atticfish · 5 months
aelwyn and adaine make me feel so crazy, like they're legitimately some of the best representation I've ever seen for abused sibling dynamics. the older sibling who becomes closed off and compliant vs the younger sibling who becomes angry and rebellious. every time aelwyn speaks I understand so so deeply. if you comply it won't get worse. if you lie down and take it it won't get worse. how doesn't my sibling see that? and then you realise that in many ways your compliance has failed your little sibling again and again. and it's failed yourself again and again. you never learned how to be angry. you never learned how to keep anyone else safe. you weren't always a good sister. you want to be a good sister.
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moonpleaser · 2 years
ok i’ll say it. wizbarb abernant sisters.
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im ab to be annoying ab dimension20 fhjy but im genuinely loving the character arcs for the bad kids this season?
kristen going from self-annihilatingly stupid to trying to build a genuine bridge with the man who not only wielded the religion that traumatised her (bobby dawn), but also was trying to ruin her life, just bc she thought a grieving father ought to be comforted in some way? her genuine distress at being unable to revivify buddy even though the two had only had negative interactions, or her biting her tongue in front of her parents so she could better look after her little siblings? grappling with the fact that she still, on some level, expected practising religion to be easy and convenient for her as a holdover from an entire childhood spent being a Chosen One, and finally putting her nose to the grindstone and committing to working her ass off for a deity that couldn't even benefit her for a hot minute? making an effort to be cordial with tracker's new gf and letting go of that codependency? the kristen applebees from ep20 would NOT do all the same stupid shit as ep1 and i love that.
fabian being humbled by the narrative again and again has been an absolute treat for his character. the whole ivy/mazey situation was great: freshman/sophomore year fabian would've gone for ivy no sweat, i mean her character seemed pretty similar to pre-redemption aelwyn and he had a huge crush on her then. but this time, when he realised he'd hurt a genuinely great person, and intentionally swallowed his pride to make it up to mazey, even though it required him being 'uncool' with the whole twister thing. his general arc of learning that earnestness and humility doesn't make him less of a man felt like a natural extension of fabian defining his own version of masculinity- sure, a 'maximum legend', but also someone deeply involved in the arts, and someone who is less afraid of saying sorry and being vulnerable in front of someone he likes
fig. fig fig fig. what a woman. its been absolutely fascinating watching build her sense of identity over these three seasons. at her core, fig is a character that loves so deeply. in freshman, she was terrified of the depth of her own devotion, so she tried to distance herself emotionally from everyone. in sophomore, she built herself around that love for other people. in junior year, fig's arc has been learning she can do both: that she's defined by her love for others, but not solely by it. ik emily wanted to retire the character before this season but i think fig's paladin arc was the best capstone to her journey possible.
gorgug's arc has been about establishing clear boundaries for himself and i love it. im aware there's been some Discourse ab the mango soda scene but to me that was pretty easily chalked up to teenage insecurity. a big part of gorgug's arc was trying to believe in himself when everyone around him told him he was too dumb to follow his passion- imagine struggling in an area that you have no natural aptitude for, and someone comes along and also trounces you in the one area you thought you were the best in. i'd be petty and reactive too (gorgug follows up calling her a freak with the fact that she beat the shit out of him, so its clearly him just still smarting from a bruised ego and not actual malice). in general, i've really like gorgug learning to put his foot down and say enough is enough without completely losing his gentleness.
adaine hasnt had an obvious arc, but considering she addressed most of her baggage in the first two seasons, i'm not surprised. i would've liked to see the other bad kids address her 'teenage adult' behaviour, but her self-awareness about it and relying on fabian to pull in clutch for the oracool stuff still felt like she'd learned to rely on her friends at least + her reaching out to aelwyn and the two of them healing from their parents together has been rewarding it its own right.
riz is perfect and has learned nothing. his neuroticism is part of his natural swag
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sorbeau · 6 months
Alright fhjy predictions go
Just from seeing the trailer i have a lot of thoughts
Kristen paladin multiclass⁉️
Kristen butch handyman era, bought a single carabiner
Riz The Ball Gukgak letting go of his god awful hat?!?!?!
Sklonda law student
We get to meet the bard teacher mayhaps?
Aelwyn/Fabian immediate recton/breakup
Riz at some point dons hipster glasses
Porter redemption arc (he was literally never evil)
Fabian does at least one dance battle
Fig gets facial piercing(s)
Gorgug becomes famous again
Gorgug going into the thistlespring family tinkering business
Adaine punches more adults till they die
tell me your ideas so i can eat them pretty please
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rellsingsovern · 19 days
In my notes during this whole season I’ve kept track of loose ends and just other plot points I think could make for a great senior year (which now seems likely that we will get down the line in the future) and this finale gave me almost everything I wanted and more so here’s what I think we’re gonna see (plus things that I just rly want to see lol)
-first and foremost, BARON IS STILL IN RIZ’S BRIEFCASE!!! the spectral mordred manor probably is not there as that was a haven sent out by cassandra during all the divine interventions in falinell and the bad kids dove in as a last second decision, but baron is still definitely there. ‘I am somewhere always close to Riz Gukgak’ and while everyone’s journey with their sexuality happens on their own time and Riz shouldn’t have to come out if he doesn’t want to yet, now that he’s coming to terms that his friends might not always be together in the way he wants to I think it would be healing for him to fully confront and accept his aro aceness and have support with that and realize that even if they can’t be physically together his friends won’t leave him for other relationships
-Fabian is getting a new baby sibling, but that is not the only sibling he’s ever had. James Whitlaw made references to his half siblings from Bill that he killed and ate, I am POSITIVE that at least one is still out there and probably has it out for Fabian (as Bill married Hallariel, raised Fabian, and dragged his ship into solace to give him a new life) and an arc where Fabian has to defend himself against an older sibling while growing to love his younger would be amazing to see
-kalina, bakarath, bobby, and buddy ofc, I’ve been wondering where kalina has been this whole time, and I want to see more of bobby getting what he deserves. Cassandra’s been through a fucking lot this season but her familiar apparently might be a big bad along with arianwen again so sorry cass but the cat’s gotta go. she still directly got pok killed riz deserves to hunt her down and avenge him a second time
-speaking of, Arianwens been making moves in sylvaire! Adaine and aelwyn will surely kill her but from the looks of it even though she got her magic taken away she may have some sort of power. Cant wait for these sisters to be able to live immortal lives without their parents looming over them
-BUCKY APPLEBEES!! bucky, a paladin of cassandra, gathering the courage to ask Kristin for help getting bricker and cork out of the Applebees residence, maybe moving into mordred and everyone immediately being enamored with these cute little boys who honestly might turn out to be mumple instead of wanting to attend the adventuring academy and Kristin being so happy they aren’t being raised in a pressure cooker anymore and affected like she and bucky were affected, happy that they can be normal kids (and in being around Kristin’s other sisters, adaine and fig, Kristin ends up getting that sister she always wanted in bucky too)
-I’m so happy Fig is getting what she wants and realizing she doesn’t want to finish Aguefort, and it would be awesome if she got a new character and the bad kids took on a new party member for the year played by Emily so all the intrepid heroes are still together, but Fig could be hanging out between mordred and Seacaster and leviathan and Hell, writing music and helping Kristin spread word of the cassandra/Ankarna pantheon through it, and since in sophomore year we saw Penelope dayne daybreak and Johnny spells all kicking it in hell maybe Jace (who ik was a minion mostly but hey he could be evil on his own) is down there with some other bad kid nemeses
-more Galicea and Sol. Sol canonically was all for bringing Ankarna into the pantheon of himself, his sister galicea, his other sister cassandra, and his son helio. It was Sol’s followers who saw Ankarna brought in as another god of the sun and brought about the ruin and corruption of Ankarna alongside the house of sunstone in order to get more power for themselves with just the one solar deity existing. Both Sol and Galicea (and maybe helio) have been hardcore shaped by their followers, Galiceas wolfish side being repressed by the high elf state of falinell and being brought back through wolfsong, and Sol with the human clerics of highcourt scheming to make him the only god with a sun domain despite him officiating and welcoming Ankarna as his sister in law through the marriage. Plus if we get galicea arcs we defo get Kristin and tracker messy lesbians arcs
-Gorgug perfecting his new subclass he invented and Kristin enjoying being student body president! She deserves it, I hc that the only academic sort of thing Kristin cared about before this year was the lgbtq+ club and now she’s extending that energy into everything with the help of Riz, who cannot get off of coffee someone help this poor boy. And since Ragh and shellford have graduated I want more Torek Railgrinder, she’s so cool let’s flesh her out more. Gorgug thinking about how to teach other multiclass barbarian/artificers and perfecting all his awesome inventions (and dating both Unit and Mary Ann bc it’s what his poly ass deserves)
Basically the potential plot I see for senior year is almost a mirror of sophomore year: baron getting out and fighting Riz and the bad kids defeating him for good, the bad kids heading to leviathan after hearing rumors of a pirate calling themselves a child of Bill Seacaster looking for Fabian, heading to falinell to see what’s new with wolfsong and tracker and maybe seeing some changes in Galicea or Sol, heading to hell and meeting up with Fig for a portion (she doesn’t go to their school anymore! she ain’t gotta go on this senior year spring break quest!) who’s been hanging out in hell, tracking Jace and other enemies, establishing her power as an archdevil of the first layer of hell, writing awesome music, and finally back to sylvaire to figure out what the fuck is up with kalina and arianwen and this weird new god buddy has and they all graduate and head their separate ways but they still love each other and see each other all the time they’re family and they’re badass and they’re perfect
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bloodyshadow1 · 1 month
Looking back, this last episode makes Kalvaxus' life so much funnier in retrospect. He is a powerful dragon that is supposed to bring about the end of the world and he gets stopped minutes after his plan comes together. Yet the people he worked with and are around him are so much more evil than he is.
Kalina was the familiar of a dead goddess and was planning on bringing the Nightmare King back no matter who it hurt.
And now Porter and Jace are revealed to be evil all along and it's like a barbarian and sorcerer are better at being evil than you dude? Kalvaxus' plan was just to be a dragon again and be rich. Porter's plan is to depose his god and take her place as a god of war.
Kalvaxus had to rely on the likes of Johnny Spells and coach daybreak, along with Dayne and Penelope as his stooges. And to a lesser extend Aelwyn but she was working for Kalina so it doesn't matter.
Porter and Jace have taken a whole party of adventurers, power leved them to a high level party, corrupted them with rage and pointed them like a missile to the biggest threat to their plan. They also while not allied with the Church of Sol, they are in cahoots with them and murdered a potential ally of the bad kids without anyone being the wiser. I'm going to assume that they're the ones who messed with Grix and sent him after Ruben so the Bad Kids dealt with the Last Failsafe Arthur Aguefort left behind that might have stood in their way.
Not to mention weakening the Bad Kids, like they're a higher level than they were at the start, but given the amount of Stress Gorgug had to take and Riz had to take for Kristen and the others, it was a good plan. Gorgug and Fig actually came around to his way of thinking even if they didn't like him, they appreciated what they thought he did for them while running themselves ragged.
The Bad Kids don't even learn of their plan until a few days before their plan comes to fruition. Brennan had to lock the Bad Kids up for a couple of months just to let Kalvaxus' plan come together.
I hate them, but you can't deny they were villains hidden in plain sight with style this whole season and all the previous seasons of Fantasy High. I think they're going to regret teaching Fig how to be a paladin and pushing Gorgug to tap into his rage. But still as evil doers they're impressive
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let-me-sleep-or-die · 2 months
Aelwyn becoming an Oath of redemption paladin for Ankarna, Fantasy High fans do you see my vision.
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fruitifrog · 18 days
Oh, Penelope Everpetal. Thinking about you almost as much as Aelwyn and Sam do. Only 7 maidens were needed for the prophecy, in a school of around 500 with so many potential maidens, why make your best friend, your only real friend, one of them? The maidens didn't need to die, so I'm sure it would have been easy enough to pitch it to people who would do it voluntarily.
Why do any of it? To be prom queen? I get why the other kids did it. Dayn was paladin of Helio and on the Owlbears, in the perfect position to be groomed by Daybreak and the Harvestmen. Ragh was also on the Owlbears, in love with Dayne and desperate for a father figure ensuring his loyalty to Dayne and Daybreak. Zayn was fully dependent on Daybreak, not in a position to say no. Aelwyn was driven to the criminal world and eventually into the orbit of Kalina because of her abusive household. But what was your deal, Penelope?
Could you have been redeemed?
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remidyal · 1 month
Open Questions as we head into a massive lore drop tomorrow with the new episode, along with my best guesses as to the answers. Warning: Long post.
1) Who did Kalina have the spy's tongue curse with?
The most popular (and most likely, in my opinion) theory here is that it's Jace and/or Porter, who Ragh saw the night of Prompocolypse. The players at the table seem to think it's connected directly to Bakur and/or Lydia; however, Kalina DID say the name Lydia Barkrock during Spring Break to Riz.
There's some slight weirdness in the timeline around Aelwyn helping with the Spy's Tongue Curse in that the implication of her answer for when she was helping with it would be after she was arrested ('the end of freshman year going into that summer' when Aelwyn was arrested in early March) but it's not the first time the timeline around those events has been fucked and it probably won't be the last.
2) What's Jace's deal? Also, 2a) What's Porter's deal?
As of the end of episode 16, we can pretty safely say he was at SOME point killed and brought back via a deal with Ankarna. It's been pointed out that in Freshman Year his art did not cover his chest with the scarf; I'm not taking that as definitive evidence of anything, because that's the kind of retcon that can easy be explained away.
Jace and Porter did not seem to be on super friendly terms when Riz overheard them the first day of school freshman year, but by the end of the year, the night of Prom, they're on closer terms. Ragh, after the fight at Prom but inside of the school, sees Arianwen and Jace talking to someone he cannot at that point see, almost certainly Kalina. Later - it's not really clear HOW much later - Jace and Porter found Ragh, and Porter did some 'barbarian healing stuff' that presumably included a blood transfusion, because Ragh then CAN see Kalina and is threatened into silence by her.
It's quite clear to me from this that both Jace and Porter carried the curse of Kalina, and I'm of the belief that they were fulfilling their end of whatever deal was going on between Kalina and them by helping her agent in the form of Arianwen get the Crown.
Now which of them is in charge, and what're their respective motivations? That's much more interesting and I think independant.
I saw a theory on here that I LOVE and now fully believe that Jace was, in fact, the sorcerer in Lydia's party, and after dying to Bakur he took the deal to come back and is working for Ankarna. How truly willing he or any of the others who took that deal are at this point is another question. This is speculation, but it's really good speculation. This would obviously mean Jace was corrupted well before freshman year, but I don't actually think that's a problem.
Porter's more interesting, and I'm fully not certain which of the two are in charge, if either is, though my own speculation is that Porter is the primary driver. Jace clearly got him to help with Ragh because Porter would know Ragh and could easily infect him with Kalina; why they didn't kill him is an interesting question, though it may be as simple as Arthur Aguefort was back alive at that point and the death of one of the students who fought Kalvaxus wouldn't be a quiet matter. Still, Porter pushes rage as an almost religious matter, we do not know the nature of his own Paladin Oath, and his behavior towards Fig to push her away from Cassandra leads me to think he's a true believer sort who's in this willingly, not a revived pawn like Jace or the Ratgrinders appear to be.
3) What exactly happened to the Ratgrinders in the Mountains of Chaos?
I do not believe they all died there, for the simple reason that Lucy died in the Farhaven Woods. I think it's much more likely that either Jace targeted Kipperlilly specifically as the most fertile ground for rage and then it spread from there, or if the above speculation about Jace is wrong and he's also a more recent pawn that some thing terrible happened to SOME of them there. The details on this are really important to see, to me - there's a version of this story where Kipperlilly died willingly for the power it would bring, for example. I think this is one where we're VERY likely to get answers this episode.
4) What are the Ratgrinders using the Devil's Necter for?
I strongly believe all the stuff about modified memories is a red herring, though maybe it explains some odd behaviors here and there: I think they're using it to lie to gods. My own wild theory this was first used by LUCY to lie to her own god in prayer and get Ankarna's name from her by claiming they had already broken through Oblivati Mori, so why not share some information about the sister you loved so much? And then the guilt of having done this, and maybe even seeing some sort of backlash onto her god, is what led her to back out of whatever bits of the plan she had gone along with to that point for Kipperlilly's sake.
5) Why does Kipperlilly need to be principal?
I don't exactly believe that the Ratgrinders are looking for a long term senior year sort of situation; Kipperlilly being student body president and thus principal is the key to something within the bylaws.
The most likely thing to me here is that we don't yet have the details we'd need to answer why on this one.
The funniest callback sort of answer is that she needs to be principal in order to remove Watches and Wards from the library, which is supposed to prevent divine summonings on school grounds. It's stated in freshman year that only the Elven Oracle or Arthur Aguefort can remove the book, but this may well be Arthur Aguefort in his role as Principal rather than being tied to Arthur himself. Certainly Adaine wasn't likely to repeat her own mistake, at least. Also, potentially, this would be why they couldn't just change the bylaws for their endgoal directly instead of going through the election - the knockout enchantment on Watches and Wards is on the book, not part of the school bylaws. In any case, this could potentially be tied in to my guess on six, which is…
6) What's the overall plan here?
The overall plan, I think, is to bring Ankarna back fully to life during graduation in the gym, a place where a god (if a shitty one) was born. Elmville will be prepared for proper worship with the rage from the infections through the tree, etc, to provide enough worship to bring Ankarna in her current form back.
7) Who was the imposing figure who revived Buddy Dawn?
Very possible answers to this question are either a true form of some kind for Jace or Porter, some kind of Avatar of Ankarna (especially since they were not on the material plane, though it seems likely this figure was also involved for Yolanda or Lucy), some corrupted form for Kipperlilly, or some other servant of Ankarna. We really don't have enough to know.
8) What's going on with Bucky Applebees?
I think he's going through a crisis of faith similar to Kristen's, but just what kind of answers he might be reaching we really don't have enough to say. It wouldn't surprise me if the Ratgrinders have tried recruiting him in some way, however; it's a good way to hurt Kristen.
9) What, exactly, was the nature of Cassandra and Ankarna's relationship? Were they still together when Ankarna fell or when Cassandra became the Nightmare King? Were they actually on good terms?
I think these are possibly answers we're getting this week, and also I think there's a good chance that Ankarna and Cassandra had LONG since fallen out before Cassandra's rebirth as the Nightmare King. Did Ankarna blame her wife for Sol's followers stealing and killing hers? Did Cassandra see her wife turning more violent and less thoughtful out of desperation? Cassandra fell in one move of betrayal, we know, her followers convinced over her pleading that to know her name was heretical - and, for what it's worth, in the form she changed to the leaders of those followers were most certainly punished for their turning on their goddess. Ankarna's seems to have been far more gradual.
10) Can Ankarna actually be restored to her original form and domain, and is that a good idea to begin with, FIG?
We'll seeeeee. There's something profoundly interesting in the nature of gods in Spyre; they need the followers much more than the followers need them, for all their power. Spreading your religion makes your god healthier, but it also makes it so that you personally have a lot less control over the shape that belief takes. We've been told repeatedly that a single follower is all a god needs to stay alive, but clearly they need more than that to come to life to begin with, or to be reborn - not everybody has Kristen's spark of divinity, it seems.
11) Can Lucy be revived slash can any of the Ratgrinders be saved?
Maybe. As always in Fantasy High, what happens depends to a very large degree on what the players want to do, and what the dice agree to. I DO think we'll see Lucy be brought back, even if just in an epilogue.
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your-enby-antihero · 13 days
Of Baby Siblings & Mothers
Summary: Fabian thinks about why he immediately hated his new baby sister, Liriel Sarai Lomenelda-Faeth. Then he think about his relationship with his mama.
also available on Ao3
Baby sister, that is what Fabian had heard Aelwyn call Adaine the millions of times the siblings had ever been together. Every time Adaine looked in a room of their friends and people they knew, her eyes always found Aelwyn. He had seen both cradle the other's head so close to death in tears. He watched Kristen with Bucky, elbow bumps and hands on shoulders for support.
The times when Kristen had shielded Bucky from the Applebees' parents on the front lawn of Mordred. Nights where Kristen opted to skip a Bad Kids hangout to take care of Bucky’s wounds from paladin class the good old manual way, no cure wounds required. Even Fig had taken to being a big sister, she had been around the manor more, which was nice, but she mostly spent it cooing over a bassinet. The little body of Liriel Sarai Lomenelda-Faeth squirming around the fine elven sheets. He had a much different relationship with his new baby sister, ever since conception, his bank had said that this baby was going to be his nemesis. He had gone out and purchased weapons after hearing that she was going to be born. Something in him was jealous or angry or something that he couldn’t place. Maybe it was just a response to change, The Ball had said (in his new sleep-addled state) that change could be scary and we all have different responses to it. Fabian had tried to rationalize that he was mad because now he’d have to share his house and money and whatever other riches he was entitled to. He had tried to do anything to try and figure out why he hated the idea of having a sibling. Not that Fig didn’t count, of course, he loved having Fig as a technically (adopted) step-sister. He loved that during the Moonar Yulenear, she was mandated to be on the family card. There was just something nagging at Fabian that he couldn’t figure out until this new baby arrived.
Finally, it all came together, seeing his mother gently holding the frail new life in her hand. Seeing Gilear holding his mama’s hand as they watched the sleeping little baby in her brand new crib. As the baby became able to walk, he saw his mother light up in joy. 
Suddenly it clicked, one day in the spring the year after Liriel was born. He was deep into senior year, he had buried himself in the Owlbears, in acing his classes, and in defeating Kalina and Buddy Dawn. He had spent countless nights hanging out at a friend's house instead of in his own house. Cathilda had worried about him at first, maybe she had been the only one, calling him when he would be out late at night at Basrar’s with Mazey. Cathilda had been the one to cook and eat with him at dinner after he had gotten home from winning a big game for Bloodrush. She had been the one offering to take him on vacation with her to Leviathan during the spring break because Hallariel and Gilear were taking the baby to Fallinel to meet the extended family. Did he consider Cathilda more his mother than his mama? Even on Mother’s Day, his first impulse was to. Gilear had been the one to tell Fabian that they were leaving, telling him that he wanted to invite Fabian along but Hallariel insisted that he was fine, and had other things to do (he did not). God, he hated that ever since the baby came Gilear of all people seemed to care more about him than his own mother. After junior year and Cathilda chewing out Hallariel and Gilear, Gilear had been more cognizant of leaving Fabian home alone without notice. Fabian would get a text from him telling him that the family (minus Fabian and Fig) were going on a weekend trip. Fabian seethed that he had to find out from Gilear of all people but at least he knew. At least someone cared to tell him anything. Oh shit- maybe that was what was going on. 
After reconciling with his father at the end of junior year Fabian hadn’t thought about his relationship with either of his parents. He knew that they loved him, well he knew his papa loved him. Weekly messages were left on the radio, asking what Fabian was doing, and what non-maximum legend activities he had been getting up to. However Fabian hadn’t even grappled with his feelings surrounding his mother at all. Was he jealous that this baby would grow up with his mama loving and awake and there? Where he just had her drunk in an egg pod in his basement? (Technically the house was his, after his father died the house was transferred to Fabian’s name, but his mother had been quite upset with him after all the partying in junior year.) Would Liriel have a mother who wasn’t just around for swordsmanship training so clearly hungover from the bender mama had been on for years. Was his mama finally parenting because this baby would live out the rest of eternity with her, not like Fabian who was mortal? 
He had never truly thought about what his feelings were towards his mama, he loved her of course but he didn’t know that if he wasn’t her son she would love him at all.
He had watched Sklonda as he hauled The Ball back up to the apartment at Strong Tower some nights. She would collect the exhausted goblin up in her arms, no matter how much work Fabian could see was piling up on her desk. He watched her coax her son to say goodbye to Fabian before ushering him to his bed, she would even whisper a thank you Fabian’s way as he left. Sandra Lynn and Lydia had started asking if he wanted Adaine and Kristen to take lunch for him as well, after junior year and way too much take Fabian was more than happy to have homemade trash bag lunches. He watched from afar when Fig would curl up with her mom on the roof of Mordred late at night as he sped away on the Hangman. He never was able to make out if they talked or what they would talk about but he couldn’t help but envy their closeness. Fabian saw the notifications on Gorgug’s phone from the Thislesprings, when The Bad Kids were all out together at night, checking in with Gorgug. Just quick glances saw texts telling him there was a plate of dinner left in the fridge if Gorgug wanted it or asking Gorgug if he needed any parts for an Artificer build he was working on or just random texts saying they loved him and that they were so proud of Gorgug for everything. 
He had Cathilda of course but there was something to be said about his mama. Despite the love he had for Cathilda and the care that she provided, Fabian still yearned for the same kind of care that Hallariel showed to this new baby. No expectations of living up to a legend, no year-long trips away with contradictory expectations, and no fucking sensory deprivation eggs. 
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I received an anon ask which I found to be... well, really interesting. I agree with a lot of the points they make. But I also disagree with the way that they've presented their argument in many aspects.
I considered not responding to it, but it's my policy to answer all asks which are sent in good faith (at the moment, at least). And I could just answer it as-is, but I didn't really want to do that either.
So, instead I'm answering it with this disclaimer. Opinions of anonymous users do not represent the beliefs of Kipperlillyforpresident.tumblr.com, etc etc. With that out of the way, here is the ask:
I want Gorgug to go to Artificer class and try to explain to Henry why his nephew wasn't worth saving, but Aelwyn was. Ragh was. I want Fabian to sit alone at his house because Mazey won't talk to him, and think about how his last words to Ivy just reflected his own thoughts about himself, because he'd never learnt anything about her. Fabian is a vindictive, vain, sex obsessed rich kid with no person in his life who wants to really listen to him. I want Fig to see Henry in the corridors on her way to Paladin class, not meeting his gaze because doing so she would have to explain to him that his nephew wasn't worth the justice her Goddess promises. I want Riz to go to a psychiatrist – not Jawbone – and I want him to talk about the fact that he hates a version of himself so much he couldn't possibly allow her to live, and he in fact relished in the idea that she'd never come back. I want Lucy to come back and hear what The Bad Kids did in her name, and I want her to absolutely tear them a new one. I want her eyes – that they all thought of as sorrowful and deep while never having paid attention to them before her death – to be cold and unwelcome as she looks them up and down and asks them to explain their actions. I want her voice to raise well above the level of what any of them had envisioned of her when they studied her desecrated and fragile body in the woods. I want her to ask them if they knew where Mary Ann lived, or if Reuben had any siblings that would miss him. I want her to hear the podcast episode written about her by a person having a wild guess based on her lifeless form and a handful of anecdotes from her now deceased friends. I probably won't get it, but it's nice to imagine.
So to start off with: I really do like the premise of this. Dealing with the consequences of rage is the part of the story - both in TRG and TBK - that I'm most interested in. And a part of my frustration with the narrative is that I don't think we'll be getting any consequences along this line, and that everything is going to be tied up in a neat bow for a happily ever after.
I do agree/find myself interested in almost all of the scenarios you present. Gorgug and Henry in particular - I think that really needs to come back and haunt the narrative. My personal headcanon is that Henry strongly recommends he take dual credit classes for Artificer at the local community college, because he knows he'll be unable to be fair to him.
And god, Fig and Ankarna! How is she going to justify redeeming the one who caused all of this conquest and rage, yet brutally and cruelly torturing people who were infected by it? It's really compelling. Although for the Riz thing - I don't think he'd willingly go to a psychiatrist at any point, lmao.
And Lucy, holy shit, Lucy, I hate so badly how TBK talk about Lucy. I always talk about her being "dead wife montage", because that really does feel like how she's been treated. Going into battle and murdering all of her friends and claiming its "for Lucy"??? It's really dark. I do NOT want Lucy to like TBK after everything is over.
All that said... I really don't enjoy the way anon has characterized Fabian here. I've been on the record as being deeply uncomfortable with how he treated Ivy. And I want him to face consequences for it. I want him to realize he never learned anything about her, and that the fact she rejected him is almost certainly a part of why he hates her so much. I want him to remember that we "don't talk about women like that"!
But to call him a "vindictive, vain, sex obsessed rich kid"...? It doesn't fully sit right with me. I suppose that it's not entirely wrong, but it's leaving out a lot of aspects of his character. It's painting him exclusively in the most negative light possible.
This ask is treating Fabian - and TBK in general, I suppose - in the exact same way that most of the fandom treats TRG. Exclusively focusing on their worst aspects and ignoring any extenuating circumstances.
And if I'm going to crusade for TRG to be treated with more respect in the narrative, then I suppose my natural inclination is to do the same for TBK. Not that anybody is mandated to do so. You're allowed to engage with media however you'd like, and if fully despising TBK is what brings you the most enjoyment, then go ahead. But it's not my own philosophy.
I appreciate anon for sending this ask, because it did make me think about a lot of stuff! I hope that everybody interacts with this post in a respectful manner, but if discourse happens, it happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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kai-the-first · 2 months
im a broke 16 year old and i dont have money for dropout so now i have to get my new season of fantasy high in from tumblr and clips on youtube and let me tell you its wild af cause i have no idea whats happening half the time. why does kristen keep saying heyyyyyy girlyyyyy? baron is back? aelwyn has ten cats and blackmailed a school principal? riz is in every school club...why? cassandra is fuckin dead somehow, tf???? fig is a paladin now??? adaine has a job somewhere? where tf is ayda?? who tf is copperkettle and why is she so bad?? why am i not hearing anything of fabian except that hes baron now? and gorgug got an attitude what?
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iamyouknow-yours · 7 months
What's your favourite Dimension 20 fanfic/fanfics?
I read this one which I enjoyed about Aelwyn Abernant <3 becoming a paladin. I fucking love when the mechanics mean things and stats change because people change hhhhh I am feral about it.
Yeah bonus points if your fic recs include use of mechanics!!!
There is also this series which I come back to because I too wish to project my chronic illnesses and/or problems onto fictional characters.
Additional bonus points if your fic has disabled characters, I am disabled and I make the rules for this point system.
Excited for people's faves, please post links!!!! Rec as many as you like.
Can be long or short fics, no rules except you just have to have had a good time and/or felt feelings while reading the fic.
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creacherkeeper · 9 months
hello i would like to thank you for your fics, which successfully implanted Aelwyn Abnormalities in my brain as quickly as the first paragraph of tunnel vision. do you have any fic/writer recs for d20? i feel like i've ventured straight into the deep end by starting my d20 fic exploration on yours and i have no regrets but i'd love to branch out from there
ough a message i really needed tonight thank you ToT <333 (which also made me check my ao3 for the first time in a while and see all the nice lovely new comments .... wah)
simply always happy to Implant Aelwyn Abnormalities i dont post a ton of fh anymore just cause i havent been on the fandom train in a minute but rest assured the abernants are always in my heart fr fr
some recs for u:
big juicy aelwyn character study by @marshmallsy i left such an insane comment on it that she had to be like hey dog u good and simply no i wasnt
post sophomore year aelwyn does community service at an old folks home and simply i adore it. by @masculinepeacock
im not really a fh/d20 shipper very much so i dont read a ton of shippy stuff but this longass aelwyn reclasses as a paladin aelwyn/kristen fic did make me feel so insane in the head. by @labelleofbelfastcity
another good long abernant sisters healing fic by @frill-shark that made me feel so so many things
not aelwyn specific but this series is a bad kids found family hurt/comfort and fluff series that got me so bad when i read it (its nuclear family disarmament by allapplesfall idk if this person has a tumblr but i will tag them if they do)
i hope that gives you somewhere to start!!! thank you so much for reading my fics im so glad you enjoyed them :D
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unsleepingtales · 3 months
Cursed out! What an ep!
Thinking about the Lucy/Gorgug parallels post and rotating them. In my head
Bakur art????
Ah they have leveled up!
Cottoncandy bitchfuck <3
Kipperlilly is independently wealthy ok
If Adaine could charge for her oracle duties that would be great
Adaine hates her SO much
I love the close up shot of Siobhan’s hand
I love Brennan glancing over at Ally to let them know that they need to pay attention to this next part before mentioning the divine stuff
The Abernant Sisters are everything to me <3
Even when you were being evil you were at least interesting and cool!
Aelwyn you gotta take care of yourself pls
And people are dying or something?
Loam Farm. Ok so the issue wasn’t with the faire, it was with the former venue?
Were they framed to get the faire to change venues?
Summoning a demon. Just another thing.
Riz is SO done
“You’re getting a+s and you’re killing all your extracurriculars so where is the stress coming from”???? Sklonda. Sklonda! Cmon. You had to have heard yourself say that.
Keep my name out of your mouth 💀💀💀 they are MARRIED
Sorry what
It’s called the moonar yulenear? That’s what the midwinter holiday in solace is called?
November (if that’s what month it is)
Brennan SO meant for Riz to be running
Of course Riz is going to Loam Farm.
Maximum legend!
Ratgrinders group art!!
Ally continues to be great at blending rp and mechanics
Hmmmm Kristen going to fallinel. Thoughts.
That’s so sad actually
Zac is SO smart
Your drama’s beautiful and I think it’s really gorgeous but I do think that Fig is fully cursed
God they’re insane I love them so much
It’s just an orifice
I love that little hands moment with the friends <3 I could pick your hands out of a lineup they are calloused and freckled and I love you
I’m wearing a sports bra and a g string and I want to be closer to all of you!!
He really tried to figure out a way to politely decline a bardic and he couldn’t
Mazey are you okay??
Oh god
The vice principal can’t leave a certain distance from the school??
There’s gotta be a way to get Ayda in on this
Wild that student government only has one elected position?? How are all the other positions chosen??? I was on student gov for six years and I had to run every time?
Brennan is thrilled with them
Shoutout to Zac for using proper over-under cable coiling technique while miming
Tragic this is devastating
She doesn’t need to die she’s gonna pass on the position at the end of the year??
Jealousy surrounds me. (The most serious she’s been all day)
Stop bringing him UP
“When you think about me why do you always bring up the ball?” Onesided fabriz truthers are having a field day rn
Mazeyyyyyy you care so so much
He wanted to live with his family I’m gonna cry
Hmm. Convincing.
From the man who dabbed at a school assembly we now bring you the revival of pwned
Bro she likes you
Paperweight boggy!
It’s a whole thing
Oh god
Summer god domain changed to more fire stuff regarding rage?
Not my circus not my monkeys 😭😭
Five from 2d10 😭
Whyyyyyy are you giving a speech to the middle schoolers. WHY
Sandra Lynn and Jawbone’s art makes me so happy
This little bitch ass cat >:(
Lydia Barkrock I love you forever and ever
D&D is so cool D&D IS SO COOL
Also science :)
Paladin Fig!
No that’s the curse babes
Fig is super fucking cursed
They literally tagged their notebooks with the ratgrinder sticker !
It’s not his place to feel wrathful. Oh my god he’s. Something.
Yolanda WAS neutral though that was the whole POINT she gave up any relationship to a deity in order to better teach clerics!! The token she gave Kristen was all about divine power and relationships despite lack of a god!!
Stay the fuck away from her brother
(Ally mumbling threateningly)
Step off buddy. Step Away.
Oooh why is that dc that way
Oh yeah but that has nothing to do with Fig
FUCK YEAH OATH OF ANCESTORS I love paladin mechanics so fucking much guys
Ey?? Zara and Porter?
Fig how many fucking parents are you gonna get
THANK YOUUUUUUU I love paladin mechanics I love devotion to a friend I love getting literal magic from love and devotion and a promise
This is sooooo leading towards Fig becoming a paladin of Bakur’s deity.
Ally and Lou’s reactions 😭
Murph face
Ruben seems genuinely upset about Lucy
Why is that your email address
Do you want me to get you a phone????????
A card that says thinking of you but fig signs it from gorgug 😭 I’m gonna cry
You absolute sweetie 🥰
What a choice!
Ohhh Fabian. Fabian misses his dad. Ouch.
Wild art imitating life moment bc we were just talking about getting hit in the tattoo
Oh goddddddd rage tokens
They would do anything for each other
The gleam in Brennan’s eye……..
Oh nooooo
(Emily laughing sadistically)
You made that so terrible for yourself and you did not have to.
Oh my GOD
Ok chill out man
Ok next week looks fun. The return of Baron. That’s chill.
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let-me-sleep-or-die · 8 months
all I do is sit and wait for fantasy high junior year and think about how much I want Aelwyn Abernant to lose all of her wizard class features and become a paladin. (Oath of redemption duh)
Hey Brennan can I get this subplot next season please if you do it I’ll cry (good) and if you don’t I’ll also probably cry (bad)
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