mapsontheweb · 1 month
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Share of people who believe in climate change and think it’s a serious threat to humanity, 2023.
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davesanalytics · 1 month
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From the good folks at Our World In Data (http://ourworldindata.org)
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aloisgauinger · 1 year
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WIR haben es in der Hand, die starke Erderwärmung zu begrenzen und damit die Lebensgrundlagen zu bewahren. Besonders jene Menschen und Länder, die am wenigsten zur #Erderhitzung beitragen und bisher beigetragen haben, leiden am meisten unter den Folgen des Klimawandels: Dürre, Hochwasser, Waldbrände, Tornados, Ernteausfälle. Aus diesen stark betroffenen Ländern kommen immer mehr #Klimaflüchtlinge zu uns auf der Suche nach Regionen, in denen sie und ihre Kinder überleben können - bei uns werden sie dann oft "Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge" genannt - dabei haben WIR ihre #Lebensgrundlagen zerstört. #MONITOR 🇩🇪 schreibt dazu: 👉 Erst vor Kurzem hatten Forschende in ihrem Bericht "World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency 2022" festgestellt, dass die Konzentration der drei wichtigsten Treibhausgase – CO2, Methan und Lachgas – in der Atmosphäre in diesem Jahr so hoch wie noch nie war. "Für die Erde gilt Alarmstufe Rot", schreiben die Wissenschaftler:innen. "Die derzeitige Politik führt dazu, dass sich der Planet bis zum Jahr 2100 um etwa drei Grad Celsius erwärmt, ein Temperaturniveau, das die Erde in den letzten drei Millionen Jahren nicht erlebt hat". ➤ Cumulative CO₂ emissions by world region | #ourworldindata.org 🌍 Cumulative carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions by region from the year 1750 onwards. Emissions are based on territorial emissions (production-based) and do notaccount for emissions embedded in trade. This measures CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels and cement production only – land use change is not included. Hier weiterlesen: ⤵️ https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-co2-emissions-region #ticker #wohnblogAT (hier: Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cknfxi0qLxX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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randomnumbers751650 · 4 months
I finally have time to talk about Lone Trail. I will be focusing on its depiction of science, technology and its progress. Will get a bit political, but funnily enough less than I imagined.
The thing that called my attention most in Lone Trail were the discussions on the nature of scientific progress. This is a theme that’s dear to me and the stuff I research about. It’s easy to think of scientific progress like an inevitable march forward, like an escalator. After all, we are much richer than we were before, right? Go to OurWorldInData dot org to play around with economic statistics in time – make sure to check the World GDP chart, from year 0 to 2000 and see it taking off like a rocket from year 1700.
What kind of Uncle Ted fan or neoluddite would go against that? Haha…hah…
Truth is that, although its effects are there, it’s not a clear if this is the little, neat process techbros want us to believe. It’s new and produces more, therefore it’s good, right? I could be writing this as a new wave of AI-generated NFTs pollute my algorithm.
That’s what makes the storytelling in Arknights so effective: it mashes together fantasy and sci-fi to really tell stories on the role of beliefs, technology, science and religion. The Rhine Lab saga is definitely an exploration of technology, with focus on the equivalent of the United States. During the period before the First World War, 1870-1913 (which is the one that Arknights draws most from), the world underwent through the so-called Second Industrial Revolution and I’ve read economic historians considering it the most innovative period in human history. I mean, obviously, there is an absolute number of inventions in our current age, but in relative terms 1870-1913 experienced a much larger number relative to the previous one.
The escalator narrative constructs scientific achievements as work of daring people (mostly men, but there were women like Marie Cuire), that combined science and technology to help mankind, like Prometheus giving mankind fire from the gods (in fact, one of these books is even named “Prometheus Unbound���); more than often they have to fight against the establishment. Remember Ignaz von Semmelweis? He just wanted doctors to wash their hands. Even I learned this standard narrative in the university. But that’s not the entire story.
The positivistic paradigm – of a science free of value judgements, made with the power of math – has actually helped build this escalator narrative. In reality, some scientists and scholars are horrible people. Later, I learned that Semmelweis, as much as he campaigned for the right thing, was a very arrogant person, who abused everyone around him, to the point few people went to his funeral.
Narratives focusing on one single hero are easy to sell and the ones building them are always on the lookout. Remember how ten years ago, a lot of people tried to push the narrative Elon Musk was going to create a new industrial revolution? Nowadays he’s just an arrogant loser who keeps dragging on his midlife crisis. The 1880s also had similar people like that, such as Thomas Edison.
Kristen Wright is definitely better than them both, because she is actually an engineering genius. But she’s also just like them, in the sense of unethical experiments, collusion with the military-industrial complex and being an overall superficially charismatic, but rotten to the core person. And she’s surrounded by a lot of people like Parvis and Ferdinand.
Breaking this line of reason, I have to say how much I hate Nietzsche’s ubermensch and master-slave morality, I hate Great Men theory, I hate Ayn Rand; these people are sheep who think themselves wolves. And before you say that Nietzsche didn’t consider himself an ubermensch, well, neither did Parvis and his reasoning was the same. For every person fancying themselves ubermensch, there’s a lot of those whom he’d call untermensch to clean up their messes. You have no idea of how times I stumbled upon people (especially libertarians) that advocate lower barriers to regulations that were written in blood, so that progress can happen quicker. Creative destruction works, as long as some people get “creative” and others clean the “destruction”. Deaths and injuries? Acceptable, just give them a pension (but fight tooth and nail in the court to not do it beyond the barest of the bare minimum, because it’ll lower the shareholder profit in 0.01%). Increase in inequality? Nobody will care in a few years, it’ll make everything cheaper anyway (look up Baumol’s cost disease to see how wrong that statement is, without being incorrect). I’m not exaggerating, sometimes the people saying that don’t even bother lacing it in politically correct language.
Because Lone Trail showed it “worked” – Kristen Wright broke off the ceiling over Terra and that will have consequences (especially with Endfield coming closer). The data from her experiments will advance science, the sight of a broken ceiling will inspire artists and prompt politicians to act. Was it worth it? Well, it will depend on who you ask (like, Ifrit or Rosmontis would have strong feelings), but it’s just there now. Serious history isn’t kind on this question as well – many technologies have a lot of transgressions, both legal and ethical, in their supply chain (both the American and Soviet space program come to my mind – guess who helped them); the difference between an entrepreneur and a criminal are contextual, because both are finding new opportunities of profit and both interlock frequently.
In the end, anyone can put an equation that has its uses, not mattering if it’s a good person or not. But that is no excuse to find good ethical practices. Silence saw everything with her own eyes and I’m really glad she’s leading the initiative for a more ethical science in Columbia – especially because people who are willing to break moral rules tend also to be willing to break research rules (this is why the “research” made in concentration camps is actually useless, it didn’t respect experimental rules). So I’m really glad for the Arknights writers for understanding these nuances and communicating them to the audience through one of the best stories of the game.
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solradguy · 11 months
This is a weird question (borderline fanfiction) but, hypothetically, Asuka places the Flame of Corruption inside someone else. Do you think anything would happen?
Like, would a normal human explode? If you gave it to someone like Sin, would he change into a different sort of creature than a quarter Gear?
I feel like, if you gave the FoC to someone like Dizzy, depending on why she has it (like if it’s a comedic omake or the serious plot of the Conclave) she would either seriously downplay it or she would be completely overwhelmed. I say downplay as an option for comedy because it feels like her whole thing is being casually overwhelming.
It would go really, really, badly. The Flame of Corruption wants to destroy everything around it all of the time, without mercy. Sol talks about it in Xrd at least once and through most of Begin too, even though he's not entirely sure what's going on. Asuka decided to put the FoC in Frederick specifically because I think he knew that Frederick would be the only person that could resist it long enough to find a way to make it bearable to live with (ie, the limiter headband). So if the FoC got put into almost anyone else, they'd probably become the next villain of the series. They'd be like Justice if Justice was the Tasmanian Devil with nuclear napalm arms sent Beyblade-ing out into the world.
If Dizzy, Sin, Ky, or Jack-O' were given the Flame of Corruption it would cause an Absolute World, a mass extinction event, because they all have/have part of the Scales of Juno. When the Scales and the Flame meet, since they're opposing yet similar forces, they react like oil and water. An Absolute World is the brief merging of our reality with the Backyard. There have been five Absolute Worlds and they're the same in Guilty Gear as they are in real life:
End Ordovician (444 million years ago; mya)
Late Devonian (360 mya)
End Permian (250 mya)
End Triassic (200 mya)
End Cretaceous (65 mya) – the event that killed off the dinosaurs. source: Wikipedia, list copied from OurWorldInData bc I'm lazy
So, what I think could maybe happen now that Asuka has the Flame of Corruption again, is that shit hits the fan in such a bad way that he has to put it back into Sol OR he's got a Frederick/Sol clone in his moon palace somewhere that he puts it into (weird ending). There are other possible scenarios but these two feel the most likely. ASW/Daisuke have mentioned that this is the "end" of Sol's story but, come on, he's the box art guy lol He's got the most art/merch out of anyone else and the second most themes next to Ky. They're not gonna fully retire him.
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One time I was hanging out on twitter (I visit sometimes) and my favorite anarchist essayist said "the winning move is not to be in denial about the ourworldindata narrative; we hate capitalism because it is slow" and I was deeply pleased. He's still the one anarchist I feel I can trust and vibe with
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Half of the world’s habitable land is used for agriculture, with most of this used to raise livestock for dairy and meat. Livestock are fed from two sources – lands on which the animals graze and land on which feeding crops, such as soy and cereals, are grown. How much would our agricultural land use decline if the world adopted a plant-based diet?
from ourworldindata
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hoursofreading · 4 months
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my-yasiuae · 10 months
كشفت دراسة حديثة لمنصة المعلومات "OurWorldInData" التابعة لجامعة أكسفورد، أن الإمارات تحتل مرتبة جيدة في مؤشر استهلاك السعرات الحرارية عالمياً استناداً لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة للأغذية والزراعة (الفاو)، حيث جاء ترتيبها في المركز 53 عالمياً، بينما تصدرت مملكة البحرين خليجياً وعالمياً، فيما حلت قطر في المركز التاسع عالمياً، ثم الكويت 34، وسلطنة عمان 40، والسعودية 61. وبحسب الدراسة تصدرت مملكة البحرين قائمة أكثر الدول في العالم استهلاكاً للسعرات الحرارية بمعدل يومي بسبب استهلاك الناس فيها أكثر من 4000 سعرة حرارية في اليوم، في المتوسط. وتسبب زيادة استهلاك السعرات الحرارية في السمنة التي يعاني منها الكثيرون في دول الخليج، وخاصة البحرين. وحلت أميركا في المركز الثاني من القائمة باستهلاك الساكنين فيها 3868 سعرة حرارية يومياً. ونالت إيرلندا المركز الثالث باستهلاكها 3850 سعرة حرارية في اليوم، تليها بلجيكا بـ 3824 سعرة، وتركيا بـ 3762 سعرة يومياً. واستهلكت 173 دولة، من بين 184 دولة شملتها الدراسة، أكثر من 2000 سعرة حرارية في اليوم، أو أعلى من المتوسط اليومي الموصى به لكلا الجنسين. المصدر: الإمارات اليوم
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it-mob · 1 year
RT @OurWorldInData: Our regularly-updated charts on AI let you monitor different trends. A few examples: • Annual global corporate investment in AI • Chess ability of the best computers • Computation used to train notable systems • Cost to train a system to equivalent performance on ImageNet https://t.co/4j585UZ1uu
— Dennis Patel (@ITMob) Jan 31, 2023
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ace-pervert · 2 years
For an outbreak caused by Pride month orgies how come the largest increase of cases happened long after any June exposure would allow? Also this much larger sample size shows that gays are the largest demographic of those who's sexuality is known but there is an even larger demographic of unknown sexuality. monkeypoxreport(.)ecdc(.)europa(.)eu ourworldindata(.)org/explorers/monkeypox
Yeah but gays bad
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mapsontheweb · 15 days
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Per Capita CO2 Emissions in 2022
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davesanalytics · 26 days
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Week 2 - Research
7.5bWorking title: Time spend
Social media is becoming a part of our everyday life and routine. As we wake up most people would checking their notification on the electronic device, mostly smart phone. As the time goes on, we build a new habit without realising or from inattentional blindness. According to DatarePortal, 57% of the world's population uses social media and the average time on social media is 2 hours and 27 minutes a day as in January 2022.The world population is around 7.91 billion or 7,910,000,000, and 4.62 billion or 4,620,000,000 people around the world use social media. The time spend on social media may seem low, but if we take other activity into the account the number is higher than we might expect it to be. For example; If a person spend 8 hours sleeping, 5 hours working, 2 hours doing homework, 3 hours studying and 1 hour eating, which is a sum of 17 hours. This leave us with 7 hours of free time. However, this does not include some minor time spend traveling, personal care, hobby and socialising which can be 3 hour addition to 17 hours, rounding up to 20 hours.
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The bar graph show that on the top 4 most used social media platform, 3 of them which are Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram own by the same company.
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The line graph from OurWorldInData indicate the in 2006 and 2008 the uses of social media are growing exponentially
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The infographic of the research on user withing 2 age group of 8-11 years old and 12-15 years old and their uses of smart device.
https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2022-global-overview-report https://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/new-global-social-media-research https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/217825/children-and-parents-media-use-and-attitudes-report-2020-21.pdf https://ourworldindata.org/rise-of-social-media https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/04/social-media-internet-connectivity/ https://www.bankmycell.com/blog/how-many-phones-are-in-the-world
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colchrishadfield · 2 years
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You are in the green part - all your ancestors lie below. Amazing to read, think of where we are in human history. #ourworldindata https://www.instagram.com/p/CbIalv8OUGy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarquin42 · 4 years
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