#paperback-rascal's fix-it theatre
paperback-rascal · 30 days
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STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
My personal headcanon is that Tech got Echoed AKA Empire used his knowledge/experience/memories to train CXs troopers - that's why clone assassins got so good at fighting the batch - they're flash trained based on Clone Force 99 tactics. Following that headcanon of mine... CX2 was, to a degree, Tech... just as he was Crosshair, Wrecker, Hunter and Echo or more precisely... what Tech knew about his brothers and their capabilities/fighting style.
But I also believe showrunners are aiming to have Tech rescued in a different show (or a tie-in comics or a book) to have another property tied tightly to Filoniverse... also to strengthen my theory - J. Corbett admitted that she loves Marvel's Winter Soldier movie - make of that what you will.
The ending of TBB s3, in my opinion, teases an idea of a show circling around rebellion in which Omega will be at least secondary/supporting character so I think they'll make her rescue her fallen brother in her own show as a minor plot point or at least a TBB cameo.
I don't care either way as long as CF99 will be properly reunited.
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paperback-rascal · 1 month
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See more of my fix-it posts here -> [LINK] <-
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STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
So my theory about why only Hunter said goodby to Omega was that the creators didn't want us to know that, in-between the (final) time skip, the batch found and rescued Tech... I mean... they definitely plan to produce a special TV episode or write/draw a (comics) book tie-in, right?
Pretty please, Disney overlords?
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paperback-rascal · 1 year
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Inspired by @potio-kanjiklub-zevzeca's post ->[LINK]<-
EDIT | part 2 -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 1 year
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STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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Few months ago, me and @kalm5​ had a Star Wars movies re-watch, when we watched episodes I-VI (in “original” order: IV, V, VI, I, II, III). Despite few hiccups and technical difficulties, I genuinely awaited Saturdays (it was a set day we decided to watch them, due to time-zones differences). each movie was shenanigans filled, sometimes rage inducing and all-around awesome time!
10/10 would recommend!
After all the 6 episodes I came to realize I’m a big fan of R2-D2 - I now consider him to be the best-est of boys. Also Kalm and I decided that we love Shmi and kind-of don’t appreciate Qui-Gon doing blood work on underage Anakin without consent from neither him nor his mother (that is both sketchy and illegal!).
We also decided that Anakin being so weird around Padme + his whole dictatorship talk during picnic scene in episode II, was Palpatine’s doing... but not like... mind-tricking him or anything. But rather Anakin really believing Palpatine is his friend, who has only his best interest in mind. Thus he took the older man’s dating advice and political opinions (Palpatine is a closeted tyrant after all) to heart and genuinely believing those are sound ideas. It appears Palpatine and Anakin’s meetings go unchecked, as the senator is well respected individual, Sheev can mold the young boy/teen/man into whatever he desired as his view points are never truly challenged due to his status quo and Anakin being an outlier of the Jedi Order.
The most rage inducing was episode III, tho - it was heart-wrenching and clear as day how everyone close to Anakin tried to pit him against one-other invoking the friendship, love and loyalty Anakin felt toward them as a bargaining chip, to do what they wanted (mostly spying), all the while the Chosen One run around panicked, feeling utterly alone in his quest in preventing a self-fulfilling prophesy of his loved one’s death.
Kalm and I were repeating over and over again that all that Anakin had to do was grab Padme and Torrent company, go to Naboo, touch some grass and take a long nap.
That’s basically the background for this comics!
EDIT: check this out! -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS © George Lucas/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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@zaya-mo asked for:
could you draw Hunter and Crosshair? I was thinking maybe they would be arguing and then end it with a hug or something??
I imagined them arguing a lot throughout the years. Always butting heads about everything (especially missions and well being of the team) but also always making up one way or another, whenever it’s making a cup of caff for each other, hugging or just exchanging sharp nods, there is always closure to their disagreements.
Also Crosshair is very desperate hugger. He is so reserved when it comes to physical contact that once he really needs it, he clings to the other person as if they were his lifeline.
STAR WARS © George Lucas/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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I am goose on a loose!
Get ready for abuse!
Get ready for abuse,
from a goose on a loose!
- Goose on a loose, Dan Bull
After Clone Force 99 was done with fighting, the team split, each of it’s members set out to find their own path. Crosshair ended up on some remote, extremely backward planet where sentient beings inhabiting it, were clueless about the whole “galaxy far, far away”, thinking they were the only ones in the whole universe.
For most of the year, the sniper works as a fire lookout but in winter he helps at the nearby farm that supplies him during his stay at a lookout tower.
With all seriousness, this is a small (and relatively quick) drawing I did with @kalm5​ in mind, as topic of geese keeping people warm in winter is slowly starting to be our inside joke (or at least I think it is?).
EDIT: more posts about Crosshair having a goose here -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars/The Bad Batch © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney  
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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I promised you an alternative Crack!ending to the first season of the The Bad Batch, but you know what? Now as I look at it, it feels more like an opening scene for a season two!
I consider myself a professional comics artist that knows a thing ot two about storytelling so I'm pretty confident with my prediction!
HEADCANON: Clone Force 99 plays space!War in their down time (yes, with real, physical cards!) additionally Hunter plays Solitarie on his watch.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars/ The Bad Batch © George Lucas, Lucas Arts, Dave Filoni, Disney
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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after the season finale I seriously need some high quality The Bad Batch tie-in comics/novels. Preferably something set between TCW & TBB so they could include Echo as well.
When I started to draw this piece I penciled in Omega. I even inked her too. However after hours of work I've decided to change her to Hunter.
First of all: because he JUST FITS for this alternative ending. Second of all I have extremely MIXED feeling about Omega after ep 16.
I wasn't her fan to begin with, for me she had always had this cookie-cutter, found-family-trope-type of child character feel BUT I can pin-point the exact moment when I just lost faith in her characterization: the whole "I was wrong about you, Crosshair" spiel. It left such a bitter taste in my mouth that I apparently wrote two-pages-long ramble at 4 AM just to get it out of my system.
BTW: I have another idea for alternative ending to the first season. It's pure CRACK! and it will take me a while to draw it, tho.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars/ The Bad Batch © George Lucas, Lucas Arts, Dave Filoni, Disney
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paperback-rascal · 3 years
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This idea has been sitting in my mind for few days now...
the idea behind this set is kind-of based on blogs, that I noticed with the corner of my eye, where authors created this AUs with either Clone Force 99 is having kids of their own or being Omega’s fathers full time (sometimes both)... Even though it’s not my type of fun, it got me thinking: since clones age twice as fast as regular humans (or unaltered clones), there is going to be a time where Hunter (or any other CF99 clone commando) would be mistaken for Omega’s grandfather rather than father? Right?
Star Wars/The Clone Wars/ The Bad Batch (c) George Lucas, Lucas Arts, Dave Filoni, Disney
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