#paire de lune
v1model · 5 months
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wips / doodle shit under the cut
^^^^ ignore the cropping on this one PLEASE im struggling
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the ids are a little goofy but i hope they help
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id-oce · 1 month
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stare at the wife want to kill her
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mipexch · 7 months
Just wanted to say the v4v comic you did with v2 trying to fix v1 was really nice and made me very upset thank you/pos
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thank you. they have issues
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labrat-heart-emoji · 3 months
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:p (closeups under cut)
worked really hard on this :] tortures myself for of all eternity :]
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birdcatt · 4 months
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synthnetz · 7 months
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neptunianrefrain · 2 months
still thinking about this thing that i said to my brother ages ago and i think you guys wanna think about it too so here
(paraphrased slightly) "so you know how wedding rings are worn on the left hand's ring finger right? cuz it has a direct connection to the heart right? well note how v2 left behind her left arm after the first fight. She was proposing to you. And you rejected her. or the whiplash is the wedding band and the knuckleblaster is the engagement ring believe what you want"
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crescentneko · 5 months
So when we getting v1 n v2 messing around in a costume shop in lust or something?
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1010lilfoot · 1 year
Amber complimenting Sam’s arms please…i neeeeeed it!!! Cause the latest page is just adorable!
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Hohoho... I will do you one better as well... Art dump time >:)
((I dropped most of this on patreon a while ago but I want to put it here too. Post was affectionately titled “weird girl romance hours”))
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As it said in the caption: “What if you were a child solider with no morals and I had super strong emotions and we were both girls?”
Anyway I’ve already decided what’s going to come of this weird girl flirting in the comic, but unfortunately I will not reveal it. Will they date? Will nothing happen? We will see together.
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starrylothcat · 3 months
Pairing: Crosshair x Gen!Reader
Summary: Crosshair wakes up next to you.
Warnings: None. A lil’ fluff. A lil’ angst. Spoilers for S3.
WC: 300
A/N: I have so many feelings after the season premiere! Crosshair is making me act up. I wrote this little drabble bc I love him. Enjoy!
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Crosshair opened his eyes, expecting to see the dark durasteel ceiling of his cell.
As his eyes focused in the early morning light, he quickly realized he was somewhere else. The pillow beneath his head was soft. His back was comfortable on a mattress, not in pain from the hard cot he spent his sleeping and waking hours on in the detainment facility.
A soft sound broke the silence, and Crosshair turned his head.
You were asleep, peaceful and beautiful, your chest slowly rising with each breath.
That’s right. He was here. With you.
Crosshair let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He could feel the familiar panic and anxiety in his gut fading. Seeing you next to him brought him back to reality.
Crosshair slowly lifted a hand, ever so gently brushing his fingers across your cheek.
You smiled, mumbling his name, but didn’t wake.
Your skin was warm and soft. You grounded him.
His fingers trembled slightly, but not from his anguished memories. His hands have steadied ever since being with you, though not fully gone.
Instead, they trembled with emotion. How could someone so perfect, so forgiving, so strong, be next to him every morning when he wakes.
He still didn’t think he deserves this, or deserves you.
He knows it’s a stupid thought, but Crosshair is still amazed daily that you continue to stand by him.
Crosshair had accepted his fate, ready to die in the Empire’s grasp, to rot away in a cell as they took what they needed from him.
All it took was someone to believe in him. Omega didn’t give up on him. Neither did his brothers. Neither did you.
Crosshair pressed his lips to your forehead, shifting himself closer to you, to feel your body fully against his.
You wrapped your arms around him, uttering something before nuzzling into his chest, quickly falling back to sleep.
Crosshair closed his eyes, focusing on both of your breathing. Crosshair felt himself slipping into a dream, a pleasant one filled with your warmth. His last thought before succumbing to sleep was maybe he did deserve this. Maybe it was time to forgive himself.
But that could wait until later. Right now, he just wanted to be held by you.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Reblogs and Comments are Love! ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Taglist: @crosshairlovebot @sev-on-kamino @kimiheartblade @wizardofrozz @clonemedickix @sunshinesdaydream @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @aconstructofamind @dreamie411 @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @starqueensthings @idontgetanysleep @secretthegriffin @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @secondaryrealm @littlemissmanga @maybethatfanfictionwriter @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @king-chaos-world @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @sleepingsun501 @coraex @cw80831 @dangraccoon @mythical-illustrator @eternal-transcience @the-cantina @nahoney22 @moonlightwarriorqueen @stinkyluna @skellymom @reader6898 @lamiliani
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v1model · 4 months
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'til death do us part, please keep breaking my heart / 'til it ceases to beat, please be mine
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id-oce · 2 months
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Love you the same
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cameronspecial · 1 month
dad!drew , coming home from the hospital after giving birth and bring the baby home , and the first night with the baby !
Their Own Little Party
Pairing: Dad!Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
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“You know you could’ve driven faster,” Y/N comments, tossing the strap of the diaper bag over her shoulder. Drew peeks into the car seat where his sleeping daughter is and smiles. He unbuckles the seat, taking her out gently. His head moves like a dog shaking off water, “Are you crazy? I had two precious cargoes in the back. I wasn’t going to go any faster than that.” She giggles and goes to his side. “I feel like you could’ve done that without driving so slow. I mean, Baby, even that little old lady flipped you off,” she notes, opening the front door for him and switching the lights on. He sets the car seat down and drops to the floor to start taking Mila out of her car seat, “She was mean.” Y/N watches as he picks up their daughter. “This is your home, Pumpkin. We are now in the front entryway, where I’m going to teach you how to tie your shoes and put on your jacket in that funny way kids do,” he whispers the next part. “After I figure out how to do that.” “Are you going to do this for every room?” she questions. Y/N finds it adorable, but giving birth and worrying about being a mom has really drained her. All she wants to do is get to bed and she knows Drew is going to take forever with his tour. He can read her like fortune-telling tea, “Why don’t you go sleep? I can handle putting her to bed tonight.” 
“Really? But we need to parent together and this is her first day home.”
“I’m not going to stop you from missing out on this milestone if you want to help. However, I hope you know that even though she is only a few days old, I do feel like we are doing this parenting thing together. We don’t need to do everything together for us to be doing this together. Sometimes we’ll just need to take turns.”
It would be nice to go through this milestone with Mila, except Y/N has already gone through a nighttime routine with Mila during their time at the hospital and she would much rather sleep than experience the same routine in a new setting. Relief spreads across her and she steps onto her tippy toes to kiss him. “Thank you so much, I love you.”
Crying comes from the baby monitor and Y/N is about to get up to care for the child in need, yet the wails stop and this gets her running out of the room. She hears the floorboards creak and a male voice she recognizes comes from Mila’s room.
"Au clair de la lune,
Mon ami Pierrot,
Prête-moi ta plume
Pour écrire un mot.”
She peeks into the room to find Drew holding Mila, who is only wearing a diaper, against his bare chest. He is quietly singing into her ear and swaying in the spot where he stands. Y/N steps forward, the floorboard announcing her entrance. He freezes and turns towards his wife. “Hey, you should be asleep,” he whispers, walking close to her. She wraps her arms around his waist from the front and nuzzles her head beside Mila’s, “I was and then this little one got fussy. It seems like I was missing the party though. I must say that it is very rude of you not to invite me.” He chuckles. “I’m sorry, your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail,” he jokes. The two of them don’t exchange any other words; instead, they spend the night cuddling in their own little party with their little family. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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labrat-heart-emoji · 3 months
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Parallels with one of my first V4V fanarts. For robots, getting your arm torn off is like making out.
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birdcatt · 28 days
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a redraw of my first v4v post. this time in ms paint!
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neptunianrefrain · 7 months
so i decided that v1/v2/gabriel should be a polycule solely because i said so anyways so here's all 3 of them on holiday yay!!
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gabe needs 2 work on his anger management
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can't even shower in peace!!
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gabe goes out to sea and v1 ends up sleeping outside
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holiday over. :(
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bonus material this has been edited a bit..
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i edited another image but i kind of hate it so : )
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