#our new blog
tlotrgifs · 5 months
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Happy New Year (2024).
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5ummit · 3 months
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Source: 缭乱阁 | Weibo
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Explaining The Importance Of The Flag Change In OFMD Episode 10
So, we all remember when Ed decided to change his flag from this (ep2):
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To this (ep10):
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But because episode 10 was such a rollercoaster of emotions, I feel like we overlooked this key detail that has been sitting right in front of us the entire time. But I managed to figure it out today and it blew my mind to pieces.
So I decided to do a bit of a google research and apparently there is a certain code of meaning behind certain symbols on pirate flags.
-The skeleton is obviously an homage to the devil
-The drink in its right hand is hence supposed to signify a toast to the devil/evil/cruelty
-The spear in its left hand means war
But what about the bleading heart that Ed forced Frenchie to add?
Well, when I watched the episode for the first few times I always thought of the bleading heart as a metaphor for Ed’s pain which he wants the whole world to know about by showing it on his flag - but no.
Holy fuck no. It is SO much worse.
The bleading heart means that no quarter will be given.
Now “hold up, hold up”, I hear you say, “What does that mean?”
“To give quarter” was the moral code amongst pirates that when an encountered ship was willing to surrender a fight and their goods their lifes would be spared.
So you might have already guessed it, “no quarter given” means that even if the enemy surrenders their lifes won’t be spared.
Or to put it quite literally:
(The new) flag means death
Ed’s heart and mind have been broken so severly that as a result he went from being the man who told Stede that he couldn’t and wouldn’t kill again, to the man who promises anyone, no matter how innocent they may be a certain death if they get anywhere near him.
This man has been triggered so much by Stede’s crew that he literally dropped them of on an island to forget the pain of the love of his life leaving him yet still decided to keep Frenchie around to have someone who could create this new flag.
He willingly accepted the pain of having someone around who reminded him of Stede just to create a physical promise to himself and to Stede that Blackbeard is back - more cruel than ever - and that Edward Teach is now a relict of the past.
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thatskynews · 3 months
Days of Bloom 🌸
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Season of Passage 🌙
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Season of Moments 📷
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World Record Breaking AURORA Concert Encores 🏆
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Days of Sunlight ☀️
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Days of Style 😎
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Season of Revival 💝
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Days of Mischief 👻
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Aviary's Fireworks Festival 🎆
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Days of Feast ❄️
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Season of Nine-Colored Deer 🦌
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0 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
0 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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pekoeboo · 5 months
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some screenshots of a desert palace that @cookieg122 and I started some time ago! we've since moved this build elsewhere and are starting from scratch to make a Bigger and Better version for our giant desert town (that I might share in the future if we can get it finished!), but I'm still quite happy with how this smaller, cozier palace turned out! :'D
got a few pics of the bathhouse in the back as well - we'll be repurposing it somewhere in the new town, but for now it's still part of this older build. I thought it would be a nice addition to this post, though!
(ignore the mess on the right side of the palace tho, lol... we have plans to move all of that to a nearby jungle but we haven't gotten around to it yet haha)
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his drippiest majesty
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pastryjay · 8 months
Hey! If you're an OFMD fan who loved S2, including the finale and posts/ reblogs mostly OFMD stuff, can you give this a like this please? I'm looking for more blogs to follow and want to avoid all negativity about the show. Especially hello if you love Ed/ Stede, they are everything to me <3.
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Is Welcome Home website already open or it moved? I try to open it but it only give me a error or something like that.
its Gone! she was taken out back and shot <3
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I saw exactly one person ask for this so, Welcome to Our Multigender Experience!! A blog for people to talk about their experiences with having multiple genders, whether that's at the same time (like some bigender/pangender people) or at different times (like some genderfluid/bigenderflux people)
other similar experience blogs: @our-nonbinary-experience @our-genderfluid-experience @our-queer-experience @our-transmasculine-experience @our-transfeminine-experience @ourgenderfluid-experience @our-genderqueer-experience @our-transgender-experiences @the-genderflux-experience @our-lgbtq-brazilion-experience @our-bigender-experience @our-afab-transfem-experience @our-transneutral-experience
Blog is run by Mod Eventide (She/They) who ids as genderqueer but experiences multiple genders as well!!
no DNI as I block liberally, but all bigots and -phobes (of the hateful not mental/fear types) will be yeeted :)
I plan on scan reading asks for trigger warnings and obvious bait/hate but other then that things will go in queue automatically so please let me know if I missed anything!! I also have a tendency to forget about my submission blogs lol, so feel free to poke me if it's been a bit and your ask hasn't gone through yet :)
i also tag posts that are sad/about negative experiences/mention bigotry with #negative but I mean it in a completely neutral way!! it's just to give something for people to blacklist if they need to avoid those kind of things, but asks about those experiences are more then fine
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raiii-bee · 9 months
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Otasune Week Day 1: Flowers
Philanthropy's first anniversary :)
Many flowers symbolize loyalty, but roses have another meaning ... And wow that's a lot of sunflowers.
@morggn and I are collaborating for @otasuneweek and it's so fun!! I do the physical sketches and he does all the digital work and coloring.
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ebonytails · 5 months
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New guy! Nyxus, the science experiment based on whether or not a human heart could power a machine (and it worked, but maybe it shouldn't have)
Alternative images because I was playing with what to put on the screens :-]
(He’s on Toyhouse :-])
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skellydun · 11 months
starting to realize why I never used twitter or reddit after my carefully cultivated internet enclosure gets broken into
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parrillasource · 11 months
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♕ Happy Birthday Lana! ♕ July 15, 1977
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yeah yeah ed and stede are gonna make us all lose it but what about ed and izzy this season. how izzy says confidently that they know each other better than anyone else and how thats not even rebuked, how in that moment they both believe that its true. the way izzy mentions love and ed immediately goes "oh fuck off" like he already knows izzy loves him and knows that its fucked up and unhealthy. the way izzy tries to refuse the gun as soon as its handed to him because he knows what ed is about to try and get him to do. they make each other worse they understand each other like no one else. "what am i to you?" and "i loved you best i could" and shooting each other and "i'm done cleaning up your messes. i've been doing it my whole fucking life." i don't ship them but i want to stick them in a cage together and watch what goes down
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eywaseclipse · 4 months
Guys the original script for ATWOW is not canon. I repeat it is not canon. The edits and revisions made for the theatrical release happened for a reason. Everything excluded in the final version is because the original script was the original version. Think of it like a rough draft. 🤗
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