calls, drawing his King's attention and points down at the footprint.
They enter the Cave and draw their swords, going deeper and deeper. Still, nothing can be seen but a waterfall at the end.
"Merlin, this is ridiculous." Arthur complains. "Where's he heading?"
"There's light ahead." Merlin replies.
They come to the waterfall. Arthur sheathes his sword and puts his hand through it and crosses to the other side. They continue on the other side and emerge to find a lake the water pours into and a valley up ahead.
"No wonder no one's ever found it." Gwaine remarks.
They walk further into the valley where they finally spot the tomb looming in the distance. Percival shares a look with Merlin, they've finally found it. Merlin pushes forward, down the hill towards it and the rest follow.
They are walking down a large trench path towards the tower when Percival suddenly creases over in pain when an arrow lands in his leg causing him to fall to the ground.
"Take cover!" Arthur cries.
They press their backs into the trench walls. An arrow lands between Arthur's feet. Borden is clearly not taking any chances with them following. Percival groans in pain, unable to move from his spot meaning he's in a dangerous spot.
"You all right?" Arthur calls.
"Yeah." Percival groans but as soon as he says those words, an arrow flies and lands in the rock next to his head. That was close.
"Where's he firing from?" Arthur turns to Leon. "I'll draw fire, get him to safety."
Arthur nods to Percival. Borden shoots at Arthur as he dodges to the other side and Leon helps Percival to his feet so he can take cover against the wall. Elyan pulls the arrow out before bandaging it.
"Arthur." Merlin directs Arthur's line of vision. Arthur peeks out for a moment, then motions a plan to the Knights. Arthur sprints to the other side of the trench. It is then, as Percival glances at him, that Merlin's eyes turn gold. Probably stopping Borden from shooting at them anymore.
Arthur appears at the top of the trench. "What happened? Where's he gone?"
"Perhaps he ran out of bolts." Merlin suggests. Percival gives Merlin a knowing look but the manservant simply shrugs.
Percival limps along as they all emerge from the trench and move through the forest. Again, Merlin dashes ahead.
"Careful!" Arthur yells. Merlin stops and slides and Arthur pulls him back. "Who knows what he's left lying in wait for us."
"We can go around that." Merlin argues.
Percival knows Merlin wants to save this egg but honestly, Percival isn't looking forward to the increased probability that he'll explain to Anne how her husband got himself killed with his carelessness.
"No." Arthur grabs Merlin to stop him. "He knows we're coming."
"That's a risk we have to take!" Merlin insists.
"We'll make camp, continue at dawn. Merlin, help Percival." Arthur orders and the Knights immediately get to work preparing camp.
Merlin huffs irritably but gestures for Percival to sit on a fallen log a few feet away. Luckily the arrow had struck him in the calf so Merlin merely rolls the bottom of Percival's trouser leg up.
Merlin pulls out a few bandages from a small bag he'd brought, kneeling before the Knight and glancing around the tree to see that the Knights have actually already made camp. Percival knows there's not much to do but roll out bedsheets and start a fire. There is plenty of wood around them so the fire is already about to be started and they've thought to gather supplies and food before they'd set out again this time to save time. Arthur is speaking to Leon, both men with their backs to the camp as they seem to be discussing the woods and likely the order of the watch for the night.
Merlin smirks as he turns back to Percival. "How good are you at faking a limp?" He asks.
Percival starts to smile at that and chuckles. "I would say quite fair."
Percival leans back and observes as Merlin turns his leg slightly to see the wound, biting his lip to not hiss at the slight pain and watches in awe as Merlin merely mumbles a few words under his breath, his eyes flash and the wound closes up as though it has never been there, there isn't even any tenderness at all.
"It is a travesty." Percival murmurs as Merlin wraps a false bandage around his leg, leaving the blood there so that it would stain and seem like the wound is still bleeding a bit even though there is none left. "That a gift such as yours is persecuted the way it is."
Merlin nods. "It is."
"I had thought with Uther's death..." Percival trails off at that.
Merlin again nods. "One day when Arthur is ready."
Merlin cooks dinner for them. Once again, the others decide to pull the same prank they'd pulled on Merlin the night before. Percival chuckles to himself as it plays out in front of him. Arthur sends Merlin off to collect firewood as Elyan hands Percival his plate as he sits there 'injured'.
They all laugh and joke about the look on Merlin's face as they continue to eat but then Percival begins to feel drowsy. Maybe an after effect of Merlin's spell...
Percival startles awake along with the others at the sound of what seems to be multiple rocks crashing on one another. He and the Knights bolt in that direction. When they get to the tree line, Merlin is there crouching over his satchel as the tomb collapses in the distance.
"What the hell happened?" Arthur immediately questions.
"The tomb is a trap. He set it off. He never got out." Merlin replies.
"What about the egg?" Percival questions.
Percival gives Merlin a questioning look and the manservant gives him a slight nod before turning to the others. "It would've perished with him."
"Are you sure? We need to be certain." Arthur demands to know.
"Nothing's going to survive under all that." Leon says.
The tower completely collapses. Percival glances down at the bag at Merlin's feet.
Amelia's POV
The small party returns to Camelot with a pleased Arthur announcing to all that the fabled Dragon egg is dealt with. Amelia had dined with him to celebrate but afterwards said she wished to speak to Merlin and the Knights of their account of what had happened, remarking that Arthur's large head seemed to inflate certain events. He'd merely laughed and turned in for the night, exhausted after such a long tracking mission. Which is just perfect for the group to go to the clearing to meet with Kilgharrah.
And so, they are standing in the clearing, the egg on a small tree stump, Kilgharrah beaming happily down at them as he lands and looks at the egg.
"Gaius said that they could live for a long time." Anne remarks. "Is the egg still alive?"
"It can live for more than a thousand years." Kilgharrah reminds them with a nod.
Merlin grins to hear that confirmed. "So, you are no longer the last of your kind."
"It would seem not." The Dragon chuckles.
"So..." Amelia begins, bobbing on the heels of her feet excitedly. "How long before it hatches?"
"Young Dragons were called into the world by the Dragonlords. Only they had the power to summon them from the egg."
"I wish Arthur had known that," Amelia grumbles. "What use would there have been to hunt down the egg if the 'last' Dragonlord is dead?"
"He would have gone after it anyway, Amelia." Percival tells her sadly, making her nod at that.
"As the last Dragonlord." Kilgharrah continues. "This solemn duty falls to you, Merlin."
"How do I summon it?" Merlin asks.
"You must give the Dragon a name."
Merlin closes his eyes and after a few moments, he breathes, "Aithusa."
The egg begins to crack. They all watch intently as more and more cracks appear before a tiny white lizard with wings pops out, shaking off the excess shells and staring up at them adorably.
"Awww..." Anne coos. Amelia has to agree with her, the small Dragon is sweet.
"A White Dragon is, indeed, a rare thing and fitting." Kilgharrah remarks, "For in the Dragon Tongue, you named him after the light of the sun."
"Like with dawn it's a new day, it's like a new dawn, a new reign." Amelia murmurs. For the first time since Uther's death, she feels hope for the future that maybe things may be okay.
The little Dragon begins to inspect themself and stretch their wings.
"No Dragon birth is without meaning. Sometimes the meaning is hard to see, but I believe it is as clear as his name. The White Dragon bodes well for Albion, for you, for Arthur, and for the land that you will build together."
Anne and Amelia look at each other with tears in their eyes as the little Dragon hisses and seems to try and breathe fire but it only comes out more like the Dragon is trying to smile and laugh.
Amelia can only hope that this omen will prove true. Amelia needs a good sign for the future.
A/N: This turned into a bit of a Merlin and Percival bonding along with Merlin contemplating and worrying about being a father.
Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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charonz-kin-help · 4 years
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• Nonbinary Percival king icons •
{ requested by anonymous }
- Mod Charon
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sweetkincafe · 4 years
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"There will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword!"
•》 Playlist for a Percival King with jazz, classic rock, and any songs associated with her!
When The Sunny Gets Blue - McCoy Tyner
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
I'm Glad There Is You
Viva la Vida - Coldplay
I Love Rock 'n' Roll - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
Requested by Anon!
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bizzaremageddon · 3 years
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Man i totally forgot to post this, but heres a redraw of that girlfriend shenanigans post i made a while back
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could you possibly make an aesthetic for percy x ramsey from epithet erased? with light colors red and blue and lots of love?? thank you!!
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Here you go!! I hope you like it!
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