lov3rs-go · 2 years
heeeyyyy ottorg nation... theirs this fic i wrote like 2 yrs ago set in 1968 where georg gets outed and he and otto baisically flee west Berlin. they travel through east Germany trying 2 hide from the stasi cause otto faked his credentials and they think he's like a spy or sm AND they fall in love
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
Moodboard Masterlist
Requests: Open
Sheild! Seth Rollins
@/shanie-the-toyaddict account vibes
@/house-of-cards account vibes
Doctor Maura Isles
Genderfluid Crutchie Morris
Googleiplier x The Author
Kirby [friend] moodboard
Actor Mark x Celine
Wearwolf Antisepticeye
Actor Mark
Yancy and Aquarium date
Sunshiney Jack Kelly
Diner at the edge of the universe
Trans cowboy Jack Kelly
Modern Racetrack Higgins
Trans surfer dude Racetrack Higgins
Fall-time Davey Jacobs
Jack Kelly
Greaser Jack Kelly
Katherine Plummer phone background
dark academia/royalty core Jack Kelly
Moritz Stiefel
Ernst Robel
Ilse Neumann
Racetrack Higgins as Spiderman
Cottagecore Jack Kelly
Sarah Jacobs
Les Jacobs
Jack Kelly in Santa Fe
Jackcrutchie as Bonnie and Clyde
Winn Schott Junior
Brooklyn Spot Conlon
Elmer, Crutchie, and JoJo
Katherine Plummer- Pultizer with Journey to the past
Wendla Bergmann and Moritz Stieffel
Tommy Boy
Crutchie Morris and a funfair
Nature vibe Elmer
Rainy Day Dara
Davey Jacobs with Snakes
Autistic Davey Jacobs
Modern Crutchie Morris
Clyde Barrow
Canon Jackcrutchie
Zookeeper Davey
Superhero Dara
92sies Mush
Vintage Crutchie
Trans Racedtrack Higgins
Medda Larkin
Yellow Crutchie
MobBoss Spot Conlon
Melchior Gabor
Moritz Steifel
Davey Jacobs
Crutchie as Shaggy from scooby doo
Art!Teacher Jack Kelly
Jock Racetrack Higgins
Davey and Les
Racetrack Higgins [Canon and Modern]
Katherine Plummer-Pulitzer
Spot Conlon
Dara soulmate AU
Ballet!AU Sarah Jacobs
Josephine [OC]
Two depressed painters
Vampire Davey
Jazzman Jack Kelly
Dancer Spot Conlon
Cora Higgins
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444names · 5 months
Names generated from the Italian Wikipedia article on "Italy" plus French forenames
Abeni Accassocò Accita Accolottato Accultetto Acone Acqualene Adanmine Aditaliame Adrégionel Aduca Aetti Affick Afistale Afonterne Aggion Agoglo Aiona Aletica Alinalione Allio Allione Ammezi Amone Anientento Aniscet Annoti Anonde Antolibie Antre Apsysta Aquistade Arazionni Arelost Arisolte Arldo Arrico Ascoposo Asporiva Asseqme Asteri Astimmo Atroduc Atutitui Aurana Autia Autti Aviano Avidrane Avveleorti...
Balenice Banguista Belle Belli Bermonivo Bilandifone Boraganosmo Boria Borsogono Brante Buifone Calin Cambare Camentersi Canerescel Caniale Cantri Canzato Capita Cappelluto Carte Centerd Centi Cestente Chivi Cidolf Cisca Clache Claince Clare Cliene Coccesata Colasi Colle Comaulexi Cominte Commisto Compio Complio Conaince Conatti Condova Coneventi Conunelia Conze Copoclacesi Coproghezio Coriv Cormagoli Cormirinte Corsacce Corwebbera Cosiggiatta Cosizioni Cossale Costria Crigna Croni Cuinticcolo Cupea Curati Céatattuove Daliono Danterevo Dator Dazio Deali Deccante Degno Dellopro Dente Depule Dervaziosto Detiverche Diampa Dichrie Dienta Diodus Divittino Domano Dotempine Doverni Eddiffesso Embialte Entrichi Enzione Eqmentorità Esaccaticia Esilaro Esioncumano Esiscenza Essicate Ettine Evato Fabormale Facco Faldo Fance Faramara Fassi Fattura Favivinisti Festi Fienge Filierilie Fisso Flystolca Fonaltrotte Fonfinica Fornari Frapanuccia Frati Frazziale Frurapi Fruzia Ganni Gatenita Gellisto Genento Genteato Gentizio Geolvarica Georiggilo Gesita Giate Ginorti Giolonti Giona Gionere Gionta Gistura Gliereggi Glimenne Gonitti Grarelf Gravente Grazioce Guagove Guasco Gucie Guelarto Guentre Hourono Idiffè Ilantrodoso Imenuolo Imicimine Iminto Immodo Impassa Impefiche Inalgancre Inamia Inassanneo Indeconeto Infreatrici Inita Inomine Inurbali Iuriani Jespormania Johèlet Jularea Lachista Letrislo Licuppr Linteletto Lizzoninti Loggra Logia Loligine Maffiainte Malava Mamici Manicumento Mardangatas Mareghe Mariconi Martica Massi Matan Matigio Medino Medizza Medrice Mempe Menalle Mentarani Menteg Mentete Mento Mentonni Menzio Merldiche Mianti Micia Midetogre Migione Mince Minettane Modeguingto Monemata Monetti Monistmone Montito Muzzo Nestosì Niato Nistrompuni Nuardela Numennualle Ocazione Odinovire Ojeato Olisimo Omini Operetres Orpoppina Osimente Oteogi Oterbo Ottare Ottorg Padde Padeficosmo Padisces Padorrece Palizzianto Palmendo Paraviante Parche Parchel Parconciane Parispolo Pecosceno Perna Petto Picalistroi Pienno Pigeni Plarce Pochricante Poeuto Poevità Poltrafi Pormicarche Pornalighe Posca Posso Potta Pparatone Prasti Preazio Prebrobie Pregano Preicidri Prellocle Preogre Pretre Pretta Prette Pristinth Prodenatori Proffult Proniti Protto Pualinne Puberpo Pubio Putriso Quadaligna Quato Queschi Raggin Ragrave Raquati Ravolica Razioro Reana Rebbliche Regaes Rensa Ricamo Richalione Riona Rionfi Rionitati Ririche Risazio Ristinemoi Ritory Riviati Rocer Ronificenta Ruzion Salletta Sanocenti Sapian Satti Scatt Scenti Scione Scirrey Sciste Scorguissi Scosto Scrifo Scrona Seallimante Segichisali Selistrada Semagnia Seroidendt Serra Setturadro Seucconi Siale Siche Simbarerne Sistri Smole Sodommico Solommaico Soloni Sopostita Soredionità Soretaterei Sosper Spagresa Sparto Spense Sperichi Squegio Sradaridate Sticosto Stilon Strafice Stralia Striamente Subasfero Subblilinès Sucia Sultà Suolork Sviverre Svolo Taterinno Tazioni Temone Tenterna Tento Teremo Termittist Thanidanzo Tichi Tividri Toreticoni Tosta Tostero Trigio Trionalia Trivic Trone Trotedimile Ucalis Ucchia Uffansi Unicanurre Uniko Unmili Urembrucci Urintance Utointe Valie Vandovati Veggenta Vellass Ventilio Veranalitio Vercher Veriegni Vertidra Viallistive Vignantale Vione Visturo Vivole Volare Vulla Vullio Vutta Wattoprelli Yvesticaro Ziamenteme
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pacinglikeghosts · 3 years
howdy hello hey!
i made a uquiz to see how much of the spring awakening fanon lore people here on tumblr know! take it if you’d like, and reblog with your results!
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mxstxcwxsdxm · 2 years
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Merry christmas to all those who celebrate, here's your gift: gay people: Spring Awakening edition
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dodgefred · 3 years
spring awakening required reading
sorry there’s so much ottorg
^ means it’s a sequel / related to the fic above it
* refers to my favorites
otto & georg
* silver night
summary:  “If you’re gonna make fun of me, go do it away from my piano,” Georg said mildly.
“I’m busy.”
“Busy not writing your song?”“No. Busy writing it. If I can figure out how to write the stars in.”
* thank you
summary: Otto, the one still thing on this earth. Otto, the one person who’s ever thought Georg was enough. Otto, the one aspect of Georg’s life that was perfect without being flawless and beautiful without being imagined.
^ sweetest downfall
summary: They sat, as they always did the first night Otto returned, out on the square foot of concrete they called a balcony, drinking beers and talking about whatever they pleased. The sky finally rid itself of the plague of clouds that covered it all winter. They could finally see the stars.
* discreetly band-aid where i’m bleeding
summary: When he can’t stand hearing the circular argument for another second, he shuffles through a drawer for headphones and, after a long stare to solidify the worth of his next move, grabs his phone. As if it waited for this move, it buzzes immediately and is sent tumbling onto the floor. It lands screen up, bright in the dark room with a fresh text.
Otto Lammermeier: You up for a drive?
* to shore
summary: For a blissful minute, the two stayed like that, each holding the other at his side in a state of numb and gentle contentedness. It was beautiful in its own fractured, quiet way— just Georg, Otto, the sky, and the waves.
Nothing missing as they drifted in to shore.
*^ where the winds sigh
summary: Georg relaxes against himー this must be it. The way everything is nothing compared to this. This must be how the wind sighs.
the one i was searching for
summary: Otto had spent a good portion of his life on the sea. He had heard stories of merfolk, but he had never seen one in person. That was, of course, until one fateful night, when the ocean was fairly calm..
* floating in a blue lagoon
summary: But now, as the currents of the water swayed their boat, Otto wasn’t imagining a bashful little press of their lips. He was imagining holding Georg’s face as he kissed him; being able to close his eyes and focus on nothing else.
Another form of communication, he supposed.
think of me when you look to the sea
summary: Summer meant the two of them. They decided that early on, and it never faltered. Even when they left that old town and held hands in whatever season they pleased, something about the hot, humid air and the sun lingering so late into the evening felt like home to them. Otto somehow held him closer, kissed him more; let down his guard over the summer. Time passed slowly, but summer never dragged. Things felt full-circle.
hanschen & ernst
^ i’m coming to take him home
summary: His voice was quiet and hoarse from disuse as he spoke, “We should do something.”
“Like what?” Ernst asked, already preparing for Hanschen to suggest each other, which he would absolutely deny with the hot temperatures not wanting him to do anything that would raise his body temperature at all. He was shocked to hear Hanschen suggesting a walk of all things. “You’re crazy,” was his retort to the insane suggestion.
The smirk could be heard in Hanschen’s voice as he asked, “Do you have any better ideas?”
hanschen & max
all that i wanted was you
summary: His name was Max. Hanschen knew he shouldn't-couldn't-love him, but he was absolutely infatuated with him.
And everything just went downhill from there.
Or, how Hanschen and Max fell in love, and how they fell apart.
^ give it all back for a chance to start over
summary: They were both the loves of his life. They were both perfect in every way imaginable. They were both kind, smart, and adorable. One got ripped away from him, and he wouldn’t let that happen a second time.
Hanschen Rilow's life through the years as he copes with love and loss.
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yuri-vision · 4 years
alas, here's my life work.
aka, i spent my entire day drawin em 😳😳
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feelssogoodinmyarms · 5 years
Dude... do you have any soft dwsa head-cannons of couples just being cute and happy (even if they’re trans or deaf or just not like Melchiwhore) I’m literally so sad right now. My nonbinary ass is tired as hell/ emotionally and physically exhausted. I just want to hear your cute dwsa couple headcannons. Idc which couples tbh
Of course my dear!! Sorry this took so long, here are some of my favorite ships ft no smellchior.
so josey and i came up with the wonderful idea of ernitz and marthanna having brunch together and mo and ernst are so tall, martha and anna feel like they’re in the land of the giants. 
I have a hc that martha and anna kissed for the first time at prom during this one frank ocean song that im forgetting the name of
Hanschen bought Ernst his first binder at the end of high school :’)
Moritz kissed martha for the first time on the swings in third grade. She ran away after.
Anna goes to Thea’s softball/basketball games because she’s high key crushing on her but has no idea how to talk to her. Thea starts to notice and looks forward to seeing this cute girl in the stands and her teammates hype her up to talk to her eventually. 
You know that Ernst brings Moritz flowers on their first date and Moritz almost falls over, he’s so blushy and doesn’t know what to do. Ernst was already nervous about this and he starts apologizing and Mo is like no it’s fine I’m sorry.
Georg tries to bake for his bf Otto but the smoke alarm goes off and it’s a disaster. Otto thinks it’s hilarious but Georg feels bad so they go to a bakery and get cupcakes and otto pretends like Georg made them
If Georg and thea dated they would start off pretending to hate each other. Like Thea makes fun of everyone, right? It’s just her. Georg is bros with Hanschen and he brings Georg over and Thea’s like ew why would you bring nerdy mcnerdface into our house. So Georg sets out to show her that he’s the smartiest. they’re both in ap english and Georg starts to attack every point she makes. they have battles during socratic seminars and thus, a rivalry begins. one time Georg comes over when Hanschen isn’t home yet and he and Thea argue over something stupid and then they start making out angrily and that’s that. 
Ernst will wake Hanschen up on nights he finds especially beautiful and beg him to come outside and look at them. This could be a gorgeous, warm summer night, but Ernst also does this in the dead of winter and if Hanschen didn’t love him so damn much it would be really irritating. More often than not Ernst convinces Hansi to join him, and the night is always just as beautiful as Ernst insists. 
Moritz loves having his hair played with. You bet that whoever you ship him with does that for him.
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sawakening · 5 years
Otto cannot play an instrument to save his life. He once tried to play with Georg’s piano* and somehow ended up breaking off a black key. He was so embarrassed no one ever asked how, and Georg got so upset that it was never brought up again.
*Euphamistic innuendo FULLY intended... but also It was Just A Piano
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hanschen-ril0w · 5 years
what a delicious day to imagine otto ferociously destroying wii sports resort™ canoeing while georg mercilessly blasts the intro song on his ebay keyboard
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I wrote something for the first time in like 5 months so you all have to stan. That’s the rule.
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hadestxwn · 6 years
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our favorite disney princess and prince, georg and otto! @hanschen-ril0w @make-easter-gay-again @awkward-pancake
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livingitupxntop · 6 years
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mwah, mwah! of course!
we love our sailor and piano in tHIS HOUSE
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totallytrucked · 2 years
‼️only valid sa ship is ottorg! ‼️
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someplayfromthepast · 2 years
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spring awakening fans be like awwwww my scrunkly they like springwakening so much Oh yeah explain THIS! yeah. thags what i thought😏 And they were dating!
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but like i'm jk i'm a gallaghele
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Wait why is blake hereb??? Hold on...
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Oh my god💀??? Hernst b&w pics???? WAIT...
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SO MARTHANNA omfg this is crazy! Who knew?!?! Omg not spring awKening people hating their life😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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This is what happens when skysky makes a cute face at lauren, folks. Yep, tbe
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omfg not georg with the beer on his head😂😂😂 #Ottorg
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