dingleminyard · 6 years
Your gifs are amazing. 👌👌👌👌 and I pinched an icon! 👀 love them. 💋 ty.
Aw thank you so much!! I’m so glad you like them ty
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matan4il · 6 years
I was tagged by one of my fave people in the world, @irisnsc. <3
Rules: answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Nickname(s): Hmmm. They used to call me ‘Pokemon’ during my army days. Currently? I guess my best gay male friend has a nickname for me, which translates into English as ‘little chick’, only in Hebrew the word he uses is in the feminine and ‘chick’ isn’t a misogynistic term, so it’s actually cuter than the English. And my sister called me ‘Alissy’ instead of plain old ‘Alice’ which I really like for some reason. And the amazing Amy @aaron-fan calls me ‘motek’, which is sweetie in Hebrew and I adore it. <3
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 1.50 meters (5', yes I’m extremely short and I own it)
Time: 22:45 (10:45 PM)
Favorite Band/Artist: Could never choose just one. But honorable mentions? Leonard Cohen, Queen, Ivri Lider, Idan Reichel, Simon and Garfunkel, Florence and the Machine, OneRepublic, Adam Lambert, Maroon 5, The Scissor Sisters, Mumford and Sons, etc.
Song stuck in my head: Rita - Mizman (For a Long Time)
Last movie I saw: Last movie, an Israeli one called The Battle over the Building Committee. It’s a political satire and the building in the film is a metaphor for the State of Israel. Non-Israeli? Big Hero 6.
Last thing I googled: Lyrics for an Israeli song I heard on the radio this morning.
Other blogs: Mostly a political blog I use to comment on other people’s posts.
Do I get asks: I used to and I really enjoyed it.
Why I chose this username: Matan means ‘giving’ in Hebrew. ‘IL’ is the internet code for Israel. So - ‘giving for Israel’. I chose it when I was 17 and started volunteering in all sorts of projects and can’t bring myself to change it.
Average amount of sleep: Radically changes. The range is 1-22 hours.
Lucky number: 7 and 12
What I’m wearing: Black shirt and jeans.
Dream job: What I do now only getting to do it globally, not just locally.
Dream trip: Any trip where I can see friends that I love. <3 And one following the great writers of the British Isles, I’ve been wanting to do that since I was in highschool.
Favorite food: Spaghetti, pasta, mamaliga.
Play any instruments: Recorder, keyboard.
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Dark Brown
Languages you speak: Hebrew, English, Romanian fluently, French to a degree, and then in ever (and quickly) descending order: German, Yiddish, Arabic, Spanish, Italian
Most iconic song: It Can’t Come Quickly Enough - The Scissor Sisters
Random fact: I couldn’t curse to save my life until I started my army service and the guys decided they had to “educate” me.
I tag...
OK, I’m gonna use this as an opportunity to confess a bit more publicly to something. I suffer from anxiety and have a bit of an OCD thing going on. That means for a long while now, there have been people I’ve wanted to follow and have not been able to because that part of my brain doesn’t let me. I still wanted you lovely people to know that it’s not you, it’s me and my damn broken brain. So I’m tagging you and you don’t have to fill the meme (though it’d be fun if you do), I just want you to know you’re on the list of people I wanna be able to follow and hope I can soon as I try to make my way out of this mental block I’m suffering. Basically, this is love being sent your way and me telling you that while I may not be following right now, I will the second I can and that from time to time, I’ll still hop onto your blogs to see your content. <333 And yeah, it’s a bit of a list. This has been going on for longer than I cared to admit. :/ @ceri4488 @bellamyblake @snarfettelove @drawlallvowels @phantomsbaebe @sugglesmiles @starsdah-b @halethesourestwolf @imre-gr @kazuliyah @i-cordelia @eloquentmydear @7amlecturerambles @alltheshadesofamber @rayblayblay @eightysevenbabe @peacockrobber @iwillsendapostcard @beautyinthespacebetween @rafarobron4ever @stumble-upon-chris @theredandwhitequeen @hxllygrxce @kantfindausername @istillfeelicantrustyou @a-rabbit-of-negative--euphoria @joyous2607 @alicemxoxo @soapsandshipping @kuusa23 @anidorikiladratalianna @livingthroughthesilence @katharsxs @rosesugden @twixxee @facetowardthesunshine @e-l-l-a-a-d-a-m-s @badmadammim @hubz88 @margaretha123 @darrrlingu @sugdenfamfan @goneverstop @liliyarn @purpledoglover21 @raelee514 @rachelsbags @lelket @itstrulyoutrageous @jiim-moriarty @scottt190 @blondhairedking @chanelxbeauty @willpjackson @iamuselesssowhat86 @sophilly @bubblygibberish @dannavonet @bonnietoyourclyde @robronatlast @geekgirlwiggins @karin1027 @irshbeth-blog @annemarisa @hadathoughtbutnowitsgone @mytwosuperheros @phanlover28 @babyfacejazz @annemonyk-g @suruatdlareme @howellobrien @bell88x9y @meimeibelle @bismoaking @lambrinichampagne @ranak40 @impalagurl67 @veryveryverytemporarily @nicola-1998 @haceleyes @nettiekid @itswheremydemonshide10 @cant-getno-sleep @sour-grape-s @tonyspegasus @starlightcandythings @danrdarrenc @dingleminyard
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flawswelove · 6 years
@peacockrobber feels bad she’s abandoned her blog for the past week. She works at a vets, so she’s on all hours atm. She wanted me to voice that she appreciates how lovely everyone is. ❤️
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flawswelove · 6 years
@peacockrobber is a lazy bum that is never on tumblr!
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flawswelove · 6 years
Ok so!!!!!! @peacockrobber has joined us (Layla my girlfriend) i think she’s only joined the fandom to piss me off. But go follow her if you like. :)
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flawswelove · 6 years
@peacockrobber I go to make you tea ☕️ and you post THAT!!!
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