#pagoda shop
huariqueje · 2 years
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Pagoda Gift Shop   -   William Davis
American , b. 1952  -
Oil on panel  , 6 x 8 in.
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adtothebone · 4 months
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Who’s there?
Pagoda who?
“Pagoda your house and become a part of your family?”
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emaadsidiki · 8 months
Sensoji 🏯 The Asakusa Kannon
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Approaching Sensoji Temple via Nakamise dori Street.
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dummy-kanji · 2 years
The Senso-ji pagoda por Alexandra Martin Por Flickr: The Senso-ji Pagoda which is right next to The Nakamise Shopping Arcade.
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storagespyturtle · 1 year
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Shanghai Chenghuangmiao street
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
That's not forgetting the fact MK was also in big trouble.
Wukong: 1300 years, Macaque! We have been married, officially, for over 1300 years! What in Newa's name would compelling you to look me in the eye and lie to my face about this!? For over a year!
Macaque: I-I know, but Peaches this was important! I promise, I promise I was only trying to protect you and our cubs!
Wukong: FAT LOAD OF GOOD THAT DID! We all got dragged into it anyway, Liu'er! Xiaotian was searching for you every day, getting into fights with demons and celestials alike to figure out where you went! Our powers are gone, we're being chased across all of China and beyond while our home is a literal icicle, and the Lady Bone Demon has Ringu Jingu Bang! How is this protecting us!?
Tang, whispering to MK: Is... is this the famous temper that once gave Sun Wukong the reputation of being capable of cowing even the great Li Jing!?
MK nods mutely: I heard the story. Apparently, I was there, just not born yet.
Small cute headcanon, but I headcanon that Tripitaka had officiated Wukong and Macaque's official wedding in JTTW Stone Egg au
referencing. Hehe I love all of this
Macaque: "Are son was getting into fights!?... did he win?" Wukong: "OF COURSE HE WON! HE'S OUR SON! DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" The Noodle Shop Gang: (*keeping a safe distance*) Tang, whispering jokingly: "Oh my gosh. Flashback to the Golden Pouch Mountain, am I right?" Nezha, with a thousand-yard stare: "Yeah, Macaque is not in Sun Wukong's good graces at the moment. I stll remember having to hoist him up so that he could look my father in the eye while he screamed." Tang, fascinated: "I... I was just joking but omg. He had you lift him up? Thats so cute!" Nezha: "Yeah, I wasn't about to argue with a hormonal expectant monkey. The only reason that anger wasn't directed at me was because he saw me as a cub to protect. My father crumbled like a stone pillar after the first five minutes." MK, laughing nervously: "I was there! Just an Egg though." The Noodle Shop Gang: (*realising just how old MK is*) "wut"
And oh gosh the legendary "Shouting at General Li Jing for the Rhino King incident". I love the idea of historians jotting that down and forgetting the context of why Sun Wukong was so furious at the Pagoda King.
I feel like Macaque deliberately struck himself out of many records to keep his and MK's presence a secret from mortal eyes and ears. But some people (esp demon historians) still wrote down that the Monkey King had a super-protective-adoring mate during his Journey to the West.
Basically most of Macaque's reunion + MK's reveal to his mom/baba that he's been secretly a superhero is Wukong yelling at them for hours from worry.
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jasfhercallejo · 1 month
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The National Museum of Korea is the most representative and extensive museum in Republic of Korea. The museum holds an immense collection: it has more than 410,000 historically valuable and highly aesthetic relics ranging from the Paleolithic Age to the early 20th century, and more than 12,000 masterpieces of its collection are always on display in its permanent exhibition hall.
The museum also houses a Children's Museum, where visitors can learn more about the nation's history through educational programs and experiences. The outdoor grounds feature pagodas and other stone artworks too large to be on display inside. In addition to galleries with a wide array of national and international pieces, the National Museum of Korea is a stage for a number of cultural activities related to collection, preservation, research and analysis, social training, academic publications, intercultural exchange programs, concerts, and more.
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The museum has six galleries: Prehistory and Ancient History, Medieval and Early Modern History, Donated works, Calligraphy and Painting, World Art, and Sculpture and Crafts Galleries.
The National Museum of Korea was established in 1945. In 2005, the museum extended and reopened on a site of 307,227㎡ (building area: 45,438㎡) in Yongsan, Seoul. Since its rebirth as a “cultural complex,” the National Museum of Korea not only to preserves and exhibits precious relics, but also provide various educational programs and cultural events.
The National Museum of Korea has a number of important cultural materials related to Silk Road (both land and maritime) from Central Asia, East Asia, and Korea. In particular, its unique collection of Sinan Undersea Relics which is a valuable source of information for study of ancient trade between China, Korea and Japan. A sunken Chinese trading ship was discovered in 1975, in the Korean southwest coast near Sinan, Jeollanam-do Province. The ship, carrying trade goods produced on orders from the Kyoto area, sank on its way to Japan from Ningbo in Zhejiang Province, China in 1323. About 30,000 maritime Silk Roads objects were excavated; they are 14th century Chinese goods, including celadon wears, coins, metal artifacts, medical artifacts, and many other types of objects.
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Visitors can appreciate its vast collection; numerous national treasures of Korea are exhibited including Pensive Bodhisattva (a Korean National Treasure), Goryeo Celadon Openwork Burner, Ten-Story Pagoda from Gyeongcheonsa Temple Site, and Gold Crown from Silla.
In addition to the programs and contents respects mentioned above, the National Museum of Korea would be one of the best museums in the world, in terms of the size of the museum (biggest one in Asia and sixth in the world), the annual attendance figures (1st in Asia, 10th in the world in 2009), additional facilities (a theater, a cafeteria, a museum shop, education hall, conference rooms), and digital services for the exhibition (PDA, MP3 and kiosk system).
Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday : 10:00 am ~ 6:00 pm (Final entrance at 5:30 pm); Wednesday & Saturday : 10:00 am ~ 9:00 pm (Final entrance at 8:30 pm)
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oxfordslutphase · 2 months
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Today's WIP Wednesday brought to you by me not writing what I'm supposed to be writing. Thanks to @bigassbowlingballhead, @cha-melodius, @iboatedhere, @onthewaytosomewhere, @violetbaudelaire-quagmire, and @eusuntgratie for the tags. 💋
Literally told @eusuntgratie I wasn't going to write this fic twenty four hours ago (lol) and then I spent my entire shower today imagining how it would play out, so like—oops I guess!!!! Have some sentences from a silly, goofy AU where they both work at a mall in the late 00s and Alex is a shirtless Abercrombie greeter. Inspired by one of my favorite bits of Nick lore. 😉
Henry has a sack lunch, a dog-eared copy of Persuasion, and a blessed half-hour of free time in which to enjoy them. A whole half-hour until he reports back to shift manager Carol and gets relegated to sorting cds or novelty bookmarks or sweeping the reading room for the remains of his shift.  The problem is that the food court is clear at the opposite end of this godforsaken complex. Henry has yet to get his bearings on the layout. Frankly he’s unsure that he ever will. American shopping malls are, in his opinion, a place where proper architectural decision making comes to die. So he dodges the pushy sales girls in front of Bath & Body Works, skids past the cellular phone kiosks and the Piercing Pagoda with its line of nervous tweens. He’s about to turn in search of the escalator when he sees perhaps the most attractive guy he’s had the pleasure of laying his eyes on since he stepped foot in this ridiculous state. Maybe ever. He’s reasonably tall. Muscular. Creamy brown skin and a mess of dark, looping curls on his head and smiling an absolutely lethal smile at whoever he’s speaking to. The kind that would get Henry out of his itchy trousers and on his knees in five seconds or less. Not to mention he’s bloody shirtless.
Open tag today because it's already nearly Thursday where I am!
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lantur · 3 months
trip updates part one: Tokyo
It was a mercifully smooth 12-hour flight from Minneapolis to Tokyo! The seat next to me was unoccupied, so I could stretch my legs out, sleep a bit, read, and watch my shows. I finished Black Friend by Ziwe, which I loved, and Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors by Piers Paul Read. I also watched the first five episodes of Succession, season one! I'm so into this show.
It was so easy to navigate Tokyo via the subway. I took the train from the airport to my hotel, dropped my stuff off, and had time to visit Senso-ji Temple that evening. Visiting a religious site is something I like to do as soon after landing as possible. Senso-ji in the evening, lit up, was beautiful. I wandered through the temple grounds to look at the pagodas and the stone Buddha statues, while listening to the clinking of people dropping their coin offerings into the metal collection area. I found a little ramen spot nearby, and the ramen was incredible and very comforting after 12+ hours of travel, going through customs, navigating around a new city, etc.
The next day, I found a cute little cafe right next to my hotel where I could start my day with my caffeine fix. I headed to Tsukiji Market, and I LOVE a market. Normally I hate crowds, but when there's food involved, that hatred goes away. :) I explored the food stalls and ate all the seafood my little heart desired - crab legs, eel, scallops, a sashimi bowl.
I went to Meiji-Jingu shrine, in the middle of Yoyogi Park, which is very forested. One of the coolest things about this location was seeing a wedding ceremony that was taking place, with the couple and family dressed in traditional Japanese clothing. It was a lovely area to explore, and after I inevitably got lost in the park and found my way again, I had sakura flavored soft serve ice cream as a treat.
The Hamarikyu Gardens were an unexpected stop for me, while I waited for my evening kabuki show to start, and I'm so glad I went. The flower field there was yellow as far as my eyes could see, and there were tons of hummingbirds around.
The kabuki show was a cool experience - I loved the music, and the body language of the actors!
Other highlights of the rest of my time in Tokyo:
Matcha lattes and pancakes at the cafe near my hotel
Seeing cherry blossoms at Ueno Park!!
The collection of art and artifacts at Tokyo National Museum
The food - ramen, katsu curry, pho!
Soaking in the large, hot public bath at my hotel, which I had to myself that night.
One thing I didn't expect:
The weather! Coming from one of the coldest places in the United States, where it gets to be -30 F, I didn't think that Japan in spring would challenge me. And yet, it did. I brought my mid-weight spring coat, which has been working fine for me at home. For some reason, I found Tokyo very windy, and the wind cut right through me. I was very uncomfortable walking around, and finally, I had to buy another coat at Uniqlo here, as well as a scarf. I got both for ~$40 USD so it didn't break the bank, at least. :)
I got to Kyoto yesterday morning and I have more to journal about that, but I will do so in a separate post. :)
It has been amazing to be on vacation. To not have to worry about work, or grocery shopping, or cooking, or getting my workout done before work starts, or anything. I love my job and it still feels AMAZING to not work.
Oh, also, I almost forgot to add - I got an email as soon as I landed in Tokyo, confirming that I have been accepted at the university I applied for, and will be starting my MSW in fall. It's been a lovely celebratory trip!
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oldearthminerals · 6 months
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Green Fluorite Cluster $75 plus shipping.
#fluorite #greenfluorite #crystalcluster #crystals #minerals #calcite #healingcrystals #mineralspecimen #cubicfluorite
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totkdaily · 2 months
Day 80: Visions, and Friends Aplenty
It takes until morning, but I find the tear in the geoglyph on the hill above Lake Hyrule. 
A vision. I see...
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Ancient Hylians in darkness. Rauru at Sonia's grave. This is after that moment at the Blood Moon, then. The Demon King has risen, and they are at war.
Zelda visits the King. Her worry is plain on her face.
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She mentions Ganondorf - that name. I'm struggling to understand her meaning - she says a secret stone did something to Ganondorf, whoever that is. But… Zelda's words suggest that Ganondorf, the Demon King and the creature below the castle are one and the same. I knew I was right about the Demon King and the creature. But who is Ganondorf? Is that who the Demon King was before? 
I piece the visions together in my mind with difficulty - it's been months. But the man who became the Demon King - I've seen him before. He led the Gerudo when they tried to attack Hyrule. Is that Ganondorf? The name… I can only hope the connection to Calamity Ganon is a cruel accident. 
Zelda is at the point of despair. My heart aches for her. Rauru dismisses her concerns, though he acknowledges that its his hubris that got them here. Why won't he listen to her? My Zelda. 
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I need to know more. I think there are four geoglyphs I haven't yet found. Which is easiest to reach? There should be one north east of Lookout Landing, if my map-making is any good. Could I spot it from the tower? 
I land briefly on Hyrule Castle itself - there's a shrine. But no geoglyph I can see. Alright, plan B. I head to Tabantha Bridge Stable  and from there south. 
I scale a flat rock to get a better view - but I suddenly realise it's beneath my feet! And there's a balloon at the far end - Impa's here! She and Cado are right near the tear. 
A vision. I see...
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A pagoda by a lakeside. Zelda, Sonia and Rauru are taking tea - tears spring to my eyes as I see Zelda at peace, at rest.
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Her eyes sparkle, as she talks of our time, or her powers, of me. Zelda. She wants to be able to have all the powers at her disposal - Sonia encourages her pursuit but points out that her own talents are far from insignificant. I am sorry that Sonia died. I am glad that Zelda knew her kindness for a time. 
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Every path I take leads to an empty pool, with Zelda no closer. Still, I must try.
I travel back to Central Hyrule, intending to head south by the towers to the Gerudo region - I think there is a geoglyph in the Highlands there. 
Running across Hyrule Field feels like the old days. But then I hear voices - it's Hoz's crew! Looks like they're going monster hunting - I gear up and join them. 
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Hoz is grateful once we clear out the camp - I even get paid! He says they're heading to Fort Hateno next, and wonders about my sword - he's heard something of the Master Sword. 
I'd almost forgotten about it. It's been in only one of my visions. Zelda must not have received it until after the Imprisoning War. What did she do with it then? But it was broken anyway. The time of the sword is over. 
I gather the useful monster parts Hoz and his crew left behind, and look around for the tower I was aiming for - but then I spot the familiar purple light of Kilton's shop - now Koltin's - and before I know it I'm sprinting across the field in the dark to catch him. I must have so many gems since I last saw him. 
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Well, I have seven. But it's enough for him to give me a pair of trousers. 
He's parked right outside Lookout Landing, so I run back and fetch a horse from Lester - Pumpkin will do well for this adventure, I think.
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stonecoldsilly · 2 years
captain k. p. hob is ill-suited to the work of espionage, to greet Prince Apollo with a smile and not bared teeth while their little conspiracy finds more damning evidence
but if it means he has an excuse to drag out meetings with rue, then by Jove he’ll do it
the whispers of the last bloom circle in broad daylight now, and if this is truly the last then there’ll be no more reason for the courts to mingle save war, so he has to treasure what he can get
he steals glances at them as he thinks out loud about plans of attack and resources, each night looking lovelier than the last
late night meetings and early rising and chaperoning lord blemish and lady boil and maintaining a discreet distance from the tailor shop quartet lest they need him but not so close that anyone would notice and keeping up his alliance with the court of trickery and charming the sea foam court and representing the goblins well and attending picnics and tea parties and dances all the while his nose searches for peonies in the crowd, quite without his permission
it’s. it’s a lot.
he jogs back from the tailor shop one night and his steps grow heavier and his head grows fuzzy and the last thought he has is poison
he remembers, blearily, a dream of rue, and soft feathers, and the sensation of flight, and of the importance of telling rue how beautiful they are. he’s not sure if he managed to but it did seem urgent.
he wakes in the goblin pagoda the next morning, embarrassingly weak and shivery, under a pile of salt goblins warming his bed
delloso de la rue opens the door, bearing an extravagant tray of food and trash that looks far too good for him
he stares, the incongruity of their beautiful gown in this crumpled and filthy place shocking him into silence
he then remembers his state of undress and yanks the sheet up higher round his neck, rolling several valiant salt boys straight off the bed and under the dresser
‘Mistrex, I-‘ he stammers, ‘To what do I owe the pleasure?’
‘You had a bit of a funny turn last night on your way back to the pagoda. Nothing sinister, but I do know the signs of someone working themselves too hard.’
‘I can’t ask the Master of Ceremonies to nurse me like a babe.’ Hob says, appalled.
‘Of course not, you’ll be getting the Master of Ceremonies and as many salt goblins as Blemish and Boil can spare to look after you.’
‘But…’ he trails off. ‘But to be so alone in a gentlemen’s bedchamber, your reputation, I cannot allow it… You are the last person I would ever wish to cause any more pain or regret… I could not bear it.’
Rue smiles.
‘My dear captain, you’ve never caused anything of the sort. And I’m quite sure you never will.’
‘my dear?’ he thinks, and immediately resolves to lie very still and be as well behaved as possible in case such pleasant sentiments are to be a frequent reward.
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cherienymphe · 3 months
chérie do you own any jewelry ? i'm thinking of buying some but i don't know where, mostly people recommend to buy from shein and amazon but do you know any other options ?
Girl do NAWT buy jewelry from shein omg 😭 ethics aside that shit won't last a week and I'm speaking from experience. It all depends on what you want tbh. I personally prefer jewelry that won't turn so I'm very particular about where I buy things from. I assume you want affordable jewelry so if you're in the US I recommend Marshall's, Ross and TJ Maxx or similar places. Walmart also isn't bad. If you're not in the US, Amazon isn't bad either but just be thorough with looking through the reviews. I also thrift for good jewelry too. I can personally attest for DH Gate. Every bangle I've gotten from there I shower in and they don't turn nor scuff but depending on what shop you got it from, it may take you a WHILE to get it. I'm literally still waiting on a bracelet I bought back in DECEMBER
If you prefer to save money for jewelry that's a bit pricier, then piercing pagoda all the way
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eulogyofaninsect · 10 months
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Scores of deadly foes dwell in the dungeons within Eulogy of an Insect. Take Half-Off Holly, for instance- a malevolent ghoul of commerce. It can be found haunting a popular shopping mall located within an old pagoda. (Yes, this is an actual dungeon) All enemies are logged within a handy Codex, which reveals in-depth information on any enemy you've encountered.
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melusine0811 · 11 months
The Space Between the Stars Chapter 14
"Double Rainbow"
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This art of Elisabet and Sakura was done by my very talented friend @1004knightingale as it heavily features them.
Chapter 14- Double Rainbow
After the Goodwill Shop, where Elisabet and Sakura had picked out wedding outfits they vowed not to show one another until the actual ceremony, they had promised the nice people there that they would first of all go visit something here in Tonopah called the Clown Motel. The looks on their faces were telling, so of course Lis and Sakura had been skeptical.
However, Sakura had closed her eyes after five seconds of parking in front of that monstrosity of an establishment, and she screamed bloody murder.
“I guarantee you some serious weirdos stay there, if you shined a blacklight on those sheets you’d see them from space! Let’s get out of here!”
They had decided to skip the other haunted hotel in town in favor of passing by the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project. It’s a tower, surrounded by rows upon rows upon rows of solar panels forming circles around it. Impressive, especially for two scientists.
“It’s almost…eerie,” said Sakura, “what I wouldn’t give to be working on a project that big and amazing.”
Lis had slid her hand across the seat, squeezing Sakura’s. “You will be, I know it.”
Lis then had swallowed, hesitating. 
“I don’t know, I have been here before and feel some sort of connection to it... I can’t explain it. It’s happened all my life. Every summer my parents and I would go visit national parks and historic places across the western United States. When I was fifteen, we visited Colorado Springs and climbed Cheyenne Mountain and Pikes Peak and it was the worst it’s ever been, I had chills down my spine, the hairs all over my body stood on end almost the entire time. I couldn’t tell anyone about it. And I feel it here, too, but not quite as strong.”
Sakura had looked genuinely concerned.
“What do you mean, like déjà vu?”
“Kind of, but like, there’s more. Like whatever is going to happen in these places hasn’t happened yet, and I feel…displaced.”
She'd then looked at Sakura.
“You think I’m nuts, don’t you?”
“Of course I do. But I wouldn’t be nearly as crazy about you if you weren’t.”
She’d then leaned over and kissed her. 
“Let’s get to Vegas, so that I can marry your crazy ass.”
They’d driven off, and now, several hours, and one dead air conditioner later, they arrive in Vegas, coasting into a very sparsely populated underground parking garage that serves several nearby hotels on the strip.
Yet Sakura is not herself.
Lis knows of course that part of the reason is that she’s exhausted, hungry, thirsty, and all sweaty from being in the truck in the one-hundred degree desert heat.
But this sullen look on her face is unusual.
They both unload their things from the bed of the truck, including the outfits they’d bought for their wedding (that they are hiding from one another until the ceremony), and they begin carrying all of it through the relatively cool underground parking facility to the elevator that would take them up to their hotel, The Tempo, apparently once called the Golden Pagoda. The ride in had indeed been very hot and miserable, so once they’d finally seen the Las Vegas skyline including the new dome, they had been very relieved.
Sakura had been very quiet for the last couple of hours, but she’s silent, now, looking quite bedraggled, every bit as much as Lis feels. Fortunately the temperature down here below ground is quite cool, helping to regulate them at least a little. Sakura throws her bags on her back and walks off silently, avoiding eye contact.
Lis walks faster to catch up with her.
“Hey, Sakuchan…hold on.” Lis drops her bags as Sakura scans the poorly-lit area for the elevator up to their hotel. 
“I’m sorry Lis…I just…ugh. I know part of it is that I’m tired and hungry, but…”
“Are you…having second tho—”
Sakura looks up at her immediately.
“Absolutely not! No, no way. I’m just…angry. I’m angry that my father has to be an absolute monster, so much that I’m afraid to go anywhere, for fear that he’ll take me away. He’s always at the corner of my vision. I’m afraid. I’m scared, I…I can’t lose you.”
Lis comes close to her, face sweaty, both of them with hair in a mess from having the windows open due to the dead A/C. She speaks to her in a low, comforting voice.
“That’s not going to happen—because even if it did, there’s not a wall, barrier, or dimensional membrane that I wouldn’t claw my way through to get you back. I will always find you, and I won’t let you go, okay?”
Sakura nearly collapses, encircling Lis in her arms, tears clouding her vision, and they stand there with their luggage, the two of them, outside their rickety old pickup truck in this dark, underground parking garage somewhere beneath Las Vegas. 
Lis pulls back, cupping Sakura’s face in her hands, stroking her cheeks with her thumbs, then whispers. “I love you more than anything. Now let’s go upstairs so that I can make you my wife. Please.”
Sakura barely lets her finish, regardless of how sweaty they are. She kisses her. These are not their normal, gentle, passionate kisses. These are kisses of need. Of intense gratitude that she can only express in this way. Whispering, dry kisses evolve into deeper ones, and suddenly Sakura has backed Lis up against the truck, which is still warm to the touch with the engine making creaking noises as it cools.
These moments seem lost to time, Lis unsure of whether they’re moving too slow or too fast, as she drops the last bag she’d been carrying and she kisses her back as though her life is tethered to her, because it is, and so is every fine thread tied to her very soul as she’s reveling in the feel of her mouth, and the grasp of her fingers tangled in Lis’s hair. She knows that despite the fact that the heat from the truck is becoming a bit uncomfortable against her back, and they’re both already covered in sweat from the Nevada heat, Sakura needs this to re-center herself. To anchor herself to the reality that Lis is here, and they are really doing this. As though Lis’s skin cells are bumping up against her own, screaming at her with each brush and touch.
Sakura takes her right hand and searches frantically for Lis’s left, which is wrapped around Sakura’s back, and when she finds it she caresses it with her fingers, touching her own ring on Lis’s third finger, pulling away and looking down at it. 
Lis places her other hand on Sakura’s chin, tilting it back up, looking in her eyes, and kissing the tears that had dripped down her cheeks.
Sakura gives her a small smile, and she nods.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
How do Nezha's brothers feel about him being banished from Heaven?
They feel bummed on his behalf.
When in the presence of Li Jing/their dad they give off the aura of; "Oh well, thats Nezha for you. Always the problem child. Please dont punish us too."
Theoretically, Nezha was the only one of the brothers Li Jing could punish. Even though Jinzha and Muzha were involved in spreading knowledge of the Harbinger's Comet to Nezha and Guanyin, the elder princes answer to deities greater than the Pagoda King.
Jinzha answers to the Buddha himself, while Muzha answers to Guanyin. And neither are punishing they diciples for showing concern for what they thought was an innocent soul.
Unfortunately, Nezha answers to Li Jing... who's canonically not the most understanding father.
Jinzha and Muzha want to help their little bro out anyway they can, but they have their own careers to consider. Being the buddha's bodyguard, and right-hand man to the Goddess of Mercy respectively aren't jobs that you can get a lot of free time from. They also can't risk losing greater favor in the Celestial Realm.
They do sneak out of the Monastery/Southern Seas during Buddhist holidays to visit the noodle shop and check in on their little brother. They think mortality will ultimately be good for Nezha.
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