#ow boombox week
plowrot · 13 days
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This was supposed to be a sketch,,,, and then i got carried away
I was thinking of making a neck kiss but figured this would be a bit better character wise and for my sanity
I do NOT know how to draw people kissing
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
Just over 450 words of something. Established relationship. T. Just more fluff I guess! Been feeling kind of shaky about (my) writing so I’m just gently dipping my toe back in
Eddie’s hanging out with Jeff and Gareth and Steve at his place; Steve is checking the oil on his car and Eddie’s watching him from where he’s sitting on a fold out chair, Jeff and Gareth either side of him. There’s a cooler of beer at their feet and a warm breeze in the air.
The thing between him and Steve is still new, no longer tentative, but something Eddie had wanted—maybe needed—to keep close for a while.
But then Jeff walked in on him and Steve in a position of a comprising nature. Jeff looked like he’d just turn right around, forget he saw anything, but Gareth came stumbling in after him and, well…
They know now. That’s the point.
It’s been a few weeks since then, and Eddie hasn’t said much about it, and neither have they, but he guesses they don’t have a problem. They wouldn’t be here if they did. Eddie sighs, watching Steve’s arms flex, chest tight with warmth when he notices the smudge of grease on Steve’s cheek. He’s just so gone on Steve already. It’s so much.
And he’s watching Steve and his heart is so full and he says, “I’m gonna marry that man, one day,” without thinking.
It’s Gareth who speaks first, blurting out, “But you can’t,” over Priest playing from the boombox on the trailer step.
Jeff groans and hits Gareth in the arm.
“Ow. What?”
A look passes between them, Jeff’s brow furrowed, eyes wide as he tries to communicate silently. Eddie’s not sure Gareth gets it but he says, “Sorry?” anyway.
And it’s not like Eddie needed the reminder or it doesn’t hurt, just a little, even if he’s never been a big believer of marriage. Hell, he’s never been a believer at all. But he tips his head back and says, “Not gonna let that stop me,” heart beating as Steve finishes up, slamming the hood of the car, and comes to stand in front of him.
He kicks Eddie’s foot. “Where’s my chair?”
Eddie pats his thighs.
Steve smiles, a little flushed, but he looks between Jeff and Gareth and shakes his head.
Eddie rolls his eyes and stands, waving Steve into his chair, and getting another for himself.
And they drink beer as the sun sets, summer warmth lingering, Priest still blaring, the four of them getting talking and laughing and Eddie’s so fucking happy.
And Eddie looks at Steve thinks to himself again: I’m going to marry this man.
(And when they can get married, they do. Steve is a little surprised Eddie wants to, but Eddie’s always known it was going to happen. He just forgot to tell Steve. But it happens. Just like he knew it would.)
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copias-girl · 1 year
To Catch a Cardinal: Chapter X
This is the song playing at the beach! <3
A/N: Ok it’s finally here!! Get ready for some fun in the sun! ☀️ Also fun fact I’m a certified lifeguard and trained in first aid and CPR so everything in this is actually accurate! Except for the fact that I made it ridiculously horny lmaoo
All chapters here <3
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You’d finally arrived at the beach, you and your friends scrambling to get out of the car and grab your things from the trunk.
Copia was slower than the rest of you due to being so self conscious after Rob’s comments about him in the car. He was apprehensive to be in the pit of snakes that was your friend group, however he didn’t want to disappoint you.
Like a good trooper, he took a breath before getting out of the car. He carried his boombox and the black and white striped umbrella, and once you found a good spot, he stuck it in the sand. Rob put the cooler in the shade, and you all began laying your towels down side by side.
Taking a deep inhale of the balmy sea air, a bright smile spread across your face. It was so wonderful to be back by the ocean.
The last time you’d been at the beach was the previous summer, when the Papas were going and Terzo insisted on bringing you along. You smirked to yourself at the memory; of how Terzo had faked drowning so you’d rush into the water and save him. You had worriedly dragged the unresponsive man onto the sand, beginning to perform CPR on him. However, as soon as your lips brushed his to give him mouth to mouth resuscitation, you felt two arms snaking tightly around you while Terzo stuck his tongue into your mouth in a passionate French kiss.
Surprised, you had squealed into his mouth, swatting at him as you tried to pull away.
“You pervert! Get back here!” You shouted once he had finally released you, laughing and chasing after the man as he ran for his life, wearing the smallest speedo you’d ever seen.
“Fratello, tu coglione! Stop harassing Sorella or she’ll leave the ministry because of you!” Secondo barked at his brother, crossing his arms and flicking his shades back on in annoyance.
“You’d really miss little ol’ me?” You giggled, huffing in exhaustion as you and Terzo stopped chasing each other around and sat back on your towels with the other Papas.
“Of course. I’m not losing my favourite Sorella just because questo carciofo can’t keep his hands off her.” Secondo sniffed, not taking his eyes off the book in his hands. As much as he tried to act serious and scary, he just couldn’t hide his soft spot for you.
Primo had spent most of his time in the shade, slathered in sunscreen and trying to shoo off seagulls when they tried to steal his peach slices. However, his mismatched eyes lit up in interest each time you came back from the water, dumping a bucket of seashells and sea glass next to him so the two of you could sort through them together.
Coincidentally, you’d found a green piece of sea glass which you gifted to Secondo, a violet one that you presented Terzo with, and a red one that you excitedly gave to Primo. To this day, they all still had the little pieces, keeping them on their desks as a reminder of you.
Overall, the four of you had a ridiculously fun day, and you wondered why you didn’t go to the beach more often. Perhaps it was because of the terrible sunburn that Terzo developed after that day.
“I told you not to use all that tanning oil!” Secondo had scolded his younger brother as he drove you all home.
“The Emeritus bloodline does not tan well.” Ghostly pale Primo solemnly nodded in agreement from the front seat.
“Come fottutamente ovvio! I think I fucking know that now! Ow, cazzo!” Terzo groaned while you comforted him, the two of you sitting in the back seat.
And for two whole weeks you’d been assigned to slather aloe vera all over Terzo while the cheeky bastard coyly smirked at you. You always wondered if he got that sunburn on purpose.
“Where’s your towel?” You asked Copia, noticing he didn’t have one with him.
“Ah, shit…” He mumbled, averting his gaze shyly. “Ho dimenticato…”
“You could share with me. I didn’t realize this was a bigger one when I grabbed it.” You offered, gesturing to your big square beach towel, the black one with the white grucifix on it.
“I-I don’t want to pester you, Sorella.” The Cardinal shook his head timidly.
“Nonsense! Otherwise I’ll be lonely on this big towel all by myself.” You giggled. Everyone had taken their clothes off, having their swimsuits underneath, and Copia began to do the same. He anxiously took his hoodie off, then his sweatpants, then pulled his t-shirt over his head and sat down on your towel to remove his shoes and socks. Funnily enough, the man looked the most bashful when he removed his gloves. Copia felt terribly naked without his gloves.
You gaped at him for a moment, having to hide your grin. Your friends were already snickering to each other about it, and you didn’t want the poor man to think you were laughing at him too. But sweet Satan, he was wearing one of those old fashioned black and white striped men’s one-piece swimsuits. It was basically like a tank top with shorts attached. Of course Copia would wear one of those. Part of you was disappointed that you didn’t get to see the man shirtless, but you were also delightfully amused at how on-brand it was. Besides, it was fairly tight, and obviously allowed you to see much more of him than his cassocks did.
Before you could study Copia any further, your friends were all chanting for you to give them a fashion show with your new bikini.
“Alright aright, gimme a second!” You laughed, going behind the umbrella to undress. You shoved your clothes into your beach bag before stepping into view.
“Well, here it is!” You shrugged, giving them a little twirl.
You looked like an infernal goddess. And the tiny black bikini hardly left anything to the imagination. The top- with ‘See you in Hell’ cheekily written on it- cupped your breasts perfectly; barely containing them as they slightly spilled out, creating a delicious cleavage. And the bottoms- if you could even call them bottoms- were basically just a little black thong with the grim reaper on the front.
Rob wolf-whistled as your girlfriends hollered and cheered at you, causing you to laugh at their reactions.
“Unholy moly, settle down!” You giggled, turning around and giving them another view of your voluptuous ass, coyly looking over your shoulder before beginning to laugh.
“Unholy moly is right…” Rob murmured with a smirk.
“Haven’t you guys ever seen a girl in a bikini before?” You asked in amusement.
“Not like you! Ugh, body goals.” Mable sighed dreamily.
“I know right? What was the Dark Lord thinking when he made you??” Lilith added.
“Speak of the Devil, when we get home I’m going to make an offering to Satan so he’ll make me look like you!” Ava beamed.
“You guys are too much.” You giggled, waving them off. You noticed how Emily was a bit quiet, side-eyeing Rob while he drooled over you.
Your eyes finally flicked to Copia, but you were immediately alarmed as you saw blood gushing out of his nose while he stared at you, his cheeks red and his wide eyes trained intensely on you.
“Cardinal!” You gasped, rushing to kneel beside the man. “Are you alright?”
Copia was unresponsive, continuing to gape at you; his lips parted, eyes practically popping out of his skull. He was under your spell, totally and utterly entranced by your body. Had he died? Was this chthonic paradise? It felt as though Satan had rewarded Copia for his unholy works, bestowing you upon him as a gift; the prettiest little succubus in the whole inferno.
Reaching into your bag, you grabbed a tissue before worriedly turning back to the man. Meanwhile, Rob and your fellow Sisters of Sin sat on their own respective beach towels, gawking at Copia in a mix of confusion and amusement, exchanging hushed, speculative whispers of judgement.
“Cardinal, are you okay??” You fretted, placing a gentle hand on his cheek, wiping drips of crimson blood off his moustache, lips, and chin.
“I-I-I’m s-sorry, I-” The man shook his head, trying to snap out of it. “I-I don’t- ehm-” He couldn’t help it; his painted eyes roamed your body as he stuttered out nonsense. He had never seen a girl so undressed before, especially not so close to him like this. And, Hell, this wasn’t just any girl. This was you. Copia never ever thought he’d get the chance- the privilege- to see you with so little clothes on. However, he felt ever so disgusted with himself for making such a big deal about it. He really was a depraved pervert, wasn’t he?
It dawned on you then, with the way he was uncontrollably ogling you. And when you stole a glance downward, you bit your lip at the sight of the very visible bulge in his swimsuit, the black and white striped fabric only accentuating it.
You had literally just given this perverted old man an anime nosebleed.
You had to hide your smirk, wickedly snaking an arm around his shoulders as you moved to straddle his lap.
The Cardinal’s breath hitched in his throat as he bit back a moan; the feeling of you seated on top of him like this was sure to make him pop. He felt hot, too hot; but not from the scintillating sun beating down on him, no. You put the sun to shame, your radiant beauty beaming millions of times brighter than that pendant of fire in the sky.
“Poor little mouse. Let me help you.” You cooed, leaning in close as you gently dabbed away the blood. Rob’s eyes widened at the sight. Was this how you were acting at the sleepover? Why were you indulging the dirty old man in his sick fantasies?
“G-g-g-grazie, Sorella, m-mi dispiace…” Copia stammered quietly, embarrassed. He prayed to Satan below that you wouldn’t be able to feel his cock hardening and straining against the thin fabric of his swimsuit.
You could.
“Why do you think that happened, hm?” You asked.
“I, ehm… I-I don’t, eh- …ehm..” Copia mumbled, his astonished gaze fixed directly onto your tits, which were dangerously close to his face now that you were perched on his lap.
“Because he’s a dirty old pervert who’s never even seen a girl in a swimsuit before!” Emily interjected, crossing her arms with a scoff.
“Gross.” Lilith wrinkled her nose.
The Cardinal’s cheeks burned with shame, the lines on his face deepening with guilt as he knew their words to be true.
“I mean, I’m pretty used to seeing girls with little on, but…” Rob sniffed. “your body is fire. Kinda takes a man off guard, ya know? So give the depraved virgin a break.” He smirked.
Impressive, Rob managed to compliment you and insult Copia all in the same breath.
Your poor Cardinal flinched and averted his mismatched gaze as Rob prodded at his virginity, which was obviously a very sensitive topic for Copia that caused his self esteem to plummet. Finally finished wiping up the nosebleed, you removed yourself from the man’s lap and sat on your towel next to him.
You scooted a bit closer, snaking an arm around Copia’s neck to pull him towards you. His eyes widened, alarm flashing in those beautifully odd irises as you leaned in in in, your lips ghosting over his ear and causing him to shiver.
“Between you and me, I wouldn’t ever want a man who’s been around the block as much as Rob claims to have been.” You whispered with a little smirk before pulling away.
Copia only stared at you, a pitiful look on his blushing face as he mulled your words over in his head. He didn’t want to overthink things, because he knew you definitely didn’t mean anything by your remark. You were just a kind Sister of Sin who took pity on an old man. You were simply trying to make him feel better after Rob hurt his feelings. Copia stared down at his lap; he would be a fool to think that someone like you could actually like a man like him.
All settled in and enjoying the hot sun, you opened the cooler, everyone grabbing an ice-cold bottle of cherry coke.
“Salute!” You chirped, holding your drink up, the glass bottles all clinking together as your friends toasted with you.
“Salute, Cardinale.” You giggled softly, warmth in your eyes as Copia gave you a shy smile and clinked his bottle of coke against yours before taking a sip.
You reclined back on your towel as Florida Kilos by Lana Del Rey filled the sweet summer air, playing from Copia’s radio. You flicked your bat wing sunglasses on, taking the opportunity to really get a good look at the man.
He was pasty pale- obviously from constantly being covered up in his cassock- with a smattering of endearing little freckles on his flesh, matching the ones on his face. Your eyes scanned over his form, biting your lip before taking another sip of cherry coke. What a treat, the swimsuit had a crew neck collar, so you could actually see his neck and a little bit of his collar bone! Oh how you longed to kiss and bite at his neck, leaving dark hickeys there while he made love to you, laving your tongue over the bruises later as you both relaxed after several orgasms. You’d ask Copia to give you matching ones, begging him to mark you as his.
Your hungry eyes trailed lower, then, taking in the way his waist pinched in and the softness of his tummy. And of course, the very nicely sized package between those surprisingly muscular thighs. Your gaze followed his hand as he nervously ran his fingers through his greying hair, and oh what beautiful hands your Cardinal had. They were just perfect. You licked your lips, salivating as you imagined them inside you; two of his elegant fingers down your throat and two stuffed in your tight, wet pussy as you moaned and mewled for him.
“You know, you’re pretty modest for a Cardinal of the Satanic Church.” You remarked, hooking your finger in the collar of his swimsuit, giving it a teasing little tug.
“Eh? Oh.. W-well, there is, ehm… T-there is not much to show…” Copia responded timorously with a sad little chuckle, gesturing to himself.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Cardinal.” You responded softly, causing the hot blush on Copia’s cheeks to spread to the tips of his ears. He stole a shy glance at you, then another, followed by another. Satanas, the man couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off you. You could feel his gaze all over your body before studying your pretty face.
Copia was entirely in awe of your beauty, so needy for you. He longed to kiss your fruit punch lips in the bright sunshine. The poor man wanted nothing more than to work up the courage to pull you onto his lap and share cherry cola kisses with you until the sun was smouldering low in the sky. He inwardly cursed himself for being far too diffident to do so.
Releasing a sigh, he tried to relax, taking another long sip of his coke.
“Have you ever had sex on the beach?” You asked abruptly.
The Cardinal gasped, then immediately began sputtering and coughing, choking on his drink as your friends stifled laughter. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before looking at you incredulously.
“N-no, I have obviously never… done that anywhere…” Copia murmured.
You burst out into giggles. “I meant the drink, silly! You know, a sex on the beach?” You clarified. “I think we’ve already established that you’re a virgin, Rat.” You added with a kittenish little smirk.
Copia’s cheeks burned with shame. “Ah… W-well, no, I have not had the drink either…” He responded.
“Maybe next time we could have sex on the beach together.” You offered. “You know, the drink.”
Copia’s eyes widened, nearly getting whiplash from how quickly he turned to look at you. Alarm coursed through his veins as he felt his cock beginning to harden again.
“You naughty devil, you!” Lilith laughed. “You’re almost as bad as Papa with your innuendos! And you aren’t even old enough to drink!”
“Naughty? Me?? Never!” You giggled coyly. “Besides, I’m not making any innuendos, that’s just what the drink is called! And what about the unholy communion wine every black mass? One drink wouldn’t make a difference!”
“Why would she be making innuendos anyway, Lil? It’s not like she actually wants to fuck a 50 year old virgin who literally looks like a rat.” Emily laughed, causing you to frown.
“Hey, rats are cute!” You pouted, throwing your arms around the humiliated Cardinal and giving him a squeeze. Oh, this man was so cute with those big mismatched puppy dog eyes, his lower lip flushed from biting it out of nervousness. You swore he’d probably squeak like a chew toy if you hugged him too tightly.
Copia tensed up, heart rate rising and gaze darting all around at the sensation of your soft, bare flesh pressed against him, but the contact was a soothing balm to the hurt he was feeling at your friends’ cruel words. The Cardinal knew he looked like a rat; that was a comment people had often made throughout his life. He was already so self conscious about his looks, why did your friends feel the need to constantly point it out, especially in front of you?
Emily rolled her eyes. “Get your eyesight checked then.” She murmured.
“My eyesight is perfectly fine.” You quipped, mindlessly petting Copia’s hair and scratching at his scalp. Lucifer, he really did feel like your pathetic little pet, helpless and piteous while you defended him.
“Well maybe you have heatstroke and it’s causing you to not think straight, babe. The sun beating down on you like this could fry your brain like an egg, ya know.” Rob suggested with a grin, earning a cacophony of giggles from the other sisters.
You gave them a dirty look, opening your mouth to respond snidely, when you suddenly pulled away from Copia. “Oh shoot! Speaking of the sun, I almost forgot to put sunscreen on!” You gasped, rummaging around in your bag and pulling out the bottle of coppertone.
You flipped the lid open and began squirting the white liquid onto your arms, legs, and chest; the distinctive, synonymous-with-summer smell delighting your senses.
Copia awkwardly sat next to you and watched as you began to rub it into your skin. Biting his lip, he tried to focus on anything else but you. The sky, the sand, the ocean waves. But his gaze just kept getting pulled back to your stunning form, and the way you were almost sensually working the sunscreen into your smooth, supple flesh. He tried- Satan knows he tried- to ignore what the white cream looked like. Poor Copia tried so hard not to imagine you signing in delectation while being painted with a big load of his hot cum, gazing up at him with those pretty bedroom eyes of yours.
His lip quivered and his cock twitched at the mere thought, saliva pooling in his mouth as he imagined capturing you in a deeply passionate kiss. The Cardinal craved you, he needed to taste your sweet lips again. And Copia was ashamed to admit that he was also thinking about tasting you in different ways too.
He swallowed thickly, attempting to control his indecent thoughts; but there was just something about the balmy, halcyon summer air and the sultry vision of you so close to him wearing that sinfully small bikini that nearly drove him mad.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than leer at an innocent young girl?” Emily glowered, startling Copia from his thoughts.
“Oh! I-I-I- N-no, I was just- eh-” Copia stammered, mouth hanging open in surprise.
“Well obviously he doesn’t have anything better to do, Em. I think being a pervert is his hobby or something.” Rob sneered.
“Close your mouth, Cardinal, you’re gonna start drooling any second!” Mable added, causing Lilith and Ava to burst out laughing, making comments about how hilariously shocked the man looked after being called out.
Copia not only felt humiliated, but also utterly disgusted with himself for being such a lecherous creep. He could feel tears pricking at the corners of his eyes from the embarrassment, his face flushed and pyretic, chest tight with shameful anxiety.
But then you were gently tapping his arm, drawing his attention back to you.
“Could you get my back?” You batted your thick eyelashes at him, holding the bottle of sunblock up to him.
The snivelling Cardinal’s attention snapped to you, staring at you with an expression comprised of both shock and panic.
“I gotcha, babe!” Rob interjected, beginning to get up, but you only waved him off.
“Don’t trouble yourself. Like you said, the Cardinal doesn’t have anything better to do.” You stated with a smirk. “Right, Co-Co?”
Copia glanced uneasily at the now vexed Rob before turning back to you and nodding quickly, trembling hands taking the bottle from you.
The other sisters looked at you like you had spiders crawling out of your eye sockets. Who on earth would simply wave off the opportunity to have dreamy, handsome Rob rubbing you down??
You removed your sunglasses and flipped over, situating yourself on your stomach and resting your head on your arms, giving the sweet man a delicious view of your ass.
Copia looked utterly dumbfounded as his pitifully wide eyes scanned over your perfect curves. He no idea what landed him in this golden position. Copia felt as though he had no charm, no charisma, and that his looks were quite laughable. And yet here he was, squirting an ample amount of sunscreen into his palm, nervously licking his lips and unsure of what to do next.
“I don’t have all day, Rat.” You glanced back at the poor man with lusty eyes and a playful smirk. Before laying back down, you reached around and untied your bathing suit too, leaving your back completely bare for Copia.
The Cardinal sucked in a sharp breath. Somehow, the absence of that thin little strap going across your back made the situation all the more obscene, forbidden, naughty. Shaking the perverse thoughts from his mind, the man hastily rubbed the cream between his shaking hands before gently pressing his palms against your back.
Slowly but surely, he began smoothing the sunscreen into your silky flesh, being mindful to not touch you too excessively. He didn’t want to mistakenly enjoy it too much; didn’t want to take advantage of you like that.
“Mmm, that feels good.” You sighed sensually, and Copia’s heart skipped a beat at your praise. He truly wanted to make you feel good; he really wanted to be the one to make you feel good.
Gaining a bit more confidence, he smoothed his hands over your back a bit more firmly, but murmured pitifully desperate apologies whenever his fingertips brushed against the sides of your breasts. Copia tried in earnest to do his best for you, giving you a sort of massage while he worked in the cream; sweeping up up up to your shoulders and down down down, a hot blush burning on his cheeks as his hands timidly ghosted over your lower back.
“Ah~!” Your breathy moan was almost obscene, causing Copia to stutter in his movements. He was in such a daze that he had nearly forgotten the two of you weren’t alone; and when he stole a glance upwards, he was met with the judgemental countenances of your friends glaring right at him. Especially Rob. That dangerous look of envy in the boy’s eyes frightened Copia.
He stared at them like a deer in the headlights before you grabbed his attention once again.
“Cardinal, you’re so good with your hands.” You purred. “Keep going?”
Your praise stoked a hot fire of desperation within the man, so eager to please as he immediately continued his ministrations, deciding to ignore your friends. After all, you wanted him to do this for you, and Copia was beyond happy to obey your wishes.
His cock jumped with each little moan that tumbled from your sweet lips, and soon, you were murmuring something about going lower.
“Eh… M-mi dispiace, Sorella. Ch-che hai detto?” He asked quietly.
“Can you go lower?” You asked again with a another deeply relaxed sigh.
The Cardinal remained silent, warily moving to rub his hands along your lower back, his thumbs pressing into the dimples there as he moved to gently knead the flesh of your hips. The man bit his lip, shaking his head slightly and letting out a shaky exhale as he caught himself relishing in the moment far too much to be appropriate. He lessened his grip on your hips just as you began to murmur something else.
“No, like… Go lower.” You told him.
“S-Sorella, forgive me b-but… If I go any lower I… I-I’ll be…” He stammered awkwardly.
“Yeah go ahead. I didn’t get my bum earlier and I’m too comfy to move now.” You replied nonchalantly.
Copia’s mouth went dry, his head spinning and heart pounding violently in his chest as he hesitated. A million thoughts were going through his mind at once. He had never touched a girl there; or anywhere for that matter! And he had never even thought it possible since everyone found him to be so revolting. What should he do? What would he do? What if he accidentally orgasmed in front of you and your friends?
He mistakenly came when you were sitting on his lap in the car that one time, but he was thankfully able to hold in his moans and disguise the audible ones as being gasps of surprise at the terribly bumpy road. But this time- Oh, Satanas- he wouldn’t be able to hold anything in; he’d be a pathetic, whimpering mess. You’d all laugh at him and call him a dirty old man. You’d never speak to him again. You’d be disgusted by him just like everyone else.
Copia could already feel his sensitive cock filling out more and more at the thought of getting to feel you up like this.
Bracing himself, he grabbed the bottle of sunblock and squirted some more into his palm. And then, slowly and carefully, the Cardinal placed his quivering hands on your ass, one on each cheek. He bit his lip so hard he tasted blood, swallowing back a moan that threatened to erupt from his mouth as he felt precum beginning to ooze out of his cock.
“What a fucking creep. I think I’m gonna puke.” Emily shuddered.
Copia was frozen in place, the whole world having had fallen away as he stared down at the sight of his hands on your perfect ass, almost in disbelief at the reality of the situation.
Not wanting to keep you waiting, he timidly began to grope your plump flesh, so smooth and soft and round, blushing furiously at the fact that your bikini was practically non-existent in the back. He rubbed his hands in slow circles, only pausing his ministrations to wipe away the sweat that was beading on his brow.
He fought to stay level-headed, but in all honesty, Copia felt like he was going to pop a vein any second. Lucifer, he hoped he wouldn’t have another nosebleed; one was embarrassing enough.
Rob looked as though he was actually turning green with envy, watching with crossed arms and a scowl tugging at his features as the pathetic rat man worked his hands down to your shapely thighs, squeezing slightly before going back up to your voluptuous ass, your girlish sighs only seeming to encourage the man to continue fondling you. Rob clenched his jaw. Was the Cardinal abusing his position as a higher member of clergy to take advantage of you? Why else would you let such a disgusting little man touch you like this?
And just when Rob felt like he was going to snap, the timid man pulled his hands away, wringing them nervously in his lap before speaking up.
“Well, ehm… I-I think you’re all set there, Sorella…” Copia murmured once all the sunscreen was soaked into your skin.
“Mmm, thank you so much, Cardinal! That was a dream!” You sighed with a smile, turning over onto your back and stretching. “You give a great massage. I’ll have to return the favour sometime.” You grinned up at him wickedly before sitting upright, looking like some sort of Satanic pinup girl. “I know sitting at a desk doing paperwork for all those hours must not feel great on your back.” You pouted, ghosting your fingertips down the poor man’s spine and causing him to shiver and flinch, his gaze darting all around as he stammered out a bunch of random syllables in an attempt to respond to you.
“I- w- eh- th- ehm- I-I- eh, w-well, y-y-y-yes b-but, ehhh… heh heh, y-you don’t have to, eh-” He stuttered horribly, but you only giggled.
“I insist!” You chirped.
“Ya know, it’s not just sitting at a desk that’ll ruin your back. It’s also probably because he’s so old. Greying hair, wrinkles, sore back, etcetera. It all sorta goes together.” Rob chimed in casually, trying to disguise his jab as a helpful observation.
Copia’s shoulders slumped in self consciousness; he hated his age being pointed out to you. It seemed as though your friends had quite an impressive knack for sniffing out his biggest insecurities and waving them around right in front of you.
“Well, all the more reason to do it!” You didn’t miss a beat. “I guarantee you’ll feel like a million bucks after I’m done with you.” You grinned naughtily.
Before the pathetic man could respond, Ava spoke up. “Didn’t you bring the camera? Let’s take some pictures!” She beamed.
“Yup! Here you go!” Mable replied, fishing the Polaroid out of her bag.
The sisters took turns snapping pictures of each other and Rob, and soon you were in the middle of a little solo photo shoot, striking cute pinup poses in your teeny tiny bikini. For a few of the shots, you even used your bottle of cherry cola as a prop, the striped straw suggestively between your glossy, pouty lips.
“Papa’s gonna love these.” Lilith chuckled.
“You wouldn’t!” You gasped, moving into another innocent-yet-sexually-charged pose.
“I will! I’m gonna put them under his napkin at breakfast tomorrow and watch him spit out his coffee!” The girl responded, laughing.
“Lilith no! You’ll give poor Papa a heart attack like that!” Mable giggled.
Copia shyly sat to the side during all this, mindlessly poking his fingers into the warm sand, watching you through his lashes. He felt a pang of jealously stab through his heart at the thought of Terzo getting pictures of you. He tried to shake it off, but it was enough to make his lower lip quiver and his eyes well with hot tears that threatened to spill onto his flushed cheeks.
“Rat man! Can you take a group picture of us?” Emily waved the Cardinal over as you all got into position. Copia sniffled, blinking wetly before pulling himself to his feet and taking the camera. He focused on your gorgeous, smiling face as he looked into viewfinder, snapping the picture. Once it exited the slot, Copia pulled it out and waved it around so it could develop, but Rob plucked it out of his fingers before he could see it.
The Cardinal turned, dejectedly trudging back to his spot, but that’s when your sweet voice called out to him.
“Co-Co, come here! Take a picture with me!”
The man turned, gazing at you with those sorrowful puppy dog eyes. “M-me?” He asked pitifully.
“Yes you, silly. Come here.” You grinned, beckoning him closer with a come-hither motion.
Copia’s freckled cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as he frantically smoothed his hair back, wanting to look his best.
“Do you want him in the group pict-”
“No, I want it to be just me and the Cardinal.” You cut Mable off with a smile.
“Ehm… Okie dokie..” Copia hesitantly shuffled over to you, his hands anxiously clasped in front of him, making him look even more like a pitiful little rat than usual. You rose to your feet, biting your lip coyly and grabbing the Cardinal’s lovehandles, pulling him closer until his hips were touching yours. The man released a trembling exhale as his cock pressed into you, his painted eyes glued to where your bodies were connected.
“Let’s do one like this.” You decided. Copia stiffly stood facing the camera, and you took his arm and placed it around your waist while you wrapped your arms around his middle, looking back at the camera with a coquettish smile. Yup, a shameless ass shot. But who could blame you when you looked that good? With the pretty ocean view in the background, Mable snapped the picture.
“Take another one!” You said, and with an additional bright flash, the auburn-haired sister captured an additional photograph.
You took the Polaroids from her, waving them around until they developed. You studied them closely, a grin spreading across your face.
“Do I… ehm- D-do I.. look okay?” Copia murmured nervously.
“You look very handsome, Cardinal.” You giggled, handing him one of the pictures. You loved the nervous, deer-in-the-headlights look that Copia had in the photos, his cheeks flushed bright red as he awkwardly stood there with his arm around you.
“T-thank you, Sorella, a-although I would beg to differ…” Copia shook his head, incredibly flustered at your compliment, his eyes widening considerably when his gaze scanned over the picture. With your ass towards the camera and your kittenish smirk, the Cardinal felt as though he was seeing something he shouldn’t. He tried to hand the Polaroid back to you, but you shook your head.
“One for each of us.” You told him.
The Cardinal looked at you with those big, eager puppy eyes and parted lips, a spark of excitement coursing through him. He followed you back to your beach towel, studying the precious Polaroid intently before tucking it away safely with his things. He would definitely be looking at it every night before he went to sleep and every morning before he pulled himself out of bed.
You sat down, watching as the other sisters carded through the pictures from your little photoshoot.
“Wow, these turned out fantastic!” Ava commented, with Rob leaning over her shoulder to get a closer look.
“Yeah, I’m sure Papa will appreciate them!” Lilith giggled wildly, reaching to grab as many as she could.
“No!” You laughed, scrambling to grab the rest of the Polaroids before she could get them.
Lilith smirked triumphantly as she tucked away half of the photos into her bag, causing you to roll your eyes. You looked over your copies before handing them to your dear Cardinal.
“Ehm- Wh-”
“You can keep them. They’re all just ones of me anyway.” You shrugged before turning back to your friends. “I’ll take one of the group pictures though, for my diary.”
“The one you write in with the pink glitter gel pen?” Mable teased.
You gasped at her spot-on guess. “Duh! What else would I ever use?” You giggled.
Copia’s expression was priceless as he flipped through the photographs, his feverish flush spreading to the tips of his ears and chest as he bit his lip, taking in your flirtatious expressions and seductive poses. Sweet Satan, he’d cherish these forever!
The Cardinal decided then that he would make it a nightly routine to raptly examine every detail of these pictures before he fell asleep. That way- he hoped- he’d dream of you. And perhaps he’d also… No, no, he couldn’t. Copia couldn’t possibly pleasure himself to your image. He couldn’t bring himself to take advantage of your kindness like that; he didn’t want to act like a depraved pervert. But lately at night Copia had been feeling so hot, so needy, utterly consumed with thoughts of you. He desperately sought some sort of satisfaction, sometimes even thrusting against his mattress while he muffled his whines with his pillow, tears pricking at his eyes while they rolled back in his head. He tried not to finish- although a few times he accidentally blew his load- because he didn’t want to tarnish your image by cumming to the thought of you. The poor man just needed a few thrusts to alleviate the throbbing ache in his hard cock, just enough to satiate him through the night. It always left him whimpering and febrile as he drifted off to sleep.
“What, don’t I get one? I’ll trade you!” Rob asked, gesturing to the photos you had just handed to Copia.
“If you wanna play Pokémon cards with my swimsuit pictures, you’re more than welcome to do so with the Cardinal. And Papa I guess, whenever Lilith gives him his stash.” You smirked, causing your other Sisters of Sin to laugh.
“Sorry Rob, but I doubt the Cardinal would ever give those pictures up. You’d probably have to pry them out of his cold, dead hands.” Emily remarked in amusement.
After realizing he had been intensely staring at your pictures for an inappropriate amount of time, Copia scrambled to deposit them in his wallet along with the one of you and him, careful not to bend or crease them in any way.
After a while, you stood up, your pouty lips quirking upwards into a kittenish smirk as you caught Copia staring at your buxom figure, practically drooling.
“Well, I think I’m gonna go for a dip in the water!” You announced. “Care to join?” You asked, your eyes catching Copia’s.
“S-Si…” He nodded, rising to his feet and trailing alongside you as you waded into the sparkling, viridescent water. It was refreshing yet still warmly inviting, lacking the usual cruel bite of chilliness that the seawater sometimes had.
“Oh, it’s wonderful!” You sighed, taking a deep breath and relaxing into the water. You stole a glance back at Copia, pleased to see that he was enjoying himself, a small smile having crept onto his countenance. After being so hot and bothered by you, the man gratefully welcomed the revitalizing sensation of the ocean.
You made your way into the water until you were about chest-deep, the two of you sharing a comfortable silence as you both swam around a little bit, dipping under the water and splashing around. You taught Copia how to do a somersault, giggling at his attempts and cheering for him when he finally got the hang of it.
You admired Copia as he slicked his wet hair back, the sultry summer weather making you feel frisky.
“Thank you for bringing us here, Cardinal.” You gazed at the man with your big doe eyes, drifting closer to him.
“It- ehm, i-it was nothing, Sorella… T-Thank you for having me.” Copia shook his head, nervously running a hand through his hair.
“Aah!” You suddenly yelped, jumping into the Cardinal’s arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
“W-what??” Copia asked you worriedly, his hands subconsciously finding your waist as he held you protectively.
“I felt something touch my leg!” You told him. You knew it was most likely a clump of seaweed, but being in your darling Cardinal’s arms made you feel safe and warm, among other things.
“W-well, don’t worry, Sorella, ehm, I’ve got you.” Copia reassured you, his deep blush quickly returning. You only tightened your legs around the man, stifling a pleasured gasp as you felt his stiff throbbing and twitching right against your clit.
“What if there are sharks?” You mused, brushing a stray lock of wet hair off the man’s forehead, noticing how the lines on his face began to deepen as he let out a strained exhale.
“I-I-I will p-protect you, Sorella.” He nodded, doing his best to dispel your fears while also trying so hard not to moan or grind against your core. With each flowing ocean wave, your body was pressed against him more, shifting back and forth deliciously. Your touch was enough to drive the man insane; he was hyper aware of all the places that your body was connected to his.
“You’re going to protect me… from a shark?” You smirked, raising an eyebrow, shaking your arms around his shoulders just a bit tighter.
“Well, I- Ehm-” The Cardinal suddenly felt silly.
“What if it takes a bite out of you?” You asked. “Like this?” You leaned in close, grazing your teeth against Copia’s neck, giving him a gentle nip.
“Ah-!” He whimpered, his arms encircling your waist even more tightly, drawing you impossibly closer. You met his eyes once more when you felt his big cock jump.
“Are you alright, Cardinal?” You giggled seductively. “Is everything copacetic?”
Copia nodded, dazed by you, intoxicated by your close proximity.
And you, well you had to admit that you weren’t in much better shape. You couldn’t help the excited little gasp that tumbled from your lips at the feeling of the Cardinal’s thick cock pressing into your hypersensitive clit.
“Poor Cardinal.” You tutted. “Here, you can get me back for biting you.” You grinned, moving your hair away from your neck and offering yourself to Copia.
He stiffened, then, staring at you with those wide, dumbstruck eyes. Unsure of what to do, he very slowly leaned in in in, his lips hesitantly ghosting against your soft skin. You felt him shiver as he breathed you in, your lips parting in a soft sigh when you felt his teeth cautiously make contact with your neck. He lingered there for a moment, but the feeling of his thin moustache against your sensitive flesh had you suddenly squirming.
“Your moustache is tickling me!” You let out a squealing giggle and he pulled away bashfully, unable to meet your gaze.
“What the fuck are they doing?” Rob asked, squinting as he tried to make out what you and Copia were getting up to.
“Ew. I literally have no idea.” Emily responded, equal parts disgusted and confused.
“Well come on, let’s get in the water! It’s so hot out here!” Ava chirped.
You pulled away from Copia once you spotted all your friends joining you, leaving the man craving your closeness once more, hungry for your touch.
“The water’s great, isn’t it?” You beamed before turning back to Copia, but before you could vocalize what you were going to say to him, you felt someone tugging the strings of your bikini top. Before you could reach for it, the small top sprung off you as it was pulled undone, landing somewhere in the water and leaving your breasts exposed. Your arms flew up to cover yourself, but Copia had already caught a glimpse.
He flinched, mouth hanging open, eyes wide as pies as another spurt of blood gushed from his nose.
You turned, casting a dirty glance at your perpetrator, which happened to be a hysterically laughing Rob.
“You scoundrel!” You tried to smack at him with the arm that wasn’t covering your tits, before you tried to locate your bikini top in the water. You frantically searched before a dazed, blushing, and bloody Copia nervously held up the small scrap of fabric, holding it out to you with shaking hands. You gratefully took it from him, your own eyes widening at the stream of scarlet oozing down his face for the second time today. The poor man’s mismatched eyes couldn’t help but remain trained on your barely-covered breasts as he gaped at you. And thank Satan the waist-deep water obscured his lower half, because his cock was now fully hard and would probably be embarrassingly noticeable.
“You rotten boy, you!” Mable scolded Rob as she rushed over to help you tie your top, while you moved to cup Copia’s face in your hands.
“Oh, Cardinal, are you alright??” You looked him over worriedly, wiping his blood away and splashing some seawater onto his face.
“I…… I-I-….” He stammered, seemingly paralyzed. Copia couldn’t seem to get the brief image of your bare breasts and pert, pink nipples out of his head.
Once Mable was finished securing your bikini, you moved a bit closer to the Cardinal, only to find yourself being poked by something big, thick, and hard.
You gasped and looked downward, heat pooling deep within you when you realized it was Copia’s impressive length that was poking at you.
You stepped forward, closing the gap between you, a coy smirk gracing your features at the way Copia bit his lip to stifle a moan, a shock of pleasure coursing through him as his cock fully pressed into you.
“Well, it seems like you enjoyed that eyeful, you perverted little rat.” You whispered into Copia’s ear, your hands snaking up to his freckled shoulders.
The man stiffened, his blood running cold as you acknowledged his obvious arousal.
“S-Sorella, p-please, I- M-Mi dispiace, Sorella, I didn’t- I-I didn’t mean to- I- P-P-Please forgive me.” The pitiful man quietly pleaded, the pretty lines on his face deepening significantly with guilt and shame, his eyes filled with doleful contrition.
“I forgive you.” You replied, your smouldering gaze burning into him, so close that the tips of your noses were just barely brushing together. “I won’t blame you for being a depraved virgin.” You bit your lip.
The Cardinal released a piteous whimper, his eyes fluttering closed momentarily. You felt his cock jump against you as he gasped out another quiet apology.
With a devilish little smirk, you regarded the man through your thick lashes.
Copia strained, every muscle in his body longing to rut himself against you until completion, but every voice in his head screaming at him not to do it. He one hundred percent; absolutely; in no way, shape, or form, could ever do anything like that to you. He couldn’t let you think he was a dirty old creep. But Satanas, you had such a profound effect on the man. Copia couldn’t take it anymore, not when you were gazing at him with those pretty fuck-me eyes, your delectable body pressed against his.
Oh, how your heart swelled for your poor Cardinal. You wanted him, you needed him, you wished you could have him right this instant. For a brief moment, you leaned a bit closer, craving Copia’s inexperienced lips once more.
The man’s eyes widened considerably. Were you going to- Could you be…? Kissing him?
But then your name was being shouted and just as you turned, a black and white beach ball was soaring through the air, headed straight towards you. It narrowly missed you, instead hitting the Cardinal in the head and bouncing off him to land in the water.
You were unable to stifle the giggle that erupted from your lips, and the Cardinal blushed shyly with an awkward smile, nervously running a hand through his damp hair. He loved making you smile that beautiful smile, even if he had to be made a fool to achieve it.
You all stood in a circle and volleyed the ball around for a while, which Copia was actually surprisingly good at. You were terribly competitive, and you made a good team with your Cardinal. You even managed to spike the ball, causing Rob to miss a handful of times.
After you reached 13 points- your lucky number- you pulled Copia into a congratulatory hug.
“We won!” You squealed, giggling as he timidly wrapped his arms around you too, a little grin finding its way into his handsome features.
And after a while of frolicking around in the glimmering water some more, you decided to sunbathe again, beginning to swim to shore. Copia obsequiously trailed behind you, following you like a lost puppy because he was so eager to be near you. You ran to your towel, picking it up off the ground and wrapping it around both you and the Cardinal to dry off.
The man blushed as you drew him in close, allowing himself the pleasure of gazing at your splendorous beauty with needy eyes; his lips twitching, aching to be kissed. Ever since he got a taste of you at the sleepover, Copia had been fiercely desiderating you. Every moment without your lips on his felt dull; as if things weren’t as they should be.
“You look like a drowned rat.” You commented softly, reaching up to his pretty face and wiping away some wet streaks of black paint that were beginning to drip down Copia’s freckled cheeks.
The Cardinal sighed quietly, leaning into your gentle touch. “W-well, eh.. Y-You look just as beautiful wet as you do d-dry, Sorella.” He dared to say, nothing but earnestness in his mismatched eyes.
“You like me wet, Cardinal?” You asked coyly, batting your eyelashes at him.
Copia’s breath caught in his throat as he realized the double entendre. “N-No, I! I didn’t mean, I-I was t-trying to say-”
You giggled. “I know what you mean, Co-Co, I’m only teasing.” You smirked, placing the towel back onto the sand before laying down on it, allowing the hot sun to warm you.
“Oh.. Heh heh… Ehh, good one.” Copia sat beside you with a nervous chuckle.
Your friends joined you shortly after, catching some rays and talking amongst themselves.
That is, until Rob started impressing your sisters by doing pushups.
“Wow, you’re so strong!” Emily beamed, clasping her hands together excitedly.
“That’s nothing, ladies! Watch this!” Rob chuckled, beginning to do one-handed pushups.
“Oh my Satan, that’s incredible!” The other sisters squealed in unison, causing you to roll your eyes so hard you thought you might tear your optic nerves.
“Hey. You work out, Rat Man?” Rob asked, coming to stand in front of the two of you, not-so-subtly flexing his muscles.
“Ah, no, I… I, ehm… I don’t…” Copia responded self consciously, timidly shaking his head.
Rob looked the man over. “Well… you should. Might help you out with the ladies.” He shrugged. “Y’know, I do 666 pushups every morning for the glory of Satan.” He bragged, his chiseled chest puffed out like a proud peacock.
The inhibited Cardinal folded his arms over himself, his self esteem nosediving even more than it already had. He remained meek and quiet, unsure of what to say. Surely, he was no match for the boy. Copia felt silly for desiring you so madly when, in reality, you would probably fancy someone younger, better looking, and much more socially apt; like Rob.
But while Rob was boasting something about ‘pumping iron’ and how much girls like ‘swole guys’, you scooter closer to Copia, cupping a hand over his ear.
“Don’t let him bother you. He’s just jealous that I kissed you at the sleepover.” You whispered with a smirk.
Copia’s eyes widened and he turned to look at you, the tip of his pointy nose gently bumping into yours. “D-Davvero..?” He asked, his face reddening as you brought up the best moment of his life.
“Uh huh.” You whispered into his ear once more, pulling him close and hooking your other arm around his neck. “I know the girls told him all the juicy details. He’s probably so mad that you got to have something that he wants but can’t have. You know, I wouldn’t even kiss him if I was dared to.” You giggled quietly.
The poor Cardinal felt as through he’d faint. What was that supposed to mean? You would be willing to break the rules of truth or dare to get out of kissing Rob, yet you didn’t do that when you were dared to kiss him. Could that mean…? Copia inwardly scolded himself. No, no, it couldn’t possibly mean you wanted to kiss him. Surely, you just held more pity for him than you did for Rob. You probably figured that Rob had the potential for other prospects, whereas Copia was a loser who would never be kissed otherwise. It was an act of charity. Nothing more.
“S-Sorella you.. You don’t need to flatter me…” He murmured, looking at you through his lashes, and you only had the chance to grin at the man flirtatiously before you were being interrupted.
“What are you whispering about?” Rob asked once he realized you weren’t listening to him, crossing his arms.
“Oh, just something that happened at the sleepover.” You stated casually. “You wouldn’t understand because you weren’t there.” You articulated with a coy little smirk, causing Rob to let out an annoyed huff.
Copia stared at you in awe. Rob was actually envious of him? Surely, anyone would be envious of the person who got to kiss you, however, Copia wasn’t at all used to the thought of others being jealous of him. Even his high rank in the clergy never compelled a single soul to covet anything about him.
Rob sniffed indignantly, passively muttering something under his breath, trying to act casual and save face as he sat back down in his spot.
“Ew, are you actually having a conversation about your little spit-swapping sesh?” Emily scoffed.
“Yeah, maybe.” You shot back with a sly grin, thrilling Copia with your temerity.
“Giving him some tips, perhaps?” Lilith joked.
“Hmm, I could tutor him. He could be my little pet project.” You hummed, thoughtfully placing a finger to your chin. “I’ll make him the best kisser in the whole damn ministry.”
“Even better than Papa?” Ava giggled, egging you on.
“Yeah, even better than Papa. Don’t tell him I said that, though.” You giggled.
“And how do you expect to turn that,” Emily gestured to the pathetic Cardinal, “into the best kisser in the whole damn ministry?”
You shrugged. “I dunno, but I always heard practice makes perfect.”
You devil, you. Copia stared at you in shock, his breath catching in his throat, chest tightening, face going scarlet. Sweet Lucifer Morningstar, he was- Well, aside from extremely flustered, he was impressed. Copia often wondered where you got so much moxie at such a young age, because, despite being a fifty year old man, he would never have the nerve to be so bold. The Cardinal quite admired that dauntless, borderline reckless quality of yours. He only wished he could be so audacious, but his near-crippling introversion always prevented him; so instead he lived vicariously through you in such moments.
“I like your freckles.” You murmured endearingly. “It seems like there’s more of them now.” You remarked, looking over the smattering on his sun-reddened shoulders and the bridge of his nose.
“O-Oh, g-grazie, Sorella…” Copia’s eyes flicked down to his lap, bashfully wringing his hands together while his poor heart skipped a beat. But… More of them? Oh, for the love of Satan, he forgot to-
“Ah, shit!” Copia huffed out, urgently searching for the sunscreen. “I-I forgot to- to put this on…” He squirted some into his palm, smearing it onto his exposed skin.
“I-I don’t tan well… I just get red and, ehh, a lot more freckles… and I burn.” He explained, rubbing a healthy amount down his legs.
You caught yourself staring at his thighs and the… hefty package between them. Licking your flushed lips, you squirmed in your spot a bit, becoming painfully aware of the blisteringly hot, needy ache deep inside you. Sweet Satan, you were horny for this pitiful little man. As much as you flustered Copia, he somehow managed to have the same maddening effect on you, winding you up with indescribable lust; igniting a whorish spirit in you.
However, despite your flirtatious and sexually confident behaviour towards the Cardinal, you had only ever been with one man; someone in the ministry, someone much older than you. But… it wasn’t a Sibling of Sin. It was short lived, just enough to allow your sexual awakening to blossom, enough to allow you to realize the profound effect you had on others. It was just enough to prepare you for Copia, and now you were ready for him. You wanted him. You wanted to ravish each other in ways that would make Lucifer himself blush.
Shaking the thoughts from your head, you composed yourself and calmed your heaving breasts, inching a bit closer to your Cardinal.
“Oh! Well, we can’t have you burning! Here, you helped me earlier, let me return the favour.” You offered, reaching over and smoothing some cream onto his shoulders, calming the fretful little rat with your enchanting touch. He sighed while you smoothed your hands down his arms before gently dabbing some onto his cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, taking extra special care of his pretty face.
“There. You’re all set.” You smiled, placing a hand on Copia’s thigh, not missing the way he flinched at how your fingertips almost brushed against the spot where he needed you most.
“W- Eh- G-G-Grazie, Sorella…” He stammered nervously, looking slightly alarmed as he gazed into your eyes.
“No problem.” You murmured, keeping your naughty little hand there for a moment longer before pulling away and laying down to sunbathe.
After a while of relaxation, you suddenly sat up, regarding Copia.
“Hey, do you know CPR?” You enquired.
“Oh, ehm, n-no I don’t.” The man shook his head.
“Want me to teach you?” You offered. “It’s an important thing to know in case of emergency.”
“O-Okay.” Copia nodded, seemingly impressed by your skill.
Smiling excitedly, you pushed the Cardinal down to lay on his back, kneeling beside him and leaning over to look into his anxious eyes.
“Alright, I’ve just pulled you out of the water. You’re unconscious.” You stated. “First I’ll listen to see if you’re breathing.” You leaned down further, waiting ten seconds.
“Am… Am I breathing, Sorella?” Copia whispered.
“No, you’re not.” You giggled. “So now I’ll start CPR.” You interlocked your fingers together with one hand on top of the other, beginning to mime chest compressions over Copia’s sternum.
“The compressions can’t be too high or too low, just right in between the nipples.” You said, noticing the way Copia’s eyes were fixated on your bouncing breasts. “And the ratio is thirty compressions to two breaths.”
Copia nodded, attempting to stay focused and retain the information. After counting thirty, you halted your movements and gently lifted the Cardinal’s chin, looking into his eyes.
His heart began to hammer wildly in his chest as you dipped down, slowly pressing your lips to his.
Copia gasped against your soft lips, and you stayed there for a moment before pulling away. “One.” You whispered, before placing the second kiss to his open mouth. “And two.” You pulled away, regarding the confounded man with a small smirk on your face.
“There. Did I revive you?” You asked dreamily. Before Copia could nod, you spoke again. “Or.. do you think you need another round?”
Were you saying what Copia thought you were saying? Were you asking if he wanted you to kiss him again?
“W-Well, ehm… P-Perhaps you can, eh, show me again?” The Cardinal warily agreed with you, thinking it too good to be true.
“If the victim remains unconscious, you’ll have to keep doing this until paramedics arrive with an ambulance.” You said, beginning the mock chest compressions again. And although your movements were quick, thirty went by slowly for the Cardinal while he tried not to leer at your breasts and eagerly awaited your lips.
Sure enough, right on cue, you were gently grasping Copia’s chin and dipping down again, your parted lips against his.
Copia sighed in ecstasy, tasting your fruit punch gloss as his painted eyes fluttered closed. And- was it just his imagination, or were these kisses longer than the last ones?
You pulled away for a brief moment before repeating the action, and Copia had to stop himself from wrapping his arms around you. These weren’t supposed to be actual kisses, and he was supposed to be unconscious anyway.
“Are you alive now?” You murmured against the man’s lips, pulling away just enough to look into his pretty mismatched eyes, which were now gazing up at you.
“I-I think so, but… I am not so sure…” He responded quietly. “Because, ehm, w-well, it seems as though I am looking at a b-beautiful fallen angel, si? Perhaps I died and went to paradiso infernale after all…” A shy smile crept onto his face, his blush deepening.
You grinned. Your little rat was getting daring.
“Are you flirting with me, Rat?” You questioned quizzically.
“Eh-! I-I am just telling the truth, Sorella.” Copia faltered, casting his gaze off to the side.
“Hm. You’re sweet.” You smiled, stroking a finger down the Cardinal’s cheek and under his chin, causing him to release a little sigh.
“What in Satan’s name are you even doing?” Emily interjected.
“Teaching Co-Co CPR. Duh?” You shrugged, sitting upright.
“Yeah, no shit, but last time I checked you don’t have to literally kiss while demonstrating it.” She countered, looking disgusted that your lips had actually touched Copia’s, voluntarily this time.
“Yeah, you never did that for me when you taught us how to do it.” Rob smirked. “Maybe I need a refresher, how do you do it again?”
“You literally just got a refresher right now. Don’t think I didn’t see you staring.” You shot back with a smirk of your own.
“Why does he even need to learn CPR? He’s never around anyone and I don’t think it works on rats.” Lilith chimed in, earning giggles from your other friends.
“Well what if something happened to you and no one was around? In case of emergency, he’d know how to do it.” You argued.
“I don’t know about Lilith, but I think I’d rather die than let him do mouth to mouth on me.” Emily scoffed. “So, Rat, if you ever see me passed out somewhere, just walk away.” She laughed.
You rolled your eyes, placing a gentle hand on Copia’s arm while he dejectedly stared down at his lap, averting his humiliated gaze from everyone. He didn’t want them to see the hurt in his eyes while they openly discussed their disgust towards him.
“It’s my turn. Are you gonna revive me?” You whispered close to his ear.
Copia met your eyes briefly and nodded, causing an excited grin to bloom on your pretty face. You laid down on your back, closing your eyes and appearing as insensate as possible. “Alright, I’m unconscious.”
“O-Oh! Ehm!” Copia exclaimed, leaning over you, unsure of what to do. “Ehhh….”
“You have to listen for my breathing first, remember?” You whispered, eyes fluttering open. Grabbing Copia by the collar of his swimsuit, you pushed his face directly into your tits, grinning when you heard a muffled gasp coming from your cleavage.
“Am I breathing?” You asked.
“No…?” Copia responded, his face still pressed against your breasts. Unholy Satanas, what a dream! His heart was pounding in his ears, cock throbbing as he melted into you.
You bit your lip to suppress a giggle when Emily muttered something about the whole situation looking like the beginning of a pornographic film.
“Okay, so you can start CPR now.” You instructed, releasing the man.
Coming up for air, Copia was dazed, his mind blissfully blank as he attempted to regain his composure. He could have kept his face buried in your perfect tits for eternity. And if he would have suffocated? Oh, what a way to go!
Clearing his throat, he interlocked his fingers together just as you had done, getting into position, and-
“That’s too low.” You interrupted, taking Copia’s hands placing them on your breasts, his fingertips brushing against your nipples through the thin fabric of your bikini top.
“S-Sorella, I-!” Copia gasped, eyes widened in alarm, and you slowly dragged his hands across your chest to meet in the middle.
“Right in between the nipples, remember?” You reminded the poor man, and he nodded quickly, biting his lip and lacing his fingers together over your sternum.
Oh, but how could he possibly concentrate when he felt so dirty? You were trying to teach him a valuable skill, and yet here he was being a little creep about it. He hoped you wouldn’t notice, and if you did, he desperately prayed you wouldn’t hold it against him. It wasn’t his fault he was so touch-starved, so deprived of anything close to affectionate all his life. And it also wasn’t his fault that you were so gorgeous. No man would stand a chance against your infernal beauty.
Straightening his arms, he began to nervously practice the chest compressions, counting quietly in Italian under his breath.
“You’re doing very good.” You commented, causing the Cardinal to falter slightly in his movements, his face turning bright red at your praise.
He grew more and more anxious as he approached thirty, knowing what would have to come next.
“Ventotto.. ventinove.. t-trenta.” He finished, staring at you almost fearfully once he was done.
You looked at Copia expectantly, but the man was frozen like a deer in the headlights.
“What, do you forget what you’re supposed to do next?” You questioned. “Were you paying attention while I was teaching you or were you just staring at my tits the whole time like a dirty old man?” You smirked.
Copia’s eyes widened, his lips twitching. He knew what he had to do next but… yes, he had, in fact, been ogling your breasts. Could you blame the poor man? The view had been simply breathtaking.
“I-I-I know w-what to do, eh-”
“Then do it.” You told him. “Come on Rat, resuscitate me, I can feel myself slipping away. I think I see Satan waiting for me at the fiery gates!” You giggled.
Copia sucked in a breath, leaning over you and tilting your chin up with a gentle yet shaking hand. He kept repeating to himself in his head that was just CPR. Nothing more. But his hot flush only worsened when you parted your delectable lips for him. The humid summer air was only made thicker with tension as you gazed up at the Cardinal with those pretty fuck-me eyes, waiting patiently for your salvation.
The pitiful man ever so slowly closed the gap between you both, your senses electrifying as his lips touched yours. You couldn’t escape the small hum of satisfaction, and Copia accidentally released a whimper.
Maybe you weren’t all that different from Terzo after all, because you were so incredibly tempted to snake your arms around the Cardinal and turn mouth-to-mouth into a passionately sinful tongue-kiss.
You had far better resolve than your Papa, however, so you remained still. After all, you loved teasing him like this; allowing him to almost kiss you, but not quite.
Copia pulled away for half a second before eagerly pressing his lips to yours once more, so needy for any sort of contact with you. And you, you were needy for this too. The way his thin moustache tickled your face, the intoxicating scent of his cologne mixed with the fresh smell of sea water, the way he was tilting your chin up so delicately, as if you’d break if he handled you too roughly. What a sweet little mouse; Copia touched you as if you were a priceless treasure.
Reluctantly, he pulled away for good when he heard your friends making comments about how he was a pervert. About how he was enjoying this way too much.
But as soon as he was back in his place, you made a show of sitting upright and falling happily into his arms.
“My hero! You saved me.” You sighed dreamily, wrapping your arms around his neck and brushing a handsome lock of hair from his forehead.
Cupping his jaw in one hand, you pressed a rewarding kiss to his lips. Copia swore he heard the sound of a tea kettle whistling while stars painted his vision; his heart hammering in his chest, hearts in his eyes, and cock throbbing, nearly driving him to insanity. It was lucky that the kiss was brief, otherwise he would have started thumping his foot like an excited dog.
You grinned naughtily at him while he stared at you in giddy awe, huffing out a little chuckle and looking like the happiest man from here to Hell.
Your friends rolled their eyes at your theatrics, muttering things amongst themselves while Rob crossed his arms, trying not to look, but failing. They just couldn’t wrap their minds around the fact that the most popular girl in the ministry would ever waste time with a loser like Copia. They were still waiting for the other shoe to drop, holding onto their theories that you were planning to break his heart eventually.
“Hey, Rattie?” You nudged Copia.
“S-Si, Sorella?” He looked over to you attentively.
“Do you see that little snack place over there?” You pointed to a cute little shack not too far away. The man glanced to where you were directing him, then turned back to you and nodded.
“Could you see it in your heart to get me a soft serve vanilla ice cream? Pretty please?” You pouted.
A handsome little smile found it’s way onto Copia’s face. “Of course, Sorella.”
“Satan bless you, Cardinal!” You beamed. “Here, I still have the ministry credit card that Sister Imperator gave me.” You said, fishing the rich black card out of your bag and handing it to him.
“Wait, you’re getting ice cream?? I want some too!” Ava whined, followed by the rest of the sisters agreeing, all shouting their orders at the same time.
“S-So, eh, let me get this straight, si? Vaniglia, eh, sorbetto all’arancia, fragola, ehh, cioccolato, menta, e nocciola?” Copia asked, pointing to each person when he listed off their order. Surprisingly, he got it all correct, and began to walk to the snack stand. You giggled to yourself, hearing him quietly chant the string of ice cream flavours over and over again so he wouldn’t forget.
Copia returned after a while, carefully balancing two trays of ice cream cones in his hands, careful to not let them fall over. Rob, in a surprising act of charity, jumped up and helped the man distribute the cold treats to the other sisters.
The Cardinal was making sheep’s eyes at you while he handed you your cone, which you excitedly thanked him for.
He had gotten the same thing as you- vanilla soft serve- and he was just about to take his first lick, when Rob patted him roughly on the back, causing him to drop the entire thing into the sand.
“Thanks for the ice cream, Cardinal!” Rob said before sitting back down with your friends, not even noticing what he had done.
“Rob, you just made Co-Co drop his ice cream!” You scolded him.
“Huh?” Rob looked over. “Oh, sorry dude.”
“Eh, t-that’s okay, I go get another one, si?” The Cardinal nodded, turning just in time to see the ice cream man walking away after placing a sign on the bar that read ‘Gone for lunch.’
Sighing defeatedly, Copia sat down next to you.
“Share with me, Cardinal.” You offered, holding your cone out to him.
“No, no, I-”
“Oh, won’t you please, Cardinal? It’s so big and it’s already melting. I won’t be able to finish it in time anyway.” You insisted, already moving closer to him.
The man finally gave in with a timid nod, wrapping his hand around yours that was holding the cone, and swiping his tongue through the cold dessert.
You grinned, licking your side of the ice cream and enjoying the sweet taste.
However, your frozen treat was no match for the sweltering sun, and soon, melty white cream was dripping down your and Copia’s wrists. You made quick work to lick it off of yourself, only for more to trickle back down.
Stealing a glance at your Cardinal, you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of him. He had ice cream dripping down his lips and chin; and he tried to eat faster, but the poor man was being overwhelmed.
“Cardinal, you’re a mess.” You giggled softly, gently cupping his cheek with your hand, grabbing his attention. You moved closer to the blushing man, his mismatched eyes following the drops of ice cream that began to drip onto your breasts and cleavage, a few even falling onto your thighs. Copia swallowed hard, a wave of guilt washing over him as he imagined laving his tongue over your supple flesh, worshipping every inch of you.
You took him by surprise, then, leaning in and licking his lips, causing his widened eyes to snap up and meet your half-lidded ones.
“You’re a sticky mess.” You whispered against his lips, your naughty little tongue teasing at the corner of his mouth.
Copia’s lips parted in a quiet whimper, a pitiful gasp leaving him when you gave him another little lick. Lucifer, he was even more delicious than the ice cream.
“I, ehm… I-I don’t t-think you’re too much better, Sorella…” Copia replied nervously, struggling to meet your gaze.
“You’re right. I guess we’ll just have to lick each other clean.” Your sultry giggle made Copia’s cock twitch. With the ice cream you were holding now almost completely melted, it freely dripped onto the both of you. However, it still wasn’t quite as drippy as Copia’s throbbing cock.
Giving the ice cream one last lick- and accidentally drenching yourself in the process- you tossed the soggy cone into the sand and brought your little hand up, sucking your fingers clean one by one.
Your eyes never left Copia’s, and the man almost seemed hypnotized by the movement of your lips and tongue. You could practically read his mind; you just knew he was imagining you sucking his cock and finally giving him the release he so desperately craved, hungrily drinking down every last drop of his cum.
Biting your lip, you released another naughty giggle as you snaked an arm around the Cardinal’s neck, your parted lips ghosting along his jaw and chin under the guise of licking ice cream off him. He sighed, leaning into you, heady excitement bubbling inside him as your lips just barely touched his. It’s as if you were teasing him, taunting him, daring him to just let go of his inhibitions and kiss you. To kiss you how he really wants to; deeply and passionately and needily.
But the shy Cardinal restrained himself, not believing that’s what you truly wanted. He suspected that his perception of your playful behaviour was clouded by his own fantasies and yearnings. However, he still enjoyed your closeness, small sighs escaping him as his nose brushed against yours.
Copia wrapped an arm around your waist when he felt you tipping backwards, but you only pulled him with you as you laid back on your towel, and the man fell slightly on top of you, stuttering out timid little apologies while you grinned up at him adoringly. He was slotted right in between your legs, fitting together with you perfectly.
Running a finger through the melty cream on your breasts, you licked your fingers, snickering at the Cardinal’s pitifully concupiscent expression while you mercilessly teased him.
Copia blushed furiously. You were laughing at him, weren’t you? Laughing at the way he was so helplessly enthralled by you. Laughing at the way he huffed out quiet little whines every time his cock pulsed. And- oh, how embarrassing; he realized
you could probably feel his thick length throbbing against you, hot and hard and heavy with sheer need.
But his addiction to you mixed with the debilitating summer heat rendered him unable to move. He just laid there, staring down at you with blown out pupils and parted lips.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled Copia closer closer closer, so close that your sticky lips were just barely brushing against his. Every nerve in the man’s body was alit with fiery anticipation, wondering if you were going to kiss him.
“Move. I’m gonna go for a swim to rinse all this ice cream off, if you wanna come.” You murmured.
Disappointed, Copia only swallowed nervously, blinking silently at you.
“Do you want to come, Cardinal? Hm? Do you want to cum?” You smiled innocently, but that naughty gleam in your eyes glinted dangerously.
“Y-yes please, Sorella.” He nodded eagerly, utterly entranced by the sight of you underneath him, your hair spread all around your head like a halo.
“Then get off me, you little creep. I can’t move otherwise.” You giggled softly and rolled your hips against him to snap him out of his trance, causing the poor Cardinal to flush an even deeper shade of red, a strangled moan catching in his throat.
“M-Mi dispiace…” He mumbled, scrambling to get off you. You stood, taking his hand in yours; a soothing balm to his humiliation.
“Where are you guys going?” Rob asked.
“We’re gonna go do 69 behind the snack bar.” You deadpanned, completely shocking everyone, including Copia, who- once again- nearly got whiplash from turning to look at you so quickly.
“We’re going for a swim, duh, what else would we be doing at the beach?” You scoffed, huffing out a light laugh. “We’re all sticky from that melty ice cream and we need to wash off.”
“Oh, thank Lucifer! I thought you were being serious about doing 69 for a second!” Ava laughed, causing the other sisters to titter in amusement. Copia sniffed, feeling sensitive; feeling despondent at how the thought of doing anything intimate with him was used in jest.
“Maybe I wasn’t joking.” You shrugged mindlessly, driving the lot of your friends mad with your arbitrary capriciousness. The Cardinal looked to you once more, a glimmer of hope in his mournful eyes; that little spark of hope soon growing into a roaring wildfire when you took his hand once more and firmly pulled him along in the direction of the snack shop.
“Oh come on!” You heard one of your friends call after you, but you only walked away with greater determination, tugging the dazed Cardinal along with you.
Copia nervously licked his lips once you arrived behind the small building, his anticipation becoming too much to handle as you leaned up against the cool brick, pulling him closer.
“You look scared, Rat. Don’t worry, I won’t deflower you.” You smirked kittenishly, toying with the collar of the man’s swimsuit.
“You.. Eh, y-you won’t..? T-then, ehm, w-why are we..? W-won’t your amici think…?” He questioned, trying to conceal his utter disappointment behind a veil of lighthearted curiosity.
You shrugged. “Let them think what they want. If they want to imagine us devouring each other in the throes of passion, they’re more than welcome to.” You giggled nonchalantly, strategically planting the maddening image in Copia’s mind, and you swore the man was stifling a needy whine.
You gazed at each other in comfortable silence, enjoying the alone time, away from the condemnatory stare of your friends. You could see the yearning in the Cardinal’s mismatched eyes, and you were longing for him too. You were just having way too much fun to do anything about it for now. After a few tension-ridden moments, you took Copia’s hand in yours, pulling him towards the water, looking back at him and flashing him with your pretty smile, causing butterflies to erupt in the man’s stomach.
“Come on, let’s go for a swim!”
You sighed contentedly, the gentle waves rocking the two of you as you playfully splashed around. You could tell Copia was comfortable in this moment, because your friends were far enough away on the shore, unable to berate him or give him dirty looks.
You enjoyed seeing him like this; a relaxed smile on his handsome face, a healthy pink glow of bashful fondness painting his freckled cheeks every time your body brushed against his.
Suddenly, you spotted something in the crystal clear water, nestled into the ocean floor. You dipped underwater, snatching it up before the current fully buried it in the sand. Inspecting your find, you gasped in delight. How brilliant, a piece of sea glass! But this one was a marvellous cobalt blue in colour.
Reminded of how you’d given pieces of sea glass to the Papas, you waded over to Copia, excitedly presenting him with it.
The Cardinal glanced at the piece of glass, then at you. A gift?
“F-for me?” He asked.
You nodded. “I know it’s not your colour, but I think this is the prettiest one I’ve found so far.” You responded. “It reminds me of you.”
Copia blushed, graciously accepting your gift and taking his time to carefully admire it.
“It’s beautiful, Sorella. S-so I am not sure why it reminds you of me, heh heh..” He chuckled timidly. “I, eh, I quite like this colour actually.”
You smiled endearingly at how delicately Copia handled it.
“Maybe, ehm, maybe this will be my colour. Do you think it suits me?” A little grin tugged at his lips while holding the glass up to his face.
“I think it suits you very well, Cardinal.” You giggled.
“Well, now I feel bad, Sorella, I-I don’t have a gift for you.” The man nervously ran a hand through his damp hair, his painted eyes looking around, searching for something he could give you.
“Ah! Ehm, c-close your eyes please?” He asked, and you eagerly did as he told you, waiting patiently.
For a while, you could only hear the sounds of water, and you wondered what he could possibly be doing. And finally, you felt something wet splat on top of your head.
“No peeking, Sorella.” Copia hummed when he saw your eyelashes fluttering open for a moment.
Whatever he put on your head, he was arranging it around into some sort of-
“Apri i tuoi occhi ora.”
You opened your eyes, bringing your hands up to feel around your head. You smiled brightly, realizing Copia had given you a crown of seaweed.
“Ogni principessa merita una corona..” Copia shyly explained, wringing his hands together trepidatiously.
You fished around for more seaweed, gracefully crowning Copia with it once you’d found a clump.
The man looked at you, appearing slightly confused.
“Allora… Anche ogni principessa merita un principe.” You said, eyes twinkling playfully.
Copia’s love-stricken flush only deepened at your words, shaking his head softly and biting his lip in thought. “Non sono un principe, sono soltanto un ratto.” He smiled sadly.
“Mi piace ratti. Puoi essere il mio principe di ratti.” You giggled softly.
Copia smiled while looking down at the waist-deep water, fiddling with the piece of sea glass in his hands. His painted eyes flicked to yours momentarily, nothing but adoration in them. You truly knew how to make him feel like a prince.
The two of you made your way back to shore, joining your friends who were clearly in the middle of some gossip, because they all stopped talking as you grew nearer, clearing their throats. Their lively tittering turned into a few hushed snickers while they judgementally looked at Copia.
“What, did you guys get married or something?” Emily questioned.
“No,” you shook your head in amusement, “we just… crowned each other prince and princess of the ocean, I guess.”
“You kissed a rat and he turned into a prince, huh?” Lilith chimed in.
“Something like that. Although I think he’s sort of the perfect hybrid of both.” You giggled, affectionately twirling a lock of Copia’s hair around your finger before laying down on your towel.
“What’s that?” Rob asked, pointing to the sea glass Copia was fidgeting with.
“Eh? Oh, ehm, f-from Sorella.” He responded, a hint of pride in his wavering voice.
“And she didn’t get me anything?” Rob pouted. “Give it here.” He held his hand out.
“No, it’s Co-Co’s!” You placed your hand over top of Copia’s. “I gave it to him because I want him to have it.”
“Yeah and you also wanted him to have those Polaroids of you. Even though he’s probably gonna be a major creep and jerk off to them every night like a lonely virgin. Better stock up on tissues, y’know, for all the nosebleeds he’ll have.” Rob retorted with a shrug.
Copia’s face grew red hot. He’d never! ….well, perhaps one should keep in mind Charles Dickens’ famous saying, ‘never say never.’ But he would genuinely try very very hard not to! Of course, he planned to admire the pictures more often than would be considered appropriate, but he had already previously decided that he wouldn’t befoul your sumptuous image with sordidly perverted activities.
“Is that jealousy I’m sensing, Rob? You’re still salty that Cardi got all those good shots of me and you didn’t get any? Don’t be so petulant.” You teased, your tone an enigmatic mix of lighthearted and snide.
“Of course I’m not jealous of him…” Rob grumbled under his breath, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair, blue eyes rolling in annoyance.
The Cardinal found great solace in you defending him; he knew you probably recognized the fact that he was often too timorous to stand up for himself, so he appreciated your support more than you’d ever know. Perhaps he should put in a request to make you his assistant…
Tucking the little cobalt treasure away with his things, he gave you a grateful smile, his heart fluttering when you gave him a playful wink.
The sun was just beginning to smoulder low in the sky, its warm rays casting a pinky-orange glow over the whole beach. You’d all ended up going for one last swim before deciding to pack up and head back to the abbey. After wrapping yourself and Copia into your large towel and drying off, you and the other sisters made the boys face away and cover their eyes while you all peeled off your wet swimsuits and put your clothes back on.
“Oh, I didn’t bring any panties because I had my bathing suit on underneath earlier!” You remarked with a giggle. “I guess it doesn’t matter because we’ll be home soon and I’m going to shower straight away.”
Copia perked up at that, biting his lip at the thought of you in those tiny shorts with nothing underneath. Oh, what he’d give to
join you in the shower back at the ministry; kissing feverishly under the warm stream of water, bodies slippery and glistening with soap bubbles.
Once everyone was dressed, you all packed up your things, bringing them to Copia’s car before getting in yourselves. You sighed peacefully, resting your head on the Cardinal’s shoulder and nuzzling into the soft fabric of his hoodie.
“I’m gonna sleep sooo good tonight.” You murmured sleepily, earning sounds of agreement from your friends.
“Will you be okay to drive?” You asked, gazing up at Copia through your lashes, noticing his eyes appeared tired- and not just because of the dark paint he wore around them.
“Si, Sorella, I will be okay.” He reassured you with a nod, starting the car and taking off. With the radio playing low, the drive home was quiet, with you leaning comfortably against Copia on the bench seat of his car, periodically glancing up to admire him, grinning when you caught the man staring at your bare thighs.
You arrived back at the abbey, carrying your bag inside and bidding your friends a good night, before climbing the large staircase that would lead to your room. Copia’s quarters were also up the stairs, so you slowed your steps, allowing for a precious moment alone with the man.
“Thanks for driving us today, I had a really good time.” You said softly.
“I-It was a pleasure, Sorella. We will have to do again, si?” The Cardinal responded.
“Maybe just us next time.” You mused out loud.
Copia’s eyes lit up with excitement in the low light, his heart beating fast. You wanted to spent time alone with him? He exhaled shakily at the thought, but you didn’t let him think too much about it before you spoke.
“Buonanotte, Principe.” You beamed before turning and walking towards your room, a smile spreading across your face when you heard the blushing man utter a soft, “Buonanotte, Principessa.”
Slinking into your room, you couldn’t wait to take a warm shower and crawl into your plush bed. The only thing that would be missing? A shy Cardinal to snuggle with, of course.
Oh, if only the ministry’s old heating system could fail!
𖤐 to be continued 𖤐
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meanwhilewvba · 2 months
Joy's First Day pt. 2
by @anotherwvba
Monday, 9:56am
“Miss Swan?” A middle-aged man in a suit stepped out of a small conference room, Joy close behind, “Joy’s wrapped up all her new hire paperwork and is ready to go.”
“Excellent, Zach,” an easy smile crossed Melodie’s features as she stood. “Ow… we really need to get new chairs for the waiting rooms around here. These are stiff as a board.”
“You’ll have to take that up with Gabby,” Zach chuckled. “Something about proper posture and other stuff he said in French. I don’t know.” Zach then looked to Joy, “Now, Miss Pesca, be sure to log onto the company training server and complete your orientation videos before the end of the week. I.T. will issue you a laptop for you to use here and at home, just be sure to clock in online if you watch any of the videos away outside of your regular hours.”
“Sure thing, Mister Allan,” Joy answered crisply. Thank goodness this was normal, she thought, allowing herself to relax a little, Just like any other job I’ve had. Maybe that altercation I saw getting broken up was just a one-off.
“Miss Pesca? Did you hear me?” Zach asked.
Joy shook her head quickly, clearing cobwebs, then sheepishly smiled, “I’m sorry, Mister Allen. I was just thinking. You were saying?”
“Firstly, no more ‘Mister Allen’, please. Makes me feel old,” he smiled as he continued. “I was just saying that my business card is tucked in the front cover of your employee handbook. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Alright?” Joy nodded as Zach extended his hand, “Welcome to the WVBA.”
Joy nodded her thanks with a smile as Melodie gestured toward the door leading to the hallway, “If you’re ready, Joy, we can head to I.T. and get your laptop and credentials squared away.”
“Sounds great, Melodie,” Joy said, opening the door to the hall. Then just as quickly…
Scared out of her wits, Joy jumped back so far and so hard, she nearly bowled Melodie over. Melodie quickly stepped in front of her and opened the door, looking around quickly. When she looked down, her shoulders slumped in seeming resignation.
Melodie turned back to Joy who was now catching her breath. “Joy, are you alright? I’m so sorry. I promise this doesn’t happen that often.”
“Wh-what d-did I just s-see?” Joy asked, clearly still rattled.
“Those,” Melodie opened the door, pointing to the small, furry creatures running down the hallway, “are squirrels.”
Joy slowly moved to Melodie’s side, cocking her head, “Squirrels? We have a squirrel infestation?”
“Oh… no, it’s not an infestation,” Melodie’s voice was calm and steady, trying to calm Joy. “Those squirrels… and that beaver… are Bear Hugger’s pets.”
“Umm,” Joy squinted her eyes in puzzlement, “is the beaver dragging something?”
Glancing down the hallway, Melodie’s eyes widened as her head followed a bouncing box down the hall. “Crap! Come on, Joy. I might need a hand.”
Melodie takes off and Joy quickly follows, “Is that a… boombox?”
“Not just any boombox,” Melodie answered. “It’s Disco Kid’s boombox. Now, hurry! Catch that beaver!”
To Be Continued
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liaromancewriter · 9 months
What Could Have Been (8/?)
Series Premise: When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angst Words: 1,150
Series Masterlist
A/N: Submission to @choicesmonthlychallenge June prompt "roses". I'm also using @choicesflashfics week 47, prompt 2
Chapter 8: Snow on the Beach. Love is never really over unless you want it to be.
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Ethan Ramsey slowly sipped his scotch at Donahue’s and spied on Cassie Valentine with her friends in one of the booths in his line of sight. He pondered the current state of his love life, or lack thereof, a phenomenon entirely of his own making.
After that kiss a couple of weeks ago, things between Cassie and him had been strictly professional. Despite wanting to resolve things, he followed her lead and secretly planned how to break through her serenity.
He knew women preferred romance, but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out what that meant. He could follow the advice of countless saccharine pop songs and fantastical romantic comedies on how to get the girl.
The problem was he couldn’t see himself as the hero of a grand romantic gesture. It just wasn’t him. Standing outside a girl’s window with a boombox blasting on his shoulder sounded ridiculous to him and, frankly, stalkerish.
Sure, he sent flowers to women he’d been intimate with. His father had raised him right, after all.
His face flushed at the realization that he had never sent Cassie flowers after their first night together. Or their second, for that matter, and any of the ones they spent together before he left for Brazil.
What was it about Cassie that made him forget he was a gentleman?
The other man in her life clearly had no such hangups. Not one to gossip, his ears nevertheless pricked at hearing through the grapevine about the extravagant gift basket delivered to Dr. Valentine.
“Moira was there when it was delivered at reception,” Marlee whispered loudly, her eyes locked on the computer screen at the nurses’ station. “Easily a couple of hundred dollars worth of gourmet snacks, trinkets and bubbly in there.”
“She’s probably used to it,” Sarah commented, and Ethan’s brows knit in confusion.
He had been a resident, and expensive gift baskets were not the norm. Lost in thought, he almost missed the rest of Sarah’s comment but tuned in just in time for his world to spin on its axis. Again.
“….family owns Hudson Hotels. The Valentines are practically American royalty with more money than God.”
“I wonder why she’s slaving away as a resident,” Marlee speculated. “Lord knows she doesn’t need to work.”
Sarah shrugged as if it was a mystery to her. Ethan slunk away, not wanting to be caught listening to gossip. But his mind was reeling from everything he didn’t know about the woman who loved him.
Any chances of winning her back were lost unless he went big, too. But was competing with another man really the way to go? One who looked like he belonged in her world?
He might be rich now, but Ethan knew he wasn’t in the same league as the Valentines and never would be. But he was losing her, he thought with another furtive glance at where she stood, ready to leave with Trinh and Greene.
Whatever misgivings he still had about them, could he live with himself if he let her go without even trying?
Cassie Valentine loved days off. Granted, she only got one every week if she was lucky, so that made a golden weekend all the more special.
She luxuriated in her warm and comfortable bed, her mind floating with do-nothing thoughts. She had woken up early to FaceTime with Nate in Singapore, something they’d fallen into the habit of doing. It started out as texts and graduated to video calls.
He was coming home next week, and she owed him an answer on where they stood.
Nate made her laugh with his witty observations. His sincere compliments reminded her she was a desirable young woman. But being with him meant a long-distance relationship, stolen moments whenever he could spare them, accepting she’d always share his time and attention with his business.
Cassie was honest with herself, and the reality was she enjoyed the romance. It wasn’t the gifts per se but the idea that he often thought of her. The lack was in her that she wished the gesture was from Ethan whenever she flipped open the accompanying card.
And maybe that was the answer.
She once thought being with Ethan was enough. That she didn’t need romance if he wasn’t comfortable with it. But she needed it, always had.
She wanted to be kissed on a moonlit balcony in Miami with the gentle sound of waves lapping against the beach. To walk down the street with her hand clasped in Ethan’s, his thumb stroking her fingers absently. She doubted he was even aware of doing it.
Cassie wanted to flirt with Ethan at Donahue’s and stay past last call for one more drink because it was never enough. She wanted to go home with him to just sleep and wake up to the smell of coffee percolating in his fancy espresso machine.
She wanted that slow fall from soft moments to forever…
“Cassie, come quick,” Sienna called out excitedly from outside her bedroom door, interrupting her thoughts.
Reluctant to leave her bed, Cassie almost didn’t reply. But then she immediately felt guilty and shoved the covers aside. Her roommates were used to the tee shirt and shorts she habitually slept in, so she didn’t bother with a robe.
She marched out of her bedroom to the fragrant scent of red roses perfuming the apartment. Elijah stared wide-eyed at the flowers the delivery man set on the table. Sienna was beaming, her eyes soft as she bubbled in excitement at the romantic gesture.
Cassie signed the electronic receipt and ran back into her bedroom to grab cash for a tip. She led the delivery man out, leaned against the closed door, and took a deep breath.
Nate knew she wasn’t a red roses type of person and that she preferred subtlety in all things. So, who had sent her the lavish bouquets? She hadn’t counted, but from the brief glimpse, she guessed it was close to two dozen, if not more.
She wasn’t going to find the answer in the front hallway. She padded on bare feet back to the living room, where her roommates stared at the flowers with curiosity and interest.
“This is big-league romance, Valentine,” Jackie teased, standing in the kitchen with her coffee mug.
“There’s a card,” Sienna said, clapping her hands. “Thirty-two roses. I counted.”
Cassie grinned at Sienna’s enthusiasm, plucking an envelope clipped to the bouquet closest to her.
“Are they from Nate?” Sienna asked.
But Cassie didn’t reply. Her heart sank as she read the words on the card.
“Just because I let you go doesn’t mean I wanted to.”
It wasn’t signed, but she’d recognize Ethan’s handwriting anywhere. She saw it almost daily when he jotted ideas on the whiteboard or when he’d autographed Landry’s copy of Diagnostic Principles.
She got her earlier wish. Now what?
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All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey @youlookappropriate
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grislygoblin · 2 months
Warning....NSFW material ahead. By reading this, you certify that you are legally an adult. You further consent to viewing adult-themed material on your own accord. All characters depicted within are fictional adults, aged 18 years or older.
*** TW *** CW *** blackmail, breeding, choking (barely), fauxcest (father/daughter), food mention, fainting, hair pulling, infidelity, penetration (vaginal), rough sex, seduction, size difference
Todd was cleaning off the grill in the background yard getting ready for his daughter’s pool party. She was sixteen now and had made him promise not to embarrass her in front of her friends. He was to be the grill master, and had the whole thing staged with coolers full of various marinated meats and sodas. It was around 10:30 that his wife Tammy came outside. “I’m sorry honey but I’ve got to abandon you. My mother fell and fractured her forearm. I have to go to the hospital to get her sorted. Can you handle the girls on your own?” Todd made the most disappointed, betrayed face she’d ever seen. “Is there any body else that can go down there? I just thought I’d have to cook a little bit, then I could watch the game.” “Sorry honey, my sister is in Vegas and my brother is working today. I’m all she’s got” Todd let out a big sigh “ok then, I guess, I’ll watch em’ but that doesn’t mean I have to like it” she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Thanks honey, I owe you one”. 
The ‘guests’ began to arrive at 11:00. Teenage girls between the ages of 16 and 17 for the most part. All in all there were maybe 20 girls running around. It seemed to Todd that they were all talking, all of them, all the time, and he couldn’t hear himself think. Girls hadn’t been this annoying when he was their age had they? He showed everyone around, where the snacks and bathrooms were, then headed outside where the bbq grill was set up by the pool. he cranked up the music and blasted 80’s music from his pride and joy; his 1994 boombox with dual tape decks. The girls began making their way outside, swimming, sitting in the tiny jacuzzi they had, and several laying out on the lawn chairs. He did his best to keep his promise to his daughter and didn’t make any corny dad jokes or try to talk to her friends. It wasn’t really hard, he didn’t really want to be engaging with them anyway. 
His daughter came up and asked if they could start eating and he threw on his cheesy  ‘kiss the cook apron’ and fired up the grill for real. Within in moments, he was plating up some bbq for them, and a line formed. He noticed out of the corner of his eye, a girl he hadn’t noticed before; a late comer. She looked older than the rest of them and he called Amanda over. Whispering, he asked who that older girl was at the back of the line. He didn’t recognize her from any of her school functions or events. “Oh that’s Roxy” she said. “She’s a senior and she’s ridiculously popular. I’m actually surprised she showed up! She just started following my Insta last week. Please ignore her completely and don’t ruin this for me.” He made a “who me?” Motion with his hands and said “don’t worry, best behavior sweety”. He was ready for any request. He had the impossible burgers, veggie burgers, and even giant portobello mushrooms for the health conscious, but he slayed it with the burgers and hot dogs. He’d been doing those all his life and it was obviously a crowd favorite. The girls were coming up to tell him how amazing they were. By the time Roxy made her way up toward the front of the line, it became apparent to Todd that unlike the other girls who largely ignored him altogether, she was actually watching him. Not staring, but definitely checking him out. When she got up to the grill, she asked for some of the marinated chicken he had as an alternative. “If you’re sure you don’t want the classics, the marinated chicken is definitely the way to go. You’re the first to ask for it but you’re in for a treat. This is an authentic pollo asado citrus marinade that I’ve been perfecting for years.” “Your meat looks perfectly marinated to me” she said and looked at him over the rim of her sunglasses. “I bet it’ll just melt in my mouth”.  He caught it, he wasn’t stupid, but he played it off. “It certainly will” he said as he made a plate to hand to her. She said thanks and moved on. 
As the afternoon went on, the girls hung out in groups, talking, swimming, etc. Every time he looked around, he found Roxy looking at him. He was handing out refills on soft drinks after the food rush was over, and Roxy made her way back to the grill and waited until he was alone. “Cute apron” she said, and he looked down. He’d forgotten he was still wearing his corny ‘kiss the cook’ apron. “I’d sure like to kiss the cock, I mean the cook” his eyes opened in surprise “Freudian slip she giggled, but seriously, either would be ok with me.”  “Uh, you seem great Roxy but uh I’m married and you’re a high school girl.” “I may be in high school but I’m 18 and I’m not a little girl. I’ll make you a deal. You take me in the house and fuck me on your wife’s bed, and I’ll make sure your daughter becomes legit popular. Three weeks as my closest friend and she’ll be set for all of high school.” She smiled seductively “You haven’t even looked at me once today. Don’t you at least want to look at what you’re saying no to first?” Without waiting for a response, she casually turned around and walked over to the nearest lounge chair and pulled off her t shirt, then pulled down her jeans shorts to reveal a tiny, tight fitting red bikini. Roxy was his perfect body type, petite and curvy, yet slender, with an amazing ass. He had to struggle not to stare as she lay down to Sun bathe, but he managed to ignore her and get back to cleaning up the bbq. 
A little while later, his daughter ran up and said “this is the best party ever! Roxy just posted about it on insta with a picture of me and her and it’s getting so many likes! It already has more likes than I have followers! She squeeled and ran off toward the jacuzzi. Roxy soon strolled up and asked if he needed any help putting any of the food away in the house. Todd shook his head, “I think I’m ok, but thanks for the offer”. Roxy’s smile became a smirk “I don’t like being told no. Think about it first. I can make your daughter popular, but I can make her unpopular just as quickly. If you don’t come inside, your daughter’s social life is over. Say yes and come fuck me. I’ll keep our little secret. Nobody will ever know. Not your wife, not your daughter. The choice is yours but know that your daughter’s popularity now rests entirely in your hands”. He was floored. He was being blackmailed by a teenager! He looked at his daughter, beaming at her phone, squeeling with her 16 year old friends. He thought for a moment, then remembered how important it was to be popular when he was in high school. He looked at Roxy. She raised her eyebrow. He just nodded once. 
Roxy smiled wide and went to pick up the nearest small drink cooler. She said, “I can help you take this inside Mr. Thompson.” Todd replied “thanks Roxy”, picked up a different cooler and followed her inside the house. As he followed her, he watched her ass and really looked at Roxy for the first time. The way her body swayed was beautiful. Her legs were perfectly shaped and her back was so elegant. At this point, he figured if he was going through with it, he might as well enjoy it. Once they were in the house, he led her upstairs to the master bedroom. She quickly turned to him and leaned up on her tippy toes to kiss him. Then she pulled the apron over his head and worked his shirt up over his pecs. She gasped “holy fuck, look at your abs!” He looked down. “What?” “Your fucking hot, that’s what!”. She quickly unfastened his buckle and pulled his pants down. His cock was soft but hung there huge and thick. “You’ve got to be kidding me” she said in surprise. “Who knew Amanda’s dad had all this? Where does your wife keep her lube?” He pointed to the bedside table and she quickly found it in the drawer. She turned around to face him and untied her bikini top and bottoms, then said “you’re going to have to help me back into the top ok?” He nodded. She was gorgeous. She pushed him onto the bed and jumped on top of him, kissing him and beginning to make out. 
He quickly took control and pinned her down. He put a hand between her legs and she was wet. He pulled his tip up to her pussy and she shook her head no. “Lube up, you’re too thick for me without it” she handed him his wife’s lube bottle from the night stand and he rubbed it all over his dick, then he pressed against her and slid in deep. Roxy moaned in disbelief, then covered her mouth quickly with her hand as if she was  surprised that she had made that noise. “Holy fuck you’re so big”. He slid out a few inches, then back down deep inside her, further than before. He rolled around for a moment, stretching her out a bit. He wrapped his hands around her thighs and folded her legs up just a little, then began pounding in to her. He took both of her hands in his and pinned her down, interlacing his fingers and holding her hands and forearms firmly against the matress as he relentlessly drilled her pussy. After several minutes, he suddenly thrusted his cock in deep and held it still while it was bottomed out inside her. “It’s been a long time since I fucked the most popular girl in school”. He pulled his dick all the way out and slapped it against her pussy. “Get on your knees” she quickly flipped over and pushed her pussy in the air. He climbed up behind her and slid his dick inside, grasping her hips with both hands and thrusting into her pussy forcefully. The impact was too much for her to handle and her limbs turned to jelly as he pounded in to her. It was all she could do to stay upright on her knees. Her her whole body shook jarringly. Her tits were swinging back and forth to the rhythm of his thrusts. He grabbed her hair, pulled her head back and used it as leverage to slam his dick in even deeper. She started cumming on his cock, her body now shaking on its own as she clenched and arched and writhed. She almost screemed but his hand clamped down over her mouth just in time. He fucked her through her orgasm. He kept on fucking her and put his hand around her throat. He didn’t squeeze but his one hand easily wrapped her throat and held it firmly. “I’m going to cum” he whispered. “Cum on my…” she felt his cum flooding her womb. She couldn’t move. He was gripping her throat and hair, holding her still while he pumped his cum deep inside. 
“Fuuuuuck” she said as he let go of her throat and pulled out. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had!” She ran to the bathroom then came out a few minutes later. He already had his pants and his shirt on. “I knew you’d be a good fuck when I saw the sheer size of you on Amanda’s insta but I had no fucking idea.” She picked up his apron and placed it over his head, carefully, making sure it was laid out right and not twisted, then she leaned up and kissed his cheek. “I’ll keep my promise, not a word, and your daughter will be the most popular girl in school in just a few weeks. Give me your phone” he did. She called herself and said “now you have my number. Anytime you want to hit this again, you just call me. Amanda and I are going to be fast friends too, hanging out all the time, so you can also just give me a wink from across the room and I’ll come find you or come up with some excuse to get us alone.” As he tied the strings on her bathing suit, she shook her head. “Fuuuuck! I’m still shaking. Who knew what a dilf you were under all those loose clothes?! You need to wear tighter fitting clothing Mr Thompson. For real.” Roxy went out to join her friends. Todd looked at himself in the mirror. He thought his outfit was cool. At least it had been in the nineties. He shrugged, all that tight fitting stuff was too uncomfortable anyway. Nah, Tammy was more than enough pussy for him but he had to admit, it had been fun to fuck Roxy, and he almost thought Tammy would be ok with it if she knew the stakes. He put her lube back into her drawer. What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. He went back outside and chaperoned the pool party. Roxy never looked his way again. 
Todd hung out near the front of the house waving to all the parents picking up their daughters, thanking them for coming. Roxy was the last girl left and Todd, Amanda and Roxy were all standing out front when Roxy’s mom showed up. Todd did a double take. It was Kelly Rogers! The hottest girl in high school, and the most popular, back when they were dating. That is until Tammy had transferred to their school and stolen him away from Kelly their senior year. As Kelly approached them she said “if I had known this ass-hat lived here I never would have let you come Roxy.” “Well hello to you too Kelly” Todd replied. Roxy looked surprised “wait, you guys know each other?” “That’s an understatement” her mother replied. “How’s that cunt wife of yours anyway Todd?” “Aw come on Kelly, that was 18 years ago. Can’t we be civil?” “It’s not that simple. Some things can’t be forgiven that easily“.  “Wait, 18 years ago?” Roxy asked. She looked at Todd, then pointedly at her mother. Her mother’s face suddenly turned ashen. “We’ve got to go, hurry up Roxy, get in the car”. Todd didn’t miss it though. He looked equally ashen all of a sudden. He walked up to Kelly and forcibly lifted her up off the ground. “Tell me the truth”. Kelly began crying, then she just nodded. Todd dropped her and she nearly fell on her ass but she caught herself on the hood of the car.  Todd’s head was spinning. He suddenly felt horribly light headed. “Holy fuuuuuuck” Roxy whispered. Then she swallowed hard and gave Todd a sheepish look. “Hi daddy” she said and waived awkwardly. Amanda came up and hugged her tightly,  enthusiastically exclaiming “I’ve always wanted a sister!” just as Todd collapsed on the grass. 
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siodymph · 7 years
Boombox Week Day 7: Steampunk AU
And here we are! The last prompt for Boombox week! After a bit of thinking I decided to go with a Steampunk AU, cause I mean, who doesn't like seeing Lucio and Junkrat all dressed up in suites and ties and gears and stuff?
Also I have to give my sincerest thanks for everyone whose read, liked and commented on all my stuff this week. I had absolutely no idea how this week was going to go and it mean so much to me that many folks liked it! So thank you everybody and I hope you like any other boombox prompts or fan-weeks I do in the near future along with my other stories!
As always you can check out this last prompt under the cut or over on my AO3!
(One last thing! Don't forget I'm still taking Boombox requests (no NSFW) until the 22nd! So if there's any stories you want to see with you're favorite music nerd and trash nerd just let me know and they will be added to this series soon!)
Junkrat loved watching Lucio get ready for his performances. Sheet music spread across the floor like paper tiles. Hundreds of instruments from piccolos to grand bases all suspended on rigs, every single one tuned to perfection by one of the finest ears this side of… well anywhere. All morning hums, trills, claps, and all sorts of beautiful sound would echo out from Lucio’s room down the halls of the Overwatch Headquarters. And then there was the man himself, hopping from one piece to another, Lucio became a little ball of energy as he prepared his amazing machine. Such excitement and life. Not to mention the special three-piece suit he only wore for his special performances. The stark black paired with vibrant greens and yellows always made Lucio look like a million bucks. And he clearly knew it as he strutted about his room, making his final tweaks to his machine before packaging it up for his performance today.
Today would possibly one of his biggest shows yet. For they were heading to Numbani for this year’s World Fair. Several of Overwatch’s members were presenting their latest inventions and research. And as well as presenting his work on the healing properties of sound, Lucio had been asked to perform his music using his stellar One-Man Philharmonic Orchestra. He’d been honored to perform and now the day had finally arrived.
Junkrat himself had not been invited to perform or present but he didn’t really care. City-folk could have all the dumb festivals they wanted! Though part of him couldn’t help but feel a tad jealous, he was pretty sure he could give one hell of a presentation on making bombs from literal scraps and even more powerful than the stuffy factory-made crap everyone else on the field used.
Oh well, at least this meant he didn’t have to doll himself up nearly as much as everyone else. While he certainly loved seeing Lucio I his three-piece suit and top hat he hated the look on himself, way too stuffy for his liking. No sir, he’d take his overall over some Suit’s suit any day. But despite his protest, Symmetra and Mei insisted he wash, comb his hair free of soot, and trade his overalls for a real pair of trousers before he was deemed “presentable” for such a monumental occasion such as the World Fair. At least it wasn’t a full suit, he kept telling himself. He might have been wearing a vest and tie, but it still wasn’t quite a full-suit. He’d managed to keep that line drawn with the architect and meteorologist.
Honestly he couldn’t see what the big deal was. Scientists and Inventors were some of the sloppiest people he knew. Yet when it comes time for any big showcase suddenly everyone is scrubbed clean and forced to use manners? Rat’s best guess was that all the snobby high-society folks who funded the fair couldn’t stand to have their fickle little sensibilities insulted, or whatever steam was trapped between their ears.
But since money makes the world keep turning, Junkrat decided he would make do for at least one day, especially if it meant his Lucio would be giving his most honorable performance yet. So even while feeling slightly claustrophobic in his vest and tight pants and uncomfortable without his normal layer of dust, he found himself smiling watching his boyfriend prepare for his big show. He was nearly finished with his cart of stringed instruments when he finally turned around to Junkrat.
“Does everything sound alright to you, Jamison?”
Junkrat closed his eyes, listening to all the strings play suddenly in unison not a single sour note higher or lower than the rest. “Sounds beautiful, love. This concert’s gonna be perfect… You alright? Not feeling nervous or anything.”
“Just a little.” Lucio said smirking. Cheeky little bastard, probably had never felt nervous a single day in his life. It certainly never showed in the way he always held his head high and proud.
With that all of his equipment was tuned and ready to go. Junkrat knew he was going to have to re-tune everything once they got there. When he’d questioned Lucio about it once, why not just tune everything when they got there, Lucio explained about how the new space could change the sound too much and Junkrat just took his word for it. Whatever made him happiest.
Junkrat grabbed one of the rigs of trombones. “So you ready to start packing all this up?”
“Yeah, you don’t mind helping?” He knelt down and began stacking all his sheet music scattered about. “I just need to get all this organized then I can help you.”
“Rodger that!” He said with a mock salute. And he could resist stopping to peck his boyfriend on the cheek while leaving with the first rig.
With the two of them working together they easily got all of Lucio’s Philharmonic rigs and machinery all onto Tracer’s airship with the rest of the team. And before Junkrat knew it they were off. Sailing high above the city of Gibraltar, across the skies to West Africa.
Junkrat had a loved flying. On one hand there was the beautiful feeling of being so close to the sky, cutting through the clouds and flying up into the royal blue of the sky. But then on the other hand was whenever he accidentally looked down. Before Overwatch he and Roadhog never left the ground much, only traveling by motor bike, train or boat if the situation called for it. And when everything got real tiny and itty-bitty, it reminded Junkrat of ants all scurrying about. It was absolutely glorious.
And while his gaze was completely held by the view outside the window of the airship, he could feel Lucio’s hand in his slowly rubbing over his knuckles again and again.
They arrived in Numbani a little past 10’O’clock and from the looks of it, the World Fair was already in full swing. Rows upon rows of booths and tents were decorated with colorful banners in every language advertising new inventions and shows. Smells of food wafted into Junkrat’s nose making his mouth water. He had no idea what anything was but judging by smell alone there were already a few stands he knew he would sneak off to visit later for sure. Everywhere he looked there were gears churning, engines singing, and steam, glorious steam pumping and hissing out of any crevice it could find along pipes and in-between metal plates. Now this was what Junkrat called a World Fair.
He followed Lucio towards the very center of the fair, at the heart of the city, Museum. Right in front of the historic sight a colossal stage had been constructed and all around it a sea of people milled about waiting to see the next show. From the sound of it, it seemed like most of the crowd had already heard of Lucio and were excited to see his One-Man Philharmonic Orchestra in person. He continued to follow Lucio further back behind the stage where all of his equipment lay hidden under its covers.
And just like clockwork, Lucio went back to hopping about, fine-tuning every rig’s instruments and scanning over his sheet music.
But something seemed off. While normally he looked so pumped-up he seemed to move more quietly. He wasn’t humming either. Not even cocking his ear to the side like he usually did when he tuned his instruments. He took off his hat and began rather aggressively running his fingers through his hair. That’s when he notice Lucio’s hands trembling ever so slightly as they moved from dial to dial.
“Wait a tick,” He stepped behind Lucio and gently pulled him away from the rig. “What’s wrong, love?”
At first he didn’t say anything and Junkrat feared he’d misread Lucio’s actions but then he spun around and gave an angry huff. “Everything is going to be fine. I know everything will work perfectly. It’s just… Ugghhh! This is so dumb!”
“Hey don’t sweat it! Happen’s to the best of us!” Junkrat said quickly, wrapping Lucio in a hug. He was caught off guard when Lucio hugged him back. Tightly. He wasn’t sure exactly what Lucio was talking about but he still wanted to reassure him everything would be fine. He still couldn’t believe that after, what? Hundreds of concerts and shows?, he was just now starting to get pre-show jitters. “Heh, if you ask me, everyone out there’s already decided they love ya mate. You could do absolute shit and they’d still be applauding.”
That got a tiny laugh out of Lucio and he relaxed his hold on his boyfriend’s crushed ribs. “I won’t sound like shit though… This is going to be fine.”
“It will be.” Junkrat agreed.
“The Orchestra is going to work perfectly.”
“Of course it will.”
“And nothing is going to happen that I can’t already fix.”
Junkrat hummed a little. “How’bout a kiss good luck to top it off?”
When Junkrat leaned down almost immediately warm lips were pressed against his. They moved slightly but didn’t delve any further beyond a short but sweet kiss. As they separated, Junkrat grabbed Lucio’s hat and plopped it back onto its rightful place on Lucio’s head.
“Knock’em dead, Beautiful!”
Together along with several workers at the fair, they unveiled all of Lucio’s amazing machine and began wheeling each rig up onto the now empty stage. As all the pieces began clicking into place Junkrat stepped back to admire the beauty of it all. Seldom did he ever see Lucio’s machine completely put together and not just in tiny rigs and pieces. Taking up all the space on stage, the rigs formed a half-circle like a classic orchestra set-up. But instead of hundreds of musicians, there were thousands of pipes, levers, mallets like a complicated maze of bronze and gold. And all the bits and pieces lead to the very center of the machine, where instead of a Maestro’s podium, there was an Organ with three layers of keys for the hands and two for the feet. The complete One-Man Philharmonic Orchestra. Besides his healing songs, his pride and joy, his life’s work.
The crowd cheered as Lucio stepped on stage. He almost seemed to dance with how lightly he moved across the floor before giving a graceful bow to the crowd and sitting down at the organ. Then he began to play. And the entire World Fair became enraptured by the joyous, unifying, beautiful music of Lucio and his amazing One-Man Philharmonic Orchestra.
Overwatch’s time at the World Fair had been a smashing success. Members of the scientific community from Medicine to Meteorology and beyond were enamored by the research being conducted by the team. And now hours later the team had regrouped and was enjoying the end of their evening on one of the world’s oldest preserved Farris wheel and while it wasn’t the world’s largest it certainly was huge. Each cart was large enough to hold an entire party and took a few hours to ride full circle. Junkrat and Lucio found themselves sitting side by side and looking out a window at the fair far below them. As day turned to night, the steam really got pumping and the whole area became aglow with electric light. From high above in the Farris wheel the World Fair almost seemed pristine and painted as it grew so bright it out-shined even the stars in the night sky.
It’s was all beautiful, and having Lucio right there by his side made it ever more perfect.
And judging from the head resting on his shoulder Lucio agreed. Still though the moments just before his boyfriend’s performance left a pinprick of worry in him. He’d never seen Lucio like that before. And now that things had settled from the excitement of the day, he couldn’t help but ask.
“Hey Lucio?”
“Hm?” His voice replied sleepily from his shoulder.
“Earlier today you got kinda strange. Right before your show?”
“Yeah I know.” He sighed, lifting himself off his shoulder and stretching his arms high above his head. “Happens sometimes, I thought by now I’d grown out of it but I guess not. I don’t know why I get like that, I know my shows turn out fine. And I know what to do just in case they don’t.”
“Maybe it’s just like a nervous tick? No problem with that, I got loads of’em. One for every occasion.” He teased
Lucio shrugged, looking out the window and down at the Ferris wheel churning below them. “I guess… Still, it’s kinda annoying how it just suddenly happens when I don’t expect it.”
“Well whenever it happens again, I hope you know I’m always there for you. And I’ll help you sort shit out if I can. Also if you ever-“
“Rat stop. Look.” Lucio suddenly cut him off, sitting up rod-straight and pointing down at the Ferris wheel.
There crawling up the sides of the Ferris wheel like roaches Junkrat spotted them. Men wearing all-black skin-tight stockings and coats, covering their faces were these gas masks and there was a strange red and white T-shaped emblem on the sleeves of their jackets. Talon.
Lucio shouted over his shoulder to the rest of their team. “Hey guys! Looks like Talon ain’t giving us a holiday!”
All at once the Overwatch team jumped to action, preparing themselves for the inevitable attack, making improvised weapons from broken bottles or hair pieces. Junkrat began rapidly making some improve moltov cocktail from some extra bottles. These wouldn’t make as big of a boom as he’d prefer but they’d get the job done. Junkrat turned to Lucio and realized he was weaponless, all his healing equipment was back on the ground. “Oy froggy! You gonna be alright?”
“As long as you got my back, Rat. And thanks.” Lucio leaned in closer pecking him on the shoulder, at his full height Junkrat towered over his partner.
“Any time love!”
Several Talon spies were upon their cart then, still not realizing their attack had been compromised. Junkrat couldn’t help but cackle wickedly at the poor bastard as he set his first cocktail aflame. Showtime.
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dragonmuse · 2 years
I know we most likely wont get anything more with faith, but your au of the au has been EATING MY BRAIN. I would love anything abt her and izzy
(ask you and ye may receive! Do I love this au of an au? yes, can I justify taking a break from the main timeline to write more...well for tumblr I can!)
The first thing Faith unpacked was their music. She carefully slotted CDs into a rack and stacked tapes beneath them. In her parent’s house, it had all lived in her nightstand, jumbled together and hard to grasp. Now all sound lived in the open. Within a week, Israel had presented her with a boombox, slick black plastic and lots of buttons. They had to listen to it on the floor, still entirely without furniture, but Faith had never felt more comfortable.
“I’m going to put up purple curtains,” she told him, draped across his lap like an afghan.
“All right.” He was propped against the wall that separated their living area from the kitchenette. One of his hands was well-wrapped in bandages, but the other sat loose and open on her stomach. “We’ll need a drill.” 
One by one, she put in requests and he found the things they needed. Their provenance didn’t trouble her. The world owed them a few things at this point. 
The curtains were nearly transparent and the light came through them in the morning muted only by the color. When they finally got a proper bed, she would often stay in it too late in the mornings just because she could. Israel was always up and moving, restless in his own skin, but he never tried to get her up. Just let her do what she needed. 
There was so much space somehow. The apartment was a claustrophobic box with just one window, but it was also endless.  
“I’m going to be late for class,” she realized one morning. He was in the kitchenette, visible through the rectangle cutout. Leaning against the counter and flipping through a magazine. 
“So be late,” he glanced up at her. 
“But-” She started then stopped. The decision was hers, she realized. No one could compel her to go. No parent or police officer was looking for a truant student.  If she skipped, it wasn’t bad or wrong, it was just a matter of catching up later. “I think I want to be on time.” 
“I can drive you if you want.” 
“Yeah.” He was faster than the bus any day. “Give me ten.” 
When she slid off the bike and kissed him goodbye, it was as easy as breathing. So she was startled when a girl with a high ponytail and bright pink lipstick grinned at her. 
“That your boyfriend?” she asked. 
“My husband,” Faith said cautiously. 
“Man, if I had a husband like that I wouldn’t even go to school.” The girl watched Israel peel away from the curb. “Hot damn. Sorry. That’s probably weird.” 
“No,” Faith laughed. “I mean a little, but I don’t mind.” 
There was no reputation here, trailing them around like a bad smell. The friends she made were curious about Israel, but only a normal kind of curious. They asked a few questions, seemed charmed by the way they’d run off and that was the end of it.  
“I was thinking of having some people over,” Faith ventured. 
“Okay.” He chopped an onion. She wasn’t sure how much she liked cooking yet, but Israel seemed to be slowly warming to it. 
“You don’t mind?” 
He looked up from the onion, gave her that piercing stare, “It’s just people. I can leave if it’s not my scene.” 
There were details. Times they stepped on each other’s toes both literal and figurative, but it was just so easy most of the time. Sometimes Faith still flinched when his tread was too heavy on the creaking floors or if she heard someone yelling next door. Sometimes Israel’s breath would catch when she set her beer down with too much force and it clinked against the table. 
“Do you think it ever stops?”  They were in bed, him curled around her back. 
“What stops?” he yawned, burying his face in her hair. 
“Thinking it’ll all come back. One of them will just show up and take it. I know they can’t, but it’s in my head all the time. ” 
He shifted even closer, every inch of them aligned. Maybe they weren’t good at sex yet, but she thought they had this figured out pretty well.  
“Took them years to make us like this,” he whispered directly into her ear. “Guess it’ll take years to unmake.” 
She put her hand over his. The curtains let in the moonlight. At least they were unmaking it together.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Javier Peña x f!Reader)- Chapter Three
Summary: You meet Javier for the third time. Additionally, you both begin to discover how much the Murphys love to meddle.
W/C: 2.3k 
Warnings: language, innuendo
A/N: This is where things start to get interesting! I’m so in love with this fic and can’t wait for all of you to hopefully love these two like I do! This chapter was really fun to write (Steve and Javi are so much fun) and from here, it’s the interesting stuff!
p.s. this gif makes me WEAK... do you know how badly I want to make Javi smile 🥺
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You’ve known Javier Peña for a total of five days now, have met him twice, but he’s still all you can think about. Lorena catches on easily that something has put you in a dreamy and lovely mood as you hum and smile to yourself, folding the linens for beds. 
“¿Quiubo, Ana?” She asks, bumping into your side and teasingly asking you what’s up in Colombian slang. Your name is not Ana, no, but the girls around here love to call you it; they derived the nickname from americana. As much as it bugs you, it’s better than gringa, your original name around here.
You shake your head, ponytail swinging lightly behind you. “It’s nothing,” you shrug, but you’re smiling, and Lorena giggles a little. 
“Nothing my ass. Tell me, who is it? It’s gotta be someone, right?” She asks, and you smile a little wider, shaking your head again. “No one smiles while doing the goddamn sheets, chica.”
Shrugging, you wrap up a blanket and giggle. “Well, there’s a guy, yes,” you finally admit, biting your lip as you think about him. His face, his handsome face, the way you made him laugh. That seemed rare from a man like him. 
Lorena squeals and bounces, her dark and curly ponytail following her movements. “Tell me everything. Come on, I’m your best friend, you know you can,” she whines, grabbing your arm.
You yank your arm away to continue folding the sheets, but you still have a dreamy smile as you think about him. “Well, I met him at the gym. The night that woman died,” you tell her, and both of you droop softly at the memory, though the excitement returns as you think of Javier again. “His name is Javier. Oh my god, he’s so handsome,” you laugh as you picture him. “He’s got this mustache, right? It looks so 70s but it’s so hot on him.”
Wiggling her eyebrows, Lorena laughs and picks up some sheets, helping you fold them. “All the better when his mouth is between-“
“Lori!” You squeal and push her teasingly, laughing at her terrible thoughts. “Jesus Christ,” you groan, but the smile remains plastered on your face. 
“Estás tragada, Ana,” she practically sings as she sees the look on your face. It’s another slang term around here- literally, it means you’ve been swallowed; figuratively, that you’re head over heels. 
Rolling your eyes, you toss a folded sheet down on the table. “I’ve known him for five days.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t be completely in love with him,” she teases. Lorena is young, only 19, full of dreams and hope. She’s similar to the Disney princesses you grew up on, you think, huge brown eyes gleaming and dark waves bouncing along with her. 
You shake your head. “Don’t you have a catheter or something to go do?” You tease her, chuckling as her expression sours. “Go on, ¡ábrase!”
Lorena rolls her eyes and leaves the room. “Tragada!” She shouts before closing the door, leaving you to your folding. 
Javier lights a cigarette, watching the smoke trail from the end of it. It’s hypnotic for a moment, exactly what he needs to keep his mind off of the two most pressing matters in his head right now: the paperwork in front of him, and you. He takes a drag from the cigarette and exhales for a moment before sipping the coffee in front of him, expression dropping from completely neutral to a frown when Steve sits down in front of him.
“Mornin’, Javi,” the blonde man grumbles as he plops down in his office chair, taking a long swig from the large coffee mug he holds. Javi raises his eyebrows quickly in greeting before turning back to his paperwork, but Steve is in a chatty mood today. Unsurprising, Javier thinks, as Murphy starts talking again. “Spare one?” He asks, nodding to the cigarette.
Groaning, Javier nods and hands him one and his lighter. “You owe me around $30 in spares now,” he says teasingly, his mind elsewhere. 
Steve rolls his eyes as he brings it to his lips and lights it. “Real friends don’t keep running tabs.” “We’re not friends, we’re partners,” Javier says, trying to sound threatening, but they both know it’s a lie. Steve is Javier’s best, if not only, friend. 
��Speakin’ of friends, heard from Connie that you’ve got a new one. One that does more than fuck you,” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “You wanna tell me ‘bout her?”
The cigarette returns to Javier’s lips for another long and slow drag before he bothers responding. “No.”
Murphy laughs a little at that, sipping his own mug of coffee. “Good news for you then. You don’t have to. The word around the hospital is that she’s completely smitten with you,” he informs the man across from him, the coffee mug covering the lower half of his face.
That finally grabs Javier’s attention, causing him to lift a brow in curiosity. Steve grins. “So you do like her as more than something warm at night,” he chuckles a little, setting down his mug. “And you haven’t even kissed her yet, wow,” he nods, observing Javier’s reactions and reading them. 
Javier rolls his eyes and Steve laughs again. “I’ll have to tell Connie all about how you feel. Maybe that girl’ll get the nerve before you and make the first move.” “Don’t you fucking dare, Murphy,” Javier practically hisses at him, leaning across his desk. 
“Wow,” Steve chuckles and leans back in his seat, dragging out the vowel of the word. “You’re really into her.” “I am not some teenage boy you can poke and prod and call chicken, Stephen,” Javier threatens, annoyance clearly growing. “What I do with my love life is none of your fucking business, unlike you and Connie seem to think,” he says with force, sitting back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest.
“Jesus, Jav. Just trying to help,” he shakes his head and drinks the last of his coffee, standing. He takes Javier’s mug too, heading for the coffee machine in the break room. “One last thing: Connie told me that the girl gets off at 6 tonight, and she’s going to the gym after.” Steve smirks a little and turns away.
“Fuck you, Murphy!” Javier shouts after the man, who’s walking to the break room with a little more pep in his step. 
Murphy flips Javi the bird over his shoulder. 
As you walk to the gym, the sweltering heat of Colombia doesn’t annoy you as much as normal. You’re already about to be sweating your ass off, it’s fine. The sun is slowly slipping down the horizon, not quite at sunset yet, casting a golden glow over the crowded streets. 
Someone in the street is singing, and it fills the warm air just the way the humidity does. He’s talented, playing a guitar too, and you toss a 50 peso coin in his case as you pass. You hum along, the song familiar to you thanks to the radio, even murmuring the words to yourself. It’s an absolutely beautiful evening, and the only thing that could make it more beautiful would be encountering the beautiful DEA agent who has occupied a corner of your mind for the past week
Turning the corner, you spot the entrance to the gym, and notice that the door is being opened by a man with slightly wavy brown hair and a neat mustache- Javier, you grin to yourself. You jog a little to catch up, calling his name, and his eyes seem to glimmer a little as he hears you. 
You’ve never seen the man in the daylight, and it’s truly a sight to behold. The light accentuates the hills and valleys of his skin, the slight hook of his nose, and most importantly his stunning eyes. The light catches them just right, showing the depth in those shimmering brown rings around his irises. His hair is lighter than you thought, when it hasn’t been dampened by sweat, and shines in the sunlight just like the rest of him does. “Fancy seeing you in the daylight,” you tease, an easy smile crossing your face. 
Javier is noticing the exact same things about you. His lips tug up in one corner at the way your ponytail bounces and swings with your steps, your beautiful skin in the golden-hour sun, the way your smile lightly crinkles your nose. He opens the door for you and follows you inside. “It is different, I agree. So no graveyard shift tonight?” He asks you.
Nodding, there’s a genuinely excited smile on your face. “Yep. For the next two weeks, I only work days. I can’t wait, oh my god,” you sigh, tightening your ponytail and shoving your bag into a locker. “How about you? This is an odd hour for a man with your job,” you ask. 
The man simply shrugs. “Believe it or not, I get off at about 5:30 every night. I usually end up at the office for much longer, considering the workload.”
That surprises you. “Holy fuck, you’re kidding,” you laugh, unable to believe it, but Javier simply shakes his head, confirming it to be true. “Do you at least get paid overtime or something?”
“It’s not manual labor or anything, so no. It’s just expected of you when you’re on this kind of job,” Javier shrugs, walking to the boombox before you can and turning on a station of lively Colombian music. 
“I’d die. I’d literally die,” you laugh, adjusting your tank top and making your way to an elliptical. 
“You save people for a living. I deal with a lot of blood, and I can barely handle it; meanwhile, it’s your literal job to deal with that stuff,” he shakes his head and gets on a treadmill, a couple of yards away from you and facing the same wall.
“Different people are suited for different work, I suppose,” you shrug as you begin moving, enjoying the relaxation that comes with the moment. 
The two of you continue on your respective cardio machines for a while, before you break the silence and pause the machine to take a swig of water. “Where’s your water bottle, huh?” You ask him. 
Javier stops his machine as well, amusement in his eyes. “You know, I don’t seem to be able to get as hard of a workout in when you’re around. Too much chatter,” he teases, raising an eyebrow. 
You’ve been known to babble, too much sometimes, and that makes a little bubble of anxiety pop inside your stomach. “Shit, I’m sorry Javier,”’ you shake your head and turn back to the machine. “I’ll stop-”
“I never said I don’t enjoy it,” he says, the deadpan cracking and a small smile tugging across his face. It makes the anxiety dissipate as easily as it formed, the way he smiles at you and those beautiful eyes meet yours. “Like you said when we met. It’s nice to talk to an American,” he shrugs simply, crossing his arms for a moment before letting them drop again. “Especially one like you.”
You giggle softly at that, biting down on your lip and looking down. When you look up, Javier has turned the machine back on and is holding a comfortable jog. Fine, so that’s how he wants to play it. You bite down harder on your lip to hold back a stupidly lovestruck grin from crossing your face, instead turning back to your machine and getting moving again. 
A while later, a few snarky comments from each of you, the 30-minute period the cardio machines run comes to an end. You both sigh, panting and regaining your breath, as you try your hardest to keep your eyes off the man in the large mirrored wall. He’s handsome when he’s working out too, you’ve known that since the first time you met him, his tan skin flushed and tinged with pink. The sweat coats his forehead and you wonder if it’s uncomfortable to have that mustache when he’s exercising- maybe you should ask, you consider, but immediately change your mind. He already finds you nosy, you’re sure, you don’t need to push it more. 
The man turns to you, hands on his waist. “Weightlifting competition?” He asks, a smirk on his face as he breathes heavily.
“Oh, you’re fucking on, Peña,” you laugh, grabbing your water bottle and taking a long swig from it. You set it down on a weightlifting bench a few moments later after you find your way to a squat rack. “Let’s do squats, huh?” You ask, already moving to put your preferred weight on the bar. 
Javier tries to hold back his discontent when he sees the weights you’re loading onto it. “I was really hoping for maybe a bench press or something, but I guess I never specified,” he murmurs, sitting on the bench and waiting for you. 
When you’re all set, you get under the bar and lift it on your shoulders, walking forward and doing a couple of squats. You make eye contact with Javier and shoot him a wink, earning a little chuckle and a twitch of the top lip, hidden beneath his mustache. You walk it back and set the bar down, then crack your back softly and look at him. “Go for it,” you say, gesturing to the rack. 
“I suppose I can’t back out now,” he nods, getting under the bar in a similar way to you and letting out a grunt. “Fuck, you’re strong,” he grits out as he stands up, the bar resting on his traps. He does one squat, with effort, then returns it to the holding spot. “Okay, you win.”
You whoop happily, throwing your hands in the air and laughing. “Jesus, maybe it’s a good thing you’re coming here more often,” you tease, moving to take the weights off the bar. 
“Maybe it is,” he chuckles to himself as he removes the weights from the other side of the bar, thinking about it. It is good for him; he gets to see you. 
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foodieforthoughts · 3 years
Sand and Stars - Chapter Two
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Series Summary: After the water pump being blown up, the insurgents in Baqubah are taking a hold of the food supply to the village. Camp Warhorse is in dire need of reinforcements. It has been eight months of submitting countless requests when the High Command commissions Sergeant Olivia Ross to take her group of men and women and help Captain Syverson and his team to restore a semblance of normalcy. But with the war raging, does it get two hearts closer too?
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC x OMC
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: 18+, Mentions of war, military technicalities, smut in future chapters
A/N: Hello peeps! I hope you are enjoying this series. Please comment and reblog if you like it. It’s always good to hear that your work it appreciated. And massive thanks to @thelastsock for being my beta, who is immensely talented and the sweetest person ever! ❤️
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<Chapter One
Title: Chapter Two
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As the golden rays of the sun peered from the horizon, the living quarters came to life. Olivia was the first to jump into the shower, with Sloan and Sierra joining in by occupying the other booth, sometime after.
They had the food truck retrieval on their agenda today. But before that, the ladies, and everyone else in their unit had to carry out their scheduled morning workout. 
Olivia walked to the gym downstairs feeling fresh after the much needed shower. Everyone had retreated to their quarters last night, matted with sand and sweat, only cleaning themselves with a wet towel owing to water scarcity in the camp. As she reached the open doorway to the gym, she instantly spotted Schmidt lifting weights with the other men. A boombox sat on a table on one corner, blasting rock music from its speakers.
“The level of testosterone in this place is maddening,” Sloan groaned from beside her.
Olivia whinced as the song played a displeasing high note of an electric guitar. The gruff laughter of the men, along with the loud music was not the first thing she wanted to wake up to. “How about we go to the roof instead?” Olivia suggested, shrugging her shoulders. 
Half an hour into their workout, Sloan groaned under the heat. She pulled her blond hair up in a bun and sat on the ledge of the rooftop. Olivia got a couple more of her crunches done, the back of her t-shirt sticking to her body with her sweat. Sierra was staying put in a plank, Olivia always admired how this woman, even after bearing two kids, had an excellent core strength.
“Look at these guys,” Sloan commented, looking down from the roof. “They so bulky and unkempt.”
Olivia sat up, crossing her legs and grabbing her bottle of water. “You checking out the SF guys?”
“Yeah. Yesterday one of them, BJ was he? Was staring at my ass as I walked past him.”
Sierra stood up from her plank position and walked up to where Sloan sat. She ran a hand through her brown bob and looked down at the men. “I don’t know, they look rough and tough. Like, come on, they aren’t exactly Abercrombie & Fitch, but some of them are easy on the eyes.”
“Syverson, you mean?” Sloan nudged her friend. “Don’t think I didn’t hear you let out that low whistle when he spoke.”
“You know I am weak for the southern twang. And has a buzz cut ever looked that sexy on anyone?”
Olivia rolled her eyes watching Sierra fan herself while Sloan shook her head in disbelief. Pushing herself off of the floor, Olivia stretched her arms above her head. “Tell that to your British husband.” She poked the tip of her empty bottle in Sierra’s belly.
“Come on, Sarge. Tell me you didn’t find the Captain sexy.” Sierra wiggled her eyebrows at Olivia, giving her shoulders a shake too.
“Maybe she’s missing Captain Coop,” It was now Sloan’s turn to wiggle her eyebrows suggestively. She jumped down from the ledge and grabbed her own bottle. “Tell us, Sarge. Is he good in bed?”
“I think he’s so vanilla. Syverson seems like hot chocolate. Yum.” Sierra content with her comment, laughed along with Sloan. With her arm perched on Sloan’s shoulder, Sierra waited for an answer from their Sergeant.
“Guys, we have important work to do today.” Olivia let out her braid, letting her sweaty hair dry. “Come on,” she tilted her head towards the broken door of the roof.
Both women rolled their eyes at her, not stretching the topic further. Although when they were walking away, Sierra added a cheeky “I bet Syverson is an ass-man,” making Olivia shake her head.
But now that she was alone, she allowed herself a moment to think. She wouldn’t lie to herself, she found Sy to be very appealing to the eyes. The command he had over his men was also palpable. He hadn’t addressed them in front of her, but even in a laid-back manner, they seemed to be respectful of him.
With a warmth creeping on her already flushed skin, Olivia's thoughts turned to how he had checked her out. He was trying to be discreet, but she had noticed how his gaze had washed over hers when she had stood in front of him in the office. But, she was no innocent maiden either. Like for instance, when he had been looking down towards the map, pointing out the routes and places to hit for the food truck, she had noticed a few details about him. They were subtle attributes like the bridge of his nose, how his lashes looked thicker than hers, how his scruffy beard concealed most of his face, making her fingers tickle with the urge to touch it.
Olivia let out a slow breath, turning to look beyond the compound. It was not the time, or the place to be thinking about the physical features of her captain. They were in the middle of a war and she was here for a particular mission. Besides, she wasn't sure they were on good terms right now.
Shouldn’t have lashed out at him about being checked out when I was doing the same to him.
Her eyes fell towards the Humvees getting prepped with ammo and men getting ready to head out. She was bunching up her damp hair, to tie it up in an army regulated 'bun' to avoid violation of the dress code, when she caught sight of the Captain.
Sy stood in a black t-shirt and cargo shorts, holding a cup in his hand. A green spray-painted German Shepherd stood near his feet, wagging it’s tail and tongue lolling out of it’s mouth. The more Olivia looked at Sy the more she leaned towards agreeing that Sierra was right. Buzz cut hair never looked so good on anyone she had ever met.
Olivia’s mouth fell open when Sy looked up towards the roof, directly at her. Her hands fell down to her sides as they both stared back at each other. She watched as a smirk appeared on his bearded face while he brought his cup up to his mouth. Even from this distance she could notice how after taking a sip he licked his lips, darting only the tip of his tongue out.
“Yo, Red!” The sudden call from Schmidt standing just below the one-story building, wearing his gear and black sunglasses covering his eyes, broke the semi-trance Olivia had going on with Syverson. “We need to roll out.”
She nodded at her comrade, throwing a last look at a smiling Sy, before heading down towards their room. This was unacceptable. Get your head in the game, Liv. She scolded herself, a frown forming on her face as she ran down the stairs.
It was almost sundown when the troops finally came back to Warhorse. Olivia let the chopper hover over the camp while the last of the Humvee travelling behind the tarp-covered truck, entered the compound. They had noticed a few cars driving up to the mountain while the on-ground crew had spoken to the truck driver. Olivia was aware that they weren’t supposed to fire until they were getting attacked, but her fingers had hovered over the trigger to their machine guns attached to the chopper as a precaution. 
Luckily for them, the cars had driven off without any sort of trouble. The rest of their route back had been mostly uneventful with one of their men singing “Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain” making everyone laugh over the comms. Olivia, unlike her own no-nonsense superiors, usually let her unit members have fun from time to time. She believed to earn respect, it wasn't necessary to make them bend the knee to her.
As soon as the skids hit the dirt, her eyes seemed to lock onto Syverson. He stood near their main wing in the same clothes, patting on the backs of his men as they walked back to their building.
“That seemed easy,” Schmidt cracked his neck, shrugging his shoulders to loosen his muscles. She could also feel the stiffness in her neck from sitting in the chopper, tensed and worried about the ground force. “This will feel like a vacation, huh Red? Work only once a week.” He laughed, joining the other men as they jumped out of their vehicles.
She smiled at him, stopping to watch the SF men helping her guys to unload the contents of the food truck. She spotted a body walking towards her from the corner of her eyes. She chose to look on ahead, counting the number of crates being offloaded, without glancing to her side.
“You did good, Red.” Sy’s gruff voice sounded from beside her. The use of her nickname sent weird sparks down her spine. “You scared off everyone with your chopper blades.”
Olivia couldn’t help but let herself smile. She would like to believe she did scare off the insurgents. “Would that suffice for everyone?” She jutted her chin, indicating the cartons of food being placed on the ground.
Sy let out a heavy sigh. “Will have to. Can’t let the locals suffer because of us.”
“What if they don’t care about us helping them?”
“We still do it. That’s our job.” She looked to Sy after he spoke. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his lips pursed together as he observed his boys taking the cartons to storage. Her eyes lingered on his, the evening sun making them look like two limpid pools of blue. She was aware she was staring but in a deeply cliched moment, she couldn’t avert her eyes.
“Like what you see, Sergeant?” The smugness in his voice was unmistakable. She quickly looked away and down towards her shoes, vaguely noticing the sand stuck to the eyelets and the scuff marks on the toe caps. 
Even though her ears warmed up from being caught red-handed, she was quick in gathering her wits around the awkward moment. She looked up again without much consideration towards him and turned to walk away. But before she was out of his ear shot, she couldn't resist adding, “I’ve seen better.”
Sy’s laugh, loud and filled with spirits, made her bite her lip as she smiled and sauntered back to their designated wing. Two things she was glad about right now. One, about Schmidt being right, this definitely felt more like a vacation. And two, Syverson and her weren’t exactly butting heads.
Olivia refused to accept it, but it really warmed her heart and she looked forward to the coming days.
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Chapter Three>
✨Series Masterlist✨
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piratespencilart · 7 years
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So I did that thing where you use your Overwatch mains as a colour palette…
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mikasaessucasaa · 3 years
Title: Flatlanders
Summary: After being forced to retire from singing, Sansa returns to Winterfell Ranch, a place she hasn’t called home in over ten years, and finds the man that she left behind all those years ago.
Part 1 .... Part 2
King’s Landing, TX
Sansa’s hair was a frizzy mess. It wasn’t usually so humid this far inland, but of course the moment she came back was the same week that the summer storms started. It only ever rained once a year when she lived in LA.
And now she was trekking around town when the sky looked like it was about to open up. She needed to fix a broken fence that’s been neglected for weeks. And she needed to talk to the bank and get their finances sorted. What the hell has Arya been doing all this time?
Fence first. Bank later. And maybe she’ll get so busy getting wood that she might not even have to see Petyr.
And of course it started pouring as soon as she pulled up to the Night's Watch General Store. Damn. It better not be a flash flood. She should have listened when Mama told her to bring a damn umbrella. Bless Sansa’s heart.
Accepting her fate, she steeled herself and made a dash from the truck to the front door. Even the thirty seconds it took her to get inside was enough to make her look like a drowned rat. Forget frizzy hair, her auburn hair was soaked and limp.
She was greeted by a familiar face, but she couldn’t place his name, not having seen him in over a decade. He was scrawny and of average height with short cropped hair.
“Sansa! Woah, never thought I’d see you again in these neck of the woods.”
Honestly, neither did she.
She looked at his name badge. Ah. Pyp. One of Jon’s lackeys who used to follow him around high school. She thought it was adorable back then. She wondered if he still talked to Jon.
“Jon’s gonna be so happy to see you.” She doubted it, but she nodded and smiled. “How can I help ya today?”
“Got a whole section of my fence broken. I think from lightning a couple of weeks ago.”
Pyp showed her a couple of different options. She wanted to buy the cedar since it would last longer through the unpredictable Texas weather, but she saw their finances, and Mama definitely understated just how much trouble the ranch was in. She didn’t know how long her own cash was going to last with her singing voice now gone.
So she went with the pine instead. She’ll deal with it later.
“I’ll give you the friends and family discount,” Pyp said when he rung her up. As she was signing the check, he pulled out another piece of paper and asked, “Do you mind also signing this? My niece loves your music. She’s always jamming to your album on her little boombox.”
Sansa hadn't thought she was that popular. She had one or two songs played on the radio nationally, and produced a couple of songs for commercials. She bet it was her local celebrity fame that made her popular down here.
She gave her signature and hauled ass out of her store with her fence posts while the rain momentarily stopped. She covered her new purchase with a tarp and settled back into her truck.
She checked the time, and damn the bank was still open.
So she made her way over to the Eyrie Bank. Her parents had only ever gone to one bank their entire life because it was owned by a family friend. Papa had been good friends with Jon Arryn for a long time before he passed, and then Aunt Lysa remarried a childhood friend, Petyr Baelish.
To Sansa, Petyr had always been the creepy uncle, but if anyone could help her sort out the mess with the ranch, he could.
There weren’t many customers when she entered the bank, so of course they let Petyr know right away that she was there to see him.
He smiled that creepy smile that he always had, as if he wanted to devour her. It was the same look music producers always gave her when she entered the room. They always undressed her with their eyes first before they bothered listening to her demos.
And she smiled back, as he leaned forward and held her in a too intimate hug. Gross. “Sansa, my dear. It’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you so much over these last twelve years.”
“Same here, Uncle Baelish.”
“I wish you had come to visit more often.”
“Well you know what it’s like for artists trying to break in.”
“I can’t imagine what it’s like to give up everything to chase your dreams. You’re so brave.” Liar. Everybody knew that Sansa was forced to leave.
Sansa smiled more. “Thank you Uncle.”
Baelish led them to his private office, and the way that he patted her shoulder after he closed the door made her uncomfortable, but she held it in as she watched him take a seat.
“So how can I help you, my sweetling?”
“I need you to walk me through the Winterfell finances.”
“Certainly, I’ll make it as easy as I can for you to follow.”
Sansa started tapping her finger against the arm rest.
She resented his insinuation. She didn’t finish high school, but she learned to manage her finances, learned how much the Lannisters stole from her, knew how much she willfully turned away from because she needed the Lannisters as much as she hated them.
Still he did make it easy for her to understand, all the while outlining all of the paperwork.
Mama had been behind on bank payments for a long time, even after being given extensions consistently. Eventually, even Petyr’s generosity, so he says, couldn’t save the ranch. So Robb took out a private loan to cover the bank payments.
“Another bank?” she asked.
“No more personal than that. I believe Robb was good friends with Rhaegar’s boy.” He probably wanted to say bastard, but knew better since he was Robb’s best friend.
But she couldn't believe that Robb would be stupid enough to take out a loan from the Valyrian Dragons. Maybe he had a death wish after all.
“And that’s what’s keeping the ranch afloat now? Do you know how much we owe?”
Petyr gave a number and it wasn’t absurd, but, “This interest rate is insane. We won’t ever be able to touch the principle.”
Petyr shrugged. “I did try to warn your dear brother. I told him that it would be better for the bank to repossess the ranch. We would have certainly allowed your family to manage it still.” But he would own it all. “But alas your brother couldn’t see sense.”
She couldn’t tell if Robb was a prideful fool, or smart not to fall into bed with Petyr.
She thanked Petyr for his time and headed to the Dragon’s clubhouse. She had dreaded this part of coming home. Sansa hadn’t seen Jon in twelve years, and she didn’t know what kind of man he grew up to be. He had always been kind and sweet as a child, but kind and sweet men don’t join the Valyrian Dragons.
But she had to know if Robb had a plan all along, or if he was dumb enough to leave his family and the ranch at the mercy of the Dragons.
The clubhouse didn’t know if it wanted to be an auto shop or a bar or a boarding house, just the kind of trashy place that you would find in the south, because what else could it be?
She never thought she’d actually step in this place.
When she was still in school, the girls used to whisper about how they dreamed they would lose their virginities to one of the Dragons’ members. Egg would be ideal, with his pretty boy charm and silver hair, but Jon would do — he may have been shy back then, but the girls all took it as mysterious and dangerous. She wondered if the girls’ assumptions became true in his adulthood.
She assumed Egg must have been successful in popping a lot of cherries, but in her loneliness she sometimes liked to think that she was the only one for Jon, that she was somehow special, despite the mess she left.
There were a couple of pretty girlies loitering in the bar area of the clubhouse when she entered. They teetered around on high heels and tight skirts and tops, and suddenly Sansa wished she had the foresight to dress for battle. Instead she was wearing her stupid ripped jeans, work boots, and a white tee with a flannel shirt.
The girlies turned to look at her and their excited chatter died down. She’s guessing the red hair gave her away, or she really was more popular than she thought.
Out of the crowd of girlies, a silver haired woman emerged in black stilettos, leather pants and a black corset top. Shit, who could wear leather pants in this weather except for Daenerys Stormborn?
“So it’s true, the prodigal Stark daughter returns,” Dany said sweetly, but Sansa knew there was nothing sweet about the woman. She was all fire and ash. Dany probably thrived on the club wars.
Sansa shrugged. “Everyone’s gotta come home sometime.”
“Only when they’re incapable of surviving the world out there.”
“But at least I went out into the world.” Instead of being trapped in this hellhole.
“Only goes to show that you don’t belong here.”
“Winterfell is my home.” Even Sansa would have rolled her eyes at herself if she heard her speak.
“But the clubhouse isn’t. What do you want?”
“I need to speak to Jon.”
“No. You left him a mess all those years ago, and you think you can come waltzing in here years later and just talk to him? Wake up honey. He won’t want to talk to you.” Dany crossed her arms. “Whatever you want to say to Jon, you can tell to his girl.”
Dany had always wanted to claw her way into the Targaryens, maybe she finally did.
“It’s got nothing to do with you Dany.”
Dany waved her hand, flashing an engagement ring. “See this here? Says it’s got everything to do with me, missy.”
Sansa’s heart started pounding uncomfortably in her chest and she felt nauseous and lightheaded. Shit. Of all the damn times to have an anxiety attack.
She stumbled backwards into something solid.
The low, broken sound snapped her towards the man.
“Jon,” Sansa said, equally as broken.
Part 3
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
As your local fanfic prophet, I offer you words of wisdom: The kiersey theatre boys going the jingle bell rock dance from mean girls. You're welcome
............ God, sometimes I wish I could draw.
Anyway. Percy has sent in a fantastic prompt for me to kick off the 25 Days of Kiersey with. Here’s the deal: I’m going to create a new AO3 work, which will ultimately be 25 chapters, one for each day where I do a holiday Kiersey post/ficlet/whatever. I’ll link you guys to that later today, but for now....... come with me on this journey.
Interestingly, Percy, I’ve actually thought about this before. And you’ll have to forgive me, because I’m cheating slightly and it’s only the first day— what I’m about to describe to you doesn’t actually take place during the holiday season. But nonetheless, it is very much related to the holidays.
Come with me on this journey. (Long post under the cut!)
It’s Reid’s idea. Pretty much every terrible/wonderful thing that happens in the Kiersey Drama Club is Reid’s idea. Reid has actually been trying to get three other guys enlisted under his command to do this for the past several years, but he’s never been able to push his plans through........ until one Quinn Cooper comes along.
So allow me to set the scene for you. Remember that variety show the drama club puts on every spring? Yeah, that one. Going into the spring semester of his senior year, Reid really wants to do something big and fun and obnoxious. He has tried, in vain, to get his three roommates to do this damn Mean Girls dance routine with him, but a.) he’s the only one of them who actually does acting, and b.) Jhiron Hassan would not be caught dead doing a sexy Santa dance, and also c.) you can’t teach the unique lack of shame possessed by one Reid Burke.
So the short and the long of it is that Reid has never actually gotten the chance to live out one of his biggest meme performance fantasies. You should know that, as a general rule, Reid loves Mean Girls. Honestly, he has good taste.
By the way, if you don’t know what I’m referring to by “sexy Santa dance” and “that damn dance routine,” please educate yourself at the following link.
Anyway, going on. I would have this take place at Christmas, but Reid never gets people to organize to his cause at the holidays. He’s always looking for three guys, and he can never get three. I also, for Kiersey-verse plot reasons, can’t have them do this in the winter of Reid’s senior year, because he doesn’t know Quinn well enough for it yet, and you’d be sorely mistaken if you thought I would leave Quinn out of this activity.
Going on for real this time.
In his senior spring musical, Reid observes a unique opportunity: he exists in a cast with exactly three other young, strapping men. (“Mel, isn’t it technically four? What about Spencer?” Spencer can choke.)
At some point as the spring musical season is coming to a close, and sign-ups for the variety show (which takes place during the last month or so of school) are rapidly approaching, Reid corners his castmates with a proposition.
[Dear Evan Hansen dress rehearsal. Backstage, while Ezra is messing with light cues.]
Reid: Gentlemen. Esteemed colleagues. Gather around.
Danny: Reid.
Reid: I have a mission to charge you with.
Danny: I am ready to accept it.
Quinn, who still has slight Freshman Syndrome, trying to fit in with the cool upperclassmen: Me, too!
Reid: Sign-ups for the variety show are approaching.
Cole, slightly concerned: Oh, no.
Reid: Oh, yes, Cole. Fun fact: you have to listen to me, because I’m about to graduate, and every moment you spend with me is precious.
Cole, picking his nail polish: That’s generous, but, uh, go on.
Reid: (Tries to smack Cole’s arm.)
Cole, in a monotone: Ow.
Quinn: Wait, Reid, what’s your idea?
Reid: I think you’re all gonna love it. :D
Reid: :D
Cole: Uh....
Cole: Do you plan on, like, telling us—
Reid: Okay, okay! Fuck. I almost lost my train of thought. Anyway. Are you all familiar with the movie Mean Girls?
Quinn: What kind of person isn’t familiar with that movie?
Danny: It’s a premium film.
Reid: I’m impressed, Danny. As resident straight boy, I thought you’d need the most education.
Danny: What, so being straight means you can’t enjoy quality cinema?
Cole, lying through his teeth: I’m straight and I like that movie.
Cole: But what does that have to do with—
(Cole begins to realize where this is going.)
Cole: Oh.
Reid: Well, there’s a scene in it—
Cole: Oh, no.
Reid: — at the Christmas pageant or whatever, where—
(Quinn and Danny also catch on.)
Quinn: Oh, my goodness.
Danny: (Starts laughing.)
Cole: I’m not doing that.
Reid: Fuck off, Coley! How can you stare me in the face and decline participating in my one senior year wish?
Cole: Just for the record? I think you’ve told me, like, at least six separate times that something is your ‘one senior year wish.’ It’s different every time. Remember at the apple festival—
Reid: But listen—
Cole: And at Bluegrass open mic—
Reid: Hold on, though—
Cole: And that one time in your apartment—
Reid: Cole! You’re breaking my heart. Why won’t you do the sexy Santa dance with me?!
Danny: I’ll do it.
Reid: Daniel Cho, have I mentioned lately that you’re a superior man and I love you?
Quinn: I’ll do it, too!
Quinn: (to Reid) As long as you’re Regina.
Reid: Obviously, I’m Regina. You think I haven’t planned this out? You’re Cady, frosh, because you’re ginger and you’re new.
Quinn: I’m honored.😌😌😌
Reid: I’ll be fun! I’ll get us a boombox, and we can find weird slutty male costumes, and my roommate Eli can be Tina Fey and start playing the piano—
Danny, about to fall off his chair laughing: Oh my God, yes.
Quinn: I feel like Maggie may be jealous that this is happening without her.
Reid: Tell Maggie that I’m sorry, but this is reserved for the men in the drama club with the most sex appeal.
Cole: (Gagging noise.)
Quinn: Oh! And I can make us costumes!
Reid, putting a hand to his heart: You’d do that? For me? I knew you were my favorite freshman.
Danny: Okay, is it weird that I’m kind of excited?
Reid: No, it means you have good taste.
Quinn: I’m excited as well.
(Everybody turns and looks at Cole.)
Cole: I am Jewish.
Reid: Yeah, exactly, so you can be Gretchen, dumbass!
Cole: I hate you, Reid.
Reid, high-fiving Danny: We got him, boys!
And so it begins........ Reid gets to live out his fantasy of having absolutely no shame, Quinn gets to design his own sexy Santa costume, Danny does it for the meme, and Cole......... does it for Reid and only for Reid. It’s important that you all know that Cole wears suspenders and an open Santa jacket, because apparently that’s a thing. Quinn’s costume in some way involves short shorts. Reid would straight-up wear the dress. As we’ve recently discussed, Reid would wear a dress.
People who are not prepared to witness this but have to lay their eyes upon it anyway, an unfinished list: Bri, Jhiron, Claire, Nando........
Actually, that raises a good point. How does Nando handle this without combusting? He probably doesn’t. It’s Cell Block Tango 2.0 even though this takes place before the Cell Block Tango incident.
Quinn sewing a pair of red velvet booty shorts:
Nando: Uh......,,,, baby? Who are those for?
Quinn: Oh, they’re for me!😊😊😊
Nando: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Quinn: I’m making costumes for the drama club variety show. It’s in two weeks. Are you coming?
Nando, sweating: Well, like, uh, 😳😳😳😳, obviously I’m coming if that’s what you’re wearing—
To the best of their ability, they copy the choreography from the movie, and they practice in one of the dance studios in the performing arts center. Imagine being a dance major, minding your own business and going to practice after hours, and you unlock the studio and that ginger freshman who starred in the spring musical is yelling choreography at three uncoordinated upperclassmen. And also Christmas music is playing. And one of them is wearing a Santa hat.
Reid pulls some drama club strings and gets them to be the last thing on the program. He swears them all to secrecy, so a limited number of people know what they’re actually performing. He wants the crowd at the variety show to be surprised.
Aaaand that’s the story of how Reid brought the house down at the final Kiersey Drama variety show of his college career. And had Christmas in April.
You may ask yourself, why? I raise you: why not?
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detectivedreameater · 4 years
Missed Reservations||Anita and Marley
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @professoranieves​ SUMMARY: This wasn’t the threesome either of them wanted. CONTENT WARNINGS: Gun violence, Death
This wasn’t a date. Obviously. Marley just liked pushing buttons, and it seemed Anita was still willing to play. She wasn’t sure what about Anita drew her in, but Marley found herself coming back to her more and more. She liked Anita, and Anita played along with her stupid antics. Even after the whole phlizard mess. And it was nice, to have someone around that she could just be easy and casual with. And that knew but didn’t know. Someone that wasn’t afraid to look her in the eye, even with their red glow. And so, she’d dressed up a little. Not too much, because this wasn’t anything like that-- but a little. Nicer pants, no jeans. A real blouse, not just a button up, and a blazer instead of her normal leather jacket-- though she did opt to grab it on her way out. Just in case. 
The drive to Anita’s was short, despite how close to the lake she lived. Marley had driven down the street to her place many times in the past week since the lake had been declared not safe, but it was refreshing to take the turn into the neighborhood instead of the turn to the boathouse. She remembered the house from last time she’d been there, noting specifically how different the inside and outside looked. Anita liked warm colors. It fit right in with Marley’s theory of what she was. Lifting her hand, Marley knocked on the door, putting on a cheeky smile for when Anita answered the door.
Anita was still a bit uneasy with how much she was seeing Marley recently. There was obvious attraction between them, and it definitely didn’t fade even after discovering that they were both less than human. If anything, for Anita anyway, that was part of what made her keep going back for more. She’d never knowingly been with someone who wasn’t human, and it was refreshing. She still kept her guard up, but part of the reason she cut people off after one night was the fear of them finding out about her. With Marley, that fear largely didn’t exist anymore. After she got home from work and took a steaming hot shower, Anita threw on a short black skirt and a bright patterned shirt. She finished her look with some nice high heels and a jacket. She was just finishing up her hair when she heard the knock at the door. A grin spread across her face as she saw Marley. “Well, you sure clean up nice. All that just for me?” She teased. 
“Hey, I can look nice when I feel the effort is worth it,” Marley said with a bright smile. She didn’t even have her sunglasses on right now, though they were tucked safely inside her jacket pocket, lest she feel the need to wear them. But with Anita, she felt no reason to. “Besides, you never know who else might be watching, right?” She held out her hand. “Sorry I didn’t bring flowers. Or a boombox. But I figured since this isn’t a date, it doesn’t matter,” she teased back. “Although I will do that thing where I say you look rather good. Not that you don’t always look good, whether you’re in a bathing suit, clothes, or, you know,” she shrugged with a cheeky grin, “naked.” Stepped aside. “Shall we?”
An uncomfortable chill ran down Anita’s spine at the mention of someone watching them. She didn’t let that get to her though, why would anyone be watching them anyway? “Definitely not a date.” She echoed, stepping out onto the front porch and closing and locking the door behind her. Despite some basic research, Anita was still not able to figure out exactly what Marley was. Probably because all she had to go on were those mesmerizing red eyes and the occasional intangibility. Anita grinned, nudging Marley slightly. “You know, now that you mention it, you look very good naked too. In fact, I think we both might be at our peak attractiveness when we’re fully naked.” Anita softly placed her hand on the other woman’s cheek, then pulled her in for a kiss. “You know, we could always skip dinner and jump right to the being naked part.”  
Marley couldn’t help but notice the momentary stiffness in Anita’s body as she stepped out. She wondered what could’ve caused it, but didn’t chance the glance away. It was both a gift and a curse, to always see everything through the lens of a behavioral profiler. She tried to brush it away, though, and smiled. “I think you might be right,” she agreed, leaning in as Anita kissed her, letting it linger for a moment, as if she were debating the offer. “But I made reservations,” she said with a fake pout, scraping her teeth along her bottom lip as she looked at Anita. “And you promised.”
Anita smirked softly and raised an eyebrow, “You made reservations? You sure you’re not trying to hijack this and turn it into a date?” She teased, then started walking towards Marley’s car. “But fine, I suppose since I did promise, I owe you that much.” Realistically, Anita knew that doing anything except sleeping with Marley was a bad idea. She didn’t really want to get to know her any better, because getting to know people leads to feeling for them. And that was just not something that she was interested in doing. Once she reached the car, she turned around, leaning back against the cold metal. “For the record though, this will be the first and last time I let you take me out for dinner. No matter how hot you are.” There was a teasing tone to her voice, but she hoped the look in her eyes let Marley know that she was being mostly serious. 
Marley was mostly pleased with the turn of events, following Anita slowly towards the car, taking her time going down the drive. Enjoying the view. She wanted to know what made Anita so wary of dinner and dates. Marley knew her own reasoning for it, and she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Anita’s was similar. Maybe she’d found a sort of kindred spirit. Not that she cared to, or needed one. She was fine on her own. She had been all her life. It was just nice to know there were others like her. Licking her lips, she stopped just short of Anita on the driveway, watching her lean back against the car, tilting her head. “We’ll see,” was all she said, no inclination as to whether she was being serious or teasin, before she stepped past her and to the driver’s side. The drive was fairly quick and quiet and when they pulled up to the restaurant, she unbuckled quickly, stepping out. “So, why the Red Dragon?” 
The drive was rather quiet, giving Anita time to think about her doppelganger she saw at The Velvet Rope the other day. But her worrying was cut short when they arrived at the restaurant. She unbuckled, then walked over towards Marley. “Quiet, good food, and close to my place for a quick drive back for dessert.” She said with a smirk. The pair walked into the restaurant, and Anita was pleased to see it wasn’t very crowded. “Guess you didn’t need to make a reservation after all, huh?”  
“Wanna know a secret?” Marley asked as they approached the stand, leaning over to speak quietly so only Anita could hear, “I didn’t actually make a reservation-- Two for dinner, please!” Straightening up and speaking a little louder as the hostess greeted them. She held up two fingers and a smile and the hostess grabbed their menus, leading them back to a booth in the back. The place was unusually quiet today, and Marley, again, couldn’t help but wonder why. Sometimes she cursed her natural curious nature and her need to know everything. Trying to ignore it, she slid into the booth across from Anita. “Well, good choice, anyway. I order takeout from here all the time.”
 Anita couldn’t help but laugh, and roll her eyes. Of course she hadn’t made a reservation. “All just part of your ploy to get me to not bail on dinner plans, huh?” As they walked back to the booth, Anita felt eyes on them. Not in a light and fun way either, she felt like someone, maybe something, was watching them closely. But as she looked around, everyone that was in the restaurant seemed to be preoccupied with their own meals, and not with them. Once she sat down she decided to shake off that feeling, focusing her attention back on Marley. Well, that was one thing to note. She ate normal food more than just on dates to keep up appearances. “So, uh, is this the part where we dive into the small talk about our jobs? Or does that come after the first round of drinks?” 
 “Got me,” Marley said with a wink. She picked up the menu and perused through. She hadn’t been lying, she did order from here a lot, but not because she wanted to-- simply because the dumplings were to die for. “Oh no, uh uh,” Marley said, shaking her head, “I have a strict no shop talk policy outside of work. Otherwise, it’s all people would have me talk about. All you need to know is that I’m a detective and no, I won’t give you a ride in my cop car. But please, do fill me in about your job. All I know is that you’re a bug professor.” A grin. “Which, really...how does someone get into a job like that?”
 “What if I ask for a ride in your car real nice?” Anita asked, drawing out the last two words as she pressed one of her legs against Marley’s under the table. “I mean, I can be really persuasive.” Human food was okay, but Anita really didn’t have much of a preference for it. She went more for textures than flavors, so pretty much anything with the word “crunchy” in the description caught her eye. “Entomologist, not a bug professor.” She smiled coyly, partly frustrated that they were actually going to do the small talk thing, and partly fine with it because she loved talking bugs. “Well, you get a PhD in an uncommon subject, then a small town university pays you to teach their students all about the life-cycle of the praying mantis. Then before you know it you’re out with some detective who wants to hear all about it without offering anything in return.” 
 Marley felt her skin tingle as Anita pressed a leg against her own. A grin spreading on her face. “You’ll have to be very persuasive. I don’t let just anyone in my squad car,” she said back, knowing full well that if Anita asked she would say yes even without the convincing. The waiter came by for drinks and Marley ordered gin and tonic before focusing back on Anita. She seemed almost a little distracted, and Marley wasn’t about that. She leaned forward onto the table, letting the blouse she’d chosen to wear sag slightly open. “Right, entomologist. And did you always wanna be that?” Tilted her head, giving a light chuckle. “Hey, you were the one who said you weren’t interested in getting to know me better. All you gotta do is ask.”
 “I guess I’ll just have to work on my persuasion skills and try it out someday then.” Anita said with a wink. As she looked up when the waiter came by, she could have sworn she saw someone in a black and white striped shirt staring at the two of them, but then in a blink of an eye, they were gone. She tried to shake the thought from her head, there was no way she had a doppelganger following her. Even if she did, it wasn’t really what she wanted to be thinking about right now. “No? I mean, didn’t even know what it was when I was younger. But I’ve always been fascinated with bugs, so I guess I always knew I’d end up doing something with that.” She hated this question. The real answer revealed too much about her family, and while she knew it was unlikely, she really didn’t need anyone connecting the dots from her to them, least of all a detective who already knows too much. “You always wanna be a cop?” She asked, her eyes flickering away from Marley back to where she thought she had seen something, just to be sure nobody was really there watching. 
Marley watched Anita curiously, growing increasingly annoyed as her attention seemed to be pulling in different directions. She kept glancing around, as if looking for someone, or something. Marley grabbed her drink when the waitress brought them back and took a sip. “Bugs, huh? Well, at least it’s not boring,” she said with a grin, taking another drink. The alcohol felt nice in her throat, not that she needed it to enjoy the night. “Mostly,” she said offhandedly to Anita’s question. “I didn’t really think about it before I decided I wanted to be a detective when I was 13, so,” a shrug, before she followed Anita’s line of sight again. She raised a brow, setting her arm on the table, chin in her palm. “Something else catching your eye?”
Anita looked curiously at Marley. “Not a lot of 13 year olds wanna be detectives. I’d imagine.” She hated that she actually found Marley intriguing. It’d make things so much easier if she actually didn’t want to know more, but the more time they spent together, the more genuine questions she wanted to ask. The waitress came by to take their orders, and this time Anita could sense something close to them, but she couldn’t see whatever mime-infused doppelganger was following her around. “No, uh, sorry.” She replied, taking a deep breath and focusing back on her not-a-date date. “I just… don’t you feel like someone’s watching us? And not in a fun voyeuristic way?” 
“Well, when your friend is murdered in front of you and no one cares to solve it, it leaves quite the impression,” Marley said dismissively, much more interested in what it was Anita was trying to say. “Watching us?” She stiffened a little, glancing around. She was usually attentive to these things, but in her intrigue with Anita, she hadn’t been paying too much attention. The waitress had come by for their orders, but Marley told her to give them a few more minutes. “You sure you’re not just saying this to get out of dinner?” she said, but now that Anita had pointed it out, she could almost feel it, too. A chill up her spine. Not that she ever got scared, but it was unsettling to feel. “Maybe we should just get out of here.”
Anita froze up at Marley’s response. About a million and one questions immediately began running through her head. She knew what that was like, hell, she’d probably murdered more than a few people’s best friends back in the day. She was about to say something when Marley asked about who Anita felt was watching them. “No. If I really wanted to just get out of going to dinner I wouldn’t have let us leave my place to begin with.” She said, a linger of flirtatious teasing coming off her words, but largely her focus had pulled from just trying to flirt with Marley. “Yeah, okay, good. Let’s go.” Knowing Marley was feeling something odd too made her feel a bit less paranoid. But she still was on edge. Grabbing her coat and purse, she got up out of the booth they were sitting in and made her way to the front of the restaurant. She wasn’t willing to tell Marley everything that had happened at The Velvet Rope, but she felt it was only fair to tell her a bit. “I, uh, I think someone’s been following me for the past day or two. I think that’s who might’ve been watching us.”
Marley managed to grab her drink and take one last gulp before Anita was bolting from the booth and she was chasing after her. The nerves seemed to be rolling off her now, and Marley watched her closely, her stiff movements and shifting eyes. “You think you’re being followed?” she asked when they got outside, heading towards the car. Marley looked around, eyes narrowing. It wasn’t quite dark enough for her to feel invulnerable, but she wasn’t about to back down if someone was following Anita-- them. If someone was following them. Sharp eyes glanced around, but she didn’t see anything or anyone. Still, the feeling was there, and Marley always trusted her gut. She backed up and put a hand on Anita’s arm. “C’mon, let’s get back to yours,” she said, leading them back to the car. “Did you get a look at them? Have they been at your home?”
Anita would never admit it, but it was nice having someone around at a time like this. In the past decade or so when shit went sideways she didn’t have anyone else around to protect her. And even if Marley wasn’t doing it for any other reason than that she was a cop and it was her job, it eased her nerves ever so slightly. “I just… I saw this person at the club last night, and ever since I’ve had this uneasy feeling that I’ve been being watched. Being followed.” Anita looked up at Marley when she put her hand on her, leaning into the gesture slightly. “No? I don’t know. The club was dark. They had facepaint on. They might’ve followed me home, like I said, I’ve been having this feeling almost non-stop since last night.” Anita was pretty sure that she had a Doppelganger, which she didn’t know much about other than it mirrored the person it stalked.  What else would explain seeing an identical version of herself? She got into the passenger side of the car and sunk into the seat, her head dropped into her hands and she gently rubbed her temples trying to calm herself down. “Fuck, I’m sorry that I’m dragging you into this. You can just drop me off at home. I’ll be fine.” 
Marley helped Anita into the car, keeping an eye out around them before getting into the driver’s side herself. “Don’t be stupid, I’m not leaving you alone if you’re being followed,” she said nonchalantly, starting the car and taking off. She made sure to do a few fake turns and loops around the block to determine if anyone was following them. “Not to mention I’m a cop and it’s my job,” she tacked on quietly as she turned back onto the road Anita lived on. No headlights around meant no one had followed them in a car, but in this town, it wasn’t always necessary. She didn’t get that strange guttural feeling anymore that they were being followed as she turned off the car in the driveway. “Stay here,” she said, opening her glover box and pulling out a small revolver. She held it out to Anita. “This end?” she said, tapping the barrel, “Point it at anything that’s not me. I’m gonna check the house.” Before slipping out and taking out her ankle holster gun, locking the car, and heading up to the house.
When it came to fight or flight, Anita was always flight. But that wasn’t really an option now. She was so settled in town, and even if she wasn’t she was not about to let one creepy mystical stalker ruin her life. Her stomach curled when Marley handed her a gun, she’d never actually held one before. It was so … heavy. “Uhuh. Okay.” Shakily, Anita gripped the revolver in her hands as she watched Marley make her way down from the driveway to the house. It felt like an eternity that she sat in the car waiting for Marley to come back out. But then she saw her appear from the side of the house? That was odd. Anita got out of the car, the gun still gripped in her hands. “Is it all clear? Nobody followed us?” She asked, but as the person approaching her made her way closer, Anita knew something was wrong. “You changed? Where’d you get those clothes?” 
Marley crept up to the house and went inside. Before she even did anything else, she made sure to go intangible and shut the door. She stayed still for a moment, listening, but heard nothing. Crept through the house silently, like a shadow-- she’d done it so many times, sneaking through houses, invisible, intangible, up to the bedroom. Nightmares and more. But not this time. This time, she was there to see if someone else was in the house, and she was here to protect someone. But only because it was her job. Nothing else. She made her way through the house towards the back, gun at the ready. The hairs on her arms stood on end, which let her know that something was up. But what, she wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure what compelled her, but something in her gut told her to go back, that the trouble was outside. She turned quickly to head back out front when she heard a scream-- and broke into a sprint.
Suddenly, the person Anita had been talking to started miming at her. They had the same face, they moved the same. But that was not Marley. Slowly Anita began backing away from whatever this was. Why were all of these look alikes dressed like mimes? “Sorry, I don’t speak mime.” She said, trying to make sure her voice didn’t give away how afraid she was. The gun in her hands stayed pointed at this creature. “I uh, I’m not afraid to use this.” As the creature approached her, she thought about pulling the trigger. But she didn’t really know what this thing was, and she just couldn’t bring herself to take another life. She felt the grasp of the creature, it grabbed her shoulders and slammed her up against the car. Feeling helpless, Anita let out a scream, writhing trying to break free from the grasp of this creature. Her only hope was that Marley could get there. 
Marley sprinted straight out the front door, leaping down the front steps and skidding into the driveway. Someone had grabbed Anita and was pressing her against the car and-- no, not someone, her! Marley faltered for only a moment. Whatever it was, she was, they were doing, she didn’t care. Anyone who hurt someone she liked didn’t get a chance to answer questions. It was shoot first, ask later. Marley swept up the drive, aimed, and fired. Eyes flashing anger as she rounded the corner, barrel still smoking. Whatever it was-- a doppleganger or someone imitating her, or whatever-- it didn’t matter to Marley. No one took her face. She finally lowered her gun, putting it back in the holster, looking over at Anita. “Are you o--” she started, but the thing on the ground was suddenly standing back up, grabbing at Marley. Marley swerved, grabbing her throat, eyes flashing again. She glared into her own eyes, her own face-- covered in white paint. She hated it. She hated this. She was so over mimes and mimes stabbing people and mimes hurting people and mimes exploding on people. With a single inhale, she stole the breath straight from the mime of herself, hand on her neck. When the body turned limp, she let go and the body dropped to the ground. Marley took a moment to herself, to calm, before turning to look back at Anita. “Okay...where was I...are you okay?”
Anita was about to resort to Plan B, using her venom on this thing, when she heard the bang. The vibrations from the noise was so loud it disoriented her a little bit. Slowly she slid down the side of the car until she was almost sitting on the pavement. There was something wet on her face, blood she presumed. But when she brought her hand up to touch it but when she brought her fingers down to her eyes, she didn’t see red, but black. What the hell was that? Her heart started pounding fast, and she gasped when the mime creature got back up. She watched Marley in awe as she seemingly sucked the life out of the thing. Her chest got tight and she felt like she was seeing stars. “I don’t think so.” She stared at the creature, trying to figure out what was happening. “I - I have one too. Last night, I saw… it looked just like me.” 
Marley looked at Anita. She was freaked out. This always happened. Always. Now she was going to be afraid of Marley, too, and right when she was starting to really like her. Sighing, Marley squatted in front of her, trying to meet her eye to eye. “Hey, hey,” she said with a soft voice, “you’re gonna be okay. It’s dead now, I promise.” She looked back at it, but something wasn’t quite right. It looked almost like it was...dissolving? In the next moment, it started smoking, with a very dark black and somehow white tinge. Marley grabbed Anita a little forcefully, tugging her up and helped her stand. “Let’s get inside,” she said. “In case more show up.” Because if Anita had one, too, that meant something really not good was going on here. 
Anita nodded, slowly bringing herself back to reality. She grabbed Marley’s arm when she reached down to her, but her eyes remained locked on the mime creature as it began to slowly dissolve right before their eyes. There was a smell, something familiar and…  buttery? She couldn’t quite place it, and she wasn’t very interested in doing so. Once she got onto her feet, she reached out for Marley without even thinking about it, clinging onto her arm. “Yeah, yeah, let’s get inside.” Anita’s heart was still pounding, and despite the fact that they had killed that Marley look-alike, Anita still felt like she was being watched. “Do you think you could stay? The night, I mean?” She asked, looking up at Marley as they walked towards her front door. 
As Marley helped Anita stand, moving quickly away from the thing with her face, she couldn’t help but feel a pang. Anita seemed more freaked out than she was letting on, but Marley wasn’t going to push it. And then she asked her to stay and Marley froze a moment. After a pause, she nodded, trying not to think about it too much. “Yeah,” she said as  they made it up to the door. “Yeah, I’ll stay.” She let Anita inside first, gently prying her off her arm. “Go inside, I’ll be right there, just need to...grab something from my car,” she said, making sure she was safe inside before heading out and going to her car. She grabbed her jacket, tazer, and dug around in some of the supplies she kept in her car. There, the motion sensor. Heading back in, she stuck it by the front door, locked it, then headed into find Anita. “House okay?” she asked, a little unsure of what to say.
It had been so long since Anita had been near a dead body, even one that dissolved into nothing shortly after being killed. Whatever that was, whoever sent it, there was one that looked just like Anita out there. No doubt just as violent a creature. “Yeah, okay.” She said with a nod, then walked through her front door, turning to watch Marley walk away. She walked inside and sat down on the couch, she felt dirty. Killing that thing was what was necessary, what was right, but that didn’t stop the flashbacks. “Yeah, house is good.” Anita shook her head softly, “What the hell was that? I mean... “ Running her fingers through her hair, she looked up to Marley. “Thank you. For what you did.” 
Marley wasn’t good at this comforting thing, but it looked like Anita really needed it. “Um,” she started out, rubbing the back of her head. She pulled her blazer off and set it on the table. “Yeah, you’re welcome. But as for what that was?” She glanced back towards the front door, “I have no idea. Dopplegangers aren’t usually that...aggressive.” She came over to where Anita was but didn’t quite sit down, wondering what the right thing to do here was. “You said there was another one? That looked just like you? Was it, uh-- mime looking like that one was, too?” Took a seat finally, keeping a small distance between them.
Anita smiled ever so slightly. “I thought it was a Doppleganger at first too.” She settled into the couch, wrapping her arms around her own torso. “Yeah, it was a mime too.” This was possibly the first time that Anita had been alone with Marley that she wasn’t the least bit interested in having sex with her. But she still wanted her to be around. Which was a strange feeling, a new feeling. She wasn’t entirely sure if she liked it. For a little while she sat in silence, feeling both incredibly awkward and also slightly comforted. “I’m sorry our evening got ruined.” She offered with a slight smile, trying to somewhat lighten the mood. “You sure you’re okay spending the night?”
Fuck mimes, Marley thought bitterly. Bristling slightly, she flopped back on the couch for a minute. When Anita spoke again, she looked over at her. The question was kind of loaded, whether either of them wanted to admit that or not, which meant that her answer would be loaded as well. Sighing, she sat up again and tried to give a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it,” she said, “and yeah, I’m sure. I was planning on staying the night anyway, so it’s not like I have anywhere to be.” She silently thanked that she’d fed earlier this week and wouldn’t need to sneak out in the middle of the night to do that, though maybe it would’ve made her feel better. She ignored the feeling. “Besides, it’s my job to at this point,” she tacked on again, not sure if she was reminding herself or Anita of that fact. She stood again, holding out a hand to Anita. “C’mon, you should go up to bed. I’ll do another sweep of the house while you find me something to sleep in,” she said, “looks like it’s my turn borrowing your clothes.”
Anita nodded, smiling back at her. “Yeah, good point.” She reached out and took Marley’s hand, standing up and letting her hand linger as she stood there for a moment. Part of her wanted to hug Marley, maybe even kiss her, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. “Okay, yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Anita made her way back to the bedroom, pulling out a pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt for Marley. She then stripped out of her outfit from the night, noticing specks of the black goop were all over her top. She threw on a nightgown, then walked out into the living room with the spare clothes. “All clear?” 
Marley did do a thorough sweep of the house, but it was more so to give herself a moment. This didn’t have to be anything more than just making sure someone didn’t die because of a mime doppleganger. That’s all it was and all it needed to be. If that meant staying the night at a girl’s house who she slept with sometimes, then so be it. She paused in the middle of the living room and looked around, before going to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water before turning to head to the room, only to be greeted by Anita in the doorway. “Oh, uh-- yes. Yep. All clear,” she looked down at the glass in her hand. “Here, I uh-- got this for you.” She didn’t know what Anita needed, but people always needed to drink water after traumatic experiences, right? She took the clothes gratefully. “Thanks.” 
Anita looked at the glass for a moment before taking it into her hands. It was an odd gesture, something she wasn’t really expecting, but it was also so nice. It was thoughtful. She didn’t really need water, but she took a sip out of courtesy. Anita set the glass down on the bedside table. “Thanks, for everything. I… I don’t think, If you weren’t here tonight… ya know.” She said, largely avoiding eye contact, as she pulled the sheets back on the bed. She climbed into bed, turning over on her side and looking over at Marley. It was oddly comforting to have someone there. Even if there was looming awkwardness too. 
 Marley nodded slightly, before pulling off her shirt and pants and putting on the clothes Anita had given her to borrow. It was strange, crawling into someone’s bed without having slept with them or without the intention. Though they’d slept together before, this was nothing like that. Just....lying in a bed with someone. Marley laid on her back next to Anita. She turned her head to look at her for a moment. “Don’t worry about it,” she said, “I won’t let it hurt you.” Hoping her words were some sort of comfort, any comfort-- and then immediately finding that thought unnerving. Still, couldn’t help but add on, “You’re safe with me.”
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pinguinmitbrille · 7 years
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Lil’ thing I did for Boombox Week! Day 4′s prompt is Role reversal - so, meet rock star Jamie “Punkrat” Fawkes and his junker boy-friend Poison Dart!
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hikarain · 7 years
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Day 7 - AU --> Soulmate   In which Lucio is looking for his destined partner while traveling the world and one day Junkrat just so happens to be around
(Late as hell I know, but I wanted to finish the week!  I ... I am just bad at aus so I had to go with the idea of the soulmate au my sis suggested; also, deep down I didn’t want to finish it because I enjoyed posting these spastic comics... I might post more in the future, who knows.)
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