#pearl solidarity
kojitheopossum · 3 months
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post office slash pet slash the neighbors slash my fav trio so far
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daftaiyo · 9 months
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hexisafish · 6 months
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Drew some secret life thumbnails for fun:3 and like the "movie" type video with double life Pearl
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ohnonotthehorrors · 8 months
I love the fact that everyone being so accepting of everyone else’s task related quirks is coming back to bite them.
Lizzie couldn’t get a single person to accuse her! Not a single one! And Of Course they didn’t, because they’re trying to help. Just below the surface they want to help Lizzie, or at least not hurt her, so of course they wouldn’t call her out and risk causing her problems.
And Jimmy! In his own words “people were so accommodating” to the point no one would kick him out! Everyone respected weird behavior as ‘being a task’ so no one tried to kick him out. They were literally too nice.
And can I just say how genius those tasks Are? The game is literally punishing people for… being too nice, for working together.
These are tasks that are perfectly reminding players “no, you’re enemies, you’re not supposed to be nice” by twisting that kindness against the person they thought they were helping.
When Grian said ‘okay, no more helping people’ the world decided to Mean It.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 7 months
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a lot of old things and some new things.dobranoc
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shepscapades · 1 year
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Another session 1 doodle dump! I had to do the other Martyn aside that cracked me up, and uh….
Idk man. Something…. Something about the vibes of the mansion coming back magically next session, and how, for everyone else, that’s kinda weird or whatever, but for… um, a select certain few, maybe they’ve got this Weird feeling they can’t place that something is Wrong about this, and the extra boogeymen rolls, and… maybe they’ve got a sense that they’ve felt this way before.
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froggiesir · 1 year
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clover-doodles · 2 months
If Double Life was a Musical
the sequel of a sequel
( it’s funny the shortest of the life series last the longest one so far )
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smoozie-art · 2 months
Did someone say skyblings? I mean seablings?
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cheerioskid · 11 months
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skyblings!! (i firmly believe jimmy belongs in the skyblings)
closeup & no color ver vv
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the inspiration ^^
also please pretend that 1) grian is just hanging onto the side of the cart with his bird feet or whatever and 2) that jimmys wings DO EXIST and that they like show up whenever he needs them or something bc i couldn't draw these without losing readability or my mind :)
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bad-traffic-smp-ideas · 9 months
Third Life, but everyone has their own personalised rule to torture them specifically that the other players do not know.
The boogeyman system exists, but BigB is the boogeyman every session unless he is red. If there is more than 1 boogey, Scott has a 3x likelihood to be picked, but only after session 3. Joel is never a boogey, and cannot purposefully kill even when red.
Grian cannot purposefully kill any red names, not even in self defense, unless there are only 2 players left.
Jimmy is an exception because he thinks he has no rule, but he actually starts with only 2 lives. He is green on 2 and yellow on 1. The other players know this, and are not allowed to tell him.
Pearl cannot be more than 20 blocks away from another player, both vertically and horizontally, or she starts to take damage
Tango takes double damage to non-PvP sources.
Etho takes all the damage he recieved in each session in bulk at the end of the session.
After session 1 Scar takes constant damage if he is not wearing a full set of armour. He is the only player allowed to wear a helmet.
All damage Martyn does or takes is random, because he's bad at maths.
Cleo and Ren are soulmates and if they ever say something that could be interpreted as an innuendo while in the prescense of the other they instantly lose a life.
Skizz fully dies 1 minute after the person who fully died second dies, unless someone else fully dies in that period.
Impulse takes double damage to everything when there are less than 8 players left and 4x damage to everything when there are less than 4
Bdubs must act serious and gritty at all times. There is no punishment for failing this, but he is told there is.
Every session, Mumbo has a 50% chance to be the Boogie Man. He is not allowed to kill for the entire session not even in self-defense or if he is a red name. He must also inform at least 5 people, including Grian, that he is the Boogie Man by 1 hour 30 minutes into the session or an end crystal explosion will trigger on him.
Every 30 minutes, Lizzie has a 33% chance to be instantly teleported to Joel's location.
Anon I want you to know... that I love you.
Okay but this is LITERALLY one of my new favorite asks. It's so thorough and perfect?? For everyone?? Like hello??!?
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coldstormyday · 10 months
I feel like we don't talk enough about how bonkers the 'Judge Judy and Executioner' frog plotline was in Limited Life, which was almost entirely contained within Bigb, Pearl and Jimmy's POVs.
. Bigb gifting Jimmy a special Grandmaster frog which leads to bitter regret and sadness from all the frogs at Frog Mountain, a sacred place where Bigb goes to commune with magic little froggy guys
. Pearl 100% buying in to the plan to take Judge Judy and Executioner back and leaving a decoy, causing classic Jimmy disbelief where he does the '>:0' face repeatedly in his facecam
. Jimmy employing Scott to help find the frog at the Nosy Neighbour tower while Bigb and Pearl are frantically shoving JJ&E down a dank cave hole
. Pearl accidently spiking the frog straight into a ravine like a dropped beanbag and desperately trying to cover it up while Bigb and Jimmy weep openly in the background
. Jimmy confronting the Neighbours while Pearl (definitely not Lizzie stop asking) has no concept of who Judge Judy and Executioner is, only for both to fall down a trap due to Bread Boy number 3 who cannot stop pushing buttons out of boredom
. Jimmy dying again after killing Loggy the Llama (also why did the 'Loggy time' joke make me wheeze so hard- comedy gold I tell you) by moonwalking directly into a pufferfish trap while monologuing
TLDR: I cherish Bigb, Pearl and Jimmy's videos for bringing us the best plotpoint of Limited Life. Sometimes the Life Series can be poignant and deep, and sometimes it's just about a frog who was loved so dearly and fell so hard.
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
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I totally don't care that this trio didn't happen A GIRL CAN DREAM
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liauditore · 5 months
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blame @shaklyart
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arty-e · 10 months
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Another set of fake screenshots but pearl corruption time
Gemcyt au and Scott, Pearl and Jimmy designs by @chrisrin
Backgrounds from Steven universe
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rosecandyart · 4 months
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