do you have any recommendations of blogs that only post comic twd stuff like you? i can only really find ones for the show
There used to be a few more active comic blogs on here but to my knowledge this is the only one now. @pauljesusmonroe posts a lot of comic stuff, but it’s mostly about, y’know… Jesus. That’s pretty much the only recommendation I can think of.
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When you get to meet Jesus! #walkingdead #walkerstalkeraustralia2018 #tompayne #pauljesusmonroe #jesus #siblings #family #melbourne #saturdayfun #twd (at Royal Melbourne Show)
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geekyfannerd · 7 years
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Request from @dixonplayful #CarlGrimes #PaulJesusRovia #twdfanart #twdjesus #jesustwd #paulmonroe #paulrovia #pauljesusmonroe #books #gay #reading #art #fanart
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tevintermage · 7 years
It felt like fan service since a lot of fans begged for a flirting option
^^^^THIS  Thank you for the perfect summary of a thing I wanted to say but said through too many words :D This is exactly how it felt for me too, I agree 100%. 
I remember all the hype about it after the episode and people who wanted it & are happy with it can do and like what they want (honestly it feels like literally every other ship, because of lack of its canon development). But if the developers are going to handle such things in such way, I in my game would better continue to choose the dialogue options where I can’t see it because I am not satisfied with it at all. 
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stabbykiri · 7 years
@pauljesusmonroe said: That's because the show is Paul Rovia and the game is Paul Monroe. The game and comics are the same so he has the personality and opinions of comic Jesus. The show Jesus is just totally different. The game is comic Jesus. The show is just a loosely based remake of the comics.
Oh, I’m in full awareness, that post was for the lols, though it is interesting to look at the two versions of the character and see how differently they react
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empressmcbride · 7 years
Jesus (you can do show or comic)
i don’t know comic!jesus well enough, so it’s show!jesus
we are both not straight
i’m usually super nice and friendly
i want everyone to get along and just really always try my best
i am not a person who likes sports or would be a very capable super ninja fighter
i am not half as beautiful as he is
i never surprised a couple after sex in their bedroom
send me a character name and i’ll tell you three things i have in common with them and three things i don’t
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wolfwhiteflowers · 7 years
pauljesusmonroe replied to your post “so from TWDG s3 trailer, we see (comic)Jesus. I think TWDG is in the...”
The game is set in the comic universe. It is the time skip where this takes place
@pauljesusmonroe Yeah I figured it out awhile ago. I talked to some fans and one of the clues, I guess, is Jesus still have his hair down with beanie, and not in a bun like from after the time skip. So it’s during the time skip. And that Kirkman said the game is around issue 126  I think.
One of my theories of Jesus being alone or away from ASZ/Hilltop is, maybe Jesus is looking for Michonne,(she left the group unexpectedly and we had TWDG about her too) or he’s keeping contact with other communities. 
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antidaryldixon-blog · 7 years
@dracovengeance replied to your photo “shoutout to @carlgrimeschildsoldier for disliking him...”
I appreciate you and this blog and anyone affiliated with it! Thank you for voicing so many people's opinions, who were too afraid to speak up because the stans would come rushing to the oil stain's defense. Truly you are amazing and the work you do is too! *thumbs up*
other mod: thank you so much for your support!! <3 anyone’s welcome to rant whenever. tagging @carlgrimeschildsoldier
@pauljesusmonroe replied to your post “If Manpain McMoneymaker Didn't Exist (Submission)”
J*sus would have been more badass and got his cool scenes instead of having them taken from him because of D*ryl. He would have been closer to R*ck and when you search J*sus it wouldn't be all about D*ryl if D*ryl didn't exist.
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peleth · 7 years
pauljesusmonroe said: I hope you feel Better :(
thank you!! i hope i do too lol im tired of being sick
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Top 10 favorite TWD comic characters?
Hmm… In no particular order - Rick, Carl, Tyreese, Negan, Andrea, Maggie, Jesus, Dwight, Michonne, Abraham.
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sugarcubecrush · 7 years
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Me and my five foreheads. #pauljesusmonroe #snapchat #thosefilterstho #😂 #onpoint #👌🏻#teamnoeyebrows #lol
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geekyfannerd · 7 years
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#desus #jeryl #daryl #jesustwd #daryldixon #paulrovia #paulmonroe #pauljesusmonroe #pauljesusrovia #daryldixonsarms @bigbaldhead @thetpayne #twdfanart #twd #fanart #gay #gaylove
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lupienne · 6 years
I gotta say, you and pauljesusmonroe were right about twd tv show, it became the biggest shit show thanks to Gimple and Kang, Tv!Negan's 100% fucked up, Rick's got the worst sendoff (Helicopter bullshit ending) and Carl's long gone. Anyway how's the comic, is it getting better?
Man, I haven’t seen pauljesusmonroe on here in a long while, I hope they’re doing ok.
Anyhoo, yes I think Gimple 100% laid Compendium Three on the floor, squatted and took a big ole dump on it. I understand the writers had some fuckery with Andrew Lincoln leaving and all that…it’s gotta be hard to try to work around a huge problem like a lead character jumping ship. However, I think so much of TWD’s downhill dive started back when Gimple had no fucking clue how to write the Saviors and Negan. Screwing up Negan screwed up so much other stuff.
Well…the comic… eh…. I’m not crazy about this current arc with the Commonwealth. I just think they’re too unrealistically big and organized. It kind of takes me out of the ZA fantasy. We’re only a year or so past Alexandria’s big accomplishment of building a windmill and having a fair (fuck you Alpha for ruining their festivities >
Maybe I’m just meh because I want Negan back… Lol.
(I do like seeing Michonne find her child though. That’s some nice stuff.)
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stanenges · 7 years
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twd paul monroe for @pauljesusmonroe ;)
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thewalkingboxes · 7 years
This user loves Paul Monroe aka Jesus (the comics)
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empressmcbride · 7 years
I followed you because after you followed me I looked at your blog and loved it 😍I am a huge Carol fan too!
ahh i totally missed this in my askbox!? thank you so much! ♥ and yay for carol love :)
anonymously tell me why you follow me
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