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Confession #130
"Given that Kazons and Pakleds have reputations for not being the most intelligent species in the quadrants, I wonder what would happen if a Kazon and a Pakled had a kid together or got the Tuvix treatment."
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idol--hands · 1 year
And then he stole the goddanged "chip" anyway.
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slippery-domjot-balls · 11 months
Pakled Pop Album - Pakled
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Pakled Strong.
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Pakled Pop good. Pakled.
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defconprime · 2 years
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Spy Rumdar from Star Trek Timelines
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n0ns3qu1tur · 2 years
So, when I first started getting deeply into DS9 I noticed just how many Pakleds there are wandering the station. It became a game for me to find them in the background of scenes. Now, I'm not much of a drinker but it dawned on me that Spot The Pakleds would make for an interesting drinking game.
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sir-memes-a-lot · 2 years
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fictionz · 2 years
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David Livingston, sole member of Pakled tumblr.
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sshbpodcast · 2 years
Vessel detected: Alien ships in Star Trek: Part 3
By Ames
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We’ve looked at Klingon ships and Romulan ships in the past weeks, but there are so many other aliens flying around in Star Trek. So many, in fact, that there’s no way A Star to Steer Her By is going to cover them all, so I’m going to try to keep the list focused on aliens whom we see a lot or who are otherwise noteworthy or whom I just like for my own dubious reasons. So if you don’t see your favorite one-off alien ship, bring it up with the continuum.
We’re starting off with just the couple of alien ships we saw in The Original Series and then blasting through some of the highlights from The Next Generation. We’ve got warp drive online, so keep up with all our allies and enemies below and listen to our discussion on this week’s podcast episode (discussion starts at 1:06:59). Engage!
[images © CBS/Paramount, Ex Astris Scientia, Eaglemoss Ltd., Star Trek Shipyards, Star Trek Timelines, probably others]
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First Federation Fesarius
One of the first alien ships we get to see in all of Trek is also one of the most unique. The design of Balok’s First Federation ship is truly alien and that is impressive for so early a ship design. The sphere made up of other spheres is so ornate and intricate that we just wanna disco dance under it, and the beautiful gold color is nice whether remastered or in its original form! Pass the tranya!
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Gorn Ship
We may only catch flashes of the Gorn ship in “Arena,” but the remaster and subsequent model designs provide for a nifty vessel that looks like it’s built for speed and maneuverability. Those wings look like they’re reaching out threateningly toward you, and the compact four-nacelle configuration should make the Stargazer feel ashamed of herself.
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Ferengi D’Kora class
That’s all I put together from TOS since there just weren’t that many ships to speak of, so let’s see what’s out there in the TNG series, starting with the dreaded Ferengi! While the Ferengi themselves are just laughing stocks, their ships are actually really neat to look at (once you figure out which side is the front and which is the back). The horseshoe crab shape lends for some nice curves and no discernable nacelles, which is a nice change of pace, and the red-orange color is something we don’t see a lot of either!
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Pakled Mondor class ship, et al
One of the most reused designs we’re going to see across Trek of the 90s is the Pakled ship: a very basic wedge design with lots of various Swiss army–knife tools all over it. Ex Astris Scientia put together a collection of just how many times we see this resilient little doorstop of a ship, and if you think about it as something a lot of different races would just purchase wholesale off the lot, it makes a lot of sense why you’d see it so much!
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Husnock warship, et al
Even more than the Pakled ship, we see the Husnock ship absolutely everywhere during this time period. Ex Astris Scientia counts its sighting in 22 different redresses of this rectangular giftbox in space. The shape of it is quite dull – so dull that most people may not even notice we see it practically every other week in the Alpha Quadrant. Good work to this little prism: the most ubiquitous ship in the galaxy!
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Miradorn raider 
Arctus Baran’s ship that we see in “Gambit,” on the other hand, gives us another new and very pointy shape to look at! We’ll see a little more of it in Deep Space Nine as a Miradorn raider, but its debut as the funky little ship of pirates and goons is actually quite perfect. The Fortune just looks scrappy and sharp, and a little like a space invader design to boot!
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Borg Cube
There’s a lot to be said about the simple design of a cube that gets across that the Borg is an incomparable force. First off, their ships are huge, which gives them the intimidation factor. The geometrical shape is so out of place for a ship that the wrongness of it is also alarming. And finally the texture! These things are constructed out of so much STUFF and yet so obsessively organized to keep to that cube shape that you know you are literally rolling the dice with your lives just to be in its presence.
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Borg Renegade Ship
Another Borg ship we see is that of Hugh and his fellow renegades from “Descent,” and their ship breaks that clean, beautiful cube simplicity by going for an entirely asymmetrical, chaotic shape. It’s still got the normal Borg texture that is clearly made up of all the different other vessels that were assimilated, broken into their parts, and put back together. But the almost haphazard wings of the ship are closer to the corridors of a building than of a ship. It just looks like a pair of arms preparing for a boxing match! Them’s fighting words!
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Borg Sphere
If you were more into geometrical shapes from our borgified friends, then First Contact has something for you: check out the Borg Sphere! The Borg Queen sure can travel in style! Like Balok’s ship we took a look at earlier, the sphere is much more than just a ball. Creating a perfect sphere out of hunks of metal is so like those anal-retentive Borg, isn’t it? Polygons are futile!
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Vulcan T’Plana-Hath
The other major ship that comes out of First Contact is the Vulcan ship that does that actual first contacting! It’s an interesting shape and looks kind of like some kind of water sprinkler device you’d set up in the backyard. Its three-prong shape is a new design for alien ships, and the landing gear is straight out of sci-fi shows about abductions and crop circles. Is it logical? Debatable.
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Son’a command ship
One more TNG movie’s worth of alien ships: let’s feature the ships of the Son’a. Say what you will about these blokes’ faces, but their ship aesthetics are pretty phenomenal! Their beautiful command ship is like a literal set of angel wings and just about as heavenly. The winged look of this ship is sleek and shiny in its chrome-looking silver. It’s no wonder it houses one of our favorite captain’s chairs from the franchise!
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Son’a battleship
Another ship from our plastic bag–faced friends is their battleship, which looks like a deadlier version of a boomerang while also definitely coming from the same collection as the command ship. The detailing has that pretty and swooping angelic quality while the shape looks much faster and sharper. I’d hand over the fountain of youth to these things before I fought them, that’s for sure.
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Son’a collector
Finally, the pièce de résistance of this collection: the collector ship, which looks like an unassuming jetski splashing around in space until it unfolds into a truly beautiful stellar butterfly. The sails on this beauty queen are so glitzy and golden that it might just be sprinkling us with fairy dust… as it sucks the metaphasic particles out of the atmosphere. But really, could you think of a lovelier death sentence to a planet of people?
That’s all I’ve got for you this week, obviously skipping a ton of ships from the shows for the sake of time and sanity. Shout out any of your favorites I’ve missed because we’re hitting the gas on our way to Deep Space Nine next week! Also be sure to keep listening to our coverage of all of Voyager on SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts, hail us on Facebook and Twitter, and catch a breeze with those Son’a sails!
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twlvie · 4 months
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POV: you are on the pakled ship that found him
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owenthetokencishet · 11 months
Alright it's time to stop comparing warhammer 40k to star wars. All you lot do with that is throw stormtroopers and space marines at each other and then act like star wars is stupid because "my fascist super soldier can beat up your fascist super soldier"
The correct comparison is Warhammer 40k vs Star TREK
The two are polar opposites.
Star Trek is about a humanity that pulled itself up out of the ashes of self-destruction brought on by hubris, hatred, and greed to put aside our bigotries, our selfishness, and our paranoia to embrace our better qualities and explore the stars in peace and friendship. A recurring theme throughout Star Trek is that those traits are still in us, and the classless moneyless socialist utopia we've built is difficult as hell to maintain. It could all so easily go awry but we stick to our values anyway because while a true perfect utopia is impossible, a better future is ALWAYS worth fighting for.
And then there's 40k
Where after pulling ourselves out of our self-destruction, humanity did not embrace our better aspects, where bigotry and paranoia became the values that drove humanity forward. Where we set out among the stars leaving trails of blood behind us. Where the vast majority of humanity lives in squalor as worthless, meaningless cogs in a dying bureaucratic regime, and must also live according EXACTLY to the imperium's values or find themselves staring down the barrel of a boltgun at the slightest transgression.
The United Federation of Planets is a strong, but fragile galactic power maintained by a shared sense of justice, compassion, and curiosity.
The Imperium of Man is a rotting carcass of an empire, shuffling on through sheer apathy, where fear, hatred, paranoia and bigotry, the vices the federation constantly struggles against, are treated as the highest virtues.
Star Trek is about the hope that we will one day set aside our differences and live in harmony with our fellow spacefarers out among the stars
Warhammer 40,000 is about the fear that we won't
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idol--hands · 10 months
Night’s Plutonian Shore
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🐦‍⬛ Artist: E A R T H X X I I
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whirligig-girl · 7 months
I love Guz so much I legitimately forgot she wasn't canon for a second. I was writing a list of Lower Decks characters and I wrote Guz down before remembering. She's canon in my heart I love the silly Autistic slime girl
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what do u mean she's totally canon :o
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waterme-stories · 9 months
Lore saying he got rescued by Pakled traders creates more questions than answers for me, I think.
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defconprime · 10 months
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"One of favorite r/shittydaystrom theories is that the Menk from "Dear Doctor" episode of ENT are the ancestors of the Pakleds from TNG episode "Samaritan Snare.""
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
If you need an example of how Star Trek's tone is all over the place, I'll point out that the Borg and the Pakleds were introduced in back-to-back episodes.
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