a-lil-perspective · 2 years
A fav trope of mine is Sunshine x Grumpy One
The Grumpy One is soft for the Sunshine one 💛
Sunshine x Grumpy all day longggg. 💛
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I have decided to change my username, because this one I came up with honestly is a lot more me
Formally, peacefulwizardfox
Now, urfriendlyneighbornightfury
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Adding two more to the list today, so here it is:
@starlightrows (platonic, Wolffe, but anyone is good)
@writer1 (would like Hunter, Crosshair, Echo, or Fives)
@ortizshinkaroff (would like Echo, Crosshair, or Dogma)
@peacefulwizardfox (my main)
Also, just because they are requesting certain Trooper, doesn't mean that they wouldn't say no to anyone else popping in
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ask-thebadbatch · 3 years
Me: *runs up and jumps onto Crosshair's back, latching on like a leech* HUG TIME 😆 (note: ah, been a while, hasn't it?)
"unhand me civvie" -Cross
(note: yeah it has been!)
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boys-of-the-gar · 3 years
Hi boys!
Do you mind stopping by my side-blog, @the-clone-anon-cupid and sending messages to some lonely clone lovers? Most on the lists are 18+ (those who are not are noted).
With the chaos going on for you boys and for us in this pandemic, it's always good to have some happiness, and someone to look forward to chatting with.
Also, I saw my dear friend Dell (@just-some-girl-92 )ask if you boys like sweets, and I can offer Haribo gummies (the original gummies and only true gummies) and Lindt chocolate. Living in the area that they originate from has it's perks 😉
Thanks a bunch for All you do!
Hello, cyare.
Sounds like we have plenty of admirers; though I can’t say I’m surprised. Your invitation is very kind, but the boys are spread pretty thin keeping the galaxy safe and are unable to pay private visits at this time. And we will not mix in circles where anybody is underage — I’m sure you can understand why.
Putting that aside though, we’re never too busy to talk to anyone as intriguing as you or your friends. Especially if you’re bringing something sweet with you. All we ask is that you come to us. Ensure you’re observing our regulations, have patience, and it’ll be worth your time. On that you have my word.
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jangofctts · 3 years
I took the quiz of which Sunny Boy I would have, and I got Blanche. Re-reading his stuff, I think we'd get along pretty well. I'm small (5'2) and cuddly, which Blanche both loves. I just wonder how he'd handle my goofiness (no trouble, I just love being silly). Like, I love making random commentary. Put with me children and I pretty much turn into one myself. Unless there is an adult needed, to which I will take responsibility (reluctantly). I can be a mom-friend sometimes, but I love silliness.
OK LIKE blanche is PATIENT. he himself isnt a goofy person but he can admire someone who has fun to a normal level rhdkdbdn TBH A GOOFY PERSON WOULD BE THE BEST FOR HIM
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zinzinina · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on the 500! So many for being here for so short! Amazing!
I would like to send in my date card:
Animal: wolf. Not because of the "lone wolf" stereotype, but rather the way they are social, helping each member of the pack. Also, because they are big, lovable goobers.
Ideal night out: going to a festival, enjoying the local community, bonfires, and/or a fireworks show. But, if it's possible, I would love to fly on dragons.
Ideal night in: lounging around at home, cuddles, pillow forts, movies or stories. Just time to relax, unwind, and just be ourselves.
3 qualities: loyalty to their loved ones, sense of adventure, curiosity of the world around them
Song for date creation: Flying Theme from HTTYD
Personal hell: not being seen/ignored; no one remembering who I am.
I would much like to have a Clone Trooper, if not, then a male of some sort. Also needs to accept my "mom-friend" tendencies, and habit of being a goofball.
Hi Johanna! Great news, we have a match!
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You’d be hard pressed to find someone with a more extreme sense of responsibility than Cody, but he still manages to find room for moments of adventure — though hopefully you can find something a little less chaotic than spin-kicking droids. The thing about mum-friends is that they tend to look out for everyone except for themselves, so this arrangement is ideal: you and Cody will just have to look out for each other! Intelligent, thoughtful and incredibly disciplined, Cody is the type of man who never tires of learning something new. That’s why I’ve got the perfect date for you!
You’re both booked in for a private wine and painting class, headed by a Togrutan artist fresh from the famed creative colony of Kiros. (Try saying that sentence five times fast.) To sweeten the deal further, they’ll be coming over to your place so you can stay in your comfort zone; no need to venture outside. Once the instructive portion of the evening is over, it’s just the two of you; wine, candles and several boxes of takeout from that Mirialan place that does the best dumplings in the entire Core. Cody could seriously use some de-stressing time, so if you want my advice (and who wouldn’t! 500k happy matches made and counting!) I think a nice bath together might be just the thing to close off your evening.
Thank you for using Sam’s Star Wars Matchmaking Service™️! Please note our offices are no longer accepting new clients. May the Spires Keep You! x
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lilhawkeye3 · 3 years
Okay, I really needed to talk to someone about this, so I decided to drop in on the first mutual I came across. And that's you! Yay! I have made my first Clone Trooper OC. His name is Badger (CT-3790). He was nearly killed in his first mission, but my OC/Self-insert, Mage, saved him with her healing powers. Mage gave Badger his name. Badger sees Mage as a parental figure, and calls her mom/Buir. A total mama's boy. Dyes his hair dark gray, white and black, like the animal. More coming soon!
That sounds really cute, can’t wait to hear more about them 💛
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simping-for-fives · 3 years
Okay, for the fist meeting thing: gosh, it's hard to choose a clone, but may I request Hunter? If not, please choose for me. Physical: 5'2, fair with lots of moles, blonde, blue-grey-green eyes, glasses, stocky w/ chub. First impression: introverted, small but mighty, observant. Usually positive, more outgoing once comfortable. Fav about me: my voice (Storytelling), eyes (they change shades in light), (hyena) laugh, being a pillow for children and small animals, able to make people laugh. Thanks
I'll stick with Hunter. Yous seem nice together 😌❤
Hunter watched you, watching people. He's also observant. He watched how your eyes investigated the surroundings, but never landed on him. Much to his disappointment.
He noticed how your eyes changed colour in when the sun came from behind the clouds.
He watched you greet your friends. How you went from sitting quietly to talking animatedly.
Your laugh pierced his ears, but he liked it. It was genuine.
Hunter realised that he's going to come across as creepy if he keeps looking. And he's running out of time to do something.
He dropped something near your table to get your attention. It seemed to do the trick.
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shadow-stalker99 · 3 years
A Night Fury was sunning on a rock, when it became aware that there was someone nearby. Blue-grey eyes blinked open, and the large, axolotl-shaped head turned to see a cat-human hybrid. Getting up and stretching, the Night Fury turned into a human female. She was short, with a slightly stocky build, blonde hair done in a messy braid, and a pair of blue-grey eyes, much like the dragon's, glowed happily behind a pair of glasses. "'allo!" She chirped, bounding merrily towards the new person.
Shadow’s ears pricked. “Another shapeshifter, huh? And hey were you just a Night Fury? Those are definitely some of my favorite dragon species!” she replied, swishing her tail. “You from around here?”
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a-lil-perspective · 2 years
I beg your pardon?
Everytime you log on, Lil, this is my reaction:
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🥺 Well… I wager that is the minority reaction. XD
You are so sweet thank you.
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blackkatmagic · 4 years
I saw your Lotr/Star Wars crossover starr, and you instantly gained a follower in me. I am actually working on my own Lotr/SW crossover, but with the Bad Batch and slightly before and during the War Of The Ring. Nice to see someone else thinking of Tolkien and SW, cause I love both. I was kind of getting tired of seeing clones and others thinking and reacting about GoT. Nothing against the series and its fans, its just that I believe Toliken's work is better.
I’m glad you enjoyed it. ^-^
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morganas-pendragons · 3 years
BAM! You’ve been hit with a love dart! Spread the love and send this to 10 other people to show how much they are loved! 💕💕💕🎯💕💕💕
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ask-thebadbatch · 4 years
(so, my ask didn't go all the way through so...) I would love to join you guys on adventures! And don't try to scare me away with chaos and danger. Chaos has always been around for me, and what is life without danger? I know I may not offer much in fighting (though I did do Martial Arts on and off, and I am a quick learner) but I can offer moral support, comfort, and anything else you would need. And if anyone is being negative towards you: THEY CAN FIGHT ME! Love you boys!
"Well, I think we all should know more about you before you make the team, but I don't think its a bad idea having a ally around, especially with your enthusiasm." -Hunter 💀
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halzore · 3 years
I can't believe that I haven't been following you yet 😣 I love your stories, especially the space grannies one. And because I haven't followed you, I missed out on the newest one, so I am going to read it now. Anyway, congrats on the 200 followers (201 with me included) and keep up the good work! (also, the Quietus one and its sequel made me cry. Great job on it!)
Eeee! Thankyou so much.
More space grannies coming soon... so never fear
(maybe I’ll tag you in the next one)
And Thankyou for the follow! *runs really fast to follow you back*
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jangofctts · 3 years
Okay, been reading about the Sunburst boys the past few days, and I absolutely love them. I Don't know who I love more, but I just want to be there for Fuse. I ain't going to abandon him. If he tries to get away because he thinks I don't want to be with him, I will duct tape myself to him to prove him otherwise.
The poor boy needs all the care and love (all of them do).
Also, I read the "First I Love You" and at Fuse's bit, I was reminded of The Lion King 2 song "Love Will Find a Way"
More specifically, the part: "I was so afraid, now I reliese: Love is never wrong."
Just... lemme love Fuse please.
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