#peepaw verse
mvshr00m-1 · 10 months
Future Tello doodles?!
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I forgot to post this a while ago, this was made before my ref sheet so it's not fully accurate clothing wise, but the head is pretty spot on still lol
But I thought I would still post it cause I like it, and the whole thing I wrote about the similarities and differences between Navy and Tello are still important to me
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thinking about the peepaw multiverse. why has nobody made a future/crossover fic rec list. goddammnit, dont me me do it myself (please)
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thimbell · 1 year
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@intotheelliwoods here's your snacks as promised
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teetlezhere · 1 year
Let’s face it. This is the Peepaw Multiverse:
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rainbowpufflez · 25 days
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Team RR but it’s their mugs 🤯
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anime-greek · 6 months
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VerseAU: Two Magical Beings
Cringe fanfiction time whee:
His brother has been missing from the ship for over a day already. The kids back home don’t have any clue of his whereabouts. Don’s radar cannot even find him within the galaxy, much less anything farther away. There was no reason for him to leave without telling anyone where he was going, and there was no one able to get him without leaving a trace or a signal to the ship’s mainframe.
Angelo resorted to his old fashioned way: magic. He sat in his room with dim lighting and meditated. Picturing his brother. Trying to find that small, weak string of his ninpo. It took a few hours but he finally found it and latched on, taking his projection wherever his brother was. That trip was long and Angelo can feel himself getting weaker along the way.
It led to a weird amalgamation room. A large kitchen table, beanbags, blankets, tv protector, and various other stuff that seemed like a college dorm room.
Naro stood along with a group of others, all who looked way too similar to their own family members but different in some looks, height, and age. They all stared worried and angry at the orange being floating above them, chatting away about something.
Angelo tried to poke his brother. “Naro!” He whispered. Naro’s expression became confusion as he turned his gaze back.
“Where are you? We can’t find your tracker!”
Naro shook his head. “I don’t know. None of us do. We were dragged here in a portal.”
The one who looked like April looked to Naro. “Who are you talking to?” She asked.
Before Angelo can talk more, a chain wrapped around him and flinged him towards the ceiling. He phased through. After getting his footing again that orange being appeared again in front of him.
“You’re not supposed to be here. The Michelangelo spot is already filled!” They shouted in frustration. Almost like a child.
“Return my brother..Or else!” Angelo threatened. The being just glared back.
They then lifted their hand, which began to glow. “I know who you are and what you are capable of, Angelo.”
“I am not impressed. You still won’t compare to me, ever.”
Angelo looked down at his projection and realized that he was being sent back as it began to fade away.
The being then got closer. “And he’s my brother now. Not yours.”
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skylerskyhigh · 1 year
I think if Leonidas is ever in the PeePaw multiverse, he'd be their therapist lol.
He's pretty much the only one who's not extremely depressed. Plus, he has his own ninpo so he can just keep his alternates in place and force them into a therapy session. He'd probably borrow Mikey's notes and sit down his alternates. He be like:
Leonidas, using his ninpo to chain his alternates to the ground.
Leonidas: Okay! So, why don't you tell me what's on your mind?
MNMC!Leo: Nothing matters anymore. My brothers are gone. My world is gone. I caused the world to be destroyed and now I need to pay for my mistakes. I don't deserve to be alive. *very depressed*
Leonidas: Mhmmm, I'm seeing a lot of survivors guilt and self hatred in you. We'll get back to that. And you?
OMO!Leo: Eh, I'm doing fine. Everything is good. I got Casey. I'm alive, eventhough I shouldn't be. But I'm doing well. *does a finger gun with a wink*
Leonidas: I'll put that under 'denial and repressing emotions.' And you?
TAE!Leo: My life sucks. Everything sucks. I lost everything and everyone. What am I even alive for? *sobs quietly*
Leonidas: Oh buddy... *hands a tissue and cookie.* And you?
WMAS!Leo: Fuck you. *intense glare*
Leonidas: Noted.
Replica!Leo: *looking around in distress* Why am I here???
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beeceit · 1 year
hdfds Peepaw patrol at pride bc as far as I’ve seen, omo Leonardo’s the only one who isn’t just gay so he’s just standing there with a bi flag and they just kinda look at him like “women??”
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slashwhores · 2 years
I can't tell if they would murder each other or make out
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manteaublanc · 8 days
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" MONSIEUR MORGAN, " THE old man groans as he gets to his feet from tending the fire, knees popping loudly as he draws himself to his full height, " i have always wondered: what do you keep in that little book of yours? if you don't mind me asking, of course. men of our kind are entitled to some secrets, no? "
@redemn // s.c.
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marinehero · 8 months
#{ v. la } ✗ 「 whiskey neat 」
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ლ. WHISKEY NEAT is set during the One Piece Live Action adapatation, where Vice-Admiral Garp, reknown around the world as the Hero of the Marines and as the man who brought former Pirate King, Gold Roger, to justice, takes special interest in the capture of a fledgling pirate wearing a straw hat known as Luffy, following his crimes against the Naval Base in Shells Town and his theft of a map to the Grandline.
     This verse includes the events of season one, as well as the events before and after. Contains spoilers for the OPLA.
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Verse Notes:
     Portrayal is primarily based off of what was shown from the Live Action and takes inspiration from the animanga canon. I will be attempting to refrain from any spoilers for that which is yet unrevealed in the LA.
     In other words, manga events yet to be mentioned or yet to occur in the LA will be assumed to be canon until proven otherwise, even if not directly referred to.
     Garp's belief in Justice is fundamental. He has commited his life towards its pursuit and he's determined to keep pursuing it until the day he dies. Not quite a dream, it is a promise. One he keeps physical reminders of in the form of various accessories, such as necklaces, rings, and pins; carrying his own beliefs of it with him wherever he goes.
     In comparison to his canon counterpart, following the nature of the OPLA in general, Garp carries himself with gravity worthy of his status. His eccentricities are slightly more kept for private, even if not hidden and still present.
     Primarily works within the Grandline, but takes particular interest in affairs within the East Blue for the personal reason of it being his home sea.
     He has well-earned his title of Hero of the Marines. Although he uses no weapon or devil fruit, he is a more than formidable opponent for both his experience, raw strength, and skills.
     His relationship with Gold Roger, though publically unknown beyond the superficial knowledge of them being mortal enemies, had left a permenant mark on Garp. And, although responsible for it, he continues to privately grieve the Pirate King's death.
     Following the events of season one, Garp did a background check on all members of Luffy's crew and continues to keep an eye out for news regarding them. Regardless of his cocnern, he keeps his word of no longer interfering or directly following after his grandson.
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grace-nakimura · 7 months
PROMPT: Obi-Wan, Mara, lightsabers. Please???
Under the cut. Not beta'd. Not proofread. Just random.
"Now," Ben begins, adjusting the girl's posture as she holds the cylinder handle of his lightsaber in both of her hands gently, and then takes a step back and surveys her - her footwork is impeccable and once the girl isn't slouching, she's muscles seem to relax. Good. "For this first lesson, we're going to start with a few kattas, and stick with Form I."
Mara, his grandchild - and stars, is it a wonder in itself that he, the last choice and youngling who seemed to struggle more than his creche mates in the Kybuck clan, is a grandfather! - and continued belief that there is something worth fighting for in these dark times, groans. With every eye roll, with every whine, and with every shy smile or laugh his heart grows. Something blossoms in his soul that he thought to be long dead.
That small seedling survived the bitter cold while watching Luke from afar; then Leia's fire, her kindness, gave the seedling water to grow; and finding Satine, taking care of their grandchild together, makes the seed grow into the most vibrant of flowers.
He's never going to fully be Obi-Wan Kenobi ever again, nor will he ever stop mourning and loving the Order and his brother equally, but that doesn't mean he isn't him.
"None of that," he gently scolds the eight-year-old girl. The twin suns are setting and how the lights catch her golden-red hair makes it look like her name - fire. "I promised your grandmother we would start slow." A sly smile be-paints his face and, while he stands behind her and she looks forward to the sandy dunes and planes of the Jutland Wastes, he takes pride in the fact she can't see him. She's too busy glaring daggers in the distance. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather not provoke her anytime soon."
Mara turns her head and for a moment, he sees a younger, daring version of himself with that messy braid that hangs over her shoulder and her own sly smirk on her freckled-covered face. "I thought you already did?" And she's giggling. It's been months and every so often she shows nuggets of a child, or a person she's relearning to be, and even if it's at his own expense he can't help but be so proud.
Her laugh isn't his nor Satine's, so he surmises it might've been her mother's, or even Korkie's.
( And what he would give to be able to have heard his son's laugh, or to embrace him, or anything than that brief comm call before Satine and Mara landed on Tatooine. )
"She says you are end-snuff-able," insufferable, "and a mirror-ad - " myriad, " - of charisma mixed with poodoo."
He should correct her language, but all he can do is throw his head back and bark out a laugh. His shoulders shake with mirth and, yes, those are all things Satine would say, and have said, about him. There is a soft sort of pride that he feels in the force coming from Mara who, in a rare moment that isn't a smirk or a shy grin, beams at his amusement.
Love. It's the first time she really felt that way towards him. Satine, of course; he felt her love and care and loyalty to her from the first moment he met her, but for him? Uncertainty, at best, aloofness, almost a bashful wonder, but love?
I love you, too, dear one, he sends out into the Force, causing the child's ears to redden, before she looks out into the great expanse of sand and ignites his lightsaber.
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devilbrakers · 1 year
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bisexualing maliciously
felria belongs to my beloved @numbaoneflaya
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ashklad · 9 months
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" don't call me that. "
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marinehero-a · 1 year
" master garp ? " light of waning dusksuns drawing saintly halo 'pon holy commander's head, reminder oh so tragic of divine ichor that never would be erased from its true identity even whilst tainted in human reds, no matter how much he'd try to pass among them unnoticed or how so ardently he'd wish to truly experience all that made joy and anger and sadness as wholefully instead of always observing as if encased in glass, unable to reach forth —but he'd remain behind greatest hero of all marines, hesitating in his own oh so familiar silence that easily would kneel before him at each command, for even former dragon of the heavenly gates could perceive how tense and heavy air itself tethered aghast his own throat, as if ready to destroy every wall. " what are you doing out here by yourself? " ( from roci ofc )
ლ.    “ Trying to stop myself from killing you old man, ”   the reply slipped out with cutting brightness. His face contorted into a sharp grin, dripping with cyanide, though he only spared the other man a glance before returning his glaring gaze towards the sea. White-knuckled grip digging into the stone wall he stood by, deep cracks running in veins throughout it.
     With difficulty, he did his best to steady his breathing. To reign in his temper and cull his rage, lest he found himself tearing down Marineford brick by brick. Or, worse, he crumbled first. For he was the hero, and heroes were not allowed to fall.
     Even if he were to slip, even if he were to allow himself failure, Rocinante was among the last who he’d let see such a loss of control. Not for Sengoku’s sake, may the Sea damn him, but because the brat was one of the few innocent men caught in the upcoming storm. Garp wouldn’t allow him to get burned out of the quarrels he held with others.
“ You might’ve heard that the planning for the execution of Whitebeard’s First Division commander is nearly complete, ”   voice still tight, grin feeling plastered on his face, carefully avoiding Rocinante’s face in favor of staring down at his weathered hands. They were capable of leveling an island, yet he’d never felt them so weary — so weak — before,   “ Fleet Admiral Sengoku, ”   the title spat out in clipped tone with as much respect as one might deign to the barnacles on a ship’s hull,   “ Thought to only give me the news of the whole situation now. ”
     Ace. They had Ace, and worse off, they knew. The Elders knew, and they were willing to go to war with the current king of the sea over it. He still couldn't figure out how the Elders had learned. Had Sengoku told them ?  He couldn’t believe it, not when it’d gone unspoken for years. A silent agreement. A silent promise. But why else would Sengoku keep the damn news of Ace's capture from him until it was far too late to pull any strings ?  No. There had to be something. Something he could do that wouldn't be betrayal. Some kind of loophole, some kind of —
     He bit down on his lip and fought against the waves of rage and panic clogging his chest. Dammit all, he'd never been the one for complicated plans, that had always been Sengoku and Tsuru's role, and now his heart stood against them and he didn't know what to do. His duty, or the ones he loved ?  A glance back towards Rocinante brought a silent huff of laughter fall past his lips, fleeting and distant envy towards the brat knocking him out of his spiral of uncertainty. With another deep breath, he forced himself to let go of the tension in his body with easier laughter.
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“ Bwahaha !  But my role's none of your concern, brat, ”   the cheer in his voice lighter now, his smile more sincere. A mask well worn in by age and experience, closer to a second skin than anything false. There’d be time to figure things out later  ( when ? )  when there was no company to see him shout.
“ You ought to be more worried about yourself. I doubt your superior — ”   facade nearly cracking, tremors of bitter betrayal  ( but who betrayed who first ? )  slipping through before he could quite catch it, though he carried on as if he hadn’t noticed,   “ — Will have you anywhere near the upcoming war, if he hasn’t already talked to you about it. Your brother’s going to be there. ”
     The bird bastard would be there, and so Rocinante wouldn't. It was simple. The brat would be safe and fine, at the very least. Rocinante may not be one of his, but he was still part of the damnable family Garp had built and been given over the years. If he ended up failing in protecting Ace  ( he couldn’t  he already had )  than at least there was shallow comfort in the certainty that the blood of some brats his heart held fondly wouldn't stain his hands just yet.
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anime-greek · 7 months
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New AU: Verse!
Another alternate version of the bad F! timeline
Made a quickish design for Verse!Mikey and have a bunch of information for him. Made to basically have a reason on how/why my AUs meet each other.
Him and his brothers attempted to reseal the Krang within the prison with their remaining ninpo. However, before the portal fully closed, the main three Krang swapped places with Mikey, leaving him trapped with the remaining others. Mikey was trapped with only the ability to view everything and to ensure his survival had to learn how to kill the Krang. Even if he could attempt to open a portal, his magic will light up, then everyone will surround him.
It took years but he finally did it. But it was all in vain. His brothers were murdered with their ninpo stolen. The earth became a wasteland. There was no reason for him to return at all.
And so he watched from afar. Soon his magic switched channels between different universes, all born from his deepest desires.
He saw his family alive and thriving, living happily as they grew families of their own. His own siblings defeating the Krang even though being as young as 13yo. Even being born differently and raised separately, they became family still, with the motivation to help others. There was even a him with children of his own.
It was not fair. It increased his loneliness and depression by a large margin, but he couldn’t help but continue to watch and yearn for the same things they had.
And so, by watching a version of himself teaching a teenage him, he learned the same spells. He adapted them. He learned how to make portals that didn’t crumble his body, if it was even a problem in the first place; and began his revenge against his timeline.
He will have his family back. He will have what they have too.
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